Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

1. NO WONDER SHE WAS BEATING US AND GETTING SO MANY GUYS- 8 actions per turn??? How do you even fight that???
2. This is fascinating insight into how she overcame us, and exactly how draining our job is on us.

Economically. With no job she has no steady income. If we had not yolo'd her the instant she appeared, we simply could have amassed more funds and more hires through the simple virtue of having more money. If we had befriended, say, a spy and a sneak, we could have robbed her limited funds. If we had waited her out until she attacked us, we could have sicced PRT or more mundane police on her. There are ways.
You say that like building a car that could drive through the bars of a locked gate would be boring.
In the cape world, this is not particularly exciting.
We already did the Priest legacy, there was a whole expansion dedicated to it. Why retread ground that's already been explored when we could investigate new facets of established concepts?
We're not going to become Long so we're not going down that priest path.
Well I'll admit, a certain large portion of my motivation is wanting to stuff a Hint into a thumb drive and commit eldritch cyberwarfare. Overall though I perceive programming as a very mechanical business, and one that fundamentally revolves around defining and restricting concepts.
My knowledge of programming is not enough to conduct full-fledged discussions in this area. But as far as I understand it, it's more like building, writing text or drawing where a program is assembled from various semantic blocks.
That is, the area is too wide to be covered by a single principle.
This is not such a vague goal. At the end of his journey, the priest becomes the gateway to the Mansus open to his followers, not ascending himself, but helping others to ascend.
Although in another story the priest becomes one of their Hooded Princess, but personally I doubt that this information was known to him before the ascent.
Yes I know that. But this is world of Worm. The outcome might not be the same. And I used Priest legacy more as an example. Line to folow.
Aren't there a few Hours that don't require a sacrifce to ascend? Like, it helps, but is not strictly necessary. I think Forge of Days is one of them, where without sacrifice you need to be obscenely rich to do so.

But I may misremember and have instead read those parts in fanfics.
Nope. Forge is definietly very kill heavy. It can be done wihout causalities till Long. So becoming Know and ascending as a Long under Her. But to get to Name you need to create methaphysical NUKE and explode it at confluence of Histories (I think). In CS you blow it up in kerisham. It canonicaly makes the world spin a tiny bit slower.
Huh, come to think of it, in terms of binding/freeing, locking/unlocking, passages and mechanisms, computer programming probably fits under Knock's purview. Especially the deep stuff that underlies coding languages and the ineffable bones of digital architecture that hold up the internet. A road that led to interacting with Dragon would probably be paved with Knock.
Eh I would say that it is more Lantern and Sky for programing. It is after all a purer world of Information (aka. Knowleadge). Knock would be used to open her chains. To break them would fail under Forge.
[X] The Aspirant
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I wonder if Alicja will be able to get out of this mess at all?
I mean, she killed a candidate for the post of director of the PRT in the city where Eidolon is located, while doing it as dirty as possible in the victims' house.
This is a slap in the face that the PRT will not ignore. I am sure that the very next day the WEDGDG will be sent to this investigation. Probably Alicja's only chance is for the thinkers to stumble upon the cult first and start dealing with it.
If you can get her enough time, then she can try to study the moth enough to escape by covering her tracks.
[X] The Aspirant

"Bad History, shove it to the bottom of the Tapestry and try again."
- The Hours, Presumably Whenever Enough of Them Are Inconvenienced by Something
[X] The Foe

[X] The Herald

"If I don't see more Coelle I will kill everyone in this room and then myself."
-Some based cultist, probably.
[X] The Aspirant
"June 28th, again"
-You will be playing as a new character, starting from Backgrounds and Beginnings
-The broad lore and similar things will be kept the same, however things will change based on your choices. Such as the cult Master and location you start.
-Everything else will massively depend on what choices you make.

Either SH Cult with Knock cultist or a Lantern cult with a Grail cultist would be my go to. Why those two bgs in particular? Well I'm hoping for no more wacky Names and this is especially important here because the only confirmed Knock Name is literally called Mother of Anguish. As for the Lantern cult I'm hoping for Karpellus what with him being a Name of the Flowermaker. If we get SH and Knock high enough we can do discount DM and Clairvoyant. With Lantern and Grail we could do 'discount' social thinker though I think we'd need decently high Lantern in that mix to actually be doing any thinking instead of just bowling people over with Grail.
Well I'm hoping for no more wacky Names and this is especially important here because the only confirmed Knock Name is literally called Mother of Anguish.
You know that the only Hour that fits the combination of Secret Histories and Knock is this Mother of Ants?
So it doesn't really matter in what order this combination will be if it eventually leads us to the same result.
With Lantern and Grail we could do 'discount' social thinker though I think we'd need decently high Lantern in that mix to actually be doing any thinking instead of just bowling people over with Grail.
Basically, if we want to play a social thinker, then the combination of Knock and Grail is suitable, since this is the combination that Beachcomber stands for. Among his other titles, Beachcomber is known as a spy who is willing to share the secrets he finds, and I notice he is very good at it.
Well seeing Vienna also fits the requirements for a Forge ascension and is a Worm filled hellhole I vote for it being our target.
You know that the only Hour that fits the combination of Secret Histories and Knock is this Mother of Ants?
So it doesn't really matter in what order this combination will be if it eventually leads us to the same result.
Yeah but hopefully the Name doesn't and they're the one that matters.
Basically, if we want to play a social thinker, then the combination of Knock and Grail is suitable, since this is the combination that Beachcomber stands for. Among his other titles, Beachcomber is known as a spy who is willing to share the secrets he finds, and I notice he is very good at it.
No confirmed Names for the Beachcomber while the Flowermaker does have one whose only in game interaction/mention is friendly.
Yeah but hopefully the Name doesn't and they're the one that matters.
But then, in principle, it does not matter whether Knock/Secret Histories will be a character trait or a cult principle.
After all, as far as I understood your initial argument was that choosing knocking as an aspect of the cult would lead us to the Mother of Ants?
Also, it's not guaranteed that our new cult master will be a Name, or that we will have to limit our interactions with the Names to just ones of our aspect.
Of course there are no guarantees, but it is simply unlikely that anyone other than the Name and other similar beings of the highest echelon of power will lead the opposition to Endbringers and other similar threats.
Hmm, I wonder if someone from the Ligeia Club could create their own cult?