Duodecimarch Revolution (Warhammer x Metroid x Worm x Transformers Multicross Quest)
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Save eight Incarnations of Earth from both themselves and the myriad alien and extradimensional threats that would seek to turn them into yet more prized jewels in their crowns of Empire. In this bold and ambitious crossover featuring Metroid, Transformers, Worm, Warhammer 40k, Godzilla, and City of Heroes and more; follow a young Samus and Sylux as they seek to save omniverse from catastrophe, explore the mysteries of why these worlds are so prized and make all sorts of new friends.

A massive love letter to my years of creative works and fandoms throughout the years, Duodecimarch is my most ambitious project yet.

A crossover featuring twelve young heroes and their friends going on a multiversal journey through adolescence and apocalypse.
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Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour. Part 1


Judeo-Spartacist Bolshevik-Kabbalist
Sanctum Arcanorum

@Renu drew this bit of cover art for me on commission!


You look towards the three setting suns of a world far from Zebes, the colours mingling into a glorious pastel of orange while soft plants bristle at the touch of the wind. A wisened ancient in humble looking armour worn beneath plain robes with purple feathers framing a parrot-like beak and coming in front of pill bug like chitin plates stares down at you, hands atop his plain-looking cane.

His face cannot make a smile, but you understand the warmth and gentleness of his voice as he speaks to you, old eyes beholding his daughter with boundless love. You know his lesson is important, but you would have listened to him talk to you about anything.

"There will be times when you might not understand everything immediately Samus. Some may try to confuse you while other situations will simply be odd."

"So I just need to think on my feet right? Observe, orient, decide, act, right?" You remember saying

"Of course, but beyond that, you will need to deal with situations far beyond the ordinary. But even in the strangest of situations, you should remember my most vital of lessons." He said softly, plate covered fingers shifting atop his cane as you rummaged around your memory.

"...To never turn away those in need? So long as the aid they require is not harmful." You said, brightening your expression and grinning at him as he offered a little bow of appreciation.

"You are wise beyond your years, hatchling. Soon, you will be ready to start being the hero you dream of. And when that day comes, my old heart will swell with endless pride." He said before you found one of his hands on your yellow plated shoulder and his red eyes staring into your own.

"Is there something else you wanted to say, Papa?" You asked, leaning into the offered hand and enjoying the subtle warmth of the plating on your head.

"Yes." He said as the suns dipped below the horizon before the stars started to glow far, far too bright before your eyes, forcing you to shield them.

"You need to wake up."

(Art by Jellyhammer)​

You are Samus Aran, heiress of the Chozo, sole survivor of K-2L, recently minted fourteen year old, and you are currently nestled in morph ball form on the ground. You don't really remember how you got here after taking out that wormhole station that was being fought over by Space Pirates and enigmatic soldiers identified as the same who had struck at Cylosis last decade, but you find yourself in a pleasant stretch of forest. Snow filled the fields and weighed down the branches, driven by howling winds in what you guess is this planet's winter season. Your mind's eye sees your body from a third-person perspective, a virtual out of body experience that lets you quickly gauge your whole surroundings.

Based on the decent-sized crater in the ground and a number of knocked over trees, you would say you fell from quite the distance. You rise to your feet and find that the snow goes up almost half-way up your thighs. You hold out a hand in curiosity, letting some of the snow melt on your open palm and smiling to yourself.

You offer your apologies to the plants whom your passage has ended the lives of, and take a look for the person you were travelling with.

A figure in blue, cyan, and grey armour lays before you entangled in some branches. The circular visor of his helmet giving the impression of a cyclopean red-eye in front of a smooth, insectile face with a three-pronged crest. A purple cannon covers his right arm, and a quick scan confirms that he's alive and well, simply unconscious. That was good, you've known the boy from Cylosis since you were both twelve, and you'd be besides yourself with grief if he ever got seriously hurt.

Well, you're certainly not going to let him stay in his torpor, not when you have contacts approaching your position on the radar and lurking at the corner of your psychic distant sight. You'd need to get moving quickly if you didn't want to be forced into a confrontation you weren't ready for.

He rarely had enjoyable dreams anyway, something you understood all too well.

Jumping up to him was an easy enough task, and once you were on the branch, you laid your hand on him and gave him a gentle shake.

"Arne, come on, we need to get going."


You are Arne Skjoldr, last son of Cylosis, squire to the Alimbic remnants.

A shadow haunts your rest. You move down shapeless corridors you can't identify anything in, twisting through passageways all as featureless as the last. You weren't sure if hours passed or merely minutes as the chronometers of your armour give you only gibberish; time is without meaning. Space perhaps even less so as you cross what seems to be the same corridor thrice despite going through different doors every time.

But you hear that awful saurian snarl in the background. You knew it was following you, chasing you. You had to go somewhere as quickly as you could, but could find no respite. Legs that could have taken you faster than your own sound seemed to bring you no farther away from the roaring or the eerie green light that flickers in the darkened halls.

You keep running; your boots start to make something snap beneath your feet as the ground turns to ash and snow. You hazard the briefest look down and hold in the urge to scream.

Skulls, bones, frozen corpses and mangled bodies rent by projectiles that reduced them to so many scattered pieces. You see the apartment you once called home before some eleven years ago. The familiarity made the twisted, shadowy and frostbitten warping of the building all the more chilling; but you had to face it. You had to be brave.

You push through the door, only to find not a floor but a deep drop that seems to go on for eternity while blackness engulfs the space around you. Still, the roaring follows you, an electric hum so close to your ears punctuating its hateful sounds—a sound so similar to your Shock Coil yet different; twisted, wrong.

You hit the ground with a roll. Everything around you is either burning or iced over. Corpses lie on the street, soldiers in unmarked green and silvery armour warped in demonic form shoot through wraiths and ghosts. You spy a machine, an icthyoid, and a digitigrade psychic who all lie dead before you as you run; flickering shadows of sinister shapes surrounding you—five shades surrounding the winged golden beast with five heads.

Two frozen corpses locked in an embrace, one male and one female; standing in defiance before the fivefold one; filling you with a deep sense of ache and longing but far too distant for you to reach now confront your eyes in the distance. The emptiness of bereavement hollows out a hole in your chest, and you can't help but feel the urge to weep, sinking to a knee as the two bodies crumble away and you fall further.

You couldn't help them, nobody can, and you realise this as you hit the ground once more in a circular room with nothing but the dead. Then the lights all came on again, and you felt yourself twisting.

Cold, sterile, painful. Needles in your body, watching yourself get remade. You look into a mirror in these empty hallways and see yourself without a neck; head floating above your torso and limbs far too long. No, this wasn't you, you shouted as you smashed the offending mirror and found its shards dancing around you. Before your eyes was one cluster of shards congregating in blue form, warm and friendly; the other a grey and elongated mass whose cyclopean eye bored into you before you felt a slap to the face and a punch to the gut.

"-Inadequate, a continued disappointment despite bearing our blood. What a waste...-" You heard, words stinging as much as the blows.

"Mom? C-cant you make him stop? Please make dad stop..." You beg of the blue apparition before a blow smashes into your face through the helm and the armour that made you feel invincible now felt like a cage, body refusing to move with your commands.

"-How many times do I have to tell you; Primoris; I am not your father.-" The cold and cruel voice of the grey one sneered before the body making it crumbled away into the same ice shards that the two embracing lovers above had disintegrated into.

"Mom? Are you there?" You asked, pleading to the Blue figure who nodded and offered to embrace you in her lengthy, blue arms.

"-Of course, child. I will always be there for you, my darling knight.-" She said as you rushed towards her for her embrace, only to feel the cyclopean figure fade to dust as well. You looked at her disappear, protesting as you tried to grab at the ash, but there was no time for that.

You froze as you heard that roaring beast get closer and closer. You heard boots clanking against the ground as you tried to not sink into the bones of the dead. Your whole body was shivering with fear as much as cold, breath hitching and heart beating like a drum.

Pain surged through you as blue coils of lightning danced around you. You felt like you were burning from the inside out, every cell screaming even though your armour should have blocked it out. But what armour? It all starts to melt off around you, showing far too slender grey and red Zero-Suit that leaves you feeling far too exposed before you feel a hand around a bare neck that you have once more.

You felt a squeeze, a demand to turn around and face what you were running away from. Blue armoured plating with bright green glowing lines run across the figure's armour suit, bladed pauldrons emerge from its shoulders and the helmet is an almost featureless enigma. No visor, just a green line that vertically bifurcated it down the middle.

"W-who are you!?" You shout.

"Destiny." A far too familiar voice says back to you before the armour opens up and swallows you whole.

(Art by Jellyhammer)
You wake up with a start caught on some tree branches, gasping for breath as your HUD informs you all systems are functioning as intended. Just a nightmare; you breathe out and relax. You kept on seeing that blue and green figure in your nightmares as of late. Always chasing you and speaking in a voice that felt like family.

They had a name that stuck with you, Sylux. Foreign yet familiar, but you weren't sure if it was just another facet of your nightmares or something more prophetic given to you by your psychic abilities.

You hear Samus calling to you and see her gold plated gauntlet on your chest rocking you back and forth as you reorient yourself and take a closer look at the plant you've landed in. Conifer tree...a...white pine according to your scan visor? That hardly made sense, this species of pine tree was rarely found away from...Earth?

The subject is a now-deceased Eastern White Pine Tree of the species Pinus Strobus most commonly found in the northeastern region of the North American continent of Earth, particularly in New England. Analysis of the tree's chemical composition contrasted to the surrounding environment confirms an age of 374 years, three months, and 12 days before expiring upon your impact with it.

Addendum: Spatiochronal analysis indicates that the organism is not of your reality. Nor are any of the surrounding features of the environment.

Addition Addendum: Analysis of stellar and planetary positioning of night sky demonstrates 99.9978% similarity to Night Sky of Earth circa the 13th of January 2011 as viewed from what was contemporaneously referred to as the Rockingham County of the United States of America. Discrepancies recorded to user memory. Night Sky positioning confirms a time of 02:37 AM..

Additional Addendum: Radio and Microwave signals consistent with early 21st century North American Standard detected.

Additional Addendum: User craft located in geosynchronous orbit in stealth mode awaiting completion of auto-repair.

Additional Addendum: Anomalous signal has been detected attempting to interface with suit software. Analysis indicates attempted malware upload, undesired software lacks compatibility with armour systems. Precautionary immunisation and treatment protocols engaged for safety; sample of anomalous code has also been isolated. Recording to files for study.

Samus' Notes: I have at least thirty eight different questions I want answered now, how did we even end up all the way over here? It must have had something to do with the device. But what sort of signal is this? It's in nearly everything being broadcast here like some sort of subliminal wave. It's way more sophisticated than most of the other signals here too.

Arne's Notes: Did we land on some sort of simulacrum planet after taking out that generator? No that's...way too much work for something like this. Okay...different universe...need to remember protocol. I should probably try and find the original location of the subversive signal though, that might get me answers.

"Yeah, I'm fine...just a weird dream. Thank you, though." You say as you shake your head and casually unentangle yourself from the branches, dropping down unhesitantly. Certainly was good to be back on firm ground. Shame about the tree though, may its body nourish future generations.

"Samus are you aware that these plants are from e-" You started before she interrupted after jumping down with you, already knowing what you were going to say.

"From the northeastern North American region of Earth. I know Arne."

"We've got to get moving; people are c-." She said, wiping a branch off of your shoulder.

"Coming...yeah, I feel it too." You said, getting your turn to interrupt her to your satisfaction as she gave an amused exhalation before you saw a bit of yellow in the corner of your eye and then did a double-take.

"Samus..." You said, pointing towards the sight a few hundred meters distant from your position to the north.


You turn and see a yellow...car that wasn't there before. It was...rounded, it had wheels, and from a glance, you would guess it fit maybe four people, five if they squeezed in. You don't see any tire tracks in the snow that would have indicated it drove there though, and the vehicle was clearly out of place.

Not perhaps, quite as out of place as the primitive-looking red and white turbofan jet that was right next to it trying very awkwardly to pretend that it had any business here, roughly about thrice the length of the small yellow beetle-like car with a wingspan about as large as its length.

You didn't need even to scan the vehicle to tell that there was no way that the aircraft could have made a landing this smoothly amidst this much tree cover. It would have needed far more space, and none of the trees behind it shows any signs of having been disturbed by its passage. Your ship couldn't make a landing like that and you designed the damn thing.

Your armour cracked through the encryption of their communications with ease, it was sophisticated, but not quite sophisticated enough. Strange though, you've never seen tech like this before. You'd call it...Living Machinery? Oh you'd just love to know more about it.

Bumblebee: What do you think they are?
Windblade: Minicons perhaps? Not getting any energon readings off of them though. Stay sharp, could be a Decepticon trap.
Bumblebee: I dunno Windblade, never seen Decepticons like that before. Turning into a ball doesn't seem to be their style either.
Windblade: Who knows what they've got calculated up? I've been tracking multiple different extraterrestrial contact groups since we've gotten here. On every Earth we've been tracking.
Bumblebee: Maybe we should just try saying hello? It's always worth a try to make some friends.
Windblade: Bumblebee, one rotation cycle you're going to get us both offline with how adorable you are.
Bumblebee: Don't say you don't love it though.

To your west you also heard shouting between two young voices, you'd guess they'd be about your age. One male, one female. Your suit translates the archaic language they're enthusiastically discussing directions in without much of a hitch.

"I cannot believe you Eudaimonica! Jump through one portal without looking and now we're all the way in New Hampshire?! How are we supposed to get back to Paragon City and out of this fucking dump!? If it weren't for your demons I'd be freezing my ass off." The male voice shouted, distant, inaudible to normal humans but clear as day to your enhanced hearing. As far as your suit can determine, there is no such city in the United States, certainly not in Rhode Island; which your armour quickly deduces is the origin point of their accent.

"FBSA line's acting really jank though Nightcaster, lot of static when I'm trying to call the Freedom Phalanx too...and my phone's date system is really fucky; says its January 2011. Must be another dimension? Besides, you're a shadow warlock, you can handle a little cold." The female voice said, trying to defuse her companion's flippant outrage by refocusing him on something else.

"That's literally ten years ago, are you kidding!? Ugh what is with this portal corps bullshit?! I'm supposed to be getting ready for spooksmas! The spirits and I had the BEST fucking decorations planned."

"Halloween?" Arne said to you before you shoosh him to concentrate better.

"Bruh calm down, don't get full doomer on me. We just have to find a place to stay and I'm sure Positron's gonna come in like a chad and get us back home. Or maybe I'll work out a portal spell or...something, look just stick close to the fire demons and you'll stay warm. You big baby." You...understand these words but the way they're being used makes you tilt your head. Arne seems to be similarly baffled by the slang, but your armour computers do indicate that these were popular vernacular terms in the later portion of this decade.

But that's hardly the only concern as you turn your head to the sounds of boots crunching into the snow. Quite a lot of boots, actually. The sound is definitely coming from the south, the same direction as one of the region's larger metropolitan areas.

"Impact site's nearby; spread out and investigate." The closest voice says, an adult you discern based on their baritone.

"Why are we hunting meteorites? That's NASA shit." Another said, female, somewhat younger, likely lower ranked.

"Look all I know is that the tinker tech scanners figured they weren't like the other debris from that blast in orbit. Just tell me when you find something."

"God damn space shit couldn't wait until we weren't in the middle of a blizzard?" She complained.

"Do you see the kids complaining half as much as you do?"

"Try to be at least a little professional." Somewhat more grizzled voice, definitely vocoded through a power suit of some sort. Interesting, as far as you were aware Earth never developed more than the very rudiments of that technology this decade.

"Easy for you to say when you're probably nice and toasty in that power suit." The female soldier said, getting an exasperated sigh out of the third voice.

You turned back to Arne.

"What do you think about all of this Arne?" You asked him as he stopped and tapped his chin with his left hand. His mind, as keen as your own, took only a moment for him to come up with his answer.

"Definitely a different spacetime continuum. It'd fit the scan data at least. South is where the local authorities are coming from though." He said, snapping his attention back to you.

"Yeah, agreed. Should we go meet them?" You ask, getting a shrug out of the Squire.

"Come on Arne..." You sigh.

"I don't know. Maybe? Look I...Uh...okay I'd want to wait to see what they're like before we do anything." Well, at least you got your answer, and you rewarded him with a thumbs up.

"You know I don't like guessing but...those vehicles and the two juveniles probably also came through some sort of faultline? Bumblebee and Windblade seem to be here more..." He paused briefly, at first unsure if the word he was going to use was appropriate before going ahead with it, casually making use of the names extracted from their chatlogs. "...Intentionally I'd say? I think we should probably check on the vehicles first though; something's not right about them." He said, turning towards the car and the aircraft.

"No, I think the kids probably need our help first. This kind of weather is easy to get lost in." You say, hoping that the two youths aren't too cold. If they were lacking in climate-controlled gear...you shuddered at the thought, no you weren't going to let it come to that.

"It's going to be too late for that. We've been spotted." Arne said, pointing at some of the shapes turning their heads in their direction, ancient-looking weapons being cautiously brandished. Most would be of no threat to you, but a few of them had unusual energy signatures your armour recommended further studies on and their radio communications indicated they'd start to converge quickly.

Arne looked to you for guidance; the choice would fall on you as you heard a request for identification and status.

Data extracted from communications and wireless systems cross-referenced to Distant Sight and deep analysis information shows a set of equipment largely comparable to known records of early third millennium technology. The standard armour of a PRT is a non-powered combination of kevlar and chain mesh designed to be resistant to primitive chemical slugthrower rounds and steel blades swung at speeds within baseline human ranges. Standard weapons are smokeless powder assault rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers typically fitted with nonlethal equipment. Threat level is nonexistent. Advise care to avoid unintentional inflicting of fatal injuries.

Advisory: Some members of the unit utilise weapons firing rounds filled with rapidly hardening foam meant to safely immobilise targets or more exotic payloads powered by extradimensional sources in a crude but effective way for the demonstrated baseline of technological capability.

Addendum: Data extraction reveals that this paramilitary outfit is primarily intended to respond to situations created by a population of humans demonstrating abilities outside of the norm of the species within the boundaries of the United States of America and Canada. Jurisdiction also theoretically applies to actions by non-human entities, but no records indicate confirmed contact with sophontic extraterrestrial life.

Addendum: Genetic code of subjects is baseline human and entirely unaugmented, resulting in an inevitably fatal onset of senescence on average by the age of seventy through trivially prevented or cured diseases such as cancer, leukaemia, or assorted cardiovascular ailments. Recommend treatment when available.

Samus' Notes: These people must be freezing out here in completely non-climate controlled clothing. It'd be really rude to keep them waiting, but is it right to interact with people this lowtech?

Arne's Notes: Police...of course. I don't like the way they're looking at me. Do they think I'm some kind of monster? They aren't hostile yet, but I should be ready for anything.


(You may pick two; one for Samus and one for Arne; specifying whether Arne or Samus is to do the action, or have both do the same thing if you think splitting them up is a bad idea.)

[]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
[]: Bolt past them and move towards the machines, they need investigation.
[]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
[]: Pretend to not understand their language
[]: Make it clear that you'll be asking the questions here
[]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
[]: Write in
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Character sheets & Statuses
I'll be replacing the Equipment tracker with this doc updated by Baron Ouroboros: Duodecimarch Upgrades For the sake of my sanity.

Samus Aran

Samus Eabha Aran

(Art by matsuo95)​

Basic Character Info

Height: 5'11/180.34cm
Mass: 158.73 lbs/72 kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Species: Human-Chozo Hybrid
Ethnicity: Celtic (Primarily Irish), Matrilineally Jewish.
Gender: Female
Religion: Chojinzuko Kah-Sahmat Animism (Ak-Ekmat)
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 14
Birthday: 6th of August, 50,000 A.D
Homeworld: K-2L, Zebes
Family: Virginia and Rodney Aran (Biological parents, deceased), Old Bird (Adoptive Father, Primary Caregiver, Alive), August Wings (Adoptive Mother, Alive), Grey Voice (Chozo gene donor, Adoptive Father, Alive), War Hawk (Adoptive Mother, Alive)
Other Relations: Sylux/Arne Skjoldr (Romantically Involved)
Aliases: The Huntress, the Hatchling, the Heiress, the Inheritor, Aira-Sekh (Chozo name), the Liberator, the Goddess of Fate and War, the seeker, "Goldilocks", hatchingSentinel (online chat handle), Dawnchild, Valkyr (affectionate nickname)
Conventional Abilities: Massively augmented physiology rebuilt by the Chozo from the very most fundamental level. Physiology can achieve nearly 100% energy extraction from consumed mass and use this energy to power bodily functions while also being able to withstand the energies unleashed by it; which can be further bolstered through managing the flow of quintessence through meditation and focusing techniques. In essence, she is far, far faster, more durable, heals much more quickly (though not quite wolverine fast nor could she regrow entire missing limbs), and vastly stronger than a normal human and her mind works vastly more efficiently with reaction times surpassing those of most machines.
Esoteric Abilities: Latent Psychic and sorcerous potential from Chozo DNA that can be used in limited fashion such as precognition, interface with psychic or sorcerous technology, empathy, and armour repair through concentration. Also renders Samus and anything she is wearing virtually immune to most hostile esoteric effects save for direct damage via mundane energy.


The last scion of the Chozo, the final living member of the Aran family, the single remaining survivor of the K-2L raid; Samus is the last of a lost of things. After watching her mother and virtually all of her friends die in front of her and seeing her father give up his own life to take out the guts of the Space Pirate Enforcer Ridley's dreaded Inferno Pack fleet, she was left to wander alone in the dust and ash for hours until the Chozo returned to K-2L to make an exchange for the mining planet's resources. Adopted by the Zebesian Chozo who felt responsible for not being able to prevent the catastrophe she was remoulded by their deft artifice into someone who could live among them; and when she expressed a desire to be a hero who could inspire hope in others and ensure nobody would ever suffer as she did; she was trained as a warrior and explorer. Given peerless education to enrich her superhuman brain, she mastered both the sciences and the arts as well as the ways of battle.

She would meet Arne Skjoldr, her counterpart among the Alimbics, whom she was pitted against in a test between the two ways of raising a warrior despite having befriended. Though the conflict ended in a draw, she and Arne would quickly become much more than friends even if their relationship was pockmarked by their deepset Trauma and relative isolation. The two would, a year later, be sent to the former progenitor world of Zoran to test whether they had fully mastered all there was to know about the basics of progenitor combat, where they found that Old Foes of the Chozo and Alimbics who were supposed to be locked away in a prisoner reality detached from all of existence had somehow slipped through. Through ingenuity and determination, she managed to find a way to stop the two from catastrophically tearing apart the entire sector of the Black Eye Galaxy in an attempt to free their kin and was lauded for her bravery and skill.

Still, she had only finished one phase of her training and would be sent to the Federation's space to learn how to reintegrate with her own kind and satiate her thirst for knowledge and wanderlust. Dispatched to the headquarters of the Federation's Prodigal Program for those with unusual abilities, she would find some difficulty adjusting to a far larger population of peers than she had previously been used to, and no longer having the Chozo more than a few minutes away. However, investigations into the actions of the mysterious R.A.I.D and the Space Pirate Marshal known as Weavel who sought vengeance for his demotion in the military of the Confederacy of Dismor due to the K-2L blunder would reunite her with Arne in battle sooner than expected; and the two traced the trail to a Wormhole generator being fought over by Weavel and a mysterious figure's forces. Stopping the generator from overloading but pulled through anyway, she has landed on a distant world that the two organizations have been visiting regularly for some time to be worth the bother of establishing wormhole facilities.


Tall and striking for her age, Samus keeps her hair in a relatively short tomboyish style that she finds practical and comfortable. She's excitable, enthusiastic, wears her emotions on her sleeves, and never is afraid to show that she's interested in someone or something. Lithely muscular and built for almost unparalleled speed, her golden hair and blue eyes demand attention as surely as her armour does. (Art by F4ARTz)​

Miscellaneous Stats

12 Energy Tanks (Total 1300 shield points)
Armour Integrity: 1300/1300
Accel Charge: x4
Defense Hardness: x4
Strength Augment: x3
Universal Ammunition Maximum: 360/360
Super Missiles: 46/46
Missiles: 220/220
Damage Augment: x2
Seeker Missile Maximum: 10 missiles.
Power Bombs: 10/10

Other Stats​
Stress: Low (Magnitude One)
Mental State: Great
Physical Health: Optimal
Social Needs; Somewhat Fulfilled

Status Effects

Arne Skjoldr: Strong Romantic Partner. Bonus to cooperation efforts and morale while deployed with him.
Bumblebee: Budding Friendship (Bonus to cooperation efforts and morale when deployed with him)

Special Rules & Abilities

Distant Sight: Samus has the benefits of PRECOGNITION in nearly any circumstance, though she cannot reliably focus it on particularly distant events without extensive meditation. This does allow her to react to attacks before they come however.

Child of Chozodia: Samus is the beloved daughter of the Chozo of Zebes, she is as much a child of the honoured elders as she is of humanity and gladly walks between the two legacies which she has been gifted. She can make use of things normally keyed to Chozo or general Progenitor biometrics and will always be able to find some useful Chozo artifact in any mission she is sent to. Of course, only herself, Arne and those others with similar special rules can benefit from these artifacts without extensive projects.
PTSD: Samus suffers from PTSD incurred by orphaning at K-2L by Ridley's Inferno Pack. While her morale is virtually faultless, if exposed to a PTSD trigger that leads to a failed morale check, Samus will be locked into extremely aggressive or evasive actions to try and remove the source of the trigger or remove herself from its presence at any expense. While she is berserk in this state, she also has a harder time forming plans when hyperfixated to such a degree.

Incarnate Abilities
Incarnate Level 2
Alpha Slot unlocked: Level 2 Alpha Slot
Judgement Slot Unlocked: Level 1 Cryonic
Interface Slot Unlocked: Level 1 Preemptive

Skill Proficiencies

Computer Science
Space Navigation
Terrestrial Navigation
History (Chozo)
Extradimensional physics
Arts (Sculpting)
Spiritual Theory
Political Theory


Alt-Mode equipment​


Curls into a ball to let Samus get into places she normally wouldn't be able to fit into and interact with certain objects. Also lets her duck out of fire and sneak around undetected.


Lets Samus stick to things.


Builds up a kinetic charge that is then released to give Samus a burst of speed. Can also be used to ram.

WIP. Drop stuff in morph ball mode to make it go splodey.

Elemental alt-mode bomb, fires a wave of degenerative energy that breaks down matter it comes into contact with.

Crawler limbs allow for the user to engage in close-ranged combat against enemies that might be resistant to bombs and boost attacks or might approach within the time frame of those attacks. They also allow for a boost to the jumping capability of the alt-mode and allow for greater purchase on surfaces that the alt-mode might slip on or when rolling or hovering is otherwise inadvised. Crawler Limbs strike in melee with reduced power compared to the arm-sword, but are still formidable in the right hands.

Samus' Notes: I really hope I don't run into anyone who's afraid of crawling things while we're out there.

Arne's Notes: I uh...I guess this can be useful...sometimes? I'll need to figure out more uses for it besides scaring people.

The Power Bomb and Pulse release a contained zero-point energy explosion of enormous force, able to destroy nearly anything it touches. The extreme heat and force of the blast are accompanied by a particle disruption effect that will tear apart the bonds of most forms of matter and overload the coherency of most forms of energy screens, reducing most of what is caught in the blast to states of being where fundamental forces begin to collapse in on themselves into more unified forms in a planck state, allowing only materials and energies reinforced beyond material limitations by immaterial means to survive. The containment helps to prevent excessive collateral damage, but as the bombs are physical munitions; the user must concentrate to produce more of them if they lack the munitions regenerator upgrade.

Samus' Notes: I'll have to make a note to only use these when necessary. The amount of damage one of them can do is really unfortunate to think about. Being able to clear out Denzium obstacles would be quite useful though. Could the area of effect be modified somehow?

Arne's Notes: There's a slight delay between creating the bomb and detonating it that needs to be adjusted to, but I'm wondering if that could be filed down to something more immediate.

Mobility Upgrades​

Allows Samus to go extremely fast in after a bit of a running start, can also be used for a limited form of flight by shinesparking. Sheathes Samus in immensely destructive energies that destroy nearly anything touched.

Allows Samus to jump multiple times while in the air.

WIP, It grapples stuff, can be used to pull stuff or drain energy to regenerate your shielding or feed stuff energy to heal allies or overload enemies.

The Flight Pack is derived from Hollenmord's dark magic augmentations to its wings, properly purified before integration and adds a deployable set of wings to the armour suit that can be used for flight, combat, providing cover, or aesthetics. When not needed, the wings are consumed into the armour's zero-point form, whenever they would interfere in user mobility, and at full length have a wingspan equivalent to twice the user's height. The energy membranes of the wings will also serve as an additional layer of defense as well as weapons; as can the outermost fingers of the wings. Flight speed will be equivalent to five times land movement speed, and the speedbooster is able to apply to flight mode. The Flight Pack will also be able to operate in airless conditions; but a liquid movement module will be required for full function in high drag environments such as water.

Samus' Notes: Ahhh! Do I deserve to fly with wings like Old Chozo Warriors did? I guess..I must be if this is what the suit got from Hollenmord. I'll make sure I'm worthy of this gift.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, the bat stylings look a bit threatening...maybe I could modify them into something less scary?

The Gravity Boost regulates and controls gravity for the user and those somewhat around them, rendering them able to function at their preferred gravity in all cases and also neutralizing unwanted friction and drag such as that created by water. The Gravity Boost also allows for flight through activating its thrusters and gravity regulation. The Gravity Boost furthermore negates the harmful effects of most gravitational attacks.

Samus' Notes: Ah, all the places I can now explore freely thanks to this little invention! c:

Arne's Notes: Always room to improve the Thruster's top speeds.


Lets you scan things (will be expanded soon)

Lets you direct your gunship and provide tactical data to team mates.(will be expanded soon)

Allows Samus to see heat and track normally invisible targets.

The Echo Visor visualises sonic information and vibrational data to allow the user to "see" sound as well as sonic profiles. Combining both active and passive sonic detection systems, the Echo Visor is well suited to watery environments in particular where its detection systems can often see much farther than electromagnetic signals. Due to its ability to detect vibrations through long-range scanning, it can even work in a limited function in vacuum environments.

Samus' Notes: The Echo Visor's also notably very useful for detecting burrowing enemies as the reverberations they make through the ground are extremely easy to detect with it. Should come in very useful in the future whenever I bring it with me!

Arne's Notes: I won't lie, it's very weird that the visor can let me see things like foetuses still inside of their mothers on ultrasonic mode. But it is a pretty interesting way to perceive the world. I imagine that it'd also be very useful for people who can't hear sounds as low or high as we can.

The Incarnate Visor augments the user's ability to detect objects with connections to the Source of the Sourcewell metaverse as well as threads and fragments of Source connection or power. The Incarnate Visor is also able to perceive into other dimensions as it looks for any possible connection to the Source; revealing many other varieties of extradimensional entities such as ghosts or parahuman shards. However, the Incarnate visor does not counteract conventional visible light cloaking. Note that many forms of Ghosts can utilise conventional spectrum cloaking to evade tracking if their dimensional phasing is foiled.

Samus' Notes: Huh. Definitely going to be needing this a lot in the future now.

Arne's Notes: Well, having warning before my next religious experience would be nice.

The Warp Visor allows the user to see warp signatures clearly; allowing the user to quickly perceive the empyreal side of targets, what sorts of creatures might be lurking in the warp, as well as signals that go through the Empyreal realm and other similar manners of pleroma type idealistic coextant surrealities. This can allow the user to also determine the course and direction of such energies as well as what the prevailing currents are in the empyreal realm. It is also useful for determining the prevailing metadimensional weather conditions such as that of the "winds of magic", which, should the user choose to exercise their potential in such regards; allow them to much more reliably control and manipulate such powers towards their own ends. This is useful against enemies who might be setting up ambushes in coextant dimensions, try to flee into them, or are using them to communicate via means usually impossible to intercept.

Samus' Notes: Ah-hah! This is something that should help with tricky, fading capable enemies. I feel like I'm going to need some time to get properly used to it though.

Arne's Notes: Staring into realms of souls without the proper adjustment is going to give me some unpleasant headaches, but I'd better learn to just get used to it.

Miscellaneous Gear​

The armour and zero suit will adjust its strengths to counter repeated stresses of a specific nature. If continually forced into contests of physical strength, they will augment the user's physicality further. If speed is repeatedly proven necessary, they will add to the user's speed; and if repeatedly impacted by a specific damage type, they will increase the user's resilience against that sort of impact. While only a limited number of adaptations at a time can be deployed or stored, this significantly increases user versatility.

Allows your shielding, armour integrity, and body to recover over time without external input, even regrowing components or limbs. While vulnerable to alpha strikes, the regenerator can consume missiles or power bombs to accelerate its regeneration rate; and it will also steadily recover ammunition and power reserve supplies as well. The more enemies surround you, the faster this upgrade will work. Unlike most upgrades, it does not require your armour or zero suit to function. Acquire more regenerators to bolster regeneration further.

Samus' Notes: Not exactly a glamorous upgrade, but definitely a necessary and useful one.

Arne's Notes: Well, should be useful for taking hits at least.

(More in universe desc to come) Allows the armour and zero suit to augment physicality in a massive rush of energy, while this function does draw on a store of Adrenal power that needs to be restocked over time; it does not come with any drawbacks while active. Initial Berserker Booster functionality offers thirty seconds of massively augmented strength and resilience and significantly enhanced speed, and reflexes. Once used, the Berserker Booster will need to recharge. The Berserker Booster will tend to heighten user confidence and aggression not out of chemical effect, but due to the user's bond with the armour and zero suit imbuing them with the same sense of heightened physical power.

