[]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)

As much as i would love to pick this, we need to help out the others more, the Autobots don't Need our help to be effective

Also i love Dad-Prime

[]: Suggest starting on that new organisation (Most freedom, has to start up from scratch and puts burden of leadership more squarely on you two but can be tailored to your desires.)

this seems to be the best option if we want to help everyone and have no obligations or political hang-ups. plus more control for where we go
Need to pick out names for Samus and Arne too.
[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni
[X]: Metroid (Word for Ultimate Warrior among certain Chozo dialects)
[X]: Start new team.
[X]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Hatching Sentinel (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Suggest starting on that new organisation (Most freedom, has to start up from scratch and puts burden of leadership more squarely on you two but can be tailored to your desires.)
[x]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)
[x]: Hatching Sentinel (CommNet chat handle)

Multipart names are cooler than non multipart names.

[x]: Remain independent for now (May be able to make choice later when opportunities arise.)

Probably gonna need to make the choice eventually, but I feel like we're not at a point yet where tying ourselves down is a good idea. Section 13 doesn't seem bad, but for now play our options and figure shit out for the long-term.
[X]: Suggest starting on that new organisation (Most freedom, has to start up from scratch and puts burden of leadership more squarely on you two but can be tailored to your desires.)

[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni)

[X]: Metroid (Word for Ultimate Warrior among certain Chozo dialects)

These options should do fine.
Brief essay on Arne and Samus' characterisations
Genuinely surprised to see Sylux not being chosen at all.

Though to be fair, the road Arne takes to becoming Sylux in Saga is one of heartbreak and a deeply painful revelation about the people who scoured his homeworld to ruin for the promise of getting their hands on some Alimbic technology that he was not prepared to handle after the Chozo, Alimbics, and rather importantly for Skjoldr; Elmorni; were no longer involved in the lives of their charges.

The following is not really a Saga spoiler since this isn't treated as a dramatic reveal so much as it is an inevitable discovery; for one thing, the reader knows who destroyed the people of Cylosis long before Arne ever does. Think of it like how Anakin's fall into Darth Vader is treated, you know it's going to happen and the general gist of how it happens long before you ever see it happen. Besides, this doesn't contain a lot of the important details in the future chapters of Metroid: Saga that would actually be treated as surprises.

The people who scour Cylosis are of course, the Galactic Federation's Black Ops paramilitary outfit under the command of its intelligence service rather than its military chain of command or civilian government; the Rapid Armed Intelligence Division or R.A.I.D. Whose basic soldiers are basically Astartes+1; more than three meter tall posthuman power suit clad bioborg killing machines with automatic mini-missile launchers as standard issue meant to be able to fight mainline space pirates; who based on model scaling are 11-13 feet tall; with individual superiority rather than the Federation's usual tactics of greater numbers and heavy reliance on vehicles. And of course, outmatch other combatants like Kriken Soldiery, Omdyni Mech-Grenadiers, or Vhozon Confessors.

Though Samus doesn't know of them because the R.A.I.D is a deeply buried secret to the point of not even officially existing and having a completely off the books R&D and logistical/industrial complex and chain, when Arne finds out about it after most of the resusticated Alimbics are wiped out again by a betrayal from within the ranks by the anti-Arne faction of Almbics and the Zebesian Chozo get plastered by Mother Brain betraying them to the Space Pirates after obscuring their visions with her psychic powers he assumes the worst. It goes down shortly before zero mission just after their seventeenth birthdays; a bit less than two years after the betrayal; Arne finally finding what the RAID really is; no longer knowing who to trust after having had some severe downspirals, and just leaving Samus and ghosting her to let her think he killed himself so he can face the Alimbic faction that was against him before its partnership with the RAID bears fruit in a way that would radically alter the balance of power. Leaving Samus to go return to Zebes on her own to do battle with Mother Brain and Ridley.

Both face their betrayers and their new allies made from the people who orphaned them. Samus merges the Ancient Chozo armour that was always made to be acquired by her with her own suit to grow her understanding of ancient Chozo technology; Arne acquires the Armour of an Alimbic Paladin and more importantly; the Sylux armour designed by the traitor Alimbics as part of a suite of inventions meant to provide the means of bolstering their combat capability to progenitor levels. Arne takes the name of the Armour and assumes his new identity and remains in it for years; hiding himself out of shame and an incredibly unhealthy mix of emotions he's not in the right headspace to handle. He doesn't become evil so much as broken and lonely, having failed to deal with his childhood trauma the way Samus did and becoming a lesser, darker hero than her for it.

In Saga, it'd take years for the actual truth to come out and reconciliation to begin, here, you can stop his fall from ever happening to begin with. Just make sure his mental state remains in good condition and make sure he gets friends. He's not only an orphan, but a victim of severe physical and emotional abuse from Zurvduat who not only never loved him but came to hate him for being; in the general's opinion; soft. An overly sensitive crybaby overly attached to the legacy of the corpses of his birth parents, always reading through the texts Gyda and Erik Skjoldr wrote on politics, philosophy, guerilla warfare, sociology, and more that Elmorni; chief of research on the Alimbic ship that Arne's parents uncovered and accidentally revitalised; encouraged him to indulge himself in to grow a connection to his human side.

