[X] Plan: Slay Khorne

[1]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[2]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[3]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)
[4]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)
[5]: Ally assistance (try to shore up the efforts of friendly military forces and pick up more team members to get eight people)

Team Tactics
--The team should prioritize their efforts on destabilizing and dispelling the Chaos Ritual of the Blades of Khorne.
--Let the Doom Slayer act as the speartip of the advance; follow his advance.
--Duodecimarchs and Alyrsero should prioritize organics and let Vista deal with mechanical foes.
--Samus should prioritize on taking down any attacking Space Pirates during the team's advance onto the Blood Temple.
--Send the Gunships to cover the team's approach on the Blood Temple and in turn assist ARC and Sentinel assaults.
--Contact team 4 to consolidate with us into a single force around team one if able, as we advance on the Blood Temple. Advise teams two and three to join the Blood Ravens in their fight against the Protectorate.

Character Actions
--Arne should comfort Samus' anxieties and act as an anchor against the bloodlust of Khorne.
--Vista should keep close to Arne so he can meatshield for her. Prioritize destroying any attacking Protectorate forces.
--Sevrin should try to rein in Agafya's combat high before joining Doomguy in killing the daemons.
--Alyrsero should try to scry enemy intentions and in turn advise the rest of the team on dealing with Khorne.
-- Samus should slice into Space Pirate comm channels and patch any relevant info to available allies. Conversely, try to convince Trazyn to commit forces to the fight.
-- Agafya should target enemy champions to defeat.
-- Taylor should keep close to Doomguy so he can meatshield for her. In addition, she should direct her minions to support each member of the team and any other of the teams if they are joined with team 1.
-- Doomguy: Rip and Tear.

Other Team Priorities:

Team 2:
[x]: Ormothin (Exodite Eldar jade mage, best heals and supports, makes your booboos go away very quickly while he's on the field, can make plants into allies and empower allies with the strength of life itself. Okayish at melee.)
[x]: Idaliryn (Lumineth Swordknight, close quarters blender with a mix of offensive and support magic but limited crowd control. Cooperative bonus with all Eldar.
[x]: Clarioli (Ithilyani factor-mage, crafter, has a lot of robots, will get random crafting ideas from deployment, very tanky and good at most ranges, great against tech based foes. Bonus with all Eldar)
[x]: Clockblocker (Parahuman striker, with enhancements and explorer suit is quite durable, versatile, and fast and is able to remove select combatants from the fight temporarily or lethally clothesline them with his cables.)
[x]: Silverbolt (Autobot aerialbot, aerial focused melee and ranged combatant; very effective against organic enemies. Good cooperative bonus with Samus)
[x]: Korlanil (Ynnari death mage, very good at making things dead, makes bad jokes, can also stop or reverse death with some effort, gets power from people dying near him. Bonus with all Eldar.)
[x]: Positron (All-rounder incarnate powered tech-user, especially great range damage and support)
[x]: Cerebro (Thinker with amazing powers of deduction, physiology and durability enhanced by restore station, explorer suit, and incarnate shard; all rounder but somewhat low damage combatant, excellent tactician though)

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] the Destroyahs
[3] Blades of Khorne
[4] the Space Pirates
[5] the Rikti

Team 3:
[x]: Bumblebee (Autobot Scout master, reconnaissance and infiltration focused CQC combatant, broadly effective against anything lighter than superheavy. Very good cooperative bonuses with non-adult characters)
[x]: Kaeliyae (Eldar Harlequin Shadowseer, Illusionist and extremely agile close range combatant, very good at turning large numbers of enemies against themselves. Gains a cooperative bonus if deployed with Alyrsero, and a lesser one for all other Eldar characters. )
[x]: Elendria (Aesvaul mage-knight, best tank among the Eldar, very good at stopping squishies from getting hit, hits hard herself especially in close combat, can get ideas for stuff to forge from the encounter.)
[x]: Nightcaster (Debuff and ranged damage focused shadow sorcerer. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Eudaimonica (Demon-summoning sorceress, all rounder minion focused character, has supports and ranged damage too. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Windblade (Flying autobot focused on CQC and aerial combat, general purpose combatant and psychic. Works great with bumblebee)
[x]: Penelopye Yin (Primal Earth's most powerful psion, all-rounder)
[x]: Flechette (Extreme armour piercing ranged attacker, squishy in CQC)

-[1]: Commando Ops (Seize important locations or take out important enemy strongpoints such as leaders or vital infrastructure, favours sneakier teams)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] Blades of Khorne
[3] Space Pirates
[4] the Destroyahs
[5] the Rikti

Team 4:
[x]: Dinomax (Metahuman mastermind, summoning, melee damage, and support focused. On one hand, no cooperative bonuses. On the other: D I N O S A U R S)
[x]: Elerya (Yurye Psionic Dominator, masterful crowd control capabilities and incredibly destructive all range combatant though reliant on crowd control for defence. Strong cooperative bonus with Samus, great with the other duodecimarchs.)
[x]: Aronim (Elerya's brother. Melee damage focused psion, decently tanky, hits really, really hard with his psionic abilities in CQC; like just melts things he gets into scraps with and crits out the ass. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters, especially Elerya whom he gains a twin bonus with.)
[x]: Kid Win (Masterforce tinker, highly generalistic, good at dealing with tech based enemies. Strong cooperative bonuses with Samus.)
[x]: Lelithax (Ex-Druchii Sorceress, somewhat racist. Heavily debuff and malediction focused caster character who has pretty good defences of her own and can handle herself a bit in melee. Strong cooperative bonus with Alyrsero for being twin siblings. Cooperative bonus with all other eldar characters.)
[x]: Warpath (Megatank Autobot, extremely durable, great firepower, incredible strength and hard hitting prowess. Not very fast, but gives a command bonus to whatever squad he deploys with and works great with autobots.
[x]: Bulkhead (very Tanky melee combat focused Wrecker, Incarnate expert in engineering and fortification)
[x]: Glory Girl (Tanky brawler, augmented by restore station and incarnate power making her shield recover a lot faster, has toughened her flesh to the point of nuke tanking, and multiplying her strength and reflexes considerably, asked for, developed energy projection abilities from her incarnate prowess)


-[1]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
-[2]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] the Protectorate
[3] the Destroyahs
[4] Space Pirates
[5] the Rikti
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"80% of the LAPD have turned out to be Khorne cultists in disguise and are going on a rampage and opening up blood gates around the city where the fighting is heaviest to call in further worshippers of the blood god and daemons into reality."
Jesus. Who's Davian Thule?
"80% of the LAPD have turned out to be Khorne cultists in disguise and are going on a rampage and opening up blood gates around the city where the fighting is heaviest to call in further worshippers of the blood god and daemons into reality."
Jesus. Who's Davian Thule?
A highly revered Battle Brother of the Blood Ravens interred in a Dreadnought chassis after being mortally wounded by a Tyranid Alpha Warrior whose claws were tipped with extremely aggressive biological and chemical agents that were breaking his body down past even his space marine physiology or blood raven medical science to save him from without essentially wiring him to a life-pod that can be attached to a mecha for the rest of his life. Once the commander of the fourth host of the Blood Ravens but as Dreadnoughts used to need to be put to sleep periodically after being interred he was given a more ceremonial rank as his role shifted to delivering advice for younger astartes and using his giant walking tank body to annihilate the foes of the Imperium.

In the more than six thousand years since his internment, he's become a truly legendary hero of the Imperium as a whole; greatly surpassing his already grand accomplishments when he wasn't a quadriplegic in a mobility assistance/life-support suit that could smash a tank with another tank. And he was most famous for defeating all other contenders in the free for all clusterfuck that was the War for Kronus, including a major Ork Waaagh!, a Craftworld Eldar warhost, a T'au reclamation force, the Necron dynasty in the area, a Dark Crusade of the Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines and others before he became a Dreadnought so those were pretty tall orders to surpass.
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[X] Plan: Slay Khorne And Keep the other powers at bay

Changed my mind again.
Interlude: None shall find us wanting (Blood Ravens)
To deploy with a living legend of the chapter such as Tarkus was an incomparable honour for Sister Arayail, to fight alongside one who had seen more than six thousand years of war without pause or rest; crossed the Rubicon Primaris multiple times, and had emerged ever the stronger for it. The ancient though, gave a melancholy look towards Terra below, one that briefly confused her, for rarely did she see him frown so visibly, his helm removed to let him gaze on the world with his own eyes, green continents amidst a blue sea.

"Beautiful isn't it?" She asked, her armour flexible around her Primaris Omega body, tall and heavy equipped. Her Gravis armour making her even larger, shields silently working as she stared at the world below, short hair brushing against her cheek while Tarkus slowly folded his arms and contemplated.

"I was there when Terra fell to Ghazghkull. To the Beast set loose." He said, taking a second to take in the view.

"Terra is different to be sure...much smaller without all the hive construction. So much less...populated. I've only seen pictures of what it was supposed to be like before it became the polluted wasteland it was famous for being." He said, looking towards her at last, his solemn blue eyes showing for a brief moment, the pain behind them before he closed them in thought.

"But regardless of the universe, it is still Terra. We are citizens of the Imperium of the Starchild Trinity; to Emperor, Empress, and Machine-God. We will not abandon these people as we might have in the past. We exist to be the bulwark against the terror, and now. It is here. On a Terra that has yet to reach farther than its moon." He said, his stern voice still having a notable degree of sympathetic kindness to it despite his age and his endless years of service.

"And we will bring their deliverance of course. None shall find us wanting." She said, with a bow of respect to her vastly senior NCO who smiled and shook his head.

"We will be able to say that for sure when we make planetstrike. Until then, don't count on victory until it is won." He reminded her gently.

"Of course, brother." She said with a small bow of respect.

"Trazyn is already there as are some unknown mechanical xenos. Though Orion tells me that there is nothing to be worried about from them. He has however, reported the presence of some Eldar...eight of them. Children." She said, trying to change conversation tracks to something she felt Tarkus should know.

"Eldar..." His breath tensed. He was from the old era, before the writ of alliance, before the efforts to undo the damage done by the creed of abhor the mutant, the alien, the heretic, the synth. And even by those times' standards, he had a great deal of scorn for the Eldar. He could still remember the faces of the battle siblings lost to a ranger's perfidy all those centuries ago, and his mirth slowly vanished.

"Are you alright, brother?" She asked. All Astartes of the same chapter referred to each other as siblings, even if they had no genetic link beyond geneseed template. Her dark hair and skin contrasted to his pale, bald features made it clear they were not related by birth, but they were family all the same; united in the fraternity of the Chapter. Their fellow Astartes forces on patrol; drawn from the Storm Warden, Lamenter, Ice Dragon, Bolt Serpent, Auric Lancers, Solar Avengers, Torch Eagles, Argent Immortals, and Retributors chapters; would likely be arriving soon.

