Dungeon Titles

Chapter 61
"There are three options that can happen here." The captain explained to his guards as they traveled out of the town and in the general direction of the badlands. "The first is our friend here is lying." He motioned to Samael who was following along.

The monk waved casually. Despite the serious words, he didn't feel quite worried yet. It honestly didn't feel real yet. The guards seemed to feel the same way. World boss was just a word at the moment. Even seeing it didn't shift that.

"I'd prefer that." The captain stated grimly. "The second option is a better one. It's one where the boss doesn't head this way. That's possible, and doesn't mean good things, but at least our town will live." The three guards following nodded along. That meant that the boss was rampaging elsewhere, and while not good, it wasn't there. "The third option is the boss is on it's way."

The captain lead the way to a small hill that looked over a nearby forest. The mountain that was the badlands was just barely in the distance. There, the man pulled out a telescope and placed it to his eye. A few minutes later he sagged and then straightened.

"Red flare." He ordered.

The guards gulped. One of them pulled a large object out of their pack and threw it up high. Magic flared around it and then it shot into the air and flared a bright red. Something like this was visible for leagues.

"What's that for?" Samael asked curiously as he looked up.

"Big monster here." The captain grit out and began pulling out what looked to be long barbed spears with chains from his pack.

The tentative peace moved to nervous anticipation and more than a little fear from the guards. They all did the same, pulling out spears and then using stakes to secure them to the ground. Samael took a step back to let them work, and looked in the direction the captain had been staring.

For a long moment there was nothing but clanking and the cursing of the guards. The spears were hunting weapons to hopefully slow down larger monsters. They didn't always work, but they did help at least. Samael didn't think they would be enough as he caught sight of the world boss though.

Even in the distance it was large. There was no hint of the grey form it had previously. Now it was more like a giant wurm with twelve clawed legs and even more flapping wings. Thankfully it didn't seem like it could fly, but each of those wings beat against the ground and caused dust to kick up as it rolled along the ground. It had no eyes to see. No ears to hear. Instead it had a large and cruelly curved beak as a mouth. It was a bizarre and terrifying thing, and it was moving far faster than anyone or anything had a right to. It was also making a direct line towards the town.

"Focus on delaying it!" The captain called out and hefted his spear.

"Hit the golden spots if you see them." Samael stated and leaped forward.

The monster didn't seem to notice the defenders at first. Samael dodged a massive whipping wing first and then got close as he could to its belly. Not that he was sure there was anything vital under there. He struck out with all his strength at the stone like skin. His fist impacted and caused it to dent just a bit.

Anything he might have thought about the ease of the strike was gone then. The world bosses attention turned onto him right at that moment. A leg lashed out and nearly crushed him as it dropped down. The wurm coiled in on itself with terrifying quickness and Samael could see its maw opening up. Teeth lined the insides of the beak and trailed down it's throat.

That brief look of horror was all Samael could see before the monster lunged down to devour him wholesale. Frantically the monk clapped his hands together as fast as he could. Grace took control of the world around him, and the beak stopped for an instant. It didn't rebound. The second grace's supremacy ended, the beak continued to close.

Realizing it almost too late, Samael darted to the side, just barely avoiding getting torn in half from the creature's bite. The beak snapped open like a pair of scissors and then clacked shut again as it continued to bite. Samael dodged again just barely, tumbling under a thrashing leg and just barely avoiding injury at the moment.

The boss paused for a moment at this point. Several spears had been impaled into it's back and the chains had grown taut. It almost looked like that had managed to delay the beast. Then it tugged again in a rippling motion and the stakes holding the spears were torn free. Chains whipped around it's body and the boss irritatedly bit at them instead.

Taking this brief opening, Samael slammed his fists into every place he could hit. It was more tapping than anything else. Up and down the body he went. The boss's size was working against it at the moment, allowing him to practically dance around it. Not that it was paying much attention to him though. Instead it was trying to claw away the irritating chains.

Once done it's attention turned back towards him. Samael grit his teeth as the maw opened again and slammed his palm outward. Glowing gold spots cracked and splintered the stone like skin up and down the massive wurm and the boss flinched for the first time in the fight.

One of the guards cheered and threw a throwing spear into the golden spots. It impacted the area and sank deep into the creature's body. The world boss paused at this moment. Almost like it was surprised.

Then it opened its beak wide. The many wings on its body spread wide, and the limbs braced themselves. Samael pulled out of the creatures reach in wary anticipation.

Something in the world rippled towards the boss. It inhaled, and wind picked up. Magic flowed towards it in a torrent. It bled into the real world in white streamers, and the thing continued to inhale. Wind roared and small leaves and sticks were pulled into the monster's mouth. The beak snapped shut with a ominous clack, and the boss gulped down.

Then it breathed out slowly and terribly. Something thick, liquid, and colorless dripped out of its mouth and began to spread. The ground melted the second it dripped onto the ground. It sizzled into the air and the still growing plant life started to melt around the beast.

Samael moved back as the liquid started to spread around the monster. The acidic poison spread still further as the world bosses wings started to flap, and the field of blighted devastation grew and grew around it.

Each of the bosses limbs slammed into the ground as the monk backed up. The barren ground rippled and then splintered as spikes of earth erupted into the air. Samael just barely avoided being impaled by one of the spikes, and then clapped his hands together as he noticed the acidic cloud rippling towards him.

Someone screamed, and then was cut off sharply. Samael cursed under his breath as he attempted to vault up one of the stone spikes. They dominated the battlefield now, and worryingly he had lost sight of the boss thanks to them. Something clanged as he ascended.

Samael had a moment to see the brave captain holding his shield in the boss monster's mouth open before it creaked and folded in on the man's arm. The arm was cut off in a wash of blood, and the man cut off a scream. Like a bird eating a worm the monster darted down again and then its terrible mouth snapped shut again. It jerked its head back and swallowed.

Then it turned back to Samael holding onto one of the stone spikes.
Chapter 62
He was going to die. Samael had no doubt about that. Bravado couldn't conceal that bone deep feeling of death he felt while looking at the monster's cruel beak. For a very long moment he was still as a mouse caught in a predator's gaze. His muscles locked up and his heart raced.

The world boss surged forward over the jagged rocks it had created in an instant. Reflex had Samael kick off the spine and onto another one before his brain caught up with his body. There was no more place for fear then. He was going to die, but he would not die quietly.

