Dungeon Titles

Oh. Oh Samael. That arrogance is going to come to bite you.

He's an Ice Mage. Most of his abilities are about defining an area-hell, the absolute zero should actually make the ice walls stronger and more dangerous! If he could get it a touch faster, or even just make it target someone else instead of having to be in it himself, he would be able to solo bosses! And you call that useless?

Pride is one of the deadly sins. And it's far more dangerous to it's practitioner than to anyone else.
Oh. Oh Samael. That arrogance is going to come to bite you.

He's an Ice Mage. Most of his abilities are about defining an area-hell, the absolute zero should actually make the ice walls stronger and more dangerous! If he could get it a touch faster, or even just make it target someone else instead of having to be in it himself, he would be able to solo bosses! And you call that useless?

Pride is one of the deadly sins. And it's far more dangerous to it's practitioner than to anyone else.

Well, not really? Simple walls won't do the job - more air would just flow in as nitrogen condenses, warming the area back up. The dueling circle barrier is apparently airtight, but even if he can put up a dome of airtight ice walls in the heat of battle, they'd still be smashable. Plus, I doubt the spell has any kind of IFF, so he'd have to be in there with the boss alone, which is all kinds of bad news for a mage. Right now it's squarely in "awesome but impractical" territory. Deadly under exactly the right circumstances against exactly the right opponent, but as it is there are way too many hard counters.
Well, not really? Simple walls won't do the job - more air would just flow in as nitrogen condenses, warming the area back up. The dueling circle barrier is apparently airtight, but even if he can put up a dome of airtight ice walls in the heat of battle, they'd still be smashable. Plus, I doubt the spell has any kind of IFF, so he'd have to be in there with the boss alone, which is all kinds of bad news for a mage. Right now it's squarely in "awesome but impractical" territory. Deadly under exactly the right circumstances against exactly the right opponent, but as it is there are way too many hard counters.
I'm not sure that it's because of the air? He only says "smaller defined area", which had me thinking more conceptually. More, Ice is really, really good at blocking air-it might not be air-proof, but it's certainly air resistant. And yes, I realize the IFF issue. It's why I mentioned soloing bosses. Interestingly, depending on how much control he has, he could make a really effective pressure bomb. CO2​ freezes at a much higher temperature than things like oxygen or methane. Freeze down just below the CO2​ point but above the others, a range of well over a hundred degrees, and not only would a single spark leave everything on fire, it would literally burn the air out of their lungs. And possibly rip them out due to negative pressure.

Yes, cold enough air is an explosive. Isn't science fun?
I'm not sure that it's because of the air? He only says "smaller defined area", which had me thinking more conceptually. More, Ice is really, really good at blocking air-it might not be air-proof, but it's certainly air resistant. And yes, I realize the IFF issue. It's why I mentioned soloing bosses. Interestingly, depending on how much control he has, he could make a really effective pressure bomb. CO2​ freezes at a much higher temperature than things like oxygen or methane. Freeze down just below the CO2​ point but above the others, a range of well over a hundred degrees, and not only would a single spark leave everything on fire, it would literally burn the air out of their lungs. And possibly rip them out due to negative pressure.

Yes, cold enough air is an explosive. Isn't science fun?
His statement about directing the "basic area around him" is hard to parse, but I think he means he's only directly affecting the air immediately around him, in which case the rest can only be convection. Plus, if it's a conceptual boundary he needs, he still also needs a physical boundary, or air will just blow in anyway. Doubling as an airtight barrier would be conceptually sketchy for a cold spell. As for soloing bosses, I don't think it's possible to get it fast enough for that to really work. Asphyxiation is inherently on the slow side, compared to how long it takes most boss monsters to kill an unprotected squishy wizard.
I'm not sure how that explosion is supposed to work. CO2, frozen or not, is not combustible, so a spark wouldn't do anything to it. And the air, sans CO2, is mostly just oxygen and nitrogen, which don't react with each other either. I guess you could get a boom by piling up all the CO2 and then flash-thawing it, but a spark won't do that, and it certainly wouldn't start any fires or do much of anything to lungs.
CO2​ freezes at a much higher temperature than things like oxygen or methane. Freeze down just below the CO2​ point but above the others, a range of well over a hundred degrees, and not only would a single spark leave everything on fire, it would literally burn the air out of their lungs. And possibly rip them out due to negative pressure.

Yes, cold enough air is an explosive. Isn't science fun?

Oxygen is, as the name may suggest, an oxidizer. By itself, it is not flammable. If anything like fuel was around the area, then maybe a spark would light the place up, but otherwise a spark shouldn't really do anything like what you are describing.
Chapter 80
The party had long since ended. The guests had departed. The servants had cleaned up. It was long into the night, and nearly day now. Yet still the Duke of Earlsburg sat in his chair at his mansion and sipped at his wine.