The Temporal Distorter allows for altering of the flow of time for a duration affected by the intensity of usage. At maximum, at its base level the temporal distorter can pause time entirely for only six seconds from the user's perspective, which will allow them to make maneuvres and attacks as they deem necessary within the period. Upon depletion of its stored up distortion, the Distorter requires a recharge. The distorter can also be used to target another individual, but this halves the duration in which it will last. Upgrades to improve the distorter are available however, derived from your accel charge stockpile. It can also be used to slow time.

Samus' Notes: I know the Chozo made their own equivalent to this not long after the N'Kren revealed their first models. It's definitely a tool that should be used responsibly, however, manipulating time in such a way is way too easily abused for this to be something for any situation...but I have to admit, there's definitely some fun ideas for it.

Arne's Notes: Samus has used this to pull so many pranks on me...and all my retaliations are kind of lame as Solveig would say.

Extracted from Tyrannic capabilities to produce more ammunition, this upgrade will allow the user's ammo supplies to gradually regenerate over time, allowing for far more endurance on the field and much reduced reliance on quintessence conversion to ensure that user ammo limited weapons will maintain continual fire. This will also enhance the rate at which secondary weapons have their stockpiles restored.

Samus' Notes: Oh...I....guess this is nice...

Arne's Notes: It's...well, that's why I didn't run out of ammo I? Yeah...

The Rune of Fate is the first Arcanotech upgrade for yourselves and is bound to your soul rather than your armour and as such, will always apply. The Rune of Fate will mitigate the effects of hostile luck manipulation, enhance your own luck and fortune, and bend fate to turn dangerous hits into misses, mitigate received damage, enhance accuracy, and significantly improve performance in games of chance to the point that it is recommended that the user disclose this ability if participating in these games unless deception is necessary or desired. Note that the user will require the Rune of Malignant Fortune to induce misfortune upon enemies as well as the Rune of Shared Blessings to confer this to allies to achieve the full potential of the Rune of Fate.

Samus' Notes: Oh! This must mean that we're going to start delving into the esoterical early then! I'm so excited! I want to learn spells as fast as possible! :DDD

Arne's Notes: I uh...hrm, well. I feel different, but better different at least. So I can in fact, get upgrades that go straight to my mind, body and soul.

The Ymgarl factor allows for the armour and zero suit to alter its properties as is deemed necessary; increasing resilience to damage, strength output, speed, or other similar physical characteristics via distributing a series of "tokens" between assorted physical stats from a reserve. This allows for greatly increased user flexibility, but caution must be advised that changing the distribution of these tokens is not an instant process. Acquire more accel charge upgrades to increase the speed of transformation, and acquire more Transformation tokens to increase the reserve of tokens. Acquire a genoadaptive upgrade to allow this ability to be integrated into user physiology with the added benefit of further immunizing the user to what few infections might still be able to afflict them.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, combined with the adaptive defense systems, all I need is something to add adaptational capabilities to my offensive suite and I think I should be able to maximise my versatility in nearly any situation. Still, the note that this could also apply to my body is...disturbing.

Arne's Notes: I'm really, really hoping that the genoadaptive upgrade won't lead to me becoming as...deformed as the Ymgarl genestealers can become, but given that the regenerator doesn't seem to have made me into a freak, I think I'll manage.

Devourer Components allow for the user to restore and repair zero suit and armour components and shielding by acquiring the requisite energy from attacking enemies in melee or via the grapple beam. Enemies slain in such a manner will give an immediate bumper crop of harvested energy, allowing the user to stay in the fight as long as they are able to cause damage and defeat opponents in close quarters combat. This ability will require additional upgrades to apply to ranged weapons or to allow the armour or zero suit to consume matter and energy outright via touch. Genoadaptive upgrades will allow the upgrade to also apply to the user's body; with the added benefit of furthering resistance to microbial attack as the deaths of these organisms in the body only serves to further invigorate the immune system.

Samus' Notes: Well, given how often I find myself getting into the very thickest fighting, this is definitely going to be a useful upgrade I think? Seems to be better suited to dealing with hordes than singular strong enemies however, and the need to enter melee is restrictive. But I'm finding myself in close quarters combat all the time...

Arne's Notes: Between this, the munitions regenerator, and the regeneration systems, I'm starting to think that I'm supposed to be throwing myself into constantly heavier fighting. I've already killed so many organisms in this one mission. I just hope I don't have to get into fighting so intense I'll have to see whether this will really let me wage war eternal.



WIP. It stuns targets but can also cause them some harm. Has a plasma whip and a blade mode.
Weaker version of the arm cannon. Back up weapon, has an energy bayonet.

The munitions launcher serves as a platform for releasing extra munitions without occupying the attentions of the arm cannon. Primarily a method of firing grenades, specialist projectiles or fluid streams, the Munitions launcher is also able to be utilized while in alternate form to allow for ranged combat capability in the alternate mode. It comes preset with Cluster-Flechette, the AMEAT Mortar, and the Corroder; each of which draws on the Universal Ammo stockpile. Cluster-Flechettes are useful against large numbers of soft targets, the Mortar is best against smaller numbers of hard targets as it launches a directed jet of armour piercing ejecta before impact, while the Corroder is best against targets vulnerable to chemical attack, in hardcover, or against charging foes. All munitions can be charged for greater effect.

Samus' Notes: The range on these weapons is pretty good, you could get a lot of use out of them indirectly bombarding distant targets I'd imagine.

Arne's Notes: Enemies in cover I'd imagine would be a primary target for the munitions launcher; a well-timed airburst could clear out most enemies in hiding.

Multi-missiles allow the suit to generate and then fire upwards of twenty four sub-missiles at a time; which can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the multi-missile. Multi-missiles are homing and will track all designated targets to the best of their capability at full speed, taking slightly longer to travel due to needing to curve around the user's back or from special pods fitted into the user's alternate modes, including the Morph-Ball and Psychomorph. Multi-missiles do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all twenty-four missiles in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant one or two missile bursts. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished.

Samus' Notes: Ooooooooooh. Missiles are always fun to use and having free missiles always on hand would be a huge benefit. Especially in my alt-modes. Hrm, now I'm thinking about preparing some sort of submunitions missile. Maybe when I have some spare time?

Arne's Notes: Added ranged firepower is never a bad thing, especially ranged firepower this versatile.

Rocket Pods allow the user's suit to generate and then fire a large quantity of minimally guided rockets that while able to course correct towards a target; are not capable of radical manoeuvres unlike true missiles. However they compensate for this with sheer volume of fire; saturating the target with upwards of 120 rockets in a single burst can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the rocket-pod. Rocket Pods do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all one hundred and twenty rockets in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant bombardment from a few rockets at a time. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished. The rocket pods can still be used in alternate modes like the Munitions Launcher and Wrist-gun.

Samus' Notes: Saturation fire weapons like this would be very useful against hordes of enemies I'd feel. Going to need to experiment to find the best usage for them in my fighting style.

Arne's Notes: This sort of ranged firepower is likely better suited for suppression fire rather than direct damage against most enemies capable of rapid movements.


WIP. Rapid-fire spammy gun, hurts ghosts. Can be stacked with other beams.

WIP. It lets you charge your beam or your missiles.

Elemental beam (cannot be stacked with non-augment beams without the elemental stacking upgrade), fires homing electric projectiles at a medium rate of fire that can stun targets. Charge shot electrocutes enemies and stuns them for the duration of the overload. Very effective against targets vulnerable to electricity. Medium damage, medium-high rate of fire, homing, medium area of effect.

Augmentation beam (can be stacked with other beams freely), augments damage output and area of effect by converting shots into nine projectiles fired in a tight shotgun like spread surrounding the central shot that goes where you want it to.

Elemental Beam (cannot be stacked with non-augment beams without the elemental stacking upgrade), fires a spherical projectile undergoing intense nuclear fusion reactions that goes supercritical on impact in a miniature supernova, "sticks" to targets it hits to cause continual burn damage. Medium damage, decent rate of fire, large area of effect. Charge shot fires a larger projectile that will explode in a considerable radius and damage nearby hostiles en route. Lots of knockdown/back.

Augmentation Beam, causes projectiles to refract/chain between multiple targets after impacting, allowing for a single shot to damage multiple enemies or strike one enemy multiple times in different locations until the beam's energies finally expend themselves. Adds to the potency of beam damage and to its anti-area of effect capabilities.

Elemental Beam

Derived from 5th Column and Council Technology by the Nictus, the Quantum Beam allows for the user to fire a special negative quantum globule of energy that is especially destructive against beings that rely on a transdimensional energy bond to link between a symbiont and a host such as Kheldians, Nictus, and Parahumans and Extradimensional projections. The beam deals extremely enhanced damage against these targets and causes numerous debilitating effects that will take some time for the targets to recover from; slowing them down and weakening them for many seconds. As a negative energy weapon, the Quantum Beam also is effective against any target that lacks resistance or has a special vulnerability to negative energy; but is generally less effectual against those inundated in such energies. The charged shot fires the Quark Tornado, which explodes into a swirling Maelstrom of negative energy that will persist for some time after impact and wander around the battlefield damaging enemies caught in its path.

Samus' Notes: I'm wondering why the Nictus would design a weapon that is their own weakness. This sounds like a particularly unpleasant and dangerous culture that bears investigating to find a way to stop them.

Arne's Notes: Well, this beam is probably going to come into use a lot on Earth Bet, though I'm somewhat concerned that this technology also puts our own Parahuman allies at risk.

Augment Beam

The Seismic Beam is a sonic weapon that releases a hyper-pressurised air burst of air in front of it, generating it from the armour's zero point systems and then having it trailed by a powerful vibrational frequency. The more that the beam hits a target, the more it will resonate with the target, increasing the damage with each following hit until the target is destroyed or until the resonance stops. The beam will also traverse through multiple targets and can ignore many forms of cover. Its charged form is known as the Seismoquake and causes the afflicted target to resonate violently, echoing outwards and damaging all nearby enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ah, finally; something to penetrate through multiple enemies. I just need to be careful with missed shots.

Arne's Notes: Thanks to the pressurised air wave, it will work in vacuums. Fortunate since its such a handy beam.

The Phase Wave Beam is an Augment Beam that utilises phasic technology to harmlessly pass through non-target obstacles such as cover or walls while still imparting damaging levels of energy into enemies. Best paired with visor technology that allows for vision past obstacles or with a spotter, the Phase Wave beam will make engaging with enemies in hardened positions a much simpler prospect. The Charged version of the Phase Wave Beam is the Phase-Storm, which will create a short-lived vortex of phasic energy upon impact, damaging everything it comes into contact with.

Samus' Notes: A beam like this will need more caution for use in Urban areas since a missed shot has a much higher chance of hurting someone you didn't mean to. But I guess that means I have more reason to fine-tune my marksmanship.

Arne's Notes: There's going to be a lot of cases with entrenched enemies where something like this is going to come in handy. Or in dealing with enemies that rely on moving cover around to obstruct fields of fire, shame most energy fields block it out though.

The Ice Beam is an Elemental Beam fires a globule of anti-energy that neutralises most energy within the target upon impact, arresting momentum, eliminating temperature, damaging binding energy, and even neutralising the gravitational potential energy required for a frozen object to fall. The reverse-annihilated energy is converted into water-ice while the atmosphere around them also freezes, freezing the target in an icy prison if they survive. The charge shot fires the absolute zero blast which entraps the foe in a much larger section of ice and strips out most forms of binding energy as well as virtually all thermal energy, being far more likely to cause a target to implode as potentially even its gluons will have no energy to hold together if it lacks sufficient vitae to avoid death.

Samus' Notes: Ah, I've missed you old friend. Glad to have you back. c:

Arne's Notes: Well, can't have too many ways to freeze enemies I suppose.

The Positron Beam is an Elemental beam releases a stream of positrons which are then followed by a "chaser" of protons which following catalysation, impact with greatly enhanced reactive power at near light-speeds, which can be improved with realspace FTL projectile augments. The impact of the positron beam annihilates the target's electrons and protons, rapidly collapsing their atomic structure into neutron slurry while the reactant is released primarily as electricity that will arc into other targets for additional damage. The charge shot fires the anti-matter storm which will cause the beam to chain; still in anti-matter electrical current format; into multiple other targets, each of which releases conventional electricity.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, it's definitely one of the most overtly destructive beams around, but thankfully the electricity arcs won't direct into friendlies and will ignore neutrals unless I want them to.

Arne's Notes: Now this? This here is my favourite beam. There's something just endlessly fascinating about electricity and anti-matter. Really hoping to never leave it at home again. So many times I wished I could have fired it.

The Gamma Beam is an Elemental Beam that fires a catalysed beam of ionising gamma radiation that will penetrate through many forms of obstacles and deal severe damage to both organics whose tissue will liquefy if they lack sufficient resistance to the beam's enormous energies as well as machinery as the beam plasmafies most forms of matter and tears apart the more delicate components of many forms of technology. The Charged Shot fires the irradiator wave, which will not only deal increased damage but leave the afflicted targets enormously but briefly radioactive, allowing it to function as a short-lived area denial weapon or turn an enemy durable enough to survive into a hazard for more fragile allies. The Gamma Beam is regarded as a generally horrific weapon due to the extremely graphic nature of the death it inflicts.

Samus' Notes: I've never been entirely fond of this beam to be honest, it seems...excessive to turn a target's flesh into glowing and steaming gelatin and watch their charred bones flail around as they disintegrate. It's undeniably effective and harmful to most targets but...hrm...

Arne's Notes: Conflict is conflict and there aren't really any nice ways to die. It is awful to watch, and the death it inflicts is one of a great deal of short-lived pain. But is being blown in half by a missile any better?

The Radiance Beam is an Elemental beam that fires sanctified light energy that is of significantly greater effectiveness against "dark" opponents such as demonic, unliving enemies, Nictus, possessed foes, darkness based or suffused life forms, dark energy dependent shielding, or dark magic users. The Radiance beam will pierce through enemies and cause them to burn in proportion to the amount of darkness they have become suffused with, even metaphorical darkness such as evil committed as per the moral standards of the Ylla. The burning also affects the soul of the evildoer, and can bypass many conventional forms of defence or immortality; and as a secondary effect can induce temporary blindness and stun many enemies. It is however less effective against soulless enemies. Its charged shot fires the Judgement Hammer which debilitates targets with the agony they have unjustly inflicted and turns the afflicted target into a lighthouse that will strike other targets temporarily.

Samus' Notes: The Ylla were always a little bit sanctimonious, but the ones I've spoken to always thought highly of me. So it's good to know that they think I'd be worthy of this sort of weapon, especially if I am to put so many undead back into their graves.

Arne's Notes: I'm not entirely sure on the Ylla's moral standards if they think I'm unquestionably worthy of using this. But if they have confidence in me I guess I shouldn't put it to waste.


WIP. Shoot to blow stuff up.

The Seeker Missile allows the missile module to fire multiple missiles at a time in a single burst, each capable of independently tracking their own targets with augmented homing capabilities. The initial seeker missile upgrade allows for upwards of five missiles at a time to be fired and may be used with charged missiles, super missiles, elemental missiles, beam combos; or any mixture thereof. Be warned of ammo consumption when utilising this function.

Elemental missile. Fires a projectile that will explode into a wave of anti-energy to freeze nearby targets. Uses missile stockpiles. Can be used with super missiles.

Fires a missile that explodes in a superheated wave of quark-gluon plasma ejecta and sets things it comes into contact with on fire. (WIP)

WIP, more ammo limited but bigger boom.

Elemental warheads such as Toxin grenades, Ice Bombs, Pyro-Missiles and similar devices augment your existing explosive arsenal by offering them increased damaging effect as well as the capacity to deliver elemental effects. The user may swap between or combine compatible effects as deemed necessary to create differing types of warheads as the situation demands. Elemental warheads may be applied to superlative but more ammunition intensive munitions such as super-missiles, power bombs, and ultra grenades.

Samus' Notes: More versatility is always welcome. I'll try out some of the elemental combinations as soon as I can get the chance.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, as soon as I get the time I'd like to just sit down and tinker with some new warheads. I should probably get some charge combos going too.


Designed by Samus Aran based on the ice beam and loosely inspired by old designs on Zebes, the Cryolyte is a powerful weapon that releases a stream of superchilled plasma combined with anti-energy in a long semi-continuous beam. Capable of rapid-fire albeit having somewhat limited range, the Cryolyte is able to freeze multiple targets at a time; penetrating through nearly any obstacles to the extent of its range while generating enormous amounts of frozen matter. The Cryolyte can also be charged to fire the Cryospite; an enlarged blast that will create a wall of cover in addition to freezing anything it comes into contact with. While the Chozo of Zebes and the Alimbics of Sentus Primaris have copied it, Samus' variation has longer range and a wider area of effect as well as a more intense freezing effect that will continue to damage affected enemies while frozen due to her continued refinements.

A devastating continuous fire weapon that fires a guided stream of neutrinos that strip apart the atoms of everything they come into contact while pumping a massive number of protons and electrons into the target as well, when in the hands of Arne, the Shock Coil also can drain targets; feeding energy back into his suit and body. When charged, the shock coil can fire multiple streams at a time.

The Laser Lancer is a continuous fire subweapon that consumes universal ammunition at a rather rapid rate, but is both pinpoint accurate and propagates far faster than many enemies can dodge when aimed well. The rapid heating effect of the laser will burn, cut, and explode its way through most targets, and as a light weapon, the Laser Lancer is also quite effective against light sensitive undead, though less so than true luminal weapons. It is primarily considered a pyronic weapon, and can be charged to temporarily fire a much wider and more powerful Laser Lance known as the Macrolaser. A number of design flaws in the original weapon have been corrected for your usage; eliminating the wind up needed to fire the weapon, the heat build up, and diminishing efficiencies at long range due to diffraction.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, this seems like it should be very useful. I'd need to improve my UA stockpile though to get the best use out of it. Find something to let it penetrate through enemies and cover too...

Arne's Notes: Hrm, so basically a longer ranged shock coil that won't feed back energy into me but can't phase through obstacles as well? Interesting. I'd like to mess around with it a bit at some point.

The Toxolyst is a N'Kren made weapon that continuously fires corrosive disintegration streams. The energies that go into the Toxolyst will alter the bindings of most forms of matter not treated to be resistant to its effects and rapidly cause most substances to corrode into a soup of quarks. Entities that rely heavily on complex chemical reactions to sustain themselves will be significantly adversely affected as it breaks down their chemistry and replicates the effects of virtually every conventional strain of poison at once. The Toxolyst can also be charged to release a hellgout that will travel farther and has a larger cloud. Svihaly's true N'Kren created Toxolyst will leave a long lingering cloud behind, harmless to designated friendlies but leaving areas temporarily impassible; and enemies slain by it will explode into more Toxolyst gas.

Samus' Notes: It's honestly a really gross weapon, and I don't think I'd enjoy using it on most targets. But I suppose if the situation calls for it I'd be willing to make use of it. It shouldn't be too hard to modify the formula to not linger as long in the environment too. At least it kills too quickly to leave people in pain.

Arne's Notes: I know a lot of places outright ban this weapon, but like with the Neutrino weapon ban; I don't see how this is an exceptionally more horrible way to kill something than setting it on fire? The standards of a lot of international law on which weapons are "good" or not seem pretty dumb; war itself is a horrible thing.

The Magnum Cannon serves as a powerful sniper weapon and anti-materiel tool for the user. Accelerating a projectile to near light speed, the Magnum Cannon's projectiles are capable of penetrating through multiple targets at a time and can shear their way through most armour and shielding thanks to the disruption effect of the projectile. While light progenitor grade shielding remains effective, the Magnum Cannon will be more than sufficient against most modern technology. The charge shot will fire a MIRV projectile that will split into submunitions, damaging up to three lines worth of targets.

Samus' Notes: Getting used to aiming the MIRV for maximum effect's going to take just a bit of getting used to, but I think once I properly use my distant sight to do it I'll be lining up group shots like nothing.

Arne's Notes: It's not quite as precise as the Imperialist but quite a lot punchier. I'd call it more of an anti-materiel weapon than a sniper, but I can use it like that in a pinch.

The Autoflak is a somewhat crude but effective weapon that launches hypervelocity fragmentation projectiles that will explode into a shower of subatomically sharp shards; dealing severe damage to any target caught in the blast radius. Capable of sustained rapid-fire, the Autoflak is incredibly deadly against large numbers of soft targets or targets that rely on agility rather than durability for their survivability. The autoflak can be charged to fire a cluster shell that will launch submunitions in addition to the initial wave of shards; annihilating most soft targets in reach.

Samus' Notes: Diamont Weapons are pretty straightforward but hugely fun to use. The Autoflak's proven to be incredible against swarming enemies so far.

Arne's Notes: I'm more familiar with reverse-engineered versions made by later societies, but every time I've seen Spire use one of these, he's put it to good use.

The Cacophony Blast unleashes sonic pulse blasts that carry their own atmosphere to allow them to continue to inflict damage in vacuum environments; kinetically accelerated to catch supersonic opponents. The cacophony blast causes significant shaking and rumbling in targets that it passes through as the blastwave expands to its designated full size, not only dealing substantial damage but also stunning, disorientating, and weakening the resistances of all enemies it afflicts; often knocking them down as well. A charge shot will fire a larger bubble that will remain in its target area for some time, causing damage to anything that passes through it. While relatively slow to fire, the Cacophony Blast is devastating against large numbers of enemies or enemies weak to sonic attack.

Samus' Notes: With all the enemies we're fighting, more area of effect weapons I think are going to be necessary. I might be able to tune the weapon a bit farther for a wider array of sonic effects too. Based on some of the beneficial or simply debilitating sonic effects I've seen used on Primal Earth or Earth Bet.

Arne's Notes: Stacking multiple resonance bubbles on top of each other seems to have an intensely compounding effect, I should probably be careful with the force-concentrators unless I want to create a major earthquake.

A cybertronian devised Subweapon, the Null-Ray combines a blast of deadly energy with an overload and energy arrester bolt that will at the very least deal additional damage to mechanical targets and energy shielding or at worst shut them down outright and can disrupt the neurosystems of organics as well; frequently knocking out those it fails to kill or forcing them to abandon mechanical equipment. Particularly effective against vehicles improperly hardened against the Null-Ray's shutdown effect, the Null-Ray can allow for many important enemy assets to be captured intact. Note that many systems such as Progenitor grade systems will at most be inconvenienced by the null-ray and will not shut down; simply taking extra damage and receiving some HUD static and specially hardened equipment will be able to shrug off the shut down effect of the null-ray.

Samus' Notes: The non-lethal settings should be very helpful in situations where I don't want to outright kill someone I think. And being able to capture samples intact is going to be a huge benefit to our cause.

Arne's Notes: Going to have to be careful to not assume I can just go through every situation without thinking about de-escalation simply because I can end it nonlethally.

Melee Equipment​

WIP. Retractable wrist mounted energy sheathed sword that can be detached for a conventional hilt grip. It slices, it dices. Can use the energies of any beam.

The Shield projector adds a module to the joints of the arm able to create a reflective barrier that may be used against both melee and ranged attacks. The barrier has a limited diameter, but careful angling can reflect incoming ranged attacks towards their senders. The energy and dimensional field is also able to be utilised as a deadly weapon in melee and can even be detached and thrown, upon which it will gradually dissipate over time but will damage all targets it impacts. A new barrier can be projected immediately afterwards. If the user desires, a physical shield can be extended instead, but only one at a time.

Samus' Notes: Ah, that's to be expected from Heinrich's weapons to be honest. Definitely going to be very handy! Especially now that I've got a good look for it in mind.

Arne's Notes: Feels a bit retrograde as always, but I suppose there's a reason why these kinds of shields have been in use for as long as we've had tools.

The Bayonet Projector allows the arm cannon to fire either a coherent energy blade or extend a physical energy sheathed blade from either beneath or above. The blade, like the Arm-Sword; is upgraded by beam weapons and a certain number of melee blade specific upgrades. The primary effect of this is to double the avenues of bladed melee attack the user can make in combat.

Addendum: With Heinrich's blood lance, the projector can also extend out to a distance roughly three times longer than the user is tall as a spear, which can also be projected from the free hand. Note that doing so will disable its usage from the cannon hand.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I do need to practice pole-arm fighting more, but I feel like this would work best if I had something to ride atop.

Arne's Notes: Ah, I was wondering how long it'd be until we met again my old friend.

The thunder disruptor is a melee augmentation that allows the user's melee weapons to accumulate charges that will be released upon impact to create a concussive blast wave that can knock down, around, and stun enemies, causing not simply just much greater impact damage but also leaving them more likely to be unable to properly fight back in return. The impact will also allow a blow to affect multiple enemies at a time, though it will need some time to recharge between usages.

Samus' Notes: This also notably applies to unarmed strikes with the arm cannon or my limbs so being able to thunder punch people should be plenty fun!

Arne's Notes: Hrm, could be excellent for a good drop kick into a fight I'd say.

The Wingsabre detaches the user's tailfin wings to form a blade that can be attached with the user's existing arm blade, cannon bayonet, or used on its own to similar effect. Configurations can include a greatsword, a double sword, a curved sabre, a bayonet, a rapier, or any other configuration the user can imagine. The Wingsabre shares an upgrade pool with the arm-blade and the same overall effects and capabilities. The user can also add energon charging to their melee weapons as recompense for already having a similar weapon, adding significantly more damage to the user's melee weapons; enhancing their cutting power and shield penetration, and adding an order effect that increases their effectiveness against malicious entities such as the unliving, demonic or darkness based entities. In the jet alt-mode, the wingsabre can be used to charge the alt-mode wings with cutting energy to slice apart enemies. The wings can also be charged in their resting positions, adding additional protection, deflecting attacks that impact the shoulders or chest and a risk of harm for grappling enemies. The wingsabre can also be thrown or launched at foes and will always fly or teleport back to the user and can be used to fight separately from the user temporarily. As these weapons are spirimetrically linked to the user; they cannot be used by enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ironically, I don't think I'm going to be using them in sword mode very often. But the anti-grappling features or the ability to quickly add to or modify my blade would be extremely useful; or when detaching and fighting on their own.

Arne's Notes: In alternate mode the blades should probably turn out to be extremely useful at least for strafing attacks.

The Rotorsaw is used from the tail-rotors of the user's helicopter mode to form a rapidly spinning saw of field sheathed and energon charged cutting surfaces that while lacking in the striking power of the wingsabre or armblade. It can be extended from either arm or used from the sides of the arm or locked into a side-blade position for additional cutting surface, folding over the wrists to be used as claws, assisting user flight as rotors, or as tonfas; making them extremely versatile. They are also able to deflect incoming attacks that strike them, can be launched either individually or in saw form; returning to the user when called via flight or teleportation, and are able to use the same bonuses as the arm-blade, including using beam weapons to augment their cutting ability with other effects such as freezing, anti-matter, radiation, phase-waving, and other myriad effects just as the Wingsabre and Rotor saw can. They can also be detached from the user to fight on their own temporarily, with a recommended tactic being to use them as additional defence, deflecting incoming attacks. As with all detachable weapons, due to linkage to the users, they cannot be stolen or used against them and are harmless to allies.

Samus' Notes: Saws are a bit...gruesome as melee weapons but the versatility of these tools should make for extremely capable tools for other purposes, especially as deployable shields. Though extremely rapid firing or well aimed weapons are likely to be able to slip by. But I think I can modify my more conventional arm shields with the same technology.

Arne's Notes: Saws are clumsy and inefficient as melee weapons and are more intimidating than effective. Very little possible finesse and even with complete RPM control, they're always going to be more awkward than a proper blade. But the individual rotor blades can be used for all sorts of purposes. The claws might be handy and even in saw mode; sometimes you really do just need a blender.


Derived from the most basic patterns of Chozo Universal Utility suits, the Mekhtesh Power Suit was designed and constructed by Samus Aran herself with only minor guidance from her caretakers to demonstrate her mastery of her engineering and science lessons. Almost universally compatible with any possible upgrade, even being able to assimilate the abilities of organic life into a format that the armour can make use of; the Armour is also an electronic warfare and data gathering system of unparalleled capability. It also allows for enormous physical augmentations, allowing Samus to move about faster than she can unarmoured and exert amazing degrees of physical force.

Comprised of a combination of Hekh-Aseph alloy plating and Sur-Kadesh composite over a layer of artificial musculature and biomechanical components as well as a Zebetite distributed regenerative power system; the armour is able to sustain itself indefinitely and seems to be incapable of exhausting its endurance. The shielding is comprised of a weave of energy and particle barriers, fractal defences, and dimensional barriers that combine to prevent any known attack from reaching the plating without first depleting the shielding. And the plating's own construction similarly prevents virtually all means of bypassing it to reach the user. The armour will regenerate on its own if damaged or destroyed in a process that can be bolstered by concentration and meditative exercises.

(Art by RedRambler12, placeholder until I get a better one.)

The Varia suit represents a significant increase in defensive capabilities over the standard power suit. Not only is the physical structure of the suit augmented and its shielding resistance doubled, but the Varia upgrade allows the user to ignore most of the extremes of temperature. While quintessence bolstered thermal or cryogenic attacks can still have some effect, the wearer is now able to operate without shield drain in virtually any temperature. All armour physicals are substantially augmented, and most forms of corrosive agents are rendered ineffective against both the shielding and plating.

Description: Your armour had changed; as did Arne's. It had taken on a ghost green and bedsheet white colour scheme with trimmings of deathly purple and highlights of spectral blue, your visor shifting to a blue colour while your pauldrons had shifted into a more rounded shape, two glowing pools of light in it almost suggestive of eye sockets with glowing orbs within. The armour was a bit more slender now as well, and the limb plating had faint traces of ribbing going across them, as did the chestplate. Your helm changed slightly, with two prongs emerging downwards to the sides of your mouthpiece slightly suggestive of fangs while small hints of wings emerged from the sides of your helm, like a ghostly valkyrie come to collect the dead;

The Ghost Suit is similar to the N'Kren Phantom Suit, albeit less potent. Derived from Maria's phasing capabilities, the Ghost Suit allows for the user to go intangible and phase through incoming objects and weapons or through many forms of obstacles. It also allows for the user to fully interact with intangible objects as if they were solid; augmenting the user's progenitor blood and armour ability to prevent intangible objects from phasing through them. The Ghost Suit also augments defences and user physicality, and allows for the user to enter areas charged with ectoplasm without risk or harm. Unlike the Phantom suit however, the Ghost Suit does not add living metal construction nor does it augment stealth capabilities and it does not ward against dimensional instability. When phased, the user can better track phasing objects, but a visor upgrade is still recommended for best effect.

Samus' Notes: Ah; here's something that should come in very handy! I already loved the Phantom Suit so even an inferior substitute should be very useful!

Arne's Notes: I like the aesthetics of the Phantom Suit better honestly, but this will do.

Description: Arne's armour was changed from the black hues of the ghost armour into something a bit different. The masterforce armour absorbed itself into his squire suit and then with the masterforce suit you yourself were taking into yourself. A combination of Cybertronian and Progenitor technology took place that Wheeljack and Sari couldn't help be amazed by. First came the transformation of the ghost suit into the Frequency Suit.

A gorget emerged to provide his mouth with additional projection, emerging from the chestpalte of his armour and going up to somewhat in front of his nose; still allowing him the full range of head movement due to the spacing, but significantly reducing the space to target his head, which when combined with the back of the collar of his armour, gave something of the impression of a turtle. Crystalline formations, white in colour, emerged from his pauldrons. Blade shaped antennae emerged from the sides of his helmet, while diamond like reinforcement strips wrapped around the edges of major plating as his visor and highlights changed in colour to white. His chestplate and helmet retained their coal black colouration, while the limb armour changed to steel grey, and his abdominal armour and crest turned into a stony brown. The armour thickened somewhat, looking more powerful and durable, as the Diamont made upgrade was assimilated into his armour.

Your own armour had a rather similar list of transformations, the Valkyrie like wings on the sides of your helmet being subsumed into antennae blades while your helm and chestplate transformed into a brilliant diamond like hue, the visor and highlights taking on a more blackened hue, black reinforcement strips around the brown coloured major plating and steel grey abdominal, inner thigh, and hip armour coming into being. Your pauldrons took on a demispherical, more rounded shape, and the gorget emerged in front of your face from your chestplate, ensuring greater defence for your head in tandem with an emerged collar.

Log: The Frequency suit alters the composition of the armour and its multilayered shielding to allow it to absorb energy; particularly vibrational energy; into itself. This notably has the benefit of preventing the overwhelming majority of damage from blunt force conduction through the armour, keeping the wearer safe from even the hardest blows should the shielding fail. The Frequency suit also cancels out the effects of high-frequency weapons, absorbing their vibrations and making them considerably less threatening to the wielder. The Frequency suit can store energy that can be used for many purposes, such as refilling energy, recharging the temporal distort, recharging the shielding, or releasing it in a bomb-burst of energy or to augment specific attacks. The Frequency suit will also cancel out the effects of unusual vibrations and sonic fences, preventing them from impeding the user. It finally improves all physical augmentations, enhances the resilience of the shielding and armour plating, and the antennae on the suit allow for improved signal interception.

Samus' Notes: One thing that the description doesn't talk about is how it also cancels out most of the sound of your footsteps, allowing you to sneak up on enemies you normally wouldn't be able to otherwise. Shouldn't take too long before I come across a situation where this helps out.

