[X]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[X]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[X]: Civilian Defence (Defend civilians at the line of battle)
[X]: Force annihilation (destroy as much of the foe as possible)
[X]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)

Team tactics: corner Lord Nemesis by any means, where he can be killed by the Duodecimarchs, Mistral Slash, Magos Orantiak, and Blackmoth. Eudamonica, Synapse, Dean, and Victoria should help with clearing Lord Nemesis' guards before providing a route for civilian relief and evacuation.
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[X] Plan Machine Crusher

[4]: Civilian Defence (Defend civilians at the line of battle)
[1]: Search and Rescue (Find civilians trapped in enemy territory and save them)
[2]: Objective capping (Use your foresight to determine points of strategic interest and deal with them)
[3]: HQ elimination (look for and kill important enemy characters, units, and structures to weaken their overall efforts)
[5]: Lockdown (Stop the enemy from enjoying freedom of movement by eliminating their infrastructure to support it and choking the avenues they're using to move)

Team Tactics:
- Eudaimonica and Dean will keep trying to save civilians
- Magos Orantiak, Kid Win and Sevrin will use their various tools and abilities to best support the others in their tasks, The Magos commanding their forces, Kid Win with his Tinker Tech tools and Sevrin with his buffs and healing
- Arne and Mitsuki will use their more stealth based abilities to strike at the Elite Guard of Nemesis and take them out quickly
- Taylor, Agafya and Samus will keep Nemisis Busy, fighting him with all of their tricks
- Victoria and Synapse will work on clearing out the numbers of Nemesis

Character Actions:
Magos Orantiak Kathom: command your forces to focus on the areas with no more human civilian life and unleash the might of the Omnissiah
Agafya Elenovna Sokolova: Continue being a whirlwind of destruction across Nemesis and his forces
Samus Eabha Aran: Use your own speed and wide array of weapons and skill to make it harder for Nemesis to gain an advantage
Victoria Dallon: Will keep on her path of destroying as many of of the mad Prussia's machines as she can
Dean Stansfield: Keep as many of the still remaining civilians safe while escorting them away from the fighting
Eudaimonica: Keep having less powerful demons take people to safety, while the stronger ones deal with the machines
Arne Eriksen Skjoldr: Target the Guards that pose the most danger to the rest of the group
Christopher Maverick/Kid Win: use everything in your arsenal to aid the others in what they are doing
Synapse: Use your Speed to quickly support other forces across the mall who might be facing trouble against Nemesis Forces
Sevrin Edgar Agard: Focus on buffing those heading into heavy combat
Taylor Hebert: Use your Gravity control powers to crush and collide Nemesis's machines together
Mitsuki Aiko/Mistral Slash: Work on targeting the machines that would support Nemesis the most in a all out fight
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 2: Happy Holidays (Part 16)
[X] Plan Machine Crusher


You are the shield and the sword for those who lack either, the hand that pulls those who have stumbled up, and the salve that heals the wounds of the injured, and the light that brightens the spirits of those who fear the night. Just as the stars are the source of the energy of most life and the warmth that allows its processes to function; yours are the gifts that will becalm and encourage. Light exuded from you, suffusing allies; hysh twirling to your whims and reinforcing the defences of friends with the radiance of the white wind and imbuing their strikes with its wrath; disciplined and refined. Such allowed you to turn your mind away from them briefly, to disable the last of the Nerve Gas dispensers.

"Adaptive configurations to adjust to previously successful methods of disarmament without the proper codes...clever..." You said as your hands steadily worked through the device's mechanisms. Components shifting and transforming, trying to resist your effort to understand. It wanted to go off, you could feel it. It would be of no threat to you, but most people can't breathe this sort of corrosive neurotoxin without dying and then promptly melting into sludge. And the thought of the innocent falling because of your failings stung far more than any threat of pain to yourself. You were not there when you were needed so long ago; you would be atoning for that for the rest of your life. And here was a good bit of credit to go to that.

The mechanisms fluctuated, but you had predicted this, and careful ministrations unravelled the tangle of defence mechanisms and allowed you to insert a concoction to neutralise the cererbroacid into harmless water and curling strands of exotic but non-toxic gasses. You breathed out a sigh, the device's yellowed exterior catching your reflection as you looked upon yourself through Chartreuse eyepieces and smiled beneath your helmet. You had done well this day.

"Clever, Eisenstadt, but I believe I am cleverer." You said, standing up and resummoning your wrist gun on your left hand to let your Illumorath subweapon burst fire a cluster of pseudo-stars that stabbed into the the nearby Nemesis automatons and scourged them with the fury of the Ylla's luminous judgement. Their brassy arrmour bubbled, twisted, and melted; but others seemed far more able to withstand the beam than they were before and your visor at once understood that they had been adjusting their defences to account for your weapons. Smart, these models were outfitted with means to try to disperse and empower their shields with your weapons. And their energy trap devices had been intended to leech from your own shields.

He had clearly been studying you before hand.

You let the tank-mode machine guns curl over your pauldrons and unload a hailstorm of projectiles that struck before they were fired and added to your symphony with a cryo-mortar round from the back mounted munition launcher; anti-energy suffusing their being and locking them in place for their fragile forms to be shattered with the barrage that followed. More Samus' technique than yours, but as you spread the suit's flight pack wings and took off; you figured that results were what mattered most.

"+Sevrin, he's here.+" Samus buzzed in, terse, intense, she was focused.

"+Ah yes, I think I see him. Rather ostentatious isn't he?+" You said with your typical calm understatement.

"+Support would be appreciated more than chatter, he's splitting the group constantly and I don't think I appreciate that.+" Arne said with what you weren't sure was deliberate understatement or not.

"+And he never shuts up.+" Agafya growled.

The Nemesis suit pointed a staff tipped with a cog at Victoria as she approached him with a haymaker. "Oh marvelous, another attempt at flying in and tackling me Glory Girl? You must have a tremendous appetite for punishment." He said, feinting and throwing a thruster boosted fist when she was trying to dodge his anticipated staff blast; keeping winterpyre at Bay with a projected transluscent blue force field and letting the optics of his suit release a nuclear beam swept at Samus as she ran to find a good shot.

Victoria grunted before Nemesis' fist retracted into the suit and then sprung back out in a rapid punching motion, splintering her shield with a mighty drumroll. "Your invulnerability is timed I'm afraid, and I've calculated it to the last decimal point. A simple matter for one such as myself but I am doubtful as to whether you even know how to predict how long it will take for your defences to regenerate after a good drubbing. Never fear, I will make far better use of this ability than you ever could you oafish tart." He taunted as his staff opened fire and vented blue particle death in her face.

"No!" Gallant shouted as Victoria was thrown backwards by a torrent of charged particles best described as the large hadron collider if it were scaled up by more than a few orders of magnitude. Her incarnate augmentations would preserve her life and keep her body intact; but poking one's head into a supernova would not expose it to such a flood of exotic high-energy baryons, and it tossed her through several stores with her unfortunately rather fragile by comparison outfit currently spread out as a stream of plasma.