"I will do as I am asked of course, it is not my remit to refuse my duty. But I will try to avoid social contact, if that's alright. I will leave speaking to them to those who don't share my unease." He said, letting the tension melt off of him as he looked at world once more.

"The arch-enemy is present there you know, are you prepared?" She asked, a sympathetic look being given to him to let him know she changed the conversation for his benefit.

"Saving others from the suicidal fruit of the Chaos Gods is its own reward as you'll soon find, sister. Chaos is the path of self-destruction, and the slide into oblivion. To stop it before it spreads is to save people from suicide, and I can think of few better actions or more noble causes." He said, exhaling through his nose and slowly closing his eyes to think to himself before turning towards her.

"You had a friend who fell, did you not?" She said, seeing him wince at the mention before he slowly nodded.

"We had fought together at Kronus, and then in the battles to save the worlds of Aurelia from the Tyranids and the Black Legion...but he was always someone who leaned too heavily on his pride, and the justifications he made to himself to shut away the guilt that followed many questionable actions." Tarkus answered, his face making it clear that even after seven thousand years it still hurt.

"Avitus." She said before he sighed.

"Please, let that name die." He said softly but sternly.

"We had all done things we weren't proud of because we believed ourselves to be above corruption, we trusted our orders from Kyras and Chapter Command, because we had the hubris to think that our secrecy made us safe from subversion. Things that in hindsight, were always the mark of a traitor."

"To wage war over flimsy pretexts with fellow imperial, to engage aliens whom we never had to actually fight, to make enemies where we didn't need them, and to take deployments of great risk with little reward save for occupied slots on the records of the honoured dead." He added, now fully turning towards her as he studied her movements, seeing her straighten herself to meet his gaze firmly.

"It all ate at him, consumed him, drained him. And when the truth came to him, and he found that all this time, he had committed these crimes not under a faithful servant; but an apostate to the service of the dark gods, it broke him. He saw no point in life, no reason to live, and sought his own death. Too proud to commit suicide, too strong for the black legion to give it to him. So he forced us to end his life by siding with the legion." He said, taking a brief look to the void of Space, to the pristine form of Luna hanging around the Earth.

"And I had to end it. There was no glory in it, no satisfaction, pride, or honour. He wanted it, for he came to decide that if there was no purpose but bloodshed, then he would allow himself to be consumed by it. And every day, I think about I could have done to save him, and how many others like him turn to the dark powers to seek their deaths when they feel as though they have nothing." He concluded, shifting his weight as he reached for his helmet and snapped it over his head, the white veteran's helm hissing with pressurising air while she repeated the gesture.

"That you grieve still means that you care. It is not a sign of weakness, brother. Were we not meant to feel, we would not be given the capacity." She said, as cheerfully as she could manage; Tarkus nodding sagely in response.

"Wise words. Far too many come to me thinking that ruthlessness and mercilessness are what makes a space marine. But if we lose our compassion, lose sight of why we fight and for whom we fight for; we become as monsters. We are the angels of death, but death cannot be our sole reason for existence." He said, starting to walk as the silent alarms signalled that planetstrike was imminent. Tarkus' terminator armour thundered with each step, the heavy cataphractii styled armour meant to be as enduring as possible even before one considered its gravis pattern refits and add ons to make him even tougher. He was a giant in this armour, easily towering over her more standard gravis-refitted power armour, the power fists over his gauntlets not yet crackling with energy.

"What do you think of getting to deploy to Terra?" She asked before they would have to part ways towards their squads.

"I think it is a chance to make amends for past failures." He said with a sage nod before joining with his squad and she peeled off to her heavy intercessor formation.


A warzone was a terrible place to be having post-trigger mental break down, Lyra Horowitz realised as she tried to scatter out of the way of the machines hunting around the area. She could hear thrumming engines above, but every time she looked up, she saw only the insectoid jaws of death as the reaver ships cut through most opposition before them like butter, the machines receding briefly to evade firepower that could tear them out through the very deepest levels of Los Angeles with casual swipes.

Her initial thoughts to approach them to ask them for help though, were dispelled when she saw the monsters emerge to find their prey. Her eyes couldn't follow the exact movements, they were far too fast. But the results were always horrific death, body parts shredded off, pulled off, bitten off, carnivorous beasts laughing in sick delight.

The attempts to fight them off were always short lived. Fusilades of energy shots tore through anything in their way, the remainder dealt with by grenades that seemed to yank the electrons off of people's atoms and collapse them into magnetic vorties...at least..based on her initial analysis. Was that her power? It certainly had no capacity to help her out here and now...not besides telling her how she was going to die.

Warp-blades that crackled with slicing energy, binding field gardeners, and spacetime distortions to slip through the bonds of the materials they cut through were lashed through energy fields, smacked into the impervium armour of vanguard troops sent to try and secure the area. She dared to hope for a bit, until she saw the first of their heads roll, still too slow to keep up; and they were unnervingly accurate and perceptive;the corpses of snipers who thought they were safe with their cloaks attesting to that.

But why did she still live? She thought, the young girl squeezing through some crawl space made by the collapse of debris, breathing through a mask she stole to keep the dust and smoke out of her lungs. She wished she wasn't alive still, at least part of her did. Everyone else was gone, her school was gone, her parents were...the less she thought about that the better.

The sight of a half eaten hand making her shudder as she tried to not vomit in her mouth, feeling the pinpricks of rubble in the palms of her hands, the knees of her trousers fraying from all the crawling she had done, the soles of her shoes slowly melting from the heat she had to keep going through. But she couldn't stop, even as she discarded her frayed shirt, pulling herself into what she recognised as an abandoned clothing store.

She could find replacements here...nobody would mind. The world was ending.

She made her way to find better shoes first, wincing at each footprint of somewhat molten rubber she left behind, ditching them just as she grabbed the best boots she could find and tied them on quick. Shirts...shirts...she needed long sleeved shirts, a jacket, and...yes gloves.

It took her only a few minutes to locate what she needed, dressing herself as the distant screams of the people melted away. She could hear the dull pulses of strange energy and the roars of things she'd rather not think of. Far away enough to not yet make her scared, too close to let her be comfortable.

Something shifted on the ground and she fell over in a fright, knocking over an entire row of clothes before she spun and pulled out a gun she had stolen off of a dead policeman.

"Don't you fucking dare move or I swear I will...." She whimpered before she looked again and saw nothing but a small lizard licking its eyeballs and then moving away.

"...Oh sweet jesus..." She groaned as she slowly picked herself up, murmuring until she saw something glint.

She turned around and saw a cyclopean yellow optic meeting her face to face, attached to a spindly but short purple and silver body with metal boot feet and five fingered hands, a skinny neck reminding her of a desk lamp until she saw the much too real machine pistol in its hand.

Then the others stepped out of little cracks that she thought were simple damage to the sidewalk....but no...cracks in spacetime. Hiding on the other side. Where there was one there were hundreds, all staring at her. Her heart not so much stopped as went in reverse, wanting to leap out of her throat as she immediately started to dive for cover, taking herself as fast as her thirteen year old legs could go.

"We are the meatbag elimination service. We have detected your presence, you will be eradicated. Roger roger." They said like some kind of star wars prop that made her almost want to laugh until the machine pistols started erupting in a continual burst she couldn't hear distinct firing sounds in, just a long tearing sound of energy sheathed nanite bullets. One was a nuisance, in those numbers the store ceased to be as they began to march in tune to some hellish dubstep.

"EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" The dreadful sound that often announced the presence of large concentrations of the protectorate that at first drew many to their deaths with the thoughts of this being some manner of Doctor Who prank before the fractal beams erupted out in impossibly coloured conical death; existence and matter shattering in their paths as they twisted spacetime and cosmological constants in impossible ways and cut the deepest bonds to turn a large section of the shopping complex she was in into shards endlessly breaking upon themselves.

She spotted the Dalek like thing, the Exterminator as it seemed to be relaying commands of some sort to the other machines, her dark blue eyes widening when she caught sight of the eye-stalk rotating into her direction and one of the gun armatures on its side swivelling towards her.

"HUMAN DETECTED. EX-TER-MIN-ATE." The thing; twice as tall as she was, droned in a voice of monotone hatred. Her heart almost imploded with fright, but her mind refused to let her die. She threw herself to the ground just before the fractal beam erupted, carving out meters of building material while she rolled to evade the rain of constantly shrinking fragments of the matter above her. The unearthly sound of fractally breaking matter filling her ears while she ran.


"We just want to play some games." Farther.

"Why are you hiding? This will be fun." Closer.

She ducked behind cover, sure none had seen her as she stilled her breath. She needed to think, how to survive, where to go. South, south was safe. South was where the fewest monsters was. If she could get there...she would be safe.

The sky was strobing a new mix of stranger colours, an angry red starting to leak in with the purple and green, warring with the other colours for dominance. Her blood felt so hot in her veins, she needed to fight, to take up arms. She couldn't just run all the way there. That shouldn't even be the goal, she just needed to let them know that she had claws of her own.

Skittering crab things crawled past her hiding place, as large as a fair-sized dog, pincers snapping together while optics glared with intent, legs scrabbling atop a rapidly creeping mass of rust and silver, little machines dragging themselves forward, eating, multiplying, seething like a living thing. It would be fascinating if the things that crawled their way out of it, metal warriors of many shapes and sizes, were not intended to kill her.

She moved again, crawling as quietly as she could, wishing she could disappear. Her stringy red hair stuck to itself by sweat and caked dust while she moved, trying her best to not breathe loudly.

But her pursuers did not have human ears.

One of them paused as the others shot their way through a morass of soldiers who had sought to stop them. It turned around in a clean pivot, followed by a sea of bale-yellow glares as their minds changed priorities. The soldiers fired what they could, the chatter of automatic weapons fire and the boom of tanks drowned out by the convulsion of dimensions as X-Y-Z coordinates were mapped out across Brane theory 11 dimensional systems and then promptly compacted into rippling detonations of bizarre energy; the fallen machines simply collapsing back into nanites to be absorbed.

She realised she was spotted, she looked for a way out; the path she had sought to take now crawling with the nanite sea as it engulfed buildings, corpses, vehicles; breaking it all down and shaping them into triangular tanks whose barrels quickly swivelled towards her. She took the handgun and opened up on the nearest of the child-sized aggressors, new to her teenage years she was, but she wouldn't die to something that didn't even come up to her neck.

She knew where to shoot for best results, and the bullet lodged itself into the most minute flaw of its optics, breaking it and blinding it; the flimsy head breaking apart and the drone collapsing into nanite soup. She fired more, AP rounds; carefully aimed to go through multiples. Was this her real power then? To just know what to do to get the golden ending?

