[X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends)

We've spent most of our time so far dealing with Earth Bet, why not go over to Paragon City and check that out?
[X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends

i mean this gives us magic and the ability to be in this universe if there is issue, mostly if Lung is acting up or other more powerful forces are making their claims there.

And i mean we have dealt a good blow to two major threats to Earth Bet, we can afford to spend a night away and see another universe we have worked closely with
[X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends

It would be good to get started on magic and psionics during our mandatory downtime.
[X]: Slumber party at Eudaimonica's Hell Castle (One of the best places to learn of magic if you're comfortable learning it from demons, meet Alice's parents.)
[X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends)

I agree with @StellarSeeker we've just done a Worm arc and spent time with the Autobots. Lets spread the joy of our presence huh? :V
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 1: Intermission 2: Paragonian Paragons (Part 1)
[X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends


You gave it a thought and nodded before you looked at Joseph who was busy flipping through television channels with a bleary, glazed look in his eye before you tapped him on the shoulder.

"Joseph, could you bring us to your reality?" You asked him as he blinked a few times and then brightened up. The excitement just radiating off of him was infectious. He shook at Eudaimonica's shoulder who shook her head and stopped playing around on her phone before informing her of your desire to visit Paragon and just about exploded in a wave of brilliant cheer.

"Ooooooooooooooooohhhhh! Come on guys, let's go! Paragon's so wonderful! Ahhh!!!" She said, just about squealing with ecstatic excitement in a way that made the gathered wards quirk a brow as Iybraa shrugged, her golden hair, purple eyes, and elfin ears on display after having removed her helm.

"I mean, definitely more going on there than this town." She said as Aegis turned his eyes towards her, tilting his head slightly as she folded her arms and offered a small smirk.

"Town?" Carlos asked.

"Paragon City Metropolitan Area's population is over fifty million right now." She said with a coy grin.

"Wha-" Stammered Carlos before Arne spoke up himself.

"Oh, from what you were telling me about it I thought it'd be a lot bigger." Arne stated, which only seemed to make the Brockton Bay residents even more confused as those who hadn't been to Paragon City seemed lost in trying to imagine a city two and a half times larger than the entirety of New York City metropolitan area. Or that wasn't even especially large to Arne or yourself.

"So, you all got your toothbrushes ready?" Joseph said as he stood up and with a single wave of his hand, summoned up his costume while Arne and yourself cloaked yourselves in your power suits, enveloping the entirety of your bodies. Aegis took a second to look towards Piggott, who simply offered a shrug.

"We are supposed to be building ties with Primal Earth...go ahead, but remember to take notes and write a report about your experiences." She said, Arcee turning towards you and Arne and offering a nod of her own. After a few minutes the group came back in full costume with all their stuff packed away neatly; clearly excited based on the way they were breathing in and out. How adorable! Sophia seemed to be the only one who was less than impressed, but a quick scan of her mood seemed to indicate that she was at least vaguely grateful for helping out Emma? Not at all a step on the road to redemption but perhaps an inch towards tolerability.

"Pog, you guys are going to love it in Paragon. Hype as fuck city." He said before Clockblocker raised a hand, getting Dawnmaker's attention almost immediately, the Kheldian pointing a finger to Dennis as he cleared his throat.

"...What's Pog?" He asked.

"Uh...it means like, something that makes you hyped." Joseph answered for Dawnmaker who decided to allow for the interruption.

"Future memes sure are weird." Dennis said before taking a look in your direction and then having a moment to think before shaking his head as if the thought about what you might funny was too much for his mind to bear. Which you thought wasn't entirely fair. You didn't delve too deeply into extremely layered ironic humour!

"Hrm, I suppose we could. Do we have the time?" Alyrsero said before Kaeliyae nodded.

"In these hands of ours. We have naught but endless hours." Kaeliyae responded in her singsongy voice as Alyrsero decided that was good enough.

"Truth be told, I haven't really been to this City of Heroes, perhaps it will have champions aplenty who carry themselves with honour and nobleness?" Idaliryn said, standing himself up and seeming to summon his sword from the ether, placing his helmet firmly onto his head.

"Well, maybe it will be....not insufferable, for a human city." Lelithax growled as she pushed herself out of her seat.

"What is your problem with humans?" You asked pointedly, feeling a measure of Lelithax's perennial aristocratic disdain wash over you as she flicked her attention towards you, folding her arms beneath her chest and giving her cloak a bit of a flip.

"Because they're such a filt-" She said before she realised that Kaeliyae was staring dead at her and cleared her throat. "Nevermind that for now." She said, seeming to relax when the shadowseer ceased giving her an evil eye.

"Well...I suppose it's probably better than this place. Though that is hardly saying much. I will likely be disappointed all the same." Clarioli huffed and sighed. Without her helmet, the blonde Eldar's features were quite soft, gentle even if she always seemed to be wearing a frown, her hair tied in a long braid and her grey eyes far more tired than someone who looked so small and young had any right to be. In her hands was yet more of her devices, endlessly driven to tinker and modify as was part of Ithilyani tradition, her expression one of somber concentration before she slid her helmet back onto her face.

"Keep that up and I might just lose my coveted title of Lord Morose." Korlanil snickered.

"Nobody calls you that." Arne said flatly before the Ynnari simply responded with an out-loud laugh.

"Space Elves...hot but...weird..." Chris said, not seeming to realise his faux pas until the heads of every single one of the Eldar snapped towards him, some with quirked brows

"Okay now lemme open the Shadowgate..." Joseph said as he used his Incarnate energies to tear open a veil in reality, swirling it into a vortex and then chanting to stabilise the gate he had created between metaverses, your eyes studying his movements, incantations, gestures, and how power flowed around him, flipping through multiple visors just to get the full picture and all the scan data ayou could. You wanted to learn this power, this art. You had to after all, but something about it...the colours flowing and swirling, forming mystic blends and changing in ways governed by narrative over law...it was beautiful.

The work was beautiful, the swirl was gorgeous, a vortex of pacifying blends of colours fading dreamily into blue and black as his shadow magic made a distance beyond infinity as simple as taking a step. A step into what was clearly a vibrant metropolis whose nightlife was vibrant in ways Brockton Bay's far smaller population could never match. Gleaming skyscrapers making their effort to reach to heaven, shimmering curtains of energy, and the hustle and bustle of so many moving shapes and the hum of so many minds.

You couldn't help it, you crossed first.

... Sourcewell Metaverse, Primal Earth 2nd of November, 2021, United States of America, Rhode Island, Paragon City, Steel Canyon Borough ...

The first thing to note is that compared to Brockton Bay, Paragon City is massive. A city comparable in size to Tokyo before it had to integrate more than fourteen million inhabitants from the ruins of Imperial City in the aftermath of the Praetorian-Primal War; the entire Brockton Bay metropolitan area could disappear into just one of Paragon City's boroughs. With more than fifty-three million people in its overall metropolitan area at the time Paragon City was...smaller than the Prodigal Program Headquarters, but you don't think that Earth would be having schools with more than a hundred million students anytime soon.

But Paragon had a different feel to it than Brockton Bay's low rise buildings and mid-sized former industrial city feel. The greenish glare of the massive war-walls that separated the boroughs of Paragon City rose many hundreds of meters into the air, criss-crossing monorail and subway lines going across the entire city to connect the populace of America's largest Urban area into a single, comprehensive unit. Ships moved into and out of the harbours like the world was still going on mostly as normal, aircraft went about their daily business and you quickly saw all manner of capes flying on various sorts of patrol in a vast array of costumes.

Kid Win's jaw hung slack the second she emerged on the other side of Eudaimonica's portal, seeing hundreds of capes in a single place gathered so casually even late at night as the City of Heroes never slept for even a moment. Chris reached towards one hero who flew on bird like wings, waving to Dawnmaker who gave them a salute in return as the grey and white-clad hero's androgynous cut of hair bobbed in the wind; flying into a pile of flying clockwork born aloft by helicopter-like rotor blades, swinging around an axe and bisecting them into a pile of neatly severed halves.

Chris looked behind himself as a Rikti dropship spat out from the Lineage of War's colony worlds hidden in another dimension assailed the borough behind them, plasma pulse beams erupting with green energy followed by greenish plasma spittle and intense barrages of fusion missiles; fighting off wave after wave of metahumans who surrounded it without pause or mercy; eventually overwhelming its shielding as the citizens of the city decided that this was less something to worry about and more something to spectate; recording with their phones like it was an interesting bird. The two hundred meter long drop ship and its escorting saucers let out a mournful wail before the dropship descended to the ground; smoking after one of its thruster nacelles was torn off and then stabbed straight through its centre body.