Arne's Notes: It's worth noting that only some of the energy will be absorbed into the batteries while the rest will still end up going into the shielding. It's mostly the damage that the shielding hardness manages to cancel out entirely from what I've been able to glean.

Description: Wheeljack said with awe as your suits transformed with the substantial arsenal absorbed into them. The thrusters on the back of both of your suits expanded into a substantially sized black (or white in your case) jetpack, about the size of your unarmoured torsos, encased in a sleek shell. The helicopter forms rotorblades extended behind you, folding into a black cape like structure that could fold out of the way of your jetpacks as needed while the wings of the jet mode emerged from your backs, going a bit beyond your shoulders and shifting around the tailfins emerging from your pauldrons. The stabiliser fins folded over the pauldrons, reinforcing them while the jet-mode wings folded over his chestplate, giving it a more traditionally knightly armoured look; with the cockpit of the Jet-mode emerging from the midsection of both of your chests. Your own jet-mode wings shifted into a sort of loosely fitted metal tunic of flexible plates that would move out of the way of your legs as needed, your own tailfins facing the opposite way Arne's did.

The engines of the jet found their way to your boots, adding to your flight mobility while the blades of the tail rotor split into two, one half going into side-arm and elbow blades emerging from your left-arm and the other going along the sides of your arm cannon; able to fold up as needed or collapse into a singular tonfa if he desired; or spin up into saw-blades should you desire. The turbines of your new jet-mode emerged on the front of your pauldrons, spinning up briefly just to give it a whirl before the wrist-gun manifested onto your left arms, a smaller bore version of the arm cannon that fit itself neatly from just a bit before the joint of your arms all the way out to stopping a bit past your wrist; with a hinge able to give your hands mobility; important when the grapple tether emitter was below the wrist.

Your helmets changed again, the air intakes of his alt-modes finding their way onto the cheeks of your helm, mostly for show. The horn or crown like crest from the ghost suit on his helmet remained, as did the antennae from the frequency suit. You retained the gorget and the crystals from the Frequency suit emerging from your pauldron and its reinforcement strips. Your neck, once covered wholly by black segmented soft-armour, was now covered in segmented-hard plates over the softer plates, akin to what protected your abdomen to still allow for full flexibility while adding to your defence; coloured black in his case and white in yours. He clenched his fist and let time briefly come to a halt, leaving just the two of you now.

The Master Force Suit is a cybertronian designed form of suit technology that allows for the user to take on additional alternate modes, combine with a transformer to augment their abilities or combine with other master force users and minicons to make for a stronger gestalt form, increases user physical capabilities, allows the armour to regenerate its shielding and integrity through contact with energon and substantially increases the user's defensive capabilities while serving as a platform for numerous additional secondary systems. The Master Force suit can be upgraded with more alternate modes as other master force suits are found, adding to the capabilities of the armorsuit even further. The helicopter and Jet alternate modes offer a boost in particular to manoeuvrability, speed, impact power, and firepower while not heavily emphasising additional durability or raw lifting strength; though such are still present. The Master Force Suit also allows for the bypassing of many forms of cybertronian security and to be considered cybertronian where advantageous.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I'm liking how customizable the appearance of these masterforce suits are, I've got some ideas for something perhaps closer to my style? Possibilities, possibilities.

Arne's Notes: The possibility of combining with cybertronians or even other masterforce troops is...interesting...but combining with Samus...ah...

Description: The antennae of your suit remained; while the armour combined the insectile aesthetics of your usual armour or the spacesuit like appearance of Samus' and melded it with Eldar armour sensibilities for something agile looking, Your armour seeming to get thinner with no loss of strength, the vambraces extending slightly to form more prominent blades covering the knees and the elbows, circuit like highlight lines dancing across key nodes of the armour to trace minor geometric patterns; the outer limbs of your own armour taking on a silvery hue, the helm and chestplate shifting to a rich platinum, and the inner and abdominal armour changing to a tone of gold while your highlights began to glow a brilliant cyan before resuming more normal levels of luminosity. Your pauldrons took on a more graceful, curved like appearance, almost like the graceful flow of upwards facing scimitars, and your visor even shifted as well; the monocular gaze shifting to your forehead as a sort of "third eye" and shrinking down to about the size of a balled fist, while a bifurcating glowing white line went down the length of your helm, Going across your helm was now a V-shaped visor to cover your eyes.

Samus' suit also gained a "third" eye, her outer limb armour taking on a platinum hue, her abdominal and inner thigh raiments the colour of silver, and her chestplate and helm the finest gold to go with her now yellow coloured highlights. Her pauldrons curved down whereas your curved up, but otherwise retained a rather similar look to your own suit overall, the cloak of the main rotors of the helicopter mode remaining, along with the fins and thrusters of the jet mode. The rail Rotor blades moved into their usual spot, and the cockpit of the jet mode reasserted itself in a hurry, the autobot symbol worn over your heart still present.

Log: The Lumosuit is derived from the work of the Eldar; including the Holofield and the Ithilyani Hyshite generator a common piece of Eldar technology that augments user defense by making them far harder to hit. The Holosuit offers superior capabilities to a standard cloaking device through its multiple options for stealth and evading detection; including camouflage via light-warping, the projection of mirror images, or in an effect that gives the device its nicknames of "domino field" and "jigsaw field" among humans of its native reality; making their apparent image explode into a widely spread cloud of multi-coloured fragments with the effect becoming more chaotic and unpredictable the faster the user moves, making the discerning of their true location extremely difficult without non-electromagnetic forms of perception. The effect will also bend light-based weaponry around, making the user far more difficult to properly afflict with such weapons, and also allows for traversing light-based barriers without issue. While the defensive gains of the Holosuit are relatively modest otherwise save for a major increase to user speed and greater defense against damage from esoterical sources, as are its physical increases beyond speed enhancement; they are still present, and with the suit equipped; the user can more properly interface with Eldar technology.

Samus' Notes: Acquiring something this useful for a stealth mission this late after we abandoned any hope of stealth is...ironic and not in a funny way.

Arne's Notes: As handy as this could be in the future, I'm kind of mad that I didn't make a cloaking system earlier now.


The Dormach was designed by Samus Aran and assembled in a process she directed as part of a test of her engineering skills after successfully creating her "Metkhesh" power suit with the aid of the Chozo and Mother Brain. The Dormach is designed for versatility, high-grade avionics and service as a long-distance base of operations and as such is made to be a multirole craft with an eye for making aggressive landings in particular. While well-armed and durable, its most critical feature is its ability to elude most forms of targeting with the aid of multiple stealth and countermeasure systems. Its manoeuvre systems allow for excellent atmospheric and vacuum mobility and its multitype array faster than light transit system allows for convenient intergalactic travel. A "Varkasar" type reactor provides power to all systems with reserve reactors ready to take over in case of failure, while the ship boasts all-purpose fabrication systems that allow Samus to live from it indefinitely. The Khazses class A.I fitted to the vessel serves as the overall control system and personality of the Dormach.

Capabilities (WIP)​

Sylux/Arne Skjoldr

Arne Eriksen Skjoldr

(Art by CannibalSarracenian)​

Basic Character Info
Height: 6'3/190.5Centimetres
Mass: 176.64 lbs/80.124 kg
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Species: Human-Alimbic Hybrid
Ethnicity: Grendakal (descended from Scandinavian, esp Icelandic heritage.) Matrilineally Jewish.
Religion: Uskarling Polytheism (Vartruar)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 14
Birthday: 6th of August, 50,000 A.D
Homeworld: Cylosis, Sentus Primaris
Family: Gyda and Erik Skjoldr (Biological parents, deceased), Zurvduat (Adoptive Father, Alive), Elmorni (Adoptive Mother and primary caregiver, Alive), Mortirk (Adoptive Father, Alive), Ygrak (Alimbic gene donor, Adoptive Mother, Alive),
Other Relations: Samus Aran (Romantically involved)
Aliases: Squire of Alinos, Last son of Cylosis, Page of the Tetrarchs, Primoris, Neophyte, Sarxyl Avar (Alimbic Name), Sylux (Seemingly destined future appellation), Duskguard, Blueberry (Affectionate Nickname), the Armiger, "Snowhead", novaKnight, the Justicar.
Conventional Abilities: Massively augmented physiology rebuilt by the Alimbics from the very most fundamental level. Physiology can achieve nearly 100% energy extraction from consumed mass and use this energy to power bodily functions while also being able to withstand the energies unleashed by it; which can be further bolstered through managing the flow of quintessence through meditation and focusing techniques. In essence, he is far, far faster, more durable, heals much more quickly (though not quite wolverine fast nor could he regrow entire missing limbs), and vastly stronger than a normal human and his mind works vastly more efficiently with reaction times surpassing those of most machines.
Esoteric Abilities: Latent Psychic and sorcerous potential from Alimbic DNA that can be used in limited fashion such as precognition, interface with psychic or sorcerous technology, empathy, and armour repair through concentration. Also renders Arne or anything he is wearing virtually immune to hostile esoteric effects save for direct damage via mundane energy.

To himself, Arne Skjoldr, the sole survivor of Cylosis; is a survivor trying to make sure nobody else goes through what he did. Orphaned by the attack on Cylosis by the Galactic Federation Central Intelligence Network's Reconnaisance & Armed Intelligence Division under the command of the Hydra like alien life form known as Viper after the revolutionary volunteer army cell his parents were part of uncovered an alimbic starship buried beneath the surface as part of the Federation's proxy wars with the Omdyn Democratic Omnipragmatist Council Republics. he was taken in by the Alimbics and raised to be their last knight. However Zurvduat showed him little kindness despite the best efforts of Elmorni to show him gentleness and raise him to maintain the beliefs of his biological parents.

When he was twelve, he was introduced to Samus Aran as the Chozo and Alimbics sought to share their resources towards guarding the universe, but friction between Zurvduat and the Chozo became quite apparent; as did the weight of his abusive parenting on Arne. However, it also introduced him to Samus, and the two entered a very close if sometimes tumultuous and affectionate relationship. The two would complete a joint trial by combat shortly before their thirteenth birthday to explore the planet Zoran, where they encountered ancient enemies of the Chozo and the Alimbics and successfully neutralised them in a high stakes battle where these old foes; somehow beyond their seal; threatened to destroy the entire sector of space with their attempts to break the barriers placed. Following his thirteenth birthday, Arne was returned to the ODOCR's space following Zurvduat losing his custodial rights over Arne when his abuses became known to begin socialization training at the Magnus Academy for the Extranormal.

There he managed to integrate decently well, even if he was slow to trust and make new friends due to the lifetime of abuse that his adoptive father made him suffer. Eventually he even started to find happiness even if he missed his regular contact with Elmorni and Samus; building new relationships amongst his home country where his mother was a legend for her daring Guerilla exploits. However circumstance brought him back to Samus as the pair followed the trail of the RAID; whom neither he nor Samus were aware of its connection to the Federation; to a wormhole station where the RAID was busily engaging with the Confederacy of Dismor's Advanced Strike and Engagement Division; better known as the Space Pirate Black Squadrons. Stopping the device from overloading catastrophically, the pair were pulled to its destination when it surged with energy.


Arne is considered attractive by most who meet him, tall, lithely muscular, with surprisingly soft features and distinctively melanin deprived hair and skin. While often pensive or glum, when he does smile, his face has a tendency to light up spectacularly. His pale skin, red eyes, and white hair are born of engineering meant to make living on Cylosis more comfortable due to its low levels of UV radiation thanks to its thick ozone layer and strong magnetosphere. (Art by F4ARTz)​

Miscellaneous Stats

12 Energy Tanks (Total 1300 shield points)
Armour Integrity: 1300/1300
Accel Charge: x4
Defense Hardness: x4
Strength Augment: x3
Universal Ammunition Maximum: 360/360
Super Missiles: 46/46
Missiles: 220/220
Damage Augment: x2
Seeker Missile Maximum: 10 missiles.
Power Bombs 10/10

Other Stats​
Health: 2000/2000
Stress: 15
Mental State: Very Good
Physical Health: Optimal
Social Needs; Somewhat Fulfilled

Status Effects

Samus Aran: Romantic Partner. Bonus to cooperation efforts and morale while deployed with her.
Bumblebee: Budding Friendship (Bonus to cooperation efforts and morale when deployed with him)

Special Rules & Abilities
Distant Sight: Arne has the benefits of PRECOGNITION in nearly any circumstance, though he cannot reliably focus it on particularly distant events without extensive meditation. This does allow him to react to attacks before they come however.

Scion of Alinos: Arne is the appointed Scion of the Alimbics even if his feelings towards this aspect of his being are complicated at best by the cruelty of General Zurvduat. Arne is able to interface with any and all Alimbic artifice that is normally biometrically keyed to the Alimbic species or other metroid universe progenitors. Arne however, has a somewhat tricky place in fate due to his difficult feelings towards the Legacy of the Tetrarch Order. His presence will usually cause at least one POSITIVE CURVEBALL in any mission he is brought to as the causeways of destiny alter.

PTSD: Arne has had a hard life. Orphaned by the Federation's R.A.I.D on Cylosis then viciously abused by General Zurvduat after being adopted by the Alimbic remnants; he often has difficulty with trust and is skittish around male authority figures. When Arne fails a morale check against a PTSD trigger he will tend to freeze before locking himself into a defensive response to the trigger; seeking to remove it from his presence or shield himself from its influence over all other concerns. This will negatively affect his planning abilities of course.

Incarnate Abilities

Incarnate Level 2
Alpha Slot unlocked: Level 1 Alpha Slot
Judgement Slot Unlocked:
Interface Slot Unlocked:

Skill Proficiencies

Computer Science
Space Navigation
Terrestrial Navigation
History (Alimbic)
Extradimensional physics
Political Theory
Arts (Painting)
History (ODOCR)


(Art by CryoPhase)

Curls into a more compact form to let Arne get into places he normally wouldn't be able to fit into and interact with certain objects. Also lets him duck out of fire and sneak around undetected.


Lets Arne stick to things.


Builds up a kinetic charge that is then released to give Arne a burst of speed. Can also be used to ram.

WIP. Drop stuff in Psycho Morph mode to make it go splodey.

Elemental alt-mode bomb, fires a wave of degenerative energy that breaks down matter it comes into contact with.

Crawler limbs allow for the user to engage in close-ranged combat against enemies that might be resistant to bombs and boost attacks or might approach within the time frame of those attacks. They also allow for a boost to the jumping capability of the alt-mode and allow for greater purchase on surfaces that the alt-mode might slip on or when rolling or hovering is otherwise inadvised. Crawler Limbs strike in melee with reduced power compared to the arm-sword, but are still formidable in the right hands.

Samus' Notes: I really hope I don't run into anyone who's afraid of crawling things while we're out there.

Arne's Notes: I uh...I guess this can be useful...sometimes? I'll need to figure out more uses for it besides scaring people.

The Power Bomb and Pulse release a contained zero-point energy explosion of enormous force, able to destroy nearly anything it touches. The extreme heat and force of the blast are accompanied by a particle disruption effect that will tear apart the bonds of most forms of matter and overload the coherency of most forms of energy screens, reducing most of what is caught in the blast to states of being where fundamental forces begin to collapse in on themselves into more unified forms in a planck state, allowing only materials and energies reinforced beyond material limitations by immaterial means to survive. The containment helps to prevent excessive collateral damage, but as the bombs are physical munitions; the user must concentrate to produce more of them if they lack the munitions regenerator upgrade.

Samus' Notes: I'll have to make a note to only use these when necessary. The amount of damage one of them can do is really unfortunate to think about. Being able to clear out Denzium obstacles would be quite useful though. Could the area of effect be modified somehow?

Arne's Notes: There's a slight delay between creating the bomb and detonating it that needs to be adjusted to, but I'm wondering if that could be filed down to something more immediate.

Mobility Upgrades​

Allows Arne to go extremely fast in after a bit of a running start, can also be used for a limited form of flight by shinesparking. Sheathes Arne in immensely destructive energies that destroy nearly anything touched.

Allows Arne to jump multiple times while in the air.

WIP, It grapples stuff, can be used to pull stuff or drain energy to regenerate your shielding or feed stuff energy to heal allies or overload enemies.

The Flight Pack is derived from Hollenmord's dark magic augmentations to its wings, properly purified before integration and adds a deployable set of wings to the armour suit that can be used for flight, combat, providing cover, or aesthetics. When not needed, the wings are consumed into the armour's zero-point form, whenever they would interfere in user mobility, and at full length have a wingspan equivalent to twice the user's height. The energy membranes of the wings will also serve as an additional layer of defense as well as weapons; as can the outermost fingers of the wings. Flight speed will be equivalent to five times land movement speed, and the speedbooster is able to apply to flight mode. The Flight Pack will also be able to operate in airless conditions; but a liquid movement module will be required for full function in high drag environments such as water.

Samus' Notes: Ahhh! Do I deserve to fly with wings like Old Chozo Warriors did? I guess..I must be if this is what the suit got from Hollenmord. I'll make sure I'm worthy of this gift.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, the bat stylings look a bit threatening...maybe I could modify them into something less scary?

The Gravity Boost regulates and controls gravity for the user and those somewhat around them, rendering them able to function at their preferred gravity in all cases and also neutralizing unwanted friction and drag such as that created by water. The Gravity Boost also allows for flight through activating its thrusters and gravity regulation. The Gravity Boost furthermore negates the harmful effects of most gravitational attacks.

Samus' Notes: Ah, all the places I can now explore freely thanks to this little invention! c:

Arne's Notes: Always room to improve the Thruster's top speeds.


Lets you scan things (will be expanded soon)

Lets you direct your gunship and provide tactical data to team mates.(will be expanded soon)

Allows Arne to see heat and track normally invisible targets.

The Echo Visor visualises sonic information and vibrational data to allow the user to "see" sound as well as sonic profiles. Combining both active and passive sonic detection systems, the Echo Visor is well suited to watery environments in particular where its detection systems can often see much farther than electromagnetic signals. Due to its ability to detect vibrations through long-range scanning, it can even work in a limited function in vacuum environments.

Samus' Notes: The Echo Visor's also notably very useful for detecting burrowing enemies as the reverberations they make through the ground are extremely easy to detect with it. Should come in very useful in the future whenever I bring it with me!

Arne's Notes: I won't lie, it's very weird that the visor can let me see things like foetuses still inside of their mothers on ultrasonic mode. But it is a pretty interesting way to perceive the world. I imagine that it'd also be very useful for people who can't hear sounds as low or high as we can.

The Incarnate Visor augments the user's ability to detect objects with connections to the Source of the Sourcewell metaverse as well as threads and fragments of Source connection or power. The Incarnate Visor is also able to perceive into other dimensions as it looks for any possible connection to the Source; revealing many other varieties of extradimensional entities such as ghosts or parahuman shards. However, the Incarnate visor does not counteract conventional visible light cloaking. Note that many forms of Ghosts can utilise conventional spectrum cloaking to evade tracking if their dimensional phasing is foiled.

Samus' Notes: Huh. Definitely going to be needing this a lot in the future now.

Arne's Notes: Well, having warning before my next religious experience would be nice.

The Warp Visor allows the user to see warp signatures clearly; allowing the user to quickly perceive the empyreal side of targets, what sorts of creatures might be lurking in the warp, as well as signals that go through the Empyreal realm and other similar manners of pleroma type idealistic coextant surrealities. This can allow the user to also determine the course and direction of such energies as well as what the prevailing currents are in the empyreal realm. It is also useful for determining the prevailing metadimensional weather conditions such as that of the "winds of magic", which, should the user choose to exercise their potential in such regards; allow them to much more reliably control and manipulate such powers towards their own ends. This is useful against enemies who might be setting up ambushes in coextant dimensions, try to flee into them, or are using them to communicate via means usually impossible to intercept.

Samus' Notes: Ah-hah! This is something that should help with tricky, fading capable enemies. I feel like I'm going to need some time to get properly used to it though.

Arne's Notes: Staring into realms of souls without the proper adjustment is going to give me some unpleasant headaches, but I'd better learn to just get used to it.

Miscellaneous Upgrades​

The armour and zero suit will adjust its strengths to counter repeated stresses of a specific nature. If continually forced into contests of physical strength, they will augment the user's physicality further. If speed is repeatedly proven necessary, they will add to the user's speed; and if repeatedly impacted by a specific damage type, they will increase the user's resilience against that sort of impact. While only a limited number of adaptations at a time can be deployed or stored, this significantly increases user versatility.

Allows your shielding, armour integrity, and body to recover over time without external input, even regrowing components or limbs. While vulnerable to alpha strikes, the regenerator can consume missiles or power bombs to accelerate its regeneration rate; and it will also steadily recover ammunition and power reserve supplies as well. The more enemies surround you, the faster this upgrade will work. Unlike most upgrades, it does not require your armour or zero suit to function. Acquire more regenerators to bolster regeneration further.

Samus' Notes: Not exactly a glamorous upgrade, but definitely a necessary and useful one.

Arne's Notes: Well, should be useful for taking hits at least.

(More in universe desc to come) Allows the armour and zero suit to augment physicality in a massive rush of energy, while this function does draw on a store of Adrenal power that needs to be restocked over time; it does not come with any drawbacks while active. Initial Berserker Booster functionality offers thirty seconds of massively augmented strength and resilience and significantly enhanced speed, and reflexes. Once used, the Berserker Booster will need to recharge. The Berserker Booster will tend to heighten user confidence and aggression not out of chemical effect, but due to the user's bond with the armour and zero suit imbuing them with the same sense of heightened physical power.

The Temporal Distorter allows for altering of the flow of time for a duration affected by the intensity of usage. At maximum, at its base level the temporal distorter can pause time entirely for only six seconds from the user's perspective, which will allow them to make maneuvres and attacks as they deem necessary within the period. Upon depletion of its stored up distortion, the Distorter requires a recharge. The distorter can also be used to target another individual, but this halves the duration in which it will last. Upgrades to improve the distorter are available however, derived from your accel charge stockpile. It can also be used to slow time.

Samus' Notes: I know the Chozo made their own equivalent to this not long after the N'Kren revealed their first models. It's definitely a tool that should be used responsibly, however, manipulating time in such a way is way too easily abused for this to be something for any situation...but I have to admit, there's definitely some fun ideas for it.

Arne's Notes: Samus has used this to pull so many pranks on me...and all my retaliations are kind of lame as Solveig would say.

Extracted from Tyrannic capabilities to produce more ammunition, this upgrade will allow the user's ammo supplies to gradually regenerate over time, allowing for far more endurance on the field and much reduced reliance on quintessence conversion to ensure that user ammo limited weapons will maintain continual fire. This will also enhance the rate at which secondary weapons have their stockpiles restored.

Samus' Notes: Oh...I....guess this is nice...

Arne's Notes: It's...well, that's why I didn't run out of ammo I? Yeah...

The Rune of Fate is the first Arcanotech upgrade for yourselves and is bound to your soul rather than your armour and as such, will always apply. The Rune of Fate will mitigate the effects of hostile luck manipulation, enhance your own luck and fortune, and bend fate to turn dangerous hits into misses, mitigate received damage, enhance accuracy, and significantly improve performance in games of chance to the point that it is recommended that the user disclose this ability if participating in these games unless deception is necessary or desired. Note that the user will require the Rune of Malignant Fortune to induce misfortune upon enemies as well as the Rune of Shared Blessings to confer this to allies to achieve the full potential of the Rune of Fate.

Samus' Notes: Oh! This must mean that we're going to start delving into the esoterical early then! I'm so excited! I want to learn spells as fast as possible! :DDD

Arne's Notes: I uh...hrm, well. I feel different, but better different at least. So I can in fact, get upgrades that go straight to my mind, body and soul.

The Ymgarl factor allows for the armour and zero suit to alter its properties as is deemed necessary; increasing resilience to damage, strength output, speed, or other similar physical characteristics via distributing a series of "tokens" between assorted physical stats from a reserve. This allows for greatly increased user flexibility, but caution must be advised that changing the distribution of these tokens is not an instant process. Acquire more accel charge upgrades to increase the speed of transformation, and acquire more Transformation tokens to increase the reserve of tokens. Acquire a genoadaptive upgrade to allow this ability to be integrated into user physiology with the added benefit of further immunizing the user to what few infections might still be able to afflict them.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, combined with the adaptive defense systems, all I need is something to add adaptational capabilities to my offensive suite and I think I should be able to maximise my versatility in nearly any situation. Still, the note that this could also apply to my body is...disturbing.

Arne's Notes: I'm really, really hoping that the genoadaptive upgrade won't lead to me becoming as...deformed as the Ymgarl genestealers can become, but given that the regenerator doesn't seem to have made me into a freak, I think I'll manage.

Devourer Components allow for the user to restore and repair zero suit and armour components and shielding by acquiring the requisite energy from attacking enemies in melee or via the grapple beam. Enemies slain in such a manner will give an immediate bumper crop of harvested energy, allowing the user to stay in the fight as long as they are able to cause damage and defeat opponents in close quarters combat. This ability will require additional upgrades to apply to ranged weapons or to allow the armour or zero suit to consume matter and energy outright via touch. Genoadaptive upgrades will allow the upgrade to also apply to the user's body; with the added benefit of furthering resistance to microbial attack as the deaths of these organisms in the body only serves to further invigorate the immune system.

Samus' Notes: Well, given how often I find myself getting into the very thickest fighting, this is definitely going to be a useful upgrade I think? Seems to be better suited to dealing with hordes than singular strong enemies however, and the need to enter melee is restrictive. But I'm finding myself in close quarters combat all the time...

Arne's Notes: Between this, the munitions regenerator, and the regeneration systems, I'm starting to think that I'm supposed to be throwing myself into constantly heavier fighting. I've already killed so many organisms in this one mission. I just hope I don't have to get into fighting so intense I'll have to see whether this will really let me wage war eternal.



WIP. It stuns targets but can also cause them some harm. Has a plasma whip and a blade mode.
Weaker version of the arm cannon. Back up weapon, has an energy bayonet.

The munitions launcher serves as a platform for releasing extra munitions without occupying the attentions of the arm cannon. Primarily a method of firing grenades, specialist projectiles or fluid streams, the Munitions launcher is also able to be utilized while in alternate form to allow for ranged combat capability in the alternate mode. It comes preset with Cluster-Flechette, the AMEAT Mortar, and the Corroder; each of which draws on the Universal Ammo stockpile. Cluster-Flechettes are useful against large numbers of soft targets, the Mortar is best against smaller numbers of hard targets as it launches a directed jet of armour piercing ejecta before impact, while the Corroder is best against targets vulnerable to chemical attack, in hardcover, or against charging foes. All munitions can be charged for greater effect.

Universal Ammo Count: 320/320

Samus' Notes: The range on these weapons is pretty good, you could get a lot of use out of them indirectly bombarding distant targets I'd imagine.

Arne's Notes: Enemies in cover I'd imagine would be a primary target for the munitions launcher; a well-timed airburst could clear out most enemies in hiding.

Multi-missiles allow the suit to generate and then fire upwards of twenty four sub-missiles at a time; which can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the multi-missile. Multi-missiles are homing and will track all designated targets to the best of their capability at full speed, taking slightly longer to travel due to needing to curve around the user's back or from special pods fitted into the user's alternate modes, including the Morph-Ball and Psychomorph. Multi-missiles do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all twenty-four missiles in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant one or two missile bursts. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished.

Samus' Notes: Ooooooooooh. Missiles are always fun to use and having free missiles always on hand would be a huge benefit. Especially in my alt-modes. Hrm, now I'm thinking about preparing some sort of submunitions missile. Maybe when I have some spare time?

Arne's Notes: Added ranged firepower is never a bad thing, especially ranged firepower this versatile.

Rocket Pods allow the user's suit to generate and then fire a large quantity of minimally guided rockets that while able to course correct towards a target; are not capable of radical manoeuvres unlike true missiles. However they compensate for this with sheer volume of fire; saturating the target with upwards of 120 rockets in a single burst can be combined with the charged missile, the seeker missile, elemental warheads, and/or super missile for even more destructive power. Though note that this increases the recharge between usages of the rocket-pod. Rocket Pods do not consume ammo, but do have cooldown between usages once all one hundred and twenty rockets in a battery are fired, though the missiles will replenish faster the more of them are still in the battery, allowing the user to fire more sustained bursts or even constant bombardment from a few rockets at a time. Accel Charges will enhance the rate at which the missiles are replenished. The rocket pods can still be used in alternate modes like the Munitions Launcher and Wrist-gun.

Samus' Notes: Saturation fire weapons like this would be very useful against hordes of enemies I'd feel. Going to need to experiment to find the best usage for them in my fighting style.

Arne's Notes: This sort of ranged firepower is likely better suited for suppression fire rather than direct damage against most enemies capable of rapid movements.


WIP. Rapid-fire spammy gun, hurts ghosts. Can be stacked with other beams.

WIP. It lets you charge your beam or your missiles.

Elemental beam (cannot be stacked with non-augment beams without the elemental stacking upgrade), fires homing electric projectiles at a medium rate of fire that can stun targets. Charge shot electrocutes enemies and stuns them for the duration of the overload. Very effective against targets vulnerable to electricity. Medium damage, medium-high rate of fire, homing, medium area of effect.

Augmentation beam (can be stacked with other beams freely), augments damage output and area of effect by converting shots into nine projectiles fired in a tight shotgun like spread surrounding the central shot that goes where you want it to.

Elemental Beam (cannot be stacked with non-augment beams without the elemental stacking upgrade), fires a spherical projectile undergoing intense nuclear fusion reactions that goes supercritical on impact in a miniature supernova, "sticks" to targets it hits to cause continual burn damage. Medium damage, decent rate of fire, large area of effect. Charge shot fires a larger projectile that will explode in a considerable radius and damage nearby hostiles en route. Lots of knockdown/back.

Augmentation Beam, causes projectiles to refract/chain between multiple targets after impacting, allowing for a single shot to damage multiple enemies or strike one enemy multiple times in different locations until the beam's energies finally expend themselves. Adds to the potency of beam damage and to its anti-area of effect capabilities.

Elemental Beam

Derived from 5th Column and Council Technology by the Nictus, the Quantum Beam allows for the user to fire a special negative quantum globule of energy that is especially destructive against beings that rely on a transdimensional energy bond to link between a symbiont and a host such as Kheldians, Nictus, and Parahumans and Extradimensional projections. The beam deals extremely enhanced damage against these targets and causes numerous debilitating effects that will take some time for the targets to recover from; slowing them down and weakening them for many seconds. As a negative energy weapon, the Quantum Beam also is effective against any target that lacks resistance or has a special vulnerability to negative energy; but is generally less effectual against those inundated in such energies. The charged shot fires the Quark Tornado, which explodes into a swirling Maelstrom of negative energy that will persist for some time after impact and wander around the battlefield damaging enemies caught in its path.

Samus' Notes: I'm wondering why the Nictus would design a weapon that is their own weakness. This sounds like a particularly unpleasant and dangerous culture that bears investigating to find a way to stop them.

Arne's Notes: Well, this beam is probably going to come into use a lot on Earth Bet, though I'm somewhat concerned that this technology also puts our own Parahuman allies at risk.

Augment Beam

The Seismic Beam is a sonic weapon that releases a hyper-pressurised air burst of air in front of it, generating it from the armour's zero point systems and then having it trailed by a powerful vibrational frequency. The more that the beam hits a target, the more it will resonate with the target, increasing the damage with each following hit until the target is destroyed or until the resonance stops. The beam will also traverse through multiple targets and can ignore many forms of cover. Its charged form is known as the Seismoquake and causes the afflicted target to resonate violently, echoing outwards and damaging all nearby enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ah, finally; something to penetrate through multiple enemies. I just need to be careful with missed shots.

Arne's Notes: Thanks to the pressurised air wave, it will work in vacuums. Fortunate since its such a handy beam.

The Phase Wave Beam is an Augment Beam that utilises phasic technology to harmlessly pass through non-target obstacles such as cover or walls while still imparting damaging levels of energy into enemies. Best paired with visor technology that allows for vision past obstacles or with a spotter, the Phase Wave beam will make engaging with enemies in hardened positions a much simpler prospect. The Charged version of the Phase Wave Beam is the Phase-Storm, which will create a short-lived vortex of phasic energy upon impact, damaging everything it comes into contact with.

Samus' Notes: A beam like this will need more caution for use in Urban areas since a missed shot has a much higher chance of hurting someone you didn't mean to. But I guess that means I have more reason to fine-tune my marksmanship.

Arne's Notes: There's going to be a lot of cases with entrenched enemies where something like this is going to come in handy. Or in dealing with enemies that rely on moving cover around to obstruct fields of fire, shame most energy fields block it out though.

The Ice Beam is an Elemental Beam fires a globule of anti-energy that neutralises most energy within the target upon impact, arresting momentum, eliminating temperature, damaging binding energy, and even neutralising the gravitational potential energy required for a frozen object to fall. The reverse-annihilated energy is converted into water-ice while the atmosphere around them also freezes, freezing the target in an icy prison if they survive. The charge shot fires the absolute zero blast which entraps the foe in a much larger section of ice and strips out most forms of binding energy as well as virtually all thermal energy, being far more likely to cause a target to implode as potentially even its gluons will have no energy to hold together if it lacks sufficient vitae to avoid death.

Samus' Notes: Ah, I've missed you old friend. Glad to have you back. c:

Arne's Notes: Well, can't have too many ways to freeze enemies I suppose.

