[3]: Check on Assault and Battery as they catch up with the Wards and Protectorate.
[1]: Check on Nightcaster and Eudaimonica as they catch up with the Freedom Phalanx and Starsetters
[2]: Get Jetfire's introduction to some of your new Autobot teammates.

[X]: Interlude (Elmorni & Old Bird)

I'm curious about the perspectives of the adopting aliens.
Lol no two people picked the same interlude.
Well then... that might be interesting to see which take up the offer and which actually get in
Plenty of Earth Bet villains would love to have their slice of Recluse's pie because as Recluse outright rules a developed nation with a population at least equal to Paragon City he has resources even the wealthiest of crime bosses can't even dream of. Not to mention a massive collection of psychics, supertech, mystics, monsters, supervillains, and perhaps Primal Earth's most technologically advanced armed forces. And the Rogue Islands are run as basically Social Darwinism land where stuff is only illegal if you can't get away with doing it. Recluse doesn't even mind people plotting to overthrow him, if they succeed; they deserved to, if they fail then they similarly deserve what they get. He's a principled Social Darwinist like that, but his country is a miserable hellscape deliberately designed to drive people towards villainy in the hopes of creating the greatest possible villains or attracting them to his country for the safe refuge he; as the internationally legally recognised leader of a nuclear superpower; can offer them. Just as long as they're aware that if they cause too many issues for him personally or for Arachnos' operations as a whole, they'll have to deal with the consequences themselves. He also tolerates and even encourages infighting for supremacy among his ranks, so that only the best among them may rise to the top as Arachnos beats and kills its rivals within itself in the hopes of crawling up the web of hierarchy a little faster.

At least, in theory his management practices are meant to do that. In practice it means Arachnos wastes a lot of resources fighting itself over petty reasons or one subset sabotaged another subset to make them look worse. It also makes the Rogue Islands a place of utterly staggering wealth inequality because there is literally zero social safety net and the country's economy is dominated by supervillains and the very worst of the business world and a large chunk of its economy literally comes from loot that supervillains who live there take back home with them and spend when they go raiding other countries across the Atlantic like a modern-day version of Vikings.
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Coil, Accord and The Elite would all *love* some of that pie. I wonder if the Elite will stick to pure Parahuman suprimism or switch it to include Metahumans as well?
I mean at this point Earth Bet doesn't know about the shards so they aren't going to consider Metahumans separate from Parahumans; just a separate universe having its own terminology for the same phenomenon.
Interlude Set 1 Part 1: Optimus Prime
You know, I've got the free time to spare and these are relaxing destress stories to write. May as well give the people the interludes they want.

Optimus Prime

Outskirts of Stinax Research Facility, Ivaxus, Elndir System, Quasaria Galaxy, Rubricae Multiversal Cluster, Sparkshifter Metaverse.

It had pained Optimus to leave Arne and Samus behind on Earth Bet, he could sense that there was much he could learn from them and that alone as they were in that strange universe and its mysterious extradimensionally granted powers; they would appreciate the company of someone they could trust. To give them such a heavy burden of leadership and integrating into a new command was not something he did lightly, but they had requested to join his ranks, and he swore that he would one day be there in person.

But he had many duties to attend to. Battles to be waged as the cosmos seemed to be growing mad. From what he had been told, twelve metaversal clusters had been drawn together by some unknown force. More might come, an eventuality he hoped would not arise with the chaos that was unfolding already. Convergence, disruption, and the looming threat of the Coming Storm all weighed heavy on his mind as he prayed to his maker-god for answers. When satisfied that the guidance had been delivered, he opened his optics and looked upon the blasted fields of battle. Trench lines, craters, smouldering ruin, flora and fauna having been reduced to ash and geographical formations smashed to ruin; the mountains that had been here nothing more than rubble and memories.

"Optimus we've got hostiles coming in from the north sector, three clicks." Hot Rod's words were clearly full of concern, a concern melting slightly at the presence of the Prime who towered over him. Optimus' arm shifted, unfolding a long barelled gun that he wielded in one hand with ease despite its substantial length, his optics staring into the distance and shifting slightly to provide him with greater vision of what lay in the distance.

"What are they Prime?" Chromia asked, the figure of the woman cutting an in between state betwixt Hot Rod's slender, speedy frame and Prime's tall, noble and knightly figure. The armour over her chassis shifted slightly, her arm currently in the form of a rotary missile launcher as other autobots started to open fire. "Decepticons?" She asked.

They were tall by organic standards, but they were nonetheless organic. A panoply of species united primarily by a shared sense of savagery. More human height insectoids with crab claw hands fitted with blasters and winged, wasp like aliens with massive scythe hands and acid spittle expended like cannon fodder by three to four-meter tall aliens who moved with purpose, speed, and power; vaulting from place to place to avoid incoming fire. The most predominant as far as he could see had eel like heads, separated lower mouth parts, and six eyes; joined by insectoids with transparent carapace sections over their hearts to give an unnerving beating effect, one hand fitted into a pincered arm cannon; the other fitted into a lengthy scythe blade, hunch backed reptilians with fire blazing in their hateful yellow eyes, large and brutish crustaceaoids like a bigger and bulkier counterpart to the insectoids, and dozens of other species.

An autobot who had tried to wade into the organics, scattering them aside with his maul and trying to catch them in his plasmathrower underestimated their speed as flight pack equipped soldiers and drones swarmed around him, the sound barrier issuing its protests while nimble troops darted around him; peppering him and his fire team with shots from all sides. Powerful shots, his shielding burst in seconds and his armour was soon being gouged into by incredibly fast particle bolts, corroding at their self-regenerating plating. Even when brutally injured, they continued to fight on, one stabbing a wrist scythe blade into the foot of an autobot stomping on them even when a gun was pressed to their head to reduce it to particle ash. Others jumped onto and scuttled all over another autobot assault trooper, pulling him down and ripping him apart in frightful savagery; showing a strength Optimus had rarely seen from unexceptional organics.

But they were no Decepticons. Their attacks were experimental, unsure of cybertronian weak points; they seemed taken slightly aback by transformations as transports ferrying in more autobots themselves turned into autobots; smashing into the fray against their hovering, spider-leg carried, or tracked war machines and the occasional tamed giant monster. And even Decepticons would rarely resort to throwing forth soldiers that Optimus could tell were starved and desperate, emaciated and dejected, walking skeletons kept alive by relatively low grade power suits and a bloodthirsty desire to eat the flesh of the Autobot auxiliaries; Prime's optics turning away in disgust when he saw the first few crimson feasts.