"Oh, there's a Rikti offensive going on." Alice said as if this was just a case of rain, utterly and almost sickeningly unmoved by the sight of an extradimensional invasion going on behind her as one metahuman in steel grey and gold power armour rushed out of a hospital, offering a wave to Alice who waved back like she was an old friend.

"Hey Eudaimonica. Your new friends look rad as hell. Can't talk now though, got HTP'd by that dumb dropship. Catch you later though, got Rikti to pound byyyeee!" She said after firing off the thruster in her boots and flying off after one of the Saucers that had slipped the blockade.

"HTP?" Vista asked.

"Hospital Teleported. Basically means you got your ass kicked and had to be sent to the nearest biopod to not die or go unconscious." Joseph said adjusting his wizard hat and putting his hands into his belt pocket.

"So basically none of you ever actually have your lives at risk?" Aegis asked.

"Nahhh."Alice said with an exaggerated shrug as winterpyre leapt out of her crown, offering his head for her to ride on; placing her hands on his horns and taking a moment to look around, briefly offering Positron a salute as the leader of the Freedom Phalanx went on a routine patrol, seemingly confident that the dropships and saucers in Galaxy City were being taken care of before he tackled a fiery circle of thorns Demon leaping from a building, wings spread and fiery sword in hand. At least until Positron vaporised it with a touch before smashing a series of hellish green glyph-wards formed in the sky by the Oranbegan mystics and firing off a tractor beam of some sort to restrain and constrain them, dragging them off in a vise of green energy.

"So basically this city's at one hundred percent at all times huh?" Chris asked, feeling rather, short in the midst of Steel Canyon's towering skyscrapers and criss-crossing monorail lines. But his eyes were snapped to you when a random passerby; some university student named Yakub based on your scan of him, stopped by you and looked you up and down.

"Cool suit...what security level are you? Ah...archetype? Mind if I take a selfie?" He said in rapid fire succession as you processed his words before blinking and giving a nod in response to the dark haired and tan skinned man as he got next to you and Arne and brought an arm around your power armour and snapped a shot of himself, seemingly unconcerned with nautuloid like Rikti drones streaming in from a shut down section of war-wall hunting for threats to strike down with their plasma weapons.

"Nice." He said, pulling away from you and looking over his phone as Arne seemed, uncomfortable with how nonchalant everyone was, staring at the Rikti offensive the next district over.

"Joseph can you open another portal...for our ships?" He asked, getting a nod before he tapped in some commands to the Sleipnir, a gesture you repeated yourself shortly after to let the sleek forms of the Dormach and Sleipnir through, slipping into this space after preforming an immediate take-off; pouring through the gate that Joseph opened above skyscraper level to let your ships fly overhead to Galaxy city, where their synthetic consciousness systems would automatically engage the Rikti aircraft and fliers and provide air support where needed.

A Rikti dropship assailed by nose gun of your craft strobed briefly before exploding; the dying craft fading in a teleport out to be recovered at Rikti bases while others were swatted down with a volley of missiles that streamed from both the Sleipnir and Dormach and arced into their numerous targets, eliminating them by the truckload while the eerie green glow of mass Rikti wormhole usage over Galaxy City shifted in intensity.

"Huh...never thought fighters could fly like that." Iybraa said as your craft made moves that should have resulted in atmospheric conflagrations or devastating shockwaves, dodging around even Laser fire with ease and shrugging off impacts it decided to take if it meant getting a more favourable shot with nary a scratch on its shielding.

"We spend a lot of time with our craft...we'd be disappointed if they couldn't do at least that." You said, knowing Arne was likely about to bore them with an incredibly long run down of the technical specs of his craft.

"So where is your base...exactly?" Chris asked.

"Close by the university, keeps us close to where the Midnight Squad is." Joseph said, gesturing to a stately looking university in front of a tall, solid overpass with ramps for cars to drive down; students active in the campus' night life milling around as they were wont to do going from one building to the next or enjoying what seemed to be some sort of party in what struck you as an odd form of madness. Surely they realised that this city seemed to be in a constant state of low-level war right? You almost leapt into action when you caught glimpse of 5th column troopers bracketing a currently closed for business office building with automatic and energy weapons fire, A shoulder launched missile shrieking out towards the other building before the return fire shot it out of the sky in a brief blaze of light that made something inside of you scream to act, Vista yelping as the sound of a railgun interrupted a call she was making.

A cloaked aircraft with a clipped with bearing the roundels of the Column spun out of control, the tilt-turbofan black frame fizzling into visibility as you shot off your ice beam, letting the anti-energy arrest its gravitational potential energy in a shell of frost, getting a salute of thanks from a dark-skinned, caped hero who was racing to catch it before she turned her attention to the building the 5th Column was present in; a series of frantic shouts in German being drowned out by the thunderclap of her movements and a quickly delivered series of superstrong hits. The pilot of the craft tore their way out of the thing, a platoon of troops intended to reinforce the soldiers in the building cracking the ice to make their way down up until Arne simply shot at them with his beam set to the paralyzer base; knocking out the elites in a single bouncing spray of energy while you flew up; wings on your suit spread, and grabbed the craft to set it down gently where it wouldn't obscure the road by a fountain.

"And this is an every day occurrence?" You said, shuffling the weight of the craft off your shoulders and looking at it in disgust, not even looking at the co-pilot as he shouted a reprehensible slur at you in his language before you forced a teleport-out from him with a single shot of your beam.

"Yeah but well...no place like home. It wouldn't be as interesting if it were quieter." Joseph said before he looked to his right and groaned, getting a look from you as well as a giant...pumpkin...man...with...a body made of...pumpkin stems in vague...human shape...thundered down the street. Laughing and cackling in what sounded like a stock spooky laugh sound effect, the more than hundred meter tall pumpkin man and his army of smaller kin lobbed flaming pumpkin heads at crafter type hero designed aircraft and a swarm of flying heroes buzzing around his colossal body. Immediately Arne, yourself, and the Eldar as well as the wards sprang into action, getting a quizzical look from Alice, Dawnmaker, and Iybraa.

Your scan visor went into action, looking for weaknesses in the mystic kaiju.

A Firbolg Fae Spirit brought over from Ireland by the large Irish-American community's presence, albeit unknowingly, Pumpkin Jack considers himself to be a mighty servant in the faerie army of the fir blog and a living siege engine in their eternal conflicts with the Storm Cabal, the Tuatha de Dannan, and the Red Caps as well as other supernatural beings who reside in the realm of Croatoa or other high-magic extraplanar realms in the vicinity of Paragon City. Pumpkin Jack is extremely resistant to heat and cold, but has a vulnerability to psionic energy as well as electricity and radiant type light energy. Pumpkin Jack will fight with a combination of brute strength, overwhelming size, and pyromantic or botanokinetic spells and curses of misfortune or battlefield transformation, and is quite fast for his size as well as capable of great feats of regeneration. Any time Pumpkin Jack is slain, his spirit will simply possess an available pumpkin or create one if needed and be reborn the next day. An immunity to death that he shares with the other local fae folk of the region that has lead to their conflict being interminable and incapable of long term gain or triumph. Pumpkin Jack is rarely seen out of the suburb of Salamanca outside of Halloween season.

Addendum: Pumpkin Jack seems to be responding to user Samus Aran's Irish ancestry and Celtic identification and raw esoterical potential. Likely causing him to be drawn to user Samus Aran.

Samus' Notes: When I studied the magic traditions of my earthbound ancestors this is hardly what I had in mind! But if he's looking for a fight, I am not going to let him get anyone hurt.

Arne's Notes: So these people are just...okay with living in a never-ending fae warzone? I have been in this universe for a few minutes and I already have too many questions for one day.

You had switched to the electrowave beam, Arne's shock coil starting to charge up as the Eldar began to hum with summoned energy, Aegis already starting on a gameplan.

"Okay if we take out his legs maybe we can help the capes fighting that thing by bringing that endbringer down to si-" He said, looking on with fight or flight, life or death determination before stopping himself as he gazed upon the crowd whose reactions ranged from disinterest to casual curiosity or even chattering excitement like this was more...cool than frightening. "What the fuck...Why is nobody running? Come on folks! Get out of here!" Carlos shouted, Glory Girl; who had decided to tag along to check out a new place, similarly trying to caution to the people gathered that this wasn't a safe place.