The Positron Beam is an Elemental beam releases a stream of positrons which are then followed by a "chaser" of protons which following catalysation, impact with greatly enhanced reactive power at near light-speeds, which can be improved with realspace FTL projectile augments. The impact of the positron beam annihilates the target's electrons and protons, rapidly collapsing their atomic structure into neutron slurry while the reactant is released primarily as electricity that will arc into other targets for additional damage. The charge shot fires the anti-matter storm which will cause the beam to chain; still in anti-matter electrical current format; into multiple other targets, each of which releases conventional electricity.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, it's definitely one of the most overtly destructive beams around, but thankfully the electricity arcs won't direct into friendlies and will ignore neutrals unless I want them to.

Arne's Notes: Now this? This here is my favourite beam. There's something just endlessly fascinating about electricity and anti-matter. Really hoping to never leave it at home again. So many times I wished I could have fired it.

The Gamma Beam is an Elemental Beam that fires a catalysed beam of ionising gamma radiation that will penetrate through many forms of obstacles and deal severe damage to both organics whose tissue will liquefy if they lack sufficient resistance to the beam's enormous energies as well as machinery as the beam plasmafies most forms of matter and tears apart the more delicate components of many forms of technology. The Charged Shot fires the irradiator wave, which will not only deal increased damage but leave the afflicted targets enormously but briefly radioactive, allowing it to function as a short-lived area denial weapon or turn an enemy durable enough to survive into a hazard for more fragile allies. The Gamma Beam is regarded as a generally horrific weapon due to the extremely graphic nature of the death it inflicts.

Samus' Notes: I've never been entirely fond of this beam to be honest, it seems...excessive to turn a target's flesh into glowing and steaming gelatin and watch their charred bones flail around as they disintegrate. It's undeniably effective and harmful to most targets but...hrm...

Arne's Notes: Conflict is conflict and there aren't really any nice ways to die. It is awful to watch, and the death it inflicts is one of a great deal of short-lived pain. But is being blown in half by a missile any better?

The Radiance Beam is an Elemental beam that fires sanctified light energy that is of significantly greater effectiveness against "dark" opponents such as demonic, unliving enemies, Nictus, possessed foes, darkness based or suffused life forms, dark energy dependent shielding, or dark magic users. The Radiance beam will pierce through enemies and cause them to burn in proportion to the amount of darkness they have become suffused with, even metaphorical darkness such as evil committed as per the moral standards of the Ylla. The burning also affects the soul of the evildoer, and can bypass many conventional forms of defence or immortality; and as a secondary effect can induce temporary blindness and stun many enemies. It is however less effective against soulless enemies. Its charged shot fires the Judgement Hammer which debilitates targets with the agony they have unjustly inflicted and turns the afflicted target into a lighthouse that will strike other targets temporarily.

Samus' Notes: The Ylla were always a little bit sanctimonious, but the ones I've spoken to always thought highly of me. So it's good to know that they think I'd be worthy of this sort of weapon, especially if I am to put so many undead back into their graves.

Arne's Notes: I'm not entirely sure on the Ylla's moral standards if they think I'm unquestionably worthy of using this. But if they have confidence in me I guess I shouldn't put it to waste.


WIP. Shoot to blow stuff up.

The Seeker Missile allows the missile module to fire multiple missiles at a time in a single burst, each capable of independently tracking their own targets with augmented homing capabilities. The initial seeker missile upgrade allows for upwards of five missiles at a time to be fired and may be used with charged missiles, super missiles, elemental missiles, beam combos; or any mixture thereof. Be warned of ammo consumption when utilising this function.

Elemental missile. Fires a projectile that will explode into a wave of anti-energy to freeze nearby targets. Uses missile stockpiles. Can be used with super missiles.

Fires a missile that explodes in a superheated wave of quark-gluon plasma ejecta and sets things it comes into contact with on fire. (WIP)

WIP, more ammo limited but bigger boom.

Elemental warheads such as Toxin grenades, Ice Bombs, Pyro-Missiles and similar devices augment your existing explosive arsenal by offering them increased damaging effect as well as the capacity to deliver elemental effects. The user may swap between or combine compatible effects as deemed necessary to create differing types of warheads as the situation demands. Elemental warheads may be applied to superlative but more ammunition intensive munitions such as super-missiles, power bombs, and ultra grenades.

Samus' Notes: More versatility is always welcome. I'll try out some of the elemental combinations as soon as I can get the chance.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, as soon as I get the time I'd like to just sit down and tinker with some new warheads. I should probably get some charge combos going too.


Designed by Samus Aran based on the ice beam and loosely inspired by old designs on Zebes, the Cryolyte is a powerful weapon that releases a stream of superchilled plasma combined with anti-energy in a long semi-continuous beam. Capable of rapid-fire albeit having somewhat limited range, the Cryolyte is able to freeze multiple targets at a time; penetrating through nearly any obstacles to the extent of its range while generating enormous amounts of frozen matter. The Cryolyte can also be charged to fire the Cryospite; an enlarged blast that will create a wall of cover in addition to freezing anything it comes into contact with. While the Chozo of Zebes and the Alimbics of Sentus Primaris have copied it, Samus' variation has longer range and a wider area of effect as well as a more intense freezing effect that will continue to damage affected enemies while frozen due to her continued refinements.

A devastating continuous fire weapon that fires a guided stream of neutrinos that strip apart the atoms of everything they come into contact while pumping a massive number of protons and electrons into the target as well, when in the hands of Arne, the Shock Coil also can drain targets; feeding energy back into his suit and body. When charged, the shock coil can fire multiple streams at a time.

The Laser Lancer is a continuous fire subweapon that consumes universal ammunition at a rather rapid rate, but is both pinpoint accurate and propagates far faster than many enemies can dodge when aimed well. The rapid heating effect of the laser will burn, cut, and explode its way through most targets, and as a light weapon, the Laser Lancer is also quite effective against light sensitive undead, though less so than true luminal weapons. It is primarily considered a pyronic weapon, and can be charged to temporarily fire a much wider and more powerful Laser Lance known as the Macrolaser. A number of design flaws in the original weapon have been corrected for your usage; eliminating the wind up needed to fire the weapon, the heat build up, and diminishing efficiencies at long range due to diffraction.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, this seems like it should be very useful. I'd need to improve my UA stockpile though to get the best use out of it. Find something to let it penetrate through enemies and cover too...

Arne's Notes: Hrm, so basically a longer ranged shock coil that won't feed back energy into me but can't phase through obstacles as well? Interesting. I'd like to mess around with it a bit at some point.

The Toxolyst is a N'Kren made weapon that continuously fires corrosive disintegration streams. The energies that go into the Toxolyst will alter the bindings of most forms of matter not treated to be resistant to its effects and rapidly cause most substances to corrode into a soup of quarks. Entities that rely heavily on complex chemical reactions to sustain themselves will be significantly adversely affected as it breaks down their chemistry and replicates the effects of virtually every conventional strain of poison at once. The Toxolyst can also be charged to release a hellgout that will travel farther and has a larger cloud. Svihaly's true N'Kren created Toxolyst will leave a long lingering cloud behind, harmless to designated friendlies but leaving areas temporarily impassible; and enemies slain by it will explode into more Toxolyst gas.

Samus' Notes: It's honestly a really gross weapon, and I don't think I'd enjoy using it on most targets. But I suppose if the situation calls for it I'd be willing to make use of it. It shouldn't be too hard to modify the formula to not linger as long in the environment too. At least it kills too quickly to leave people in pain.

Arne's Notes: I know a lot of places outright ban this weapon, but like with the Neutrino weapon ban; I don't see how this is an exceptionally more horrible way to kill something than setting it on fire? The standards of a lot of international law on which weapons are "good" or not seem pretty dumb; war itself is a horrible thing.

The Magnum Cannon serves as a powerful sniper weapon and anti-materiel tool for the user. Accelerating a projectile to near light speed, the Magnum Cannon's projectiles are capable of penetrating through multiple targets at a time and can shear their way through most armour and shielding thanks to the disruption effect of the projectile. While light progenitor grade shielding remains effective, the Magnum Cannon will be more than sufficient against most modern technology. The charge shot will fire a MIRV projectile that will split into submunitions, damaging up to three lines worth of targets.

Samus' Notes: Getting used to aiming the MIRV for maximum effect's going to take just a bit of getting used to, but I think once I properly use my distant sight to do it I'll be lining up group shots like nothing.

Arne's Notes: It's not quite as precise as the Imperialist but quite a lot punchier. I'd call it more of an anti-materiel weapon than a sniper, but I can use it like that in a pinch.

The Autoflak is a somewhat crude but effective weapon that launches hypervelocity fragmentation projectiles that will explode into a shower of subatomically sharp shards; dealing severe damage to any target caught in the blast radius. Capable of sustained rapid-fire, the Autoflak is incredibly deadly against large numbers of soft targets or targets that rely on agility rather than durability for their survivability. The autoflak can be charged to fire a cluster shell that will launch submunitions in addition to the initial wave of shards; annihilating most soft targets in reach.
Samus' Notes: Diamont Weapons are pretty straightforward but hugely fun to use. The Autoflak's proven to be incredible against swarming enemies so far.

Arne's Notes: I'm more familiar with reverse-engineered versions made by later societies, but every time I've seen Spire use one of these, he's put it to good use.

The Cacophony Blast unleashes sonic pulse blasts that carry their own atmosphere to allow them to continue to inflict damage in vacuum environments; kinetically accelerated to catch supersonic opponents. The cacophony blast causes significant shaking and rumbling in targets that it passes through as the blastwave expands to its designated full size, not only dealing substantial damage but also stunning, disorientating, and weakening the resistances of all enemies it afflicts; often knocking them down as well. A charge shot will fire a larger bubble that will remain in its target area for some time, causing damage to anything that passes through it. While relatively slow to fire, the Cacophony Blast is devastating against large numbers of enemies or enemies weak to sonic attack.

Samus' Notes: With all the enemies we're fighting, more area of effect weapons I think are going to be necessary. I might be able to tune the weapon a bit farther for a wider array of sonic effects too. Based on some of the beneficial or simply debilitating sonic effects I've seen used on Primal Earth or Earth Bet.

Arne's Notes: Stacking multiple resonance bubbles on top of each other seems to have an intensely compounding effect, I should probably be careful with the force-concentrators unless I want to create a major earthquake.

A cybertronian devised Subweapon, the Null-Ray combines a blast of deadly energy with an overload and energy arrester bolt that will at the very least deal additional damage to mechanical targets and energy shielding or at worst shut them down outright and can disrupt the neurosystems of organics as well; frequently knocking out those it fails to kill or forcing them to abandon mechanical equipment. Particularly effective against vehicles improperly hardened against the Null-Ray's shutdown effect, the Null-Ray can allow for many important enemy assets to be captured intact. Note that many systems such as Progenitor grade systems will at most be inconvenienced by the null-ray and will not shut down; simply taking extra damage and receiving some HUD static and specially hardened equipment will be able to shrug off the shut down effect of the null-ray.

Samus' Notes: The non-lethal settings should be very helpful in situations where I don't want to outright kill someone I think. And being able to capture samples intact is going to be a huge benefit to our cause.

Arne's Notes: Going to have to be careful to not assume I can just go through every situation without thinking about de-escalation simply because I can end it nonlethally.

Melee Equipment​

WIP. Retractable wrist mounted energy sheathed sword that can be detached for a conventional hilt grip. It slices, it dices. Can use the energies of any beam.

The Shield projector adds a module to the joints of the arm able to create a reflective barrier that may be used against both melee and ranged attacks. The barrier has a limited diameter, but careful angling can reflect incoming ranged attacks towards their senders. The energy and dimensional field is also able to be utilised as a deadly weapon in melee and can even be detached and thrown, upon which it will gradually dissipate over time but will damage all targets it impacts. A new barrier can be projected immediately afterwards. If the user desires, a physical shield can be extended instead, but only one at a time.

Samus' Notes: Ah, that's to be expected from Heinrich's weapons to be honest. Definitely going to be very handy! Especially now that I've got a good look for it in mind.

Arne's Notes: Feels a bit retrograde as always, but I suppose there's a reason why these kinds of shields have been in use for as long as we've had tools.

The Bayonet Projector allows the arm cannon to fire either a coherent energy blade or extend a physical energy sheathed blade from either beneath or above. The blade, like the Arm-Sword; is upgraded by beam weapons and a certain number of melee blade specific upgrades. The primary effect of this is to double the avenues of bladed melee attack the user can make in combat.

Addendum: With Heinrich's blood lance, the projector can also extend out to a distance roughly three times longer than the user is tall as a spear, which can also be projected from the free hand. Note that doing so will disable its usage from the cannon hand.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I do need to practice pole-arm fighting more, but I feel like this would work best if I had something to ride atop.

Arne's Notes: Ah, I was wondering how long it'd be until we met again my old friend.

The thunder disruptor is a melee augmentation that allows the user's melee weapons to accumulate charges that will be released upon impact to create a concussive blast wave that can knock down, around, and stun enemies, causing not simply just much greater impact damage but also leaving them more likely to be unable to properly fight back in return. The impact will also allow a blow to affect multiple enemies at a time, though it will need some time to recharge between usages.

Samus' Notes: This also notably applies to unarmed strikes with the arm cannon or my limbs so being able to thunder punch people should be plenty fun!

Arne's Notes: Hrm, could be excellent for a good drop kick into a fight I'd say.

The Wingsabre detaches the user's tailfin wings to form a blade that can be attached with the user's existing arm blade, cannon bayonet, or used on its own to similar effect. Configurations can include a greatsword, a double sword, a curved sabre, a bayonet, a rapier, or any other configuration the user can imagine. The Wingsabre shares an upgrade pool with the arm-blade and the same overall effects and capabilities. The user can also add energon charging to their melee weapons as recompense for already having a similar weapon, adding significantly more damage to the user's melee weapons; enhancing their cutting power and shield penetration, and adding an order effect that increases their effectiveness against malicious entities such as the unliving, demonic or darkness based entities. In the jet alt-mode, the wingsabre can be used to charge the alt-mode wings with cutting energy to slice apart enemies. The wings can also be charged in their resting positions, adding additional protection, deflecting attacks that impact the shoulders or chest and a risk of harm for grappling enemies. The wingsabre can also be thrown or launched at foes and will always fly or teleport back to the user and can be used to fight separately from the user temporarily. As these weapons are spirimetrically linked to the user; they cannot be used by enemies.

Samus' Notes: Ironically, I don't think I'm going to be using them in sword mode very often. But the anti-grappling features or the ability to quickly add to or modify my blade would be extremely useful; or when detaching and fighting on their own.

Arne's Notes: In alternate mode the blades should probably turn out to be extremely useful at least for strafing attacks.

The Rotorsaw is used from the tail-rotors of the user's helicopter mode to form a rapidly spinning saw of field sheathed and energon charged cutting surfaces that while lacking in the striking power of the wingsabre or armblade. It can be extended from either arm or used from the sides of the arm or locked into a side-blade position for additional cutting surface, folding over the wrists to be used as claws, assisting user flight as rotors, or as tonfas; making them extremely versatile. They are also able to deflect incoming attacks that strike them, can be launched either individually or in saw form; returning to the user when called via flight or teleportation, and are able to use the same bonuses as the arm-blade, including using beam weapons to augment their cutting ability with other effects such as freezing, anti-matter, radiation, phase-waving, and other myriad effects just as the Wingsabre and Rotor saw can. They can also be detached from the user to fight on their own temporarily, with a recommended tactic being to use them as additional defence, deflecting incoming attacks. As with all detachable weapons, due to linkage to the users, they cannot be stolen or used against them and are harmless to allies.

Samus' Notes: Saws are a bit...gruesome as melee weapons but the versatility of these tools should make for extremely capable tools for other purposes, especially as deployable shields. Though extremely rapid firing or well aimed weapons are likely to be able to slip by. But I think I can modify my more conventional arm shields with the same technology.

Arne's Notes: Saws are clumsy and inefficient as melee weapons and are more intimidating than effective. Very little possible finesse and even with complete RPM control, they're always going to be more awkward than a proper blade. But the individual rotor blades can be used for all sorts of purposes. The claws might be handy and even in saw mode; sometimes you really do just need a blender.


(Art by CryoPhase)

Designed by Arne Skjoldr himself from Alimbic designs available to him on Sentus Primaris and the Caesarian Lance to be purpose fitted to his form; Squire Suit forms Arne's primary line of defence as well as his most useful technosorcerous asset. Built to be universally modular and adaptive to ensure that the design will be future proofed for generations to come, the armour's list of capabilities are vast and only grow as the Squire armour absorbs more and more upgrades into itself. Not only is it an all purpose exploration and information gathering system or a defensive construct; but it also serves as a potent electronic warfare system. The squire suit's design makes the history of competitive rivalry between the Alimbic Tetrach Order and the Chozo Wandering Milieu quite clear as every facet of the suit is meant to be broadly comparable to a Chozo base pattern power suit.

The armour provides both incredible physical augmentations as well as a combination of incredibly durable ferrochitin and hypercomposite plating and artificial musculature and multi-layered energy, fractal, and dimensional shielding. Not even attacks that can phase through energy or matter or strike through different dimensions are able to pierce through to the user through either the plating or shielding. The armour's power systems are distributed throughout the entire suit, allowing any portion of it to function at full capacity regardless of which parts are manifested or damaged, and if damaged; the armour will regenerate on its own even if seemingly completely destroyed through its connection to the host, though concentration will be needed to speed the process.

(Art by Nick on Planet Ripple)

The Varia suit represents a significant increase in defensive capabilities over the standard power suit. Not only is the physical structure of the suit augmented and its shielding resistance doubled, but the Varia upgrade allows the user to ignore most of the extremes of temperature. While quintessence bolstered thermal or cryogenic attacks can still have some effect, the wearer is now able to operate without shield drain in virtually any temperature. All armour physicals are substantially augmented, and most forms of corrosive agents are rendered ineffective against both the shielding and plating.

Description: Arne's armour changed as well, his suit a combination of indigo and black, with witchfire green trimmings and menacing blood red highlights that made his armour suggestive of an altogether more malevolent sort of spirit than yours did. The blood red highlights of the wings taken from Hollenmord giving him the suggestion of a demon, and the crest of his helmet moved somewhat formward to suggest either a crown or a set of horns depending on how one looked at it. The ribbing on his limb armour was more pronounced, as were the small fangs on the bottom of his helm. His pauldrons had changed into articulated pieces shaped like extended and distorted versions of his helmet, with glowing "eye"pieces at their centre while the frame of the suit had become a bit more slender.

The Ghost Suit is similar to the N'Kren Phantom Suit, albeit less potent. Derived from Maria's phasing capabilities, the Ghost Suit allows for the user to go intangible and phase through incoming objects and weapons or through many forms of obstacles. It also allows for the user to fully interact with intangible objects as if they were solid; augmenting the user's progenitor blood and armour ability to prevent intangible objects from phasing through them. The Ghost Suit also augments defences and user physicality, and allows for the user to enter areas charged with ectoplasm without risk or harm. Unlike the Phantom suit however, the Ghost Suit does not add living metal construction nor does it augment stealth capabilities and it does not ward against dimensional instability. When phased, the user can better track phasing objects, but a visor upgrade is still recommended for best effect.

Samus' Notes: Ah; here's something that should come in very handy! I already loved the Phantom Suit so even an inferior substitute should be very useful!

Arne's Notes: I like the aesthetics of the Phantom Suit better honestly, but this will do.

Description: Arne's armour was changed from the black hues of the ghost armour into something a bit different. The masterforce armour absorbed itself into his squire suit and then with the masterforce suit you yourself were taking into yourself. A combination of Cybertronian and Progenitor technology took place that Wheeljack and Sari couldn't help be amazed by. First came the transformation of the ghost suit into the Frequency Suit.

A gorget emerged to provide his mouth with additional projection, emerging from the chestpalte of his armour and going up to somewhat in front of his nose; still allowing him the full range of head movement due to the spacing, but significantly reducing the space to target his head, which when combined with the back of the collar of his armour, gave something of the impression of a turtle. Crystalline formations, white in colour, emerged from his pauldrons. Blade shaped antennae emerged from the sides of his helmet, while diamond like reinforcement strips wrapped around the edges of major plating as his visor and highlights changed in colour to white. His chestplate and helmet retained their coal black colouration, while the limb armour changed to steel grey, and his abdominal armour and crest turned into a stony brown. The armour thickened somewhat, looking more powerful and durable, as the Diamont made upgrade was assimilated into his armour.

Your own armour had a rather similar list of transformations, the Valkyrie like wings on the sides of your helmet being subsumed into antennae blades while your helm and chestplate transformed into a brilliant diamond like hue, the visor and highlights taking on a more blackened hue, black reinforcement strips around the brown coloured major plating and steel grey abdominal, inner thigh, and hip armour coming into being. Your pauldrons took on a demispherical, more rounded shape, and the gorget emerged in front of your face from your chestplate, ensuring greater defence for your head in tandem with an emerged collar.

Log: The Frequency suit alters the composition of the armour and its multilayered shielding to allow it to absorb energy; particularly vibrational energy; into itself. This notably has the benefit of preventing the overwhelming majority of damage from blunt force conduction through the armour, keeping the wearer safe from even the hardest blows should the shielding fail. The Frequency suit also cancels out the effects of high-frequency weapons, absorbing their vibrations and making them considerably less threatening to the wielder. The Frequency suit can store energy that can be used for many purposes, such as refilling energy, recharging the temporal distort, recharging the shielding, or releasing it in a bomb-burst of energy or to augment specific attacks. The Frequency suit will also cancel out the effects of unusual vibrations and sonic fences, preventing them from impeding the user. It finally improves all physical augmentations, enhances the resilience of the shielding and armour plating, and the antennae on the suit allow for improved signal interception.

Samus' Notes: One thing that the description doesn't talk about is how it also cancels out most of the sound of your footsteps, allowing you to sneak up on enemies you normally wouldn't be able to otherwise. Shouldn't take too long before I come across a situation where this helps out.

Arne's Notes: It's worth noting that only some of the energy will be absorbed into the batteries while the rest will still end up going into the shielding. It's mostly the damage that the shielding hardness manages to cancel out entirely from what I've been able to glean.

Description: Wheeljack said with awe as your suits transformed with the substantial arsenal absorbed into them. The thrusters on the back of both of your suits expanded into a substantially sized black (or white in your case) jetpack, about the size of your unarmoured torsos, encased in a sleek shell. The helicopter forms rotorblades extended behind you, folding into a black cape like structure that could fold out of the way of your jetpacks as needed while the wings of the jet mode emerged from your backs, going a bit beyond your shoulders and shifting around the tailfins emerging from your pauldrons. The stabiliser fins folded over the pauldrons, reinforcing them while the jet-mode wings folded over his chestplate, giving it a more traditionally knightly armoured look; with the cockpit of the Jet-mode emerging from the midsection of both of your chests. Your own jet-mode wings shifted into a sort of loosely fitted metal tunic of flexible plates that would move out of the way of your legs as needed, your own tailfins facing the opposite way Arne's did.

The engines of the jet found their way to your boots, adding to your flight mobility while the blades of the tail rotor split into two, one half going into side-arm and elbow blades emerging from your left-arm and the other going along the sides of your arm cannon; able to fold up as needed or collapse into a singular tonfa if he desired; or spin up into saw-blades should you desire. The turbines of your new jet-mode emerged on the front of your pauldrons, spinning up briefly just to give it a whirl before the wrist-gun manifested onto your left arms, a smaller bore version of the arm cannon that fit itself neatly from just a bit before the joint of your arms all the way out to stopping a bit past your wrist; with a hinge able to give your hands mobility; important when the grapple tether emitter was below the wrist.

Your helmets changed again, the air intakes of his alt-modes finding their way onto the cheeks of your helm, mostly for show. The horn or crown like crest from the ghost suit on his helmet remained, as did the antennae from the frequency suit. You retained the gorget and the crystals from the Frequency suit emerging from your pauldron and its reinforcement strips. Your neck, once covered wholly by black segmented soft-armour, was now covered in segmented-hard plates over the softer plates, akin to what protected your abdomen to still allow for full flexibility while adding to your defence; coloured black in his case and white in yours. He clenched his fist and let time briefly come to a halt, leaving just the two of you now.

The Master Force Suit is a cybertronian designed form of suit technology that allows for the user to take on additional alternate modes, combine with a transformer to augment their abilities or combine with other master force users and minicons to make for a stronger gestalt form, increases user physical capabilities, allows the armour to regenerate its shielding and integrity through contact with energon and substantially increases the user's defensive capabilities while serving as a platform for numerous additional secondary systems. The Master Force suit can be upgraded with more alternate modes as other master force suits are found, adding to the capabilities of the armorsuit even further. The helicopter and Jet alternate modes offer a boost in particular to manoeuvrability, speed, impact power, and firepower while not heavily emphasising additional durability or raw lifting strength; though such are still present. The Master Force Suit also allows for the bypassing of many forms of cybertronian security and to be considered cybertronian where advantageous.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, I'm liking how customizable the appearance of these masterforce suits are, I've got some ideas for something perhaps closer to my style? Possibilities, possibilities.

Arne's Notes: The possibility of combining with cybertronians or even other masterforce troops is...interesting...but combining with Samus...ah...

Description: The antennae of your suit remained; while the armour combined the insectile aesthetics of your usual armour or the spacesuit like appearance of Samus' and melded it with Eldar armour sensibilities for something agile looking, Your armour seeming to get thinner with no loss of strength, the vambraces extending slightly to form more prominent blades covering the knees and the elbows, circuit like highlight lines dancing across key nodes of the armour to trace minor geometric patterns; the outer limbs of your own armour taking on a silvery hue, the helm and chestplate shifting to a rich platinum, and the inner and abdominal armour changing to a tone of gold while your highlights began to glow a brilliant cyan before resuming more normal levels of luminosity. Your pauldrons took on a more graceful, curved like appearance, almost like the graceful flow of upwards facing scimitars, and your visor even shifted as well; the monocular gaze shifting to your forehead as a sort of "third eye" and shrinking down to about the size of a balled fist, while a bifurcating glowing white line went down the length of your helm, Going across your helm was now a V-shaped visor to cover your eyes.

Samus' suit also gained a "third" eye, her outer limb armour taking on a platinum hue, her abdominal and inner thigh raiments the colour of silver, and her chestplate and helm the finest gold to go with her now yellow coloured highlights. Her pauldrons curved down whereas your curved up, but otherwise retained a rather similar look to your own suit overall, the cloak of the main rotors of the helicopter mode remaining, along with the fins and thrusters of the jet mode. The rail Rotor blades moved into their usual spot, and the cockpit of the jet mode reasserted itself in a hurry, the autobot symbol worn over your heart still present.

Log: The Lumosuit is derived from the work of the Eldar; including the Holofield and the Ithilyani Hyshite generator a common piece of Eldar technology that augments user defense by making them far harder to hit. The Holosuit offers superior capabilities to a standard cloaking device through its multiple options for stealth and evading detection; including camouflage via light-warping, the projection of mirror images, or in an effect that gives the device its nicknames of "domino field" and "jigsaw field" among humans of its native reality; making their apparent image explode into a widely spread cloud of multi-coloured fragments with the effect becoming more chaotic and unpredictable the faster the user moves, making the discerning of their true location extremely difficult without non-electromagnetic forms of perception. The effect will also bend light-based weaponry around, making the user far more difficult to properly afflict with such weapons, and also allows for traversing light-based barriers without issue. While the defensive gains of the Holosuit are relatively modest otherwise save for a major increase to user speed and greater defense against damage from esoterical sources, as are its physical increases beyond speed enhancement; they are still present, and with the suit equipped; the user can more properly interface with Eldar technology.

Samus' Notes: Acquiring something this useful for a stealth mission this late after we abandoned any hope of stealth is...ironic and not in a funny way.

Arne's Notes: As handy as this could be in the future, I'm kind of mad that I didn't make a cloaking system earlier now.


With oversight and guidance from the Crew of the Caesarian Lance and the Palatine Mind A.I; the Sleipnir was made to suit Arne's simulation tested personal flying style at the end of his engineering exams. A long-range strike fighter capable of serving as a mobile home and making landings even in the roughest of conditions, the Sleipnir is a marvel of engineering. The Sleipnir is made to be incredibly fast and manoeuvrable while still being highly durable, destructive, intelligent, and provide a wide range of utility. However, there can be little doubt that its primary mission is to win engagements and serve as a strike platform before allowing Arne to arrive where he needs to go. Stealth, countermeasure as well as active and passive defence systems combine with its incredible agility and early warning systems to allow Arne to slip past nearly any defensive screen. Its multitype faster than light array draws on the Sol core systems in the strike-fighter and its auxiliary reactors to allow for quick and straightforward intergalactic travel. All-purpose internal fabrication systems allow for indefinite mission durations while mission control is facilitated by the "Volva" A.I programmed into the ship's software.

Capabilities (WIP)​

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Resources & Assets
Major Allies

Gender: Male
Species: Cybertronian
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 5,379,129
Ethnicity: Velocitronian
Affiliation: Autobot
Height: 17'6/5.33 meters.
Mass: 1.4 tonnes
Optic Colour: Blue

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Healthy
Experience: Phenomenal
Training: Great
Leadership: Great
Morale: Impeccable

Combat Skill: Incredible
Intrigue Skill: Fantastic
Diplomacy Skill: Great
Administration Skill: Very Good
Academic Skill: Very Good

Tech Skill: Great
Vehicular Skill: Great
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: Decent

Strength Category: Incredible
Durability Category: Incredible (Shielded, Armoured)
Resilience Category: Incredible (Incredible Shielding, Incredible Armour)
Speed Category: Great/Fantastic (Vehicle mode)
Cleverness: Very Good
Perception: Incredible

  • Solar Cannon: Very High Rate of fire, Very Highly Chargeable, Great Armour Penetration, Very Good Shield Disruption, Very Good Damage, Very long Range, Targets are considerably more vulnerable to follow up damage, Strongly Incendiary. Charged Shots deal AoE.
  • Laser Cutter: Continuous Rate of Fire, Incredible Armour Penetration, Very Good Damage, Strongly Incendiary, Very Long Range.
  • Stinger: Continuous Rate of Fire, Very Good Armour Penetration, Good Damage, Extreme Shield Disruption, Extreme Stunning Effect, Very Long Range, Chains between multiple targets, Extremely Electrified.
  • Scatter Blaster: High Rate of Fire, Good Armour Penetration, Extreme Damage, Good Multi-Target
  • Multi-missile launcher: Low Rate of Fire, Great Armour Penetration, Great Damage, Extreme Range, Large Area of Effect, Great multi-target
  • Mini-missiles High Rate of Fire, Great Armour Penetration, Great Damage, Very Long Range, Large Area of Effect
  • Grenade Launcher: Medium rate of fire, extends Grenade range.
  • EMP Grenades: No Armour Penetration, High Shield Disruption, Very High Base damage, weaker against biological targets, stronger against mechanical targets, Very Strong EMP effect, throwing range, large area of effect.
    {*]Plasma Grenades: Very High Armour Penetration, Very High Damage, Throwing Range, Very Large Area of Effect
  • Gamma Grenades: High Armour Penetration, Very High base damage, Weaker against Mechanical targets, Stronger against Biological Targets, Throwing Range, Highly Sickening, Large Area of Effect.
  • Detonation Hammer: Medium Attack Speed Penalty, Great Armour Penetration, Extreme Damage, Great Concussion, Large Area of Effect, Long reach
  • Energon Blades: Melee Weapon, No Attack Speed Penalty, Very good armour penetration bonus, Good Damage Bonus, Highly Energised, Highly Superheated, Short Reach, x2

  • Light Type Cybertronian Armour: Powered, Good Strength and Speed Enhancement, Good Self-Repair, Highly EMP resistant, Shielding generating, Easy to repair, Incredibly Durable, Great Armour Save, Great Damage Reduction. Facemask protects against blinding, deafening, and atmospheric effects,

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Expert Scout: Bumblebee is tremendously good at finding out things that he shouldn't and has a critical success range for scouting on a roll of 70 or higher on the D100 and on the confirmation roll.
  • +: Ancient Warrior: Bumblebee is an extremely experienced combatant and is quite literally built for conflict. Bumblebee rerolls all failed combat-related rolls and has his critical hit range increased doubled and needs to triple confirm to critically fail.
  • +: People's Champion: Bumblebee is one of the most empathetic and kind autobots around and naturally gels well with the dispossessed, meek, young, or disadvantaged. Bumblebee gets strong bonuses to positively affecting these people. He also gets this bonus in dealing with mental health issues thanks to his long experience with comforting others who are down on their luck. He also rerolls any failed morale check twice if someone more vulnerable than him would be endangered by him failing that check.
  • +: Goldbug's Luck: Bumblebee is one of the luckiest autobots whom fortune tends to favour. In background rolls, bumblebee gets an additional 3d10 rolled to be added to each dice except when he gets a natural one and a second natural one on the confirmation dice.
  • +: Everyone's Friend: It is very easy to build platonic friendships with bumblebee, with the threshold of positive interaction needed to improve a platonic relation with bumblebee being significantly lower than average, he also gives improved cooperation benefits for friendships.
  • +: You don't seem right: Bumblebee is very good at picking up possible imposters and his success range for picking out any possible infiltrators amongst the ranks is never lower than a roll of 50 or above on a D100 rolled during every social interlude or mission.
  • =: Robot in Disguise: Bumblebee is a Cybertronian and is thus given a robot's list of built-in capabilities, resistances and immunities as well as some particular vulnerabilities, as well as some particular to Cybertronians. For the sake of the Manton Effect and similar limitations, Bumblebee is considered to be partly between life and machinery, making him resistant but not quite immune to powers that only affect organic or inorganic material. He can also transform into vehicles relatively close to his robot mode in overall size.
  • -: Mute: Bumblebee lost his voice box in the Great Cybertronian Civil War and cannot speak conventionally, being limited to sign language, text messages, or soundbite clips. If these are not available or cannot be interpreted by the person he is speaking to, he is incapable of communication and at times he will be incapable of getting across his exact meaning if the other person cannot receive a text message or signage from him.
  • -: We're Here to Protect People!: We're here to Protect: Bumblebee is adamant about protecting people who are in need of defending and will not agree to any plan that will unnecessarily leave people who can't help themselves at risk without a difficult diplomacy check and will insist on accompanying people he sees as more vulnerable and are lacking in other guardians.
  • -: You're my friend, and I want to be there for you: Bumblebee can accumulate stress points at a high rate if someone he has bonded with goes out of contact with him for a long period of time. Especially if he has reason to worry for their safety. He will also be likely to intercede in social complications out of a protective urge.

