To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
CHAPTER 1 - 11

[x] Ask Minako how their day was. (Neutral)

"So uh..." You purse your lips. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good." They roll onto their back. "Spent it with uh..." They search for a couple of words that you're going to assume are meant to throw you off the possibility that they went on a date "...someone."

You raised a smooth operator. "Okaaay." You could cook something more involved...but you don't feel like it. You pull a frozen pizza out of the fridge and turn on the oven. It heats up within seconds. "So, like, uneventful?"

"Yeah I just uh, wanted to go to the waterfront. With a friends. I mean a friend. Yes."

Oh holy shit they are a terrible liar. You put the pizza into the oven and turn on the timer for twenty minutes. You stand upright. "So a date?"

"It wasn't a date!"

"They went on a date?" Kyouko perks up. "Oh my god congrats!"

"I didn't go on a date!" They cover their face and holy fuck you can just tell that they were on a date. "It wasn't a fucking date she just asked and I said yes and-!"

You clap your hands excitedly. "OooH! So she asked you out!"

"IT WasN't A DaTE!"
Their voice cracks mid-shout. "Oh my god!"

You try your hardest not to laugh because honestly your kid's getting mortified and you're feeling a little bit bad. But it's also hilarious and you are not a very good person. "Uh, honestly we're not mad about you dating-"


"You're not convincing anyone, Mina." Kyouko waves her hand. "And your moms are turbogay. Trust us we get it."

"Oh, so I did run into someone today." You tap your chin. "Green hair, looks your age."

Minako goes ramrod straight in their seat.

"Does she go to your school?"


Jackpot. "I knew it!"

Minako rubs their hands over their face, squealing in frustration with a muffled "why is mom a fucking cop oh my fucking god why is she a fucking cop" before you lean onto the countertop.

"You know, you could have just told us. I mean, we were your age when we dated the first time."

"Then we broke up for a few months in high school, then we got back together, then broke up while your mom was in college, this time only for a week, then we stayed together for good that time." Kyouko waves her hand. "That was fun."

"Yes. It was." You sigh. "Oh, the way you made up for me after we got back together the third time~"

Kyouko snickers. "Oh, it was great."

"NO! EW!"

"Relax, Mina." You wave your hand. "Kyouko made me a card. It said..." it still makes you laugh when you think about it.

It was delightfully her. "She was apologizing for uh," you pause to rack your brain, "I don't even remember what it was for."

"Oh it was 'cause I made a mess of our place." She scratches her cheek. "I ruined your homework and almost made you fail that course."

"Ah." You remember that now, but it's just...kind of insignificant. It's a little bit funny, honestly. You were mad. You were really mad, actually. But Kyouko made one really stupid card a week after a "breakup" and suddenly you were in her bed again. It's just a nothing now.

You sigh. "Well, the past is that. I was about to say more something along the lines of...expect something rocky." You smile. "And treat her well."

Minako grumbles. "I...blench. I didn't need...okay." They roll over.

The oven makes a ding-ing sound. Your pizza's done cooking. You take it out of the oven (you actually remember to get your oven mitt this time) and place it on top of the stove. "Well, dinner's ready, by the by." You smile. "Hope your next date goes-"


This time, you're in bed. A proper bed this time, and you're currently laying atop Kyouko's bare arm. Minako's a couple of rooms over, and while the walls are pretty heavily insulated and padded...well you're not about to risk them hearing you. Not this time, anyway.

But that didn't stop you and your wife from just laying in the bed and cuddling close as possible under the covers. You didn't bother putting a shirt on this time, and neither did she. Your head's resting on top of her arm, and you're close enough that you can feel her breath on your forehead.

And you can't sleep. You're just staring at her collarbone like you haven't kissed it hundreds of times before, and your eyes are tracing over a few random scars. Not because you're thinking about her injuries, but rather because-

"I went overboard," you say suddenly.

"H-buwh?" Kyouko sounds bleary. She sounds like she was actually about to sleep. "Sayaka what the fuck."

"I think I pressed Mina way, way too hard." You roll over.

"It was teasing, Saya." Kyouko scoots towards you and wraps her arms around your neck. The collarbone in your view comes closer, and you find your head in the crook of her neck. "I'm sure they can take a few jabs."

"Yeah, but what if they don't see it like that." You shimmy yourself up just enough to look at her from below.

"Well, then they'll just let us know." Kyouko shrugs. "We taught them to speak up when there's a problem."

"That doesn't mean they'll do it."

"That's their problem."

"Kyouko!" You frown.

"What? We can't take care of them if they don't talk to us. We're not psychic."