"Hey, I'm new here, but you people are in the middle of a very dangerous area. So if you could please take this threat to your lives a little bit seriously we could..." She managed to say while your beam had charged and Arne had aimed at the midsection of the creature with the intent to bisect; all before Joseph shouted up at them.

"HEY! HEY PUMPKIN JACK!" Joseph said through a spell to carry his voice as the horde of fae seemed to suddenly come to a stop, Pumpkin Jack turning his jack-o-lantern head towards the boy as he floated up to his eye level, folding his arms and looking decidedly upset.


"HALLOWEEN ENDED TWO DAYS AGO! GO HOME!" He shouted as the Firbolg of every size and variety seemed to look...confused...ashamed, embarrassed even, murmuring to each other as the pumpkin men's flames shifted colour to a hue more reflective of their shame in themselves, starting to sulk while their jack-o-lantern grins started to fade into awkward expressions.

"...Are you serious? It's over? But..." Pumpkin jack rumbled with a deep baritone.

"...Sorry, flow of magic is a bit off...Uh, see you next year mortals. Hold that fear in your hearts so that you may properly tremble in the harvest of spooks! And uh...yeah, going to...just..." Pumpkin Jack said with increasing awkwardness before starting to backpedal towards the Baumtown canal out of embarrassment, seeming almost sheepish as they disappeared from sight.

One of the Fir Bolg looked towards you, curious. "You are of the Island...come to Croatoa when you have the time." They said before side-eyeing a rather unimpressed looking cape. "...And...don't mention this incident, it's very embarrassing." They said before skedaddling on out of there as fast as their legs could carry them.

"What the fuck just happened?" Carlos said in astonishment.

"They were just reminded it wasn't their witching hour I guess?" Arne said with a shrug as the horde of fae quickly vanished and people shrugged and went about their daily routines.

Actions: While both have the same set of actions, both will carry them out differently and pick up on different things. They can do the same action, getting you a combined result. Write-ins are encouraged with small SRI boosts.

Samus Actions:
[]: Ask for a clarification on what just happened
[]: Ask what Croatoa is or is like
[]: Peruse the local internet to learn more about these bizarre people
[]: Ask more about Pumpkin Jack
[]: Just try to speed everyone along to the Starsetter base
[]: See how the Rikti offensive is faring.
[]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)
[]: Inquire more about the arcana at work (Gain some credit towards learning magic)
[]: Write in

Arne Actions:
[]: Ask for a clarification on what just happened
[]: Ask what Croatoa is or is like
[]: Peruse the local internet to learn more about these bizarre people
[]: Ask more about Pumpkin Jack
[]: Just try to speed everyone along to the Starsetter base
[]: See how the Rikti offensive is faring.
[]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)
[]: Inquire more about the arcana at work (Gain some credit towards learning magic)
[]: Write in
Scheduled vote count started by Spartakrod on Feb 2, 2021 at 2:04 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]: Slumber party at the Starsetter base in Paragon City (Hang around the cool kids in Paragon City and its eclectic repertoire of superheroes who can help you learn stuff like magic; get introduced to the City of Heroes, and to some new friends)
    [X]: Slumber party at the Ward HQ (Get to hang out with basically all the wards who sleep at the PRT base, get to know more of the protectorate and maybe speak to Piggot a bit)
    [X]: Slumber party at the Ward HQ
    [X]: Slumber party at Eudaimonica's Hell Castle (One of the best places to learn of magic if you're comfortable learning it from demons, meet Alice's parents.)
Last edited:
Samus and Arne:
[X]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)

Given that I did actually laugh out loud at the Halloween raid boss getting his que wrong and being late I feel this is the only appropreate vote.
[X]: Peruse the local internet to learn more about these bizarre people. ARNE
[X]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)
Samus and Arne:
[X]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)

We came here to chill, so we're just gonna roll with it until we accidentally find a dimension-destroying superweapon hidden under a rock somewhere.
Hrm, seems pretty overwhelmingly one-sided based on the regular voting group so I'm likely to call it.

On the other hand I could write more interludes to give a better idea of the overall story.
Tbh, I wouldn't mind a couple chapters that just have our party socialize and vibe. Life's for living, right?
Samus and Arne:
[X]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)

Things seem much funnier after stressful events like fighting an evil hive mind. I'd like to focus learning magic while we're here. Let's not get into any fights please.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 1: Intermission 2: Paragonian Paragons (Part 2)
[X]: Find this all hilarious and laugh about it (Relieves some stress)

-5 Stress from both Samus and Arne.

Stress at 35.


This was so, utterly ridiculous. Just asking a monster like that to pack up its things, go home and leave? And it worked? That was...that shouldn't have worked. That's not how this sort of thing works. Yet there it was, disappearing into the distance of the night as life moved on like it wasn't even there to begin with. You were so ready for a fight against a giant monster, to do battle once more as you had done so often in your time here. But instead it was all ended with this glorious, goofy anti-climax. It's all so gobsmackingly...

You started to laugh, at first a giggle, then outright cackling as Samus started to let out a "pffffffft" before she began to wheeze and howl with her guffawing. The two of you must have looked insane, but you had to lean on a wall, letting your arm cannon fold away to show your right gauntlet as you braced yourself against it. It felt good, seeing Samus double over in mirth rather than pain while you could barely control your hollering. You rarely got laugh out loud moments like this, that you felt in your belly and your sides, but they were always treasured instances in time.

And most of the Eldar it seemed, were already starting to crack up after Kaeliyae, as you'd expect from a clown in service to a harlequin god, was giving herself fully over to hyena-like girlish giggling. Koranil was the next to start laughing, former acolyte of the laughing God that he was. It spread from there to Lelithax, then to her brother, then to noble Idaliryn, to stern Elendria and fair Ormothin; and finally, even Clarioli was unable to keep her demeanour up as the infectious gift of jolly mirth spread to them. The wards were the next to follow, before at last the paragonites could not hold back.

It took some minutes before you recovered your wits and senses, the sense of merriment slowly washing off of you as you straightened yourselves, a warmth in your core still lingering. Your suit wiped away any of the tears that had rolled down your cheeks from the unrestrained burst of emotion, and you slowly calmed yourself down, a few titters still finding their way out of your lungs before at last you relaxed. This too it seemed, hardly phased the denizens of Paragon City as they simply moved on by and carried on with their night time business.

This city was such a strange place. You've been to warzones with less active danger to the civilian populace or constant fighting across the city, but yet everyone here seemed to be just fine with how things were. It was a city you would strongly hesitate to call safe, yet people lived here. By this world and time's standards, a massive, stupendous amount of people. All willingly choosing to live in a city that many would consider a death trap full of out of control paramilitaries and super-powered brawlers, yet...the paragonites seemed to love it.

Joseph floated back down and dusting off of his hands. "Sorry about that, he's usually way more tidy about following the harvest schedule than that." Joseph said as if he had done something so routine, so mundane, that it warranted no further explanation than what he gave.

"This city is already providing me with enough questions to keep a thousand walkers of the scholar paths busy for a thousand years." Alyrsero said as he side-eyed someone trying to approach him for a picture, though he relented slightly when they said that his costume looked "dope".

"Though they certainly seem to be a welcoming bunch at least." He said, his voice a little more positive in tone than it was before.

"Mh, it reminds me of Prodigia. So many people with interesting abilities..." Samus said, her scan visor working nearly constantly while your suit notified you that it had finished perusing through the internet for any files likely to be of interest for you after having set it on the task a half second ago. Based on your preferences, it had compiled, organised, and highlighted the ones you were probably going to read first, getting a smile out of you as Joseph made a hand gesture to get you all to follow him to a rather stately looking complex with a star sinking over the horizon logo at the apex of its primary building; designed to look like an observatory with a series of towers at the "points" of the star. Four farther away, corresponding to the cardinal directions, four closer in, corresponding to the in-between directions.

It was night and light pollution laws in paragon city were quite strict. So most of the lights that weren't needed were turned off. There were some, and a few figures illuminated by the lights, and some who clearly preferred the darkness. Guardian drones who were assembled to help protect the facility offered nods of acknowledgement to the starsetters gathered, and offered immediately printed ID cards based on the data that Iybraa offered to them, one of which found its way around your neck. You took a look at the card and shrugged at the angle the drones had taken their pictures of you from, rather neutral and plain, but it'd work.