Subject is a sort of robotic mimic known as a Cybertronian named Bumblebee, presently taking the guise of a 1984 Volkswagen Beetle. Spatiochronal analysis suggests that he is not from either this universe or from yours but reveals an age of 5,379,129 Earth years. Analysis indicates that subject is powered by novel energy source referred to as "Energon". Energy readings are especially concentrated in the core region of the body within a spiritual analogue referred to as the Spark. Bumblebee is fully sapient and is capable of altering configuration between vehicular and bipedal mode. The presence of multiple concealed weapons has been detected, but overall systems are inferior to your own in efficiency and sophistication; compensated for by greater size. Further analysis indicates that subject is incapable of intelligible vocal speech due to relatively recent damage. Bumblebee's records indicate that he is a native of the colony world of Velocitus in the whirlpool galaxy.

  • Strongarm: Bumblebee and Strongarm are close friends, and as such can roll a diplomacy check with full modifiers to relieve stress points twice between missions and once during a mission. They also gain a strong bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can use a few special techniques when working in tandem.
  • Windblade: Bumblebee and Windblade are best friends, and as such can roll a diplomacy check with full modifiers to relieve stress points thrice between missions and twice during a mission. They also gain a Magnitude very strong bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can use special techniques in tandem.
  • Samus: Bumblebee is forming a budding friendship with Samus and can offer stress relief and some cooperative bonuses to her.
  • Arne: Bumblebee is forming a budding friendship with Samus and can offer stress relief and some cooperative bonuses to him

Gender: Female
Species: Cybertronian
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 3,399,195
Ethnicity: Iaconite
Affiliation: Autobot
Height: 19'9/6.0198 meters.
Mass: 2.89 tonnes
Optic Colour: Blue

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Healthy
Experience: Incredible
Training: Phenomenal
Leadership: Great
Morale: Impeccable

Combat Skill: Fantastic
Intrigue Skill: Very Good
Diplomacy Skill: Very Good
Administration Skill: Great
Academic Skill: Good

Tech Skill: Great
Vehicular Skill: Great
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: Decent

Strength Category: Phenomenal
Durability Category: Phenomenal (Phenomenal Shielding, Phenomenal Armour)
Resilience Category: Phenomenal (Incredible Shielding, Phenomenal Armour)
Speed Category: Very Good/Excellent (Vehicle mode)
Cleverness: Very Good
Perception: Incredible

  • Neutron Assault Rifle: Incredible Rate of Fire, Very Good Armour Penetration, Very Good Damage, Very Long Range, Targets become moderately more vulnerable to follow up damage
  • Path Blaster: Medium Rate of Fire, Incredible Armour Penetration, Extreme Damage, Phenomenal Range
  • Scatter Blaster: High Rate of Fire, Good Armour Penetration, Extreme Damage, Good Multi-Target
  • Subsonic Repeater: Absurd Rate of Fire, Good Armour Penetration, Good Damage, Medium Range
  • Magma-Frag Launcher: Low Rate of Fire, High Armour Penetration, Incredible Damage, Long Range, Huge Area of Effect, Very Highly Incendiary
  • Mini-missiles: High Rate of Fire, Great Armour Penetration, Great Damage, Very Long Range, Large Area of Effect
  • EMP Grenades: No Armour Penetration, High Shield Disruption, Very High Base damage, weaker against biological targets, stronger against mechanical targets, Very Strong EMP effect, throwing range, large area of effect.
    {*]Plasma Grenades: Very High Armour Penetration, Very High Damage, Throwing Range, Very Large Area of Effect
  • Gamma Grenades: High Armour Penetration, Very High base damage, Weaker against Mechanical targets, Stronger against Biological Targets, Throwing Range, Highly Sickening, Large Area of Effect.
  • Shock Maul: Melee Weapon, Moderate Attack Speed Penalty, Moderate Armour Penetration Bonus, Extreme Damage Bonus, Very Strongly Concussive, Highly Electrified, Medium Reach,
  • Energon Blades: Melee Weapon, No Attack Speed Penalty, Very good armour penetration bonus, Good Damage Bonus, Highly Energised, Highly Superheated, Short Reach, x2.

  • Medium Type Cybertronian Armour: Powered, Very Good Strength Enhancement, Good Self-Repair, Highly EMP resistant, Shielding generating, Easy to repair, Phenomenally Durable, Fantastic Armour Save, Fantastic Damage Reduction. Facemask protects against blinding, deafening, and atmospheric effects,

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Memorised Protocol: Strongarm gets and gives a strong bonus to any checks revolving around protocol, legal codes, rules, regulations and other such structures.
  • +: Autobot Elite Guard Training: As part of the Autobot Elite Guard, Strongarm has received training from a military tradition honed over millions of years of combat. She doesn't need to roll to confirm criticals and never critically fumbles combat rolls.
  • +: Ancient Warrior: Strongarm is an extremely experienced combatant and is quite literally built for conflict. Strongarm rerolls all failed combat-related rolls and has her critical hit range doubled with any weapon and needs to triple confirm to critically fail.
  • +: Made of Sterner Stuff: Strongarm can roll a d100 whenever hit and on a 70 or above she simply ignores the hit entirely even if she otherwise failed to save.
  • +: Cool Head: Thanks to her Elite Guard training, Strongarm keeps a firm head on her shoulders and can never automatically fail a morale check and doesn't take stress penalties to morale or leadership checks.
  • +: Enduring: Strongarm takes three times as long to risk getting stressed from overwork as other characters.
  • =: Robot in Disguise: Strongarm is a Cybertronian and is thus given a robot's list of built-in capabilities, resistances and immunities as well as some particular vulnerabilities, as well as some particular to Cybertronians. For the sake of the Manton Effect and similar limitations, Strongarm is considered to be partly between life and machinery, making him resistant but not quite immune to powers that only affect organic or inorganic material. She can also transform into vehicles relatively close to his robot mode in overall size.
  • -: Bad at improv: Strongarm takes moderate penalties to most types of rolls if forced to act without any sort of plan in mind or if something completely unexpected and unforeseen comes up.
  • -: There are rules for this! Strongarm requires diplomacy checks to convince to do actions that go outside of standard Autobot protocol.
  • -: Underconfident: Strongarm has confidence issues when it comes to working on her own or taking her own initiative without orders and will take a morale penalty if operating without guidance.

Strongarm has been active for about three point three million years, young by Cybertronian Standards, but has spent virtually all of that time in combat or covert duties. As such she is considered a young but dedicated soldier; rather by the book and a stringent observer of protocol. She is one of the most promising newer members of Jetfire's crew and is a stickler for making sure that all protocol is followed, particularly those relating to secrecy and ensuring that the disruption done to Earth's societies isn't overly extreme. Though empathetic, her focus on combat training means that she's not the best negotiator unless she has a rigid system she can navigate and take advantage of. However, her experience in the Elite Guard means that there's rather few combat situations she can't handle, and she's decently well-read. However her inflexibility regarding protocol makes her somewhat poor at stealth operations. While stubborn and willful, she's reasonably humble and always has a mind for making sure that the job is done right.

  • Bumblebee: Bumblebee and Strongarm are close friends, and as such can roll a diplomacy check with full modifiers to relieve stress points twice between missions and once during a mission. They also gain a Magnitude +3 bonus to cooperative checks when working together.
Description (In Lieu of Image):

Passage said:
" The Russian girl was wearing some manner of mask and a colourful but practical looking military produced costume with green coloured inset plates, red trimmings, and the occasional gold highlights; she looked rather nice. She was definitely someone who spent a lifetime continually working out, with the armour padding of her suit giving a good impression of the contour of her musculature. Closer examination also showed that the outfit seemed to have attachment points for added plating".

Irinushka wears her black hair long and straight down to about the midsection of her back, her features are slender and agile rather than powerful; clearly built for moving as quickly as possible. When relaxing but in uniform, she wears a mask that can cover most of her face save for her hair with a removable mouth-filter and eyepieces and adjusts her hairstyle with a hairband to keep her identity protected. Like most Soviet bloc heroes, her uniform is meant to be primarily practical with some concessions made to fashion and individual preference within reason. When in battle gear, she attaches carefully weight distributed semi-powered armour designed by the "Spetsproizpo" (Spetsial'noye proizvodstvennoye podrazdeleniye: Special Manufacturing Division), Tinkers with access to the resources of the whole of the Soviet Bloc divided into teams based on speciality.

Her armour is meant to cover her weaknesses without impeding her or requiring too much in the way of intense maintenance. Made with special materials highly resistant to most forms of energy transfer and fitted with semi-powered systems that allow it to carry itself, the plating added to the armour is styled off of Soviet "Ratnik" infantry patterns. A military-style helm fitted with an eyeshield and filtration guard protects her head, keeps her up to date with the OGASnet and communications sent her way, and wards her from atmospheric poisons. The hermetically sealed plated body armour helps screen out radiation, electricity, cold, and heat, and keeps her at a comfortable temperature. Its colouration is largely the same as her underlying uniform, and her helm fits her hair by unknown means.

The insert nature of the plating also makes it easy to repair, simply slotting in replacements for damaged or destroyed portions of her outfit. and stitching up any tears in the dura-fiber construction of the fabric. She wears a service patch on her arms, the Soviet Red star in the midst of her helmet's forehead section, and her personal symbol of a golden rocket carrying a platinum coloured hammer to the stars lies at the midsection of her uniform and on her chestplate. She also usually has an infantryman's backpack on her back to carry supplies when on long missions likely to take her far away from the usual lines of support. Like most Soviet heroes, she rejects wearing actual capes as pointlessly exposing herself to a potential hazard.

Real Name: Irina "Irinushka" Vladmirovna Kuznetsov

Aliaes: "Hammer", Molotok, Probzhen (Short for "punching woman"), Tovarishch pushechnoye yadro (Comrade Cannonball),
Gender: Female
Species: Parahuman
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 14
Ethnicity: Great Russian
Affiliation: Soviet Union (Otmolsoza)
Height: 5'7/171 centimetres.
Mass: 59 Kilograms
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Healthy
Experience: Decent
Training: Very Good
Leadership: Good
Morale: Great

Combat Skill: Good
Intrigue Skill: Good
Diplomacy Skill: Very Good
Administration Skill: Good
Academic Skill: Very Good

Tech Skill: Decent
Vehicular Skill: None (Doesn't know how to drive)
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: None

Strength Category: Moderately superhuman
Durability Category: Moderately Superhuman (Augmented by kinetic absorption and redirection, decently durable armour and variably strong shielding)
Resilience Category: Very Good (Shielding can be bled through by energy attacks but is extremely effective against kinetic attacks, low-grade armour)
Speed Category: Great
Cleverness: Very Good
Perception: Decent

  • One Handed Kinetic Hammers: Melee weapon, moderate rate of attack penalty, low armour penetration bonus, low damage bonus, short reach, moderate concussive, x2.
  • Two Handed Kinetic Hammer: Melee weapon, Moderate Rate of Attack Penalty, Low armour penetration bonus, medium damage bonus, medium reach, moderate concussive, two handed
  • Containment Foam Grenades: N/A armour penetration, N/A damage, Strong Restraining Effect, Medium Area of Effect, Long Duration, Throwing Range.
  • Flashbang Grenades: N/A armour penetration, N/A damage, Strong Blinding Effect, Strong Deafening Effect, Medium Area of Effect, Throwing Range.
  • HEAT Grenade: Low Armour Penetration, Low Damage, Incendiery, Small Area of Effect, Short Range.
  • Frag Grenade: Weak Armour Penetration, Weak Damage, Medium Area of Effect, Throwing Range.

  • Otmolsoza Thermal-Armoured Costume; Semi-powered, Low Armour Save (improves to medium against energy attacks), Low Damage Reduction (Increases to medium against energy attacks), Highly EMP resistant, Effortless to repair, Helmet protects against blinding, deafening, and atmospheric effects,
  • Collapsible Riot Shield: Offers cover, increases armour save and damage reduction, can be used as a weapon with somewhat increased melee damage.

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Energetic: Irinushka loves being part of the Otmolsoza and the opportunity it gives for her to feel powerful, accomplished, and like she's making a real difference in the world. She always rerolls failed saves against Stress Gain and takes two missions without a break to have to save against Stress gain.
  • +: Star Pioneer: Irinushka is a well-beloved part of the Otmolsoza and gets a significant bonus to diplomacy within the Earth Bet Soviet Bloc.
  • +: Charming: Irinushka gets a moderate bonus to diplomacy checks with people in her age group who are orientation compatible with her.
  • +: Momentum Shard: Irinushka has the Momentum Shard and can absorb, manipulate, and generate kinetic energy in large quantities, she can absorb most kinetic impacts and store the energy inside of herself for usage for nearly any physical purpose, basically storing energy points such as regenerating her shielding, healing some injuries, augmenting her speed or hits, using some special attacks, or giving some boosts to her comrades; making her extremely flexible. However, she needs to consciously absorb energy, otherwise relying on simply passively deflecting incoming energy or imparting it into herself. She also does have a limit to how much energy she can store at once due to her physiological limitations.
  • +: Ready for action: Irinushka never needs to make a morale check to fight a new and unheard-of enemy or situation with confidence.
  • +: Familiar with non-human combatants: Thanks to working extensively with the Autobots, Irinushka does not take inexperience penalties when it comes to fighting non-human enemies.
  • =: Otmolsoza member: As part of the Soviet Union's principal party-aligned hero team, Irinushka has certain special access privileges within the boundaries of the Soviet Bloc. However, she does draw suspicion outside of the Earth bet Soviet bloc, especially within more anti-communist areas.
  • -: Carrier of Burdens: Irinushka needs a diplomacy check to dissuade from taking actions that may cause herself harm when she believes that others would benefit from putting herself at risk.
  • -: I want to help!: She will have to save against stress point accumulation for every mission she is benched without being sent off on side-tasks or joining the main mission.
  • -: I can do this: Irinushka will require a diplomacy check to convince her to accept aid if she feels like she can succeed at a task without it and if helping her would take up significant time or resources from that person.

Actually named Irina "Irinushka" Vladimirovna Kuznetsov, Molotok is a young parahuman attached to the Soviet Otmolsoza (Special Protection Youth Division of the Soviet Union) and a native of the city of Arkhangelsk. Irina bonded to her extradimensional symbiont following an encounter with a rampaging tinker made robot of Swedish origin derived from the illicitly acquired corpse of a Decepticon slain in an aerial engagement acquired by the tinker Svartalfar before the Autobots could recover it. Originally developed with the hopes of helping to fight Endbringers, the lingering code from the fallen machine's repurposed Cybertronian components meshed poorly with its new programming when Svaltalfar thanks in part due to Gesellschaft sabotage; resulting in a monstrosity that rampaged across the baltic for two weeks. Due to the severity of its attack on Arkhangelsk, she has a double bond to her entity.

The incident gave her the ability to store, manipulate, and amplify kinetic energy for various purposes, such as absorbing incoming blows, forming shielding, significantly augmenting the force behind her impacts, move objects, enhance or drain speed, leech energy to accelerate natural healing, or even releasing them as impact blasts or shockwaves. Her status as a general-purpose take all comers melee combatant, and tremendous capacity for punishment has made her indispensable to the Sentinels at Arkhangelsk. However, Irina has been diagnosed with a martyrdom complex and a tendency of unnecessarily taking on the burdens of others and worsened mood if unable to offer assistance. All while she often refuses to ask others for help even when in need out of a feeling of not wanting to burden others.

  • Serp: Irinushka and Viktor date each other rather openly and have a strong and healthy romantic relationship. As such can roll a diplomacy check with doubled modifiers to relieve stress points four times between missions and thrice during a mission. They also gain a great bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can utilise a great many powerful cooperative techniques.
Description: (In lieu of picture)
Passage said:
a nearby companion in a more red outfit as the blond set down his fighter pilot styled helmet and ran his hands through messy locks. He gave the impression of having recently been sweating quite a lot, and you could see a few beads still dripping down his forehead.

Another look at him confirmed that he was built for agility and finesse rather than raw power, and the insets of his suit seemed mostly to accentuate the muscle groups of his body in a rather flattering manner. Like her outfit, it had attachment points, and like her, he wore a small mask that covered part of his face but not quite enough to be likely to guise his identity from anyone who knew him. He shrugged off more of the plating of what you presumed was his full armoursuit, offering it to a drone who took it off of him as he wiped his brow and dabbed at his face with a cloth.

Viktor wears his messy blond hair down to the midsection of his neck, his sharp blue eyes usually highly attentive as he looks around the room. He's a sharp-looking, handsome young man who fits all the ideals of the Soviet Union's youth, almost seeming to have crawled out of a propaganda poster at times When in uniform but not in combat, Viktor wears his red, khaki, and black uniform-costume as well as a mask that can cover his entire face, including with ski-style goggles, or have parts removed to expose his hair, mouth, eyes, nose, ears and the like as needed. When in combat however, he utilises custom-fitted power armour produced for him by the "Spetsproizpo" (Spetsial'noye proizvodstvennoye podrazdeleniye: Special Manufacturing Division), Tinkers with access to the resources of the whole of the Soviet Bloc divided into teams based on speciality.

His armour is meant to take advantage of his ability to improve equipment to greater performance level, thus while it might seem to be somewhat standard as he doesn't have a dedicated Tinker following him around constantly; he is able to force it into capabilities well beyond its designed parameters. Significantly more durable, with a greater degree of augmentation, improving the modular equipment able to be fitted into it as per mission requirements, and far better at absorbing incoming hits without harming his body in his possession, Pasternak is able to function as one of Arkhangelsk's most versatile heroes, who can take the fight without fear or concern of harm in most engagements and taking on most challenges that get in his way.

The armour also helps to store the large number of grenades he uses for many situations, though in the case of operations with the autobots, he swaps out many of the nonlethal instruments he has for devices more likely to cause at least some damage to Decepticon opponents. Though so far the autobots are somewhat resistant to the idea of giving humans their weapons technology, the coming crisis might finally break Jetfire's reluctance as a crisis on many worlds begins to brew. Something he is actually looking forward to.

Real Name: Viktor "Vitya" Zinovyevich Pasternak
Aliases: Serp, "Sickle", Rezhumal (Short for "Cutting Boy"), Tovarishch khvatayushchiy (Comrade Grabber, after his tendency to help himself to other people's personal belongings to see how his power works with them)
Gender: Male
Species: Parahuman
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 14
Ethnicity: Great Russian
Affiliation: Soviet Union (Otmolsoza)
Height: 6'0/182.44 centimetres.
Mass: 71 Kilograms
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blond

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Healthy
Experience: Decent
Training: Very Good
Leadership: Good
Morale: Great

Combat Skill: Good
Intrigue Skill: Good
Diplomacy Skill: Very Good
Administration Skill: Good
Academic Skill: Very Good

Tech Skill: Decent
Vehicular Skill: None (Doesn't know how to drive)
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: None

Strength Category: Significantly Superhuman
Durability Category: Significantly Superhuman
Resilience Category: Decent (Decent armour, no shielding)
Speed Category: Great
Cleverness: Very Good
Perception: Decent

  • Okhotnik Pistol: Medium rate of fire, Dismal Armour Penetration, Dismal Damage, Medium Range, X2
  • Wrist Mounted Submachine Guns: Great Rate of Fire, Dismal Armour Penetration, Dismal Damage, Short Range, x2
  • Wrist Mounted Sawn off Shotguns: Weak Rate of Fire, Weak Damage, Weak Armour Penetration, Very Short Range, x2 (Can fire slugs which have Very Low damage, Very Low armour penetration and short-range, or taser shells which have minuscule damage, moderately electrified, mediocre stunning)
  • Ballistic Knives: (Counts as a melee attack with slightly increased armour penetration and damage and medium range)
  • Gauntlet Chain-Bayonets: Melee weapon, Moderate attack rate penalty, low armour penetration, low damage, more effective against inorganic targets, point blank reach, x2.
  • High-Frequency Sickle: No attack rate penalty, mediocre armour penetration, mediocre damage bonus, short reach.
  • Collapsible High-Frequency Scythe: Significant attack rate penalty, medium armour penetration, medium damage bonus, medium reach.
  • Containment Foam Grenades: N/A armour penetration, N/A damage, Strong Restraining Effect, Medium Area of Effect, Long Duration, Throwing Range.
  • Flashbang Grenades: N/A armour penetration, N/A damage, Strong Blinding Effect, Strong Deafening Effect, Medium Area of Effect, Throwing Range.
  • EMP Grenades: N/A armour penetration, N/A damage, mediocre EMP effect, throwing range.
  • Napalm Grenades: Very low Armour Penetration, Very Low Burn Damage, Large Area of Effect, Spreading, throwing range.
  • Thermite Grenades: Mediocre Armour Penetration, Mediocre Burn Damage, Mediocre Incendiary, Small Area of Effect, throwing range, Short Duration
  • HEAT Grenade: Low Armour Penetration, Low Damage, Incendiery, Small Area of Effect, throwing range.
  • Frag Grenade: Weak Armour Penetration, Weak Damage, Medium Area of Effect, Throwing Range.
  • Smart Grenade Launcher: Extends grenade range to medium and allows for rerolls to hit.

  • Otmolsoza Augmented Suit; Powered, Okay Armour Save and Damage Reduction, Improves strength noticeably, EMP hardened, Helmet protects against blinding and deafening effects and atmospheric toxins, Easy Repair.
  • Collapsible Riot Shield: Offers cover, increases armour save and damage reduction, can be used as a weapon with somewhat increased melee damage.

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Grindstone Shard: Vitya has the "Grindstone" shard which allows him to improve things that he has in his possession or on his person, including himself. He works from a budget of "improvements" he can dole out to increase overall performance. This effect ends shortly after he lets go or stops having contact with the object, but lasts long enough to apply to projectiles or short delay explosives.
  • +: Star Pioneer: Vityais a well-beloved part of the Otmolsoza and gets a strong bonus on all diplomacy checks within the Earth Bet Soviet Bloc.
  • +: Charming: Vitya gets a moderate bonus to diplomacy checks with people in his age group who are orientation compatible with him.
  • +: Soviet New Man: Vitya loses stress points at double the normal rate as he has managed a good deal of control over his own emotional state.
  • +: Friends on the other side: Vitya is actually quite well regarded on the other side of the Iron Curtain and receives a moderate bonus to diplomacy outside of the Soviet Bloc on Earth Bet.
  • +: Familiar with non-human combatants: Thanks to working extensively with the Autobots, Viktor does not take inexperience penalties when it comes to fighting non-human enemies.
  • =: Otmolsoza member: As part of the Soviet Union's principal party-aligned hero team, Viktor has certain special access privileges within the boundaries of the Soviet Bloc. Though of course, as a child such privileges are limited.
  • -: A bit hidebound: Vitya sticks close to Soviet protocol and ideals and to the party line of the VKP(B), substantial deviation from protocol will require a diplomacy check to convince him away from with the difficulty being determined by the magnitude of deviation asked of him.
  • -: Overbearing: Vitya has high standards for everyone he meets and can induce stress in others by his consistent insistence on improvement form just about everyone he meets and is exceedingly difficult to satisfy. This also makes it harder to improve relationship grades (romantic or platonic) with him.
  • -: Please stop Talking: Victor has a bad habit of saying stuff he shouldn't and can cause strain in relations when he voices unneeded and unsolicited criticism that his partner might not take well if he sees something he regards as substandard.

Viktor "Vitya" Zinovyevich Pasternak js a parahuman member of the Otmolsoza and one of the Arkhangelsk division's foremost generalists. Vitya is able to "sharpen" objects, reshaping them at the molecular level for additional efficiency such as making a cutting edge a monomolecular blade and reinforcing them with extradimensional energy to prevent them from breaking; including himself. Also a double-trigger, Vitya can apply his sharpening and reinforcing to more esoteric effects, such as sharpening his senses, enhancing his accuracy, self augmentation, and getting more efficiency out of used objects. The sharpening effect ends briefly after he ceases having contact with the object, but lasts long enough to be used with projectile weapons.

Vitya was "triggered" in the same incident that saw Irina being bonded to her entity, albeit in a separate part of the city during the rogue machine's rampage. The Otmolsoza partnered the two, due to being the same age and having had a prior relationship before manifesting their abilities, thus leading to the aliases "Hammer and Sickle" under the tutelage of the experienced Soviet parahuman "Nakoval'nya" or "Anvil". Vitya's profile lists him as a brave but sometimes overbearing would-be classical hero and party loyalist who holds people to high standards. While well-meaning and making an effort to be kind, Vitya has difficulties with holding back criticism even when entirely unsolicited. However, his versatility and commitment have ensured that he commands a significant deal of respect within Arkhangelsk

  • Molotok: Irinushka and Viktor date each other rather openly and have a strong and healthy romantic relationship. As such can roll a diplomacy check with doubled modifiers to relieve stress points four times between missions and thrice during a mission. They also gain a great bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can utilise a great many powerful cooperative techniques.

Gender: Female
Species: Parahuman
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 22
Ethnicity: English-American
Affiliation: United States of America (Protectorate)
Height: 5'4/162.56 centimetres.
Mass: 61 Kilograms
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Troubled
Experience: Very Good
Training: Acceptable
Leadership: Great
Morale: Great

Combat Skill: Very Good
Intrigue Skill: Decent
Diplomacy Skill: Good
Administration Skill: Good
Academic Skill: Decent

Tech Skill: Good
Vehicular Skill: Good
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: None

Strength Category: Variable (Peak human to substantially superhuman)
Durability Category: Variable (Peak human to excellent)
Resilience Category: Variable (Peak human to excellent)
Speed Category: Variable (Peak Human to excellent)
Cleverness: Good
Perception: Very Good


Unarmoured Costume

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Charging Up!: Battery can take time to build up a reserve of energy for up to twelve seconds to spend it on various needs and abilities such as strength, speed, impact, resilience, and durability. Each second spent charging translates to six seconds of usage for a total of seventy-two seconds at maximum power. She can also expend the energy in a large electromagnetic burst whose power is dependent on how much energy she has stored up. This can be used to infuse objects with energy, repel objects sensitive to electromagnetism, shut down electronics, or magnetise targets. As the limitation is physiological, improvements to her physiology would allow her to store more energy.
  • +: All in-worker: Battery is significantly more resistant to stress than most and takes at least two consecutive missions without downtime to start having to roll against stress.
  • +: Dedicated to the Cause: Battery can reroll failed morale checks if failing puts her mission at significant risk of failure.
  • +: Role Model: When working in Earth Bet's United States, Battery is an inspiration to many young heroes, giving her a diplomacy bonus with younger American parahumans.
  • +: In the Know: As an adult member of the Protectorate, Battery is given access to certain classified information that most people aren't privy to, including materials still recorded purely in paper format to prevent hacking.
  • +: Former Ward Leader: As a former leader of the Brockton Bay Wards as well as a former member of the New York Wards, Battery starts off with strong relations with members of other organisations.
  • =: Protectorate Member: As part of the Protectorate Battery has special access privileges within the territorial boundaries of the Earth Bet United States of America and to a lesser degree, other NATO or American aligned countries. She also gets a diplomacy bonus in interacting with military, governmental, or law enforcement personnel within these areas and commands a degree of respect from other heroes in the area. However she also draws the ire of the less than law-abiding and draws suspicion from those outside of the American bloc.
  • -: Ties to Cauldron: Battery's powers originate from her contacts with Cauldron and making a bargain with the proverbial devil means that she owes them three favours, she has already completed two, with the last one still to be called by the organisation.
  • -: Guilt: Battery feels guilty for receiving her powers through such an illicit source and this doubt weighs on her mind, every arc it goes unresolved, the Guilt will threaten to consume her entirely.
  • -: Unfamiliarity with Inhuman Opponents: Up until very recently, Battery had no idea that aliens were amongst us or that at least one Earth from an entirely different multiverse was in contact with Earth Bet. Battery's combat skill and to-hit bonuses are reduced against alien opponents.

Battery received her abilities from an underground organisation known as Cauldron that works behind the scenes to engender the formation of Parahumans and guide the Parahuman community along certain lines of development that suit its endgoal. The daughter of a Police Detective who wanted to stop Madcap from breaking out villains from prisons that they worked hard at putting away, she was contacted at an early age by the organisation while looking for equipment that might help her provide assistance to the police. In exchange for three favours, she was given her current abilities; the ability to store energy up to her body's limit and then release it for whatever purpose she could need. This made her a versatile combatant capable of rapid movement or extreme force while still having a tremendous deal of control. While initially working with the New York City Wards, she eventually was transferred to Brockton Bay in her later teen years and eventually grew up to be a fully-fledged member of the protectorate where she has served with distinction. Following a long and difficult courtship by the claimed to be reformed Madcap, the two would marry at a young age as well.

  • Assault: Assault and Battery are married and seem to have a healthy relationship. As such can roll a diplomacy check with 50% increased modifiers to relieve stress points three times between missions and twice during a mission. They also gain a very good bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can utilise a great many powerful cooperative techniques.


Real Name: Ethan
Gender: Male
Species: Parahuman
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 22
Ethnicity: English-American
Affiliation: United States of America (Protectorate)
Height: 6'2/187.96 centimetres.
Mass: 94 Kilograms
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Orange

Physical Health: Great
Stress Levels: Healthy
Experience: Very Good
Training: Passable
Leadership: Decent
Morale: Great

Combat Skill: Very Good
Intrigue Skill: Good
Diplomacy Skill: Great
Administration Skill: Decent
Academic Skill: Low

Tech Skill: Good
Vehicular Skill: Good
Esoterical Skill: None
Esoterical Potential: None known
Esoterical Resistance: None

Strength Category: Moderately superhuman
Durability Category: Moderately Superhuman (Augmented by kinetic absorption and redirection, decently durable armour and variably strong shielding)
Resilience Category: Very Good (Against kinetic attacks)
Speed Category: Great
Cleverness: Good
Perception: Very Good


Unarmoured Costume

Miscellaneous Gear:

  • +: Kinetic Shift: Assault's powers are quite similar to Irinushka's, though more limited. On the other hand he can make use of his abilities much more quickly and to a greater degree of fine-tuning. Whereas Irinushka needs to consciously keep up a barrier, Assault reflexively transfers energy attempting to move into him away and he's able to shape the energy he imparts in such a way that he can avoid hurting someone even if he launches them across the room. He can also use energy that he comes into contact with to quickly give himself a boost. Though his greatest limitation is that he needs to be grounded to properly use his abilities.
  • +: Great with Kids: Assault has a Great diplomacy bonus when it comes to interacting with underaged characters under virtually all circumstances and can easily establish positive avuncular relationships with most children he's allowed to interact with for long durations.
  • +: This is Fun: Assault has significant resistance to stress accumulation due to greatly enjoying his job, needing at least three missions without a break before accumulating stress.
  • +: Streetwise: As a former villain, Assault has a perspective of how life is like at the bottom that most of his colleagues don't. He's got a great bonus to checks relating to figuring out how the underworld might work or what might be going on at the street level.
  • +: In the Know: As an adult member of the Protectorate, Battery is given access to certain classified information that most people aren't privy to, including materials still recorded purely in paper format to prevent hacking.
  • +: Slippery as an Eel: Assault needs at least two successful checks in a row to restrain or immobiliser and can always reroll attempts to escape from such attempts.
  • =: Protectorate Member: As part of the Protectorate Assault has special access privileges within the territorial boundaries of the Earth Bet United States of America and to a lesser degree, other NATO or American aligned countries. He also gets a diplomacy bonus in interacting with military, governmental, or law enforcement personnel within these areas and commands a degree of respect from other heroes in the area. However he also draws the ire of the less than law-abiding and draws suspicion from those outside of the American bloc.
  • -: Criminal Past: Assault's reputation is predicated in large part to his past as the villain madcap remaining buried in the past. If his past is uncovered and revealed, he will take a substantial reputation hit and be forced to give up many of his current privileges.
  • -: No Energy for me Please: Assault's powers do not work against directed energy attacks, even those of a purely kinetic nature due to only being a single trigger.
  • -: Unfamiliarity with Inhuman Opponents: Up until very recently, Battery had no idea that aliens were amongst us or that at least one Earth from an entirely different multiverse was in contact with Earth Bet. Battery's combat skill and to-hit bonuses are reduced against alien opponents.

Formerly the Villain known as Madcap, Ethan has the ability to manipulate the transfer of kinetic energy towards his own ends as long as he's on the ground. This gives him a tremendous deal of versatility as he can impact foes with significantly above normal force, move at constantly increasing acceleration limited only by his reflexes, and shrug off the vast majority of hits. After encountering Battery however, he decided to reform in order to win her over and spent much of his time trying to earn forgiveness from the law and her affection. After some time, he managed to succeed to get her to start dating and the two young heroes would form a close affiliation that would see them transferred through teams together and ensured that he would remain close by her side. Considered to be an expert with working with children, Assault is also considered exceptional at needling people into certain responses that he finds amusing.

