Dungeon Titles

@Lost Star I do actually have a complaint about this story. It seems odd that no one has taken the Duke out yet. You made a big deal about how the guilds would destroy anyone dumb enough to screw with them. You also said that there was a certain solidarity among the Sparks. But when someone is clearly and obviously fucking with a new class for profit, nobody steps up? Especially when the guy is screwing up a defense against a World Boss? Even the ex-Brawlers (who are supposed to be all about solving their problems with violence) that are benefitting the most from all of this? Instead, they're tossing all of the responsibility on someone that's been active for less than a year! It makes the whole system seem pretty worthless. At this point, I would probably be saying "Fuck this shit" and letting the ungrateful morons get eaten.
It's probably a case of deniability.

If anyone can find actual solid evidence that the Duke's the one causing all these problems for the new Brawler class... Well, there's going to be a new Duke very, very soon...

Unfortunately, until the Adventurers get that solid evidence, they have to tread lightly... Because that's the disadvantage of the political set up that's being run.
You have to remember that just because the Adventurers have a hell of a lot of power, and they've set boundaries for how much the nobility can interfere with them, doesn't mean that they haven't had to make trade offs and sacrifices to have those boundaries placed.

Hell, this sort of political game's probably pretty damn common. The new noble comes to power and pushes against the Adventurers boundaries, and the Adventurers let it happen so there's no civil war... Right up until the Noble pushes too far and then the noble gets hit by a sledge hammer at Mach 9. Thus waking up the rest of the nobles and making them more cautious about pushing that boundary. For at least a decade or two...
@Lost Star I do actually have a complaint about this story. It seems odd that no one has taken the Duke out yet. You made a big deal about how the guilds would destroy anyone dumb enough to screw with them. You also said that there was a certain solidarity among the Sparks. But when someone is clearly and obviously fucking with a new class for profit, nobody steps up? Especially when the guy is screwing up a defense against a World Boss? Even the ex-Brawlers (who are supposed to be all about solving their problems with violence) that are benefitting the most from all of this? Instead, they're tossing all of the responsibility on someone that's been active for less than a year! It makes the whole system seem pretty worthless. At this point, I would probably be saying "Fuck this shit" and letting the ungrateful morons get eaten.
Your not the first to ask, and honestly it kinda confuses me every time it is. Quite simply the Duke hasn't gone to far yet, blatantly toeing the line yes but he hasn't actually gone over it. And as long as all he does is spread rumors and manipulate public opinion the Adventure's don't have casus belli to take him out. For he has passed no laws saying that none may walk the path of the Monk, nor has he raised taxes that only apply to them.
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It's probably a case of deniability.

If anyone can find actual solid evidence that the Duke's the one causing all these problems for the new Brawler class... Well, there's going to be a new Duke very, very soon...

Unfortunately, until the Adventurers get that solid evidence, they have to tread lightly... Because that's the disadvantage of the political set up that's being run.
You have to remember that just because the Adventurers have a hell of a lot of power, and they've set boundaries for how much the nobility can interfere with them, doesn't mean that they haven't had to make trade offs and sacrifices to have those boundaries placed.

Hell, this sort of political game's probably pretty damn common. The new noble comes to power and pushes against the Adventurers boundaries, and the Adventurers let it happen so there's no civil war... Right up until the Noble pushes too far and then the noble gets hit by a sledge hammer at Mach 9. Thus waking up the rest of the nobles and making them more cautious about pushing that boundary. For at least a decade or two...
Under normal circumstances, maybe. I would argue that demanding a "smoking gun" in a case like this in a medieval setting means that basically no noble will end up getting caught ever, making the supposed protections worthless. Because a noble is literally never going to run out of catspaws.

There has to be a point where you can go "Look, enough is enough" and deal with the situation. I would say that when EVERYBODY in any sort of position of knowledge is going "There's only one person in the area even capable of pulling shit like this", you have gotten well past that point.

But let's ignore that! Let's ignore the characterization and lore issues. Let's focus on the fact that the Duke is fucking with a World Boss defense! If absolutely nothing else lights a fire under the guilds to deal with the asshole, that should be it. That should be the point where all normal rules and niceties go out the window, and anybody playing stupid games gets (maybe figuratively) crucified! Because if that goes wrong, EVERYBODY DIES.

The veterans know he's screwing around on this. The guild leadership know he's playing silly games with this. The Churches know he's fucking this up. And everyone is reacting with a "That's the way the cookie crumbles, what can you do:sad:"? Hell, no, that doesn't make a lick of sense! This ought to be being treated with the seriousness of an atomic bomb! Because that's what the lore says they are-literal living country killers! But instead we get...this. Apathy in the face of serious breaches of the privilege afforded adventurers, World Bosses, and the potential loss of literally priceless information on where World Bosses come from.