Zurvduat's hatred was only further worsened because his actual biological children all died when Gorea devoured the Alimbic Tetrarch Order; and he woke up to a universe where the country he served and the family legacy he cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years was all dust in the wind for the last fifty thousand years. Despite all the man hours he spent searching, he never found any proof that any of his offspring reached safety in stasis, and now he had to raise a sniveling smoothskin whom Elmorni continually sabotaged his attempts to try and make a simple, pliable philosopher-soldier and a template for human-alimbic hybrid soldiers to help rebuild the empire with their hugely depleted manpower. And perhaps even one day being useful bodies for the countless disembodied Alimbic telepathic essences left by the sudden, traumatic demise of the whole of the Alimbic species; such as say, his eldest and most favoured son.

So Arne's a pretty broken person who has a black hole of trauma in place of a proper father figure and has a tendency to wilt from pressure from people who remind him of Zurvduat on top of his terror from Cylosis' demise. He's desperate to please people he likes, tries to not bother them with his problems if he can help it, continually insecure regarding ever displaying any signs of weakness from his person, and constantly doubting himself. Being put through training like running the same six-hour long (not six hours from his accelerated perspective of time, six hours from our perspective of time so it's even longer for him) combat scenario again and again, having to repeat from the very beginning any time he made a mistake as small as overkilling a single drone, for five days without pause or rest, made him into a neurotic mess of self-criticism.

Samus' problems are more to do with her tendency to be overtly selfless and need to just help everyone in sight. An obsession with fixing everything she can to try and make it so nobody goes through what she did on K-2L ever again. She doesn't know how to take a breather, while she criticises Arne for not thinking about himself enough, nobody pushes themselves quite the way she does to try and help out others. She's the kind of person who spends endless hours thinking about how they can help solve everyone's problems large and small and will spend whole months without getting enough rest or down time just trying to find out how she can save either the multiverse or just some people she thinks are down on their luck. She's burning the candle at both ends and tends to be very reluctant to let other people take her burdens unless she's absolutely sure they can take care of themselves. She's afraid of losing people, and worries herself deeply every day over how all of her friends are doing.

Which also leads her to not make too many, because she can't help but worry. Even for people who definitely can take care of themselves like Arne. She resents restrictions placed on herself and yet is one of the most protective friends you could have. If she doesn't think you can take care of yourself she's not likely to let you go very far without giving her assurances. Which makes her distant from normal people because they're all so fragile. It also means she tends to not like to be supported by large number of more mortal allies because she'd worry herself sick over the possibility of mass casualties from people who aren't able to take punishment the way she can. Not unless there's something done to let her take her mind off of their fates. Something to make them less fragile, less vulnerable.

She's a free spirit, but needs to learn that it's okay to spread the burden and that it's okay to let people take risks. She's able to handle it for now because she's still in the "oooh, aaah" stage of things, but once things start to sink in to her she's going to freak at the idea of people who can barely squeak to a century of life throwing away their lives in this kind of combat and will be sinking herself into trying to hold the weight of the omniverse on her back. So far people have avoided serious, mortal injuries, but that's not going to hold forever, and as smart as she is; she's a not super well adjusted teenaged girl who's been outside of a restricted social circle comprised entirely out of some of the remaining progenitors and some handfuls of youths for maybe a whole year in total.

She also has a temper and often responds to her trauma by trying to bury it in rage when something she can lash out at triggers it. When she's in an episode, she will break things, she will scream, she will just go absolutely frenzied in an attempt to try and distance herself from the sensation of helplessness she felt on K-2L. In a vision where she can't really do that she is at least, manageable. When she's in more of a capacity to try and punch her way out of things, you better hope you've got a holodeck handy for her to go full on "hulk smash!" in or at least, a lot of things to break you don't mind losing. She builds a lot of dumb A.I training robots specifically to have something to fight and break when she's got an episode going on. That sense of fear of powerlessness also drives her to push herself to self-improve and try to push for being the best she can be at all times.

It's why she doesn't go into missions with more than a tiny portion of her gear unless absolutely needed; she needs to prove she can manage even with a stripped-down arsenal and just what she can find. To prove that she could stop another K-2L with her bare hands if need be. Arne does it because he doesn't bring in equipment he feels that the current deployment doesn't warrant; fearful of overkill following year after year of abuse to make him more "efficient". Samus does it to prove a point. That she can handle it, she can save people, that she can help people even if she doesn't bring in her a-game.
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Genuinely surprised to see Sylux not being chosen at all.

Though to be fair, the road Arne takes to becoming Sylux in Saga is one of heartbreak and a deeply painful revelation about the people who scoured his homeworld to ruin for the promise of getting their hands on some Alimbic technology that he was not prepared to handle afte the Chozo and rather importantly for Skjoldr; Elmorni; were no longer involved in the lives of their charges.