  • Battery: Assault and Battery are married and seem to have a healthy relationship. As such can roll a diplomacy check with 50% increased modifiers to relieve stress points three times between missions and twice during a mission. They also gain a very good bonus to cooperative checks when working together and can utilise a great many powerful cooperative techniques.

Extra Rules


Like the foot portions of the game, vehicular combat will be handled by the Kriegsspiel referee system rather than via dice except in particularly convoluted situations, and usually just to determine background events that we can't agree on. This deals with both the tremendous swinginess of most dice based systems while allowing for more consistent results. The referees are myself and my two good friends on the google hangout RazorLaserCrusader and Stacy the Chudslayer who will hopefully be joining the discord soon.

Vehicular gear and health is tracked separately from player equivalents and combat options also tend to be somewhat different. There is for one thing, a much lesser emphasis on melee and the distances involved tend to be more extreme; Mechs will be more involved in close quarters combat, while strike craft tend to keep their distance to a large degree. Some craft are capable of interstellar travel and thus are needed to go to certain missions without access to the Autobot Spacebridge technology or similar rapid transit systems; and the carry capacity of these craft will also affect what allies you can bring.

Note though, that at this stage you're not going to be leaving the earths very often, and throughout the game the Earths will remain important planets you'll frequently find yourself going back to. They wouldn't be in the crossfire if they weren't important after all. Ensuring that the Earths hold is going to be of vital importance as the Coming Storm approaches.

Vehicles can also serve as bases of operations and if they have the right modules installed, critically injured characters or those rendered combat ineffective can be teleported back to them as a sort of mobile rally point. They will also replenish ammo, immediately repair damaged or lost machinery or equipment, provide extra supplies, can provide additional fire support on certain missions or environments, do long range scanning, can allow you to craft items or upgrades, and provide a safe place to relax when needed.

Vehicles can be built or upgraded. Currently you have your strike craft. Samus and Arne also have access to escort screen sized basecraft that can serve as a mobile base of operations that can be unlocked after finishing a mission chain. Capital ships are rarer and harder to build and will require significant investment at this stage of the game and will serve more as a major hub once you get the revolution going; though the Autobots have some of their own. You can also build other vehicles generally sorted into bikes, cars, tanks, and mechs of assorted size categories. Which can be useful against large combatants, when there's a lot of area to traverse on land, when even more firepower is needed, or what have you.

Vehicles carrying more than one person will also be able to have passengers fight from inside if they have the appropriate powers. They will usually be treated as part of the vehicle's overall actions unless noted otherwise.

Tl;dr basically the same stuff but with different gear and contexts. Also the two will fight differently when behind the wheel.

Crafting is done with currencies which for simplicity's sake will be sorted into Salvage, Resources, and Influence. Projects will list their requirements and note whether your Salvage and Resources are valid for that project (rather than tracking a dozen different resources because screw that.) Some projects will need to be researched before they're craftable, and those researches will have their likely time of completion as well as costs listed. Crafting (should it be something that would take time; like say; upteching allies) and Research can both be accelerated by having the right allies on hand to take care of it.

Samus and Arne can also both develop additional powers, particularly through their Magic, Psionic, Genetic, Meta, Warp, and Incarnate trees. This is also handled by the crafting system in tandem with a level system; with levels unlocking slots and giving you valid resources and salvage for those slots. Being trained can help bolster your level progress but will take time and stuff can happen while you're busy.

While tech can be swapped and is an incredibly important part of the two's abilities; developing the power of their bodies, minds, and souls is also important. But to make it simple I'll be doing a lot of the tracking work for you and this will largely come up when you're able to make something.

As you have joined with the Autobots, they'll also handle a great deal of the process of acquiring resources, making stuff, equipping allies, and will also periodically hand out upgrades and bonus gear. They will also take care of bases for the most part. However note that as you re part of Autobot command, the missions they offer will be structured around their needs and they do expect a certain number of Autobot missions to be taken per arc and act. This is going to be a long quest so bear that in mind.

On the other hand, Wheeljack is one of the best crafters and researchers you could hope for and will be taking a huge burden off of your shoulders in that regard, and you do have Dream Doctor to help with many other things. As your movement grows you'll be able to get more like them to help save the Omniverse from the Coming Storm.

Villains groups will also have progress meters to track how close they are to pulling off something important and whether you're likely to need to stop them. Their progress can be limited by either going on missions against them or sending B-teams against them. As you are with the Autobots, much of the B-team deployment will be automated due to Jetfire and Optimus having seniority over you. Optimus can be expected to generally speaking, make the best choice. Whenever a villain progress meter reaches an interval, a crisis mission will need to be done to stop them from doing major damage and weakening confidence in your ability to help them. And even then, that it happened at all will cause some damage.

Villain groups will also have infiltration meters, one to represent how deep into their information networks you have pierced, another to show how much sway they seem to have behind the scenes. The higher the latter, the more behind the scenes issues you can expect to have.

Most of this is rendered in a few simple stats and meters and will be pretty easy to follow. This isn't going to be very math heavy so this is all very qualitative.
Arne (Sylux) & Samus

Character TrackerLevelSRI (Salvage, Resources, Influence)Crafted PowersVehiclesRelationsStatus
Samus Eabha Aran2Tier 1 Warpcasting, Tier 2 Agility Alpha Incarnate, Tier 1 Preemptive Interface, Tier 1 Cryonic Judgement Tier 1 Warp RunesDormach (Strike Craft)Arne (Romantic Partner), Agata (Close Friend), Sevrin (Close Friend) Bumblebee (Friend), Alice (Friend), Joseph (Friend)Stress: Level 1
Mood: Good
Health: Perfect
Arne Eriksen Skjoldr2Tier 1 Warpcasting, Tier 2 Agility Alpha Incarnate, Tier 1 Paralytic Interface Incarnate, Tier 1 Ionic Judgement Incarnate, Tier 1 Warp RunesSleipnir (Strike Craft)Samus (Romantic Partner), Agata (Close Friend), Sevrin (Close Friend), Bumblebee (Friend), Alice (Friend), Joseph (Friend)Stress: Level 1
Mood: Good
Health: Perfect
Agata Elena Sokolova2Tier 1 Warpcasting, Tier 2 Agility Alpha Incarnate, Tier 1 Spectral Interface Incarnate, Tier 1 Umbral Judgement, Tier 1 Warp RunesGorynych (Strike Craft)Sevrin (Romantic Partner)Stress: Level 1
Mood: Good
Health: Perfect
Sevrin Edgar Agard2Tier 1 Warpcasting, Tier 2 Agility Alpha Incarnate, Tier 1 Luminous Judgement, Tier 1 Warp RunesTarrasque (Strike Craft) Agata (Romantic Partner)Stress: Level 1
Mood: Good
Health: Perfect






VehiclesUtility ModulesWeaponsDefencesManoeuvrabilityStatusOther
Dormach (Gunship)Crafting Facility, Restore Station, Scanners, N-Space Drive, Teleporter, Fabricator, Ship Synthetic Consciousness, Cloak and Stealth, Suit CompatabilityEnergy Bomb Generator, Star Charge Generator, Missile batteries (15,000 missiles), Super Missile launchers (3,000 super missiles), Power Bomb pod, Four Deployable twin-heavy beam turrets, Three deployable medium triple-repeater turrets, Four retractable light quad-anti-personnel turrets, Nasal Rotary Cannon, Wingmounted twin Subweapon guns (x2), rear-mounted twin subweapon guns (x2)Self-repairing blackstone type armour, multi-layered multi-type shielding (40 energy tanks), Active Defence turrets, ECMGreat (Flier)Undamaged
Sleipnir (Strike Fighter)Crafting Facility, Restore Station, Scanners, N-Space Drive, Teleporter, Fabricator, Ship Synthetic Consciousness, Cloak and Stealth, Suit CompatabilityEnergy Bomb Generator (x3), Star Charge Generator, Missile batteries (15,000 missiles), Super Missile launchers (3,000 super missiles), Power-Bomb pod, Twin rear-facing twin heavy beam turrets, eight wingmounted Subweapon cannons, twin forward-facing side-mounted tri-beam guns, nasal rotary cannon, Four retractable light-anti-personnel turrets.Self-repairing blackstone type armour, multi-layered multi-type shielding (40 energy tanks), Active Defence turrets, ECMPhenomenal (Flier)Undamaged
Gorynych (Fighter bomber)Crafting Facility, Restore Station, Scanners, N-Space Drive, Teleporter, Fabricator, Ship Synthetic Consciousness, Cloak and Stealth, Suit compatabilityEnergy Bomb Generator (x4), Star Charge Generator, Missile batteries, Super Missile Launchers, Power-bomb pods, Rear mounted quad heavy beam turret, two side-nose mounted subweapon cannons, two twin subweapon turrets (one top, one bottom), two wing mounted heavy subweapon cannons, nasal rotary cannon, three retractable rotary anti-personnel turrets
Tarrasque (Multirole)Crafting Facility, Restore Station, Scanners, N-Space Drive, Teleporter, Fabricator, Ship Synthetic Consciousness, Cloak and Stealth, Suit CompatabilityEnergy Bomb Generator (x2), Star Charge Generator, Missile batteries (15,000 missiles), Super Missile launchers (3,000 super missiles), Power-Bomb pod, two rear-mounted tri-beam turrets, two retractable quad-antipersonnel turrets, nasal rotary cannon, two tri-subweapon wingmounted cannons, twin heavy beam cannon (nose mounted)

Political Support


MetaverseWorld NameWorld MoraleYearLargest ThreatYour reputationWorldfall ProgressMost trusting polityLeast trusting Polity
Shardworm (Worm)Earth BetOkayJanuary 2011GenestealersExcellent4Soviet UnionUnited States
Sourcewell (City of Heroes)Primal EarthGreatNovember 2021WeltreichDecent2Freedom PhalanxRogue Islands
Titanking (Godzilla)Monster EarthPoorAugust 2587NebulonsNonexistent15N/AN/A
Command Alert (Command and Conquer)Blue EarthAll over the placeJune 2047EpsilonNonexistent15N/AN/A
Inheritor (Metroid)N/AUnshakeableAugust 50,014Kriken EmpireFantastic0Federation & OmdynSpace Pirates
Sparkshifter (Transformers)N/AFantasticJune 25,321DecepticonsWeak0Autobot Revolutionary AllianceDecepticon Cybertronian Revival Front
Warphammer (Warhammer)N/AUnpredictableMay 46,998TyranidsWeak45New Eldar Phoenix KingdomTyranid Gestalt Chorus
Astrostellaris (Stellaris)N/ASteadyDecember 34,999UnbiddenNonexistent30N/AN/A
Originwar (Warframe)N/ASteadyUnknownSentientsNonexistent??N/AN/A
Helldoom (DOOM)N/AHighUnknownNoneNonexistent0Night SentinelsN/A

Villain Groups

Villain GroupsMetaverse of OriginDoomsday ClockStatusYour InfiltrationTheir Infiltration
WeltreichSourcewell5Very Strong, Mobilising.25 (Information Network compromised, Names, some capabilities, some resources and weaknesses known)30-50 (Substantial ability to manipulate global opinions and enforcement, widespread economic power and influence, local law enforcement dubiously reliable ally, unlikely to have direct agents in the Autobots.)
Rikti Lineage of WarSourcewell20Enormously Strong, Mobilising.25 (Information Network compromised, Names, some capabilities, some resources and weaknesses known)25 (Less ability to manipulate global opinions, substantial preprepared forces in place for operations)
Confederacy of Dismor/Space PiratesInheritor??Extremely Strong, Preparing????
Decepticon StateSparkshifter??Overwhelmingly Strong, Preparing????
Primordial Annihilator UndividedWarphammer??Overwhelmingly Strong, Preparing????
Dominion of EpsilonCommand Alert??Very Strong, Preparing????
Genestealer CultsWarphammer5Extremely Strong, Gathering????
GalFed RAIDInheritor??Incredibly Strong, Mobilising????

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Foreword, FAQ, & Recap

The intent here is to in essence, examine the alien invasion story and its relation to superhero fiction. Originally the Alien Invasion story was meant to be a parable for imperialism to present a scenario where a powerful, dominant country such as Britain could be imperialised by a superior force. But over time the Alien Invasion story has become a pretty empty HFY romp devoid of its original subtext. The Chitauri barely kill anyone in the Avengers, the Parademons flail around aimlessly, the Rikti are punching bags on Homecoming, the Decepticons rarely get to show the true extent of their malice rather than engaging in the same old playfights with the autobots, and I presume enough of us have played XCOM to know how the Ethereals have lost a lot of their oompf.

No more.

An alien invasion and infiltration is the systematic turning upside down of the entire world we live in, a raw, painful and vicious rearrangement of every facet of the world we hold dear. It is a fight that must be fought, a sacred war, but it's not just a fun romp; its having a boot shoved down on your neck by a superior power that hungers for what you have. And in history, usually this is a process all too few have been able to fight off until the invading power simply gets too exhausted to keep on stomping on the conquered one.

But the superhero story is also fundamentally about giving people at a smaller scale the ability to affect changes on a much greater level. Where getting the right people into the right place at the right time is a matter of a circle of friends of comprehensible size rather than army sized formations and movements. In a superhero story, a few plucky teens can save the world; and that's what we're here to do. We are cancelling space Imperialism.

Q: You draw massively from your fanfic Saga? Do I have to read that first? It looks awfully long and updates really quickly.
A: No, anything pulled from there will get explained in as succinct a manner as possible. Duodecimarch diverges from Saga shortly after Samus and Arne's shared 14th birthday.

Q: *Quibbles about power levels*
A: My game, my rules. Everyone will find ways to be useful, threatening, and cool. Sometimes even the no-name mooks.

Q: Have you read Hatchling Quest?
A: Yes.

Q: Are you going to rip it o-
A: No. For one thing, my own take on Samus is rather different by the age of fourteen. Then there's the whole "I'm using a significantly different scenario that also dives a lot into politics and imperialism and also helping to deal with the messes of two very screwed up Earths and preventing them from killing each other" thing. Whatever similarities you might see with Hatchling Quest will probably fade quickly as the story goes on.

Q: What continuity of transformers is this?
A: I'm not really picking one so much as I'm hybridizing aspects of various ones I like. Mostly the 2005-2018 IDW series, the Aligned Continuity, and bits and pieces of the others. Overall aesthetic would lie somewhere between Aligned and Bumblebee 2018.

Q: What continuity of Warhammer is this?
A: Galaxies of Darkness, my never quite completed reimagining of 40k featuring added fantasy factions, female space marines, more chaos gods, female primarchs, Sigmar's Dominion in opposition to the Imperium and more.

Q: What continuity of Godzilla is this
A: Age of Monsters, my very much ephemeral kaiju mash up fanon work that ties all the various kaiju media together. Currently in the distant future of the 26th century.

Q: How will the metaphysics interact?
A: Stick around and find out.

Q: Shipping????
A: Yes.

Q: Is your pfp Arne?
A: My pfp is Ezekiel, a character from an unreleased webcomic I help work on called Primalborn.

Q: Doesn't Duodecimarch mean twelve rulers?
A: It does indeed.

Q: What's the significance of that?
A: You'll see.

Q: Why is it called Duodecimarch if there's sixteen settings?
A: Because of spoilerriffic interactions between the original and fanon settings.

Q: What's "????" mean?
A: It means there are mysteries yet to be revealed.

Q: Can we get a hint?
A: No.

Q: Wasn't this Tetrarch Revolution?
A: The change happened for reasons that were always planned but I decided to vaguely tease just now as a bit of a hook.

Q: Your headcanon doesn't match mine!
A: Well shucks there, sport.


Arc 1: Fourfold Endeavour

Samus and Arne have ended up on Earth Bet circa January 2011 after dealing with a wormhole generator station being fought over by the Space Pirates and the mysterious unmarked army that destroyed Cylosis' population when Arne was 3. Arne, who in the primary timeline of Metroid is fated to become Sylux and split with Samus when the last knight of the Alimbics has a severe breakdown shortly before zero-mission and goes off to confront this army, has a vision of his possible future as Sylux. The two wake up near Brockton Bay and meet with the Autobot scouts Windblade and Bumblebee, who came to investigate their fall from orbit; and they find that two teenaged metahumans from Primal Earth; Nightcaster and Eudaimonica, are lost in the snowstorm, while the PRT is sent out to investigate the impact as well.

Uninjured, they manage to find the pair and that they're being pursued by extradimensional invaders who have menaced Primal Earth many times; the Rikti, in which a battle ensues showing the PRT that it is rather outmatched technologically by the Rikti leaving many officers injured or dead and many protectorate parahumans with a rather unpleasant experience of battling the technologically superior psionic extradimensionals. They are then invited by the Autobots to speak to their leader on Earth Bet; Jetfire; who manages the operations the Autobots have on a connected series of Earths. They have some talks with the PRT's representatives, Piggot and Legend, as well as the Soviet Otmolsoza minder Maulenov and surprisingly, a Metroid universe official known as Kyrion, part of the Omdyn of Democratic Council Omnipgramatist Republics' Section 13, the indigenous protection unit of its intelligence agency.

Mission 1: Nazi Punks Fuck Off

As part of the Omdyn's cold war with the Federation and its open hostility to entities like the Space Pirate Confederacy of Dismor or the Kriken Empire, Kyrion is often sent out to help protect pre-space faring societies from imperial depredations; and Samus and Arne find themselves recruited into the cause of trying to protect the linked earths. Earths which are rich in resources from every linked universe of high interest to a large number of alien or extradimensional invaders. They find that there is heightened neo-nazi activity in West Germany, and are dispatched to Munich to investigate its origins, finding that the Gesellschaft and thus the Empire-88 have been getting support from Primal Earth's fifth column and even worse; the Weltreich; a multi-timeline spanning Empire from Primal earth's attached "Sourcewell Metaverse" with its core being a timeline where Nazi Germany won world war two.

The Nictus who are backers of virtually every Sourcewell Metaverse fascist movement also make their revelation, as the team; joined by the young Soviet capes Molotok and Serp and the Protectorate capes Assault and Battery, go to the university of Munich and find a massive research facility funded and managed by a mysterious benefactor underneath. They find that the facility seems to be dedicated to the study of all manner of odd artifacts, whether they are alien, such as Chozo or Alimbic or Cybertronian, magical, or even incarnate powered; offering links to the Source power from the Sourcewell Metaverse that the Well of Furies; the primary link humanity in the Sourcewell metaverse has to the Source; can strengthen to grant those deemed worthy or interesting a taste of godly power. They also find that a mysterious army of psychics, a deranged cult of multi-armed monsters, and a sealed tomb of black stone and green heiroglyphed horrors are also present; though the tomb seems dormant and the psychics and monsters both leave before they can be engaged.

After defeating many meta and parahumans under the Weltreich's control, culminating in a battle with the vampire Heinrich and his mount Hollenmord, they find not only a collection of upgrades and start their path to incarnate power, but also that the Nazis are planning a move on Brockton Bay for unknown reasons. They also discover that a central figure in this plan is a Nictus merged entity known as Bose Hexe, the mother of one of the magic-using villains they encountered and bested. Samus and Arne form a bond with Bumblebee, Battery, Molotok, Serp, Eudaimonica, and Nightcaster; the latter four of which start to clearly show growing signs of attraction to the pair. They also are left with questions regarding why the Chozo and Alimbics established themselves on this place only to leave, left with uncertainty regarding their plans. They're also confronted with the troubling implications of there being this many Nazis in this time period, as well as a brief look at the conditions of the twenty-first century and its comparative squalor that serves to trouble them significantly.

Intermission 1

After the Autobots arrive to take over the operations of the base, they return to the Autobot headquarters in northern Russia to debrief; having gained the attentions of the Well of Furies. With no open activity by the enemy so far, they take the time to unwind and speak to a Battery on the verge of a breakdown after her experiences with actual magic, aliens, and the direct attentions of the Well of Furies; joined by Eudaimonica and Nightcaster; who lacking a way back to Primal Earth, will likely have to accompany them to the bay.
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Da Rules
  1. Don't Be a Creep. Underage characters are underage. This isn't QQ. Be a creep and get yeeted. Do not try and ruleslawyer with edge cases. Err on the side of caution. This is not up for debate. Trying to change this will also result in getting yeeted. If you feel you will not be able to abide by this save yourself some trouble and don't participate.
  2. Romance. Romance is not up to player choice beyond choosing to spend time with certain people. If you want monogamous male gaze lesbians look elsewhere. Respect character sexuality and learn to live with pan/polyam protagonists, or get yeeted
  3. No HFY Xenocide. Mass muder = bad. The deuteragonists were raised in multi-species societies. You can satisfy your HFY needs in a plethora of places. This isn't one of them.
  4. Minimal dice rolls and Simple mechanics. This quest will have minimal stats and dice rolls for several reasons. First, we seek to have as little to keep track of as possible. There are four crossovers and many characters involved, that is plenty enough to deal with on its own. Second, we hope to avoid the fairly common quest issue where some players will pick what they view as the optimal decision based on whatever mechanics the QM has implemented. Third, this story is intended to be driven more by the interpersonal relationships and decisions of the characters, as well as the personal, local, national, and global social consequences of both superpowers (and how governments react to potential loss of monopoly of force, etc.) and alien invasion.
    • There are two primary scenarios where dice will be used. First, in the case of simple success/failure checks. This will be done by rolling a single 10-sided die. The probability assignments won't be precise, but suppose, for example, that the players have voted on decision B. If the QM feels that decision B is more likely to succeed than not then we would say that the action is successful if say the die face comes up greater than or equal to 5. (this would correspond to a success probability of 3/5, though we generally won't be that precise about it). Similarly we might set a threshold of less than or equal to 3 (probability 3/10) if we think a decision is less likely to succeed. A higher face number die may be used if after some time we feel it necessary, but it will always be one die.
    • The second case where there will be die involved is when there are events that may result in random effects to many characters, such as casualties in a large battle. In this circumstance there will be two n-sided die involved, where 2n is the minimal number of sides needed to cover all the characters we wish to consider for the effect. This results in a geometric probability, with the possible outcomes being 2, 3, …, 2n, and greatest weight towards the middle values. Characters more essential t the plot will be assigned numbers either towards the extreme values or middle values depending if the effect is deleterious or beneficial respectively. The die will then be rolled as many times as we want the effect to occur.
  5. Actions and Consequences. We want the actions of the characters and their interpersonal relationships, as well as the social consequences of powers and alien invasion to play a key part in decision making and the progression of the quest. To that end at the QM's discretion there may be buffs and nerfs added to decision success and failure chances. One such example of this would be a stress nerf for characters is the questers have made a series of decisions that have led to high action events with no rest in between.
    • Such nerfs or buffs can be shortened or lengthened in duration by quest decisions, and questers are advised to ignore the personal needs and interpersonal relationships of characters at their own risk. Additionally, there will be buffs to success chances if characters have spent the time to develop good working relationships, and nerfs if they have not, or are actively antagonistic.
  6. Decisions. Generally there will be 4-6 decision options not counting a write in. The QM retains the right to veto a write in decision. Decisions that a character would not make under any circumstances will not be considered.
  7. Updates and Voting. Currently the plan is to update, roughly, once weekly. Votes will be open for 72 hours unless indicated otherwise for large actions and 48 hours unless indicated otherwise for smaller actions. This is subject to change as the quest continues.
    • To avoid potential conflict between chosen actions and characters which carry out those actions in voting the deuteragonists will act in concert, otherwise we will have votes counted separately for the characters and actions
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[X] Make it clear that you'll be asking the questions here - Both

At every given opportunity, the PRT must be disrespected as much as humanly - or nonhumanly - possible.
[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne

[X]: Pressed F
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He actually did it, the absolute mad lad!

[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne

As fun as it would be to have Samus t-pose to establish dominance, it feels out of character for her at this age. This is her young enough that she's still a GalFed Marine, or before even she joined. Arne, however, very clearly trusts cops as much as they deserve. Best not to start an incident they aren't absolutely sure they can handle.
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[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne
[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne
[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne

EDIT: Changed my vote, see newest post.
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[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Pretend to not understand their language
-[X]: Arne
Scan Logs (RIP for not posting this earlier)
Due to the increasing size of this post I'm replacing it with a link to a google doc set up by Ouroboros:

Duodecimarch Revolution Scan Logs

The subject is a now-deceased Eastern White Pine Tree of the species Pinus Strobus most commonly found in the northeastern region of the North American continent of Earth, particularly in New England. Analysis of the tree's chemical composition contrasted to the surrounding environment confirms an age of 374 years, three months, and 12 days before expiring upon your impact with it.

Addendum: Spatiochronal analysis indicates that the organism is not of your reality. Nor are any of the surrounding features of the environment.

Addition Addendum: Analysis of stellar and planetary positioning of night sky demonstrates 99.9978% similarity to Night Sky of Earth circa the 13th of January 2011 as viewed from what was contemporaneously referred to as the Rockingham County of the United States of America. Discrepancies recorded to user memory. Night Sky positioning confirms a time of 02:37 AM..

Additional Addendum: Radio and Microwave signals consistent with early 21st century North American Standard detected.

Additional Addendum: User craft located in geosynchronous orbit in stealth mode awaiting completion of auto-repair.

Additional Addendum: Anomalous signal has been detected attempting to interface with suit software. Analysis indicates attempted malware upload, undesired software lacks compatibility with armour systems. Precautionary immunisation and treatment protocols engaged for safety; sample of anomalous code has also been isolated. Recording to files for study.

Samus' Notes: I have at least thirty eight different questions I want answered now, how did we even end up all the way over here? It must have had something to do with the device. But what sort of signal is this? It's in nearly everything being broadcast here like some sort of subliminal wave. It's way more sophisticated than most of the other signals here too.

Arne's Notes: Did we land on some sort of simulacrum planet after taking out that generator? No that's...way too much work for something like this. Okay...different universe...need to remember protocol. I should probably try and find the original location of the subversive signal though, that might get me answers.


The armour and zero suit will adjust its strengths to counter repeated stresses of a specific nature. If continually forced into contests of physical strength, they will augment the user's physicality further. If speed is repeatedly proven necessary, they will add to the user's speed; and if repeatedly impacted by a specific damage type, they will increase the user's resilience against that sort of impact. While only a limited number of adaptations at a time can be deployed or stored, this significantly increases user versatility.

The Seeker Missile allows the missile module to fire multiple missiles at a time in a single burst, each capable of independently tracking their own targets with augmented homing capabilities. The initial seeker missile upgrade allows for upwards of five missiles at a time to be fired and may be used with charged missiles, super missiles, elemental missiles, beam combos; or any mixture thereof. Be warned of ammo consumption when utilising this function.

The Blink Pack is useful for allowing the user to teleport to any place they can perceive or have sufficient data about to enable them to transit safely. The device works through warping the fabric of spacetime to eliminate all distance between two points and circumventing most forms of obstacles, with the transition being instantaneous. Momentum will still be carried through when teleportation commences and is finished. If teleportation is made into a solid object or a dangerous environment; the user will be shunted to the nearest safe distance. However, if the target lacks sufficient Vitae, they will instead be destroyed by the teleportation, allowing the Blink Pack to be used offensively to finish off weakened opponents.

Allows the armour and zero suit to augment physicality in a massive rush of energy, while this function does draw on a store of Adrenal power that needs to be restocked over time; it does not come with any drawbacks while active. Initial Berserker Booster functionality offers thirty seconds of massively augmented strength and resilience and significantly enhanced speed, and reflexes. Once used, the Berserker Booster will need to recharge. The Berserker Booster will tend to heighten user confidence and aggression not out of chemical effect, but due to the user's bond with the armour and zero suit imbuing them with the same sense of heightened physical power.

Elemental Beam

Derived from 5th Column and Council Technology. Allows for the user to fire a special negative quantum globule of energy that is especially destructive against beings that rely on a transdimensional energy bond to link between a symbiont and a host such as Kheldians, Nictus, and Parahumans. The beam deals extremely enhanced damage against these targets and causes numerous debilitating effects that will take some time for the targets to recover from; slowing them down and weakening them for many seconds. As a negative energy weapon, the Quantum Beam also is effective against any target that lacks resistance or has a special vulnerability to negative energy; but is generally less effectual against those inundated in such energies.

The charged shot fires the Quark Tornado, which explodes into a swirling Maelstrom of negative energy that will persist for some time after impact and wander around the battlefield damaging enemies caught in its path.

In your alt-mode, release a continual discharge of omni-directional electricity that can be used to power objects, eradicate large numbers of enemies surrounding you, stun and continually damage more powerful enemies, or even be used to magnetize objects or pick-ups to draw them into your alt-mode. The Lightning Sphere has a reserve of energy that will build up rapidly when not in use, but will not recover while being discharged; this reserve can be increased with further upgrades that the user discovers.

Inheritor (Metroid) Metaverse Topics
Progenitor Topics
Analysis of the Statue indicates it was deposited here roughly one hundred thousand years ago relative to your own timestream at the height of the Milieu-Order cold war. The Alimbic statue is designed to represent the personification of Triumph, styled after the Alimbic Tetrarch who ordered the sealing of the Old Foe. The statue is conventional by Alimbic standards, with a highly typical array of defences as well as a gift for those who prove worthy of it through discovery and having the proper equipment to make use of its prize. It has been significantly displaced from its point of origin, and appears to have originally been part of a complete set.

Its presence further suggests that the network of Alimbic ruins on this planet is extremely extensive, likely representing continuous low-level settlement over the course of thousands of years. The eventual fate of these colonists remains unknown, but further exhumations might reveal the pertinent details. The statue shows recent signs of attempted tampering, likely by 5th Column agents attracted to its energy signature but incapable of earning its gift. This statue is paired with another nearby statue and once that statue is activated by the appropriate tools, its true function will be revealed.

Samus' Notes: The Alimbics are much more secretive about their presence here than the Chozo are! Their statues keep so quiet and try to avoid communing with each other unless necessary. It's so frustrating! But luckily it shouldn't be impossible to find them.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, if I had to guess there would be at least seven other statues of this set. Probably all built by the same person in the same day. It'd only be a small portion of the statues on the planet, but it'd be a start.

This statue was deposited on the planet roughly one hundred thousand years ago by the Milieu as part of its cold war with the Tetrarch Order. Representing the Far-Strider; this statue offers the gift of instantaneous travel to the worthies who earn its truth and pass the trial of liberation to reach it. It is an entirely standard statue within the design paradigms of the "Ranging Maker" subculture of the Chozo, developed to furnish the colony established on this iteration of Earth. As is typical of ranging maker statues, this statue carries a secondary function that is currently barred from you until you find and activate its twin statue; the Parter of Foes.

Attempts by the 5th Column, Weltreich, and Gesellschaft to study the statue have been noted but have been unsuccessful. Earth Bet instruments have also been used extensively, representing the full range of capabilities of contemporary scientific analysis to similarly negligible effect. The Statue's spirit is currently pleased to have fulfilled its obligation to you, and waits for you to complete further trials on your journey here. Some communication with Alimbic and other progenitor relics have also been detected.

Samus' Notes: Hrm, interesting. I think I have a theory on what the Parter of Foes might be, but I'll need to actually see it in person to know for sure!

Arne's Notes: I like all these colourful if cryptic names for Chozo statuary. It feels so...artsy in a way Alimbic statues often aren't.

Shardworm (Worm) Metaverse Topics
Earth Bet Topics
Research Logs
This statue makes no sense. It's not made out of anything that makes sense. Spectroscopic analysis gives out gibberish and the energy readouts make my head hurt. It's like it refuses to be understood and I always feel it staring at me, judging me like I'm some pigeon about to make a mess all over it. From what we've been able to discern with the help of Grabspecher, this was given as a gift to the Celtic Tribal King Birucatis by the fair folk; tall and without necks. But then further probing showed that the statue is much older than the Celtic period and that Birucatis just found it buried in the dirt. It's been around for longer than any of the remains Grabspecher has been able to find and probe. Radiological dating has proven fruitless too so we're at a loss for its age.

There's something inside the prism that the statue holds though, some kind of artefact whose energies can't be read by most of our instruments. Parahuman readouts are only a little more helpful, but it might be some kind of technology? I have no idea, this predates any known origins of tinkertech and the sculpture style doesn't match that of any culture known to have had a presence in the area. The subject is also bizarre, some kind of insectoid figure without a neck and tripod legs. It doesn't match any known legends or mythological creatures, and I don't know how any of them could manage the floating but still attached head.

What is unmistakable though is that the statue is incredibly resilient. Even some of the weirder parahuman powers we've tried out don't so much as scratch the thing. The impossibility of getting samples has also made studying it far harder. But at this point I'm willing to concede on the idea that it might be alien. Nothing else seems to fit, but as to why its left here? I have no idea. Could be for any reason really. I'm not qualified to guess at the mindset of inhuman entities or why they leave behind their sculptures. Now I'm sure if you're reading this you're already writing up a complaint about my lack of formality, but honestly at this point I've been studying this thing for ten years and can't tell you the first thing about it. I'm pissed off and feel like a moron wasting my time. Standing around this thing just gives me the worst inferiority complex. Morale in the rest of the team is also low.

- Amanda Strauss

Samus' Notes: I can get their apprehension. It's not a statue meant to make you feel comfortable near it. It's trying to get your submission. Very much the sort of thing Zurvduat would have done.

Arne's Notes: They're being driven away because the statue doesn't recognise them as worthy of its presence. They're lucky its more serious defense systems haven't been activated though.