And yes, it is seriously bothering me that there are elite Brawlers turned Monks that are just standing aside and letting this stuff happen, given that they are literally known for their love of energetic solutions.

Your not the first to ask, and honestly it kinda confuses me every time it is. Quite simply the Duke hasn't gone to far yet, blatantly toeing the line yes but he hasn't actually gone over it. And as long as all he does is spread rumors and manipulate public opinion the Adventure's don't have casus belli to take him out. For he has passed no laws saying that none may walk the path of the Monk, nor has he raised taxes that only apply to them.
Again, a big deal was made about the fact that Adventurers don't get involved in civilian affairs, but that nobles had better damn well not get involved in Adventurer affairs either. Given that the Duke has been skirting this line for years apparently, it really makes the guilds and Adventurers as a whole seem incredibly weak when they can't even enforce the divide when the Duke is being so incredibly blatant.

Like, sure, one rumor would make sense catching and spreading among the population about the strange new class and its unknown leader. Two? Maybe. People do like to gossip. But at current count FIVE? All designed to paint them as EVIL as possible? That's clear and obvious enemy action. And if the Adventurers can't take action in that case, they're weak. If they won't...well, we're back to letting the World Boss eat the idiots in a display of natural selection and hope the next crop is smarter.
A few issues with your argument I feel.
There has to be a point where you can go "Look, enough is enough" and deal with the situation. I would say that when EVERYBODY in any sort of position of knowledge is going "There's only one person in the area even capable of pulling shit like this", you have gotten well past that point.
So, the first bit on the rumors such as Monks not really being more viable party members than brawlers. The issue here is that for all it's obvious to the readers who are following the first monk, it's not actually an unreasonable view someone might consider. Monks are new, and there isn't all that much information about them at the moment. Many people likely are concerned that monks are just brawlers with a fresh coat of paint. So the rumors going around aren't really that unreasonable, and lead more to people taking a cautious, want to get proof it's not the case kind of approach to the matter. Brawlers who are interested of course just go to check it out, because they have nothing to lose really. Also, I'm not sure it is actually super obvious to most adventures where it's coming from. There were multiple clues that made it obvious to the protagonists, which included the rumors, but more strongly was based on the assassination attempt that was followed by the assassin strongly implying just who was paying for the job without actually stating it. To most, the rumors likely seem to have arisen pretty organically.

As for the assassination attempt, I'm pretty sure adventurers don't rise up over something so minor as a noble or the like taking issue with a single adventurer and trying to have them assassinated. For one thing there are adventurers who specifically facilitate that as a career.

Let's focus on the fact that the Duke is fucking with a World Boss defense!
Not sure where he's been doing that. Or at least if he has it's a recent enough occurrence that most likely haven't realized or are putting it on hold to deal with said world boss, rather than trying to start a war on two fronts. Keep in mind, the world boss is very recent news, and has attacked only a couple minor villages. There haven't even been any real conflicts with adventurers who are actually working in defense of it yet. I rather doubt the Duke was needed to start rumors that Samuel was lying about his fight with the boss. After all, he's a new fairly adventurer who is claiming to have fought a world boss in a first contact situation and lived to tell the tale. Scepticism as to the validity of the claim is entirely reasonable on the part of various other people planning to help.
If they know anything about fighting world bosses, his claim seems extremely far fetched.

More likely to be traced back to the Duke is the claim the boss showed up in response to the Monk title, but that's not really going to impact the defense against the world boss, it would just make people less fond of monks in the aftermath. Additionally, that really just feeds into peoples desire for a scapegoat to blame for problems. Particularly when the actual cause is less tangible than a person, or at least less reachable. It sucks, but it's not some big problem that will stop the world boss defense. Likely every time a world boss shows up you get a few dozen different rumors claiming its appearance was "caused" by some random factor that was involved in the discovery or just big news when it showed up, because the idea that there is something people can actively try dealing with to prevent world bosses coming is more comforting than it just being some uncontrollable random chance event. Much like how people pick up all kinds of random habits or items to place the blame on for bad or good luck in games of chance (be it something like gambling for money, just rolling dice for an RP, or trying to grind some rare drop in an RPG).

Given that the Duke has been skirting this line for years
Has he though? We know he runs his dukedom for a profit with some degree of incompetence, and is in deep with the local rogues guild, but that's not really pushing the boundary there. Sure, he made his dungeon town so that it's easier to get in there, and then you need to work hard to afford to leave, but he also made it fairly reasonably priced to stay there, and really it's an intro level town that consequently has a good rep for turning out competent adventurers because they had to actually get skilled enough to earn the coin needed to leave rather than just deciding to go to the next dungeon on the difficulty rating when they got bored of that one and then getting badly hurt/killed because they weren't actually ready.