Rock shattered under the ponderous mass of the monster and it turned on a dime to face him again. Samael kicked off again and into a valley of stone before it could do more than lunge again. His hands clapped together and the acid still dripping into the valleys of stone was washed away as he landed.

The monster's maw darted after him anyway. It ripped through the stone with a crumbling crack and missed him by a hair. He could feel the air ripple as it clipped against the ground and left a large gouge. His foot lashed out on instinct and impacted onto the place where the beak met it's stone flesh. Whether from instinct or actual pain, the world boss flinched slightly in response.

Samael used the extremely brief opening to kick off the stone wall next to him and lunge to grab onto the creature's head. It reared back immediately and shook itself hard. Samael held on for dear life as his hands and body nearly shattered just from that. Despite the vigorous movement he managed to hold just barely.

Almost frustrated, the world boss twined it's body around and tried to claw at him. The monk darted back from the attack and practically ran up the other side of the creature's head. It shook again at this in a manner much like a dog attempting to shake themselves dry. Despite this, Samael held on and even managed to get into a better handhold.

The world boss didn't like this at all. It slammed its mouth shut suddenly and then dug its beak into the dirt beneath them both. Its claws dug and pushed and there was a surge of magic around its body as the ground opened to swallow the monster. Its wings pressed to its body and it coiled up on itself as it continued to push down.

Samael jumped off the creature with wide eyes as it burrowed with barely a ripple of the earth. Frantic now the man jumped from earth spike to earth spike in an attempt to avoid whatever was coming next.

The earth rippled like a boulder thrown into a still pond. Samael was knocked to the ground as the spikes he had been using as perches fell over. Rocks larger than men flew through the air and impacted the ground. The boss roared loudly as it ripped its way out of the earth and everything around its emergence was flattened and destroyed.

Samael coughed and clapped again as the world boss attempted to eat him once more. Genuine frustration seemed to be apparent in the creature as its beak failed to close around him. It slammed down again and again, missing the frantically dodging monk with each strike.

His lucky dodging couldn't last though. Between one breath and the next he was a hair too slow. One of his hands were just a bit out of position, and with an almost insultingly quiet click the beak closed around it. Like that, Samael had lost a hand.

Samael didn't even feel it really. He just cursed and clapped his free hand to the bloody stump and attempted to make space.

Sensing his weakness the boss redoubled its efforts. The beak opened and came down again. Samael grit his teeth in response and kicked hard. His foot went numb and the things beak was knocked to the side just enough for him to slide out of the way.

He didn't anticipate the monster shifting in response and twisting its head instead of bringing it down again. The maw closed around his legs and clacked shut again. There was no pain, even as Samael lost his legs too. Just a terrible sudden loss of sensation.

The man collapsed to the ground and barely caught himself on his arm. He didn't look down. He didn't want to know what was lost. Felt very weak all of the sudden though. That didn't mean good things.

The world boss craned its head back and swallowed. Samael watched it loom for a moment, wondering if the rest of him was going to be eaten too.

The boss craned its head as Samael's breathing went weak and his vision started to fade. He couldn't really move anymore. He just held his breath and waited for it to end.

The world boss started to move again. Samael watched it incredulously as it started to move away and towards the town. It was like it couldn't see him anymore.

Samael let out a breath of air, and then went very still as the boss monster paused again. Holding his breath, the man watched as the world boss tilted its head again. It stomped on the ground and it quaked. Despite this, Samael didn't move or even breath. His vision was going, but this was important.

It could feel people breathing. Samael realized as he faded. It couldn't see him at the moment. A wild bit of inspiration hit him. It had no eyes, and came from a dungeon that had used stone creatures. It used vibrations on the earth or vibrations in the air. That was important.

Samael felt his vision grow black. He clawed with his free hand. Shit, there wasn't anything he could do to pass this on. They would maybe talk with his soul, but that would take too long. Samael breathed out and felt his vision go black as the monster moved away.

I expect you to be able to fight.

Samael's eyes snapped open. He coughed and faded out again.

I expect you to be able to fight.

The monk's eyes snapped open again and he coughed once more. He breathed in and out. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear anymore. He could still hear that voice though. He just didn't know what to do. He had nothing left. He was dying.

Are you giving up my boy?

Samael grit his teeth and focused on his breath. There was nothing else he could do. Even his old guardian was lecturing him now.

We're proud of you.

There was something he needed. Something he had grasped just the edge of. Something that was very important. It was just at the edge of his mind though. He reached upward with a bloody hand and stretched with all his might.

In the end, we grasp Salvation.

Then came peace.
Chapter 63
Jessy gripped her staff in her hand with trembling fingers. That old fear that she had felt on her first fights was coming back again. She squashed it as best she could, but couldn't really stop it. She was in good company. Almost everyone in the hall looked nervous. Well, aside from the old man next to her.

"The world boss was first sighted in the Town of Woodrow." The man in front of the hall stated loudly. "We're assuming that the town no longer exists at this moment. All fast travel methods are being used so we can't confirm."

"Lucky that we even know about the thing right now." The man next to Jessy stated lowly.

"Lucky?" Jessy whispered.

"You likely weren't alive for the last one. First thing anyone figured out about it was when it decided that a city looked like a tasty snack." The old man replied back with a snort.

"The plan at the moment is to focus on identifying where the monster is and then arranging for several raiding guilds to destroy it." The man in the front continued, likely not even hearing the byplay.

The old man snorted again and got to his feet.

The man in front paused from his explanation. "Excuse me sir? Is there a reason you're leaving?"

"Arranging for several raiding guilds to destroy it." The old man replied back sarcastically. "Do you really think that the boss will wait in place? Why do you think they're called world bosses?!"

"We know they move. We're working on getting someone tailing it and will predict it." The man in front replied back with a calm and reasonable tone.

"Then you sent that person to their death." The old man spat out without a care for his words. "If you can see the world boss, it can likely see you. It will hunt down everyone it can. It will move towards cities and dungeons, and then eat."

"The baron has hired some of the best scouts and trackers. We will be able to track it perfectly fine." The man continued with the same tone he had been. "World bosses can be killed. It just requires careful and deliberate actions."

The old man scoffed loudly and began to leave. The man in front didn't stop him at this point.

Frowning, Jessy looked back and forth and then followed after the old man. She had learned a fair bit about world bosses herself, and the person in front sounded more like he was dealing a casual fire or something else. All calm tones and no real plans of actions for the gathered adventurers.

"What are you doing girl?" The old man called back as she followed.

"I was wondering. You seem like you've dealt with world bosses before." Jessy replied tentatively as she clutched her fluffy robe.