She finished her clip, there were still thousands, almost waiting for her to realise she had run out of ammo before lifting each gun towards her with a series of clicks. One last trick up her sleeve, she set her cell phone to make as much signal noise as possible, she would die here, but with hope, someone might realise people were still here and blow this place to hell.

She screamed her defiance at them as the guns began charging.

She heard a thunderclap but felt no pain. Because the shots never landed on her.

She opened her eyes and realised that she was surrounded by red and bone titans sheathed in armour.


Tarkus had arrived with his Battleline formation. Each towering over her even out of their armour, in their Kataphract Terminator suits they were even bigger, and with the Gravis mods, larger still. She at first thought them for giant robots, but a look at how they moved made such unlikely, someone was in those armoursuits.

Chainfists crackled to life, the helmeted heads in the armoured hoods of the Kataphract suits turning their gazes as one while wrist, belt, and shoulder-mounted weapons locked into position. A chatter burst of cluster bolts erupted from the swrist-mounted guns of his suits, each exploding into a series of submunitions that individually tracked and isolated their targets.

The grenade harness mounted atop his armour's hood made a series of bumping sounds, volleys of arcing explosives detonating in plasma bursts to expose those caught in the detonations to solar fury, impacts washing off of his defensive fields or simply being consumed entirely. But few got a chance to shoot back at him, armour and marine working together to eliminate each target in moments. The shoulder-mounted weapons swivelled and swept more of the machines in the ice-blue glare of the helfrost weapons' beam, atmosphere freezing around the targets and nanite structures collapsing into brittle shards. The others who sought to engage him instead facing the less than fun surprise of the belt mounted swivelling Volkite weapons, rotating and then firing high temperature deflagrating beams that spread between multiple targets, highly effective against nanite swarms such as the protectorate.

Within the space of an eyeblink the machines had been laid to waste and the girl was now looking upon the giants who had saved her.

"Fear not, for the angels of death walk amongst you." Tarkus said simply before locking in haywire ammunition as soon as he heard the approach of the next wave of nanite horrors.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 1: Crisis Mission (3): Battle of Los Angeles (Part 5)
My apologies for the long delay, I've been in a bit of a creative funk. Would it be fine to try and summarise results into well...results summaries and just focus on interesting plot developments rather than include the entirety of the action plan in the scene? It'd make it easier until I stop feeling like I'd rather succumb to the void of oblivion than carry on.

[X] Plan: Slay Khorne

[1]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[2]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[3]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)
[4]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)
[5]: Ally assistance (try to shore up the efforts of friendly military forces and pick up more team members to get eight people)

Team Tactics
--The team should prioritize their efforts on destabilizing and dispelling the Chaos Ritual of the Blades of Khorne.
--Let the Doom Slayer act as the speartip of the advance; follow his advance.
--Duodecimarchs and Alyrsero should prioritize organics and let Vista deal with mechanical foes.
--Samus should prioritize on taking down any attacking Space Pirates during the team's advance onto the Blood Temple.
--Send the Gunships to cover the team's approach on the Blood Temple and in turn assist ARC and Sentinel assaults.
--Contact team 4 to consolidate with us into a single force around team one if able, as we advance on the Blood Temple. Advise teams two and three to join the Blood Ravens in their fight against the Protectorate.

Character Actions
--Arne should comfort Samus' anxieties and act as an anchor against the bloodlust of Khorne.
--Vista should keep close to Arne so he can meatshield for her. Prioritize destroying any attacking Protectorate forces.
--Sevrin should try to rein in Agafya's combat high before joining Doomguy in killing the daemons.
--Alyrsero should try to scry enemy intentions and in turn advise the rest of the team on dealing with Khorne.
-- Samus should slice into Space Pirate comm channels and patch any relevant info to available allies. Conversely, try to convince Trazyn to commit forces to the fight.
-- Agafya should target enemy champions to defeat.
-- Taylor should keep close to Doomguy so he can meatshield for her. In addition, she should direct her minions to support each member of the team and any other of the teams if they are joined with team 1.
-- Doomguy: Rip and Tear.

Other Team Priorities:

Team 2:
[x]: Ormothin (Exodite Eldar jade mage, best heals and supports, makes your booboos go away very quickly while he's on the field, can make plants into allies and empower allies with the strength of life itself. Okayish at melee.)
[x]: Idaliryn (Lumineth Swordknight, close quarters blender with a mix of offensive and support magic but limited crowd control. Cooperative bonus with all Eldar.
[x]: Clarioli (Ithilyani factor-mage, crafter, has a lot of robots, will get random crafting ideas from deployment, very tanky and good at most ranges, great against tech based foes. Bonus with all Eldar)
[x]: Clockblocker (Parahuman striker, with enhancements and explorer suit is quite durable, versatile, and fast and is able to remove select combatants from the fight temporarily or lethally clothesline them with his cables.)
[x]: Silverbolt (Autobot aerialbot, aerial focused melee and ranged combatant; very effective against organic enemies. Good cooperative bonus with Samus)
[x]: Korlanil (Ynnari death mage, very good at making things dead, makes bad jokes, can also stop or reverse death with some effort, gets power from people dying near him. Bonus with all Eldar.)
[x]: Positron (All-rounder incarnate powered tech-user, especially great range damage and support)
[x]: Cerebro (Thinker with amazing powers of deduction, physiology and durability enhanced by restore station, explorer suit, and incarnate shard; all rounder but somewhat low damage combatant, excellent tactician though)

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] the Destroyahs
[3] Blades of Khorne
[4] the Space Pirates
[5] the Rikti

Team 3:
[x]: Bumblebee (Autobot Scout master, reconnaissance and infiltration focused CQC combatant, broadly effective against anything lighter than superheavy. Very good cooperative bonuses with non-adult characters)
[x]: Kaeliyae (Eldar Harlequin Shadowseer, Illusionist and extremely agile close range combatant, very good at turning large numbers of enemies against themselves. Gains a cooperative bonus if deployed with Alyrsero, and a lesser one for all other Eldar characters. )
[x]: Elendria (Aesvaul mage-knight, best tank among the Eldar, very good at stopping squishies from getting hit, hits hard herself especially in close combat, can get ideas for stuff to forge from the encounter.)
[x]: Nightcaster (Debuff and ranged damage focused shadow sorcerer. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Eudaimonica (Demon-summoning sorceress, all rounder minion focused character, has supports and ranged damage too. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Windblade (Flying autobot focused on CQC and aerial combat, general purpose combatant and psychic. Works great with bumblebee)
[x]: Penelopye Yin (Primal Earth's most powerful psion, all-rounder)
[x]: Flechette (Extreme armour piercing ranged attacker, squishy in CQC)

-[1]: Commando Ops (Seize important locations or take out important enemy strongpoints such as leaders or vital infrastructure, favours sneakier teams)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] Blades of Khorne
[3] Space Pirates
[4] the Destroyahs
[5] the Rikti

Team 4:
[x]: Dinomax (Metahuman mastermind, summoning, melee damage, and support focused. On one hand, no cooperative bonuses. On the other: D I N O S A U R S)
[x]: Elerya (Yurye Psionic Dominator, masterful crowd control capabilities and incredibly destructive all range combatant though reliant on crowd control for defence. Strong cooperative bonus with Samus, great with the other duodecimarchs.)
[x]: Aronim (Elerya's brother. Melee damage focused psion, decently tanky, hits really, really hard with his psionic abilities in CQC; like just melts things he gets into scraps with and crits out the ass. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters, especially Elerya whom he gains a twin bonus with.)
[x]: Kid Win (Masterforce tinker, highly generalistic, good at dealing with tech based enemies. Strong cooperative bonuses with Samus.)
[x]: Lelithax (Ex-Druchii Sorceress, somewhat racist. Heavily debuff and malediction focused caster character who has pretty good defences of her own and can handle herself a bit in melee. Strong cooperative bonus with Alyrsero for being twin siblings. Cooperative bonus with all other eldar characters.)
[x]: Warpath (Megatank Autobot, extremely durable, great firepower, incredible strength and hard hitting prowess. Not very fast, but gives a command bonus to whatever squad he deploys with and works great with autobots.
[x]: Bulkhead (very Tanky melee combat focused Wrecker, Incarnate expert in engineering and fortification)
[x]: Glory Girl (Tanky brawler, augmented by restore station and incarnate power making her shield recover a lot faster, has toughened her flesh to the point of nuke tanking, and multiplying her strength and reflexes considerably, asked for, developed energy projection abilities from her incarnate prowess)


-[1]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
-[2]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] the Protectorate
[3] the Destroyahs
[4] Space Pirates
[5] the Rikti


The task was as always, theoretically simple but practically complex. Take out the ritual of these daemon worshippers, save the city and perhaps the world. Your were committed, you had to spent your life training to be the hero; to be the Paladin in shining armour. You could make the difference, you were good enough to be here. Among heroes and gods and gloried warriors. Perhaps you are just Sevrin, but Sevrin Edgar Agard is no weakling nor coward. He does not shy away, he does not refuse the challenge, even if his star may be forever outshined by those greater than himself. And speaking of.

"Aggie, a word please." You said as the sight of Astartes, Section 13, and Night Sentinel craft overhead dueling with the aircraft and monsters of five armies briefly called your attention upwards before you looked back down, ignoring the sound of a Heldrake crashing into the ground while Samus tore off its head and incinerated its interior in a burst of white hot flashes. Greater warriors than yourself yes...

"What is it?" She said, turning her attention over to you as she pulled away from her recently concluded duel with a duo of Space Pirate Assault troopers, her cannon switching modes as their corpses hit the ground in ashen pieces. Her voice was a bit sweet, curious really, though you had an inkling she had sensed what you were going to say.

"We must move as a unit if we are to carry out this plan of Samus', we can barely keep track of your movements sometimes." You said, taking a moment to check your team's positions on your neuralnet. The Slayer was growing impatient, Taylor was still observing the group, Vista was sticking close with Arne who was virtually glued to Samus and Alyrsero. And you two were off on a tangent.

"I work best in the dark Sevrin. How am I supposed to eliminate the big prey before it reaches you if I stick with the group?" She said, looking towards you as you sighed.

"We need every gun we can have on station Aggie. Besides, the bigger fights will be where the foe must concentrate their firepower, no?" You said, trying to cheer her up when you sensed she was more than a bit sceptical.

"Vista and Alyrsero cannot take hits, if the foe reaches them and we are lacking in those who can draw their attention away, they have little time to pull back before they are dead. Best to deal with the assassins first. Arne and Samus are the frontliners, you and I? We are secondaries. Always will be." She said, almost sounding resentful at that as she sighed and shook her head.

"Aggie, we are equals no? None of us leads." You said, though both yourself and her knew that you didn't really believe that.