The following is not really a Saga spoiler since this isn't treated as a dramatic reveal so much as it is an inevitable discovery; for one thing, the reader knows who destroyed the people of Cylosis long before Arne ever does. Think of it like how Anakin's fall into Darth Vader is treated, you know it's going to happen and the general gist of how it happens long before you ever see it happen. Besides, this doesn't contain a lot of the important details in the future chapters of Metroid: Saga that would actually be treated as surprises.

The people who scour Cylosis are of course, the Galactic Federation's Black Ops paramilitary outfit under the command of its intelligence service rather than its military chain of command or civilian government; the Rapid Armed Intelligence Division or R.A.I.D. Whose basic soldiers are basically Astartes+1; more than three meter tall posthuman power suit clad bioborg killing machines with automatic mini-missile launchers as standard issue meant to be able to fight mainline space pirates; who based on model scaling are 11-13 feet tall; with individual superiority rather than the Federation's usual tactics of greater numbers and heavy reliance on vehicles. And of course, outmatch other combatants like Kriken Soldiery, Omdyni Mech-Grenadiers, or Vhozon Confessors.

Though Samus doesn't know of them because the R.A.I.D is a deeply buried secret to the point of not even officially existing and having a completely off the books R&D and logistical/industrial complex and chain, when Arne finds out about it after most of the resusticated Alimbics are wiped out again by a betrayal from within the ranks by the anti-Arne faction of Almbics and the Zebesian Chozo get plastered by Mother Brain betraying them to the Space Pirates after obscuring their visions with her psychic powers he assumes the worst. It goes down shortly before zero mission just after their seventeenth birthdays; a bit less than two years after the betrayal; Arne finally finding what the RAID really is; no longer knowing who to trust after having had some severe downspirals, and just leaving Samus and ghosting her to let her think he killed himself so he can face the Alimbic faction that was against him before its partnership with the RAID bears fruit in a way that would radically alter the balance of power. Leaving Samus to go return to Zebes on her own to do battle with Mother Brain and Ridley.

Both face their betrayers and their new allies made from the people who orphaned them. Samus merges the Ancient Chozo armour that was always made to be acquired by her with her own suit to grow her understanding of ancient Chozo technology; Arne acquires the Armour of an Alimbic Paladin and more importantly; the Sylux armour designed by the traitor Alimbics as part of a suite of inventions meant to provide the means of bolstering their combat capability to progenitor levels. Arne takes the name of the Armour and assumes his new identity and remains in it for years; hiding himself out of shame and an incredibly unhealthy mix of emotions he's not in the right headspace to handle. He doesn't become evil so much as broken and lonely, having failed to deal with his childhood trauma the way Samus did and becoming a lesser, darker hero than her for it.

In Saga, it'd take years for the actual truth to come out and reconciliation to begin, here, you can stop his fall from ever happening to begin with. Just make sure his mental state remains in good condition and make sure he gets friends. He's not only an orphan, but a victim of severe physical and emotional abuse from Zurvduat who not only never loved him but came to hate him for being; in the general's opinion; soft. An overly sensitive crybaby overly attached to the legacy of the corpses of his birth parents, always reading through the texts Gyda and Erik Skjoldr wrote on politics, philosophy, guerilla warfare, sociology, and more that Elmorni; chief of research on the Alimbic ship that Arne's parents uncovered and accidentally revitalised; encouraged him to indulge himself in to grow a connection to his human side.

Zurvduat's hatred was only further worsened because his actual biological children all died when Gorea devoured the Alimbic Tetrarch Order; and he woke up to a universe where the country he served and the family legacy he cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years was all dust in the wind for the last fifty thousand years. Despite all the man hours he spent searching, he never found any proof that any of his offspring reached safety in stasis, and now he had to raise a sniveling smoothskin whom Elmorni continually sabotaged his attempts to try and make a simple, pliable philosopher-soldier and a template for human-alimbic hybrid soldiers to help rebuild the empire with their hugely depleted manpower. And perhaps even one day being useful bodies for the countless disembodied Alimbic telepathic essences left by the sudden, traumatic demise of the whole of the Alimbic species; such as say, his eldest and most favoured son.

So Arne's a pretty broken person who has a black hole of trauma in place of a proper father figure and has a tendency to wilt from pressure from people who remind him of Zurvduat on top of his terror from Cylosis' demise. He's desperate to please people he likes, tries to not bother them with his problems if he can help it, continually insecure regarding ever displaying any signs of weakness from his person, and constantly doubting himself. Being put through training like running the same six-hour long (not six hours from his accelerated perspective of time, six hours from our perspective of time so it's even longer for him) combat scenario again and again, having to repeat from the very beginning any time he made a mistake as small as overkilling a single drone, for five days without pause or rest, made him into a neurotic mess of self-criticism.