"No. These are no Cybertronians, but their desire to acquire the Dark Energon deposits here cannot be allowed to be fulfilled. Electronika, what progress have you made on determining their point of entry?" Optimus said as he started to take rapid fire, carefully aimed shots; easily dodging around the incoming rounds thrown his way even as they flew at speeds best measured in percentages of lightspeed. A missile launched by a large hover tank was sidestepped, his hand wrapping around its haft and his arm flicking to throw the projectile back into the nearest mass of the foe, his ion blaster spearing through a row of similar such vehicles with each shot.

"Well...they're not from this universe...similar signatures to Samus and Arne though, based on what Jetfire's sent us." She said, her visor glimmering slightly as it focused on the enemy.

"Then it is imperative that our newest members inform us of their home reality as soon as is possible. If these truly are the ones behind the recent spate of massacres, they are a foe whose cruelty cannot be allowed to continue. We will stop their scourging of sector after sector here." He said firmly, his weapon taking out dozens of aircraft with pin point accurate shots, a grenade pitch giving another batch of these nimble foes a taste of anti-energy over a wide area, freezing shielding into ice and bodies into dust while Optimus looked into the Matrix within his chest for guidance, deflecting shots coming towards more vulnerable members back to their senders with speed that the human eye simply could not follow. Even while fighting though, his mind was still working, giving commands across every front he and his allies fought in, all guided by the wisdom of Primus within him.

"Prime, the cosmos is falling apart. Barriers between realities are just getting easier and easier to cross, tears in reality we can barely keep track of open more and more frequently exhausting out Primus knows what. Just now I'm getting more of those...unusual signals. Chaotic, something pushing against the fabric of reality like it wants to get in." She said, her chronogun exploding into a storm of badly warped time and space that shredded through multiple platoons of the enemy at a time as the large, rotating claw end of the hip fired weapon finished spooling up. Bursts of white static swallowed the enemy and scattered them across reality, but a barrage of stasis grenades quickly froze her chronovortices to let them advance.

More autobots fell down, cored by powerful and advanced weapons and forcibly medivaced out behind the scenes while other aliens set up deployable cover screens to protect their rapid assault forwards; more soldiers raining down via teleport, dropship, or jump pack and forcing Prime to get to work, moving like a whirlwind of death to keep them away from precious assets.

"I feel it too." He said, hearing something whispering against the corner of reality, something that was looking for a road inside. A road they would find shortly. "Have the spacebridge teams try to disrupt that signal. Get the cityspeakers and mystics on it as well, I have a feeling they will be of more use than more firepower." He said, grabbing some large mech that had tried to sneak up on him and throwing it overhead and straight into and through the ground, stepping to the side and punching a mass accelerator round head on to shatter it into a rain of splinters that scattered more of the alien soldiers trying to approach him.

"Alright boss...just give m-" She didn't quite finish her sentence, her shielding flaring up as she was thrown off her feet by a heavy green projectile that erupted in a nucleonic burst. Anger briefly flared in Prime as he let loose a stream of missiles from his shoulders; each of them splitting into submunitions that formed into gravitational vortices to implode the enemy's frontline into doom, an arm shield forming over his other limb while his blaster swept hundreds of the foe in his way.

"Ratchet, see to Electronika. Elita One, Overload, Drift, Silverbolt; take your troops and come with me. Dinobots; advance to their flanks while the Aerialbots weaken their air support. Technobots; combine and provide us with some heavy support, the artillery should suppress their anti-superheavy assets. Everyone else, provide covering fire." Optimus said, indicating his targets as he rushed forward, deflecting a tachyonic projectile with a quick spin and the emergence of his axe, turning the blade of the Axe of Primus in such a way as to smash the tachyon bolt into some of their drop ships, cutting the aircraft apart in a brilliant detonation while the cannons on his shoulders let loose a burst of electron bolts, shields splintering beneath his assault and bodies crumbling to ash with the follow up shots.

Moving to avoid the stomping leg of a massive mountain of a spidery mech, his axe swung to cut through superdense attomechanically bonded armour like tissue paper, white hot material glowing after the axe's passage as his hand grabbed at its leg and tugged to overturn the machine that stood dozens of times taller than him to smash into a row of other enemies, clearing the way for him to bounce between several positions; moving with speed and agility that belied his size. Assault soldiers who leaped at him faster than most bullets travelled were sidestepped, bisected neatly or stomped into the ground hard enough to crack the earth, energon fire waves projecting forward to burn many others who failed to get out of his way.

Another autobot fell by his side, their spark extinguished by some genetically engineered cavalry beast ridden upon by an armoured warrior of the aliens as their power lance was used to remove his head after he had been battered by anti-armour fire. Utitron; Optimus reminded himself, swearing that his sacrifice would not be in vain as he jumped towards another machine, his axe splitting apart a cockpit larger than he was several times over and carrying him all the way through to let the machine fall apart around him, his ion blaster detonating its ammunition as it fell out of its stores just over the heads of the aliens he had intended to surprise with their own munitions; jets on his back carrying him further to the left, weapons fire deflecting from his hide, throwing a massive tank with a single hand through nothing but sheer strength, letting thousands of tons of metal roll its way through hundreds of soldiers while more fell at his feet every second.

"+Prime, get out of there, those signals are reaching a critical point!+" Electronika shouted before a multicoloured swirl in reality tore its way into being, both sides briefly taking a moment to pause before a third party came streaming out of the bleeding wounds in existence. Red skinned and hooved monsters with burning swords were the first out, horns like curved blades attached to long heads and slavering tongues hungry for blood. Tall humanoid figures in black and brass armour often twisted like flesh and horned helmets followed with a rabble of dejected and twisted humans, slavering curses in a language Prime knew to be of human origin. Small rockets streamed from the guns of the larger men; mixed in with insane laughter as they dove into the thick of the fray, others rejecting all caution and charging into the fray with whirring axes and blades.

Prime could feel that they were wrong, unnatural, twisted and warped by the energies they had cavourted with. Though he recognised them as humans, he didn't hesitate with his next orders, seeing how they relished in the carnage they had soon unleashed. "+Autobots, take them down.+" Prime said as multiple bloated, rotting figures of tremendous height and even greater corpulence shambled out, twisted energies bending at pudgy finger tips. Why they were here, Optimus was unsure, but he would find out as soon as possible. But he also knew magic when he saw it, and the light of Primus shielded him against it, gaining brief surprise from the rotting behemoths as their forces did battle with both the autobtos and the aliens. They staggered forward, hate in beady, myopic eyes, shuddering forward in a putrid charge.

