Dungeon Titles

I thought being sparked generally made you good looking unless Duke of Earlburg platonic ideal is Humpty Dumpty

Also be patient Camila, his Title doesn't have a high CHA rating
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is this part supposed to be bold too? That would imply every different fiefdom grants its own special unique title

It's probably part of the requirement so less unique and more situational.
If he got several other Dukes/Counts/Barons to swear fealty to him, his title would probably get updated to King of Earlsburg.
I don't remember the size of the duchy or from how far away adventures had time to travel, so is the duke actually being unreasonable here? Acknowledging the fortitude of the non-adventurer population is expected. Elite adventures may consider themselves loyal to world-spanning guilds rather than individual fiefs, but considering "the unconditional support of the guilds" part of everyone in Earlsburg working together seems fairly reasonable if it was mostly only guild members residing in the duchy that arrived in time for the fight.

He's kind of taking up his government, but this particular speech doesn't seem too bad. Maybe I'm missing some kind of feudal thing about claiming the adventures are vassals, but so far in the story it seems like feudalism isn't too extreme - no serfs, free movement, and even in this speech he's talking about "our government" rather than his personal leadership

Edit: about the Duke's Title, I expect any title of Duke basically means the same abilities but "of Earlsburg" is part of the title because many abilities are somehow tied to the duchy - maybe buffing his vassals or working only within his land or something.
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Skill: Mass Oenophilia

Those who attend a party held by the user really enjoy the wine served I mean dang son that was a great vintage I thought the 374 was a good year but this makes it seem like sour grape juice.
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Chapter 76
Xavier hated these sorts of parties. He could do them, part of becoming a Captain involved shifting into the social scene some. You had to know how to talk with people and get support basically. That didn't mean he liked it. Especially at times like this.

The duke was in fine form at the moment. The speech had been genial, humble, and even mentioned the adventurers. That was the problem with sleaze like him, they always sounded good while lining their pockets. Somehow, someway, the duke was going to get a lot of money out of this, and very little of it would go to rebuilding anything. Well, anything important.

Xavier didn't like any of these thoughts show up on his face. All he did was nod at the end of the speeches and wait for the party to end. His clan was getting an enormous amount of funding from the duke. They spanned the continent, and could snag people right as they started.

That was really the problem with noble titles. They weren't combat orientated, but they certainly knew how to wheel and deal. Templeton was no exception. He was corrupt and more concerned with lining his pockets, but no one could quite call him on it. Even those who saw everything like Xavier did.

The speech started like the rest. One of the people standing up with a glass. Xavier glanced at the man and then paused as he identified it as one of the people who had fought the world boss.

"I would like to make a toast myself." The man began with a small smile and nodded as the duke gestured in agreement. "I am Samael the Monk." The man declared with obvious pride.

Another person would have missed it. Xavier knew the duke fairly well. He saw the twitch of reaction, which was very interesting. Knowing the name of an adventurer indicated that the man had dealt with him somehow.

"I would like to thank the duke for his timely and very subtle assistance. Why, it was so quiet, I barely noticed it at all!" Samael continued loudly. There were a few polite titters. "I especially have to thank him for gifting me and my allies the ruined and destroyed land that the world boss left." Here the man paused and some people looked confused before he continued. "We have all decided to turn it into a training grounds for many people. For more fighters, more mages, and more monks like me."

The duke's smile tightened just a bit. Xavier found himself restraining a smirk himself. He didn't know why, but Templeton was getting seriously irritated at this.

"Thanks to the duke, and us pooling our money together, we will be able to get people to each of the dungeons! I will even put in a suggestion for travel arrangements." The monk bowed slightly to the duke. "As our duke stated, horses were driven into the ground. I'd like to be sure we have enough to get people anywhere and everywhere." Samael smiled widely. "So, to the duke, for such beautiful assistance and ideas!"

Everyone raised their glasses. After the toast was done, Templeton set down his glass and drifted over to Xavier casually. It took a few minutes, during which he schmoozed and talked with more than a few people. The captain saw him coming though and allowed a fake smile to appear when the other man had gotten into earshot.

"Samael, what do you know about him?" The duke asked casually as he swirled a wine glass.