Samus' problems are more to do with her tendency to be overtly selfless and need to just help everyone in sight. An obsession with fixing everything she can to try and make it so nobody goes through what she did on K-2L ever again. She doesn't know how to take a breather, while she criticises Arne for not thinking about himself enough, nobody pushes themselves quite the way she does to try and help out others. She's the kind of person who spends endless hours thinking about how they can help solve everyone's problems large and small and will spend whole months without getting enough rest or down time just trying to find out how she can save either the multiverse or just some people she thinks are down on their luck. She's burning the candle at both ends and tends to be very reluctant to let other people take her burdens unless she's absolutely sure they can take care of themselves. She's afraid of losing people, and worries herself deeply every day over how all of her friends are doing.

Which also leads her to not make too many, because she can't help but worry. Even for people who definitely can take care of themselves like Arne. She resents restrictions placed on herself and yet is one of the most protective friends you could have. If she doesn't think you can take care of yourself she's not likely to let you go very far without giving her assurances. Which makes her distant from normal people because they're all so fragile. It also means she tends to not like to be supported by large number of more mortal allies because she'd worry herself sick over the possibility of mass casualties from people who aren't able to take punishment the way she can. Not unless there's something done to let her take her mind off of their fates. Something to make them less fragile, less vulnerable.

She's a free spirit, but needs to learn that it's okay to spread the burden and that it's okay to let people take risks. She's able to handle it for now because she's still in the "oooh, aaah" stage of things, but once things start to sink in to her she's going to freak at the idea of people who can barely squeak to a century of life throwing away their lives in this kind of combat and will be sinking herself into trying to hold the weight of the omniverse on her back. So far people have avoided serious, mortal injuries, but that's not going to hold forever, and as smart as she is; she's a not super well adjusted teenaged girl who's been outside of a restricted social circle comprised entirely out of some of the remaining progenitors and some handfuls of youths for maybe a whole year in total.

She also has a temper and often responds to her trauma by trying to bury it in rage when something she can lash out at triggers it. When she's in an episode, she will break things, she will scream, she will just go absolutely frenzied in an attempt to try and distance herself from the sensation of helplessness she felt on K-2L. In a vision where she can't really do that she is at least, manageable. When she's in more of a capacity to try and punch her way out of things, you better hope you've got a holodeck handy for her to go full on "hulk smash!" in or at least, a lot of things to break you don't mind losing. She builds a lot of dumb A.I training robots specifically to have something to fight and break when she's got an episode going on. That sense of fear of powerlessness also drives her to push herself to self-improve and try to push for being the best she can be at all times.

It's why she doesn't go into missions with more than a tiny portion of her gear unless absolutely needed; she needs to prove she can manage even with a stripped-down arsenal and just what she can find. To prove that she could stop another K-2L with her bare hands if need be. Arne does it because he doesn't bring in equipment he feels that the current deployment doesn't warrant; fearful of overkill following year after year of abuse to make him more "efficient". Samus does it to prove a point. That she can handle it, she can save people, that she can help people even if she doesn't bring in her a-game.

Now your just making me even more determined to get them friends.

Taylor would be a great start, Alice and Joseph too, and those other two back in the Autobot base.

Hell, just befriend all the Starsetters.

Vista, Clockblocker, and Kidwin are the only Wards I would allow for friendship because I don't know much about the others and Sophia is ... well ... Sophia.

Just bring in Victoria and Amy as well.

Man, I need to make a list of "things to do to make sure that Samus and Arne/friends all have happy endings".

......This is going to be a long quest.
Now your just making me even more determined to get them friends.

Taylor would be a great start, Alice and Joseph too, and those other two back in the Autobot base.

Hell, just befriend all the Starsetters.

Vista, Clockblocker, and Kidwin are the only Wards I would allow for friendship because I don't know much about the others and Sophia is ... well ... Sophia.

Just bring in Victoria and Amy as well.

Man, I need to make a list of "things to do to make sure that Samus and Arne/friends all have happy endings".

......This is going to be a long quest.
Also the R.A.I.D are behind the "let's resurrect and weaponise the metroids and tame the x-parasite" plot in Fusion. They are cold, cruel, and ruthless and will do anything they believe is necessary to ensure permanent all-encompassing Federal dominance even if it means utterly destroying its democracy in the name of "preserving order". The Federation's intelligence service is a cancerous influence that its military and civilian government has little control over and believes the best way to defeat the Space Pirates or the Krikens or other rivals of the Federation is to get lower than they can and out-do them in merciless "pragmatism" without any accountability to the civilian populace they believe that by doing evil in the dark; they will allow them to walk in the light.

All the coldness of drone operators who don't even flinch at the thought of drone bombing a birthday party full of children married to all the fanatical desire to just stay on top and never take even the slightest setback of the sort of people who helped Suharto literally wipe out half of East Timor's population on the merest suspicion of a non-western friendly movement being there. Married to the hubris of those people who convince themselves that when they arm this particular group of dangerous militants who explicitly hate them to fight this other group of dangerous militants who explicitly hate them, they aren't going to turn on them.

They're not as sadistic as the Space Pirates, but murder in cold blood isn't much better than murder out of the sheer pleasure of killing something weaker than yourself.
[X]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)

[X]: Huntress (Future title from Space Pirates)

I'm torn between the Autobots and Section 13. A new independent organization might make the most sense, just to avoid being tied down but I don't really want to add logistics to the quest...