"Aye. Fought it even." The man grumbled and cracked his back. He gestured down the street. "Let's go ahead and head towards my place. Not getting any younger here."

Jessy nodded and then blinked as his statement registered. "You fought a world boss?"

"Oh yes. The Hydra. A nasty thing that had eight heads that each spat a different sort of elemental attack." The man paused in remembrance as he spoke, then shook his head and kept moving. "Took almost a full year pin it down and kill it."

A chill crawled down Jessy's spine. "A year?" She couldn't even envision a monster raging across the country that long.

"I know what you're thinking. It wasn't killing people all that time. They tend to disappear after a good meal or two." The old man barked a laugh. "That's why that idiot's plan was stupid. World bosses are terrifyingly good at hiding."

The summoner gulped in reply. She had come to the city to take a vacation, not to wonder if everyone was going to die. "What can we do then?"

"I need to get my maps." The old man muttered. "You can typically get a good idea of good targets at least. The way we got the last one was making it work for a meal long enough to get a few elites in and then swarmed it." He paused again in remembrance.

"I can't imagine that worked that well." Jessy shuddered at the thought. Normal bosses weren't easy, and a lot of them had some brutal area attacks. She couldn't imagine world bosses being different.

The arrived at a manor before the man replied again. He waved the girl in and ignored the servants as they took his coat and arranged a small snack for the two inside a lovely looking room. Jessy looked around the place with a hint of embarrassment. It was a richer looking house than she was really comfortable with. Something she had dreamed of owning when she was younger.

"Ah, I did forget something. I'm Grand, the Swordmaster." The man introduced himself as he sat.

"I'm Jessy, the Summoner." The girl replied reflexively as she sat and then blinked. Swordmaster? That wasn't a trivial title.

"Ah, another summoner? My wife would love to see what the new generation is doing there." Grand grinned widely as he gestured to a few paintings of various people in the distance. "None of our children went into the magical arts, so she's been feeling a bit disappointed. Though between you and me, she hasn't been able to declare as a summoner for years." Grand whispered the last part with a wink.

Jessy smiled tentatively but it didn't last. "So, about the world boss."

"Ah, me getting distracted." The man clapped his hands. "I need the good maps!" He called out to the servants nearby.

A few moments later, several large rolls of paper were in front of Grand. The man traced a few areas and sighed.

"Town of Woodrow was here." The swordmaster tapped at a place to the southeast of them. "Now, world bosses don't have maps, but they do sense somehow. They go straight lines until they're full and the disappear. Best guess is it will hit this town. It's closest." The swordmaster tapped at another town right next to Woodrow. "If we had actual plans instead of incompetence, then that would be where we'd hit it next. Instead if we're lucky they've evacuated. It will eat the buildings and likely disappear."

Jessy nodded rapidly. That made sense she supposed.

"Now, we'll get get from a few days to almost a month before it will come back. I'd have to know it's travel time, but worst case." Grand drew a circled around the second town he had identified.

The summoner felt her blood chill. Practically the entire province was circled now. "How would we stop it if it could hit all of that?"

"We need a survivors testimony, and a few predictions cast." Grand stated with a grim tone. "Without both, the prediction would be off. Fortunately, we have competent people on that." Grand shrugged and leaned back in his chair.

"Who?" Jessy asked quickly.

"Girl if you don't know about clans, then you've been living under a rock." Grand chuckled at the look on Jessy's face.

Smoothing her face out, the girl nodded. "I'm with the Steelguard. They do this?"

Grand shrugged again. "All clans do. Admittedly I'm a bit out of the loop on which ones are active. Ours is mostly retired, so I couldn't help you there. I do know this is ultimately why they're encouraged."

Jessy frowned and then slowly nodded. Then got to her feet. "Thank you then Grand. I think I should contact them about this."

"That would be best. Though first have a few cookies." The man gestured to the snack. "Wife would kill me if I didn't give a guest some refreshment."

The summoner laughed a moment and sat down again. "All right."
Chapter 64
"He is over here!" The voice was the first thing that Samael heard as he opened his eyes.

Gritting his teeth, the man forced his up on his elbows and looked down at himself. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but seeing his naked legs and feet hadn't quite been it. Realizing he was healthy and whole made his arms tremble, and then the sudden exhaustion from the minor exertion made him drop down to his back again with a grunt.

"Samael! Oh, thank the heavens!" Camila's voice made the man turn to see his party members running up to him.

The man waved a hand weakly and gave another grunt as he was hugged by a relieved looking Camila. The rest of his friends seemed equally relieved, though Knuckles just patted him on the shoulder.

"We had to hide and be very quiet when we saw the monster moving towards the town." Camila babbled. "We thought you were dead."

"Got closer than I would have liked." Samael croaked out. He had just barely managed to grasp the technique for salvation in the end, and hadn't been able to hold it enough to completely fix himself.

"You are in a field of stone pillars and ruined earth. I would believe that." Seonag knelt down next to the downed man and pushed Camila away to examine him. "I will not ask where your pants went." She commented dryly.

"Hah." Samael barked out a laugh and hacked.

"How is he?" Knuckles rumbled out as he glanced around the area.

"He needs food and water, but he looks fine physically. What happened?" Seonag asked after she was finished examining the monk.

"Fought the world boss. Got my ass kicked and barely dented the thing." Samael replied back and wiggled his toes as he glanced down at his feet.

"And you live? You are lucky indeed." Seonag commented as she stepped back to look at the other male in the group. "Lift him and bring him to the cart."

Knuckles nodded in reply and reached down to do so. Samael grumbled at the treatment, but couldn't dispute it as weak as he felt at the moment. Sure he could try to use salvation again, but he didn't think he could grasp the focus and magic as weak as he felt. He endured the manhandling into the cart as best he could.

Once in the back of the vehicle Knuckles moved to the front of the cart and had their transport moving again. The donkey didn't care one bit that it was moving through ruined and broken terrain. It just calmly set one foot in front of the other. Samael envied that just a bit.

As they moved, Samael recounted the boss battle briefly. Considering what it had done to the terrain, some of it didn't need to be explained. The resulting mess of the ground was more than enough to demonstrate it.

"As mighty as we were told." Seonag responded neutrally after he was done.

"We can use it though. Well, my brother can use it." Camila tried to flash a smile, but she couldn't. "Hopefully we can stop it quickly."

"How'd the town make out?" Samael asked after a moment of silence.