"Destiny moves around their threads most tightly, Sevrin. Why take it from them?" She said with a sound of exhaustion in her voice. Not physical, but mental. "I may as well have my fun if I am to live in the shade." She said wryly before you huffed.

"Well...perhaps we could make it a contest? Who will do best in the brawl to come. Or rather who can save the most?" You offered, trying to play to her fun loving side. The thrill of battle and her desire to show that she was someone who belonged in this group of the fantastical.

"Or maybe, we could just see if we can't do more good than we did the last time the four of us fought as one?" You added, it would be better to approach this cooperatively than competetively after all.

"Alright, but try to keep up Sevrin." She said, cocking her arm cannon while you produced your rapier and shield and stepped forwards while the Doom Slayer cracked his knuckles.

"A pleasure to see that you will be joining us. Now keep in mind, the forces of Khorne feed off of violence committed in pointless rage. Never lose sight of the purpose for why you fight. Don't fight simply because you hate the foe. It's alright to have righteous rage in your heart, but it cannot be your sole reason to shed blood." He explained briskly, folding his hands beneath his cloak and looking ahead while you played with the cape that one of the upgrades had added to your armour in response...capes were cool.

"Well, I don't really know these...Cornates, so I think that won't be a problem for me." Taylor said, folding up the wings of her costume.

"Khornates." Alyrsero corrected.


"Es ist keine Zeit für Spiele, jetzt Miss Hebert." That got a blink out of her as she stared briefly at the Eldar before you couldn't help but corpse. Perhaps at the sheer absurdity of your situation as you were making dumb jokes while the world was quite literally getting dragged to hell, but then, how could anyone stay sane if they tried to envision the totality of the suffering people faced every day?

"I've got someone else sending signals...do any of you know someone called Trazyn the Infinite?" Samus said, Alyrsero almost snapping his head towards her as if she had grown a second head, the movement so quick as to create a whiplike sound from the sound barrier's protestations.

"...The Collector. Yes, contact him immediately. His technology would be able to shut down some of the Chaos energies flowing freely from the vortex at the heart of the ritual site. Much besides, the Empathic obliterator would devastate these hive minded monstrosities. I must advise caution though, Pylon fields will quench many more esoterical capabilities and qualities of yourselves, do not get too close to the Pariah stones once the Infinite has made use of them." Alyrsero said with an almost breathtakingly rapid explosion of words that gave you the impression that he didn't consider that a particularly large amount of words to say without pause.

"The Space Pirates will be following us above anyone else, stick close to us, don't stray unless you think you can take them on." Samus said as she pumped her arm cannon while a blood curdling howl roared over the crackle of flames and the strange cries of unusual weapons.

The water from burst pipe mains began to thicken and redden into the iron stink of blood, fire began to take on angrier, more crimson shapes and hues, concrete started to fuse into ivory bone and asphalt into jagged obsidian while steel took on the colour of burnished brass. Rage made the air shudder, scornful and spark with embers that burned and then fizzled in and out of existence. The ground began to fight itself, jagged edges stabbing into and grinding against one another while bestial noises sounded in the distance.

From the veil of the othersea as was seen by your awakened warp-potential and the warp-visor, the Daemons of Khorne tore their way into reality with bloody intent in their hatefilled eyes.

TIme to get dangerous then.


You leapt into the fray, Vengeur Solaire in your left hand, cannon sparking to life to fire the miniature suns of the Illmuorath, lances of brilliant radiant energy streaming out in the hateful storyflesh of the daemons who recoiled at the luminous judgement of the Radiant Father made manifest. Daemons crumbled into storystuff pulled into the other side, your HUD giving you a feed on the rest of your team. You had to be careful as the ground changed near you constantly, always seeking blood, trying to gnaw at your shielding whenever you were solid.

Samus was moving with Arne, Vista and the Slayer to take the speartip; the Slayer rushing in with his usual speed, Samus going through a heldrake with her screw attack, Arne pulling a clanking daemon engine like some massive tick to the ground and crushing it, Vista making the footsteps of a horde of machines of bloody red countenance dripping in congealed gore a thousand times shorter before accelerating the Slayer like a cannonball, his impact shattering the soundbarrier and the frame of some mantid like stalk-tank before its pulse lasers could roar to life.

Behind you, Agafya had moved perpendicular to you, taking on a howling three headed greater daemon wreathed in plate armour, a cerberus like werewolf whose backside sprouted five fire fanged serpent heads. The creature's claws made arcs of flame, the narrative of a bloody death for cowards writing itself in the air, you assisted her with a shot of your Illmuorath subweapon, scalding chunks of it away, twisting the story of its being to one of defeat. She took a hit, but she shoved her shashka into the creature's chest after blasting its arm aside with her cannon.

Alyrsero drew in the power of the warp, the crackling energies dancing around the runes he threw up into the air to orbit around him to assist his psychic might, an old power running through both his bloodlines exuding from him and through his staff. It pulsed as he bent fate around to prevent blows by a bloodthrister wielding a massive great axe from landing on Vista, letting her get the lucky hit with a projectile she launched and boosted with her spacewarping abilities to knock the daemon off of one foot, the Eldar twirling his staff and stabbing it through the head to banish it from whence it came.

Taylor was making call outs, pointing where to go with her swarm that was able to survive the hellish conditions, providing extra eyes and ears while she shifted into a cephalopod like form, flying up and then releasing pulsating spheres of darkness. Skeletal Daemons pulled their way from the ground, burning things of bloody bone hungering for skulls, axes in one hand and shields in another. Ranged attacks hit them, but not with as much force as they should, almost diminished somehow.

"Daemons are living stories, you can rarely slay the villain of the narrative with so impersonal a tool. Strike closer!" Alyrsero shouted as he weaved out of a line of swings, spinning his two headed spear to stop brass hammers swung by thick bodied rhinoceros like monstrosities made of living metal from hitting him. Taylor grimaced, you could sense her unease as the Slayer ran around a Minotaur in powered plate armour, double barelled shotgun getting it to stagger repeatedly before he grabbed it by the horns and threw it into the mass of Brazen Maulers swarming Alyrsero.

She entered black dwarf form and smashed fists meant to be swung against the gravity of a pulsar into the mass, roaring to call the attention of foes to herself to break themselves against her degenerate matter hide. You moved in to help, letting her take the front while you struck at foes approaching her from the rear, a graceful swing of your blade splitting open many more daemons. Your rapier dancing around the sizzling arcs of a fire-red heated hellblade, striking into the blade and then breaking it with a twist before hacking the Bloodletter apart, as you had hundreds of its kin.

Yet they kept coming to the sounds of violence. They died gladly, their forms disintegrating into whatever hell they crawled out of to petition their lord to return to the materium at some point. There was nothing to be lost but some standing. They would be back, and all of this; this was just their chance to burn something that would stay burnt.

You could see it in the eyes of a herald; a Bloodtaker of Khorne who swung a blade in each hand. More skilled than many of the Bloodthirsters you had fought. Through the holes of its helm, you could see a burning desire to take your head, it was all it existed to do. It was all it could do.

You sent blazing agony into its body with a stab through its shoulder after breaking through its guard, pulling back to avoid the swings of the other three of its kind who had come to try and mob you, attempting to get at Taylor who was being swarmed with skinless bloodred reptilian dogs, all trying to chomp into her body, sinking teeth into her neutronium hide even though such should have been impossible. She yelpt as she bled, a hide that had shrugged off everything before punctured even in small part making her react with quick anger and slamming her foes into each other.

But they did not fall, twisting themselves back into fighting shape, the Daemon fighting through anathema to its nature to try and stab into you, your shielding flashing as its layers took the hit. Even through all of your defenses you could feel a burning hatred, the flames of anger writhing like a beast. A monster on the other side, a story of gory slaughter wrapped around a snarling thing of teeth and blades.

You danced, it swung, you were faster, your strikes deadlier, your skill greater. Blades that had felled space marines and aspect warriors failing to find a gap in your defences trained by timeless elders who made you the superior of those with millions of years of experience in technique. You struck home, feeling the storyflesh part around your blade before you cut apart. It parted, broke asunder, pieces of its story carved away by the solar avenger and hacked apart as it was split in twain and thrown into the abyss of the empyrean with wounds it would never heal.

But they were not intimidated by it, blood must be shed, as it always was and always had to be. And the greater the warrior, the more worthy the skull to present to the skull throne. You saw it now, the fury, the murderlust that would rage until there was nothing left to satiate it on. You could feel the violence in your chest, hear its thunder in your ears, sense its quake in your gut, taste its bloody fruit in your mouth.

Kill everything, kill them all. Kill because you hate them. Slaughter because you cannot stand to look at the things in front of you. Fight because you cannot go another day knowing that the evil in front of you exists. Kill, because the only meaningful thing to do with life is end it.

No, you would not. You looked back, at the city, the fire, the screams, the shattered lives and broken bodies. You looked at your allies and friends. Taylor who stood valiantly against a swarm of winged daemons that ripped their way free from the bloody carcass of a muscle bound cultist in the tatters of a police uniform once his blood was shed, teleporting the people on the other side away. You saw Samus and Arne standing back to back, fire leaping from their arm cannons as they spun in a circle, arm in arm, a torrent of multi-coloured beam death that consumed Destroyah warrior forms crawling towards them, giving Vanguard troops a chance to pull back before being overwhelmed.

Agafya who dragged a space pirate spider commando-tank back off of its feet through its strong-force adhesive systems towards you, for your luminous weapons to annihilate after freezing with your secondary weapons so that Autobot forces trying to advance through were not overwhelmed by the skittering apartment complex sized monstrosity. Vista, who was holding back the vast masses of the protectorate who were trying to pour in from the side, threatening to swarm over the ramparts that were keeping civilians beelining towards Alyrsero's infinity gate torn open by his telekinesis safe.

You were fighting for a reason, for a purpose beyond mere fury against what was in front of you. To protect friends, to protect allies, to shelter those who were not able or ready for a fight of this scale. So that one day, this place would never have to fear things such as these.

Okay maybe not the Doom Slayer who was already knee deep in daemons crumbling around him.



The Khornates were butchers without restraint or purpose. The simple act of slaughter in acts of rage was enough to fuel them. Aronim, being a user of psionic melee methods, could feel it in his bones, his heart beating like a drum and his mind screaming as he tried to shut out the inferno like fury of the blades of the Blood God. A cape with the ability to shift their matter structure down to the subatomic level who had been keeping up with them; shifting their body into forms able to shrug off nuclear weapons with only a bit of being tossed around found that the Khornates were all to willing to finish the job the space pirates had started with almost disemboweling them if it weren't for Dinomax and Lelithax's abilities to heal them.