Xavier thought briefly about lying, but decided against it. "Physical fighter. Hard to take down." Well, understatement there. He could count on one hand the people that could take shots like the monk. "No real range options. The rumors in particular are wrong for him and his title. As a person, I couldn't say. He was on the front against the world boss."

"That's fine." Templeton waved his free hand airly. "I was thinking about a duel as entertainment, and he caught my eye." Flashing a grin the noble continued. "He'd certainly be bold enough to accept."

The captain felt his face blank. That wasn't a casual statement. "How good a fight would you want?" Translation, how much damage would you want to do?

"It's no fun if he just trounces someone you know?" The duke sipped at his wine casually. "You say he's hard to take down right?" To anyone else, this would have been a casual exchange. More than a few people overhearing it were perfectly convinced of it actually.

"He's got a technique that rival's priest heals." Xavier stated bluntly. He had seen it in action, and while he was loathe to give up things like this, he knew who owned his clan.

Templeton blinked in honest shock. "Truely?" Xavier nodded, and the man smiled widely. "Well, in that case we'll have to call out the big guns!" The duke waved down a servant. "Go wake up Block, would you? Tell him I've got a challenge." The man's warm smile didn't stop the chill going down Xavier's spine.

Block was a nickname for an ice mage. He was technically Xavier's superior in the clan. One of the elite strong enough that his name was nearly part of his title. Someone who was so strong and seeped into his power that he had nearly become associated with his declaration. You got them occasionally, people who had made themselves legendary.

Block wasn't there quite yet. Mostly because he had transitioned into being the duke's hatchet man and fallen out of the limelight. He got the name because he left his opponents in ice blocks, and sometimes the people were 'weak' enough that they couldn't get out. Xavier wasn't sure how many of them were deliberate.

Of course, none of this showed on Xavier's face, or the duke's either. Instead the captain nodded to the nobel and then excused himself from the party. Whatever the result, he didn't want to stay.
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Well. How convenient that he's now resistant to cold and already has experience in being encased within an iceblock.

I enjoyed reading this, nice and interesting setup.
"I would like to thank the duke for his timely and very subtle assistance. Why, it was so quiet, I barely noticed it at all!" Samael continued loudly. There were a few polite titters. "I especially have to thank him for gifting me and my allies the ruined and destroyed land that the world boss left." Here the man paused and some people looked confused before he continued. "We have all decided to turn it into a training grounds for many people. For more fighters, more mages, and more monks like me."

The duke's smile tightened just a bit. Xavier found himself restraining a smirk himself. He didn't know why, but Templeton was getting seriously irritated at this.

Raised by a Priest, master of passive-aggressive guilt-tripping.
He could do them, part of becoming a Captain involved shifting into the social scene some.

Should probably be a sentence break rather than a comma there.

Xavier didn't like any of these thoughts show up on his face.


Oriented. Please. I beg you.

One of the people standing up with a glass.



Also, I'm very much liking this story in general. My thanks.
Author note from SB. Lost forgot about that specific blessing when he came up with this particular opponent. He's not going to edit it and find it amusing.
Heh, just went and reread the Ice Spirit's Trial. Samuel pre salvation was able to meditate within a blizzard, up to and including being encased in ice, and didn't even notice any problems before his worried teammates dragged him out of it. Since then he's gained the spirit's blessing (cold resistance), improved massively in terms of combat, and mastered Salvation... Block is in for a really nasty suprise isn't he :D.
Chapter 77
Samael had known it was a trap of some sort going in. Fighting a man the duke had decided? Of course there was some trick. He had gone in anyway because he was certain he could turn it around. Hopefully, it was confidence and not arrogance talking.

His opponent walked into the impromptu arena with a flourish and a smile. Dressed in robes and wizard hat, the man looked every inch the stereotypical wizard. About the only thing he was missing was the great big grey beard. Instead it was a neatly trimmed black beard that made him look more roguish rather than anything wise or elderly. He even had a wizard's staff.

"Hello everyone, my name's Tim, though most people call me Block the mage." The man gave a short bow as he introduced himself. "My specialty is in ice and cold magic." He bowed again and then nodded to Samael with a casual smile.

"I think people already know me." Samael replied back with a dry tone but bowed. "I'm Samael the monk."