The Axe of Primus glowed as he shot through both the aliens and the twisted humans, and the monsters seemed to recoil in his presence, weaker elements of their host simply disintegrating in his presence, with even the twisted mortals igniting from getting too close to him, howling in pain as the anointed of the creator God of Order slammed one of the alien drop ships into a boxy, stump legged walker to smash it into pieces, jumping forward and letting the rotting ones gather in a semi-circle around him, interrupting the magic they were casting forward to spread decay with the scalding light of Primus.

"You picked the wrong universe to haunt, I suggest you vacate this place now." Optimus said, ever interested in giving his foes a chance to walk away from battles.

"Your light will soon cease burning us machine. Know the touch of limitless entropy!" A boast, trite and overplayed. Optimus had heard its like from more malevolent supernatural entities than he wagered this being could ever imagine meeting across his hundreds of millions of years in Primus' service. Though they were beings of disorder, they were not the spawn of the Chaosbringer whom he was sworn to oppose. But they still feared his presence, bodies sizzling from his proximity.

"I already have, you are no Unicron. Whatever claim to immortality you think you possess, do not seek to test it against me. Or I will show you just how brief eternity can be for monsters such as yourselves." Prime taunted, letting them charge him all at once, disgusting, heaving unreal flesh jiggling and smacking against itself in a way Optimus would have rather not seen today, but a single sweep of his axe decapitated all seven of them in a neat motion, the Axe of Primus shattering their rusted swords like glass and cutting through the twisted energies around them like daylight through darkness. Screams of agony were made as they realised what was cutting through them, flesh imploding and crumbling in unnatural ways before evaporating altogether. Even a single touch from the axe, gifted by Primus himself, was enough to tear their essences apart and send shockwaves of fear through the new host as hissing smoke was all that was left of their mighty lords.

"Who's next?" Optimus said, making a "come here." gesture to both sets of enemy armies. Optimus Prime had been a warrior since the first dinosaurs on Earth opened their eyes, and he would not fall today.
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Duodecimarch means "twelve rulers". So I'm using twelve settings, all born of my various creative takes on a lot of stuff I've worked on over the years.

This is sort of kind of the culmination of all my fanfic stuff in one go.

I do have a cohesive narrative planned though, don't worry. I picked the twelve I picked for very good reason.
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Interlude Set 1 Part 2: Lord Recluse & Red Widow
Spider City, Grandeville, État des îles Etoile (aka the Rogue Islands), Primal Earth, Sourcewell Metaverse

Stefan Richter was a powerful man. Feared by the First, Second, and Third Worlds. A man who could sit at the table of the non-alignment movement one day and order schemes to shake the destinies of many worlds to their core the next. A man whose webs spread far throughout not just the world, but countless alternates and parallels. He had twisted the knife into Praetorian Earth's Empire to ensure the work of that reality's Marcus Cole would come undone. He had his fingers on the pulse of the machinations of the Rikti and the Nictus, and men such as Lord Nemesis, the Countess Crey, Vanessa DeVore, or the directors of the Malta group all feared to cross him. They all had their empires of shadow and skulduggery, but there was only one true Archvillain. After all, he was the one who made identifying as such popular. To dispense with any pretense to goodness, to look those who accuse you of evil in the eye and say "yes, what are you going to do about it?"

Yet there was some melancholy to it. He had spent so much of his ideological framework to oppose his version of Cole for the better part of a hundred years. The Statesman. Equality, Justice, Liberty, Community. Pompous ideals of a dead man who never moved past his starry eyed fascination with Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Upton Sinclair just as he stuck himself in the past. To think they were friends once, Richter mused as he looked out the window of his tower, the eight spider-legs sprouting from his back clad in armour made of secret alloys that surpassed even Impervium in strength; reinforced through esoteric science, magic, and psionics and bathed in the power of incarnate threads; just as the armour plating around the rest of him was. His burning red eyes looked through the openings in his helmet for his eyes, the souls of his subjects like flickering flames before him.

A woman clad in pleasing skintight red approached him, her hair as scarlet as her outfit, her smile cruel on her lips and her psychic presence menacing to most. But to Recluse, it was a joyous occasion. Red Widow, wife, co-ruler, and the only person he'd ever acknowledge as an equal. Adelie de Montagard, returned to his side eight scant years ago after being lost to him in the line of battle. He never made a habit of directly helping others in a path to power that he couldn't attach strings to, but his heart could make an exception to his ideals for once. Recluse hated to lose things he treasured, and compromising on this was worth ensuring that through the path of the Incarnate; history would not repeat itself.

"You are deep in thought, Richter." She said, the Etoilan French accent still pleasantly thick after all this time, so unlike his thoroughly Americanised accent. She had of course, made an obvious observation, but neither of them were here to make profound revelations. He turned from his balcony, his webbed, greek style helmet not impeding his superhuman hearing even slightly while his cloak fluttered with his movements.

"That I am, Adelie. I sense the Coming Storm is almost here. A convergence of worlds beyond the web of wells and their dimensionless minders. Tell me, what do you know of the work our agents have already been doing?" He asked, it was rhetorical of course; she was the only person he didn't keep secrets from, and vice versa.

The scarlet haired woman chewed on a glvoed finger briefly before smirking. "Reaching out already for more patrons in the new realities?" She asked coyly.

"Correct. Arachnos continues to expand. We have new divisions awaiting new leaders. Fiefdoms will need to be allotted and talent scouted. I have my eye on a number of possible candidates already. Many are clever and powerful, resourceful and ambitious. We need only reach out and seize the opportunity. Many will be desperate to find sturdier ships on their own, once the magnitude of what lies over the horizon is made clear. Those who would rather make trouble for us however." He said, one of his massive spiderly limbs' scythe like type curling forward menacingly, glinting in the morning sun.

"Will be eliminated as factors." Red Widow made a devious grin as Richter nodded with a pleased expression beneath his helmet.

"There are already a number of candidates I find promising." Richter said, laying his hand on her shoulder and giving it a soft, gentle rub as he looked back down from his balcony towards the procession of Arachnos wolf spider troops in parade formation to celebrate the anniversary of a particularly grand triumph of Arachnos'.

"The one they call Coil yes? A touch small time don't you think." She said, rapping her fingers against the hand rest of the balcony.

"From the word of our agents, he has an interesting power. Lacking in physical power yes, but such deficiencies can be corrected. Deficiencies I am sure he will be eager to have removed in exchange for a place in Arachnos." He said, he had already seen the file once, he never needed to see it again unless it was updated. Nothing escaped his memory, not even the most briefly observed detail could free itself from the impenetrable snares of his mind; gifted with unrivalled and unparalleled intellect to surpass any of the other geniuses humanity had produced from his home metaverse. Save for of course, those who had been given similar incarnate aspects. Small matter though, he had plenty of time to truly master his gift.