No one looked at the monk. Samael felt his heart sink and he levered himself up again. In the distance he could see where the town had been. Had been.

Now there was no building left standing. There were piles of dirt here and there just barely visible from where he was sitting. The man tried to see any hint of life, but with a sinking heart found he couldn't. He dropped down to the floor of the cart and closed his eyes.

"About a quarter of the town's dead." Knuckles finally stated without cheer or emotion at all. "Everything's ruined, and several basements were dug up and the people aren't there anymore."

"Towns are usually wiped off the map with no survivors." Camila stated with a fixed expression on her face. Like she was unsure of what would be appropriate. "It's far better than it could have been. Usually the people try to run and the world boss will hunt them down or simply kill them with incidental damage as the fighting starts inside the town limits."

Samael winced and opened his eyes to look at the sky. "Can we help them?"

"Take care when saving a drowning man. His panic would drag others down into the icy depths." Seonag's expression wasn't visible behind her mask, but her words were heavy. "We are but three people. We gave what supplies we could and we must continue on. The information we have is needed."

"There should be a meeting of clans in capital of the province." Camila stated with certainty. "At the next town we'll send off more messages, and include one about the survivors." She grinned just a bit. "You'll be able to see my brother soon too! He's like the best astrologer ever, and with all our information we should be able to find where the world boss will strike next!" The grin turned vicious. "Then we rip it apart."

"You're sure your brother will be there?" Samael asked the girl.

"Of course, all the clan leaders will be there. Someone has to coordinate things." Camila blinked as people froze around her.

"You didn't think to mention that your brother was the clan leader?" The monk asked the question everyone else wanted to ask.

"It's not like it's not that big a deal." Camila waved off the question. "I'm a grown woman capable of killing a man at twenty paces. I get some fun stuff from him, but that's about it." She gestured to the glimmering star earrings she wore constantly. "These and the dress are fairly high level items you know?"

"No, I didn't." Samael stated faintly.

Camila grinned warmly at the man. "Don't worry. He's great, and you're all my favorite teammates. He'll be happy I found such a good group."

"You will forgive me if I am not completely happy with this knowledge." Seonag replied back with a heavy sigh.

"Think of it this way. World boss first. Then panic." Knuckles muttered to everyone lowly.

Camila looked almost adorably confused by everyone's muttered agreement to that remark.
Chapter 65
Fortunately for Samael, his weakness passed after a day of food and rest. He was extremely grateful that it had been so brief really. Even that one day of forced inactivity had been rather irritating. Admittedly getting babied by Camila hadn't been that bad, but the rest hadn't been pleasant.

They were on their way to the capital now, as fast as the donkey could go. Admittedly this wasn't very fast, but Knuckles had figured out that the beast could go for practically all day and night without trouble for a few days, so they made decent time. They arrived at the capital within a few days.

The capital of Earlsburg was named Earlsburg as well. It wasn't the biggest city in the Crowned Kingdom. In fact, it ranked at a sort of middling part. Earlsburg wasn't the most prosperous or valuable province really, and the capital reflected that in its drab and unassuming decorations.

There were two places of note. The noble road and the adventurer's road. The noble road had several rather massive and lovely mansions in what amounted to a gated community. The adventuer's road was where a lot of adventurers had retired and setup their own area. That place was where they were moving towards.

It was actually a bit cramped, though not in a way you'd expect. There were no mansions or massive buildings built for decorations. Instead there were a series of cramped buildings, walls, and training fields. The largest building was a massive tavern that dominated the center of the road. It had a large a brightly shining sign with the name 'Old Swords.'

Camila led them into there. The building had a frankly massive two story common room dotted with tables and chairs. There were mugs everywhere, and more than a few tavern girls darting around carrying food and more mugs. Despite the festive look, the atmosphere was tense and everyone was muttering. The second floor had a few dozen people and a large table they were clustered around.

Since that floor looked like where the important things were happening, they moved up the stairs. A rather bizarre looking bubble blocked the way, but Camila walked right through it, and the rest followed. Samael's ears popped as he moved through and suddenly he could hear talking. A sound barrier of some sort?

"Two towns down and the useless scouts can't find anything!" Someone was practically shouting as they entered the floor.

The large table held a map, and on it several figurines were placed here and there. Six people had gathered around it. None of them looked happy.

"Hi big brother!" Camila called out as she entered.

"Ah, Camila!" One of the men looked up from the map and grinned. "How are you doing? Are these your teammates?"

Camila's brother resembled her slightly. Only slightly though. He was a good few heads taller, and very broad. He had long black hair and was wearing a robe adorned with stars. Frankly he didn't look like a caster.

"Keep your head in the game Joseph!" One of the other men at the table barked and gave the newcomers a glare. "We're busy. Do you have information."

"Oh yes," Joseph's grin widened as he raised a finger. "You were the ones that gave the initial warning! How did you manage that? Bonnie's information was sadly low."

Everyone went silent at that, aside from Camila. The girl clapped her hands together. "Oh, our theories were right! World Bosses come from falling stars. Well, not all of them, but we did document that this one did. The data's fascinating! Did-" She stopped as she was interrupted.

"You saw the world boss?" The man that had barked interrupted them. And raised his hand to interrupt Joseph. "I'm sure it's fascinating. We don't have time for where it came from right now. We need it dead." Joseph opened his mouth, but the man continued ruthlessly. "Unless you want more towns gone."

"Point." Joseph stated quietly as he lost his smile and nodded to Camila. "I'm sorry. You have recordings I assume?" Camila nodded in response and Joseph grinned fleetingly. "Then the world boss and its abilities."

"Oh Samael fought it, so he'd know it better. They apparently are very metamorphic immediately after they land." Camila waved at Samael.

The monk gulped as everyone looked at him.

"You fought it and lived." The apparent leader of the group in the area stated flatly.

"Ah! I know you. You're Samael the monk!" Another one of the people at the table smiled as she placed him. "I'm Sariel, the leader of the Whitelights. We're quite interested in what you've been doing."

"Oh yes." A man laughed. "Now I recall where I've head that. The Blacklights are interested too."

The woman's smile dropped. "You would be."

"Do I have to duel people to get them to shut up?" The leader growled out and then rubbed at the bridge of his nose. "Since we're doing introductions, I'm Ulf, leader of the Kings-crown. I've got the most experience maneuvering clans together, so I'm in charge." He snorted. "As much as everyone can be in charge. Now, the world boss. What does it do?"