A quick check; she was unconscious, but would live; you thought as you rushed to her and quickly applied nanites to form something to cover her modesty and infused her with a spot of the light of hysh and your own internal radiance to get her to open her eyes once more. You smiled at her through your helm, offering your hand. "I did not look." You assured her as you pulled her to her feet.

"Mmh, d-don't think I buy that with the French pretty boy accent." She grimaced as she cracked her neck. "Get the number on that atom smasher?" She groaned.

"Well, if you can joke about it...I think you should be fine." You said, the sounds of weapons fire in all directions resounding in your ears. But your extrasensory perception pinged you a warning, like a raptaptap in your spine and a series of visions before your eyes; your attentions turned towards the fight.

But Dean rushed to try and avenge her, breaking ranks to engage with the Nemesisbot; weaving his way through the sabre slashes of Nemesis' Hussar Drones to fire off a blast of his concussive force that whammied into the man in Brass' shielding with ground quaking might, combining the explorer suit's beam with his own powers and the incarnate shard he had been bonded to. But Nemesis hadn't flinched, his defences augmented with a copy of the same sort of defences that Glory Girl's shard could provide her.

"You, I don't think your powers are worth analysing you foppish effete. Do you feel like a knight in shining armour? Do you believe yourself an example for the common American youth? What japery! What absolute poppycock! They can't even see your heart winning smile beneath your helm dear boy, so you're not even a pretty face. Just a dead weight with storebought abilities. A loser." He said, punctuating his sentences with carefully aimed swings of his staff, fists, and legs; beating Dean to the ground in short order as the gap in experience between a teenager and a man who had seen everything made itself quite apparent.

"Sh-shutt...." Dean groaned before Nemesis stomped his boot onto his chest and then intensified gravity beneath himself to press his foot further and further down with force that would crack open even a Kheldian White Dwarf; shielding splintering and chestplate groaning beneath his might.

"Oh spare me the adolescent snips and quips you tiresome child, I have heard every variation of it imaginable. You should have kept to philandering at your high school, you are far better at it than playing with the big leagues as you yankees are so fond of saying." He laughed before Taylor rolled in with her black dwarf form and clocked Nemesis with a quarkium fist once, and then released a shockwave burst to throw him back once his replicated shield had broken and palmed his chest to throw him to the side.

"I'm speaking for two when I say I am so sick of hearing you talk." Hebert growled, shifting back into human form and firing off her dark energy eye beams just as Nemesis fired his own nuclear rays in response.

"The command of insects? That's your gift? Or do you really think that's all you can do? You, unlike your pretty boy friend; you have promise even without your shadow-symbiote. A shame then, that it is wasted on a frizzy haired computer geek with a chip on her shoulder." He taunted before she threw her hands forward and let loose streams of dark energy into him; this beam being repelled by his staff in return.

You saw Samus floor one of Nemesis' guards before you let out Hysh's light towards her, letting her move faster than Nemesis could see as she shifted to her cryogenic weapons and bursted into him with a quick volley; Christopher's Accelerator cannon opening up with a gout of blue-white particles into the other side.

"Go help Dean, clear the area." You told Victoria as she cracked her back and nodded; your energies flowing into Dean's ruptured suit to pull it back together while he wheezed, shaking and almost trembling. He was hurt, more than just physically...he needed rest.

You though...you needed to help how you could. Lord Nemesis stumbled, directly into a screw attack tackle from Agafya that pushed him off his feet before Samus unleashed the lore of ice and her cryonic judgement into the Prussian Prince; cold enveloping him and letting Taylor's beams collide with him; throwing the Nemesis bot to and fro. You pulled at the winds of magic, you exuded your light; you covered Aiko as she stabbed her blade into the head of an officer using pistol and sabre to try and take the Magos' head off; dropping him to the ground; engulfing the man's soldiers with your weapons before his defeat could imbue them with vengeful energies to empower them.

You shielded Synapse from the electro-drains that sought to steal away his speed force, letting him rush through traps set up by him and fill the fields with scrap. You aided the demons of Eudaimonica as they formed shield walls where there were still people to evacuate; taking those they could into their hell for safety; imbuing them with clarity of vision and purpose to know where the threats could come from.

Arne nodded in appreciation as the atom-machine he duelled found its blows missing; light pulling away its fortune and always failing to find its mark while his own shots crept into weak points, shredding through defences and his immense strength tearing through its innards to drop power bombs within. You felt good about that, it was good to help, you thought as everyone's colour of thought became rather pleasant towards you. Things were going well, the plan was working.

Nemesis teleported towards you and your danger senses flung you into intagibility as he dimensionally trapped Taylor to get her out of the way. You phased around him, firing off the blink pack to get to his staff hand before he reached for you. Grabbing for your neck and lifting you off your feet once you committed to your lunge; accepting taking a blow from your axe as a fair price.

"You're a bit of a mystery I must admit, but your technology cannot be beyond my understanding, nor can your spiritual being. You are a boy of the future yes? Some distant alternate time. But the future is mine to rule, mine to dominate. Nemesis is inevitable. Your people too will learn to bow once I set things right and put everyone in the place they belong." He sneered as he compressed his grip, trying to squeeze away your shielding while you grunted; feeling his force-redirectors add to the compression. Atom smasher power enveloped you, pushing downwards, testing your shielding adaptation.

You swung your foot to smash him in the chest, his grip remained steady and his staff lashed out with kinetic force, trying to press you into paste.

"Get your greasy racist hands off of him!" Agafya shouted as Samus struck him with a rain of power missiles; forcing him to let go with a gasp before Agafya's shadow beam lashed out all around him, her teleportations not giving him a clear idea of where she was before each impact. Samus roped him back, pulling with her grapple beam for Taylor to crumple the masses of machine all around them onto Nemesis with her gravity wells after Aiko had pushed her out of her prison.

The Nemesis bot grunted and grumbled, but Agafya shinespark tackled into his armour with a resounding collision; throwing him back as he unleashed his gas and let atomic fire rain; teleporters venting the fury of the atom in the area in concentrated beams. But you could sense the pattern, and you fed them to your allies before Kid Win pointed to his next likely emergence point as he sought to get away from her.

"You really believe that people such as yourself are accomplishing anything here? I already have much of what I require, and my hour shall come shortly. I can feel it. Mine is the glo-" Samus interrupted him with a tackle out of the air assisted by you illuminating the right moves to make in the web of fate; her shinespark ramming him into the ground where she repeatedly stabbed into him with her blade and poured fire into his form without pause.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUTUPSHUTHUPSHUTHUPSHUTUP!" She roared before he peeled her off with a river of atomic energy; pushing her back and forcing her to teleport out of the way, his chest sparking before you looked to Agafya as she ran for her own tackle.

With Arne, Mistral, Victoria, and Synapse dealing with his guards who were not already being handled by Winterpyre; he was wide open.

"Your interruptions are growing as tiresome as they are predictable!" He boated, vacuum energy erupting from his gauntlets aimed at you and Agafya, Arne moving himself to block the blast while Agafya was shoved back; shielding flaring to life to interrupt the zero-point detonations. You nodded in thanks as he tried to intensify his fire; Arne's arm-shield angling to bounce some of the blast back into the bot; Eudaimonica's hellfire whip entangling itself around him and Samus' grapple beam holding his other arm down; pulling at it until it popped off with a rain of sparks.