"Please have a safe day." One of the bipedal robots said with a salute, somewhat knight-helm like head briefly intensifying its cyan optic lights before chirping out an acknowledgement of your passing as you offered it a wave, Samus returning a thumbs up herself.

The main entrance to the building slid open, and the interior had more alien machines; some of them psionically powered golems of crystal and metal, others more conventional robots, others runic automatons bedecked in sigils. Many of the other staff were demons, angels, fae, or other supernatural beings. Some Vanguard personnel in their typical armoured outfits were present, silently observing and accompanying the organisation's liaison who gave you a brief glance before continuing on.

The entrance room was a lobby of course, though one clearly designed with younger visitors in mind. Heavy emphasis on games and charging stations and comfy seats and plenty of snacks of various natures. It looked like a cozy place for kids honestly, and the lighting was kept at a reasonable level. The doors behind the desk lead to a series of halls connecting to all manner of rooms, but you had to take an elevator ride down to the living quarters. For safety's sake after all.

Inside was a central hub room, circular with a great deal of stuff that you figured was considered fun in the present time period. A wide selection of games, some situation report materials, screens everywhere, a bunch of toys. It looked a bit untidy honestly, but it definitely felt like home. The carpet was also a nice touch, stately without being overbearing. Comfy without looking padded and confining. It was blue too, and both you and Samus could always appreciate something nice and blue. From the appearance of it, it was also a waterproofed carpet.

The walls were decorated with all kinds of posters, murals, wallart, drawings, picture frames, and otherwise gave the impression of a place of controlled chaos where the young members of the starsetters were just kind of free to put whatever they wanted up in this recreation room. There was even an air hockey and foosball table as well as a bunch of tabletop roleplaying and wargames with their materials collected in boxes and closets; with deployable privacy screens available in case anyone needed to keep the sound out.

The battletech box's proclamation that it was a game of war in the far future of...the 31st century got a laugh out of you. That "far future" was closer to the Pyramids of Giza than it was to what you considered the present. But that made you think for a second about just how far in the past you were. Thousands of years before humanity would explore beyond the galaxy, decades before humanity found out how to travel faster than light.

If your lineage existed in this universe you wondered...what were your most direct relatives doing? Probably somewhere in Iceland or Scandinavia you guessed, though with the sheer gulf of time it was unlikely that you would be considered "purely" of any ethnicity that currently existed.

If you'd even be considered part of any of them to begin with.

Iybraa let her armour separate from her body, the carapace closing up with a snap as she stepped out in a pink and black plugsuit that fit her quite snugly before she teleported it off to replace it with a set of cat print pyjamas, your eyes pointedly averting when she made a privacy screen with her psychic powers to give her the space she wanted. Joseph changed to a set of shorts and a t-shirt, Alice into flame print PJs and devil horned slippers, and you were glad to see that Tyrius and Raelamiel were present in the same PJs they wore last time; still shaken, but better off than they were before.

Marcus just wore an undershirt and boxers, wincing slightly at his side out of phantom pain rather than any actual lingering injury, Darla in a tank-top and stretchy short-shorts, Aiko in just a sports bra and underwear as she relaxed at a couch, draping her leg over the arm rest and tapping controls into some frantic looking sidescrolling beat 'em up where she was wailing on an inordinate number of Imperial Japanese supersoldiers. Eleyra's brother; Aronim; sharing her blond hair and pink-purple eyes, albeit more towards the purple end than her; was also seated with her, messing around with the inputs.

Dawnmaker's armour seemed to melt into them, the Yurye's pointed ears and hair coming out while they faded into being with a simple shirt and shorts, leaning down next to a dusk blue haired Yurye; somewhat feminine but still androgynous, with skin the shade of teak to their own glowing pale shade. Duskkeeper if you had to guess. The other had their hair cut short in a simple bob, half of it covering one of their eyes, the other parted away. A quick smooch was shared between the Kheldian and Nictus; the peacebringer and warshade comfortable in each other's presence.

"So...gonna ask you guys the same question I asked these folks first time they came over." Marcus asked, looking to the Eldar who were still dressed in their battle raiments while Samus and yourself dismissed your armour and teleported in some spare sleeping clothes, yours red, hers blue; yours with Mantis prints, hers with Owl prints. A ping from your ships indicated they landed in the starsetter hangar just as two more people down from the elevator; the witwicky twins who got a brief nod of acknowledgement from the starsetters; the room's population rising to thirty-six. You, Samus, the witwickis, eight eldar, twelve starsetters, and twelve wards and new wavers.

"You guys got like, PJs on your homeworld right?" He asked as he poured out a glass of juice onto a table after using his electrical control to magnetise the jug and pull it towards him without having to actually reach it. An impressive display of laziness given that the fridge was maybe three steps from his position.

"...Why would you have clothes to sleep in? It seems uncomfortable." Lelithax said brusquely. It was something you personally agreed with, but you knew full well to adjust your dress habits while sleeping over to whatever was the norm in the company you kept. "I just go without, as is natural. The wolf does not seek additional pelts to rest when she has found her cave." The Druchii said with a huff.

"...Yeah gonna write that down as a no then pointy." He said, a flash of brief anger flashing from Lelithax as she gritted her teeth until Clarioli shook her shoulder.

"Breath Leli..." The Adamant Eldar said, calmly, gently, trying to soothe the bile in Lelithax's throat as she gulped down and exhaled.

"Shucks, mind if I go an' have a gander fer anything in yer size?" Greased Lightning asked, Kaeliyae giving a bow and an an affirmation that prompted the speedster to run off then run back with about eight outfits after having a few passes back and forth to make sure he wasn't getting their sizes completely wrong.

"So how are ya gonna get all that off anywho?" He asked before Kaeliyae clicked her fingers to let her companions disappear into an illusion, reappearing only when they had changed...except for her; who had simply removed the extra runic armour fitted onto her Holosuit. Not even touching her featureless mask.

"Do you not wish to reveal your face Kaeliyae?" Duskkeeper asked with a voice that sounded much wiser than the late teenage throat it came out of would suggest.

"As an Esdainn, I may only show my face to a few. None of whom would be you." She said with her sing-songy rhyming voice, her gaze flicking towards Alyrsero who wore black and white short-sleeved PJs rather well if you had to say so; getting him to flush a bit, as well as Lelithax who dressed rather immodestly in a midriff baring tank top and set of shorts, her body toned and honed by her exercise conditioning; though all the Eldar had leanly sculpted muscle definition.

"Are you sure? Is that something you need to abide by?" Samus asked, disappointment clear in her voice as Kaeliyae offered a nod.

"I am a storyteller, a narrator, to give my own face would be to distract from my tale. As such, I am sorry, but your request I must fail." She said with a gracious bow.

"Sounds dumb." Sophia said brusquely, dragged off onto this excursion by Aegis to get her outside of the base among people who could do something to keep her in check. However the general response from most of the Eldar was one rather akin to what you would give if someone had directly insulted your gods. Lelithax simply quirked a brow and Alyrsero formed a frown, but the others gasped or scowled; with even Clarioli's expression darkening into a fuming glare as the blonde rolled up the sleeves of her yellow Pyjamas.

"Yours is not the place to make light of the Harlequin traditions, human. Careful lest you find yourself the butt of the next joke." The death mage said with a dark humour. Korlanil's silver hair in its rough cut swayed a bit in the air conditioning, the Death Mage's eyes shifting between purple and orange at seemingly random and his expression in a permanent smirk, the faint patches of face painting giving a slightly skull like countenance to his almost bone coloured skin.

"Ooookay let's not get into a fight when we could do stuff that's fun and...hang-outy." Aronim said, his wavy, boyishly cut and thick blond hair shifting as he turned his eyes towards Sophia and the Eldar.

"You know for aliens, you sure act human. Getting offended with little pricks." Sophia growled.

"To use that term in the plural when I only see one such thing in this room is most ironic." Elendria said curtly, the red head's voice cutting across the room and causing a sudden outburst of "OOOOOOOOOOOOH" started by Darla, Mechamaven's face twisting to let out the sound while the others joined in. This was not a ritual you understood, and your attempt to look to Samus for explanation got a shrug.

"I think that means that they think she landed a particularly harsh insult?" Samus said to you, she was confused, chewing on her lower lip. "A lot of these customs are so strange..." She mused, the cant continuing while Sophia's face changed hues a bit.