A berserker that stood like some manner of giant chopped through a Vanguard Mystic Swordmaster, swinging their axe through a gap in the impervium armour to tear open their neck rushed them before anyone could get to the cape. A swing with the axe released a cutting shockwave that carved its way through some of Eudaimonica's demons whose hellborn bodies fell in heaps. Elerya; busy with trying to hold back the barrage of shellfire from the looming shapes of chaos titans, could not spare the attention to the berserker while also shutting out the psionic noise of hatred and protectorate screeching.

Aronim tried to move, just a bit too slow, the Berzerker's fist snapping into a motion to block Aronim's wrist generated psi-blade before the daemon axe in their other hand split the mattershifter cape in twain. One, two, three slices that carved someone who should have been hard as the diamond core of a white dwarf in raggedy halves, the axe drinking the blood it spilled before shrieking as it swept around to him. Sonic whipcracks racing imperceptibly slow between the two of their movements as the mouthpiece of the helmet made fangs and roared at the boy. He tried his best to intercept the frenzied swings of the Berzerker, but a blow landed onto his vondun crab armour's shoulder and screamed its way into the symbiont's bio-metal carapace.

"Your skull will be younger than most offered to him, but will find a place of honour all the same." The Champion snarled as the other hand's lightning claws clasped into place and stabbed forwards, trying to burn their way through the Yurye's armour. He was scared, he could feel the desire to rip his blood out of his veins screaming at him, he could see the fire and blood in all directions, the Berzerker's armour splattered with the viscera of many species, even blue energon.

Chris had other ideas, and the Berserker was forced to turn around and intercept a blast from a massive accelerator cannon that would have overpenetrated a row of skyscrapers, striking into it with his daemon axe long enough to shift it away and get around the blue-white blast. Aronim took the chance and threw a telekinetic purple construct of a fist before swinging a psi-lash that struck the champion upside the head, throwing them aside for Lelithax to tear open a pit of shades and give them a taste of the howling vortex of darkness that hungered for all light and solidity.

Aronim panted, looking at Glory Girl holding up the foot of a massive mechanical spider leaking blood from the joints of its red brassy body, trying to stop it from stomping down on Bulkhead who was nursing an injury from a Pirate Commando whose lower half was right next to him. The machine then shuddered and fell over, its lower half missing after a series of bright flashes and a devastating collision, Samus walking forwards and offering a wave; offering her handto Victoria as she shoved the jet sized leg of the machine aside.

"Glad you could make it..." She said, her voice quiet. Trying to swallow her emotions.

"Hey Samus...are you hurt at all?" Victoria asked, voice clearly filled with concern as she was met with a shrug.

"I'm fine. But this city...can you rebuild it, with the technology you have?" She asked, sorrow tinging her tone.

"Well...they could rebuild Warsaw and Hiroshima. It might be worth a try." She said, folding her arms and smiling.

"Hey...I don't know about you but, I think I'm....starting to mentally tucker out." Aronim breathed, sucking in air and letting it back out through the filters of his helmet, the bio-metal of his armour regenerating. The screaming could still be heard at the back of his mind, a warmth that threatened to overwhelm all sense and a drive to push him to take out every frustration he could. Why help this stupid city full of stupid people who just stupidly let stupid villains do whatever they want and every stupid person seems to be wallowing in despair? Why not just let it burn....why....

Because he was born of fire too. It was hard to shut out the anguish of so many dying people. But he couldn't let every voice in, or he'd not function at all. Like humans, Yurye were not bred for war. Anguish and angst gnawed at his soul, and the laughter of hungering daemons echoed in the back of his mind as he looked at his gauntleted hands and saw red all over his armour. He was a killer now, he had taken the step of ending lives. A step he was always scared of taking...especially when he realised that doing so let him quench some of the hurt.

"I've got...ughn....the closer I get to the ritual the louder it gets. And I...I'm not sure if I can do this you know? I usually fight like, people. Or at least things with goals and speeches and...this is just..." He wheezed, doubling over, his psionic wings dim.

"We have to go ahead. We can't stop when we're so close to ending this. It's not time for a break when there's so much at stake! There's already been so much destroyed, we can't just slow down now!" Samus said, Elerya descending near her brother after Imperial Titans had relieved her of the need to fight their chaotic counterparts, strain apparent in the colour of her thoughts as she almost stumbled when she landed.

"Samus...you might be a war machine but we're just, superheroes you know? Most of the fights we have aren't even with people who want to seriously hurt us. Just, give us a minute and we'll catch up." She said, keeping her composure as best as she could.

"No! If we leave you behind you'll-" Samus shouted.

"What?" Elerya asked.

"You'll die if you stay behind." She said more quietly.

"Nobody gets split up." She said, trying to look away from the towering creatures of warpflame dueling with equally towering things of hellfire summoned by Eudaimonica; away from the space pirate strafing runs, away from the towering things of metal and nanites, away from the monstrous roars of primordial shellbeasts, away from the Alien-Hybrid war machine relentlessly pressing its advance. Just at the ground, where she couldn't see the blazes, couldn't see the heat and hate.

"We can handle ourselves. You've got a warshade with you. We can just get teleported to you if well...if things get bad....worse then they are now." She said.

"Besides, you've got someone knee deep in the dead already." She said, gesturing to the Slayer who had busily extracted a blazing sword of hellish energy from the form of a possessed chaos space marine.

"We'll catch up...promise..." She said as Samus turned and sighed before nodding as Arne cut in rather literally, sliding down the sliced halves of a massive tick like warmachine.

"We need to go, the..." Arne said before the clouds of the sky began to congeal into a rain of blood, Pirate Commando teams dropping in via teleport nearby, a thunderclap and a wave of orange lights cutting into the swarm of hellthings crawling from the bloodstorm.

Many unprotected beings caught in the hell rain though began to change, twisting, shaping into things of brutal red muscle and sinew and eyes filling with the flames of rage, others taking on more bonelike, brassy, fiery, volcanic, militarised or other such abhorrent transformations as the power of Khorne started to wax and the faint image of a great flaming skull wrote itself into the sky.

"...They're going to...I'll let Alyrsero explain." Arne said.

"They will seek to turn this planet into a daemon world and from there plunge an ever larger portion of this galaxy, likely beyond, into a realm of Khorne. I'm not sure how, or why this planet in particular, but the Khornates will soon be ready to release a rage plague that will drive a widening area into the hate maddened things you're seeing now; the world will drown in its own blood and the warp will swallow the planet." The Eldar said briskly over the communications link.

"Mrhm, the Space Pirates are also preparing a negation-bomb." Agafya said over the link, the sounds of crunching bodies confirming she was still in the middle of a fight.

"...Negation bomb? That sounds bad like...negating what?" Victoria said.

"Thought Negation Bomb. It's a psionic decimation device that kill all unshielded living things capable of thought, mechanical or organic, matter or energy. Very effective against thought based beings like these ah...Daemons yes?" Sevrin said.

"Based on the device type I estimate a blast radius of about...hrm maybe analogy will work better. If you are closer to Los Angeles than Vancouver is well...poof. The four of us would survive but ah, most of you will not be so lucky." Sevrin added, trying to maintain good cheer.

"...Wait, like...a Halo device?" Chris asked.

"...From the video game?" Arne asked, clearly confused.

"Come on man we beat legendary co-op together don't do this to me." Chris said, flinching at the sound of some titanic thing roaring as it bulldozed into an equally titanic machine, looking over to see a Destroyer the size of a Skyscraper knock into a Chaos Warbringer class titan. "Shit...." He muttered under his breath as fists slammed into one another with enough force to cause buildings to crumble to dust around them, laser horn slamming into an evil aura of blood and hate.

"...Wasting time!" Samus hissed.

"Hey, wheeljack here, if you can get me to that bomb I think I could reprogram it, focus it on just the daemons. Now, some of you might be able to do it, but well; you guys are more needed fighting." An autobot voice crackled in.

"What would that do?" Kid Win asked, turning straight to Alyrsero as Vista panted by his side and Aronim slowly picked himself up to his feet.

"Give us enough of an opening to dispel the Bloodstorm before it goes critical. I expect that their goreseers and Skull-Marshals will be wise to the trick and a fight will be on our way however." Alyrsero said, breathing hard before he flicked his head over towards the sight of a massive dark red and bone coloured war machine tossing a large protectorate tank aside, nanites crumbling in its right claw.

"We have secured much of this city, young warriors. I am Commander Davian Thule of the Imperium of the Novem Imperium, I ask that you point the Blood Ravens to the foe so that we may bring this terror to its appointed end." He boomed with a deep baritone. Accompanying him was Akia, a High Librarian of the Chapter, the skull helmed Diomedes, Black-plated Master of Sanctity of the Chapter, and Grand Librarian Mystra; her own Dreadnought body comparable in scale to Thule's own, though painted blue as was the Librarium's traditions.

Then more of them, an entire conclave of Librarians and Battle Wizards of the Blood Ravens, clad either in blue or the colour of their associated wind of magic. Squads of psykers ready to clear a path through the darkness, with a throng of terminators, close combat experts, and dreadnoughts ready to make the push.

Samus took a moment to look upon the space marines, hesitant, feeling the intention of violence woven into their bodies, a coiled predator waiting to be unleashed. Created for war and all things relating to it. Yet they would need her to be the spear and the shield into the maelstrom of this crisis.

"We have overheard what your Eldar has said. We do not have much time left." He said as he rotated the barrels of the massive gatling gun on his other arm, already scanning for a target.

"With me." Samus said, gulping and looking at the continually worsening frenzy spreading from the centre of orange county.


The Slayer was already there, his double barelled steel sword belching a spray of hate into the snarling face of a winged creature red in tooth and claw dripping blood, stunning it long enough for his doom blade to emerge from his other hand and stab into the chest of the creature and pull up as it disintegrated around his killing tool.

He could feel that they were not the same demons he was used to fighting. Creatures of story and emotion rather than sin and folly.

He didn't care in the slightest, the demonic that dared to raise its tools in anger against those who could not fight back had no place in this world. They were wrath, fury, rage, and anger. He was all those things, but try as they might, he could not be tempted. Khorne had nothing to offer him, and the divinity shard within him locked his anger to himself. They would get nothing from him.

And they deserved nothing. Why should they get a damn thing when they've left this sort of ruin? This charnel house of the pig-stench of the dead and the dying, these twisted things of chaos and self-destructive fury that would only end in their own deaths. This abattoir of fire, blood, brass, and skulls?

No...they wouldn't get anything from him, nothing but what they had coming to them.

The girl with the green cannon was approaching him, he could feel fury in her own heart. It was impossible not to, not with the way she tore into the aliens who seemed to delight in finding those who could not fight back on equal terms with them, the way they danced around their victims, making them hurt before digging in for the crimson feast. He could see in those young eyes something he recognised.