It was an expensive brand. Made from dungeon grapes, and a good fifty years old. The alcohol had a bit of a zing to it, and the magic flowing through it gave it an energizing effect that was unmatched. You couldn't chug something like this. A full glass would have you bouncing and drunk at the same time. You had to artfully sip at it every now and again when the tingle stopped.

Naturally the wine was worth more gold than most people would see in their life. Even adventurers would balk at casually buying a few bottles. Templeton knew that a few of them had it though, and something about that thought made the wine not as palatable as usual. He still carefully sipped it though. One didn't waste wine like this.

"So we're doing the whole wait in the dark again?" A rather annoying voice made the duke look up from his glass.

"You're late." Templeton replied back simply and leaned back in his chair as he set down his glass.

Block shrugged as he walked in and glanced around the opulent office. "Getting a replacement staff's a bitch. Wanted to get it sketched out before I forgot what I wanted."

The duke peered at the man with narrowed eyes before dismissing the statement. He knew adventurers, but the specifics of their crafts still escaped him. "I'm glad you brought that up actually." The man mused. "I distinctly recall saying that I wanted that Monk dealt with. Care to explain why?"

The mage snorted and began to move around the room, casually lighting a few lamps with a flick of his fingers. "Can't say I didn't give it a good shot. You pay me 'cause I handle it discreetly." He paused as he spoke and held up a few fingers. "First attempt, ice blocking him failed due to that weird counter effect he had. Second attempt with the blades simply didn't work. I was told coming in that he was veteran."

"Based on all the information I had he was." Templeton sighed morosely. "I suppose then that I'll need to reprimand the captain and upgrade the bounty." The man pressed back into his chair and frowned at the room in general. "This monk has seriously cost me money."

"You're still doing that?" Block asked with raised eyebrows.

"By this point it's more personal than financial. You wouldn't believe how much money he lost me thanks to the brawlers." The duke picked up his glass and sipped at it again, then grimaced. "And the complaints. I had letters piled this high." He indicated a height larger than his glass. "The man just refuses to die."

The mage snorted and started to light up a few more lamps. By now the office was still shadowy, but it at least looked like it could be worked in. "Sort of comes with the job. Adventurers are hard to kill."

"Yes, annoyingly so." Templeton agreed feverently.

"I'd honestly suggest you back off on it. You're going to get the Starchasers on your tail soon. They're already poking around based on what I'm hearing." Block stated casually as he finished lighting up the room and took a seat.

"I've been considering arranging for something to censor them as well." The duke admitted casually. "Nothing overt, but the attention they've been placing on me is getting fairly close to areas I'd like untouched."

"Really?" Block perked up from his seat. "They finally get past your paperwork skills?"

"Several of my friends in the transportation industry are getting a bit disturbed. They made so many strides in consolidating their businesses in the wake of the World Boss that they made a few mistakes." Templeton stared at his glass with pursed lips before he finished it off.

Black snapped his fingers. "Ah! So that's where you've been getting the money."

Templeton snorted. "No, that's where I've been getting a few gold coins. You don't become rich as a duke if you don't diversify." The man waggled a finger as he searched for the bottle of wine and poured himself another glass. "For instance, all those relief donations? They all go to the right areas. If some of the authorized statements are to friends I have? They lost some things too."

"You mean all the nobles that ran when the Boss came round." Block confirmed with a dry tone.

The duke nodded as he poured himself a glass. "Yes, only the foolish stayed. Most of their estates and heirs are dead now. The land was basically worthless, but they had money elsewhere that could be taxed. All of it was perfectly legal." Setting the bottle away the duke gave a crooked smile. "No one would really understand that of course."

Block waved a hand negligently. "Public opinion can be so fickle."

"Yes it can be. That's why I pay you Steelguard so much. Pays to keep most of you on my good side." Templeton sipped at his glass again and gave a Block a look. "Might have to see about getting more out of you though."

"As always I'm at your service." The mage replied with a sarcastic grin on his face.

"I'm not drunk enough not to hear that sass." The duke snapped back and then took another sip. He went silent as he thought.

Aside from killing the monk, Templeton didn't have many plans left. The accursed world boss had really destroyed any plans he might have had beforehand. Now he needed new ones. He also needed to be sure that his ass was covered in the meantime. He still had that report to do to the king.

"The horse dungeon." Templeton stated suddenly, and ignored Block's look of confusion. He moved to his drawer and dug around it. "Ah, Shadow-wind. Why you name dungeons like this I don't know. Arrange a few teams and have them capture the horses there." The man slapped a paper down on the table.

"What?" Block deadpanned and got to his feet to look at the paper.

"Our fast travel wagons were essential to the fight right?" Templeton smiled triumphantly. "I'll place that on the report and our beastamers will be able to sell them en mass. The price will triple!" The duke rubbed his hands together as he grinned at the thought of all the money.