"Maybe we should sit this one out?" You said, getting a nod out of her before you side-eyed some comfy looking places to sit. "Want to talk about some things?" You asked as she sat down with you on some beanbags, your head finding its way onto her lap and a small smile forming on your face as she started to pet your head, getting a few purrs out of you while you rubbed a bit into her stomach.

"Always." She said, rubbing your head gently and scratching at your scalp beneath your silky white hair. Her hands gentle and warm after so many hours in either hard fighting or gloved and on standby. Her nails were a little long but kept at a good trim, and the sensation of them scratching your head made you feel very appreciated while you rolled to look up at her and cupped her face with a hand.

"Do you think we made a difference? Just one hive of the things out of who knows how many?" You asked, locking gazes with her. Your expression was neutral for now, but you felt safe enough to ask such a hard question from her while she gave it some thought and then nodded.

"Of course Arne! That much lost high quality biomass, disrupting their harvest of superpowered flesh, getting so much data...they'll probably be feeling that for a while." She said to you, a nod of acceptance coming from you as you hummed and brushed your thumb against her round nose and mouthed out "boop" as you pressed your thumb slightly into the button of it, getting a giggle out of her.

"Well, I'm hoping we won't hear from them for a while. At least, not until we're better prepared." You said with a contemplative hum after sharing her laugh before adjusting your position a little as you rested your ear against her stomach. "I'm hoping that we can get a little privacy some time, unless anyone here catches our eyes of course." You said, taking a look into the room.

"Mmh, sounds good." She said with a mischievous expression before her eyes flicked up to the crowd and scanned through for a bit. You saw Kaeliyae once again playing peacemaker, pushing Sophia away from Alyrsero who seemed to have energy crackling at the corner of his eyes before he meekishly looked away once the Esdainn lightly scolded him. Ormothin, a redhead himself, patted Alyrsero on the back as the long haired Eldar shared a quick hug with Kaeliyae before pulling away.

"We'd probably need to get to know the Eldar a lot better before we could try with them." You said, glancing up to her as her attention went down to you, a hand of hers reaching to behind her head and undoing her ponytail to let golden hair flow down in a cascade of yellow all the way down to somewhat above her hips, spilling across the beanbag.

"So...you guys good?" Eleyra said, the Yurye only failing to surprise you due to the access to the distant sight you both shared prompting the two of you to look in her direction a split second before she actually arrived.


Your eyes were already where they needed to be to make eye contact with Eleyra, whose wavy blonde hair went down past her shoulders to about the lowest portion of the upper third of her back, her face more angled than yours, her eyes more vibrantly glowing and her expression more calm and curious than your own quizzical face.

"Well, what do you mean by good?" You asked, scratching behind Arne's ears while she shrugged as a crowd gathered at one of the consoles, wards eager to try the future of gaming relative to their perspective.

"I mean just...is stuff okay?" Eleyra said, clearly not someone who had the best way with words while she looked at Sophia glaring at one of the Eldar who tried their best to study the in progress game; Idaliryn's blond head moving a bit in just the right way to block her view.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Arne asked, folding his arms over his stomach and locking gazes with her.

"We went through the raid from hell is all." She said.

"Well, I wouldn't say that was hell per see, we were still in the material pla-" You said before Eleyra's expression corpsed ever so slightly and she shook her head in response.

"Mmh, I was told you had an issue with idioms. Don't worry, it took me a bit to get them too." She said, resting her cheek on her hand, propped up on a telekinetic platform she had conjured to serve as a table.

"What I'm saying is that we went through a lot, and I mean a lot. And we're the only three people from the initial team to never take any serious hits." She said with a sigh, taking a moment to look at Chris approaching by your other side and making himself comfortable in the nearby somewhat egg shaped chair and swinging his feet a bit.

"Hey brain parasite guy." She said, her ears wiggling slightly while Chris swivelled in the chair.

"Hey I'm still getting used to the concept of my ideas for inventions coming from some extradimensional doohickey attached to me. I don't need you calling it "Brain parasite"." He said, folding his arms to make it clear that he wasn't too happy with that.

"My bad." She said, gesturing to herself.

"Well...it was...trying and I was afraid we were liable to lose someone at many points. But we persevered, and we triumphed; didn't we?" You said, putting on a brave face while Arne gave a sage nod in response.

"We just need to be more prepared for shows of force like that in the near future. When we're ready for re-engagement anyway." Arne said, ever focused on duty. "If it can adapt, then we'll just have to try and counter-adapt. That's just how conflict works." He shrugged, he was trying to not let the unending swarms or the echoes of the horrid shadow in the empyrean bother him. The endless alien voices chittering, chattering, speaking and growling in an untold and unfathomable chours that your own mind, as brilliant as it was, felt infintisemal towards.

"So I've been reviewing that combat data and well...I've got a lot of ideas. Stuff to try and maybe counteract that kind of hyper-adaptation." Chris said, humming to himself while he looked at his laptop.

"Chris, you're sweet but we're supposed to be off duty for a few days." You said, getting a small frown out of him as he seemed to have a flash of realisation and flushed with embarrassment, taking a look at Kaeliyae offering a magic show to interested friends; weaving together a story from illusion and phantasmancy and scrunching up his face.

"I really don't get this whole magic thing. I mean, is it really magic? Is it just powers we don't understand? Lots of capes back home said they could do magic but..." He rambled, only to be cut off by Eleyra.

"Yeah that's magic...not the kind I'm familiar with, but magic." She said, seeing weaving illusions dance with sound and colour and light while guests oohed and aahed, Arne's eyes picking apart the details of the shifting figures of warp energy and the raw stuff of the arcane winds distilled into usable form; bent by the star-like soul of the Eldar into artistry and performance.

"What kinds of magic are you familiar with?" You asked quietly, eager and curious.

"I'm not the local magician by any means...psion yes, mage no. But there's lots of kinds of magic. Alice or Joseph are probably way better suited to teaching it to you than I am, honestly." She shrugged as she clasped her hands over her stomach and lurched back in her telekinetic force chair, looking over at the progress of the beat 'em up game as eight players tried their damdest to gang up on the level boss; some sort of samurai mecha; in what seemed like a massive explosion of colour and noise and combo-counters.

"But perhaps I could offer some assistance in learning the ways of the Empyrean?" Alyrsero's voice cut in, the Eldar boy offering a small nod of acknowledgement as he shuffled on bare feet to your position, occasionally tugging at his black and white shirt as if it were itchy on his skin before he pulled up a seat of his own and brought himself a little closer.

"I sensed something awakening you after the Brood Drake's second death. And I've been told that the best way to memorise what one has learned is to teach it...so consider this a mutually beneficial exchange. I educate you, I advance my own education." Alyrsero said as he produced a data crystal from a pocket and let it unfurl into a shimmering screen of runes and information, the equivalent of a book. He clicked his fingers and the blue runes leapt back into its geodesic containment, a small smirk on his face.

"Not having fun at the party?" Arne asked, Alyrsero's blue coloured eyes flicking to him as he offered a small shrug.

"I'm more fond of quiet than boisterous parties to be honest." He responded in a genuine, relatively gentle tone.

"So this Empyrean is the source of your parahuman abilities?" Chris asked, a look of something between disdain and exasperation writing itself on the warlock's face as the black haired Elven boy's handsome, gracile features pulled themselves into a small frown, the glowing blue irises of his eyes seeming to stare straight through Kid Win who felt like he was paling every second Ardanesh continued to stare at him.

"I am not human, I am not a parahuman. I am an Eldar Warlock apprentice. I walk the witchpath after brief dives into the warrior paths. I do not go around enforcing laws in personalised costumes; but gather lore and unveil prophecy for my people and unleash our eldritch fury upon those who would mean us harm." Alyrsero said, his self-echoing voice almost stormlike in just how upset he was at being compared to a superhero until you harrumphed.

"Alyrsero, we're supposed to be friends here." You said to him, still continuing to scratch at Arne's ears as he made the best possible impression of a kitten that he could, making you write the most adoring of smiles on your face. Your eyes caught his own looking towards you though, and you noticed the way he looked at you, Arne, or Eleyra was very markedly different from how he looked at Chris.

Chris he looked at like a baby, cringing slightly at his every misstep or studying him for anything to needle about. You three though, he looked at more the way he regarded his friends or especially Kaeliyae. And while he was somewhat stoic, you could catch the slightest flush on his face as he saw Arne's head being patted by you while he chewed on his lips.