Loss, grief, rage, and a profound thirst for justice.

He was impressed, giving her a nod of approval as she smashed one of the insectoid troopers heads into the pavement faster than their teleport out could stop its skull and helmet from disintegrating into plasma from the violence of the impact of her hand and its face into the ground. He could respect that fury, as long as she knew where to turn it.

He would have to keep an eye on these ones, see where they were going, how they were progeressing. Taking a Daemon pushed towards him by the shockwaves from one of her tackle and running it through with his blade, turning his plasma gun around to pepper a Space Pirate trooper long enough to make it turn towards him and let Samus smash into them with the frenzy of energy represented by her screw attack. Shielding and armour and bodies crumbling into bosons and preons as she frontflipped through.

They were a blaze, a torch, a spear through the darkness. And the girl who was two; brown hair, shifting forms, making call outs from what she could see with the insects she filtered her mind through in tandem with the visions and technology of the others; she seemed almost eager to show she could handle this. There was fear there, she almost panicked when engaged by a bloodthirster, but she was brave enough to stay in the game, coordinating with the others to take down the red thing of hate and fury.

But there was something in the way. Always something in the way, another foe falling before him as he took a moment to scan and realise the threat before him as bloody carcasses and the bones of the fallen were pulled together to something pushing against the skin of reality, feeling the empyrean twist and bend as Eldar and Space Marine tried to seal the wounds in the skin of the materium.

But Alyrsero fell to the ground with agonised sounds as he was slammed back by whatever was pushing through, Vista, Taylor, Clockblocker, and the other merely human heroes came down to a knee, and an autobot trooper fell over, blood leaking from every socket in an impossible display as tendrils grabbed onto the metal and used them to shape the body of what sought to come through.

Metal twisted into plate, and a hand of red and brass grabbed at the haft of an axe, clad in plate armour stenciled with scenes of violence and wreathed in flame. A helmed head like a skull with horns of blades sneered out at the world, magmatic heat roiling from its body like some beast of revelations as the ground melted into pools of fiery blood and molten brass around it. Lava like runes glowed on its armour, and a tail that ended in a flail flicked from its posterior while wings of spears and blades spread from its back.

At its side came eight other daemons, its praetorian guard, one a bloodthirster wielding a massive two handed axe. One a three-headed lupine creature known as a Cerbergore with claws that crackled with flame. One a thing of fire and ash with a face twisted with hate known as a Pyroclasm. One a living volcano with the proportions of an ogre and a halberd of fury called an Obsidian Destroyer. One an eight limbed scorpion thing with six arms, two ending in scythe blades, two in pincers, and two in carapaced fists with a barbed tail called a Scorporath. One a Brass monster with a heavy gun and a wicked maul known as a Brass Beast. Another a beast of bones and gristle with a skull head wielding hammer and shield dubbed a Skullking. And finally a humanoid heap of weapons and armour in the shape of a massive armour plated humanoid warrior with massive guns emerging from its arms known as a warmaker.

Each of its guards a captain of greater daemons in its own right, bound to the mighty Grand Prince before them.

"I am Kashragar the Eviscerator, Destroyer of a Thousand Galaxies. Your advance into the Blood God's chosen sacrifice ends here." She said with barely constrained menace as her guards called forth their own lieutenants and sergeants, Samus pushing the Slayer behind her so that she would be the first to confront them.

"Child of tragedy...why come here for a world not your own? How many more important battles do you waste by coming here? To fight for these striplings who so desperately need you to give them aid and succour." She said with a voice like a feminine grumbling volcano and grinding metal.

"Because everyone who cries for help when the night comes for them or trembles in outrage at every injustice is my friend." She said with anger boiling inside.

"Naive." She snarled back.


With the aid of the Blood Ravens, Section 13, Necrons, and Autobots the city is now 75% clear of threats.

A Grand Daemon Princess and her escort are challenging Samus before they are able to cross to seal the blood tide.

Space Pirate forces are rallying for a special operation.

The Protectorate's summoner has been destroyed by Tarkus' strike teams.

The Destroyahs are in retreat with the deployment of cryogenic heroes.

The Rikti are hunkering down to dig in for the long war.

The Khornates are surging forward with the blood rain.

Team emotional state is steady.

All characters at full health.

Team B is ready to fight.

Team C and D are still occupied with leftover protectorate forces.


Team Strategy: Pick five priorities and set from greatest to least.

[]: Civilian Defence (Defend civilians at the line of battle)
[]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)
[]: Reconnaissance (find out where the foe is and what they're doing)
[]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[]: Ally assistance (try to shore up the efforts of friendly military forces and pick up more team members to get eight people)
[]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[]: Fire Break (Contain any enemy advances and eliminate these pockets of advance to keep frontlines stable
[]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)
[]: DISTRACTION CARNIFEX!!! (Make the most noise possible to pull as much attention to yourselves as you can, drawing forces away from allies and civilians at obvious risk to yourself.)

Write in Team Tactics and Character Actions:

Write in specific tactics for the team to try such as ordering gunship bombing runs, attempting tandem warp attacks, certain patterns of attack the team should try out like the duodecimarchs clearing out organics to let Vista wreck mechanical foes or vista stretching space to let Alyrsero's casting reach farther than it should.

Then write in one specific action for each of the six characters such as say: Arne should comfort Samus' anxieties, Vista should keep close to Arne so he can meatshield for her, Sevrin should try to rein in Agafya's combat high, Alyrsero should try to scry enemy intentions or show Samus some tricks in the warp to learn how to divine foes better, Samus should try to slice into Rikti comm channels, or Agafya should go kill some big units. You could also try to use their smarts to set up some sort of device or cunning trick.

Other Team Priorities: (Same as last post's)

(Order priorities for the team on a per-team basis. 1 will be pursued unless impossible, 2 will be pursued unless it contradicts 1, 3 will only be pursued when there is nothing else to do or if it would not distract from 1 and 2. If applicable, such as with Annihilation, state enemies in order of preference to focus on.)

Enemy factions:
Blades of Khorne
Space Pirate Confederacy
Rikti Lineage of War
Destroyah Swarm
Electronic Protectorate Infinite Army

[]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
[]: Denial (Prevent the enemy from seizing certain points or items of interest)
[]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)
[]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
[]: Commando Ops (Seize important locations or take out important enemy strongpoints such as leaders or vital infrastructure, favours sneakier teams)
[]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
Nice update! I'll let someone else of the playerbase make up a plan this time, but if one isn't made tonight I'll make one tomorrow.
[X] Plan "Party Over Here"

[1]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[2]: Ally assistance (try to shore up the efforts of friendly military forces and pick up more team members to get eight people)
[3]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)
[4]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[5]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)

Team Tactics

-Got to beat the princess and her mini bosses to get through.
-Doomslayer takes the lead.
-Let the Blood Ravens take as much of the combat as they want, they are the experts
-Lots of tanking while less defensive combatants focus fire on one daemon at a time.
-Vista and Taylor use their powers to draw people into the action via warps and bug signals.
-It's gonna be a big battle royale. This is where the party is.

Character Actions

-Arne should try to lead by example and keep Samus focussed on protecting the world, not going berserk
-Samus should try to keep her cool, She can't fight anger with anger
-Sevrin should project a righteous attitude to keep up morale
- Go ahead and let Agafya enjoy herself
-Vista can act as a force multiplier and aid in defending others
- Alysero should coordinate with the Collector

Other Team Priorites: (tl;dr Team 2 should head to the boss fight, 3 and 4 keep fighting where they are)

Team 2:

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Denial (Prevent the enemy from seizing certain points or items of interest)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

Enemy factions:
[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] Space Pirate Confederacy
[3] Protectorate
[4] Rikti Lineage of War
[5] Destroyah Swarm

Team 3

-[1]: Commando Ops (Seize important locations or take out important enemy strongpoints such as leaders or vital infrastructure, favours sneakier teams)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] Blades of Khorne
[3] Space Pirates
[4] the Destroyahs
[5] the Rikti

Team 4

-[1]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
-[2]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] space Pirates
[3] Protectorate
[4] Destroyah
[5] the Rikti
[X] Plan: The End is Near, but let's stop the bleeding

[1]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[2]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[3]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)
[4]: Reconnaissance (find out where the foe is and what they're doing)
[5]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)

Team Tactics
- Fight the Deamon Princess
-- the Duodecimarchs will act as a team and target the more mobile of Khorne's forces, keeping up with them and using multiple areas/types of attack to keep them from targeting the rest of the group
-- Vista will try to use her powers to tear at the more attached weapons of Khorne's forces, disarming them both figuratively and literally at the ones whose bodies are little more then metal weapons
-- Alyrsero will attempt to focus fire on the Deamons/Servants of Khorne he feels are the most Dangerous to the whole group
-- Doomguy will act as a guard to the casters, using his arsenal as he sees fit. (Eldar and other squishy ranged fighters) while they target/focus fire on the commanding individuals of Khorne's forces
-- Taylor will use her control over local gravity to hamper enemy forces, increasing it over them and if able crushing them into paste
-- Team 2 will try and act as support to the others/ fight alongside the Doomguy in keeping the more fragile safe from the attacks

Character Actions
--Arne should try to lead by example and keep Samus focussed on protecting the world, not going berserk
--Vista keeps her head down and try to remain away from too much of the action
--Sevrin should project a righteous attitude to keep up morale
--Alyrsero should try to get into contact with the Collector and request his aid in ridding this world of the Khornate attack
-- Samus will Focus on keeping the people and her friends safe and not on the anger
-- Agafya will try to Fight the Cerbergore
-- Taylor try to keep Agafya relativly safe in her reckless actions
-- Doomguy will keep the more fragile of the party safe

Other Team Priorities:

Team 2: (Fighting with Team One against the Princess)
[x]: Ormothin (Exodite Eldar jade mage, best heals and supports, makes your booboos go away very quickly while he's on the field, can make plants into allies and empower allies with the strength of life itself. Okayish at melee.)
[x]: Idaliryn (Lumineth Swordknight, close quarters blender with a mix of offensive and support magic but limited crowd control. Cooperative bonus with all Eldar.
[x]: Clarioli (Ithilyani factor-mage, crafter, has a lot of robots, will get random crafting ideas from deployment, very tanky and good at most ranges, great against tech based foes. Bonus with all Eldar)
[x]: Clockblocker (Parahuman striker, with enhancements and explorer suit is quite durable, versatile, and fast and is able to remove select combatants from the fight temporarily or lethally clothesline them with his cables.)
[x]: Silverbolt (Autobot aerialbot, aerial focused melee and ranged combatant; very effective against organic enemies. Good cooperative bonus with Samus)
[x]: Korlanil (Ynnari death mage, very good at making things dead, makes bad jokes, can also stop or reverse death with some effort, gets power from people dying near him. Bonus with all Eldar.)
[x]: Positron (All-rounder incarnate powered tech-user, especially great range damage and support)
[x]: Cerebro (Thinker with amazing powers of deduction, physiology and durability enhanced by restore station, explorer suit, and incarnate shard; all rounder but somewhat low damage combatant, excellent tactician though)