Screw it. Not gonna win but it's my vote.

[X] Section 13
[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni)

Given what we've heard about his parental situation having a constant reminder of the good parts will hopfully help a little. Though I would have also liked

[]: Sigtyr (Name of Odin)

to stick it to the nazis. They don't own the gods names or the language.

[X]: Dawnchild (Affectionate nickname from Old Bird)

Duskguard and Dawnchild flows nicely as teammate names though I also like the sound of Inheritor.

[]: Inheritor (Primary title amongst Chozo)

I'm a bit torn between Autobots (duh) and Starsetters (for the peer group) btu I think I'll comedown on the side of the Autobots.

[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)

Also just *Chef kiss* on that Prime dialouge. I could really easily imagine Peter Cullen's or Garry Chalk's voices when reading it.
[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni)

[X]: Sigtyr (Name of Odin)

[X]: Dawnchild (Affectionate nickname from Old Bird)

[X]: Inheritor (Primary title amongst Chozo)

[X]: Autobots
Now sorted in order of preference.

[X]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni)

[X]: Hatching Sentinel (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Dawnchild (Affectionate nickname from Old Bird)
[X]: Inheritor (Primary title amongst Chozo)

[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)
[X]: Section 13 (Strong ties to Metroid universe, most understanding of Chozo and Alimbic relics and how you operate, weakest presence on these earths so far, gives the most operational freedom to operate the way you'd expect Samus and Sylux to. Significant grab bag of upgrades to access. Very politically well suited, few people in peer group at the moment.)
[X]: Suggest starting on that new organisation (Most freedom, has to start up from scratch and puts burden of leadership more squarely on you two but can be tailored to your desires.)
[X]: Starsetters (Independence from most governments, strong ties to primal earth, largest peer group due to mostly being made out of kids and people a bit outside the normal experience of humanity, no need to reveal identity, significant incarnate component access, broad range of power origin upgrades to incorporate. Socially somewhat misfitted with humans. Tends to have the least access privileges.)
[X]: Otmetsolsoza (The Protectorate but Soviet. Much of the same regulations as the Protectorate and the same benefits. This is more if you want to see more of Molotok and Serp and their friends.)
Last edited:
[X]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Eagle-Squire (Meaning of first name, rank amongst Alimbics)
[X]: Primoris (Primary title amongst Alimbics)

[X]: Hatching Sentinel (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Huntress (Future title from Space Pirates)
[X]: Metroid (Word for Ultimate Warrior among certain Chozo dialects)
[X]: Inheritor (Primary title amongst Chozo)

[X]: Otmetsolsoza (The Protectorate but Soviet. Much of the same regulations as the Protectorate and the same benefits. This is more if you want to see more of Molotok and Serp and their friends.)
[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)
[X]: Section 13 (Strong ties to Metroid universe, most understanding of Chozo and Alimbic relics and how you operate, weakest presence on these earths so far, gives the most operational freedom to operate the way you'd expect Samus and Sylux to. Significant grab bag of upgrades to access. Very politically well suited, few people in peer group at the moment.)
[X]: Starsetters (Independence from most governments, strong ties to primal earth, largest peer group due to mostly being made out of kids and people a bit outside the normal experience of humanity, no need to reveal identity, significant incarnate component access, broad range of power origin upgrades to incorporate. Socially somewhat misfitted with humans. Tends to have the least access privileges.)
[X]: Suggest starting on that new organisation (Most freedom, has to start up from scratch and puts burden of leadership more squarely on you two but can be tailored to your desires.)
[X]: Remain independent for now (May be able to make choice later when opportunities arise.)
Is this in order of preference?
Genuinely surprised to see Sylux not being chosen at all.

Though to be fair, the road Arne takes to becoming Sylux in Saga is one of heartbreak and a deeply painful revelation about the people who scoured his homeworld to ruin for the promise of getting their hands on some Alimbic technology that he was not prepared to handle after the Chozo, Alimbics, and rather importantly for Skjoldr; Elmorni; were no longer involved in the lives of their charges.
I am 85% sure these facts are related.

(Even people who don't read Saga likely still know of Sylux as the Bad Metroid Villain Man.)

[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)

The advantages of the Autobots are several, the disadvantages are easy to mitigate. It doesn't tie us to any part of either Earth unduly while not leaving us flying completely solo and Section 13 is a bit too distant for my tastes right now.

[X]: Duskguard (Affectionate nickname from Elmorni)
[X]: Metroid (Word for Ultimate Warrior among certain Chozo dialects)

Frankly, the latter purely for the "Samus = Metroid" memes.
Last edited:
I am 85% sure these facts are related.

(Even people who don't read Saga likely still know of Sylux as the Bad Metroid Villain Man.)

[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)

The advantages of the Autobots are several, the disadvantages are easy to mitigate. It doesn't tie us to any part of either Earth unduly while not leaving us flying completely solo and Section 13 is a bit too distant for my tastes right now.
Pick names please. :p
[X]: Primoris (Primary title amongst Alimbics)

[X]: Metroid (Word for Ultimate Warrior among certain Chozo dialects)

[X]: Ask people to make offers and show why you should join them.