You move just far enough away so that she can see the incredulity on your face.

"Aside from the telepathy."

You smirk.


You grin, before you press your face into her chest and pbffbbbbt-

Kyouko squeaks. "Saya! No motorboating!"

"I'm sorry but it's fuuuuun!" You laugh and laugh, then you sigh. "Oh, and uh..." You roll your head up. "There's another wrinkle."

"What, Saya?" She rests her chin on top of your hair. "Wassit?"

"Mina's girlfriend is a magical girl."

Kyouko blinks. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah she was the one I was talking about." You keep your voice down. You don't think Minako can hear you, but you don't want to take that chance. "Green hair. She's introspective and she knows about how literal 'soul gem' is."

"Hrm, shit." Kyouko rolls her head over. "Do we break-"

"No, we're not breaking our kid's first big relationship."

"I wasn't gonna suggest that."

"Yes you were." You push yourself just a bit further out, just enough to give her eyes a good look.

She's staring with as serious a look as she can muster. "Okay, I was. But you're also right, we ain't gonna break them up." She looks down. "We'll just have to figure something out, right?"

"Yeah." You kiss her neck, and rest your head over her shoulder. "I think we can, too. We just need a little time."

Your name is Minako again, and last night could have probably gone better. You walk the path to school, bag slung over your shoulder. You take a few glances around, before you see Hiro and Reika running up to your side.

"Hey!" Reika waves. "Mina!"

"Heard you had a date!" Hiro shouts.

"Oh for fuck's-" You stop. Then you realize that you were the one that told them about it you dumbass. "Right, yes." You rub your temples. "Yeah! I did!"

"Oh, that bad?" Reika crosses her arms. "I'll fuckin beat the shit outta-"

"No, no! Takane is, well," you wiggle a little bit "really good and cute and cool."

"Oh. Nice!" Reika nods. "Good to hear." She presses a hand to the side of her head. "Ah, young love~"

"You're my age."

"Yeah and I'm never gonna date. So there." She sticks her tongue out and gives you a smug smirk.

Of course, as you walk to school you can't help but see her. A head of green walking across the opposite end of the street. She doesn't seem to have noticed you yet...

You could change that.

[] Meet with Takane!
-[] Alone.
-[] With friends.

[] Keep away.
-[] Don't let her know that you see her.
-[] Shout and wave!

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 12, 2019 at 8:46 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.

I'm already loving this disaster family- poor Sayaka worrying so much though. Kinda inevitable when you find out your kid's dating a meguca, and that you know that'll mean you're gonna need to give them "the talk" about what happens when duplicitous little fuckheads and teenagers who don't ask enough questions enter business deals with souls as bargaining chips.
[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.

I'm already loving this disaster family- poor Sayaka worrying so much though. Kinda inevitable when you find out your kid's dating a meguca, and that you know that'll mean you're gonna need to give them "the talk" about what happens when duplicitous little fuckheads and teenagers who don't ask enough questions enter business deals with souls as bargaining chips.

Soooo, Mina, you're at that age, where we need to have a talk about--

Mina: flees
Almost as good bad as if we asked them directly
Me like

[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.

Screw that weird PMMM dancing around and stalking
Auntie Homu is not always a good role model
Except for when it comes to the guns
Man, Kyoko is such a romantic. Such a lovely make up note. Well, Sayaka can't complain she didn't know what she was getting into.

Auntie Homu is not always a good role model
Except for when it comes to the guns
Don't you mean specially?

Specially when it comes to the guns. :V

"I'm just teaching them self defense. You're being unreasonable."

"No, I am not. You're banned from this household until you agree to not try and teach my six years old Mina how to shoot a gun!"


"... OK Mina, back to fencing lessons. Now, this is a sword."

"You grab it by the handle and the pointy bit goes into the person you don't like."

"Koko, let me do the teaching."

"Mom, what's this button here?"

"That shoots the whole blade. It's awesome."

"But then..."

"It's also a gun."

"But you kicked out auntie Homu because-"

"Sword are cooler than guns."

"Don't fight her on this one, kid."


It was at that time the seed of rebellion was planted, for Minako to become gun nut during their teenage years.
Well, at the risk of being redundant:

[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.
[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.

As embarrassing as expected, Sayaka has done her work as a parent today.
CHAPTER 1 - 12
[X] Meet with Takane!
-[X] With friends.

Why the fuck wouldn't you do this. You start to run to Takane with your bag in your hands. Halfway there, you realize that nobody else is running with you, so you turn on your heels, feet still bouncing across the concrete, and shout. "Hey! Come on!" You wave. "I want y'all to meet her!"