"His operatives include a rather...large number of children however. He'd hardly be bringing in a ready-made army." She said, giving the idea some thought while she flicked the cape she wore behind her.

"Did Mako, Scorpion, or Ghost Widow do so?" He replied.

He had purposefully left out Scirocco. Malak's return to the side of heroism was annoying but not unexpected. Villainy born solely of curses was never long lasting villainy in his experience. Vukoran had proved to be a sufficient replacement of course, but to see Scirocco's face amidst the vindicators still ranked something deep within him. She nodded, understanding his point and moving on.

"Hrm, I remember the Widows reporting on a group called the Elite during our preliminary scouting. Large, organised, well resourced; tolerated by the authorities. I suppose we will be absorbing them soon?" She asked.

"We already are. Let the Phalanx and this Protectorate argue with each other, let the Sovzaschotesch* and the Divzasovyuz do the same. The Coming Storm will arrive not as a ceaseless hurricane but as a pulsing supercell, there will be time and place to make the moves we require between its thunderbolts. And we will need to be ready for the battles with the heroes that are sure to come when some inevitably reject any offers of truce against a common foe or seek to strike us in the down time. Such of course, is only fair, darling. We plan on doing the same." He said, removing his hand from her side and steepling them as he watched flying gunships move in formation below him, his impossibly tall tower allowing him to see virtually the whole of his domain. His tower had been compared to Barad-Dur by trite fantasy nerds, but unlike Sauron he was hardly content to sit back and let his minions work for him.

"Any favourites among their ranks to be a patron? Bastard Son is potent but lacks discipline, submission is hardly in his DNA. But I suppose there's something to be said about being able to expect someone to betray you, no?" She said, already guessing at Richter's analysis of him based on his files.

"Correct. His powers would make him a versatile Mastermind, and perhaps with the right alterations or augmentations they could be made more focused; controlled. He himself would need something to remove his...fragility." Recluse said, from what his spies had told him most of these "parahumans" tended to be wanting in the durability or reflex department even if they had a wide array of esoteric abilities that intrigued him as much as his awareness that they had a power origin unique to themselves.

"I have also considered Jack Slash, but this slaughterhouse nine is void of direction beyond aimless murder. They are powerful, violent, and void of ambition. I am more interested in the girl; Bonesaw; than I am in Jack himself to be honest. Crawler might make for a useful subpatron as well, should he be prodded into controlling himself." Richter added as he tapped his fingers against the balcony in matching rhythm with hers, a little couple's game that got the two to smile at each other and share a small laugh.

"Hrm, do you still want Grey Boy eliminated to see how Jack would adapt without one of his trump cards?" She said with a devious smirk.

"Hold on that operation for a while longer. He could be of use to deal with those lacking in resistance to his powers or time manipulation of their own. Especially until we reveal more of the shadow organisation that seems to be attempting to counter our operations." He said, voice starting to become colder; more serious.

"Hrm, yes, the ones who seem to be where they need to be when they have to be." She said, rubbing at her chin.

"From my study of their movements to interfere with us, they are being guided by a mastery of the mathematical principles behind most things and an ability to perceive the pathway to the optimal outcome and how to achieve it. Clever to be certain. Powerful against those who do not have their own hands on the pulse of fate. Certainly potentially dangerous. But, not impossible to overcome." He said. It had taken him minutes of taking a look at the pattern of actions to gauge exactly what was guiding his foes, especially in tandem with his seer networks and fateweavers.

He had to commend them, most people couldn't prevent him from figuring out their plans for more than a few seconds once he had caught their tremors through the web of fate. Taking entire minutes for him to surmise their secret was something reserved only for his most formidable rivals in intellect such as Lord Nemesis or Requiem, occasionally the Malta Group, when they were feeling especially daring with trying to avert his notice by whatever means possible. But nobody could keep him in the dark for long. Not even the Decepticons, whom he began to suspect the presence of some time ago, lurking in the shadows with their twisted schemes.

"But, they would be better to convince than to destroy. Abilities such as that are a precious commodity. And I am doubtless that they are trying to think of ways to adjust to their new situation just as we are." He said, his hand making the gesticulations with astounding deftness given the plate that they were covered in.

"Hrm, certainly true enough. From our observations, they seem to often contact those who are looking for powers. This would be the best avenue for us to reach out to them and begin discussions. If they are willing to listen. On the other hand, to make them come to us instead might give us a better grasp of their nature, given how reluctant they are to give us anything to observe for long. A seer sweep could work, I feel." She said, getting a pleased nod out of the Lord of Arachnos as he straightened himself up and started to turn away from the balcony, a hand motion getting her to follow him.

"The two children who fell from space are an unknown factor however. The fortunatas have difficulty pinpointing their movements through fate. A great deal rests on their shoulders it would seem, but as far as can be discerned we have no angle to tempt them to villainy with." Recluse said, his hands moving behind his back while his spidery limbs held themselves in a more rigid position, his boots making clicking sounds with each step.

"From the agents we had nestled within that facility, they are able to interface with the old relics." She said, getting a nod from Richter as he gave it a thought.

"They are tied to those cultures, the simple aesthetics they share with them would be enough to guess that. Those who laid down those artefacts expected them to come, long in advance. From what I have seen of them, likely to avert the catastrophe ahead. This, Duskguard and Dawnchild...have the widows procured real names as I have asked?" He said, he was brilliant yes, but even he couldn't acquire names from thin air if he had no real knowledge of the people he was talking about.

"It seems the Autobots have moved to protect the files regarding that as swiftly as possible." She said with a disappointed frown.

"Ah, to be expected. Still...they are children in a world they are hardly familiar with. It shouldn't be overly difficult to have agents discern who is likely to be them based on speech patterns and those who could fit in their armour. Once things have calmed down in Brockton Bay, I want a detailed report on them. I have no plans to make an enemy of them just yet, but being made aware of what dangers or use they could pose would be necessary." He said, pointing to a spidery drone that floated towards him with a mug of his favourite blend of coffee, his helmet allowing him to drink it without removing it through the magic of the power of Tartarus that flowed through him.

"Important enough to warrant that much attention from you, darling?" She said with folded arms.

"Not even the smallest fly escapes my notice, dearest. I will not go into action unprepared. The world, all worlds in fact, will know me as their saviour and overlord soon enough. They will need to either be brought to heel or crushed into the stones. As has always been the way of Arachnos." He said, pausing as he stirred the spoon in his coffee just enough to bring out the flavour more starkly.