You charged, Agafya did too; the speed booster enveloping you. Agafya's form writhed with cold, calculated fury, ready to take the blow, you though; you were guided by purpose, ducking around Nemesis' eyebeams while your feet carried you faster and faster, Taylor's own eye beams steaming into his legs. Once you were close enough; you lifted yourself off the ground, letting the momentum carry you with cometary thrill. This was always fun; no matter how much danger you were in...you never stopped finding some enjoyment in the rush of it all. But getting this pompous braggart to shut up? That was something you'd do even if you hated fighting. Already he was forming more words, already you were determined to stop him from talking.

Two two of you went about slamming into either end of him, you from behind into his legs, Agafya into the front at his chest; shoving her spear through his core and then slashing upwards while you hacked through the legs of the damaged false nemesis. You hacked further up, splitting the remainder from groin to sundered belly and let your weapon vaporise what you could; Holeum beam sucking in matter and scattering it as virtually impossible to put back together hawking particles. You shot more than was necessary, but Agafya made sure to stomp on the machine's head until it stopped moving and Eudaimonica invoked a damnation to hell; chains pulling the remains into the pit below even if there was no soul to punish.

For a moment, all was quiet, and the Nemesis troops froze. They had their guns ready, the machines were in combat stance, but they didn't move. A commander blew a whistle, and they started to step back in good order as you pursued. The tension you had felt began to Vanish, and the Nemesis army quickly beat its retreat through teleporters where they could; others quickly immobilised by Eudaimonica's demons for an arrest while the sirens of the Paragon Police department alerted you to the arrival of conventional law enforcement; first lead by the PPD's robotic and kheldian divisions to sweep the area.

"...So I guess we are not having pancakes then?" You said, trying to get a laugh out of the group and succeeding.

Synapse looked to the crowd of police and then to the group. "I'll handle it but expect them to bug you for a sworn statement. I know I know, cops right?" he said before rushing off to...yeah you expected him to start hitting on the nearest supercop lady in a skintight outfit.

The magos looked at the remaining arm of the Nemesis bot and collected it, lifting it into the air for study. "Fascinating..." he said, seeming to realise that every part of a Nemesis bot contains the instructions for how to make the whole of one, much like genetic material in cells.

"Sir...ma'am...whatever you are...that's evidence." One of the Officers said to the Techpriest.

"Our analysis devices far exceed your own. It is best kept under the care of the cult mechanicus." They responded as the Techpriests collected what they could, chattering away in their binary tongue.

"...Sorry about that...I guess I ruined Christmas." Eudaimonica sighed, rubbing at her biceps.

"What? No. No not at all, it's hardly your fault!" You said, almost alarmed at her feeling guilty for any of this.

"I should have told you earlier honestly...but I am hungry." She said, her stomach letting out an audible growl.

So she was.

Actions: Choice of place to eat (mostly colours the reaction of far future characters to another visit to a restaurant and what characters you might run into)

[]: Fugly Bob's (Brockton Bay, mostly with the wards and maybe the undersiders)
[]: Up N' Away Burger (Primal Earth New England based Burger chain, competes with McDonalds and Burger King on even footing; very frequented by metas)
[]: Tiberia's Pizzas: (Pizzareia owned by a nymph from the roman era, popular with the fey folk and magic users)
[]: Galactic Delights: (Restaurant that caters to various aliens owned by an extraterrestrial retired hero, Primal earth)
[]: Restaurant between the world: (Restaurant built in the mid-way point of a portal between Primal and Bet Earth; meant to be a meeting place between Brockton Bay and Paragon City's cultures)
[}; La Resistance: (Francophone restaurant set up by Striga Island diaspora who fled to Paragon when the Italian Fascist emulating and Nictus aligned organisation known as the Council conquered the country. Lots of anti-fascists)
at least there is one less of Nemesis running around, even if he can just make another one or be created again.

[X]; La Resistance: (Francophone restaurant set up by Striga Island diaspora who fled to Paragon when the Italian Fascist emulating and Nictus aligned organisation known as the Council conquered the country. Lots of anti-fascists)

I want to make some new friends who can help us take down more of the Fascist powers in the metaverse deal we have going, besides we might get something on the house for dealing with a Nemesis attack
at least there is one less of Nemesis running around, even if he can just make another one or be created again.

[X]; La Resistance: (Francophone restaurant set up by Striga Island diaspora who fled to Paragon when the Italian Fascist emulating and Nictus aligned organisation known as the Council conquered the country. Lots of anti-fascists)

I want to make some new friends who can help us take down more of the Fascist powers in the metaverse deal we have going, besides we might get something on the house for dealing with a Nemesis attack
Nemesis is like Doctor Doom in that very few people ever meet the actual Nemesis instead of one of his many robotic duplicates or just literally spare power suits or spare suits with cloned brains.

The real nemesis has only been confirmed to have been seen once; when he tried to take over the Rikti psionic network to use the entire species as his body.

And that happened in 2007, with no confirmed sightings of the real Gerhardt Eisenstadt since. Though some would question if there even is such a thing as a real nemesis at this point or if the question even matters since his duplicates can be functionally identical and act independently; with the primary distinction being that the True Gerhardt is the only one they'll take orders from.
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[X]; La Resistance: (Francophone restaurant set up by Striga Island diaspora who fled to Paragon when the Italian Fascist emulating and Nictus aligned organisation known as the Council conquered the country. Lots of anti-fascists)
[X]; La Resistance: (Francophone restaurant set up by Striga Island diaspora who fled to Paragon when the Italian Fascist emulating and Nictus aligned organisation known as the Council conquered the country. Lots of anti-fascists)
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 2: Happy Holidays (Part 17)
[X]; La Resistance:


The process of going to the La Resistance Restaurant was a spur of the moment thing, Paragon was a massive city, for this era's standards anyway, with a massive number of possible places to go. But the description intrigued you. A restaurant that was a meeting place for those who fled the takeover of their home country by foreign fascists as much as it was a celebration of the suppressed gastronomical culture of those very same people. An embracing of the culture of a Francophone nation that had committed itself to the eternal struggle to one day be free of the chains imposed on it by invaders. It sounded like a place that would be romantic in all senses of the term; and your heart was aflutter with the desire to partake in that dashing spirit of defiance in the face of the iron fist. Arne in particular seemed to light up at the suggestion, his red eyes glistening and gleaming with a brightness you rarely saw from the often tired and sometimes pessimistic boy. To be among revolutionaries as his family was? In his words "It'd be a huge honour...thank you."

You gathered your companions, Alyrsero and Elendria catching your eye outside of the door of the cafe, the Eldar trying to not look conspicuous in relatively normal-seeming clothes of mostly black and white for him and red and gold for her. Elendria's scarlet hair flicked with her head as she turned to look at the friend group on its way over, a small nod of acknowledgement followed by a curtsy while Alyrsero simply gave a genuflection before sipping a mug of that delicious smelling tea he always carried; Arne patting him on the head shortly after and drawing weak protests from the lad.