Haltingly Samael began to describe his experience fighting the boss. He was sure most of the didn't quite believe him, but towards the end several people were nodding. Recounting the way it ate people and how it ripped apart the terrain was apparently enough to make them think he was telling the truth.

Ulf gave a grunt at the end. "Is it me, or does it sound weaker than most world bosses?" He asked Joseph.

Several people inhaled sharply, but Joseph nodded. "Only two elements, and crude intelligence. I'd have to research, but based on what I recall, they will change appearance and power over time. Apparently since we found this just after it landed, it hasn't been able to improve much."

"Oh, I know why!" Camila waved a hand. "It came down without any proper form and then ate a nearby dungeon." She explained happily. "The dungeon used a lot of fliers and earth type creatures. It likely assimilated their abilities."

"Girl, I don't know how, but you've just made me more terrified." Ulf replied bluntly, and scoffed at the questioning looks. "If it's taking attributes of dungeons, what happens when it eats people?!"

Everyone paled at that. Joseph waved a hand in dismissal. "Ah, you don't need to worry about that." He paused and looked a bit trouble. "Well, not much. We have had examples of world bosses that have eaten humans for years. Admittedly very old examples, but they weren't extremely intelligent."

"Still makes me shudder." Ulf shook his head and glared around the room. "No one else hears about this. If they think it's 'weak' for a world boss, they'll be idiots!"

Everyone nodded at that and Ulf grunted in approval.

"I'll work on setting up a prediction matrix." Joseph offered.

"Good. Once we have that, then we can plan more. As is I have to have half a dozen elite teams in various areas just in hopes we can pin it down." Ulf glared at the map. "Everyone else file out! We're taking a break!"
Chapter 66
"Camila, do you want to come with me while I do the prediction matrixes?" Joseph asked as they made their way down the stairs.

"I'd love to! I'm still working on them myself. It's one thing to do the stars, but to do a world boss?" The girl smiled widely as she nodded rapidly.

"I'll get us rooms here?" Knuckles half asked and half stated.

Joseph nodded in response. "There should be a few available. Most of the other clans have a building or two they maintain here, so there's more room than you'd think."

"I suppose I will see about finding a few shaman contacts." Seonag contributed quietly as she adjusted her mask.

Samael rapidly found himself left alone inside the tavern as his party moved off to do their own things. He chuckled to himself and shook his head. He figured they were due for a bit of a break anyway. Maybe he should check out the church?

"Hey!" The clan leader of the Whitelights came up to him with a grin. "Samael! You have a moment?"

"I apparently do." The monk muttered as he nodded.

"Good, good." Sariel slapped his shoulder and waved him out of the tavern. "We got a few rumors going on about you lying about the whole world boss fight." She lowered her voice. "Normally I'd ignore them, but it's not good for morale at the moment."

Samael kept his voice low as he followed the woman. "And what do you expect me to do about it?"

"Well, basically survive." Sariel gave him a fleeting smile in return as they moved to a very close training area.

"What do you mean survive?!" Samael shot back and then stumbled briefly as the woman pushed him into the sandy area that was the dueling ring.

Inside was a muscled man wearing chains around his arms and a pair of pants, and not much else. His hair was cropped short and he was covered in scars of all sorts. Sampson had been larger, but not by much. An axe almost as large as him was resting against his side.

"This is a spar to unconsciousness or inability to fight." Sariel stated loudly to the gathering crowd. "There are no stakes involved, merely a test of skill. I am offering my services to restore the contestants to full health. As Sariel, the High Priest of the Whitelights my healing skills are second to none, and I can restore anything short of death."

"I witness this duel as Asmo the High Priest of the Blacklights. Any who would interrupt or dispute the validity of their skills will answer to me." Another man came up and stated. "Please declare yourselves."

Samael glanced around the forming crowd and at the two who had started this duel and then swallowed. He wasn't completely sure what was going on, but it did seem important at least. He evened out his breathing and tried to calm his suddenly racing heart.

"I am Damon the Berserker." The man in front of Samael stated simply.

Despite the simple statement, the crowd quieted and more than a few people started motioning to others. Samael heard more than a few people whispering something about elite. The monk chuckled quietly to himself. Of course the man was elite. That was just his luck.

"I am Samael the Monk." The man got into his stance and grinned widely. "Let's see how I match up."

People ran out of the tavern and into the watching crowd as the two eyed each other. Very slowly Damon reached out and grabbed the axe by his side and gripped it hard.

"On your mark Adventurers." Sariel intoned quietly.

Samael barely saw Damon move. One moment he was gripping the axe at his side and the next he was practically in front of the monk with the weapon upraised. Samael had been expecting this sort of speed though. Sampson had displayed the sort of power and speed an elite had quite well.

The monk twisted around the downward strike and his leg went up and around. It spun and cracked into the berserker's side. Samael had expected to be a lot like hitting Sampson had been, but instead his strike staggered the other man.

For a moment Samael wondered if he had overestimated the elite he had been hearing, but then he remembered the horrible truth of berserkers in general. He immediately backpedaled as Damon recovered from his strike.

The axe wasn't visible as it swung again. The sand several beneath it blew up into the air in its wake though, and for a brief moment Damon was obscured. Samael clapped his hands together on instinct and intuition and heard more than saw the next strike as it caused an audible crack against the barrier grace gave.

Damon paused a moment, and Samael could see him again. His muscles had expanded, his veins were practically visible as they pulsed with blood. His eyes were practically glowing with rage, and his lips had pulled back into a parody of a grin. Berserkers grew stronger from damage. They thrived on it. The ultimate battle junkies, and both feared and prized. An elite berserker could solo elite bosses if they didn't care about their life afterwards.

The axe blurred again, this time between breaths. Samael dropped to the ground and then kicked up and towards his enemy. He couldn't let the man use the range on the weapon. A chain covered fist attempted to smack him in return, but the punch lacked the polish of the man's axe swings and was easily avoided.

Samael's fist cracked into Damon's stomach. Another strike hit his leg, and then Samael slammed his palm into Damon's center mass. Gold cracks rippled around the impact points and there was a moment of stillness.

The berserker screamed. Not in pain though. His body seemed to increase even more, and the pupils in his eyes disappeared. He slammed his axe haft into the ground and it hit with the force of an explosion. Samael was thrown back in a tumble.

He couldn't dodge the next strike. It came on with the same blurring speed from his left side, aimed to hit his hip and would likely practically hack him in half. Blocking a blade with a hand was suicide, but he could do something else. He grabbed the sides of the blade with desperate strength and let the berserker's own strike throw him to the side.