Primoris sounds cool, that's pretty much the extent of my reasoning
Iris Chatlog
While you guys sort out this important vote: more fluff bits

Iris* Server "Cool place for Cool people", owned by Rundrasta: Shortly after the "Brockton Bay Brawl Bonanza"

Assault: So anyway that's how I beat up about three thousand Nazis and got to talk to God or something.
Dawnmaker: I believe the term would be "epic".
Xaeon: Nice work there! I can always respect someone who can clown on the Reich.
Battery: I uh...still need to think about how to file the paper work for that overseas mission. What should I write down for "had a conversation with a magic fountain?"
Serp: Write what she told you, obviously comrade.
Chernaya Gvardiya: Serp is correct, the truth should suffice.
Battery: Just trying to process it all honestly.
Mistral Slash: Don't worry about it too much, it's overwhelming the first time but you get used to it.
Molotok: I think she was a bit cute honestly!
Rundrasta: Bruh.
Boltdancer: Bruh.
Laser Crusader: Bruh.
Rave Rage: Bruh.
Starsinger: Bruh moment.
Molotok: She was like this...fancy fairy just dancing around! Very interesting.
Rundrasta: Lot of words I'd use to like, describe the well of furies. Cute is
Rundrasta: So far down the list yo, like the list is in fucking hell at this point.
Rundrasta: We'll be digging for trilobite fossils with the list
Steel Paladin: Raela, everyone sees her in a different way.
Rundrasta: Tyri; she's creepy and I don't trust like, someone who thought Tyrant was gonna be the
Rundrasta: Chad thundercock saviour of humanity
Xaeon: Can we even call Tyrant a Chad?
Positron: Please...stop making me think about Praetorian Cole's sex life.
Vista: Uh, hey, Xaeon. Speaking of people with names like yours, have you seen someone called Scion? Golden man, looks like a very muscular Jesus?
Vista Uploaded Scion.jpg
Xaeon: Oh? I think he just showed up in Pocket D one day and had a conversation with DJ Zero and then decided the purpose of life was partying or something.
Vista: Oh! Oh! How long has he been there.
Xaeon: Few years. Before I came to Primal Earth honestly.
Clockblocker: Pocket D? That a club or some kind of sex thing?
Iybraa: To be fair, it is full of horny people. It's some metadimensional universe created by this, all powerful party guy who found some way to divide his power level by zero or something but all he does with it is throw a forever party in a reality where he uses his godly powers to prevent anyone from getting hurt. It's pretty nice to hang out, lot of adult-only sections though. Infinite number of kid-only spaces too.
Clockblocker: ...You know, fair if I had the power to create an entire Universe with a finger snap I'd probably throw a party too.
Battery: Scion is just...partying?
Xaeon: Pretty sure he's trying to drink the infinite kegger dry while a bunch of other abstract higher beings cheer him on to chug right now.
Eidolon: Can this...DJ Zero be asked to help?
Positron: Hah! Not even a little. All he cares about is his forever rave. Every time we catalogue a new reality, he's already had portal links there since time began that anyone he deems is cool can go through to join the fun. He's got a very...broad definition of cool. Seems like any hero or villain or most civilians can go through.
Eidolon: Hardly the most responsible use of such power.
Citadel: It does however, mean that he poses no threat and that his cluster of created realities can be utilised as a neutral meeting ground, or if worst comes to worst; safe refuge.
Legend: Well, I'm sure I'd be able to get in. How are the drinks there?
(Reacts: ok_hand 381)
Penelope Yin: Cosmically perfect.
Legend: Hrmmmm...
Eidolon: Rundrasta, you claim to be an Angel, yes?
Rundrasta: Yo, I am an angel. (emoji: sunglasses)
Eidolon: You seem quite profane for a servant of heaven.
Rundrasta: 'Cause that mysterious higher power shit is fuckin' borin' yo!
Eidolon: Language.
Rundrasta: Bruh you ain't my mom. Besides, she taught me to swear. Cuz she's epic.
Aegis: Are people still using "epic" in 2020?
Steel Paladin: As far as I know it faded from use for a bit and then was brought back in a more ironic form.
Vector Shift: Yeah Pally's got the gist of it. People stop using it unironically I wanna say in...2012? Then people used it ironically six years later.
Mechamaven: You gotta understand that the meme game of the future is all about layers of irony. (emoji: ablobsunglasseswink)
Aegis: ...Okay I already had issues with you people but this lack of sincerity thing might be a bridge too far.
Adamanta: idk bro
Adamanta: you be bein' kinda cringe
Aegis: Stop calling me that!
Nucleon: Ahh you have been accorded the title of "cringe" yes human? I too have been proclaimed "cringe tbh".
Shadow Stalker: Please...try to talk normal, professionally even! Not this...impenetrable layers of meme speak!
Boltdancer: Bruh, chill. Just having fun.
Shadow Stalker: STOP SAYING BRUH! I swear you people are like broken records!
(reacts: bruh 467)
Jetfire: It seems that way. Nucleon. Wear it with...well not pride. Wear it though.
Shadow Stalker: ...
Aegis: Breathe Shadow Stalker.
Kid Win: Huh...so this is the app. Cool. Lot of nice features here, liking the addition of avatars myself.
Rundrasta: Ayyy you made it. No hard feelings for the whole fight right?
Kid Win: Hah, you kidding? That was a blast. I've got so much information to go over now it's crazy. Best day I've had in a long while honestly.
(Reacts: this_tbh; 84, 100; 73 Bloodtype_B; 72, regional_indicator_A; 72, regional_indicator_S; 72, regional_indicator_E; 72, regional_indicator_D 72, sunglasses; 65, thumbs_up; 54, megaflushed; 31, possumgrin; 21, lordrecluselaugh; 19, smilecat; 17)
Kid Win: ...Smiley reacts? Interesting idea. What's based though? What am I based on?
Boltdancer: Based on Bofa.
Aegis: ...What's Bofa?
Several people are typing