"Oh. I didn't expect you to be here." You said, young Ardanesh's stark, hungry looking pupils quickly swivelling towards you, the fire in his irises dancing around the black void at their centre.

"You should pay more attention to your gift of visions Samus, it is not often that a human is as proficient with the farsight as you are." He said, waving a finger in his gloved hands while snow poured all around, his beanie cap making him look somewhat like a newsie boy or perhaps a Lenin cosplayer; ear warmers worn to guise the point of his ears and black jacket snug around him.

"I thought you said Earth clothes felt too rough on your delicate skin Alyr?" Victoria teased, getting a scoff from Alyrsero.

"Obviously it's not made of the crude cloths and fabrics your ramshackle looms could weave together. But I do need to maintain the fashion standards of this era and place if I am to avoid being pestered for my appearance at every turn. Lest we forget how my visit to ParaCon went."


One Month ago

You remember Arne glaring daggers through a bespectacled and freckled geek who was leering at your chest while you slowly pushed the young man away. Skirts weren't really your style, but you were convinced to try this "costume" of "Princess Zelda" while Arne was talked into a "Dave Strider" outfit, likely on account of his hair and eye colour, though he kept on fiddling with his sunglasses every so often. It did make you feel very pretty at least, but the thought of actually trying to fight while wearing this made you frown, constantly worrying about stepping onto its ends as you walked and coming to loathe the sensation of the high heels. But again, very pretty and pink.

Arne had gotten more than his fair share of attention, dozens of people asking to take photos with him or trying to touch his hair and there was one attempt at hitting him with a "Yaoi paddle" that ended in said paddle being broken with a twist of his hand. But you probably got more of it, some of the people seeming to be very intent on getting into your personal space and trying to get all manner of candid angles to photograph you.

"This place is really loud honestly..." Arne murmured, rubbing his ears.

"Come on Arne, you know how happy it made Alice to know you were coming." You responded, waving to Darla when you spotted the dark skinned girl in her...Pokemon get up? Seemed a bit impractically airy for the weather outside but oh well.

"I know but, are you enjoying yourself even?" He replied, pinching his brow briefly and cracking his neck before acknowledging Mechamaven as she approached, pokeballs around her waist and a grin on her face. Hey that rhymed...keep that in mind.

"Hey space cadets, how's everything?" She asked teasingly.

"Are there always so many people with such...creepy thoughts around here?" Arne asked, briefly looking through the crowd and shaking his head.

"...Yeah that part of cons can really suck but I mean, we got Bumblebee watching out so everything's gonna be fine." She said, thumbing over to the Autobot as he lifted some kids onto his shoulders to play with him.

"It doesn't stop them from staring at my chest strangely." You replied, hands on hips.

"I mean, for your height there's not that mu-" She started before Marcus pulled her ears; wearing a trench coat and sunglasses get up you were told was inspired by "the Matrix".

"Hey oww!"

"Darla, she ain't going to get it anyway."

"What are they referring to?" Arne asked.

"...I think the size of my breasts?" You shrugged. "It doesn't seem like a big concern." You replied before you felt a wave of distress behind you and spun around to see Alyrsero stumbling between the two of you and then trying to hide in front of you, breathing out hard, his helmet off and his face flushed.

"Gyaaaaaahhhh please get them to stop!" He pleaded as you turned around and saw a crowd of people searching around murmuring questions and statements like "where did he go?" "I wanted to touch his ears!" "why was he so scared anyway?" "come on guys you scared off the femboy" and finally "god I have a need" from the mixed-gender group.

"Alyrsero is something wrong?" Arne asked.

"These humans harried me nonstop the moment I removed my helm and without my explicit permission laid their hands upon the tips of my ears and helped themselves to poke and prod me all over!" He breathed out, seething as he looked over at the crowd and allowed you to pat him on the back before one spotted him.

"There he is!" One shouted before you raised a hand and cleared your throat.

"Excuse me!" You shouted. "Can't you see he's distressed?!" You protested while Arne straightened himself to his full height to look down on the people trying to approach the Eldar.

"But we just want to..."

"No! No buts, leave him alone!" You shouted, pointing in a random direction for them to go down, a snarl forming on your face followed by an intense growl that made many of them balk.

"OUT!" You repeated, louder this time, almost looking as though you were getting ready to bite them until they scrambled away.



"Oh...that yeah...that went poorly. People are awful with boundaries in this culture sometimes." You said, scratching the back of your head and fluffing your ponytail a bit, your Ushanka from Irinna warm on your head and feeling very fashionable to wear.

"Mmhmm..." He murmured, sipping from his tea once more.

"In any case, I expected you to come here and Elendria insisted on coming. Some matter that concerns her status as de facto representative of the Aesvaul." He added, using telekinesis to brush off the snow that fell on his shoulders with a sigh of annoyance.

She played a bit with the ends of her scarf before responding. "Oh well, the pivots of fate turn on this point, so I deemed it wise to lend my eyes to the observation of destiny's progress here. And...I am rather hungry after Dawnmaker's extensive training sessions. Even to the point of tolerating Mon'K-...Human cooking." She stopped herself from saying what you learned was a deeply offensive species slur before you could get mad and deck her in her slender face for it, a nod of approval coming from you.

"...What what was she going to say?" Taylor asked, still looking around the massive vistas of Paragon right up until she reoriented herself to speak to the Eldar; clearly at a loss for how much bigger this city was than her home.

"Best forget it." Chris said, harrumphing over the sound of the cold wind blowing while the group stood in front of the entrance to a charismatic looking establishment situated right at the base of a skyscraper staring into the seas off the shores of Talos Island. "La resistance" written in golden cursive with a rose clenched in a fist pumped high into the air by the goddess Libertas. A sign saying that proceeds go to the "Free Striga" movement placed on a wall that wouldn't obstruct the window facing in the direction of the ominous artificial storm created by the council around Striga in recent years to interfere with efforts to attack the island; distant thunder audible to your ears whenever you cared to pay attention.

"I remember going here often...well...the people who used to host Shadow of Retribution." Taylor said, laying a hand on her head and taking a moment to think.

"You are three people in one. One of you is contemporaneous to your Dinosaurs, one of you is a high school-aged girl, and one of you was born only when you shared a body. The first of you, has formed this bond with millions of others, you are simply the last in a long line of succession. And of course, we can't forget about the other passenger." Alyrsero said, finishing up his tea mug and putting it away, hands finding their way into pockets quickly.

"...You are not someone to talk about other people being old." She replied, adjusting her glasses and tilting her head at the Eldar who simply gave a shrug and turned around to the entrance.

"I'm not old..." Hebert murmured to herself as you; ever insistent on being the first in and last out; stepped ahead and pushed open the door to be greeted with a blast of warmer air as you left behind the chill of New England winter; where you were met with an interior designed off of the north Atlantic fishing village meeting halls common to small settlements in this part of the world, many booths present to allow people to conspire without being listened to, staff dressed in outfits with many pockets to hide things in, whispers being passed around frequently while the receptionist gave the air of being both a guardswoman and a waitress; her dark brown skin and foamy hair slightly weather worn.