Spinning through the air, Samael exhaled and clapped once more. The air around him rippled, and Damon's follow up strike was knocked back again. He landed on his feet just in time to see another strike. This one hitting his would hit his shoulder.

No blocking this time. No dodging. The blade sunk through his iron skin and shattered the bone beneath it, brutalizing half his body. Samael grit his teeth and slammed his working hand into the golden cracks on Damon's leg in return. The leg shattered, but the man barely seemed to notice as he brutally ripped the axe out in a shower of blood.

Samael watched the axe move up and ready itself to move down again. Part of him marveled that the next strike wouldn't be lethal. Even in the midst of his rage Damon was controlling himself. He could stop here. He had proved himself.

That wasn't his way though. Samael reached for the peace and faith inside himself and let it fill him as he dropped to the ground deliberately. He watched the axe speed down.

"We grasp Salvation." And he caught it.
Chapter 67
Samael woke up with a gasp and blinked up at the clear sky. For a moment he was confused as to what had happened. Then he spotted Sariel looking down at him clinically. She bent over and pulled up at his eyelid. After a moment she nodded.

"Looking healthy. Good, head wounds are tricky sometimes." The woman offered her hand to the monk.

He grabbed it with a look of confusion on his face and let himself be pulled up. "What happened? Last I remember was fighting the Damon." Samael glanced around the slowly dissolving crowd. He couldn't see his opponent either.

"You sir, got your ass handed to you after that spectacular heal of yours." Asmo chimed in from the side. "I'd offer to have you join our clan from that alone, but I'm afraid you'd spontaneously combust." He chuckled at the look Sariel gave him.

"Any pain? Loss of recent memory is common with head wounds, but he didn't do enough damage to really cause serious trouble." Sariel circled the monk once and frowned.

Samael looked down at himself as well. If anything he looked too clean. There was no blood on his body. "Nothing."

"Whew, good. Berserker fights always make me a bit worried." The woman smiled softly.

"Everything makes you worried." Asmo stated with an airy wave.

Sariel glared at Asmo. "I'm not speaking to you."

"Well, you were the one that threw him into the pit, so I suppose it's natural to worry about the consequences from that." Asmo stated with a grin and stepped back to avoid his feet being stomped.

"You heard the rumors as well as I did!" Sariel exclaimed and just missed stomping on Asmo's feet again.

"Rumors?" Samael interjected before the two could continue to fight.

"Standard brawler rumors really. That monks were just a surface level change. That they're barely much better." Asmo snorted and eyed Samael up and down speculatively. "Obviously that fight removed the problem."

"Yes, obviously." The monk replied dryly and gave a suddenly guilty looking Sariel a look.

"Hey, Damon is Elite, he's one of the best choices I had!" The woman protested loudly. A few people glanced at her and then looked away as Asmo glanced back. "No one could accuse him of holding back."

"Yes, people got their blood sport, and a monk proved himself a mighty combatant. Neatly done." Asmo nodded at his compatriot. "I know I'm looking forward to finding a few good ones for my clan."

Sariel nodded with a wide smile at Samael. "Oh yes, I have to thank you for showing off in your fight. Such a spectacular display of faith." The woman beamed at the monk. Asmo made gagging motions behind her back.

Samael was torn between amusement and outrage at the movement. Sariel seemed to notice something was off in his expression though, and whipped her head around to catch the man mid gesture. She made a gesture and a flash of light just missed the man as he yelped.

"Really, resorting to violence?" Asmo spat out quickly.

"Since you seem intent on mocking me." Sariel growled out and then grit her teeth. "No, you're not worth the trouble."

The man pouted in reply. "That's cold."

Twitching Sariel took a deep breath. "Moving on! The Whitelights and the…" She shot Asmo a glare. "The Blacklights will likely be recruiting anyone with your title that shows talent."

Samael nodded slowly in reply. "Thank you I suppose?" He gave a shrug. "It's not like I control them though."

"You are one of the first and will likely teach though." Asmo pointed out as he moved back in range, though he notably avoided being next to Sariel.

"Point." The monk muttered.

"Now we just have to address the other rumor." Sariel grimaced as she spoke.

Asmo seemed to sober up there. "The only way it's going to be eliminated is by blood."

"I'm afraid to ask." Samael responded after a moment of silence.

"Monks are being blamed for summoning the world boss." Sariel stated bluntly. "There's not much you can do about it, but understand you have our support at the moment."

Samael's mouth dropped as he processed the statement. "You're serious. What in heaven's name is wrong with them?"

"It's not something that you can really dispute." Asmo pointed out reasonably. "It's bullshit, but the best lies are those that have just enough that you can believe. You and your new title are a nice shiny new target."

The monk cursed and tried to think on the matter. "Just a rumor right now right?"

"Yes." Sariel stated simply. "Not even a loud one, but it's growing."

Samael grit his teeth and thought more. Unfortunately he couldn't think up anything that could dispute the rumor. Even Camila's recording only showed the World Boss coming down and hitting the dungeon. People could argue that this had been it gathering power.

What if it was right? The boss had come down just nearby him. No, they had been chasing the star.

"Listen. It doesn't matter what evidence you have." Asmo advised quietly. "Ignore the rumor and volunteer to fight the World Boss. The Starseekers have a very good reputation, and will not be inclined to let something that stupid linger."

"We have a vested interest in keeping the monk title vibrant and working, so we'll be squashing what few rumors we have heard." Sariel added just as quietly.

"I think I need to think on this more." Samael finally stated as he moved towards the tavern.

"Stay safe." Sariel called out as he left.
Chapter 68
The key problem Samael was having with the rumors was mostly the fact that he really couldn't pin anything on the Duke. All he had really was the testimony of a single assassin sent against him in a dungeon. Rumors could rise up from everything. The duke likely didn't even have to actually arrange anything, he just had to neglect to correct the record here and there.

Ultimately the monk had to let it go. The rumors were bad, but by the time he woke up the next day, there were half a dozen rumors floating around as to what called the World Boss. From it being the fault of the Baron, or the Amazons, to it being his fault, or just the fact that people hadn't paid the dungeons enough attention.

Knuckles gave a grunt as Samael settled next to him, and both of them started up their breakfast. "You hear the news?" He asked after a moment.

"What news?" Samael responded after a mouthful of food.

Knuckles gestured above them with his mug. "We've got predictions." He snorted. "It's sort of like dice apparently. There's a one in six chance that the World Boss will hit this city."