"I've called Block here to give us a good show, so everyone step back and keep outside the circle!" The duke called out to the audience and indicated the drawn circle that was around both combatants. "It will let him really show off without giving us a chill Hopefully our dear Samael here will be able to keep up!"

"Always a pleasure." Block tipped his hat to the duke. "Ready Samael?"

"Of course." Samael had stripped down to his shirt and a pair of pants for this. Even his shoes were gone. He didn't see it, but several of the women were eyeing him, to Camila's visible displeasure.

"Begin when you're ready!" The duke ordered with a smile as he stepped back.

Block immediately flicked his free hand out and a small bolt of light blasted out. Samael raised an eyebrow as it darted through the air and smacked into his shoulder. A small sprinkle of snow splashed out from the impact point, accompanied by a cold sensation.

"Hah, sorry. Just testing." Block grabbed his hat and then pulled it down slightly. His smile disappeared and two missiles flashed out.

Slightly irritated at being underestimated, Samael attempted to move forward. Then blinked as he found he couldn't. Looking down he noticed ice wrapped around his feet. There wasn't even a hint of cold about it.

The two missiles impacted his shoulders and snow showered out in great gouts. It glittered through the air and floated down just a moment before evaporating. The cold sensation was barely there, but already Samael could feel his skin getting a bit chilled.

Three missiles formed around the mage. Samael grit his teeth and clapped his hands together as they darted forward quick as thought. The icy projectiles hit the absolute control of grace, and were stopped dead. Snow flowed through the air, and Samael used his sudden freedom to charge forward.

Block didn't even flinch as his opponent charged forward. Instead, as Samael got within striking range, a flash of frost and snow blasted out and knocked him back with no warning or chance to defend himself. The monk tumbled back and rolled end over end before stabilizing himself on a knee.

More flashes of snowy projectiles had him thrust his hand forward before his conscious mind could register the movement. The missiles went wild and impacted the circle surrounding the two to cries of shock and amazement.

For the first time Block paused. "Huh, a spell disruptor?" His eyes widened and he then frowned. "Shit, that might make things hard."

That did not mean good things in Samael's opinion. He lunged forward again before his opponent could prepare the next spell. This time he was prepared for the backlash. He braced himself and slammed his fist through the blast of cold and snow. Frost formed on his knuckles and then his hand stopped dead before reaching the man's body.

Mage armor. Of course it was mage armor. Fortunately mage armor could be worn down. Samael slammed his fists forward again and again into his opponent's defence. The transparent shield flexed and then started to feel like it was about to break.

Then Block made his move. HIs staff spun around frantically, and the man slammed it into the ground nearby a dodging Samael. Ice formed everywhere around him, and then ran up Samael's body.

It rose up and up, like a quick forming icicle. Too fast for Samael to dodge really. Too fast for anyone to dodge. The crowd gasped as the ice enveloped the man's body and then thickened and firmed up around the man until it turned into a solid block of transparent ice.

"Damn, did it again." Block cursed. "Let me get you out before you die." He muttered, and started to wave his hands.

Samael would have laughed had he been able to. To anyone else watching it, Block was the very picture of concern. To the monk it was obvious that he was taking his time.

That was fine though. Final prayer started to burn on his chest. The ice around him sizzled and started to melt. Block had a moment to step back and raise his staff before Samael burst free in a shower of ice and water. The monk slammed his fist into the mage amor again.

This time the armor didn't give. Block had a frown on his face as he gestured and ice spikes came into being all around him. The razor sharp edges nicked Samael's body and drew blood, forcing the man back as he attempted to make sense of the new obstical.

"You're resistant to cold. And my block move." The mage mused, and then sighed as he pulled off his wizard hat.

"I'm hard to put down." Samael stated with a wary look. His opponent didn't look like he was giving up. Even the panic he had been showing was gone.

"I can see that." Block tapped his staff against the ground and it froze itself solid. He placed his hat on it casually and then adjusted it so that it was set properly. Then he pulled out a pendent. "So, I'll switch to something else. Careful, this could be dangerous." The pendent glowed and ice started to form around it, and then Block's hand. Soon a large icy claw had formed.

The mage flexed the claw. It crackled like snapping ice, and then the man smiled. Ice started to move up his arm and onto his shoulder in great snapping cracks. There was no hint of warmth in the man's expression.

"Shall we?" Block asked with fake geniality.