Well, we can dismiss the theory that this was Egyptian because it's not made with any substance you could ever find in Egypt. It's also definitely not Roman, Germanic, or Celtic either, being far too old. My best guess would be that it's not of human origin. Definitely extraterrestrial in design but not necessarily origin. Perhaps built by ancient visitors on the planet? I know it sounds crazy, like that wild-haired guy on the History Channel, but all the attempts to make it fit into existing historical models contort themselves into even more impossible leaps of logic and this seems like the only answer that makes sense, especially as there is nothing to indicate it had parahuman origin.

Like the other statues we've been able to recover; none of our instruments are able to tell us anything about it. Even spectroscopes just return babbling nonsense. Something that seems to be common to all statues of this sort of make and time period. We're categorizing this as belonging to Ancient Alien culture A; for Avian. We can't really determine a whole lot about how their culture operated or worked or even much about what it was like. We can guess that they had a strong artistic streak with an emphasis on sculpture based on what they left behind, and that they were extremely technologically sophisticated. Beyond that? Maybe Eva's wild theory about them leaving this here expecting someone is as good as anyone else's ideas.

We can't really tell if this culture was hostile, but those who spend time near this statue report a feeling of wanting to go out on adventures. To wander around and see distant places and they show increased interest in ideas regarding other dimensions or space travel. If you will permit me to get speculative, I think this statue has some sort of mind-altering effect. Which means that it would be best to ensure that any similar such statues in the hands of private collections or curated museums are quickly moved into safekeeping and out of public hands lest one of the recently activated statues cause a serious incident.

- Ayaka Aratani

Samus' Notes: So much in here is wrong. I hope Aratani is still alive so I can explain to her what the Chozo were really like! The Ranging Maker culture was so fascinating in particular!

Arne's Notes: Why does everyone say that the Chozo are like birds? Is it the beak and feathers? Does the carapace mean nothing to them? Maybe I'm not thinking about this with the right perspective.

Earth Bet Americans: Protectorate and PRT

Data extracted from communications and wireless systems cross-referenced to Distant Sight and deep analysis information shows a set of equipment largely comparable to known records of early third millennium technology. The standard armour of a PRT is a non-powered combination of kevlar and chain mesh designed to be resistant to primitive chemical slugthrower rounds and steel blades swung at speeds within baseline human ranges. Standard weapons are smokeless powder assault rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers typically fitted with nonlethal equipment. Threat level is nonexistent. Advise care to avoid unintentional inflicting of fatal injuries.

Advisory: Some members of the unit utilise weapons firing rounds filled with rapidly hardening foam meant to safely immobilise targets or more exotic payloads powered by extradimensional sources in a crude but effective way for the demonstrated baseline of technological capability.

Addendum: Data extraction reveals that this paramilitary outfit is primarily intended to respond to situations created by a population of humans demonstrating abilities outside of the norm of the species within the boundaries of the United States of America and Canada. Jurisdiction also theoretically applies to actions by non-human entities, but no records indicate confirmed contact with sophontic extraterrestrial life.

Addendum: Genetic code of subjects is baseline human and entirely unaugmented, resulting in an inevitably fatal onset of senescence on average by the age of seventy through trivially prevented or cured diseases such as cancer, leukaemia, or assorted cardiovascular ailments. Recommend treatment when available.

Samus' Notes: These people must be freezing out here in completely non-climate controlled clothing. It'd be really rude to keep them waiting, but is it right to interact with people this lowtech?

Arne's Notes: Police...of course. I don't like the way they're looking at me. Do they think I'm some kind of monster? They aren't hostile yet, but I should be ready for anything.

Armsmaster: Real Name: Collin Wallis.

General: Armsmaster is a Veteran "Cape" attached to an organisation known as the Protectorate meant to consolidate large numbers of parahumans under the aegis of the governments of the United States and Canada. While broadly fitting within the genetic norms expected of fully matured human of the early 21st century, an extradimensional symbiont has formed a connection to the subject. It has altered the Brain to create a new segment referred to as the Corona Pollentia and appears able to modify specific patterns of behaviour subtly. Symbiont appears to implant suggestions for technology that it adjusts to function in particular formats into the memory of the host. Recommendations based on armour suit analysis revolve around efficiency and miniaturisation, further modified by symbiont's extradimensional energies to allow for additional effects.

Personal information: Collin Wallis is a resident of the City of Brockton Bay (Notice: No such city is known to have existed in this time within the United States, discrepancy recorded) and a former student of Psychology. Collin Wallis bonded with the symbiont during his adult years and was thus able to directly join the Protectorate rather than first serving within its youth program. Over his years of service, Collin has demonstrated a high degree of competence, skill, and professionalism that has made many see him as an ideal hero. However, Collin occasionally clashes with others over his disdainfulness towards individuals who do not take "Hero-Work" seriously enough. Despite this, many regard him as highly approachable in the right circumstances.

Combat Capabilities: Armsmaster's armour is well outside of the norm for the present era and contains a large quantity of miniaturised equipment greatly exceeding what would usually be possible with the demonstrated technology of this planet. Armour provides for general survival capabilities, physical augmentations, mental shielding, electronic warfare capabilities, and battle-prediction systems. Halberd demonstrates numerous additional capabilities that the weapon may transform into including flails, plasma blades, rotary capability, grappling hooks, and extension.

Addendum: Subject armour software compromised by same malware programs as all other electronic devices scanned thus far. Comparing program architecture reveals that the malware was not designed by Armsmaster or anyone operating under a similar technological base. Xenological origin is extremely likely given the intelligent nature of the malware systems.

Samus' Notes: I'm guessing that "Capes" function a lot like Lancers do back home. The Protectorate must be Statelancers then; but hrm. I'd like to know why he's so set on taking his job seriously? And why they would send him out to investigate our re-entry when he doesn't have any useful ranged weapons either. I have so many questions! I'll be sure to talk to him later once I've rescued the two children. I think with some tech upgrades though he could be a very helpful ally as long as he doesn't try to force us to follow his rules.

Arne's Notes: Seemed like the kind of person my mother would have come to blows with the second I saw him. It looks like I wasn't wrong in that assessment either. Mostly uses his abilities to enforce the way things are too, which I'm not exactly fond of. He's clearly important though so I'll try to be nice. But I don't think I'll get along that well with him. Not really a huge concern though, I don't really want to be friends with law enforcement.

Legend, actual name Keith serves as the overall commander of the Protectorate parahuman team and is considered to be one of the most important and respected parahuman heroes within the United States of America. Considered a gay rights icon and an upstanding paragon of all a hero should be, Legend is well known for his incredible resilience, speed, and luminokinetic firepower. Able to convert his body into light or bend the passage of his light beams to gain an advantage in combat situations, Legend is often referred to as a "flying artillery weapon"; though such statements belie the significant degree to which his firepower exceeds the standard of artillery weapons in this time period. Though well regarded, Legend upholds standard contemporary American viewpoints on criminal justice.

Samus' Notes: Oh, he can shift from matter to energy? Hrm, I'm wondering what mechanism that the symbiont taps into in order to let him do that. I'm disappointed in his views on Law and Order though. But I suppose the Orthodoxy here is what it is. I'm hoping to change that though.

Arne's Notes: So essentially he's the biggest policeman in the precinct and a glorified mascot. The less I have to interact with him the better.

Subject is an ordinary if unhealthy human whose genetic code fits into the norms of the current era, including a predisposition towards heart disease, stomach cancer, and low metabolism. While lacking in any abilities above the baseline human norm and possessing a physique poorly suited for combat or survival situations, Emily has significant influence as the Director of PRT affairs within the Eastern New England region. A survivor of an incident with a quarantined parahuman known as Nilbog, Emily is often regarded as spiteful towards parahumans whom she considers to be prone to grandiose showboating over getting actual results.

Samus' Notes: Oh, a bureaucrat that's...do I have to deal with her? I really don't like talking to stylus draggers.

Arne's Notes: So she's both prejudiced and a police bureaucrat. Gods give me strength.

Earth Bet Soviets

Actually named Irina "Irinushka" Vladimirovna Kuznetsov, Molotok is a young parahuman attached to the Soviet Otmolsoza (Special Protection Youth Division of the Soviet Union) and a native of the city of Arkhangelsk. Irina bonded to her extradimensional symbiont following an encounter with a rampaging tinker made robot of Swedish origin derived from the illicitly acquired corpse of a Decepticon slain in an aerial engagement acquired by the tinker Svartalfar before the Autobots could recover it. Originally developed with the hopes of helping to fight Endbringers, the lingering code from the fallen machine's repurposed Cybertronian components meshed poorly with its new programming when Svaltalfar thanks in part due to Gesellschaft sabotage; resulting in a monstrosity that rampaged across the baltic for two weeks. Due to the severity of its attack on Arkhangelsk, she has a double bond to her entity.

The incident gave her the ability to store, manipulate, and amplify kinetic energy for various purposes, such as absorbing incoming blows, forming shielding, significantly augmenting the force behind her impacts, move objects, enhance or drain speed, leech energy to accelerate natural healing, or even releasing them as impact blasts or shockwaves. Her status as a general-purpose take all comers melee combatant, and tremendous capacity for punishment has made her indispensable to the Sentinels at Arkhangelsk. However, Irina has been diagnosed with a martyrdom complex and a tendency of unnecessarily taking on the burdens of others and worsened mood if unable to offer assistance. All while she often refuses to ask others for help even when in need out of a feeling of not wanting to burden others.

Samus' Notes:

Based on the records that I can access she's done really well for herself even at a young age! I'm hoping her therapy is going well at least. I can emphasise with the pain of having so many people you know killed in a single moment. Maybe I should talk to her when I can?

Arne's Notes:

She reminds me of myself in a few ways, but I'm not sure what I can really do to offer help besides commiserating with her. And would that be what she needs? It works with Samus, but her circumstances are so different in a lot of ways. I think I'd need to get to know her better to say for sure.

Viktor "Vitya" Zinovyevich Pasternak js a parahuman member of the Otmolsoza and one of the Arkhangelsk division's foremost generalists. Vitya is able to "sharpen" objects, reshaping them at the molecular level for additional efficiency such as making a cutting edge a monomolecular blade and reinforcing them with extradimensional energy to prevent them from breaking; including himself. Also a double-trigger, Vitya can apply his sharpening and reinforcing to more esoteric effects, such as sharpening his senses, enhancing his accuracy, self augmentation, and getting more efficiency out of used objects. The sharpening effect ends briefly after he ceases having contact with the object, but lasts long enough to be used with projectile weapons.

Vitya was "triggered" in the same incident that saw Irina being bonded to her entity, albeit in a separate part of the city during the rogue machine's rampage. The Otmolsoza partnered the two, due to being the same age and having had a prior relationship before manifesting their abilities, thus leading to the aliases "Hammer and Sickle" under the tutelage of the experienced Soviet parahuman "Nakoval'nya" or "Anvil". Vitya's profile lists him as a brave but sometimes overbearing would-be classical hero and party loyalist who holds people to high standards. While well-meaning and making an effort to be kind, Vitya has difficulties with holding back criticism even when entirely unsolicited. However, his versatility and commitment have ensured that he commands a significant deal of respect within Arkhangelsk.

Samus' Notes:

Hrm, I think I can see why he's something of a local favourite! Very committed to his tasks and also pretty striking to look at. I wonder how aware he is of how his abilities work? There might be ways I could help improve on his process if he wants my help with that. I am, however, less sure on his commitment to party loyalty.

Arne's Notes:

His tendency to follow orders without exercising his freedom to question them enough aside, he seems to be somewhat reasonable to work with. I'm not sure I'm going to like hearing him needle me about perceived faults though, I've gotten more than enough of that over the years.

Commissar Nurzhan Maulenov serves as the political officer in overall command of overseeing the Arkhangelsk Oblast's Divzasovyuz division's morale, mental health, commitment, and ties to civilian life. Kept deliberately separate from the Divzasovyuz (Special Protection Division of the Soviet Union) Stavka in order allow him more freedom to operate, Nurzhan takes his work with a relaxed and understanding attitude and tries his best to ensure that the parahumans he works with remain happy and healthy. Nurzhan also holds the secret position of the Soviet Union's primary political liaison to the Autobots based in the outskirts of Arkhangelsk, a task that he feels overstretches his time between these two duties. However, the Kazakh officer remains determined to do the best he can with the resources he has at his disposal, even if he often regards the Autobots as less than sensitive to the possible geopolitical effects of their actions.

Nurzhan is also known for his deep-set hatred of the Gesellschaft organisation not merely out of ideological reasons, but also due to the suffering his Jewish matrilineal family has suffered at the hands of Nazi movements. He has long entertained dreams of one day destroying the entire organisation, which have only intensified as the Gesellschaft and its vassal organisations such as the Empire-88 have begun to militarise and expand their operations with the aid of unknown benefactors at ever-growing rates.

Samus' Notes:

...Nazis? Here? I...I hadn't thought about this possibility of such movements existing here...hurting people. I'm going to help him get what he wants out of this Gesellschaft. They're all going to pay.

Arne's Notes:

If he seeks Nakam, then I'm all for helping him. He doesn't need to offer me anything in return. This...if there was nothing else was on this planet to worry about I'd still help him with this.

Earth Bet Gesellschaft
The Gesellschaft is the largest and most well funded Neonazi and Volkische organization on this incarnation of Earth and its most prolific international terrorist group in size, frequency of attacks, scale of operations, and number of fatalities caused by its operations. Operating primarily within Europe but also controlling subsidiary organisations around the world such as the Empire-88 in North America (referring to the numerical position of the letter H in the German alphabet as a means of referencing "Heil Hitler"), the Southern African SVDV, the Oceanian White Guard, and the Legion Buitre in Latin America; the group is largely regarded as having global reach. With a network of wealthy sympathizers and controlled enterprises of both a criminal and legitimate network, the Gesellschaft's resources far outstrip those of most other similar groups, and the offers of its wealth, technological resources, and prestige have allowed it to subordinate most other similar groups.

The Gesellschaft violently advocates for German reunification and the reintegration of Austria and the "lost territories" Germany was forced to cede at the end of the second world war into a reborn Reich and the subjugation and eventual eradication of the "asiatic subhumans of the east" as well as the eradication of "undesireables" within Europe proper, particularly within the realm of what is seen as rightfully Aryan territory. These include, but not limited to Jews, Roma, the disabled, Black Africans, Slavs, East and Central Asians, Muslims, Queer people, the Neurodivergent, Indigenous Americans and Oceanians, Freemasons, Communists, Liberals, Feminists, "Racial Traitors", Anarchists, Pacifists, "Cultural Degenerates" and more. Attacks on these groups are seen as a vital step in progressing through the ladder of the Gesellschaft's hierarchy and its vassal organisations are expected to meet certain quotas of violence against these groups per year to ensure that the progress of the "Volkskrieg" continues unabated.

The Gesellschaft's leader bears the title of "Kriegsfuhrer" and is entrusted with the prosecution of the conflict until its completion, with the aim of complete revenge for Germany's defeat in the second world war and the triumph of the Herrenvolk being non-negotiable to its plans and aims. The Gesellschaft also commands the ability to artificially induce parahumanization within individuals, allowing it to produce "Ubermenschen" for its goals and seduce the simply power-hungry to its objectives and cause. This has likely been one of the principal causes for its dominance over the white supremacy movement, but another has been a surge in support from an unknown and likely extradimensional benefactor that has provided it with a massive influx of funding, material support, technology, and manpower that has allowed it to step up its objectives to an unprecedented degree.

The Organisation is principally based in Bavaria, German-speaking Switzerland, and rural Austria, where the traditionally reactionary countryside of the Catholic German-speaking areas has long proven to be fertile recruiting ground. It also has assets in other areas of Germany such as the Democratic Republic and parts of Hannover and the Netherlands left devastated by Endbringer attacks. It has expanded beyond these regions, though its anti-slavicism has left its presence east of the Oder river somewhat weak. With its aspirations for controlling all current and former Germanic territories however, it hardly shies away from attacks against the eastern bloc, particularly due to its virulent anti-communist rhetoric. The Gesellschaft's leadership however, is believed to primarily visit in London rather than its heartland in Catholic Germany.

Samus' Notes: I'm not going to let them keep on carrying out whatever operations they please. Or any at all even. This all comes to an end now. Then once we've dealt with them, maybe we can help these regions heal? I'm not sure how much I can do on that front, but I want to try.

Arne's Notes: The dispossessed with nowhere left to turn but told to crave leadership turn to people like these as they always have. Repairing that will take mending the damage already done. But in the meantime, we should smash them at every turn.

While the sudden arrival of the unexpected interference has proven to be exceedingly costly in lives and materiel for our operation, we have managed to procure much of what our allies have asked us to. The research on parahumans was largely standard issue, little that we do not already know and most of it served to confirm what we have told many of our allies. More intriguing is the research done on aliens and other dimensions. The artifacts of the highest technological grade have awakened spectacularly and now shimmer with energies we can scarcely comprehend. A power that taunts us with our lack of understanding of it and demands our rightful harvest. But one day we shall master it, as is the destiny of our nation.

It's all quite fascinating, but sadly so much of the staff had nothing of value to learn from and so had to be liquidated for operational security reasons. The staff who had valuable information, as per orders; were taken away for interrogation and await your careful ministrations. While I don't doubt that many will struggle to give any information of note, that we could not figure out ourselves, their greater experience with working with these curiosos should prove useful. Particularly for our operations in the United States and Canada where what we gain here will doubtlessly allow us to outmuscle the competition and bring the PRT to heel for good once we show to the Yankees just how deep our roots go into their protectors.

Some of these finds could make even the Dragon quail before us and perhaps even humble the Endbringers themselves; and will doubtlessly allow us to make ready for a higher form of war. Which will certainly be necessary, if our nation is to survive what the 5th Column tells is will be an Oncoming Storm of terrible proportions and magnitude unlike anything the Earth has ever seen. Humanity will survive what is to come, under a glorious Weltreich devoid of the degenerate and the impure. Our Volk will triumph, and soon our Empire-88 assets will be in place to make their play. Our glorious allies will lead us to the inevitable triumph of the Aryan race over all of its foes. And when the world sees only our way shall save them from the fire that will come, they will praise us!

Glory to the Kriegsfuhrer! Glory to the Spaltefuhrer! Glory to the Weltfuhrer! Heil Dreher! Heil Requiem! Heil Ziegler!!

- Johann Schmidt

Samus' Notes: I should get this to the Americans as soon as possible but I don't know who might already be compromised. Might be best to deliver it in person once I'm sure that I can get it to someone I can trust.

Arne's Notes: If these people think that their Kriegsfuhrer is at all on the same level as Weltfuhrer Ziegler, then they're going to be in for a very unpleasant surprise when they outlive their usefulness.

Gesellschaft Personnel & Units

Born as Reinhardt Vogl, Stahlschadel was bonded to his extradimensional symbiont at an early age following an accident in Norway that left him and his parents trapped in a cave in with a thirty-two strong hiking expedition. The symbiont gave him the ability to devise things that could help him or others survive scenarios that he could think of as well as fed into his conviction that the flesh was weak; seeing it fail so many people before he managed to device a blaster that freed the group. From then on, Reinhardt progressively replaced more and more of his body with machinery to become an impenetrable fortress of metal, plastic, and composite. Following Reich Earth and the 5th Column's acquisition of the Gesellschaft, he was given a more advanced technological base to work with and soon upgraded himself to fit newer standards.

In combat, Reinhardt is a swiss army knife with a large variety of survival tools including rapid repair nanites, multi-layered shielding, teleportation devices to move out of the way, energy absorbers, holographic decoys to distract foes, uberalloy and super-composite construction and armour plating, and an extensive array of life support systems including a miniaturised biopod to take care of what few remaining biological components he has left. An extensive arsenal is also built into him, including plasma casters, quantum guns, a fusion torch, electrolasers, grenade launchers, and micro-missile launchers all fitted into various components of his body. He is most vulnerable to attacks in the abdomen where his primary power systems are located, and energy drain should also substantially reduce his ability to fight.

Samus' Notes: I almost pity him, but given the choices he's made, there's nothing we can do but try to stop him.

Arne's Notes: The Shock Coil should be my most effective weapon against him, especially aimed towards his centre of mass.

Quick Stats (By Mini-Boss standards):

Durability: Resilient
Strength: Good
Firepower: Acceptable
Speed: Acceptable (Flight capable, Great Manoeuvrability)
Combat Skill: Good
Type of Combatant: Jack-of-all trades combatant.

Born as Evangeline Schwarzkopf, Nektar was a brute given powers by the Gesellschaft able to engage armoured fighting vehicles and withstand anti-tank weapons fire of only modest note. While difficult to deal with, her ambitions were limited and her grab bag power set of enhanced physicality and being able to store and then release energy imparted into her was easy enough to grasp and counter. This changed following the acquisition of the Gesellschaft as she was given access to a serum that the 5th Column had acquired from other sources on Primal Earth. The serum allows her to massively bulk up in rapid succession, making her a far more difficult opponent to deal with; escalating her strength, durability, and reflexes immensely while also charging her with kinetic energy she can release at will. She was then given a suit to allow her to maintain contact with command and control assets, augment her protection, and synergies with her energy based powers; though to ensure she cannot turn against her creators; should the flow of the serum be stopped for any reason she will crash out and fall unconscious.

In combat, she is difficult to harm, heals extremely quickly, possesses tremendous physical strength and durability, and is able to absorb energy and then release it back in various forms; including shockwaves, blasts, or even bolts of electricity or explosions. However she is a borderline irrational fighter with little skill or finesse, largely attacking to intimidate and is unused to the very idea of being met with anyone who could possibly match her in strength. She responds poorly to insults, being extremely irritable and will focus her efforts on the last person to hit her to the exclusion of most everything else unless actively prevented from retaliating.

Samus' Notes: Hardly seems fair for Arne to get to have all the fun with her, but I'm a bit concerned that this 5th Column seems so set on upgrading the threat the Gesellschaft poses.

Arne's notes: I still have the edge in strength against her, but playing into her game of fisticuffs seems like a poor idea with her energy absorbtion. On the other hand, the Shock Coil should work well against her. I just need to tear out the tubing afterwards.

(Rated by Miniboss standards)

Durability: Great
Strength: Great
Firepower: Mediocre
Speed: Acceptable
Combat Skill: Feral
Type of Combatant: Brute type melee combatant.

Soldats are soldiers pressganged into the ranks of the Gesellschaft as part of its recent efforts to expand following contact with the 5th Column and Weltreich. While only possessing basic augmentations and relatively simple equipment, if advanced by the standards of this planet, they are numerous and thanks to hypno-indoctrination programs and cloning technology; are endlessly expendable. Armed with a large assortment of enhanced conventional weaponry, they do not pose a substantive threat to yourself, but are a danger to civilians and less durable allies. Efforts however, are being continually made to improve their equipment and augmentations at low cost.

Samus' Notes: It feels sick to throw people this poorly equipped into battle. So many of them have debilitating genetic conditions, long-term health risks, and they're sending them into a fight with basic tools while filling their heads with so many lies! I hope there's something I can do to save them.

Arne's Notes: I feel bad for them in a way. They're being sent to die for causes they barely understand. But they've been filled with so much hate that they're going to die for them all the same. Best I can do is take apart the Gesellschaft so nobody else suffers like this.

(Rated by Underling Standards)
Durability: Mediocre
Strength: Mediocre
Firepower: Mediocre
Speed: Mediocre
Combat Skill: Mediocre
Type of Combatant: Basic infantry
Sourcewell (City of Heroes) Metaverse Topics
Rikti Earth Beings and Topics
Rikti Units

Rikti drones are simple hover capable disposable infantry units armed with simple Rikti Plasma weapons that can be swapped out for other forms of Rikti ranged attack. Fast but on the fragile side for Rikti technology, Drones are expended with very little thought given to their long term survival as Rikti fabrication devices can rapidly create more with access to the appropriate materials. Rikti Drones are typically slaved to the overall psychic battle network of Rikti combat units which regulates their independent artificial intelligence systems to the needs of a Rikti formation. Rikti Drones are particularly vulnerable to electrical damage or dark energy.

Samus' Notes: They almost look cute actually. I could see myself reprogramming some to take home with me.

Arne's Notes: I hate rapidly moving head-sized drones so much...at least they're not as durable as psychobits.

Rikti Infantry are equipped with basic battle armour to allow them to engage with the enemies of the Rikti Collective's Lineage of War. After more than eighteen years of continual conflict with the Primal Earth dimension that Nightcaster and Eudaimonica both hail from, the Lineage of War has grown bitter in its prosecution of the conflict. While all Rikti have the potential for psionics, most do not have combat useful psychic abilities. As such Rikti Infantry focus primarily on the damage offered by their power swords and plasma caster rifles or the brute strength of their power armour. While shielded and made of resilient composited alloys, Rikti technology is well behind the standard of your own universe. However it is well ahead of the standards of both Primal Earth and the present dimension you are residing in, making them a lethal threat to allies and civilians. Like all Rikti, when critically injured; Rikti infantry will be teleported back to the nearest Rikti base into a biopod chamber that will restore their bodies and equipment.

Addendum: All Rikti technology is compromised by identical malware seen in human technology from both local reality and Primal Earth. Analysis of software eliminates the Rikti as a possible origin point for the malicious program; lacking the sophistication needed to program such an intelligent virus.

Samus' Notes: The DNA that I'm picking up is...human, partly. There's some sort of mutagenic helix that's been spliced into the human genome to turn them into...this. I think it can be reversed though, but I'd need my ship's restore station to do it. Just what sort of monster would have originally designed this mutagen though? But I think I could help the indigenous humans understand this technology.

Arne's Notes: Their psychic coordination makes them very difficult to sneak up on. As soon as one Rikti knows about something, they all know. Bad news for the locals here who can't take many hits from them. But some of these Rikti show spatialchronal signatures similar to the locals...the Rikti must be converting local humans into more of themselves.

Rikti Guardians are the medics of the Rikti. Each squad has a pair of additional Rikti Guardians attached to it to provide medical support with advanced radiological nanotechnology. This technology can seal up the wounds and mend armour breaches of Rikti and their mechanical assistants within seconds, even restoring lost limbs and destroyed armour components. The technology is also able to be used to overclock the biologies and machinery of Rikti combatants, allowing them to fight at increased speed and increase their rate of fire significantly for a short time. Rikti Guardians are also armed, though they do not habitually carry more than Plasma submachine guns and combat knives.

Samus' Notes: As much as it hurts me to do it, I think I'll have to target the medics first. They don't seem to care about not participating in the fight themselves, and they'll continually keep injured Rikti in the fight. Why did they have to turn healers into combatants? It's profane to have medics as warriors who only heal one side's fighters.

Arne's Notes: It seems Rikti medical teleporters will delay their action if a Guardian signals that they are ready and able to offer medical support. I don't think I want to cross the bridge of exploiting this though. Forcing them to teleport out still takes them out of the battle even if it doesn't kill them.

Rikti Headmen are equipped with full grade Rikti battlesuits that allow for the usage of more powerful energy or energy intensive weapons as well as more powerful melee instruments. Rikti headmen are an order of magnitude stronger than standard infantry with their power suits and have enough firepower to vaporise local main battle tanks in single shots. Rikti Headmen are once again primarily equipped with plasma caster weapons and power blades, which they wield with more skill than standard Rikti Infantry. However, Rikti Headmen do have a vulnerability to dark energy, which their systems are not rated to offer full defence against.

Samus' Notes: Unfortunately, I don't have any dark energy weapons at the moment. I'll just have to do this the hard way then.

Arne's Notes: Headmen seem to serve as lieutenants in the Rikti military hierarchy. Taking them out seems to disrupt their command and control temporarily.

While most Rikti do not develop their psionic abilities to the point of battlefield usefulness, Rikti Mentalists have honed their psychic potential into a formidable weapon. Able to manifest lethal darts of psionic energy, make combat usage of telepathy and telekinesis, and still having access to Rikti Power Armour and weapons, Rikti Mentalists are a formidable danger if less physically imposing than Headmen. Given user immunity to most psionic abilities, it is recommended that the user draw Mentalist attacks to prevent them from focusing on those with higher vulnerability to Rikti mental assault.

These advanced Rikti Psions have focused their psionic abilities into the fields of direct offence and utility via dynakinetics and telekinesis. This essentially turns the Rikti practitioner into a living artillery weapon whose mind is able to devastate the battlefield on their own. Wielding even more advanced power suits than their lesser counterparts, Mentalists can be expected to face down many high-security level metahumans on Primal Earth with confidence.

Samus' Notes: Just Mentalists but more so. Need to watch for them throwing projectiles at me if they realise that they can't directly affect me with most psychic bolts. Their telekinetic barriers can also shield allies.

Arne's Notes: They're the less disruptive of the two types of higher grade Rikti psions honestly. The direct nature of their psychic abilities makes it a lot easier to predict what they're going to do with them.

Mesmerists take their psionic powers in a differing direction, seeking to enhance their telepathic abilities to cause maximum disarray and confusion in the ranks of their foes. Masters of Mind Control and mental state alteration, Mesmerists excel at preventing enemies from acting or turning their foes against each other. Many also serve as the primary means of indoctrinating those meant to become servants of the Lineage of War; overwriting thoughts and personalities until the subject is left in complete compliance. However, they also are somewhat weak in direct combat with enemies who can resist their control.

Samus' Notes: With these, I think I'll have to worry more about my allies than myself. I'll have to keep a close eye on any mind control attempts on allies in particular. Papa always talked about how mind control was an obscenity...I won't let them puppet people however they like.

Arne's Notes: Battlefield mind control is incredibly dangerous at absolute best I hate the idea that an entire army builds much of its strategy around it. They're not going to focus on me either when they realise that they can't really directly affect me too. Need to adjust tactics then...

Rikti Chief Soldiers spend their professional lifetimes mastering the arts of the Lineage of War. Each is a seasoned veteran or at the very least a graduate of a prestigious military training program and a recipient of Rikti Supersoldier treatments. All are outfitted with a high-end mass-produced battlesuit that allows them to go toe to toe with even hard-hitting Primal Earth Tankers and Brutes. Though lacking in combat psionics, Rikti Chief Soldiers carry high-grade weapons that can lay down rapid volleys of fire or explosive charged orbs. In close combat, their power blades are of a higher grade mark meant to augment their own swing better than the armour alone can, moving faster than they have any right to.

Samus' Notes: After eighteen years of continual variable intensity warfare with Primal Earth, I'm not sure how the Rikti still find it in themselves to fight so viciously. Surely they'd have come to some sort of agreement to negotiate by now? Something must be keeping them invested in a decisive victory then. But if I'm here to end this war, then I'm going to end it.

Arne's Notes: Most of these Rikti know what they're doing pretty well, but they seem to have some sort of honour code at least. They don't seem to go out of their way to engage anyone lacking in a weapon to fight back with. I get a sense of professionalism from them, but what good is professionalism when it can't tell you that a war that's been fought for a generation might be futile?

Primal Earth Topics

Primal Earth American Metahumans

5th Column Topics
As has been directed by the command of Fuhrer Requiem, we have intensified efforts to understand the Parahuman phenomenon and what sets it apart from our own metahumans. We conclude that this cluster of dimensions has no equivalent to our Well of Furies, nor does it have any inherent sources of magic or many of the cosmic energies we have come to associate with various forms of superpowers. Instead, all powers seem to stem from a single extradimensional source. Our mystics have traced this source to fragments of a large transdimensional entity; fragments which bond to a select host after detecting certain forms of traumatic duress. The host then grows a special organ able to properly channel the energies that the symbiote channels through it, though it rarely seems to provide any working knowledge of how the abilities it offers function. Our Gesellschaft acquisitions have figured out a reliable means of artificially inducing this bonding, even tailoring the circumstances to encourage a select set of powers.

These powers appear to typically have limitations programmed into them to avoid or minimise backlash. Which typically reduces or eliminates their ability to directly affect organic matter. These limitations can often be removed through a second triggering event to redouble the powers granted by the shard; but efforts to triple trigger our subjects have usually resulted in gruesome and painful demises or uncontrollable insanity with no evidence of further power gain. Due to the necessity of trauma in inducing these events; we must unfortunately report that the incidence of these events is lower in those of Aryan racial stock due to the superior civilization developed by our extradimensional kin. Concerningly, as efforts by the Gesellschaft and its associates to combat the Judeo-Bolshevik menace increase; so too does the rate of Jewish or Bolshevik parahumans. Efforts to combat this have been deemed of high importance to the command of the Gesellschaft and the Weltreich.

We also have noted that as the contact between our two multiverses increases; the incidence of parahuman triggering in our own dimensions seems to be rising, while a number of metahumans whose powers operate according to the loose rules we are more familiar with has been growing. We have also demonstrated the possibility of mixing parahuman and metahuman abilities, though we await your permission to test with incarnate empowered volunteers. From this, we can determine that the efforts of our organisation as well as those of our rivals to exploit this bounty of dimensional contact are accelerating the already existing trend of more and more of the population displaying superhuman abilities. A trend that we will be able to exploit to our advantage and ensure the domination of a Reich of all humanity and the downfall of all our enemies. Only then, will ourselves and our Nictus allies be able to save the worthiest of the human species from the Coming Storm.
5th Column Units

Stahlwalküre were originally designed by the Fascist Scientist by the alias of Vandal during the second world war on both the "Primal Earth" timeline that Nightcaster and Eudaimonica hail from and both the "Reich-Earth" timeline that appears to be supplying this operation. These models of the concept of a fast-moving, missile-equipped drone are of course, a great improvement on their counterparts from the 20th century and are capable of high-speed manoeuvres and carry a versatile load-out of missiles for usage against most conceivable types of opponents. However, they are vulnerable to virtually all of your weapons and lack the ability to move quickly enough to evade your seeking weapons. They will, however, come in very large numbers with reinforcements frequently being teleported in as soon as they are manufactured to augment existing forces; viewed as utterly expendable.