"Hrm, want to do the laugh together?" She said with a daring grin, moving some of her red hair out of the way and leaning closer towards him as he put his empty coffee cup aside and brought an arm around her, a devious grin under his helmet as they pulled close.

"I would love nothing more, Adelie." He said, feathering a finger beneath her chin as the two shared the very normal and not at all unusual habit of couple's villainous laughter.

*Soviet Defenders of the Motherland. As noted earlier, due to Autobot machinations, the second world/soviet bloc remains intact to prevent instability that the Decepticons might be able to filter in through.
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Interlude Set 1 Part 3: Taylor Hebert (2)
I took a moment to sit myself down, murmuring mostly to myself as I went through what seemed like an ocean of memories. I was now one part fifteen-year-old girl, one part two hundred and ten million-year-old space alien. It was...how do I put this?

I expected there to be a voice in my head. That's how symbionts work in movies and comics right? Something else sticks to you, you start referring to yourself in the plural first person, and you have arguments with something else in your head. But...I didn't feel that.

I know I felt different, and when I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror and dropped my glasses I noticed that...my vision hadn't worsened at all. I could see myself just fine, none of the usual blurring. And when I thought about how I'd like to look...ah there it is. The Acne I was nursing earlier was just gone, I could trace definition on my arms and stomach, my hair fell in just the right way...I felt...kind of good about myself actually. Like I was desirable.

It must have been part of the shapeshifting. I felt idealised, how I wanted to be rather than what I was; hot even. That was, weird to think about. But it might also be hard to pass off at school, I should probably just tell them that I bothered with make up these days and worked out during the snow days. It'd be bullshit but it'd be vaguely believable bullshit. But my glasses, hrm, probably should use a flat lens to not over-correct my vision. I knew past hosts could shoot beams from their eyes so maybe if I...

I nearly dropped the glasses when pinprick thin beams of darkness shot out of my irises and corrected the shape of the lens into perfect flatness. I knew it was coming, but the thought of me shooting beams out of my eyes like Superman was still more than a little unexpected. Especially...how does one shoot beams of darkness? Had to be some sort of other energy that simply looked black and obscured light. Which from a quick trip down memory lane seemed to be right. Heh, I can shoot eye beams now, certainly high on the list of cool when it came to powers.

Maybe I should have been worried, but I had the most amazing surge of confidence lately. I, hrm, I think I know what it is. I thought that symbioses would mean two people coexisting in one body. What I got was two people becoming one.

I was still me, Taylor, they were still Shadow. But I was also Black Moth. Something new but still the same. It's a bit hard to explain but I suppose its like when you combine Oxygen and Hydrogen to make water. It doesn't stop being hydrogen and oxygen at the atomic level, but it has differing properties. I was kind of surprised with how naturally that analogy came to me but of course, I had the memories of some ten million or so people swimming around in my mind.

It was still snowing outside for the most part except for the circle around the...huh, more of those giant robots. I know that Black Rose died fighting against machines like those, but I also knew from her memories that there were at least three factions of those robots. Essentially, one good, two bad. And if they were bothering to hang around humans for that long then it had to be the first one. From what I knew from my prior selves, the other two didn't really bother with talking to us strategically shaved apes unless they wanted to set up some Vichy regime shit. The holographic figure Shadow recognised as someone good though, so I pushed that out of my mind for a bit.

I know I should have been freaking out. Aliens are real, they are literally standing amongst us, we just had a huge brawl between capes from two different universes that ended in handshakes and party favours and yet that just didn't seem to register with me at the moment. My dad didn't know I'd be home yet. And I decided to get out of this hospital gown as quickly as possible into something more winter suited. I could feel the nearby insects in my closet, trapped in the dark including that one silkworm that couldn't take a hint to get lost and stop eating my comfiest jackets.

Well, now he was taking the hint and amscraying off of my poor holey coat, letting me rummage through my closet for something I could use as an impromptu costume. Something I could test my powers out with without people figuring out who I was.

I then stopped and realised I'd be going out looking like some cross between the Unabomber and a hobo if I took this route and groaned a bit. Making my debut dressed like a homeless person wouldn't be great for my cred. I needed to think a bit. I could use silk from spiders and moths, but that'd take hours at least and I wanted to get out there now. I poked into the reservoir of memories, going through the doors of ten million past lives and the solution came to me almost straight away. What would have taken me many long, agonising hours of trying to figure out how to dress came to me so much sooner as I consulted with prior experience.

I focused on the shadow power within me, letting it emerge and become something more physical. I still wanted a permanent outfit at some point, but I had something that should look cool in mind. Well, at least as a first attempt. Weaving shadow into solid form and letting a pair of misty moth wings emerge from my back, with its eyes patterned the same way that rumoured benevolent and utterly titanic Moth shaped endbringer were from the pictures I had picked up on Cryptozoology sites. I may not have believed in the "moth goddess" or the "god-dinosaur" as she and her waterborne companion who was said to dwarf Leviathan and breathe blue fire were sometimes called, but if there were any cryptid fans in the midst of the crowds maybe they'd assume I was less scary.

Besides...it was the same pattern of eyes as that strange moth in the hospital. Lacking the scythe limbs though, but I figured that those would probably make people peg me for a serial killer.

Black, carapace like plating meshed with silky threads around my body, ending in gloves and boots with extra padding, a front-opened skirt like belt going around my midsection, just long enough to cover my waist and fit some pockets. My chest soon had a cuirass, a word I suddenly knew, covering it with firmer "protection" than the rest. For my head, a set of goggles, feathery antennae, a tuft of warm fuzz around my neck, and a scarf around my mouth while letting my hair free. If I could fly, I wanted to feel the wind in it.

Of course, until I actually created physical materials for this this, this was all cosmetic. An illusion. I certainly hoped I wasn't actually undressed beneath all of this, but as far as I knew the cold would hardly bother me and the illusion couldn't be disrupted or cancelled unless I wanted. Or seen through, which was also a relief. The last thing I wanted was for some weirdo with the right power set to play peeping tom.

I decided to try the teleportation again, thinking of outside. The air hummed around me, making a low pulsing sound before I reappeared on another roof a hundred or so meters away. I was right, the cold didn't bother me at all. The driving snow and winds were barely noticed, and my eyes could see through all the falling flakes like they weren't there.

Alright, flight. Let's try that. I thought, lifting myself into the air and finding it as easy as just wanting to go higher. Forwards, backwards, up, and down. All of it as simple as walking; easy enough to get the hang of going through my new memories.

Okay, forwards. Go faster.