This actually catches Takane's attention too, and soon Hiro and Reika are walking over to meet her. You turn back to...your girlfriend? Yeah, you guess she's your girlfriend!

"Hiro, Takane. Takane, Hiro. Reika, Takane. Takane, Reika." You wave your hand.

Immediately Reika looks her over. Takane looks a little bewildered as Reika seems to almost inspect her, before she shoots her a thumbs-up. "Nice!"

"I uh, I guess?" Takane's eyes dart towards you in a silent plea of "help me".

"Oh, Reika just does that." You look at her. "It's kinda weird."

"Damn right it is!" Reika stands triumphantly. "Now about your everything else-"

"Hoooow about you just let her introduce herself." Hiro moves over and waves his hand. "So, uh when'd you move to Mitaki-"

"Last week, my dads brought me, I'm your age, and uh...pan? I think?" She looks at you, then back at them. "If you want to just have an answer quickly."

"Hm!" Reika nods. "That was actually exactly what I was gonna ask." She leans over. "Is you psychic?"

"No, I'm just used to moving around." Takane smiles. "Though if you could just not do an inspection, that would be great."

"Ah, shit." Reika frowns. "That didn't make you uncomfortable, did it?"

"A little, actually." Takane pinches the air. "Just a smidge."

Reika jumps back. "Sorry, just uh-" She yelps when Hiro shoves her out of the way.

"You're embarrassing yourself in front of the new girl. Let me do the honors." He clears his throat, then he bows dramatically. "Hello, new girl. I am Hiro."

Takane nods. "Nice to meet you, Hiro," she says very matter-of-factly. "I'm Takane."

"Yes." He nods and smiles. "I'd let you meet my boyfriend, but-"

"You broke up already," you interrupt him.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I was the one that split with him this time."

"You had like a date and a half."

"That was still some kind of relationship!"

You roll your eyes, before you feel Takane's fingers wrap around yours. You sputter for a second before you grip back. Reika looks like she's holding back the urge to just go awwwwwwwwww, while Hiro doesn't show any restraint at all.

"OooooOOOOOOh you're adorable!" He claps his hands. "Ooooh you two are so cute!"

"You're darn right." Takane smiles.


School passes by in a flash, and you find yourself on the rooftop. Your moms gave you another bento box, this time with a misshapen rice panda and some fish. Your girlfriend has her own box; nothing fancy, but it looks delicious. The fencing around you rattles a bit as the wind rushes past.

You look at her food, then up at her.

She smiles. "Your mom tried something new?"

"Mama." You say. "Mom usually goes for a box that's a bit more traditional, mama really likes trying new stuff. Even if she's not that great at it." You stick your chopsticks into the rice panda and take its snout.

She nods. "So she likes trying new things?"

"In a way." You wave your hand. "She just really likes trying something weird and kinda crazy. Mom has her own rhythms and a certain way of doing things. Mama gets real bored real fast."

She nods. " long have they been-"

"Twenty years," you say. "They've been together for a while." You hear the tapping of new footsteps on the roof. You turn to see a boy emerging from the stairwell. He seems to numbly step up ,wandering past the two of you. You just stare at him for a bit, almost annoyed at the intrusion, before you go back to your girlfriend. "Oh, they haven't gotten tired of each other." You narrow your eyes, "I know they tire me out sometimes."

"Well that's just parenting." Takane waves a hand.

"Yeah it's 'just parenting', but that doesn't mean I wanna be teased about who I date for no...reason..." You trail off and watch the boy just wander around. He seems to be walking around without any real purpose, towards the end of the rooftop. " he high?"

Takane stares at him. She seems to watch him very intently as he rubs his hands on the side of the cage. He rattles it. Then he slowly wanders away and towards a broken part of the fence. There's a little-known part of the whole thing where the screws holding the bars in place are noticeably weaker. Maintenance doesn't bother, because most people don't know about it. And those that do don't spread that knowledge around.

But this boy? This boy knows. He presses the bar outwards, just enough for him to slip through.

You watch as he moves towards the wires over the edge of the Mitakihara school.

It slowly dawns on you as to what is about to happen.

[] Save him. (Difficulty 1)

[] Do nothing.
[X] Save him. (Difficulty 1)

Minako is, of course, Sayaka and Kyoko's child. Is there any question they would try to save this guy from taking a flying leap? Time to make like Mom and Mama and do something either heroic, foolish, or both.
[X] Save him. ( Difficulty 1 )

I mean, he could just be suicidal and not supernaturally so. But if he isn't... hello, Minako, this is Meguca World. Your mom and mama are Magical Adults, how weird is that?