*A special secure version of Discord made by multiple hero groups working together to serve as a chat, voice and video communication, stream, and image and video sharing service. Invented on Primal Earth. Has a villain counterpart called Neith; started by Arachnos and operating from the Rogue Islands.
Last edited:
While you guys sort out this important vote: more fluff bits

Iris* Server "Cool place for Cool people", owned by Rundrasta: Shortly after the "Brockton Bay Brawl Bonanza"

Assault: So anyway that's how I beat up about three thousand Nazis and got to talk to God or something.
Dawnmaker: I believe the term would be "epic".
Xaeon: Nice work there! I can always respect someone who can clown on the Reich.
Battery: I uh...still need to think about how to file the paper work for that overseas mission. What should I write down for "had a conversation with a magic fountain?"
Serp: Write what she told you, obviously comrade.
Chernaya Gvardiya: Serp is correct, the truth should suffice.
Battery: Just trying to process it all honestly.
Mistral Slash: Don't worry about it too much, it's overwhelming the first time but you get used to it.
Molotok: I think she was a bit cute honestly!
Rundrasta: Bruh.
Boltdancer: Bruh.
Laser Crusader: Bruh.
Rave Rage: Bruh.
Starsinger: Bruh moment.
Molotok: She was like this...fancy fairy just dancing around! Very interesting.
Rundrasta: Lot of words I'd use to like, describe the well of furies. Cute is
Rundrasta: So far down the list yo, like the list is in fucking hell at this point.
Rundrasta: We'll be digging for trilobite fossils with the list
Steel Paladin: Raela, everyone sees her in a different way.
Rundrasta: Tyri; she's creepy and I don't trust like, someone who thought Tyrant was gonna be the
Rundrasta: Chad thundercock saviour of humanity
Xaeon: Can we even call Tyrant a Chad?
Positron: Please...stop making me think about Praetorian Cole's sex life.
Vista: Uh, hey, Xaeon. Speaking of people with names like yours, have you seen someone called Scion? Golden man, looks like a very muscular Jesus?
Vista Uploaded Scion.jpg
Xaeon: Oh? I think he just showed up in Pocket D one day and had a conversation with DJ Zero and then decided the purpose of life was partying or something.
Vista: Oh! Oh! How long has he been there.
Xaeon: Few years. Before I came to Primal Earth honestly.
Clockblocker: Pocket D? That a club or some kind of sex thing?
Iybraa: To be fair, it is full of horny people. It's some metadimensional universe created by this, all powerful party guy who found some way to divide his power level by zero or something but all he does with it is throw a forever party in a reality where he uses his godly powers to prevent anyone from getting hurt. It's pretty nice to hang out, lot of adult-only sections though. Infinite number of kid-only spaces too.
Clockblocker: ...You know, fair if I had the power to create an entire Universe I'd probably throw a party too.
Battery: Scion is just...partying?
Xaeon: Pretty sure he's trying to drink the infinite kegger dry while a bunch of other abstract higher beings cheer him on to chug right now.
Eidolon: Can this...DJ Zero be asked to help?
Positron: Hah! Not even a little. All he cares about is his forever rave. Every time we catalogue a new reality, he's already had portal links there since time began that anyone he deems is cool can go through to join the fun. He's got a very...broad definition of cool. Seems like any hero or villain or most civilians can go through.
Eidolon: Hardly the most responsible use of such power.
Citadel: It does however, mean that he poses no threat and that his cluster of created realities can be utilised as a neutral meeting ground, or if worst comes to worst; safe refuge.
Legend: Well, I'm sure I'd be able to get in. How are the drinks there?
(Reacts: ok_hand 381)
Penelope Yin: Cosmically perfect.
Legend: Hrmmmm...
Eidolon: Rundrasta, you claim to be an Angel, yes?
Rundrasta: Yo, I am an angel. (emoji: sunglasses)
Eidolon: You seem quite profane for a servant of heaven.
Rundrasta: 'Cause that mysterious higher power shit is fuckin' borin' yo!
Eidolon: Language.
Rundrasta: Bruh you ain't my mom. Besides, she taught me to swear. Cuz she's epic.
Aegis: Are people still using "epic" in 2020?
Steel Paladin: As far as I know it faded from use for a bit and then was brought back in a more ironic form.
Vector Shift: Yeah Pally's got the gist of it. People stop using it unironically I wanna say in...2012? Then people used it ironically six years later.
Mechamaven: You gotta understand that the meme game of the future is all about layers of irony. (emoji: ablobsunglasseswink)
Aegis: ...Okay I already had issues with you people but this lack of sincerity thing might be a bridge too far.
Adamanta: idk bro
Adamanta: you be bein' kinda cringe
Aegis: Stop calling me that!
Nucleon: Ahh you have been accorded the title of "cringe" yes human? I too have been proclaimed "cringe tbh".
Shadow Stalker: Please...try to talk normal, professionally even! Not this...impenetrable layers of meme speak!
Boltdancer: Bruh, chill. Just having fun.
Shadow Stalker: STOP SAYING BRUH! I swear you people are like broken records!
(reacts: bruh 467)
Jetfire: It seems that way. Wear it with...well not pride. Wear it though.
Shadow Stalker: ...
Aegis: Breathe Shadow Stalker.
Kid Win: Huh...so this is the app. Cool. Lot of nice features here, liking the addition of avatars myself.
Rundrasta: Ayyy you made it. No hard feelings for the whole fight right?
Kid Win: Hah, you kidding? That was a blast. I've got so much information to go over now it's crazy. Best day I've had in a long while honestly.
(Reacts: this_tbh; 84, 100; 73 Bloodtype_B; 72, regional_indicator_A; 72, regional_indicator_S; 72, regional_indicator_E; 72, regional_indicator_D 72, sunglasses; 65, thumbs_up; 54, megaflushed; 31, possumgrin; 21, lordrecluselaugh; 19, smilecat; 17
Kid Win: ...Smiley reacts? Interesting idea. What's based though? What am I based on?
Boltdancer: Based on Bofa.
Aegis: ...What's Bofa?
Several people are typing