Sound disappeared, distorted when I started outpacing it when I pushed myself a bit too hard, stopping when I realised that at my altitude I'd be making one hell of a set of thunderclaps to draw the attention of a million and one capes. Teleport again; right over...Fugly Bob's. Ahah.

Now I will never have to worry about whether a place with decent food is too far away for me to make the trip now.

God, thinking about it...I could probably be the ultimate delivery girl.

Though the more I thought about it, the more I felt that seemed like a waste, especially as I noticed that with my senses I could just...smell the food cooking within as if it were in front of me. Then I drifted a bit and gagged when I smelled the trash. Ugh, who said it had to be a hot day for garbage to smell awful? That barely even smells humanly possible.

Okay, going to leave the weird bald guy to eating his trash for now, time to teleport again.

I brought myself to a junkyard, deciding I may as well see how much I could bench press. More than a few rusted hulks of metal later though, and I found that there was nothing here that was actually challenging to lift. Even when I accidentally dropped some of it due to not quite getting the balance right, I was fast enough to just move out of the way and tough enough to let it crash over my head and just break out of the wreckage.

Nobody would mind me breaking stuff that's already broken right? I wondered as I looked at some of the rusting metal and pointed a hand, letting out a burst of dark energy with that same sinister hum, the metal seeming to implode upon itself on contact, crumbling into atoms and falling apart into heaps with a single fist sized bolt. That was about three cars stacked atop each other now little more than dust in the wind from a fairly casual blast. The Eye beams seemed like they could just carve through an arbitrary number of cars too; and I tested a few neater tricks with the dark energy; spreading bolts seeking out each target, an imploding vortex, a blasting cone. Soon enough I was surrounded by shattered metal.

"Not bad." I said mostly to myself as I felt something approaching, a cockroach detecting somebody moving in with a bunch of dogs. Time to make myself scarce.

One warp out later and I was over Winslow High. I felt the brief urge to just blow the place up. it was empty, I could do it. Just reduce this whole fucking building to ash and never have to deal with it again...but...no, there were too many capes around, I'd probably get plastered by half the protectorate and all the new guys if I started going full monster movie villain. Plus, they'd probably relocate to a different building or worse, put everyone in trailers. I shuddered at the thought of having to have class in the trailers students get put into while rennovations are going down. Awful, hateful idea.

I decided to try the other portion of my powers, over bugs. It wasn't...flashy the way these warshade abilities were, but they could come in handy. And I may as well commit to the visual theme and name. From my experimenting, driven what probably was the curiosity of the new me and my desire to make my mark on this ocean of...people I was now, it seemed that it wasn't just insects but simple minded invertebrates in general. Even worms. Did you know that worms are basically constantly shitting themselves while they eat dirt? Well I did now.

It's not really true that you're never more than six feet away from a spider. Not even in the "misinterpretation of statistics" sort of way. What was true though, were that flies, beetles, cockroaches, mites, ticks, and ants were everywhere and were always watching and feelings around. I don't think most people would sleep well knowing just how many mites are sharing their houses with them, chewing on their dandruff and shredded off skin cells.

But there was something that my little network of spies could pick up as I played around with the bugs, moving to a warmer space to find where they were congregating to shelter from the cold. While I was busy writing names and drawing penises with the bugs under my command some flies near a trash can saw some people passing by I felt the need to examine close up. I warped myself and the bugs under my command onto the nearby rooftop where I saw some people from a Gang I had never seen before.

Satanists by all the pentagrams and baphomet symbols they were wearing. Bright reds, oranges, a bit of black, maybe some blue jeans seemed to be the only legal colour for them. My older memories told me they were the Hellions. Low life brain dead dumbasses poking around with things they didn't fully understand, frequently bothering people in Paragon and other cities. They did apparently, actually get the notice of real demons from actual hells, but mostly as expendable pawns and a steady source of low grade sacrifices. Bottom feeders who didn't realise the powers they were selling their souls to were laughing behind their backs.

Three of them were harassing an old Japanese lady who ran a sushi joint nearby, and the bugs under my command located where they came from; a faintly glowing orange portal down the alleyway. Must be to Paragon City I surmised. According to some spiders around the corner they had about five people scoping out the street. Three in demon masks, one of them outright on fire. Down the street was another two of the deadbeats, a guy trying to hit on the squad's token girl where he thought the others couldn't see.

He probably wasn't going to get lucky tonight even if I wasn't about to ruin his entire night. Guy was about as smooth as Sandpaper and she was trying to stop herself from sniggering while he fumbled for his zipper.

They had made bargains with demons to make themselves tougher, some even getting powers over fire in the process, but I went into it with confidence. They weren't on my...Security Level I suppose was the term. Bottom Feeders as I said.

First one, guy with his dick out. Fire ants, the girl, spiders crawling on her jacket and over her face. People threatening the old lady...a bit of a reversal of gravity to lift them off their feet and put those guns out of her way. I moved her out of the way, a recall teleport to put her safe down on the roof top while I flew down and smashed into the human flamethrower as he was busy showing off torching a poster and laughing about something stupid; too late to notice I'd removed his back up.

One punch probably would have him eating out of a straw for a year, and sent him sprawling into a pile of snow. But Satan must apparently be generous with the juice because he picked himself back up from a punch that would have crippled a normal person. Shouldn't have held back that much.

The flies warned me of a hit approaching me from behind, a spiked baseball bat. I met him with a backhand that smashed him into the nearest snowpile. A shotgun rang out, the pellets pinged off me and didn't even break my stride. I yanked him towards me with gravity control and gave him the kind of uppercut you'd usually only see in street fighter, sending him falling into a snow pile probably dreaming of succubus boobs. The others I spread my fingers towards, letting a series of dark bolts strike them in the head to immediately put them down and out for the count.

Barely a challenge honestly, but when I flew up to the lady, she couldn't stopped from offering me a hug. Okay, slightly awkward. But at least what I was wearing felt real to her as she offered me her thanks while I helped her down.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" She said. Hrm, something tasty and warm would be nice.

"Mind if I get some food? Maybe a drink?" I asked.

"Of course, is there anything I can call you?" She asked.

"Black Moth." I responded.

A few minutes later, I emerged with sushi, some warm noodle soup and a grape soda in hand and a wave goodbye. It felt strange, normally I don't think I'd have gone to help a random stranger like that but...maybe it was part and parcel of being merged with Shadow? Maybe it was a sense of perspective after seeing the past lives? Questions for later.

Well...the Sushi was delicious and the soup hit in just the right way. Soda went down fine too. I had to make note of the place she ran; Futaba's Soup and Sushi; to come by later, with any luck the ABB wouldn't be any trouble.