"You are correct, my apologies Hatchling." He sighed.

"So, origin story swap time? Standard thing to do when hanging out in our work you know?" Iybraa said, turning her seat around so she could sit in it backwards, resting her elbows on a force table and squishing her cheeks.

"Origin story? Wha-" Arne said, baffled by the expression before Chris harrumphed.

"Well, I got diagnosed with ADD and Dyscalculia when I was seven. After that everyone started treating me differently. School teachers started talking to me like I was ret-" You glared at Chris to let him know that you weren't fond of him saying that word, something Iybraa followed up with. Though it was relatively common to drop in his time, the term had more than outstayed its welcome even in the near future.

"Like I was special in a not great way. Babying me through math courses or recommending me to pop Adderall pills and Prozac like candy. Even had to go through special social skills classes." He said, running a hand through his brown hair and frowning at the thought, teeth gnashing slightly at the memories drifting back to the fore.

"I also got put into the gifted programs because I had a good head for a lot of the fancy science and engineering stuff even if I was garbage at showing my work in math. Didn't make an awful lot of friends that way, and it's never great to be singled out as one of the freaks and geeks." He said before Alyrsero; the one whose experiences were furthest removed from this raised a finger.

"ADD would be what? Dyscalculia I can intuit as a disorder of numbers. But the acronym has millions of potential meanings." He said, though you were sure he could just use his foresight powers to find out the answer if he really needed to.

"Attention deficit disorder. It means he's distracted easily." Iybraa said, the Yurye's ears twitching slightly while Chris gave a small nod.

"Yeah...I don't like to think of myself as really having a disorder. Just too much going on in my head at once, too many ideas and too much to do. Can't sit around and just focus on one thing when I can multitask." Chris said, typing something into his laptop while talking, taking a few moments to turn his eyes towards his screen, look over some data and click a few places and input a few commands.

"Then I got stressed out, too many issues to deal with, too many problems. I triggered and then well...things didn't really make much more sense but the ideas in this noggin' of mine? Way more concrete after that." He said, from what you know of trigger events and the trauma relating to them, you couldn't blame him for being evasive on any specific details.

"My parents and home city were destroyed by the Niarte Warlord Tyrannicus during one of our wars with the empire he hails from. The Dark Wars; I'm still trying to hunt him, and pry him out of that shadesteel armour and just watch him burn beneath the light until the last trace of his darkness is gone." Iybraa said with angry choler rising in her throat, she almost snarled out her words.

"His real name is impossible to fully pronounce, but a lot of people call him Uzhribiggoleth, The King in Shadow. From some shadow dimension far away I don't know much about, part of an Empire of...fuck if I know how many different dimensions. Huuuuge on the need for oppression and punishment to create stability. And to this day, I'm not sure if he has...anything worthwhile in his soul." She said, your heart beating hard with righteous anger at her words while Arne scowled.

"But I chose to be an Iybraa, a bringer of Justice. Just like my brother chose to be a Xaeon; a bringer of vengeance. We will pursue him, until duty is done." Eleyra said with a solemn nod.

"If it means anything, I can empathise a lot with you." You said, offering a hand to Elyra's shoulder and nodding as she let you touch it, a slow smile forming on her face.

"And with luck...maybe we can kill the freak." She said with almost disturbing relish.

"What about you then?" She asked, leaning closer towards you with studious eyes.

"I was born on K-2L; my parents retired from the military to start up a simple family life on a unionised mining world. To extract afloraltite, before the price for the material crashed." You said, whisking some of your blonde hair behind you and smiling to yourself, Arne holding onto one of your hands and squeezing it a little tighter.

"Some people of a progenitor species, the Chozo came to our planet when I was three and asked if they could borrow some of the afloraltite for a great project. And I ended up becoming friends with one, old and wise and kind...but they had to go to get some things for the exchange. But before they could come back; the Confederacy of Dismor, the Space Pirates; attacked. The main fleet of the Inferno Pack Ravager Armada under Ridley swept in and..." You said as you tensed, trying to stop the flashes from clouding your mind.

The corpse stench of the dead, the bloody remains of the slaughtered, the growling, laughing maniacs who turned their butchery on any of their kind who lacked the stomach to partake in the debauchery. An army of quintillions meant to smash galaxies into ruin and leave nothing but conquest in their wake spitting forth their vanguard against a planet of ten million. It was never going to be a fight. But the horrid roar of the purple dragon rising from the smoke and ash, above all the other dread enforcers of the mysterious high command dispatched that day, the callous, awful glee he took in slaughtering your friends and mother, delaying his efforts to kill you for so long.

An evil grin stopped only when he realised too late that your father had ensured the doom of his planetoid sized starship; ascending to the heavens to be engulfed in the flames of his ship erupting in a detonation that would outshine a million stars; contained by its shielding and hopefully scourging him from existence. But you could still remember the wretched smell of his breath, the awful meat stink of rotting flesh clinging between his endlessly recycled teeth. The ozone stink of his bioenergy shielding, and the metal stench of so much blood that he caked himself in. Never had you, before or since, encountered something so singularly evil. And only Arne tapping your nose snapped you out of the recollections as he realised your eyes had gone blank and your nails were starting to dig through your PJs and into your skin.

"Everyone died. Ten million people dead in minutes. They slaughtered them and were so proud of doing it. Anyone who wasn't enjoying it was killed too. My friends died, all of them. My mom died, to distract the dragon, my father died, destroying the afloraltite they stole and most of Ridley's fleet with it. If their ship's shields weren't so powerful, a lot more would have died in the zero point blast but...at least the heart of that fleet is gone." You said, almost having to hold back tears at the recollection, the screaming distant in your mind but still so very audible. Screaming for help, screaming for mercy, screaming for even the barest hint of an answer as to why they had to die.

"But I was still alive. So much dust, so much fire. The space pirates left with whatever they still had. And I was all that was left. I wandered for hours, I looked for anyone...I never did. I buried my mother in the ash, and all the friends that I could until my hands bled from all the digging I had to do. So they'd at least be decent. And there were so, so many bodies everywhere." Mauled, mutilated, torn apart, blood stained bones and exoskeletons, faces frozen in death screams and guts you never knew people had sprayed in all directions. Everyone was dead, and nobody, not even the smallest animals, were there to answer your calls for help.

"When the Chozo came back, I was found, alone with nothing but a pet I just adopted by him, by Old Bird. They took me in, made me one of them; both Chozo and Human, they named me their hatchling. And I lived with them. I wanted to help people, so nobody would suffer like me. And they gave me the strength to do that. The armour, the knowledge, the body." You said, briefly summoning up a gauntlet, tapping your head and then gesturing to your frame.

"My story is...pretty similar. All the inheritors are." Arne said, huffing.

"Inheritors?" Alyrsero asked, tilting his head with intrigue.

"Handfuls of children from the current generation of civilisations chosen by progenitor civilisations to embody all the best parts of them, to carry their strength, to uphold their traditions, and to fight the final wars to come." He said sternly, reciting it from memory, a creed ingrained into his mind from very young.

"My parents were guerillas, some would call them terrorists; others volunteer freedom fighters. They went to the Ensryn Nebula in a galaxy so far away from where they were born; to build relations between the Ensryn Volunteer Army and Clan Grendakal of the United Clans of Agradhof; of the Omdyn. To help them push away the Federation, the Confederacy, and other powers encroaching on their territory." Arne said, his voice distant as if he were reciting this on automatic.

"They uncovered an Alimbic battlecruiser; one of the greatest of the progenitors, thought vanished fifty thousand years ago. The crew was alive in stasis, and when revived Elmorni their...mystromagus, biologist, she liked me. I was...three, but when their commander, Zurvduat, refused to help my parents wanted to leave. They had everything packed to depart from Cylosis, to move the volunteer forces elsewhere. But then they came, supersoldiers, unmarked armour, a deadly kill fleet. Nobody knew from where, or who sent them; but they killed everyone." He said, his voice increasingly monotone, hollow. He didn't like remembering this, or the sensation of being chased by the dreaded golden hydra.

"A creature with three heads and antlers, of fur and wings and frost chased me; wanted me because I had been to the Alimbic ship. My parents got me to safety, on the ship of the Freelancer Spire. But they stayed behind to give us time to escape as the Alimbic ship took off. I saw them die on a mound of enemy dead, frozen into oblivion. Elmorni took me in, but Zurvduat wanted me to be a soldier." The name Zurvduat stirred complicated emotions in him, his expression unsure of whether to be fond or afraid.