Quick Stats (Relative to Samus and Arne):

Durability: Dismal
Strength: Very Weak
Firepower: Very Weak
Speed: Acceptable (Flight capable)
Combat Skill: Dismal (Negligible melee capability)
Type of Combatant: High Speed Aerial Ranged Attacker

The 5th Column is well known for its extremely extensive supersoldier programs and its strict hierarchy divided by rank, section, and enhancement grade. The higher the rank, section, and enhancement grade of a 5th column soldier; the more superhuman capabilities they possess. The Nacht section forms the 5th Column's special forces unit and the Elites are those given middle stage supersoldier enhancements. Those of soldat rank may lack the more developed powers of the Unteroffizers and the Obersts, but Nacht Elites still possess the strength to shatter steel plating with their fists, withstand explosive weapons even unassisted by their advanced shielding capable electromesh powered fibril-armour, and dodge automatic weapons fire. Armed with special "Werwolf" weapons that can transform between rotary ETC machine guns firing specially treated hypervelocity armour piercing rounds; smart guns with incendiary, chemical, electric, cryogenic or explosive round options; ultra-high temperature flamethrowers; or grenade or rocket launchers, the Elite are also extremely capable melee combatants for a mass-trained formation, making use of many esoteric martial arts to augment their striking power and movement beyond their strength. Like all Nacht troopers, Nacht Elite Soldaten are capable of multi-spectrum cloaking, silencing their movements, and are well trained in stealth and marksmanship.

Samus' Notes: It seems that the 5th Column is the most elite part of this alliance. These soldiers have decent equipment and enhancements for this time's standards. I'll need to put more focus on the 5th Column then. They must be up to something.

Arne's Notes: A lot of these soldiers seem to be clones or at least vat grown. Possibly a sign of recruitment not turning out as many potentials as they hoped for? They're nearly all brainwashed to a fault though, can't expect many of them to surrender.

(Rated by minion standards)

Durability: Decent
Strength: Decent
Firepower: Decent
Speed: Decent
Combat Skill: Good
Type of Combatant: Special Forces Commando

The Unteroffizers of the 5th Column's Nacht Elite formations are stronger than five of their subordinates put together and have similarly improved reflexes, durability, endurance; and access to higher grade weapons and equipment. Each one is a master of death and has killed dozens of high-value targets on both Primal Earth and Earth Bet and all other dimensions in which the 5th Column operates. Their techniques and equipment are simply a superlative on that of their lower-ranking counterparts, and it is their duty to coordinate much of the ground-level tasks of the Nacht segment of the 5th Column. Each is not only a well trained elite combatant, but also a skilled small unit tactician and an expert in stealth assaults.

(Rated by Lieutenant standards)

Durability: Decent
Strength: Decent
Firepower: Decent
Speed: Decent
Combat Skill: Good
Type of Combatant: Special Forces Commando

The Obersts of the Nacht Elite are a further fivefold improvement on the prior unteroffizers. Elite Obersts are able to deal crushing blows with nothing but their bodies, but also carry high powered weapons perfected for dealing with metahuman adversaries of the 5th Column that have proven to be extremely effective against Earth Bet's parahumans. Though you maintain the absolute advantage in all physical and mental fields, Nacht Elite Obersts are also dangerous for their mastery of special operations warfare and their skillful handling of their soldiery. They will coordinate their fellows with deft precision and are well trained in dealing with significantly more powerful enemies than themselves.

(Rated by Officer standards)
Durability: Decent
Strength: Decent
Firepower: Decent
Speed: Decent
Combat Skill: Good
Type of Combatant: Special Forces Commando

Derived from designs first conceived in Primal Earth's second world war, Mekmen serve as all-purpose infantry combat units and an invaluable aid to the 5th Column's combat efforts. Deceptively durable despite their slender construction, Mekmen are equipped with a cyclotronic cannon and a power claw as well as ultra-high-strength actuators for multi-ranged combat. Shielded and well armoured as well as fitted with self-repair nanites in newer models; the Mekmen also have an advanced A.I that allows them to think and reason as any other infantryman in the 5th Column. This intelligence is, however, designed from the ground up to be utterly subservient to the ideals of Nazism and Volkische ideology; believing its place; as a merely artificial being; to be at the service of the Aryan Herrenvolk.

Current models of Mekmen are also fitted with frag and concussion grenade launchers and can set their cyclotronic cannons to stun through feedback inducement should the 5th column require someone to be captured alive and need to be disabled first before taser net-grenades can be used. Their claws are also able to run a stunning charge through themselves to allow for disabling rather than outright killing, and all evidence suggests that the 5th Column has been working to capture Earth Bet parahumans for comparative analysis with their stock of Primal Earth metahumans. Countering Mekmen is a simple matter of overwhelming their defences, electrical or concussive weapons are particularly effective.

Samus' Notes: The thought of creating life capable of thinking and reasoning just to throw it away like this is obscene. How could these people just create something with wants and needs and twist them towards wanting to die for something as awful as the Reich?

Arne's Notes: There's a lot of ugly hacks made to ensure the subservience of the synthetic consciousness' personality and that it can't develop past a certain way. Ugly hacks for an ugly work I suppose. I guess they're afraid of the Mekmen questioning who's on top or whether anyone should be at all?

(Rated by Minion Standards)
Durability: Good
Strength: Good
Firepower: Good
Speed: Mediocre
Combat Skill: Mediocre
Type of Combatant: Robotic Infantry

5th Column Personnel
A native of Primal Earth named Maude de Martin who had once been a registered superhero in France named Sauveur Rapide; he defected to the 5th Column out of a belief that immigration by those who could not assimilate into French culture was the primary cause of the crime he battled. Dispatched to Earth Bet to help monitor the 5th Column's efforts to combine and distill the best of both multiverseS' superhuman abilities into a new breed of ubermensch; Maude takes with him the engineering talent that allowed him to develop the "Mars" armour. Developing his armour around an extraterrestrial power source; continued exposure to the power source is also gradually mutating him, a process that the 5th Column promises a method to not simply cure, but to neutralise the negative side effects thereof while maintaining the benefits it has given him. So far, the treatments have been effective in maintaining morphological stability while retaining the greatly enhanced physique and neurology the mutations have given him.

In battle, Maude is fast and highly mobile; making use of a wide variety of combat techniques downloaded into his memory by his armour to keep his opponents off-balance. However, he primarily prefers to fight at melee, dodging around efforts to keep him pinned in place or absorbing attacks not strong enough to harm him through his shielding or composited armour plating. He channels energy through his armour to greatly augment his striking power. At a distance, he primarily relies on channeling this energy at range outside of focusing points on his suit, though he has some built-in weapon systems such as micro-missiles, coilguns, and acid sprayers. His armour's primary weakness is a lack of resistance against cryogenic weapons and a need to diminish offensive capability to boost self-repairs without a source of energy that it can drain should the armour start to receive component damage.

Samus' Notes: The power suit is reasonably sophisticated for what they have to work with, but there's plenty of flaws as far as I can tell. The suit's overly dependent on a central power source, any part of the suit severed from it loses all power. Not like the distributed power systems in my armour. I think I might just have to rip his armour apart by hand.

Arne's Notes: As much as that would appeal to me, I think it'd be better to just tear out the power source and disable his suit all at once. While he's still superhuman without it, he'd be a much smaller concern. You'd be able to do this bare handed; with your armour it should be overkill.

Quick Stats (Relative to Samus and Arne, as a miniboss character all categories are more meaty than for standard enemies):

Durability: Good
Strength: Good (Great Striking power)
Firepower: Middling
Speed: Good (Flight Capable)
Combat Skill: Great
Type of Combatant: High Speed Melee Striker

Once Jennifer Wentworth; Wildes Kind used to be the self-appointed "lethal protector" of Paragon City, infamous for her resorting to lethal force repeatedly in virtually all scenarios even when not warranted. Stripped of her hero license by the Superhero community and forced into vigilanteism; Wildes was picked up by the 5th Column who reported an "appreciation" of her talents. A mutant with the ability to radically alter her own biomass and generate additional biomass in violation of mass-energy conservation; Jennifer is able to adapt to differing forms of trauma on command and shift her precise set of strengths and weaknesses. However emphasising one ability and form of defence will usually come at the expense of other; contradicting capabilities. For Example: becoming faster comes at the expense of bulk, mass, and durability, resisting heat through ablative plating makes her more vulnerable to concussive impacts, and so on so forth. She also has a greatly accelerated healing factor, though to make the most of it, she requires additional biomass to absorb. Shielding or armour will block her ability to absorb biomass, and your own progenitor genetic coding would be impossible for her to consume or assimilate, causing cell-death within her feeding spores on contact.

In combat, Wentworth relies primarily on a combination of biologically generated spines, claws, combat usage of the spores she can generate, and biochemicals. She possesses greatly augmented strength, durability, and reflexes, though still inferior to your own by a large margin. A vicious and often savage combatant, Wentworth will typically maul opponents to tear open flesh to absorb biomass from the viscera she leaves behind to augment her own abilities. Finally, she will leave behind a cloud of defensive spores to refract incoming energy attacks or prematurely intercept projectile weapons in an effort to force melee conflict, where she has the greatest ability to cause damage. However parts of her body severed from her nervous system will die if not reattached and cauterizing or cryonically rupturing her cells will permanently remove biomass, making the power blade, pyronic, or extremely cold weapons such as the pyromissile and cryolyte an effective means of removing biomass from her body; particularly when she isn't adapted to such impacts. She is also capable of cloaking herself; though simply switching between visors will foil her present means of stealth and she cannot fully disguise her sound.

Samus' Notes: Okay, I just need to separate her from the rest of the combat and keep her from absorbing extra biomass. And deal with everything else happening at once. Maybe I should contact Arne and rejoin our efforts? There's so much to keep track of to make sure nobody gets hurt.

Arne's Notes: All she needs to do is to alternate between regular and pyromissiles and add in some cryolyte shots. Step in a few times with the power blade and some tearing motions...It's going to be a pain to deal with her and keep everyone else safe, but I think Samus might be able to use her cold-based weapons to create some cover.

Quick Stats (Relative to Samus and Arne, as a miniboss character all categories are more meaty than for standard enemies):

Durability: Resilient (Extreme regeneration)
Strength: Acceptable
Firepower: Acceptable
Speed: Acceptable (Morphable)
Combat Skill: Good (Savage)
Type of Combatant: Hyper-adaptive jack-of-all trades.
Reich Earth Topics

Reich Earth Logs

The intuition of our Nictus allies that there would be more of the incomprehensible artefacts here proved to be a correct one. While Spaltefuhrer Requiem of course is not to be trusted entirely, the Deutschfuhrer and yourself will be pleased to learn that since the anomalous dimensional event these objects have since become active. Though this was not the initial target of our raid, the relics seem to have been waiting for some manner of signal before they would activate their hidden functions. This raises the importance of acquiring these objects before the other forces at play who would seek to take these worlds do so for themselves. Even if it will be yet some time before the keen minds of Aryan science can decipher the secrets of these miraculous alien devices, it would be wise to deny them to the others or to the locals.

We will also likely require higher grade combatants in the near future. I suspect that the race for influence and domination over our objectives will intensify very soon. And it would not do us well to fail to meet this higher grade of war with lesser examples of the Herrenvolk. We must step up the recruitment of those who show promise for our desires, to ensure that our soldiers are both of high quality and the proper quantities. The colonies should be readied for warfare, and our resources turned increasingly towards understanding those foes who have managed to temporarily exceed our understanding of nature through the cheat of having had an earlier start. The foes will bring out heavier weapons in response to greater prizes, and we must beat them to the punch before they can steal our triumph from us.

Though if you would permit me to break with formality my Reichsfuhrer, the calibre of most of the so-called "Neo-Nazis" of this Earth Bet is appalling. Even with some of our superior equipment and metaenergetic augmentations to strike with more ferocity than they should and resist more than they ought to; they still disappoint. Less than one in a thousand seems to fully meet our standards and I cannot abide by the shaved heads and degenerate tattoo work so many indulge in. They also lack proper racial conscious. Far too many believe in the impossibility of accepting Slavs as fellow "whites" or have allowed themselves to be poisoned with Asian entertainment commodities. The time must come for the wheat to be separated from the chaff at some point, and proper discipline should be enforced should we seek to wring the necessary potential out of these failures.

- With faith and honour, Gruppenfuhrer Erhard Rickenbacker

Samus' Notes: So that's why their weapons were able to cause any damage to my shielding at all despite their low firepower. I'll need to update the projectors for these meta-energies then. I'm concerned though, if they're preparing to send more then this planet is in serious danger; they can't fight off enemies of this magnitude.

Arne's Notes: Important revelations about their disproportionate ability to do damage aside, we'll need to find some way to prepare this incarnation of Earth fro what's likely going to be a full scale invasion. These people aren't going to limit themselves to quiet raids in the night for long.

The contents of this facility are far more than simple parahuman studies. A wealth of relics both extraterrestrial and extradimensional reside within here. So far the inferior minds of this facility have been unable to crack many useful secrets from it, but once our Aryan minds are able to properly examine these relics we will doubtlessly solve the riddles they cannot. Eliminate anyone who attempts to pose an obstacle, and then be ready for deployment to Brockton Bay. The relics located beneath there will also be of significant importance to us and our cause.

The Coming Storm is almost here, Oberst. We must make ready ourselves for all of humanity's fates hang in the balance. Not just in Primal Earth or this reality; but all realities connected to them. Advance without remorse or hesitation or our race will be swept away by the tide of xenos that descends upon it.

Believe in our inevitable triumph, or be crushed with the rising tide of the Herrenvolk.

Deutschland Uber Alles.

- Bose Hexe.

Reich Earth Units

Experimental soldiers created by the Weltreich exposed to extradimensional energies after undergoing numerous augmentations. The extradimensional energy exposure process induces berserker like psychosis in the soldier in question but results in a wide variety of extreme physical augmentations that have lead to the Waffen-SS deeming the price worth it, particularly for the purposes of cultivating supersoldiers without relying on the other major organisations of the Reich. Ungehesen are named for their particular variety of powers which include the ability to teleport, become invisible, phase through objects (though you yourself cannot be phased through), and other ghostly abilities. They can also project this energy into directed blasts, augments to their melee attacks, or blades emerging from their wrists.

Tracking them is possible through X-ray spectrum or multidimensional visor technology (warning: User lacks capability), and while in a phased state, a non-elementally stacked beam or similar weapon remains capable of damaging them. Due to their berserker condition, they are also easily prone to being baited out of position by taunts or targets to work their aggression out against. This will also typically lead them to abandon ranged combat to try to close in melee as soon as possible and will also cause them to abandon other targets to focus on the last irritant to have gained their attention.

Samus' Notes: I would pity them if they hadn't so gleefully accepted becoming monsters themselves. But luckily dealing with them should be easy enough even without the visor technology to track them. Especially if they decide to get close.

Arne's Notes: Not a big fan of mentally scarring sophontic experimentation I'd have to say. They're going to be a problem when it comes to protecting other people though, I'll need to get out a warning about these types of troops in particular.

(Elite Officer Standard)
Durability: Very Good
Strength: Very Good
Firepower: Decent
Speed: Very Good
Combat Skill: Very Good
Type of Combatant: Stealthed assault infantry

Analysis of the Wachroboter's construction confirms its extraversal origins. Manufacture and datalogs suggests that this particular machine was assembled in "Reichskomissariat Neu-Deutschland" in what was once Detroit, currently renamed "Kruppstadt" to service the needs of the so-called "Reich-Earth" in its continual wars of expansion with other dimensions to satiate the Third Reich's unending need for more resources and fresh conquests to smooth over internal political difficulties. Analysis of datalogs suggests that this unit is on loan to the Gesellschaft to serve in a capacity that the unit is not privy to beyond that it is to follow the orders of local commanders. Likelihood of transdimensional invasion is very high. Wachroboters are armed with high energy particle cannons and a laser cutter and fitted with high strength reinforcement fields to augment their hyperalloy construction for greater durability. In close-quarters combat they make use of ultra-intensity hydraulic systems to rapidly exert enormous amounts of force. Target the central optic for the most efficient results.

Quick Stats (Relative to Samus and Arne):

Durability: Low (Shielded, Armoured)
Strength: Low
Firepower: Low
Speed: Slow
Combat Skill: Low
Type of Combatant: Ranged firepower

Samus' Notes: An entire timeline...won't be for much longer. Not if this is what they're going to use to fight.

Arne's Notes: Large, bulky, inefficient and unsubtle. I see some things don't change. Good.

Mechanical caniform combatant devised by KUKA Aktiengesellschaft as per the orders of the Wehrmacht Roboter-Kampfkorps to scout out areas with known resistance organisations or infiltrate into cramped conditions and outflank enemies. The Panzerhund makes use of high-intensity flamethrowers augmented by systems designed by superengineers to enhance temperature, spray reach, and fuel efficiency to allow for burns at temperatures high enough to rapidly melt steel. Panzerhunde are most vulnerable to attack against the head, though damage to their fuel tanks will usually prove sufficient in lowering their offensive capabilities. Panzerhunde are incapable of engaging foes at long range, and as such preventing them from closing into melee will suffice in avoiding unnecessary risk. Keeping them away from more fragile team members is highly recommended.

Quick Stats (Relative to Samus and Arne):

Durability: Weak (Shielded, Armoured)
Strength: Weak
Firepower: Weak
Speed: Low
Combat Skill: Low
Type of Combatant: High Speed Melee fighter

Samus' Notes: Many team members aren't going to be able to withstand heat like this. If any of them get close to them, I'll need to jump in. With my current equipment, withstanding the heat shouldn't be an issue.

Arne's Notes: Like poorly built copies of Geri and Freki, dangerous to less durable allies but I should be alright. Seems almost insulting to pattern them off of an animal as nice as a dog though.

Produced by the Focke-Wulf GmbH for the requirements of the Waffen-SS on Reich Earth, the Kolibri is extremely agile and capable of stealthed operations, crucial for deploying small commando teams or sudden surprise attacks. Extremely manoeuvrable with the amazing ability to make upwards of 45 full rotations per second should the Pilot have a death wish or not be particularly attached to their lunch; the Kolibri is able to move like a hummingbird and can thus make extremely sudden manoeuvres limited primarily by the pilot and copilot's ability to endure them.

The extremely modular design also allows for the Kolibri to have its armament switched out to a wide array of possible configurations and to be upgraded as the situation demands, a crucial factor in allowing it to keep pace with more potent metahuman opponents and the evolution of technology. Its typical armament will include a nose-mounted rapid-fire weapon, homing missiles, and precision rocket pods; and many will carry small teams of soldiers to important locations. However, the Kolibri is not a particularly durable craft, and the loss of a single tail rotor will typically send the craft into a death spin that few pilots are skilled enough to recover from before crashing.

Quick Stats (Rated by Low end Gunship Standards):

Durability: Fragile
Strength: Weak
Firepower: Acceptable
Speed: Acceptable (Flight capable, Great Manoeuvrability)
Combat Skill: Decent (Negligible melee capability)
Type of Combatant: High Speed Aerial Ranged Attacker

Samus' Notes: That rotor configuration seems like it's asking for trouble with how close the blades are to touching each other. Just jamming them a bit should cause problems, but I think I should freeze them before impact to make their descent more predictable.

Arne's Notes: The grapple beam should be good enough to yank off their rotors and send them crashing; or just pull them into the ground. The only concern would be the possibility of collateral damage.

(Pretend that they have the double lightning bolt of the SS rather than the Swastika)

Waffen-SS Dunkel Ageten make use of advanced power armour, superhuman augmentations, high end weaponry, and metaenergetic enhancements to turn them into powerful basic special operations soldiers for the Schutzstaffel of the Weltreich. Making use of ETC assisted mass driver weapons, missile launchers, charged particle rifles, and directed energy guns; the Dunkel Ageten fight with lethal firepower augmented by micro-thermonuclear grenades, plasma cutters, power knuckles, and shock bayonets for pressing in assaults. Teleporters also allow them to redeploy extremely quickly, while chameleon systems allow them to cloak to evade fire. Dunkel Ageten also make heavy usage of drug based augmentations that allow them to completely ignore pain, regenerate injuries at incredible rates, and push their bodies to extremes. More esoteric enhancements based on magic can also be detected. Thrusters and energy shields also allow them to defend their present positions and quickly move to new ones or rush down enemies who stick to cover.

The SS distrusts the NSDAP, the Wehrmacht, the Corporations, the Sturmkorps, and the Nictus to a significant degree; resulting in the fragmentation of the Weltreich into fiefdoms ruled by the organs of the National Socialist state and de facto dividing the Weltreich into a number of competing state bodies with a significant degree of mutual distrust and hostility. As such the SS has increasingly taken to completely internalising its procurement process, research and development, and its training courses to be wholly independent of other organs of the Weltreich. While this prevents outsiders with access to the SS' files from deciphering what the other bodies of the Weltreich are planning; it also inhibits coordination with the rest of the Reich. As such, Dunkel Ageten will very rarely call in reinforcements from other subfactions of the Reichblock.

Dunkel Ageten are best combated by freezing them. Pain based debilitation will be largely ineffectual and their armour is well suited to resisting extreme temperatures or chemical agents and is strongly insulated against electricity. Your weapons will be able to overpower this resistance, but metaenergetic defenses will still allow them to punch above their weight. Dunkel Ageten are coordinated but also contemptuous of perceived racial inferiors and when in a drug haze, tend towards extreme overconfidence. The user is to be cautioned that should a Dunkel Ageten suffer a mortal injury but not have their body be sufficiently destroyed to force a mediport out, the Dunkel Ageten will activate their drug-haze and put self repair nanites into overdrive; engaging a berserker rage that will revive them and allow them to continue fighting. Freezing them inhibits this process.

Samus' Notes: Now I'm really wishing I had my ice beam right about now. The cryolyte should be able to do the job though. I should have guessed that the Weltreich would have better soldiers thanks to its resources.

Arne's Notes: Keeping myself between their fire and the more fragile parts of the team is going to be absolutely vital. They can't hope to consistently take the kind of firepower theyré going to dish out besides maybe the Kinetic weapons.

(Minion, Lieutenant and Officer Standard)

Durability: Good
Strength: Decent
Firepower: Good
Speed: Acceptable
Combat Skill: Good
Type of Combatant: Elite Line-Infantry

Designed for the needs of the Waffen-SS of the Weltreich in the Parisien Mechanic facility in Ordenstaat Burgund, the Robotsoldat takes to the fight with extreme agility and a wide array of built in weaponry with aggressively modular chassis. Reverse engineered from the work of the Sturmkorps, the Robotsoldat is considered the Soldier's comrade of the SS, and is designed to distract enemies from its flesh and blood soldiers, take the fight to where living soldiers might have trouble, and deal with enemies close up that other troopers might hesitate with engaging in short distances.

Robotsoldat are most vulnerable to electric weapons and attacks, due to their relatively poor insulation as a sacrifice to gain more speed and agility. However as they require high temperature tolerance to withstand the energy generation of their reactors, pyronic weapons are generally poorly suited to dealing with them. Also fitted with teleporters, thrusters, and a combination of physical and energy weapons including shields, blades, mauls and more; the Robotsoldat will seek to disrupt threats to the flesh and blood soldiers of the SS.

Samus' Notes: Okay, I think I should be able to command their attention to stop them from getting in close to my friends. I've got the beam weapon to put them down too.

Arne's Notes: I think I should focus on these while Samus deals with the living troops. I'm comfortable close up at least, and absolutely wouldn't mind tearing some Nazi tin apart.

(Minion, Lieutenant, and Officer Standard)
Durability: Good
Strength: Good
Firepower: Acceptable
Speed: Good
Combat Skill: Decent
Type of Combatant: Disposable robotic assault trooper.

Sparkshifter (Transformers) Metaverse Topics
Autobot Personnel

Subject is a sort of robotic mimic known as a Cybertronian named Bumblebee, presently taking the guise of a 1984 Volkswagen Beetle. Spatiochronal analysis suggests that he is not from either this universe or from yours but reveals an age of 5,379,129 Earth years. Analysis indicates that subject is powered by novel energy source referred to as "Energon". Energy readings are especially concentrated in the core region of the body within a spiritual analogue referred to as the Spark. Bumblebee is fully sapient and is capable of altering configuration between vehicular and bipedal mode. The presence of multiple concealed weapons has been detected, but overall systems are inferior to your own in efficiency and sophistication; compensated for by greater size. Further analysis indicates that subject is incapable of intelligible vocal speech due to relatively recent damage. Bumblebee's records indicate that he is a native of the colony world of Velocitus in the whirlpool galaxy.

Addendum: Scans of the subject demonstrate that Bumblebee has a similar technological basis to subversive signal but has not been compromised by it.

Samus' Notes: Aww, poor guy! Who hurt him like this? Maybe they're still around, and I could help out? Hopefully, he'll have some answers for us.

Arne's Notes: We must have spooked him pretty badly if he's disguising himself this poorly for someone who's five million years old. I don't think he's behind the signal though.

Target is a Cybertronian taking the form of a HondaJet referred to as Windblade. Windblade is capable of unusual psionic abilities referred to as "city speaking" due to quirks within her Spark. Windblade also demonstrates similar components to Bumblebee and is of a similar age at 5,382,764 Earth years. Cross-referencing between Distant Sight probing, electromagnetic scans, and signal interception suggests that Windblade primarily prefers to fight in close quarters combat with an energy sword over long-distance combat. Scan data confirms that subject would demonstrate capabilities well in excess of what her alt-mode should be capable of, allowing for vertical take-off and landing. The subject is also not the source of the attempted subversive signal.

Addendum: Subject is aware of scans.

Samus' Notes: A psychic fully mechanical machine not made by a Progenitor culture? That's really interesti-Oh blessed Spirits of the departed she knows.

Arne's Notes: I'm curious as to why it's called "city-speaking?" Might be a specific type of Cybertronian that takes the form of an entire city? That'd have to be an absolutely huge ro-oh. Uh sorry.

Windblade's Notes: Ask next time, please.

Jetfire is an Autobot Aerial Commander and a trusted compatriot of the leader of the Autobot Revolutionary movement; Optimus Prime. The commander of the decorated Crimson Comet Wing of Aerialbots and the squadron leader for the Red Meteor Squadron, Jetfire is one of the most well regarded Autobot aerial aces. Jetfire is 286,989,731 earth years of age and has spent more than 225,733,127 years of that time fighting the Cybertronian Civil War. With an aerial victory count in the trillions, Jetfire is feared by his enemies and borderline worshipped by his allies. But to those who work directly with him, he is also fondly regarded as a surprisingly easy-going and understanding commander who works to help others improve; maintaining a down to earth attitude towards his soldiers and allies. Jetfire also is a highly dedicated scientist and works continually to keep his equipment up to date, improving his combat chassis continually with an ever-changing arsenal of equipment suited to the needs of his mission.

Jetfire is currently posted to this incarnation of Earth on the orders of Optimus Prime to monitor and counteract potential imperialist efforts not only by the Decepticons but by other powers. Due to choosing to base within the territory of the Soviet Union which his Autobot team has helped to stabilise to provide a safe operating area, Jetfire takes the form of a Soviet Su-57 jet to help blend into one of his primary fields of operation. This form suits his highly manoeuvre focused fighting style exceptionally well, and his ability to remain airborne in both robot and vehicle mode and fight with highly augmented reflexes gives him a crucial edge over many opponents.

Samus' Notes:

He doesn't initially give the impression of being that old, but there's a lot of wisdom hidden behind that image of just being a friendly face. Oh I can't wait to ask him all the questions I have in my head. He must have so many interesting experiences if he really is that old. And hrm, if he's intervened on Earth to preserve the Soviet Union, he's probably got a very developed understanding of what this Earth's politics are like.

Arne's Notes:

When I get the chance, I really want to talk to him about his thoughts on how I can improve the Sleipnir. I'm sure he'd have some opinions once he gets to have a look at it. Maybe he'll even like what I worked on? I just hope he doesn't find me to be bothersome. It shouldn't be too hard to get into his good graces at least; we'd probably agree on a lot of things.

Hot Shot is a relatively Young Autobot and a longtime companion of Bumblebee. Part of the Autobot Scouting corps, Hot Shot is sometimes criticised for a habit of not looking before he leaps, but is regarded as extremely dependable and reliable despite this. Compassionate if sometimes inattentive and inventive if often absent-minded, Hot Shot greatly enjoys working with less advanced indigenous cultures and has typically refused transfer out of sectors with human civilization, considering protecting indigenous life to be one of the most important duties of the Autobots. He is a fast and versatile combatant with a preference for hit and run combat and a preference for high-speed civilian vehicle alt modes.

Samus' Notes: Well, if his heart's in the right place, who cares if he's a bit forgetful right?

Arne's Notes: I like the colour scheme honestly, but I might be a little biased.

Arcee is a long-time member of the Autobot Special Forces unit known as the Scalpel. Comprised of autobots trained in Cyber-ninjitsu and with a preference for nimble, small alternate modes able to fit into smaller spaces. Nimble, agile, and equally at home both up close and at a distance, Arcee is deeply committed to final victory for the Autobot revolutionary army against the Decepticon State and other hostile factions in the long running Cybertronian civil war. Accustomed to working on Earth, Arcee is adept at finding her way around various locales and is heavily familiarised with most human cultures. Exceedingly adept at both close and midrange combat and able to make use of tight spaces that many other cybertronians would struggle in, Arcee packs a varied and potent arsenal and millions of years of battle experience.

Samus' Notes: Oh I'd love to get a chance to work with her some time, but right now, I'm glad she's guarding this spot.

Arne's Notes: Hrm, size changing huh? She's as tall as bumblebee despite her alternate mode being a motorcycle. Interesting
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[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Make it clear that you'll be asking the questions here
-[X]: Arne
He actually did it, the absolute mad lad!

[X]: Comply with the request, no need to cause any trouble.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Contact Bumblebee and Windblade electronically and inform them of the kids in need of pick-up while distracting the PRT from them.
-[X]: Arne

As fun as it would be to have Samus t-pose to establish dominance, it feels out of character for her at this age. This is her young enough that she's still a GalFed Marine, or before even she joined. Arne, however, very clearly trusts cops as much as they deserve. Best not to start an incident they aren't absolutely sure they can handle.
Yeah at this point while Samus has some academic quibbles with the idea of policing she's very much of the idea that they can be pushed onto better paths with some guidance. She's still got issues with actually listening to authority when they contradict what she thinks is the right thing to do, but she thinks that she can help push them towards the right path. She'll just speak up whenever she thinks they're stepping out of line or try to stop bad acts she sees in the process of happening, but she wants to believe she can help people change for the better.

Arne, on the other hand, has his idea of law enforcement shaped by the political thoughts written by his parents who, given their job description of assisting foreign revolutionary insurgents, would always be at odds with local law enforcement. Thoughts that he clings quite tightly to because his parents' written down thoughts are all he has left of them. His idea of police is shaped by stuff like his mother's memoirs of working with people broken down by the class-state and its power and the outright brutal methods most agencies would use to try and flush her out.

Neither is completely right in every situation of course. But part of growing up is learning to be flexible with generalisations and all.
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[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Pretend to not understand their language
-[X]: Arne
[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Pretend to not understand their language
-[X]: Arne

I'm certain this is going to go extremely well.
As an aside, the temperature is about -21 degrees centigrade and its nearly 3 AM in the midst of an intense January blizzard. So being lost out in these conditions isn't exactly ideal for people who aren't able to resist or shelter themselves from cold, especially with the windchill in play driving the apparent temperature down further. Obviously, it's basically zero issue for Samus and Arne who would be able to handle the cold just fine without their armour and zero suits, nevermind being fully sealed in shielded power armour. But can the same be said of two children, one of whom is already complaining about the chill of winter?
Well shit, changing my vote:
[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Both
Shit, I didn't realize the current weather was this severe. Alright, changing my vote as well. I normally don't like the idea of causing a fuss with the PRT, but this is an emergency. We should be able to do the diplomacy thing later anyway.

[X]: Bolt past them and head towards the two kids, they need saving.
-[X]: Samus

[X]: Pretend to not understand their language
-[X]: Arne
Brockton Bay is usually warmer than this, but a freak snowstorm blew in from the north and plummetted the temperatures to something much closer the norm for the New England region in wintertime for reasons that will be revealed later. Needless to say, a lot of people are unhappy with what has been the city's coldest winter in recorded history. Snow has piled in record quantities and much activity has had to come to a halt as the snowstorm ices over the bay and the streets are slicked over with ice and snow. Of course, this also means no school for at least some time while everyone's kind of buried in an avalanche from the sky.
...when did this Snowstorm blow in exactly, and when was School canceled for the forseeable time ?
Following the sighting of strange dancing lights in the night sky on January 11th 2011 at roughly 22:37 up until about 23:09 in the same day, a record-breaking snowstorm began to change course from further north and moved towards Brockton Bay. By the following morning, a Wednesday, it was clear that the snow had accumulated to the point that opening school would not be feasible. Busses could not make the trip safely and snow would have to be shoveled as soon as the blizzard abated and stopped piling on even more frozen precipitation. As for the UFO sightings, there are no real concrete theories but a certain Lisa who has been quite obsessively tracking UFO sightings in the region is convinced that the lights have something to do with the sudden shift in weather. NASA for its part, isn't really sure of what to make of it but Endbringer and Parahuman involvement has been ruled out for the time being.
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