Scarfing down the last of the Salmon Nigiri, I decided to have a look at the time. Hrm, still pretty early. Plenty I could get up to. As far as I knew, I had the run of the town. Me and the alien space cloud.
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Interlude Set 1 Part 4: Elmorni & Old Bird
Arganti, Aurelarch System, Argent Nebula, Black Eye Galaxy, Inheritor Metaverse

Re-Sekh had long been a friend of Elmorni. The red and gold armoured Chozo sitting across from the Blue and Cyan clad Alimbic as they played a game of moving miniatures brought to life by ancient technologies and woven into being by well-practised magics.

Games of strategy were complicated when they involved two who could see differing possibilities and their probabilities. Every diverging parallel, every likelihood, how likely they were, what futures lead to them. Samus and Arne were novices at the art, but the two had mastered it for longer than humanity had existed.

They sat across from each other on a table that was as large as they two needed it to be, altering space to accommodate the needs of their game while still allowing them to remain at arm's length from each other. Outside was the artificial sun of the artificial world, shining more stably and beautifully than any natural star ever could.

Plants and animals waved in the breeze beyond, and a few of the other Progenitors gathered around as they continued their match, testing wits like they did fifty thousand years ago; before nearly the totality of Elmorni's species vanished as if overnight.

"-I missed this you know.-" Elmorni said as she directed some pieces into a position and encouraged plant life to grow to represent her development of the area, establishing her control over the area. "-Eleven Earth years is much too short to catch up on all the missed time.-" The Mystromagus' telepathic voice was gentle, motherly, her Chozo counterpart observing her move and making his own command to begin the growth of cities in response; their real time commands coordinating a bewildering thicket of pieces and board set ups as they played their game of civilisation.

"Fifty thousand earth years were a long time to go without these games, Elmorni." He said with a hearty chuckle as he made his next set of moves, seeking to assist her development in the face of the game's environmental challenges, leading to an exchange between the two born of gratitude.

"-Eleven years and all I know about why the Order disappeared is that they sacrificed the totality of their people to stop a monster known as Gorea from destroying the rest of creation.-" She said, solemn for a moment until she brightened up at the sight of a good play to make, an approving coo coming from Re-Sekh as he shifted his pieces elsewhere to try and bolster her movements.

"From what I know of the end of the Order, it was a decision they took after all else had failed. They did not perish in vain at least. Though it would seem that Gorea was of the order of beings worshipped by the Old Foe. How it entered our realm is something we are unsure of." He said, clasping his hands together and taking a moment to study her followup play, seeing a chance to achieve one of their shared objectives and seizing it as she set up the victory; pieces in harmony isolating and eliminating one of the mutual threats.

"-Perhaps that is how the Sunstalker and Moonhunter managed to escape. Cracks left in the great seal that imprisoned the Old Foe by the passage of one of their deities?-" She said, looking satisfied at her work as she refocused priorities towards strengthening her southern front.

"Unlikely, more would have come than just two of their lower scouts." He said, murmuring a bit before refocusing his priorities northwards.

"But enough of prophecy and doomsaying among friends for once..." He shook his head, getting a flash of affirmation from Elmorni in response.

"How have the days been since Zurvduat was excised from Arne's life?" He asked, seeking to bring the conversation to the matter of their children.

"-The Chevalier-General has been...secretive. He and the Military Triumvirate have secluded themselves in their projects to resusticate the Order. And he hardly listens when I tell him to let go.-" She said with a shake of her neckless, floating head, her single red eye turning towards Old Bird as he gave a nod and a chirp of disapproval.

"Keep an eye on him, just as I monitor Mother Brain. There are not many paths to restoring the Tetrarchy that I can foresee that are not fraught with destruction." He said with a prolonged sigh.

"And I fear that he will take his castigation and loss of custody poorly. Vengeance is surely on his mind. Against you, against Arne, against Samus." He added.

"-He was about to strike him in front of you, in front of me, in front of Samus and so many others. We do not need to be able to prognosticate to know that he will not take his setback without some form of recompense. But we have many other issues to worry about. The mysterious raiders who attacked Cylosis and the Space Pirates. And let's not forget Trace. The Kriken Prince...-" She said before Grey Voice stepped in, the grey and silver armoured chozo, of a more warrior like figure and clad in more martial robes over his armour than Old Bird.

"Will likely seek his revenge for the defeat the Aira-Sekh and Sarxyl Avar dealt them last year. To lose so much standing before his father after failing to acquire the Reliquary key will leave the young Prince furious. His fleets and soldiers are already on the move." Somek-Ka said, Grey Voice's sterner tone and more hawkish head lending a certain graveness to his tone.

Ygrak, the Red Alimbic, bulkier of figure than Elmorni and with a five-part crest, hovered into the discussion, offering Old Bird some snacks she had conjured up herself.

"-Elder Re-Sekh, please, have something to enjoy.-" She said, the Biologist laying out some chocolate chip cookies, a recipe Samus' mother used to make, with some chocolate treats derived from recipes Arne's father created. Something she had picked up from raising Arne and her interactions with Samus over the years.

"Many thanks." He said, taking one and allowing enough of his helm to dissolve for his beak to snap up the chocolate delights and one of the cookies, drowning it with some milk afterwards and letting out a hoot of approval; his head somewhere between that of a Parrot and an Owl with a bit of pillbug and saurian.

He turned his head towards the entrance shortly, anticipating someone coming shortly and beckoning them in. Someone with important news no doubt.

Spire, a craggy behemoth of seemingly roughly hewn stony power armour over a more crystalline body, brown and grey in frame mixed with orange and yellow crystals, his helm like a crushed bucket with two eyepieces from which his molten hot body stared out through the world, stepped into the room, his heavy footfalls clear as day. The last known living Diamont and thus de facto representative of his species in the meetings of the dwindling ranks of the Progenitors. It was a miserable existence, and Old Bird's pity for him was immeasurable. At times, he wondered why Spire even wanted to continue to live or cling to the material world instead of subliming into a higher plane. But the silicate was as stubborn as he was compassionate, and Old Bird sensed that he would hold onto his hope that he found find where his kind had disappeared to some day.