Jennie was her name based on her tag, Jennie Coustelle; likely Haitian in ancestral origin.

"Ah, quite a large group of youngsters without adult supervision." She said, eyes scanning across the group, briefly focusing on Dean and Victoria; due to them being the oldest; but looking back to you, seeming to figure you were the one to talk to.

"We have enough free seats for all of you, come, there's a table." She said, a slow smile forming on her face as she beckoned you all to follow, though it didn't feel appropriate to talk out loud just yet as you caught many eyes turning to take a look at you; as if wondering who you were and why you were here...and a quick scan of their thoughts confirmed that was the case as you were helped into seats in a circular booth around a table, sitting yourself between Arne and Chris, with Taylor between Alyrsero and Elendria. Jackets were shed and hats were put away, gloves coming off and phones coming out. while menus were passed.

"Got quite the atmosphere in here." Taylor said as she looked through the somewhat dimly lit room before turning back to Jennie, eyes fixated on the symbol of an arrow being jabbed into the All Seeing Eye Symbol of the Council, emblazoned above the drink bar next to a sword of a nude Libertas cutting through the bundles of the Fasces and an Arm & Hammer smashing the Swastika.

"It reminds us of what we have lost, and to who." She said, eyes flicking towards a picture of the sunny beaches of the Striga Islands in summer time in happier days, youth playing and people relaxing without a care.

"Right, the Council." She responded while looking through the Menu and quirking a brow while you and Arne were discussing choices.

"What's the Council?" Dean asked.

"You ever hear of Benito Mussolini?" Eudaimonica asked, a slow nod coming from Dean, seemingly irritated by what he felt like was a stupid question.

"They're his fanclub, more or less." She said once Jennie was out of earshot, keeping her voice low since she figured this was one of the places where talking loudly tended to make you stand out.

"Right I don't know this but Shadow does...The Council started as an Italian Futurist group that split from Arachnos over supporting Mussolini. But they started to get big when they partnered with the Nictus. Fascist paramilitary terrorist group with a lot of guns, deep pockets, pet tinkers, and they can make their own metas. One of maybe the...big ten supervillain groups on this planet?" She said, trying to rack through her brain to find what she needed while Nightcaster slid through a nearby set of shadows with a wave; long black hair tied into a ponytail. Joseph giving a small wave while he eased himself next to Alice who beamed at him like a brother coming home.

"They're everywhere...on the web, on the streets, in chatrooms. We keep trying to swat them down but they always have more. Not just from clones or poaching from other universes but well...lots of people who buy their shit sign up with them." Alice said with a murmur.

"Sorry, heard Alice had a Nemesis issue and well...gotta check on my bestie right?" He said, the two sharing a fist bump as she mentally circled what she wanted to order. You yourself deciding on a Ratatouille dish while Arne set his mind on a meal of potatoes, ethically sourced cheeses, and sea-greens.

"Oh speaking of Nemesis...Alice, what happened between you and him?" You asked, noticing her looking around as if paranoid before she leaned in to whisper.

"Nemesis might not be like...super big on magic, but he knows how it works...and he knows that Winterpyre has given me well...safe things to help me learn how to practice it. Safe things that helped me wreck some of his plans to change the past when I did a thing for Ouroboros. But Nemesis he...he has countermeasures for people meddling with his timeline and he figured out what I could do. And now he wants it." She said, fiddling a bit with her hands.

"And he must have figured out who my parents were...they interfered with his plans so many times. Gosh...they were one of the post-rikti metas...picking up from where their own parents left off after the first Rikti invasion...got their security levels. I knew a lot of people had beef with them, but Nemesis; if Nemesis has beef with you personally not like abstractly; there's not a whole lot of places that are safe." She said, weaving a spell as she looked around the room, paranoid about his duplicates.

"But maybe...maybe he figured out that Mom and Dad are trying to work on a way to find the real him...and identify his automatons before they go loud. It's hard work, Winterpyre couldn't find the real gerhardt if he tried but...he must assume they're a threat." She admitted, looking sheepish while Nightcaster patted her on the back.

"I'll keep you safe." You declared, hands on your hips, head held up high, not a promise, a statement of fact. No room for doubt or disagreement.

If this Nemesis wanted to threaten her, after you introduced her into your friend circle; he'd have to go through you. And if he thought he could hide behind his doubles, his machines, his clones; he had another thing coming.

"I'll find him, and I'll kill him." You said, firmly, glare angry.

"...Whoaaaa kill him?" Dean raised his hands in alarm and shook his head. "Look, criminal or not he should at least get a trial before you take his life...if that would even matter with all his doubles running around. Doesn't seem like cutting off the head would do much here." He added.

Arne flicked his attention over immediately to Dean, facial expression hardened, blue shirt's sleeves rolled up. "What would be the point of a trial? Everyone already knows he'd be guilty. And he'd find his way out of any prison you put him in. And like you said...what would imprisoning him do to stop his forces? No, to fix this, we'd need to..." He paused, stammering a bit and then picked up again once he thought of how he was going to say it. "If we're trying to get rid of the Nemesis Army as a...problem, threat? Issue...issue. Then we'll have to first make sure they're not an active danger to people first." He started, accepting the offer of an ice water pitcher and pouring out glasses for everyone without skipping a beat.

"The point of isolating these people is so that they can be fixed or dealt with without other people being in danger and just...what's dangerous about him from what I can see, is not the man himself. It's his assets. Put him in jail and then what? He just leaves that body?" Arne argued, twirling a spoon between his fingers.

"But if we make the real nemesis dead...so that he can't come back. Find some way to keep him out of the playing field forever, his army is a cult right?" He looked to Taylor who paused, thought about it for a moment and then nodded once Shadow provided her with the memories.

"Show their God is dead and it falls apart."

"I am tempted to agree with Arne, from what I have been told of this Nemesis. His army is a hydra, but it has a heart. Simply containing the heart will only work until the heads get it free. For the hydra to cease biting it must be slain." Alyrsero added.

Taylor pushed her hands into her sleeves and hummed, blinking just a few times before she put in her own two cents; as if still trying to get a handle on having a far larger set of memories to go through. "Okay, this is all very abstract. Nobody's catching Nemesis anytime soon, and I...part of me tried for decades. No dice, the man is harder to find than bigfoot. We're probably just going to be playing wack-a-mole with him whenever he pops up. It's all anyone has ever been able to do." She said.

"Well, even if that's the case; I'd really rather not talk about you know...murder." Victoria harrumphed.

"It's not murder by any reasonable definition of the term." Elendria piped up, her ears pricked up and her expression one of disbelief.

"How is it murder when he is a genocidaire who has proven beyond redemption endlessly? You do not stain your hands with the sin of murder when you put down a rabid hound. You are doing the animal and yourself a service. This...asinine insistence on legalism over sensible justice is a large part of why these planets are in such dire straits!" She shouted, almost slamming the table.