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Denial (Prevent the enemy from seizing certain points or items of interest)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] Space Pirate Confederacy
[3] Rikti Lineage of War
[4] Destroyah Swarm
[5] Electronic Protectorate Infinite Army

Team 3:
[x]: Bumblebee (Autobot Scout master, reconnaissance and infiltration focused CQC combatant, broadly effective against anything lighter than superheavy. Very good cooperative bonuses with non-adult characters)
[x]: Kaeliyae (Eldar Harlequin Shadowseer, Illusionist and extremely agile close range combatant, very good at turning large numbers of enemies against themselves. Gains a cooperative bonus if deployed with Alyrsero, and a lesser one for all other Eldar characters. )
[x]: Elendria (Aesvaul mage-knight, best tank among the Eldar, very good at stopping squishies from getting hit, hits hard herself especially in close combat, can get ideas for stuff to forge from the encounter.)
[x]: Nightcaster (Debuff and ranged damage focused shadow sorcerer. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Eudaimonica (Demon-summoning sorceress, all rounder minion focused character, has supports and ranged damage too. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters.)
[x]: Windblade (Flying autobot focused on CQC and aerial combat, general purpose combatant and psychic. Works great with bumblebee)
[x]: Penelopye Yin (Primal Earth's most powerful psion, all-rounder)
[x]: Flechette (Extreme armour piercing ranged attacker, squishy in CQC)

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)
-[3]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)

[1] Electronic Protectorate Infinite Army
[2] Blades of Khorne
[3] Rikti Lineage of War
[4] Space Pirate Confederacy
[5] Destroyah Swarm

Team 4:
[x]: Dinomax (Metahuman mastermind, summoning, melee damage, and support focused. On one hand, no cooperative bonuses. On the other: D I N O S A U R S)
[x]: Elerya (Yurye Psionic Dominator, masterful crowd control capabilities and incredibly destructive all range combatant though reliant on crowd control for defence. Strong cooperative bonus with Samus, great with the other duodecimarchs.)
[x]: Aronim (Elerya's brother. Melee damage focused psion, decently tanky, hits really, really hard with his psionic abilities in CQC; like just melts things he gets into scraps with and crits out the ass. Strong cooperative bonus with other starsetters, especially Elerya whom he gains a twin bonus with.)
[x]: Kid Win (Masterforce tinker, highly generalistic, good at dealing with tech based enemies. Strong cooperative bonuses with Samus.)
[x]: Lelithax (Ex-Druchii Sorceress, somewhat racist. Heavily debuff and malediction focused caster character who has pretty good defences of her own and can handle herself a bit in melee. Strong cooperative bonus with Alyrsero for being twin siblings. Cooperative bonus with all other eldar characters.)
[x]: Warpath (Megatank Autobot, extremely durable, great firepower, incredible strength and hard hitting prowess. Not very fast, but gives a command bonus to whatever squad he deploys with and works great with autobots.
[x]: Bulkhead (very Tanky melee combat focused Wrecker, Incarnate expert in engineering and fortification)
[x]: Glory Girl (Tanky brawler, augmented by restore station and incarnate power making her shield recover a lot faster, has toughened her flesh to the point of nuke tanking, and multiplying her strength and reflexes considerably, asked for, developed energy projection abilities from her incarnate prowess)


-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] Space Pirate Confederacy
[3] Rikti Lineage of War
[4] Destroyah Swarm
[5] Electronic Protectorate Infinite Army
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[X] Plan "Party Over Here"

[1]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[2]: Ally assistance (try to shore up the efforts of friendly military forces and pick up more team members to get eight people)
[3]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)
[4]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[5]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)

Team Tactics

-Got to beat the princess and her mini bosses to get through.
-Doomslayer takes the lead.
-Let the Blood Ravens take as much of the combat as they want, they are the experts
-Lots of tanking while less defensive combatants focus fire on one daemon at a time.
-Vista and Taylor use their powers to draw people into the action via warps and bug signals.
-It's gonna be a big battle royale. This is where the party is.

Character Actions

-Arne should try to lead by example and keep Samus focussed on protecting the world, not going berserk
-Samus should try to keep her cool, She can't fight anger with anger
-Sevrin should project a righteous attitude to keep up morale
- Go ahead and let Agafya enjoy herself
-Vista can act as a force multiplier and aid in defending others
- Alysero should coordinate with the Collector

Other Team Priorites: (tl;dr Team 2 should head to the boss fight, 3 and 4 keep fighting where they are)

Team 2:

-[1]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[2]: Denial (Prevent the enemy from seizing certain points or items of interest)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

Enemy factions:
[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] Space Pirate Confederacy
[3] Protectorate
[4] Rikti Lineage of War
[5] Destroyah Swarm

Team 3

-[1]: Commando Ops (Seize important locations or take out important enemy strongpoints such as leaders or vital infrastructure, favours sneakier teams)
-[2]: Civilian defence & rescue (Ensure that civilians and others who don't want to be there are able to get out safely and don't come under threat)
-[3]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)

[1] the Protectorate
[2] Blades of Khorne
[3] Space Pirates
[4] the Destroyahs
[5] the Rikti

Team 4

-[1]: Containment (Contain spread of enemy forces, favours tankier teams.)
-[2]: Annihilation (Destroy the enemy outright wherever possible. Favours high damage teams.)
-[3]: Mop Up (Go through areas where the enemy may have left stragglers or placed sneaky units to clean them out to prevent flanking or encircling)

[1] Blades of Khorne
[2] space Pirates
[3] Protectorate
[4] Destroyah
[5] the Rikti
I like this plan.
i can see people are liking the idea of making things more chaotic/getting more allies to aid us.

which i can see the appeal of
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I'm not holding my breath on Earth Bet taking this as a wakeup call that they're small fish, no, plankton in this war.

Nor do I think they have the self-awareness to do so.
I'm not holding my breath on Earth Bet taking this as a wakeup call that they're small fish, no, plankton in this war.

Nor do I think they have the self-awareness to do so.
They're going to of course want help, but the idea of forming something like Vanguard/X-COM or becoming part of an alliance whose joint command structure is lead by aliens is likely to ruffle a lot of feathers. Especially stuff like rejigging the economy for war which would make a lot of existing power structures angry.

And the longer the autobots stick around in the open the more the more they get scrutinised for their every action as a bunch of robotic space revolutionaries amidst a setting where there's anti-robot terrorist groups and neo-nazi paramilitaries. Especially as the Decepticons continue to lay low and thus make it hard to corroborate the reports of their threat.

It's one downside to Autobot protocol being to break cover and intervene when indigenous populations cannot be pulled out of harm's way by any other means. If the Decepticons don't also come out of hiding and stick to the shadows it lays seeds of doubt as to whether they're telling the truth. And the fact that they usually have been monitoring the planet for years beforehand adds further suspicion.

Meanwhile, Samus and co are strange, keep out of the direct limelight, don't bother to get involved with standard cape fights more often than not, steer clear of the press, don't even have consistent looks as their armour suits change in appearance every so often, and seem to have a habit of always being followed by major trouble every time they appear before disappearing just as quickly once the situation is resolved. What's known is that they're from another universe from the far future and they say they're power armour users rather than robots and two seem to be female and the other two are male.

However, despite the fact that Primal Earth hash has had contact with aliens going back to time immemorial in the form of the Kheldians and Nictus; Primal Earth is actually more hostile to Alien or Extradimensional capes than Earth Bet. The Rikti War, the constant trouble with the Nictus and their fascist puppets, the Battalion's Shivan scouts, the conflicts with the Weltreich and other alternate timelines such as the Praetorian War, and continual problems caused by beings from supernatural planes like Demons and Fae has been used by many as justificationf or a more publicly acceptable form of bigotry.

Robots are celebrated on Primal Earth, many of the greatest capes are A.Is and while there's some suspicion of Mutants who are regarded as more accident prone with their power than those of other origins, Primal Earth is much chiller with them than Marvel Earth overall. But you have "Earth is for humans, let's keep it that way!" posters just on public billboards put up by the United Nations Vanguard of all things then you know there's a problem. Part of what has kept the Rikti-Primal War going even after both sides found out that the war was started by a deception from Lord Nemesis is only partly due to the Lineage of War's stubborn pride.

The other part is that there are many Primal Earthers who don't want the war to end until the Rikti are wiped out (even with knowing that the Human Hybrid Rikti of Rikti Earth are a great multi-galactic civilisation) and their Homeworld conquered utterly. To the point of trying to force the issue by sending out assassination missions against the people trying to negotiate an end to the conflict on either side; whether it be the Rikti Conclave of Peace from the Traditionalist faction of Rikti society or whether it be U.N ambassadors trying to speak to the Rikti Councils to order Hroh'Dtozh to stand down so they can convince the P5 to rescind their declarations of war.

Primal Earth is brighter and cleaner than Earth Bet but it has a lot of its own deepset problems. And Primal Earth furthermore is growing increasingly paranoid that Earth Bet will be yet another alternate Earth that will try to invade and conquer them like Reich Earth, Council Earth, Midnight Sun Earth (like Reich Earth but with Imperial Japan conquering the world instead), Praetorian Earth, Rikti Earth and many others before them. While of course, the conflict drive is making many Earth Bet capes increasingly more agitated towards their primal counterparts who themselves are rather used to the "standard superhero greeting" of punches to the face.

And don't even get me started on the villains.
Like I said, they're dumbasses.

Even when Chaos is at their doorstep they'll still be idiots as Wildbow wanted for his parahumans to work.

Hell, I can see them try to piss off the Imperium of Man and try to forcefully co-opt them.

I hope they get bitchslapped hard.
Interlude: Flame of Prometheus
"Well, this is definitely different." Keyes had fought demons before, fought alongside them too. But he got a very distinctly different impression from these creatures who were tearing their way out of scenes of violence. One of the closer such things was a creature that seemed to be at once a thing of skinless muscle and exposed bone and a creature of organic metal scales and obsidian scutes, a winged thing like a dragon with the horns of a balrog and a head like a volcanic reptilian skull, eyes ablaze with scenes of infernal destruction, veins bubbling with magma, two pairs of wings stretching from its back and sides to make for a total of eight limbs with a tail ending in axe blades. Its teeth and claws like serrated swords, and its bulk great enough for the beat of its wings to utterly disintegrate two apartment buildings as it tore its way free from the gore of the dead.