The monk paused and tried to figure out how that was like dice. It took a bit longer than he'd like to get it. "Ah. So where are the rest?"

"The Bonepit's two. That's where we're going, along with the rest of the brawlers and monks." The man gave another grunt as he downed his entire mug.

Samael frowned deeply. "Why with the rest of the brawlers and monks?" He asked after a moment. That seemed rather strange.

"The guy in charge said something about forcing something." Knuckles shrugged. "Doesn't matter much to me, but we're set to go as soon as Camila and Seonag get here. They were working late in another area."

Samael looked down at the food in front of him. He still had quite a bit left to go. He forewent talking to finish off the plate with large bites. His cheeks were bulging by the time the women came into the tavern, but he had finished.

Seonag had a large steel cylinder strapped to her back as she entered the place. Something about it set Samael's teeth on edge. In contrast, Camila looked quite normal, if very tired.

"What is that?" He asked after he swallowed and pointed to the item on the shaman's back.

"A loan from an Elder Shaman." Seonag replied back. "A greater spirit of war." She rubbed at her mask where her forehead would be. "I hope I will not have to unleash it. It will not be pleasant for me."

That gave Samael chills. "What will it do?"

"Other than exhaust me? This spirit grants single use blessings." Seonag glanced at the cylinder. "It will cause great strength and cause them to heal very fast in for a time, as well as negate most fear. The spirit who gifts it has a nickname, the Bloody Field."

"Oh, I know that one!" Camila perked up as she realized something and then blanched and edged away from Seonag. "That's... Not a nice spell."

"It is not. It is potent though." Seonag nodded as she spoke. Not for the first time the mask showed none of what she was feeling. "Combined with the monks we will be moving towards, it should allow them to fight the boss."

"Why is this not inspiring confidence?" Samael asked after a moment of thought.

Knuckles gave a grunt. "It shouldn't. We're not getting much mage supports. The Steelguard and the Starseekers are the only ones assigned to our spot. They both are spread very thin as clans."

"Bonnie should be able to make it. Big Brother has to stay here." Camila offered with an uncertain expression. "That's not much though."

"I'm not happy about the Steelguard." The monk muttered. "Bonnie says they're in the pocket of the Duke." As in the one that wanted him dead.

"If they want to start something with all the monks and brawlers there, then they deserve what they get." Knuckles pointed out. Most of them would be working with Samael to train after all.

"That's a good point." Samael smiled as he got to his feet. "So, shall we head out?"

"The wagon's being taken back to where we got it." Knuckles got to his feet as well the party began to move out.

"Oh?" Samael shrugged. "I liked that donkey I suppose, but I won't miss how slow he went."

"He did rather plod didn't he." Camila mused casually. "He was a little sweetie though."

Samael suppressed a snort as they followed Knuckles. After a bit of a walk they found themselves at a familiar looking cart, with a pair of even more familiar looking ghostly horses leading them. It looked almost identical to the one that had taken him out of the Bonepit.

With very little ceremony the party moved into the back of the cart. Several more people were crammed into the place and the thing started off with barely a comment.

Fast travel carts like this were in extremely high demand apparently. There was no time to waste in conversation or waiting. Just getting people in the proper areas.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife though. The horses were pushed hard as well. No one spoke. There was a bit of shifting, and a bit of praying. Everyone in the cart knew what was going on.

Samael bowed his head and prayed himself. This was the time to really fight. The ultimate conclusion of being an adventurer really.

So, the monk began to travel towards what could be his last fight as an adventurer with a prayer on his lips and hope in his heart. Another person might have been nervous, or felt dread. Samael let himself feel peace.
Chapter 69
It turned out forcing the issue meant gathering all the monks together and arranging for an entire training yard to be commandeered. In a way Samael admired the thought process. If the World Boss was hunting for monks, then it would come to them. If it wasn't, well, they'd have a solid training base.

None of the brawlers seemed inclined to think overmuch on it though. Instead a sort of intense training and encouragement seemed to take hold. Everyone wanted to get stronger, and no one lacked determination for it.

The rest of the people in the town thought it was a bit bizarre to be honest. The World Boss was due in a few days possibly. Better to make the best of it and be ready in other ways. The brawlers and monks didn't much care to explain it really. Samael could have told them why of course. You became a brawler because you loved the fight.

This entire series of events did lead into something a bit more unusual for the monk though. He ended up being one of the teachers rather than one of the trainers. He honestly didn't know where to start at first. Looking over the field of a dozen new students, he felt his mouth drying just a bit. In the end he just controlled himself and spoke.

"The first requirement to become a brawler is to throw yourself into a fight with nothing but your fists." Samael began as he started to pace. "You learn by bloody experience. How to hold your fist without snapping something, how to kick without crying in pain. How to take a hit and keep going." He smiled briefly at the nods. "I did it through bar fights. Some of you probably had a few street fights, or something else."

This wasn't unexpected. These were new students, but they were brawlers one and all. Each of them had been in fights aplenty. Samael was starting to think it was good training in its own way. Others would flinch at battle. These people had thrown themselves head first into it.

"So, I won't bore you with lectures on how to fight. Instead, I'll begin with my first lesson." Samael stopped pacing and set himself into his first stance. "Follow!" He demanded.

Tentatively the students did so.

"We Stand Under Heaven!" Samael shouted.

The man saw his students glancing at him with confusion. He turned his head and gave them a glare.

"I said FOLLOW!" The monk demanded with a fierce expression.

"We Stand Under Heaven!" The students shouted back as they tried to imitate them.

"We Advance Forward!" Samael stomped forward as he spoke. The sand of the training area splashed beneath his feet.

Dutifully the students copied. Samael could see flaws in their movements, but that was all right. Right now he was just starting.

"We Sweep the Wings!" Samael continued the basic movements, learned what seemed to be a lifetime ago.

The monk watched a few people nearly clip their neighbors. Most of them teetered from the legsweep. He ignored it at the moment.

"REPEAT!" Samael bellowed as he stepped back into his original stance and exhaled slowly.

Now that he had shown them all of the movements, he needed to actually correct them. He moved in between the people and began to identify issues.

Some of it was simple. Feet in the wrong positions, legs moving wrong. A few people did actually need to be corrected on how to punch.

"Remember to breath." Samael instructed softly as he moved up and down the rough lines that had been formed. "Feel the flows of your magic up and down your body. This is important for later."

"How is this supposed to help?" One of the students grunted as he punched.