"So I was remade, like Samus was. With very...very similar abilities. Zurvduat...I don't know why, but he was always a lot meaner to me than Elmorni. I'm not supposed to see him anymore, but Elmorni is...she's very nice, I think you'd like to meet her." He said, a sigh coming out of his mouth, wistful and wanting at the mention of his adoptive mother. Something to latch onto, to prevent himself from crying. He was so afraid to cry after Zurvduat made it so painfully clear what he thought about crying and what the punishment was for shedding tears. He almost cringed when he sensed some water near his eyes, still expecting that flash of pain. He exhaled, it wasn't real, he wasn't in danger.

"...Hey, me and my brother. We feel for you. If you ever want to have like, group therapy you know we could talk stuff out. There's lots of people here who specialise in traumatic orphanings." Eleyra said with a sympathetic smile, not one of pity, but of shared pain. But she had the fires of vengeful anger burning inside as well...fires you had more of in your own heart than you'd like to admit.

"Now I feel like an asshole for even mentioning my issues." Chris said, looking away and frowning.

"If they're important to you, then they're important, full stop." Arne said.

"I mean, you've got that whole...doomed destiny of becoming Sylux thing. I'm just a techie." Chris said with a sigh.

"And? We're here to talk out our issues are we not? So why not just talk with us?" You asked, getting a small smile out of Chris before your attention cast itself towards Alyrsero.

"I was born to a union between a farseer and a druchii sorceress. Tumultuous, likely ill-advised, fraught with marital strife, but it resulted in twins all the same so it was auspicious. I...don't connect much with my sister though, admittedly." He said, realising he wasn't going to get out of this as he laid his left foot atop his knee and put his hands on the chair's rests for his arms.

"My own life is humble, uninteresting. I grew up with my father on the Craftworld of Seers; on Ulthwe. I went from path to path for some time, tried poetry, worked out anger issues, dug myself in tomes and texts, tried to write novels, but I drew myself day by day to the witch path; to the gift of magic and psykery all Eldar have, especially now that we are free of she who thirst's grip on our souls. So I became a Warlock, a Mage." He said, creating a little spark of blue flame upon the tip of his left index finger and smirking.

"But, as I've said before, I live in the Age of Monsters. Where Lords of War tear apart and fray at the fabric of reality and horrors beyond the imagination of prior eras rampage in wars eternal as galaxies die and civilisation after civilisation perishes. The end times, the apocalypse, the final night, Rhana Dandra. We are more numerous than ever before as a species; yet the time has never been direr. If I can cross, if the Great Devourer can cross; it has come for your realities too" He said, his smirk fading, the flame slowly flickering out and then at last dying altogether.

"Perhaps there is hope born of the Nexus event. Perhaps it just means that many separate dooms shall mingle and converge into yet further horror. Or perhaps...perhaps your caretakers were right, and you will save us all." Alyrsero said, staring directly at you and Arne.

"...I don't think I've ever told you of the prophecy of the Inheritors." You said to him.

"No need, the skeins of fate are my domain. Prophecy and Lore is my realm...I saw your threads of soothsaying as soon as I laid eyes on you. They're quite hard to miss." He said with a shrug.


[]: Shift the conversation to less doomy topics (Random conversation)
[]: Inquire about how things are at home with Chris
[]: Poke into Alyrsero's personal life.
[]: Prod into how the Starsetters function with Iybraa
[]: Check on that sweet looking video game
[]: Play a tabletop game (starts an in-universe tabletop RPG session of my choice, though I won't track the stats for my sanity's sake)
[]: Check Kaeliyae's illusory story
[]: Check on another group (will be randomly picked)
[]: Write in
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The tabletop RPG session is the designated funni option.
[X]: Play a tabletop game (starts an in-universe tabletop RPG session of my choice, though I won't track the stats for my sanity's sake)

[X]: Shift the conversation to less doomy topics (Random conversation)

Actually, upon further thought I'd prefer the flow of conversation to continue.
[X]: Prod into how the Starsetters function with Iybraa

Translating an MMO into a functional setting makes everything seem crazy. How does the crazy work?
Samus and Arne/Sylux Icons by BloodyArchimedes

Have some art icons of our two protagonists in their varia suits by Bloody Archimedes on Commission for me! Samus Aran and Arne Skjoldr at age fourteen. Obviously they've had...quite a few suit changes since then, but visuals for their suit upgrades will come a bit later. For now though, enjoy two power armoured superpowered teens actually looking like they're enjoying themselves. Just kids being kids and enjoying life in the face of the end times and the immense burden of facing apocalyptic imperialism and the crumbling of the circumstances that allow for us to enjoy our relative comfort in the face of an age of monsters and war. But that doesn't mean it's all doom and gloom. Even in the darkest night, there's always the possibility of at least a little light, and there aren't many individual lights that shine brighter than these two.
Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour: Act 1: Intermission 2: Paragonian Paragons (Part 3)
[X]: Prod into how the Starsetters function with Iybraa


"Maybe let's avoid talking about the end of all things? It seems less like light conversation and more...work stuff." You said, not exactly sure how to put it all in words but reaching for the explanation that seemed to be the most sensible to you. It wasn't that you didn't have the vocabulary, it was more that you weren't sure which of the words that could be used were the best fits for the occasion. You studied their responses, and it seemed that what you said was plenty good enough, pulling yourself into an upright position on the beanbag and snuggling with your partner to just enjoy how soft and warm she felt to cuddle with.

"I suppose, what would suit your fancy best then?" Alyrsero asked as he sipped at some tea from a mug that he seemed to conjure from the ether; hitting your nostrils with the delightful scent of chocolate, cinnamon, black tea, brown sugar, and other warm, sweet...brownish scents. Brown didn't have a scent but you'd describe it as the pleasant side of brown. Chocolates, caramel, brown sugar, that sort of thing. Pleasant, like Elmorni's cooking...or what your dad would bake for you as a toddler.

You made a sad smile.

You wished you got to know your parents better. The first three years of life was so little time to get to know them. You were relatively happy with Elmorni, but after a year with your own kind...Gods who could have expected that the idea of the clan in your mind was so separate from what they were in person? Speaking to so many people who knew your parents for much longer than you did...talking to you about details you never knew about them like they expected you to be intimately familiar.

Your musings were interrupted quickly though, Chris raising his hand to have a chance to speak and being granted it by a nod of acknowledgement; prompting you to turn to him as he cleared his throat and looked to Iybraa.

"Hey, Eleyra. What's your team like? Fuck...what's this city...dimension like? I don't even know where to begin. I've been here a few minutes and I've already got a million questions." He said, almost breathlessly, rushing through words, trying his best to make eye contact with the glowing eyed Yurye without staring into the pink nimbuses in her eye sockets as she made a hrm and rested her chin atop her knuckles.

"Okay let me be more specific...alright? Uh...How does superheroing...work here?" He clarified, clearing his throat in the vain hopes he'd be less awkward for it, though you weren't entirely sure he succeeded. His verbal hesitation was still palpable.

"Well, you register with the FBSA; totally confidential. You list your power origin variety, your archetype, your hero name, power type. Then do some certifications, a few exams, have an interview with an FBSA agent from the relevant department, and after all that you're in. Usually need to start at lower security levels though...takes a bit to show you've got what it takes to take max security level stuff." She said nonchalantly, even checking her nails on occasion while she rattled off the requirements. You squinted a bit at the mention of security levels like that though. It sounded like the "maximum recommended mission intensity" category system for freelancers or ultramilitants but...level 1 also made it sound very...

"What do you mean level? Like, RPG levels?" Chris asked, getting a nod from her.

"When you've earned enough credit you get another certification with a qualified trainer for a higher security level saying you can handle bigger problems. Max security level means you're expected to be on call to deal with like...planetary or above scale threats as well as max threat level villains." She said casually. She'd clearly been through that particular system before, not even a moment was needed for her to recall any of the facts when she had been through the process time and time again.

"Threat level started off as a ranking system for villains but then Arachnos started using it to like...categorise villains who operate from the Rogue Islands or Arachnos affiliated territory. So it's basically nega-security level. Max security level redsiders are bad news." She said, only for your expression to blank at the terminology, Samus also pausing and Alyrsero stopping his tea sipping, the silence palpable enough for you to hear Dennis jump up and cheer in the distance as he evidently beat that level boss.