"Ah...perhaps we can calm down please my friends? Before we draw a crowd of eyes towards us?" Sevrin said, gesturing everyone to sit back down while Victoria and Elendria had an intense glare off; human and Eldar trying to find weakness in the other before cooling off.

But it seemed that the commotion drew notice all the same, as a figure with a black mask, goggles, a dark trench coat, a wide brimmed black hat, dress trousers, and rather sharp looking boots slipped in; their monochrome form almost seeming to be out of place compared to the rest of the world, like a figure from a film noir who somehow entered reality, almost glowing white gloved hands steepling fingers as the adult man pulled a chair and sat himself down at the table to the staring of thirteen pairs of teenaged eyes.

"I couldn't help but overhear you. You really should be more cautious with how you talk about your heroic lives in public restaurants; especially ones that aren't cape catered in the first place." He said, the tall, dapper looking figure's tie seeming to simply snake its way into the ideal place, his figure giving the impression of being some sort of detective. He looked over at Nightcaster and nodded at him. "Hello sport."

"...Joe who's this?" Dean asked.

"Oh this is Shadow-Eye he's uh...weird." Nightcaster said before the living noir raised a finger to interject.

"I investigate the weird, I am not weird myself. I assure you I am perfectly normal off-duty. As normal as any black man can be in a city full of Neonazis." He said, reaching into a breast pocket and pulling out a small tablet, hand sized; placing it down and tapping it to show a holographic display. Primitive by your standards, but it showed he was a man of resources in this world.

"I mean, how do I know you're not lying about that? I've never seen your skin."

"Take my word for it sport." He replied as the display demonstrated what he saw from the Mall brawl incident, your head tilting almost all the way when you tried to guess what sort of angles he could have taken these images in.

"You have a pretty eclectic array of skills honestly. Between this, Earth Bet's los Angeles, and prior incidents. Were I a more paranoid man I'd ask how is it a friend circle such as yours comes together exactly when we would need you. But, I am not. My suspicions are reasonable, and not aimed towards you." He explained, adjusting his hat slightly.

"I'm not asking you to join in any missions, it's Christmas after all, and you kids need time off. But I am asking you to listen. The system here is compromised. All the way down. Cape communities are more clean; heroes take the job of regulating themselves more seriously since public eye scrutinises them much more and they tend to come from more varied walks of life. But I'm asking you to not trust the PPD. And you PRT kids; I'd keep my eye on your parent organisation." He said, steepling his hands once again.

Chris scoffed and shook his head. "Why wouldn't we? The Police are kind of...not super bright sometimes but we're on the same side right? Stop crime, keep people safe, make sure society doesn't fall apart...all that."

Once again, he wagged his finger. "Naive, hopelessly so. Police are first targets for far-right infiltration, above even the armed forces or the civil service. With the passing of most wartime era sciences; academia is more clean from the stain of operation paperclip too, but law enforcement? Can't be too sure, Column and Council forces let off easy, more focus on bank robberies than neighbourhoods proclaimed to be the turf of far-right organisations. LAPD in your world; turned out to be a daemon cult." He explained, his speaking demeanour calm, almost cold, like he was speaking reheased lines.

"Oh are you one of those "all cops are bad" cranks?" Victoria asked with a shrug of her shoulders.

"The phrase is "all cops are bastards", but this is not about that. This is about forces keeping you under monitor that you aren't even aware consider you a threat already. You, especially the four of you and the Elves; are outside the system. You represent an unknown, a future that makes people uncomfortable. Not simply an ideological threat, ideology can be countered with propaganda; but a material one with the power to upset the status quo that proves comfortable to very dangerous people. Your autobot friends keep your records safe, but for how long? Information disparities won't be tolerated for long by those with power." He explained before Victoria stood herself out of her seat ready to punch him in the face.

"Okay...I think I've had about enough of your crackpot nonsense at the Christmas Eve breakfast table. So how about you get lost before I call security?" She said, the man remaining completely unbothered despite knowing full well what she could do.

"Nonsense? No. Crackpot conspiracy theories are the product of people who refuse systemic explanations for societal issues and so seek to blame personal faults in the form of malevolent groups or individuals pulling the strings. I merely look past the superstructure and into the base of society. Oncoming alien invasions? Not being used as a smokescreen no, faking an alien invasion would be too easily caught. Being taken advantage of to preserve power systems though? Absolutely. You have been in contact with Vanguard yes? Where do you think they get their impervium from?"

"...I don't know, I never thought to ask." You responded.

"Precisely. There is an angle being worked here I am trying to find, the Rikti war should have ended years ago yet resources are still being sunk into a conflict over pride and honour despite a greater mutual threat approaching. Vanguard claims to be overstretched, but asking teenagers to fight the Nictus? Unusual, even for their lax standards on who gets to work with them. Especially when the police response to the knowledge of increased Weltreich activity has been so minuscule. " He added, folding his leg and laying his hands on the table.

"Keep the PDA, if you want to talk about finding facts, when I message you the day after Christmas, meet me at the place I'll message you about." He explained before seeing a waitress in a french styled dress that he offered a thumbs up to before turning back to you in particular.

"Try the Strigan Cinnamon Waffles; they're to die for." He said in a much more cheery voice before he stood back up and walked out. Victoria would have just noticed him disappearing when she turned her head back in his direction, but your reflexes were fast enough to see him melt into the shadows to carry on his work elsewhere.

"...Yeah he's like...one of my mentors. I sidekick for him sometimes." Nightcaster said with a shrug.

"...You people are so weird." Chris muttered.


Topics of Discussion: List up to three things to be talked about over the breakfast table and I'll choose whichever ones I find the most interesting.
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Topics of Discussion:

1. The odd feeling you felt looking at the Greenskin imagery up at the Space Marine base

2. Others of those Big Ten Supervillain Groups that we have not heard of

3. Victoria's odd display of aggression at Shadow-Eye
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2. The odd feeling you felt looking at the Greenskin imagery up at the Space Marine base

3. Others of those Big Ten Supervillain Groups that we have not heard of

1. Victoria's odd display of aggression at Shadow-Eye
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Victoria has a lot of faith in systems, much more so than she does in individuals. Shadow Eye was attacking the Police as a system rather than singling out corrupt or bad cops, which rankles at her rather classical ideas of heroism which in turn would reflect on her as an indirect attack on her own record. Plus, he did just kind of invite himself out of the blue to the table and started rambling about deep politics during "turn my brain off and have fun" time.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 2: Happy Holidays (Part 18)

"Was that really necessary?" You asked Victoria who sighed and eased herself back into her chair and tapped at the tablet to process her order automatically, looking back at you with a rather blank expression.

"He was making blanket statements about a profession he should be working with and trying to give a better example to, rather than offering anything that might help them." She replied with a prolonged sigh and a shake of her head.

"He was just reporting the facts that he knew." You responded, folding your hands together after finishing your glass of water your expression demure and almost placid while you made your best effort to try and understand her; what was she thinking? She was ready to make an argument, a defence of the system, cite facts to back up her point. She had a great depth of information about her profession, how to work with the police, how capes are supposed to function, the etiquette, the right thing to do.

You though, a lot of the worst things ever done were perfectly legal. The law of the land even. Catch her off guard by answering her argument before she made it? That was doable.