He felt a brief flicker of fear in his heart, the way the thing seemed to melt its way into being, the way its anger made reality shimmer and distort in unusual patterns while sanity melted around it in the matchless heat of wrath. Its cavernous maw glowing like a furnace easily visible in the ash and smoke-darkened skies and a song of destruction ululating from its throat with a deathly reverb that drove lesser beings to madness as brother turned on brother, lesser capes in its presence venting every frustration they had with each other while the beast took flight, and he could hear it.

He could feel the drumbeat in his head, the rhythm in his heart, he could look at his allies; the Eldar who knew what these things were but had not adequately prepared this world for them. The duodecimarchs whose presence brought the Space Pirates tearing through this place, the Autobots who hadn't managed to stop this before it had occurred, the Earth Betans who were so out of their depth. If he could just kill them, they would pay for all this. A red mist, a fire, a clenching serpent in his gut and a howling in his head. But the fires of Prometheus within him burned those things out, and his commitment to a cause quenched the embers of hate left. He would not destroy simply because he was mad. He knew why he fought, and the assailing roar of the blood god withered.

He charged up his gauntlets, green energy coalescing within as he formed a gamma ray-nova between his gauntlets. Idaliryn throwing forth the mind clearing effects of the white wind to shelter his thoughts from the crashing apocalypse of rage assailing them.

His positron suit analysed the creature and fed him a report within seconds, Prometheus' fire of knowledge lighting the darkness of the veil of Chaos' unapproachability to fill the scientists' mind with answers.

Analysis Complete: Cateegorising: Pleromic Entity: Negative: Anger Based: Nomenclature: Gore Drake

Entity appears to be a manifestation of narrative concepts relating to violence committed in anger, bloodshed from violence, nihilistic destruction, and atrocities born of unthinking lack of restraint. Creature is more vulnerable to melee combat than ranged battle due to narrative impersonality of long distance attacks. Entity has malefic aura augmenting its resilience through both distortion fields and probability alteration making many attacks likely to deflect or fail to make significant impact regardless of strength. Attacks aimed at the head and heart are especially effective due to fitting into entity's narrative role as a dragon to be slain. Creature's ranged attacks are not natural flame and may not interact with as expected with heat-resistance abilities and can bypass many forms of defences. Creature's body is similarly supernaturally potent. Recommend: Approach within Daemon's reach to turn creature's size against it.

"Idaliryn, cover me. I've got this puzzle figured out." He said as the Drake was pressing down upon Silverbolt, bringing the Aerialbot out of the sky with a heavy tackle, claws digging molten rivulets into the autobots' chassis as it tried to claw for his spark, shrugging off his retaliation fire into its wings before the Eldar Swordsman slashed a series of white runes into the air and threw them forward; filling Silverbolt's defences with new potency and briefly burning the daemon long enough for Positron to ram into it.

The heat of hatred was enough to make him sweat, the beast's urging for him to give in to his fury and fight fire with fire. It was causing so much death by just being there, gore slick on the streets from people driven to madness by its simple presence. It had to pay. It had to account. But Keyes was no stranger to the temptations of the supernatural. The daemon wanted him to give into wrath. And while he wasn't Christian, he knew the deadly sins well enough to know someone trying to sucker him when he saw it.

The claw strike to his side rattled him something fierce though, the heat of the thing's anger towards him roiling through his body even as his shielding absorbed the blow.

The swordstrike of a Herald upon a metallic rhinoceros beast made him lurch to the side, barely bringing up a radioactive shield in time to stop the thing from closing its jaws around him. The desire to kill him inflaming his mind and giving him a kick to the seat of his pants.

"Clarioli, help would be appreciated here." He said as he released a neutron burst, radiation exploding outwards to force the Daemon to open its jaws slightly, the radioactivity briefly disrupting its form and letting him uppercut the creature, jets taking to the air as swarms of daemonic mosquitoes flocked around him, braving his ionising light to try and test his shields. Energy beams leapt out of every emitter on his suit and he made his best impression of a disco ball, feeling Clarioli shove the power of chamon into his systems, feeling them strengthen as the Eldar technomage directed her attentions from managing her magesteel machines holding off the Space Pirates, trying to keep them in the fight as many were being felled by their technology all in the hopes of preventing them from falling onto the team's flank.

He formed an axe blade of energy, swung it at the dragon, only for it to catch it on its claws and then try to stab into his gut repeatedly with its other hand, its wings forming fists and smashing him again and again. Fire curled out of its body, enwrapped him before it vomited warp blood all over him and threw him to the ground, leaving him with the scalding sensation of every bit of pain he had inflicted in anger, shoving it aside with his incarnate energies and slamming his fist into the ground in a shockwave greater than any nuclear bomb but more focused and contained than a laser; all of its power stopping abruptly about twenty of his body lengths away from him.

The chaff disintegrated around him, the Dragon pushed through, looking to get at the distracted Clarioli, its tail smashing into her and throwing her off of her mount before a hammerblow fell upon her to drive her into a crater, a cry of pain coming from her. Korlanil moved to slice into its claw with his scythe, making it howl in outrage, but it responded to an attempt by Silverbolt to interfere by biting down on him and throwing him right into Keyes, the beast shimmering with further power while Keyes' head rumbled from the encounter with a creature that had fought the primarchs and phoenix lords before, making sure he couldn't arrive in time to help out Samus.

But as much as he was hurting now, with Idaliryn too busy keeping daemons from swarming onto helpless civilians to lend him immediate aid while Korlanil was crushed into the ground by the thing's foot and then dragged into the air and stomped back down again, something unpleasant sounding like it had broken, it was going to hurt worse soon. The dragon let a swipe of its claws while Keyes rushed to heal his fallen compatriots, weaving radiation into benevolent medicine to repair injuries only for the claw strike to bend around his efforts to dodge; fate twisting to allow its violence to inflict itself on him. He could feel cuts form on his body through his shields and armour, jagged pain driving itself into him as the thing willed its hatee into being.

The hatefire from its maw was worse, as he could feel the anger that had fuelled a million atrocities running through him, trying to tear at his mind, trying to touch at his soul and make it into ash. But he dug into Idaliryn's light, and into the power he had as an incarnate, as the bearer of Prometheus' Fire. His own flame ignited around him, the blue fires of reason and understanding, of curiosity and endeavour. The search to know and to make sense of what was mystical.

Then he realised something as the Daemon recoiled from him, its form smaller, cracking, bubbling and warping.

The daemon did not want to be understood. The removal of mystery the fires of Prometheus represented....he was almost giddy with the realisation that-

"You can't stand being understood or comprehended can you?" He said with a shiteating grin beneath his helmet as he dialed up the intensity of Prometheus' fire; the flame stolen from Olympus by the Dimensionless Titan to give mankind the power of creativity and understanding. To make certain the mysterious, to make knowable the frightening, and to make understandable the unknowable. To give mankind the assurance that they could push the wheel of fate in their own way just as the gods could.

The intense luminosity of the torchlight of reason only grew brighter and lesser daemons began to simply wither away in his presence while the Mortals, such as the Novem Astartes Berzerker who had Cerebro dead to rights with an axe at his neck ready for the executioner's strike after breaking his legs, stumbled as if agonised. Vines grew beneath the berzerker's feet and entrapped him, Ormothin moving Zach to safety to let Clockblocker clothesline the brute with a net that diced the beast into pieces. Some lesser ones, like the twisted policemen, simply burned away.

"Hit me with more Mageknight." He said to Idaliryn while he made his fire light glow ever the brighter, the dragon responding with its fire breath at full blast; his light flickering and bending before the warping power of its fury. He put his back into it, and the very same sort of power that had; in the briefest moments after the universe's birth; bade it to expand faster than light itself; was pushed forward into the fire blast while the runes of light wrapped around him. For a moment, he could feel his curiosity try to wrap around the runes, try to unpack their meaning. He had to know how this Eldar magic worked, how the warp worked, how everything worked. The othersea had to be understood, unpacked, made beneficial to everyone. It had so much potential....but that was for later.

For now...

"I'm not sure if you crawled out of Hell, but you're not crawling out of there again. Not to bother these people, not to haunt anyone's nightmares or feed off of their failings. Nah, you're a story right?" He said as the fires of Prometheus were amplified into a new sun that illuminated the area and drew all eyes towards him for a moment while the powers of Khorne's followers were focusing on summoning forth a Grand Princess of his legions. Clockblocker, seeing the dragon trying to fly away, cast out a net and touched its base to prevent a barrier to the daemon's attempted ascension, rolling out of the way of its wings when it tried to lash out at him for penning it in.

The dragon seemed to be afraid, its flesh boiling away in real time while its legions began to crumble around it, clanking engine machines falling to thee ground lifelessly as the fire of Prometheus burned their stories away, leaving no thread of narrative to be restarted again. The thing looked at him with widening eyes full of malice and terror, throwing all it had into its next attack, the Eldar putting what support they could into him while his whole suit charged with incarnate power.

He floated into the air, and cast his hands forward. "Then this is where the book gets closed on you for good!" He shouted before firing a beam that would torch its way through the daemon-drake and then push its way out of the atmosphere, vaporising a rikti dropship in the way and then continuing on into space as a viridian lance, the smell of blood washed away by the ozone scent of his power. Beneficial radiation washing over the injured and his judgement fuelling a release of destined incarnate power to restore life, function, and energy to the deceased or the gravely wounded; empowering them even as he bade them stand once more.

He stopped firing as the dragon's skull dropped to the ground, flesh stripped and agape before he drove a spear of radiation into it. "No fade out for you." He said, looking around at the team and teleporting them to him with a function of his suit.

"You guys alright?" He said, laying a hand on idaliryn's shoulder who looked at him and nodded.

"Good work team, but we'll need to keep it up if we're going to fix this mess." He said, pausing briefly at the sound of tank tracks and hovercraft nearby and almost getting ready to shoot until he realised the red armoured giants were not the same sort as the bloodthirsty maniacs he had often been fighting, green eye pieces speaking of a sort of nobility as the space marines filed out of their transports and laid down overlapping fields of fire. He could sense the drilled camaraderie between them, and gave them an approving nod when their officer looked at his handy work.

"So...I'm still ready to fight if you guys all are." Dennis said with unflappable optimism and a hearty thumbs up.

"+Dawnchild here, we need you at our location. We're going to need your heavy firepower.+" Samus' young, somewhat Irish accented voice crackled in through the comms as she pinged her location.

"Alright, I know where we need to go. Follow me." Positron said, gesturing to the group to come with.

Keyes' work was not done just yet.
It's nice to see that others are adapting to fighting these threats they will have to fight more of later.

In other news, i hope by the end of this, people will start seeing the value of cooperating and start sharing/adapting tech and other such things to better fight these kinds of threats.

Or at the very least Earth Bet gets to work on improving their own stuff.