I think we could consider doing something where we take our existing Arisakas and scale them up to use the 13.2 as a domestic AT rifle since the only other option I'm aware of in 1933 is the Solothurn. However, given that we already have machine guns in 13.2, I'm not sure it's worth it?Speaking of Weapons Procurement, are we going for a dedicated anti-tank gun? I remember them not being of much use. But then again rifles of that caliber could also be used in anti-material roles.
I mean, there's hopefully be some Renault FTs kicking around somewhere that we could pick up. This would be for things like training drivers and performing extremely basic maneuvers, spending money on something that's literally coming out in whatever the current year is wouldn't be a good idea.We honestly are kinda limited by choice, as all designs will be based off the Carden Loyd tankette. We could get the polish variant which has an improved engine and slightly better armour, the TKS or the Japanese variants which were the Type 94 tankette (though this one isn't available for two years) and Type 92 armoured car (its not a car).
I'm doubtful of the British selling us a few, same with the Italians.
I wouldn't rule the British or Italians out, we saw submissions from a lot of countries for the rifle trials.
The write-in for the new Type 51 uniform included a gas mask as part of the kit, but I'm not sure if that actually got purchased (it was sorta pushing the "uniform" aspect), and training to deal with gas in general would be good.We should also prepare doctrine for dealing with chemical weapons the Italians if I recall used them in Ethiopia.
Is it? Locked-breech weapons are inherently more difficult to make than straight blowback, and my impression was that producing pistols was more ambitious than a SMG.Well, producing pistols is less ambitious than an early cheapo SMG, but as you've pointed out, there is historically more demand for pistols than supply can fill. It reminds me of the Russian Obrez 'pistol' that's just a sawed-down Mosin-Nagant...
I'm willing to continue with a janky project for a 6.5mm pistol bullet so we can use segments of rifle barrel for our pistols, I think that would be funny as hell.
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