"The paragon police have an enormous amount of funding, supplies, and support but every time we've had to help out in Paragon they've always been late or considered whatever we're handling to not be a priority for them unless it's something catastrophic." You explained, sensing now you had to keep talking if you wanted to avoid a protracted argument. "And it's true, this city is crawling with far right terrorists but the police dedicate most of their effort to stopping vault robberies by Rogue Island villains...we should at least verify? If we find something we can work on that." You added.

"But I'm not...familiar with the twenty-first century honestly. A lot of what you do seems so backwards to me." You admitted with a sigh as your food arrived, piping hot and quickly being cut into the portions you desired once you offered your thanks to the servers.

"We don't live in an era where we can just have machines do everything for us. We still have to pay bills, we still have limited resources, we still need to work." Victoria said, trying to be patient and understanding.

"You could easily sustain an altogether different society, if you chose such a path." Alyrsero piped in, his own choices in food being rather...interesting. Sprinkling in Granola by hand into a bowl of yoghurt and fresh berries that he gently mixed in honey into and added a dash of cream while slicing up a baguette into a number of distinct portions, toasting it to a light brown with his mind and smearing some chocolate flavoured hazelnut spread before he poured out some of his tea to go with a mug of hot chocolate; eyes quickly fixating on the rather skinny Eldar with a series of quirked brows.

"...That is...a rather heavy breakfast." Taylor murmured while she started to help herself to some stuffed croissants filled with cheese and ham, a mug of hot cocoa, and fresh oranges.

"Do you think that the activity I ask of my body on a regular basis comes without its toll in caloric intake? Please, I can commit this gain in energy to the fire in the snap of a finger, the bulk of my energy comes from the warp. I merely eat for the taste. And if this "Cuisine de la Nouvelle-France" is as grand as is claimed, I may as well take a large helping no?" He said almost dismissively, hmphing at the suggestion that his food intake was anything but improper.

"But as I was saying, the point is not merely to rescue things to restore the status quo that demanded their rescue in the first place but to improve them so as to alleviate the requirement for rescuing whatsoever. And beyond that, it would be folly to think that anything could merely return to normal for you after merely the events of the past two months. Nevermind the deluge that crests over your horizon like the looming war call of an Ork Waaagh thirsting for your blood and hungering for your bones." He said before having some of the toast first and nodding in appreciation.

"...You could just say we should make things better and that things aren't going back to the way they were." Dean said after a few blinks before the Eldar harrumphed and shook his head; some laughs going around the table.

"Pardon for the inquiry but one of you mentioned there were other major supervillain groups on primal Earth. What were they?" Elendria asked, sighing at the distraction and clearly ready to get right to business.

"Ooh ooh...The top ten are: Arachnos, the 5th Column, Nemesis, the Council, the Imperial Wind, the Circle of Thorns, the Devouring Earth, the Malta Group, the Rikti Lineage of War, and the Shivans. Rularuu, the Families, the Niarte Shadow Legions, Neo-Praetorians, Coralax Irreconcilables, Carnival of Shadows, the Unseelie Courts, the Cimeroran Traitors, the Clockwork King, and Crey Consumer Products are also up there...depends on who you ask." Alice said, waving her hand and trying to get attention towards herself until she succeeded, where she almost seemed ready to jump for joy.

"...Shivans?" Kid Win asked.

"You know those meteors filled with radioactive goo that sometimes crash into the planet?" She replied.

"I don't like how they often form bodies around the bones of the dead...it's sacrilegious." Samus chimed in, rubbing at her arms and letting out a long sigh.

"Ohhh...the fragments of the world eater...how are you just...fine with knowing that chunks of a planet eater are out there?" Kid Win asked, a shrug meeting him in response.

"It's just another problem to handle honestly. Got lots of those going around. We'll manage. We always do. Now, there might be a lot of screaming and terror involved in getting to that point but...what's the point of the hero license if you aren't ready for it?" Joseph said, nonchalant in a way that was a bit disturbing but also kind of endearing. He just seemed so...earnest about his line of work.

"So..." Dean started before Taylor finished.

"Spider-themed army for a guy who runs his own country, Nazis, Prussians, Mussolini fanclub, Imperial Japanese holdouts, Satanist Ghosts, Eco-Terrorist Flood, Rogue CIA spooks, aliens from another dimension, radioactive slime aliens, azathoth's dream vomit, the Mafia, the armies of darkness, Mirror Universe regime loyalists, Angry fish people, Psychic clowns out to steal your soul, Angry fairies, Time travelling Romans, a psionic LARPer trapped in fantasy land, and a Megacorp." She answered, running down through everything as deftly as possible.

"Man and that's just the short list?" He asked.

"Afraid so." Joseph answered.

"Well, it seems to me that maybe we should focus on making sure there's less room for this much...danger to your planet as a whole. We can't have all these threats to our rear if we're going to deal with the front." You interjected after having had enough of your food to deem yourself worthy of saying something rather than letting it go to waste with cooling. It was pretty good actually, even by your picky standards informed by your hyper-sensitive sense of smell and taste. Didn't need to selectively dull some unpleasant sensory inputs at all to pipe it down.

"Besides, they would make good practice no?" Agafya cracked her knuckles and grinned.

"...Beyond that, surely it would do good to ingratiate ourselves to the populace by dealing with local problems, yes?" Sevrin harrumphed.

"Yes before we deal with stuff like...the Greenskins. I don't know, I looked at those glyphs and I felt something, primordially uncomfortable. Like it was programmed into me to fight or flight from it?" Samus added.

"Greenskins?" Taylor asked, quirking a brow.

"Orks apparently. Winterpyre didn't like me looking at the representation of them either." Alice admitted.

"Winterpyre doesn't like you doing much of anything." Joseph countered.

"He's just concerned for me, gosh Joe." She rolled her eyes.

"I mean...I'm not much into the hocus pocus side of things but I can agree I didn't want to keep looking at that image either. Must be some sort of...memetic energy or something?" Chris theorised for a moment.

"Look, I'm sure that they know what they're doing but also that if we put our minds to it we can figure out more of a method to the magic. If it can be repeated, studied, and analysed; it can't be all that magical. We can understand how it works, how it functions, how to make it safer." Victoria said before Elendria laughed out loud, pointing at the Blonde and slamming a hand on a table between her guffaws.

"...Did I say something...funny in Space Elvish?"

"YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HUMAN PLEASE....PLEASE MY LUNGS REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH MY YEARNING FOR BREAT-I CAN'T...OH FORGE OF VAUL I....KKKHHHHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAA!" She rolled out of the chair, giggling like a mad girl while Alyrsero for his part seemed about ready to do a spit take only to pause when he considered what he was drinking and swallowed instead, clearing his throat pointedly while his cheeks reddened.

"Are they going to be okay?" Dallon asked, unsure of what to make of something she didn't understand to this degree.

"They do that sometimes...usually if they think we've said something very foolish." You said, flicking your eyes to Elendria crawling on the floor, Alyrsero covering his mouth and snickering.

"Can they stop?"