*A special secure version of Discord made by multiple hero groups working together to serve as a chat, voice and video communication, stream, and image and video sharing service. Invented on Primal Earth. Has a villain counterpart called Neith; started by Arachnos and operating from the Rogue Islands.

...... You sir ... are a mad man.

I like it. :D

Keep up the good work. 👍
[X]: Nova Knight (CommNet chat handle)
[X]: Huntress (Future title from Space Pirates)
[X]: Autobots (Strong ties to the Transformers, best mentor options, highly sophisticated technology to study and incorporate, lower numbers, lack of people in peer group, facilities have human comfort mostly as a secondary concern; politically well suited, autobots generally very experienced with working with children.)
Team [x]: Autobots because they seem like swell bros and we've worked well with them before.
[x]: Metroid (Samus)
[x]: Nova Knight (Arne)
Slight note to people voting Metroid, while it's a legitimate Chozo name, remember you're likely to meet the actual Metroid creatures so if you go this road, prepare to deal with some slight confusion when people have to call out the horrible energy devouring gelatinous hellbeasts' names which can cause a higher chance of someone getting confused and then having their life force or power core sucked dry or left badly hurt.

And Metroids are no joke, especially Saga's Metroids, without Anti-Energy or sufficiently enervating Dark Energy; not simply cold, cold hurts, but won't be enough to stop them, you need outright anti-energy or embrittling dark energy to neutralise their energy absorption and bio-barriers to freeze them and encase them with the ice generated in the reverse-annihilation process into a more easily shattered state and they still can take a super missile to break after being frozen; they absorb almost obscene amounts of punishment even shortly after hatching or fissioning when exposed to Beta Rays. They can be killed without being frozen via anti-energy but it's generally speaking a slog.

They are very fast, their primary method of attack tends to ignore most forms of durability save for having a lot of energy/life force/shielding strength for them to suck out, surprisingly smart, come in packs, very strong with talons that are sharper than stuff made out of matter should even be able to be, and are prone to unpredictable but always beneficial mutations based on environmental conditions. Also they can copy or transfer powers under the right circumstances as seen in Super Metroid where the Baby Metroid steals Mother Brain's absurdly powerful hyperbeam and gives it to Samus or the Metroid Prime dealing with the various technologies the Space Pirates tried to contain it with by simply absorbing the technologies and fashioning them into its exoskeleton to turn its carapace into power armour.

Of course, if it gets confusing enough, a rename can always be done later should you desire. After all, Samus doesn't know the Metroids even exist yet (the SR388 Chozo were of a different nationality of Chozo than the ones who established the Zebes colony, and while also concerned with the prophecy of the Hatchling, otherwise had rather little to do with their kin) and won't for some time, as Mother Brain won't direct the space pirates to steal some from an expedition fleet returning from SR388 for another three or so years as part of her effort to; post betrayal; provide Space Pirate high command with the means to fight closer to the level of the progenitor civilizations rather than the modern societies.