"Discipline. Control." Samael tapped the man on the back of his knee. "Foot forward a bit more. Your steps are too shallow."

The man scowled in reply, but followed the instructions. He repeated the error when he reset his stance.

"Control!" Samael demanded.

"I'm trying!" The man shouted back.

The monk restrained the initial angry response and gave everyone a look. "Did you think changing your title was easy? Repeat again and again." He ordered. "Breath in and out. Brawler is one without discipline. Someone who throws themselves into fights without care. Monks throw themselves into fights because each punch, each kick, each breath is an expression of their power, devotion, and faith."

"Faith?" One student asked tentatively.

"Keep moving." Samael ordered a few students that had paused and glanced at the questioner. "You were separated based on faith remember. Are you not a follower of the heavens?"

The man winced in reply. "I am!" He protested his face fell as he continued. "I'm not the best follower though."

The monk sighed and waved a hand. "Everyone, pause and look at me." The students did so far faster than he liked, but the man continued as he held up a fist. "This style is called the Heavenly Fist. Becoming a monk means your a follower of the heavens. This is very important. We show our devotion to heavens by facing the enemy armed with nothing but our fists and faith. It works because of that faith. Without the proper faith, it doesn't." Samael let the fist go and stepped back.

"And what if you can't manage that much belief?" The questioner asked a moment.

"Are you willing to fight with just your bare fists against things that want to kill you?" Samael grinned at his students.

"Well, I'm learning here aren't I?" The questioner replied with an answering grin and waved his bare hands. "See?"

"Then faith will come. Learn to breath and move. Discipline yourself. Each step will prove the value of what I'm teaching. In time?" Samael looked for his pack at the side of the training area and rooted through it. A small knife he used for various small tasks was in it. "Now, I don't want you to attempt this. This is the proof that you have faith in the heavens. The final technique of the Heavenly Fist." He cut his hand and watched it bleed into the ground.

Everyone watched as Samael closed his eyes and found his peace and faith. Before their eyes the bleeding stopped and the monk wiped away the blood. His hand was pristine.

The man opened his eyes to silence and interest in his students eyes. Not much, but more would come with time. It wasn't that impressive with that demonstration, but he wasn't going to self mutilate himself just for fun.

"Now, back to practicing!" Samael demanded, and watched as everyone jumped.
Chapter 70
The alarm came in the middle of the night. A bright shining light combined with a roaring whoop that knocked Samael out of his bed. Instinctually the man rolled onto his feet and out of the room before he could actually think on what was going on. He was outside and on the street before he realized exactly what sort of alarm it was.

This was the alarm for the World Boss attacking a different area. The monk cursed under his breath and continued running anyway. There might not have been anything he could do at the moment, but there had been plans for it, though he barely knew them.

In one of the training areas, Captain Xavier was holding a stick that shone like the sun above his hand. Nearby him were various wagons.

"Elites! You're in the fast carriage!" The man ordered, pointing towards the carriage in question. Somehow Samael wasn't surprised that they had gotten here first even if he had practically sprinted.

The elites numbered less than a handful, and that was including Sampson and Harry. They got into the directed carriage without a word.

"The world boss has hit Quietude." The captain yelled loudly. "Healers and support, in the large wagons! Keep hold, they're going to gallop!"

Samael felt his heart sink. Quietude was the name of his home city. To his understanding it had been one of the lesser chances. He watched Seonag get into the carriage to the side, pulling on her mask as she did so. He wanted to go with his teammate, but there was literally no room.

The captain looked around the field and did a count. "Elites are counted! Fast carriage start!"

Samael found his eyebrows rising as the fast carriage began to move. It started off slowly, but it very rapidly began to pick up speed. Soon it was out of the circle of light the captain was putting out.

"There will be flares above where to go." The captain shouted out. "Support Carriage start!" There was a whipping sound and the horses attached to the carriage started to gallop away.

"Now, the rest of us." Xavier lowered the stick that had been emitting light and it went out. Samael had to blink to clear his eyes. "Quietude is a day's ride away. Jogging the entire time, we can make it by daylight, and be exhausted." The man sighed. "We're out of carriages."

"What do you mean we're out?!" One of the brawlers yelled out.

"There are a limited amount of transports!" The captain snapped back quickly. "Priority has to go to who can help the most. There was an elite team there! They'll be able to delay it until reinforcements hit. Fast travel carriages were at all points." His voice lowered as he spoke, and the man looked haggard.

"I can't run that long." One of the women remaining spoke quietly. A girl in a poofy looking robe.

"Can you summon something that flies?" Camila asked with a small smile.

"Yes?" The girl answered with an uncertain tone and shook her head. "But not enough to carry me or anyone else."

"That's fine." Camila waved a hand. "Someone have rope!" The girl asked loudly.

"Here!" One of the brawlers called out and threw the length of it at the girl.

"That works!' Camila started to pace around in a circle. "Now, everyone who wants to come, get in the center here!" She called out as she placed the rope in a circle. "I need spellcasters to help supply magic!"

The captain looked at what the woman was doing and then nodded sharply. "You heard her!" He ordered and started pointing. "You, you, and you at the cardinal points! This is a shared spell. Balance it out!"

"Thank you." Camila's smile widened as people started to shuffle around. After a moment she nodded and whispered to Samael. "This is going to wipe me, even with help. Stay safe." She gave him a peck on the cheek and pushed him into the circle.

Samael blinked rapidly as tried to process what had just happened. He wasn't able to as people surged into the rope circle. Camila clapped her hands together once everyone was inside. The rope rose into the air, and spellcasters inside each grabbed at the object.

The astrologer began to mutter and draw diagrams in the air. White circles followed her hands and then magic sparked slightly around the circle as the spellcasters followed along with something Samael couldn't see.

Very slowly the monk started to feel himself get lighter, and then found himself floating into the air. He looked down at the ground and felt his eyes widen. People around him gave varying expressions of awe and wonder.

"Summoner! Drag them by the rope!" Camila called out and grit her teeth. "Spellcasters, this will be independent in a moment. Keep the power consistent!"

More than a few people gave grunts. Then everyone started to move as one. Samael found himself watching Camila as he floated away. She waved and smiled as she started to sag to the ground.

They started to pick up speed and float further into the air, to general shouts of alarm. The captain's voice silenced them.

"Quiet!" He bellowed with all his power and then continued. "This will get us there fresh. Close your eyes and don't think about it. A fall from this height won't kill us." He continued grimly.

Samael followed the advice and breathed.