"...Redsider?" Samus asked.

"It's a thing that came from like...ID card colours. Hero licenses have blue edges." She said, taking out hers and tapping on the edges of the card, a vivid shade of sapphire blue.

"Arachnos profile cards have red edges. Praetorian Power Division ID cards had gold edges, Vanguard tags are grey; and so on so forth. So heroes started getting called Bluesiders and villains; Arachnos affiliated or not; just started getting called Redsiders." She said, putting away her card after you studied its details, you noted that she had the space for real name; which was apparently (Optional) filled with "Eleyra Ophilix" and that it also had spaces for Species, Dimension of Birth, Homeworld, and even a short biography to shorten introductions.

"It's a bit dense for quick reading isn't it, Arne?" Samus whispered to you, getting a nod from you. You couldn't imagine just passing that out to people who couldn't read at an accelerated rate for a few seconds to get introductions out. Scannable ID tags seemed much more practical.

"Do you get paid? I mean, we get paid. At least, the wards do; and the Protectorate. It's pretty okay money." Chris asked, a question you felt he had been saving in reserve for a bit. With how much of the cult's database had to do with finances you got the impression that money was very much the running concern for most people in this time. You didn't quite get it, they were producing enough for everyone to have at least basic essentials met, so why ration them out like that?

Samus, sensing your questioning, booped your nose, bringing you out of your thoughts and getting a little giggle out of you.

"Sure, through special accounts if you want to keep a secret identity. It's pretty decent, though you still have to pay if you want to use FBSA services since you're not like...an employee. And most heroes get most of their stuff through influence. You win clout with people by helping them out and they do favours for you. Get yourself some resources under your belt, people donate to you if they want to help you help other people...you're really just kinda...left to do your own thing really." She flicked some hair out of her face with a casual gesture of her fingers.

"Do you not worry about corruption if your heroes have their ability to access resources so tied to favours and influence? It would seem that it would be natural to bribe those that are problematic for people of means. The evident lack of oversight also seems like it would lead to a spate of those who lack the temperament to be entrusted with such societal authority to end up in positions that allow them to promote and commit abuses. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe there are a plethora of people who would willingly, intentionally accept the label of villain unto themselves. Such seems to be the stuff of stories for small children, not genuine malefactors." Alyrsero spoke up, getting in his piece before anyone could interrupt him or start a conversational track without him. He'd been waiting for the right moment to ask that you felt, already having foreseen some of this conversation. You hoped that when you mastered the distant sight you'd be better at not coming off as so...nosy.

"If you want credit you need to deliver everything you've done to work for it to the trainers for review and cert, and like...heroes tend to work more on contacts, tips, team ups, or distress calls than beat patrols. We're not cops. Usually when we show up it's because we were asked to or if there's an immediate emergency. There's also a lot of self-policing. We've got way fewer protections or privileges than cops do honestly. No thin blue line for us." She said, scratching at the back of her head.

"So it's like the freelancer mission system?" Samus asked, blue eyes focusing intently on the knife eared Yurye.

"Oh merc work? No no!" She stammered, almost changing shades with sudden outrage. "Not unless I'm not getting what you mean by "Freelancer". But uh...hero community's pretty quick to kick out people it sees as not living up to standards. 'Course you've got Vigilantes who don't care about any of that." She calmed down and frowned at the word "vigilante", like poison in her mouth.

"Oh you've got unlicensed heroes too?" Chris said.

"Seems inevitable honestly, those who wish not to be constrained to the limitations of the paths and systems laid before them and would rather work as they see fit. Or not work." Alyrsero shrugged. "In the craftworlds we have outcasts; rangers, wildriders and those who leave to join the Laughing God Cult or other Eldar ways of life rather than take the focused discipline of the Paths and their monohobby focuses." He added, sipping more of his tea and leaving you with the sudden sensation of craving liquids as you rolled your tongue around in a mouth watered only by helmet provided fluids and cafeteria drinks for the past few hours. Something Samus sensed and remedied quickly, her own mouth watering a bit as she poured you a cup of root beer and got one for herself, sitting back down, snuggling close and sipping from the red cup.

The liquid was sweet and fizzy on your tongue, pleasantly cold. Hrm, you could probably get used to Root Beer, though you still preferred Kralis Nectar.

"Mhrm, course you've got a bunch of simps for the bad boys who don't play by the rules." She said, lazily taking a sip from a cup she hovered over to herself with telekinetics.

She flicked her eyes over to Chris and pointed her rather human like finger to him as he raised his hand.

"Yeah earth kid?" She asked.

"What's a simp?" He asked. Putting to words a question you had in your head for a bit.

"Uh...a suck up." She shrugged.


"Then you've got rogues who are like...less lethal villains basically. Mostly in it for material gain, often will help out heroes and get up to a lot of robin hood stuff." She said, for a moment making you forget she wasn't native to this realm with how easily she dropped a reference as old as that.

"Robin Hood? What sort of "stuff" does this Robin Hood do? The context suggests something positive yet, mischievous perhaps?" Alyrsero asked before Samus sprung up, eager to drop some facts on this pointy eared lad's head.

"Robin Hood was an outlaw who stole from the rich of Nottingham in medieval England to give to the poor who were oppressed by the Sheriff and the bad King John!" She said proudly with a beaming expression, glad to be of use in informing someone of matters they were curious about, a wave of excitement melting its way into your heart just a little as you slowly formed your own smile.

"Ah, the Noble thief." Alyrsero nodded.

"And these Starsetters...what is your task?" The Eldar asked while he let his breath cool more of his tea before sipping, closing his eyes and slowing his drinking to properly savour every droplet of the rich liquid.

"My brother, Dawnmaker, and Duskkeeper over there formed the team as a place for younger heroes who either weren't human or dealt a lot with stuff from beyond Earth. There's...suspicion towards nonearthborn heroes." She tensed a bit, her expression souring as she put her drink away and sighed, cupping her face in her hands.

"Alien invasions, inter-timeline wars, demonic incursions, fae marches, attacks by mythological creatures, the devouring earth, assaults from other dimensions, more than a few killer robots...leaves a lot of people on edge about nonhumans or the nonhuman affiliated. But you probably knew some of that, didn't you?" She said, quirking a brow towards the Eldar.

"We haven't been to this city no, but we are somewhat familiar with some of the details of this reality yes. The "Earth is for humans" billboards placed in broad daylight by Vanguard asking for people to report suspected extraterrestrial malefescence hardly inspires confidence." The Warlock replied. The idea of a poster with that sort of sentiment being posted in a public place drew an almost immediate scowl out of you.

"That's an awful sentiment to have! Why would you want to only have a single intelligent species on a planet? There's so much to learn by interacting with other cultures, other peoples!" Samus said, puffing out her chest a bit and making an expression of outraged indignity.

"We try to both make people more comfortable with otherworldly folks and advocate for otherworlders. It makes the Police...not super fond of us but Blue Steel can kiss my cu-" She said, stopping herself when her brother took her emptied cup off of the counter she set it on and washed it out, waving over.

"Hey Aronim." She said sweetly to her twin, Alyrsero, yourself, and Samus studying the handsome looking, lean knife eared alien as his glowing purple eyes turned towards the screen where Lelithax had finally been convinced to try her hand at the game, putting on her best pout while working her way through the controls and grumbling beneath her breath about crude analog controls.

"Anyway, if the PPD doesn't like us; you know what? Fuck 'em." She said with a sigh.

"Honourable sentiment." You said, getting a wry smile out of her that made Samus and yourself flush at the sense of approval she gave to you, long, punkish hair seeming to scintilate as she tilted her head and grinned.

"I think I like you two." She grinned.

Hrm, still plenty of time to kill while the night was still young.

Actions: (Specify whether Arne or Samus should do them or both).

[]: Poke Deeper into Paragonian Culture and the Starsetters as a team
[]: Poke more into the Ophilix Twins' personal life
[]: Try some personal conversational topics with Alyrsero
[]: See what's what with Chris
[]: Attempt to bring in some additional partners
[]: Try out some video games
[]: Watch a movie
[]: Play some tabletop games
[]: Do a group reading.
[]: Try some dumb teenage party games
[]: Ask if anyone's willing to dance.
[]: Try flirting with people who catch your fancy.
[]: Write in