Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

Letting you in: DC 70]

[Roll: 85+8(Diplomacy)+5(GRAIL)+10(An Awareness of Appetite) = 108]


[Snuffing out Fascination: DC 60]

[Roll: 82+8(Diplomacy)+5(MOTH) = 95]

Great, but... this felt unsatisfying. Like we didn't even do anything to snuff it out, he did it himself.

Still, we helped when he was down and that has to count for something.

-fell back as a small form hit your chest. The Masters hands clutched at your suit as she leaned in, sniffing your clothes.

Our esoteric trait coming into effect? Or our incoming battle aganist Alicja?

"But I will teach you of Agony."

Oh no.

You hated this pain, you hated what you had done, and you hated those curdling emotions.

If she is teaching her understanding of Edge, then it will be Wolf-colored. Winter too, I suppose. But we walked out of there by ourselves and I count that as a win.

-Level 2: Every person is a confluence of edges, scraping and clashing against each other to form a greater whole. You can see that and see your own edges, and just how that makes you the man you are today. You may just hate those edges. (Further +5 to Personal Combat, +1 to Martial)

If we hate those edges, then we will just have to whittle them down. There is still plenty to cut.
Another History: Turn 4 - Results, Part 2
[X]Plan: Waste No Time
-[X] On work and the challenges it entails.
--[X] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[X] On your Foe, and the danger she wields
--[X] Attack her, finish this (This is Assaulting an Opponent Expedition)
-[X] On promotion and improvement (The below actions improve your chance of being selected as Director should Carol be unable to perform her duties)
--[X] You have crucial information on Wraith, go after him
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] What lore? (Edge)
-[X] On Rites, Rituals and the things inbetween
--[X] You'll cast The Attention of the Laws (Edge)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[X] Find Arch and try to quell his Fascination

Wraith. The name alone gave you the sense of something slimy, crawling through the cracks, evading notice just enough to fester in the shadow of real threats. He wasn't a villain that made headlines, but the kind that you'd heard of before—the sort who survived by skulking beneath the radar. A snake, slippery and quiet. The pictures you had, grainy and low-quality, didn't give much more than a rough outline. His skin-tight costume clung to him in a way that obscured every defining feature, a silhouette in black.

The costume didn't even give him the benefit of a cup, you noted dryly. That was important, you realized. It wasn't just a style choice—it was functionality. He didn't want any loose material, nothing that could snag or ripple, nothing that could disrupt his power. Whatever Wraith's ability was, it demanded absolute precision, and that kind of insight was exactly what you were looking for.

You stared at the images for a while longer, your fingers steady against the edge of the desk. You didn't drum them impatiently or hum under your breath; you were far too controlled for that. Still, even as you sat there in complete stillness, your mind was racing.

Wraith didn't leave much behind—no obvious tells, no blunders that would have given him away—but the fact that his costume hugged him so tightly had set off the first puzzle piece in your mind. You couldn't know for sure what his power was, but you had an idea forming. His ability might involve intangibility or something similar, requiring his body to be as streamlined as possible, with no excess bulk to interfere with his vanishing act.

That narrowed down your approach. If you wanted to capture him, you'd have to make sure he couldn't slip away, and that meant finding a way to get something heavy on him, fast. Handcuffs would be ideal, of course, but you doubted you'd be able to slap those on him without a fight. Grappling him would work in theory, but there was too much risk of him slipping through your fingers. You'd heard rumors about some new containment foam designed to immobilize even the slipperiest targets, but you didn't have access to those kinds of toys. Not when Eidolon was in the same city. The Protectorate had better resources, and you were left to scrounge with what you had.

No matter. You could pivot.

You started typing away on your computer, running through potential allies in the area. Houston wasn't exactly overflowing with capes, especially not with Eidolon around, but there were still a handful you could call on.

That's when Dispatch came to mind. He was a recent transfer to the area, relatively new but with enough of a reputation to make him useful in this situation. His ability to slow time would be perfect for this kind of operation. If he could create a bubble of sped-up time around Wraith that was impossible to leave, he wouldn't be able to escape that way. Now, you just had to get him on board.

With a plan forming in your mind, you rose from your seat and headed downstairs. You could have just ordered him to join the mission, but it was always better to ask nicely, especially with someone new. A little diplomacy went a long way.

"Dispatch, do you have a moment?" you asked, poking your head into his office. It was a tiny room, barely big enough to qualify as an office at all—just one step up from a broom closet. Dispatch was leaning back in his chair, arms slung lazily over the backrest, a look of mild annoyance on his face as he typed something out.

[Getting Dispatch on board: DC 10/50/100]

[Roll: 93+8(Diplomacy)+5(GRAIL)+10(An Awareness of Appetite) = 116]

"Sure, what ya want, spook?" he asked with a lazy grin, tilting his chair back even further so it balanced precariously on two legs.

"I'm planning an operation to capture Wraith," you explained, "and you're one of the best capes to help pull it off." You kept your tone measured and professional, but you allowed just enough flattery to seep through. His eyebrows raised slightly, and you could see him suppressing a chuckle as he rocked his chair back and forth.

"Well, when you butter me up like that, how can I say no?" He shot you a pair of finger guns, his smirk widening. "Just let me know when I'm needed."

"I will," you replied with a nod. Dispatch was the spearhead of your plan, but you weren't foolish enough to rely on just one person. Wraith was slippery, and putting all your eggs in one basket would be a mistake.

[Capturing Wraith: DC 60/90/120]

[Roll:97+18(Martial)+10(EDGE)+2(Followers) = 127]

You pointed at the map, showing the layout of Wraith's suspected safe house. "This building is one of his many hideouts, but intel suggests he's holed up here tonight. We've infiltrated some of his gang, and they've reported that he's panicking, pulling in anyone he can promise a paycheck."