Accompanying him was Armaud; one of only a handful known N'Kren to be awake and active. Her kind had transferred their essences into bodies of living metal long ago, even by Old Bird's reckoning. Most however, had chosen to slumber after the end of the Forbidden Wars, and she remained their final sentinel. Some two and a half meters tall and primarily green, white, and purple in colour, the sentinel of the N'kren's twin regarded her peers through a pair of lenses that gave the impression of angular purple robotic eyes fitted atop the recesses of the somewhat barbute like "helm" that encased the chassis of her head. The upward curvature of her pauldrons and the somewhat pronounced gorget of her suit gave the uppermost part of her body a distinctly powerfully armoured appearance. Her frame was built for power and endurance, the curves of the plating fitted atop it suggesting stylised musculature interspersed with more rigid plates fitting for someone of great strength even though her body was all metal. On her right arm was cannon, with a grilled base below her elbow giving way to a glowing green tube-like structure fitted with struts and ending in what almost seemed to be claws arranged like a compass, just barely avoiding obstructing the cannon. Her boots gave the impression of insectile feet, while her chest bore three strikes markings on each pectoral.

She was relatively young for her kind; one of the very last organic children of the N'Kren to be born before transferring. Re-Sekh and Elmorni both even remembered what she was like when she still was a being of flesh, how enthusiastic and noble she was; and the solemness that she took the vow of eternal custodianship. To watch over the universe while her people faded from it.

She gave a nod, followed by Spire, who stood notably taller than she did.

"You bring news I'm guessing?" August Wings asked, the female Chozo turning her more stork-like head towards the pair and giving a gracious bow in exchange for their nods.

"Arne and Samus disappeared out of our universe after dealing with the Space Pirate and Raider wormhole junction. But they've activated some of the relics left on the other side. From the old colonies." Armaud said, curt and professional as always.

"I think it developed into one of those earths with a high proclivity of ultrasophonts, lots of extradimensional activity there. Symbiosis off the charts." Spire said, tensing slightly out of concern for the two kids he treated like niece and nephew.

"Ah. That world. It was known by another nation of Chozo they would arrive there at some point. But, so soon? They aren't even..." Old Bird said with concern before steepling his fingers and looking towards Young War Hawk, whose red and black armour shifted silently as she turned her falcon like head towards her elder.

"They aren't even what?" She asked. Barely even two centuries old, she was considered scarcely less of a child than Arne or Samus were, barely into adulthood and so often left out of conversations that the more obstinate traditionalists felt she had not earned the right to listen to.

"They haven't even finished their socialisation training or their foray into the esoteric arts...I...hrm..." Old Bird said before stopping himself and shaking his head while Elmorni turned her head towards the pair, rotating the floating teardrop shape towards the duo.

"-Who else that they might know is there?-" Elmorni asked, her telepathic voice going from melodious to discordant with worry for her son.

"Kyrion, some section thirteen officials too." Spire said shaking his craggy head. "I could go there, when needed. I assume if they're there it's for a reason." Spire said, he was the one who had taken Arne from Cylosis to save his life from the raiders who scoured it looking for Elmorni and Zurvduat's battlecruiser, since then...a sense of responsibility was only natural.

"If they are there..." Old Bird paused.

"Elder...what is it?" Grey Voice asked.

"Spire, how much have you seen beings not of our collection of our realities?" He asked, Elmorni quickly grasping his point as the Alimbic matron turned to Armaud.

"Increasingly often. Freelance work against unknown and unheard of forms of enemies have been increasing dramatically, just as the armies of ravaging have only grown in strength and activity." The term for those like the Krikens, the War-Spores, the Zikrali Swarms, the Space Pirates, the mystery Raiders, or others who had turned their civilisation towards menacing much of the rest of the cosmos; threats who would be a grave challenge for the modern age even without the darkness cresting over the horizon.

"-Mystromagus, why the sudden concern?-" Ygrak was less wise to the ways of prophecy and lore than her lover Elmorni; behind even their shared lover Mortirk. But she knew that the recession of Elmorni's neckless head into the socket atop her torso meant that she was concerned to the point of being fearful. Something she maintained until she extracted her head and shifted the glow of her eyes between several colours.

"-Ygrak, sweet, contact the Faeran Ris; tell them to ask their youths to deal with the emergencies I am about to send to you.-" She said, quickly, hastily, with an uncharacteristic urge to get things done. "-We are still in the early stages, we can contain the worst of it for now, as we have...perhaps even roll it back in some places. But we need to act quickly.-"

"-...I understand Elmorni.-" Ygrak said, the red Alimbic giving a solemn nod.

"But if they are currently outside of our universe, what of their cadet programs? How will they be able to continue their ultrasophontic adjustment courses?" Warhawk asked.

"We may need to make...arrangements as best we can. It may take some time, but I think they will understand given the scale of the emergency." Grey Voice responded.

"-Should we alert the current polities?-" Ygrak asked.

"-It's already begun and will only continue to intensify, we can delay it, slow it down. But the twelvefold convergence is already underway. They'll know regardless of what we say...and I have my suspicions that many have been taking advantage of this beforehand.-" Elmorni replied.

"I will speak to the Wayfarers who monitor the colonies on that particular Earth. Warhawk, please, see what you can about how the current nations may be moving in response, prepare for measures to cut through deceit. I am willing to bet that there are efforts being made to cloud our vision." August Wings commanded before Armaud advanced a bit closer.

"The children, do you need us to retrieve them?" She asked.

"No...no...they are where they need to be. I just fear that...events will be happening in a greatly accelerated sequence. Menaces that they should be facing as adults will have to be bested by them as youths. As well as dangers thought to be far too remote..." Old Bird said before pausing again, gripping his staff and closing his eyes beneath his visor and exhaling sharply.

"I understand, what do you need us to do; elder ones?" She asked, looking between herself and Spire.

"Go to these coordinates. The Faera Ri there will be able to explain once you tell her that you have come to undo the eclipse. I must attend to other concerns. Please..." He said, standing himself out of his seat and looking forlornly at the game he was playing while Elmorni's three legs extended and straightened to let her stand with him; Armaud and Spire nodding while they backed away.

"-So much for our game I suppose?-" She said.

"We can play along the way, if you would like." He said, nodding at her and being nodded at in return.

"-To our work then?-" She asked.

"And how much there is to be done." He responded.
N'kren look like alternate universe Necrons tbh. Also, it's nice Old Bird and Elmorni are working together.
Hrm, we have no definitive lead for a plan.

Anyone want to suggest something?

The interludes are mostly out of the way now.

Also happy New Year from my wife and I.
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Happy New Year to you too. I think you're crazy for cranking out four interludes just for fun, but I admire your work ethic.
[x]: Explore around Brockton Bay on your own for a bit. unarmored, check out the past

fuck it gonna just put in this one because i love it when people write this kinda bullshit

it's not the best option but it's the one I want
[3]: Check on Assault and Battery as they catch up with the Wards and Protectorate.
[1]: Check on Nightcaster and Eudaimonica as they catch up with the Freedom Phalanx and Starsetters
[2]: Get Jetfire's introduction to some of your new Autobot teammates.