The mage watched the duke for a moment before shaking his head and moving away. The idea was sound on the surface, but all the fast travel wagons in the world wouldn't have stopped the boss.

Outside the mansion he paused at the entrance and spoke into thin air. "Contract on. He's in the lit room drinking wine."

There was no response. No flicker of wind. No sound of footsteps. If the gate took a moment less to close, then Block could honestly say he noticed nothing.

The mage walked away from the mansion with his hands in his pockets whistling a tune into the night. Block had always been of the opinion that the greatest monsters were not the bosses. The greatest monsters had always been other people.

I like this Block character. Seems to have a solid head on his shoulders.
It's looking more and more like this Baron is going to be the main antagonist. Or else he's going to stir up another problem, though I'm not sure how things could get worse than a World Boss.
This is a really good chapter, but it brought up a problem I didn't have words for until now.

Samael needs to exercise his agency.

The entire story after he got out of the Bone Pits, he's been reacting. Going places for others. Riding the wakes of other characters. The story would really benefit from Samael pursuing something of his own initiative for a bit.
This is a really good chapter, but it brought up a problem I didn't have words for until now.

Samael needs to exercise his agency.

The entire story after he got out of the Bone Pits, he's been reacting. Going places for others. Riding the wakes of other characters. The story would really benefit from Samael pursuing something of his own initiative for a bit.

For the most part that's pretty much all he's been able to do for a while now. It sounds like he'll have the freedom to do what he wants for a while, barring requests or plans or whatnot from the rest of his team and the rest of the guild.

Uh... my guess is he turns up dead next chapter.

True, that is possible, considering the kind of world this setting is. But I don't believe things are heading that way. If the baron is to die, we're likely to get some kind of hint beforehand. Though we may not recognize said hint as such before it happens.
For the most part that's pretty much all he's been able to do for a while now. It sounds like he'll have the freedom to do what he wants for a while, barring requests or plans or whatnot from the rest of his team and the rest of the guild.

True, that is possible, considering the kind of world this setting is. But I don't believe things are heading that way. If the baron is to die, we're likely to get some kind of hint beforehand. Though we may not recognize said hint as such before it happens.
We did. Block seems to be telling an Assassin all is clear.
It's looking more and more like this Baron is going to be the main antagonist. Or else he's going to stir up another problem, though I'm not sure how things could get worse than a World Boss.
Things can always get significantly worse. Start out with civil war, add the dungeons starting to react to the horse trade thing...

Don't admit how close the cops are getting to your operation to fellow criminals. That takes you from asset to loose end.
Quite. And there is also the little detail that criminals don't want to be eaten by world bosses, either.
True, that is possible, considering the kind of world this setting is. But I don't believe things are heading that way. If the baron is to die, we're likely to get some kind of hint beforehand. Though we may not recognize said hint as such before it happens.

Out of curiosity, how did you read this?
Outside the mansion he paused at the entrance and spoke into thin air. "Contract on. He's in the lit room drinking wine."

There was no response. No flicker of wind. No sound of footsteps. If the gate took a moment less to close, then Block could honestly say he noticed nothing.

Because I read this as Block telling an Assassin where to find the Duke.
Because I read this as Block telling an Assassin where to find the Duke.
Yeah, the whole 'contract is on' also suggests Block's real boss is the one that set up the hit, too, otherwise it's very unlikely he'd have discretion over the assassin's contract.

Then again, Block's 'real boss' might just be Block. In which case, I envy his ability to turn in a resignation.
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I'm gearing towards the end of book 1 with this actually. I have vague plans for a book 2, but at the moment I'm unsure how well this would do as a standalone book at the moment.
okay, most of the plot threads are tied up, and those that aren't are the sort of huge lore ones that should only be tied up in book one when book one is about them (which this very clearly was not)

Seriously I love how well you write contained stories .
This is just screaming for a self-reflecting epilogue where Samael considers how even having lost a fight, he feels happy with his life because he's doing something meaningful. And then his sense of balance and peace is ruined as Camila finally makes a move on him and he panics.
Camila finally makes a move on him and he panics
I'll be honest, while I suppose I must have missed something earlier, I was rather blindsided by Camila showing signs of interest in Samuel at the party. I'd been sure the pairings were Samuel/Seonag and Camila/Knuckles (well, wasn't as certain on these two, but they seemed to get along and pair the spares...).

I'll be honest, while I suppose I must have missed something earlier, I was rather blindsided by Camila showing signs of interest in Samuel at the party. I'd been sure the pairings were Samuel/Seonag and Camila/Knuckles (well, wasn't as certain on these two, but they seemed to get along and pair the spares...).


Spending a evening under the stars while listening to a person gush about their job isn't the worst first date.