Your finger trailed across the map, indicating the bedroom. "Here's where Wraith sleeps. This is where the patrols start. The plan is simple: go in loud and distract them. Flashbangs, noise, whatever it takes. Dispatch will head to the bedroom and neutralize Wraith."

Dispatch leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his expression relaxed. "What do I need to know about him?" he asked, his voice lazy but curious.

"His power is skin tight, likely some way to walk through objects. Your bubble will prevent him from breathing, and once you cuff him, he will be unable to use it."

"Got it, spook," he said with a mock salute. The troopers around him rolled their eyes, but you ignored it. Parahumans were often irreverent, and Dispatch was no different. As long as he did his job, you could tolerate his attitude.

With the briefing over, the team deployed. The night was quiet, save for the sudden blare of flashbangs as the door to Wraith's safehouse was kicked in. You watched through the cameras as your men stormed the building, quickly subduing the handful of gang members inside. They cursed and spat, but they were smart enough not to resist when faced with guns.

"Dispatch going dark," his voice crackled over the comms, and a moment later, his camera fizzled out. Seconds later, your men spotted the telltale shimmer of his time bubble as it enveloped Wraith's room.

"Cover the exits," you barked, and the troopers outside tightened their perimeter.

The next few moments were tense, but then you heard Dispatch's voice, triumphant and cocky. "Got 'em!" he crowed. One of your men's cameras caught sight of him emerging from the house, Wraith slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Turns out, not being able to breathe really screws with people. Also, he's really shocked," Dispatch added with a chuckle, dropping Wraith into the waiting transport.

You allowed yourself a small smile. "Good work, everyone. Sweep the house one more time, just to be sure." There were groans, but the mood was jubilant. This was a win. A big one.

This was a big win, and with luck, he'd end up behind bars for a long, long time.

You have captured Wraith! His trial is expected to finish next month, and assuming he is not broken out or anything else unexpected happens, you will practically be a shoo-in for the position of Director.

In addition, your skill and willingness to let Dispatch take the public credit have endeared you to him. You are now his Friend despite being a quote "Stick in the mud spook."

"Wraith has been captured by Dispatch, the Houston Protectorate's newest hero," the news anchor declared in a polished voice, her expression practiced and composed. You let the words wash over you, allowing a small, satisfied smile to creep onto your lips. The headline didn't bother you in the slightest. Dispatch could have his moment in the spotlight—he deserved the public credit, and you had no interest in standing there, grinning for the cameras. What mattered was that the people who mattered knew the truth. Your coworkers, your superiors—they all knew who had really done the legwork, who had made the crucial decisions that brought Wraith down.

That was more than enough for you.

Your mind, however, didn't linger on the capture for long. Your thoughts shifted, refocusing on something far more pressing. The next step was approaching, one that had been long in the making, festering in the back of your mind like an old wound. Alicja. You had come so far, endured so much, and now, the time was drawing near to finally deal with her once and for all.

It wasn't the first time you'd thought about how it would play out, of course. The plan had taken root long ago when you were across the sea, but now it was no longer a mere fantasy. It was real, and every muscle in your body seemed to tighten with that realization. You had to track her down first—that much was clear. Alicja was too smart to just sit in one place, and she wouldn't make it easy for you. But you had your ways. You always had your ways.

And once you found her… you were going to kill her.

Assaulting Alicja
Duration: Short (Costs a single Action; additional followers can join without spending an Action)
Base Cost: 5 Funds/day (You must have 25 Funds per follower sent)
[] Assault an opponent (Alicja)
-[-] Who is going? (As you have no followers this cannot be voted for)
-[-] What do you bring? (As you have no artifacts, this cannot be voted for)
-[] What is your objective? (Write in, in order of priority)
-[] Anything else? (Write in any other specifications or ideas you have)
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[X] Plan: KISS
-[X] Find Alicja
-[X] Defeat Alicja

Using the acronym KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) our plan will be to find her and defeat her.

I would also like to add: If practical, capture her, but conditional plans are a pain to make for QMs and I trust Michael to make the call.

EDIT: we will have a vote on what to do with her after we defeat her.

Well, those rolls certainly came in clutch.
Good god those rolls.

Let's hope that they will continue for just a little longer. Just one more... just one more....

@Witherbrine26 Could we bring any of the cult's troops? To watch the exits, or even assist in combat?

I think we could've if we spend an action on their loyalty, but we didn't so we have to do it alone.
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@Witherbrine26 Could we bring any of the cult's troops? To watch the exits, or even assist in combat?
Unfortunately not, this is not cult business so they won't join you.
I would also like to add: If practical, capture her, but conditional plans are a pain to make for QMs and I trust Michael to make the call.
As you are the person leading this you will be able to vote on what to do with her should you win.
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I just wanted to say those rolls are getting ridiculous(the Influence didn't even matter this time) and I hope it stays like this.

But seriously, that's wild two numbers in the 90's for the base rolls is crazy.

Yay, one more friend and a parahuman to boot. I can already see us using him to get some info on shards.
It may be kinda dumb on my part to notice it just now but... we are in the same city as Eidolon, the guy who unknowingly made the Endbringers and our goal is to unmake them. Does that mean opportunity?

If we learn enough about shards and kill the High Priest, the Endbringers lose their power source.
If we learn enough about shards and kill the High Priest, the Endbringers lose their power source.

Or they lose the minor unconscious control Eidolon has used to guide them so far and become far worse. His Shard controls them, isn't powering them. To the best of my knowledge, they're basically super-robots and Eidolon has access to the wireless remote. Not the power source.