"Give it time." Samus answered.

The meal continued with a sense of awkwardness and few words spoken until Elendria recovered, pulling herself up and fanning herself, pointed ears out on display and skin tinted with flushed blood virtually all over; the two of them sharing a few words in Tar-Eltharin that seemed melodic and gentle as the primary Eldar tongue tended to be.

"What are they saying?" Taylor asked, unfond of how the Eldar were incomprehensible to her.

"That they think that the explanation for their reaction to madamemoiselle Dallon's statement would be best suited for after breakfast." Sevrin said, pushing his empty plate formerly filled with crepes away.

"...Can you teach me how to understand it?" Taylor said, turning towards you. You blinked a few times, Samus leaning in to have a peek while the two of you locked eyes for a moment. She stared a bit longer than was strictly necessary, clearing her throat and turning her gaze away as you scratched at your neck out of a sensation of awkwardness.

"Well...sure but a lot of the nuance will be missed without telepathy of your own. Are you sure?"

"I just...don't like it when people gossip in languages I can't understand while I'm around, that's all." She replied, taking a look at her mostly finished plate.

"Why do you still wear glasses?" You asked, noticing the lenses were flat; useless for vision correction. But a closer look showed that her seemingly hazel eyes were a vivid shade of glowing purple when you looked behind the lenses.

"...Couldn't really explain why my vision became better than perfect one day...or how my eyes changed colour. I mean...I could change them back but I think purple eyes look neat." She admitted, twirling some hair around a finger. It was a decent enough explanation and you accepted it with a shrug.

"Some people tell me I should disguise my hair and eye colour. That it stands out too much." You admitted.

"Those people are dumb, I like your hair." Samus protested, petting your head and getting a soft laugh out of you.

"...Thanks." You said warmly.

"You aren't really hard to miss honestly." Taylor smirked, the others milling around in a more casual conversation about other sundry topics.

"Not that that's bad." She added, your cheeks matching your eye colour briefly when you saw a wink out of her; unsure whether that was Taylor, Shadow, or their composite speaking for a moment and making a small "Eheh...." chuckle to try and deflect the awkwardness.

The news channel playing on a television set nearby was called attention to shortly by one of Alice's demons as it popped out of her crown, the fiery impish thing's bovine skull head clacking its jaws together and pointing frantically at the screen.

"MISTRESS MISTRESS MISTRESS!" He shouted, Alice's attempts at trying to break Elendria's facade of superiority interrupted as the two redheads turned towards the demon; followed by you.

"Yeeah, what is it Torchwick?" She said, a mutter of "adorable" escaping Samus' lips when she realised Alice had genuinely named all her regularly summoned demons.

"A general mayhem alert for the New Sparta neighbourhood has been sounded after confirmed sightings of an Arachnos submarine surfacing to allow the Raggedy Band villain team to disembark to make a raid on what experts expect will be the Hyper-Dynamics testing facility for experimental technology. The Raggedy Band have an average threat level of forty two and are not to be engaged by heroes below security level thirty-four. Council forces have also been seen in the nearby area taking advantage of the diversion of local security assets to engage in their own operations. Citizens are advised to stay indoors or move to designated shelters." The emergency broadcast reported, showing the cresting form of a red and black submarine emerging from the water and the emergence of a rather motley crew of sinister looking characters.

The leader was a figure seemed to be comprised of a mishmash of abandoned and discarded clothes in the rough shape of a human, stretching, disassembling, unthreading and retailoring endlessly while pulling in extra fabric and textile from around it to bulk up its form or disperse it to reduce its mass; the only consistent features being a burlap sack for a head and an old hat like a scarecrow; seemingly able to adjust the strength of their form at a moment's notice based on how they could push through being engulfed by a Police Drone's flamethrower and then impale the floating robot with a shotgun spread of threads and dice them apart. The so-called Raggamuffin; the thief nobody had ever caught.

A meekish looking boy grabbed by a rather more imposing looking robot festooned with heavy weapons that cleared a landing zone with strobing green beams of radiation before the clawed hands of the robot vigorously shook the boy until a rather remarkable transformation occurred; the boy increasing drastically in mass and changing in size and shape until they had become a hulking ogre of magma, pyroclast, and flame more than ten meters tall; a horned elemental whose breath was the inferno and whose might sent armoured cars flying down the street while the robot's missiles suppressed incoming reinforcements. Kidocaust and Radotron from what you understood; the former perhaps...not really in control of himself in his enraged state.

You looked to the side and saw a mass of police cars with wailing sirens rush by the window; heading down the street as Aiko took a brief second to count the number of cars.

"Hrm...more cops than I expected." She murmured.

"Are we just going to sit here?!" Victoria said, about ready to stand up before Alice raised her hands.

"Aw come on, New Sparta's got enough heroes to handle a few raiders and some Council Goons. We're supposed to be on vacay." She said, smiling as some knightly hero in full plate riding upon a griffin descended upon the scene; the resplendent Italian style armour inviolable against the rain of splinter-threads the raggamuffin shot at them and a beam of light from their lance throwing some energy sheathed woman aside; force fields whalloped by the radiant energy of the Knight's rather exuberantly held christian faith as per his medieval Italian ranting.

"See, Lord Lumogrif is here. Everything will be fine." She said, urging everyone back into their seats while the snow pulled around to the whims of an ice themed heroine to slather Kidocaust's fiery form with enhanced mutant frost; the battle raging outside barely seeming to draw much concern from the patrons or the staff workers; even when the tearing sound of Council rotary guns could be heard in the midst of the noise of violence.

Some girl with a bow and arrow dropped down onto a nearby car; trading fire with a mage of some description as the super-commando in stealth capable armour flipped out of the way of a fireball; sparing a shot to take out a council rocket launcher equipped trooper before loading up another arrow; your confusion only seeming to mount as people just seemed to...watch as if it were fun or even not care.

"You people are weird..." You murmured.


[]: Finish breakfast and let Alice explain why Paragonites don't really care
[]: Intervene to deal with both the council and the Raggedy Band
[]: Intervene to just deal with the Raggedy Band
[]: Intervene to just deal with the Council
[]: Ask some of the patrons of the restaurant about the Council
[]: Check to see what it is the Raggedy Band and Council want exactly and tip off the locals but focus on your vacation otherwise.
A disturbing level of nonchalance. I understand the heroes in Paragon have their evacuation tech, but do the civilians?
A disturbing level of nonchalance. I understand the heroes in Paragon have their evacuation tech, but do the civilians?
Mediporter systems were expanded to cover more and more people later in the 2010s.

And Paragon is a city of such constant weirdness that people just get used to it. Every major district has at least one Kaiju who attacks it regularly and this is just seen as part of the city's charm.

But the dissonance between the nonchalance towards danger they have and people who; even with similar systems; do not live in constant danger is very deliberate. These people do not respond to danger the same way we or Earth beters would.
[X]: Check to see what it is the Raggedy Band and Council want exactly and tip off the locals but focus on your vacation otherwise.

Probably best to see what they are trying to get before they maybe get away with it
Man now we're tied and I can't post a sad cowboy emoji.