Like, sure, one rumor would make sense catching and spreading among the population about the strange new class and its unknown leader. Two? Maybe. People do like to gossip. But at current count FIVE? All designed to paint them as EVIL as possible? That's clear and obvious enemy action.
Is it really? I mean Monks are huge news. There's bound to be far more than just five rumors about them, likely more in line with dozens or hundreds. This isn't just a new title popping up, this is a title advancing what was previously a dead end fighting style with only one title to its name, that couldn't even do well in parties due to the focus they had. If you couldn't find a half a dozen different rumors about them each day of the week in a random town where adventurers actually hang out I'd be surprised. There also are clearly at least a decent number of good rumors, but we don't see focus on them because they aren't really a problem for the protagonist and Monks as a whole. Additionally, even for all the way bad rumors seem to be sticking in the minds of people, most seem to take them with a grain of salt, adopting a wait and see approach rather than immediately buying into them. It seems more like those rumors are taking of mainly because the adventurers don't want to risk overlooking some flaw they were warned about in this new title everyone is talking about, so they keep it in mind and decide to test it for themselves, or at least find a reliable account noting it's not the case (which if they're going around asking about it will help to spread the rumor).

There is also the fact that for all Samuel and friends know the Duke is behind some of the stuff with the bad rep Monks are getting among gossip, he's hardly the only suspect. A lot of places have overflow dungeons that liked taking advantage of Brawlers having a lack of other prospects to get cheap labour preventing the overflow. Any number of those places could thus be contributing to the rumors about monks in hopes of discouraging the brawlers from leaving in search of a better, more exciting, career as a monk.

And because it bears repeating, the big clue that helped Samuel and everyone realize it was largely the Duke behind stuff was what the Assassin said, not the rumors. Most adventurers don't have that piece of information to make the connection, and in all honesty, we don't even know how accurate the view Samuel has taken of blaming everything bad people are saying about monks on the Duke is. It's entirely possible that there are a few dozen groups independently spreading malicious rumors about Monks for their own reasons/profit, and Samuel is just mistakenly laying responsibility for all of it at the Duke's feet because the Duke is the one who decided to hire an assassin.

Chapter 68
The key problem Samael was having with the rumors was mostly the fact that he really couldn't pin anything on the Duke. All he had really was the testimony of a single assassin sent against him in a dungeon. Rumors could rise up from everything. The duke likely didn't even have to actually arrange anything, he just had to neglect to correct the record here and there.

Ultimately the monk had to let it go. The rumors were bad, but by the time he woke up the next day, there were half a dozen rumors floating around as to what called the World Boss. From it being the fault of the Baron, or the Amazons, to it being his fault, or just the fact that people hadn't paid the dungeons enough attention.

Knuckles gave a grunt as Samael settled next to him, and both of them started up their breakfast. "You hear the news?" He asked after a moment.

"What news?" Samael responded after a mouthful of food.

Knuckles gestured above them with his mug. "We've got predictions." He snorted. "It's sort of like dice apparently. There's a one in six chance that the World Boss will hit this city."

The monk paused and tried to figure out how that was like dice. It took a bit longer than he'd like to get it. "Ah. So where are the rest?"

"The Bonepit's two. That's where we're going, along with the rest of the brawlers and monks." The man gave another grunt as he downed his entire mug.

Samael frowned deeply. "Why with the rest of the brawlers and monks?" He asked after a moment. That seemed rather strange.

"The guy in charge said something about forcing something." Knuckles shrugged. "Doesn't matter much to me, but we're set to go as soon as Camila and Seonag get here. They were working late in another area."

Samael looked down at the food in front of him. He still had quite a bit left to go. He forewent talking to finish off the plate with large bites. His cheeks were bulging by the time the women came into the tavern, but he had finished.

Seonag had a large steel cylinder strapped to her back as she entered the place. Something about it set Samael's teeth on edge. In contrast, Camila looked quite normal, if very tired.

"What is that?" He asked after he swallowed and pointed to the item on the shaman's back.

"A loan from an Elder Shaman." Seonag replied back. "A greater spirit of war." She rubbed at her mask where her forehead would be. "I hope I will not have to unleash it. It will not be pleasant for me."

That gave Samael chills. "What will it do?"

"Other than exhaust me? This spirit grants single use blessings." Seonag glanced at the cylinder. "It will cause great strength and cause them to heal very fast in for a time, as well as negate most fear. The spirit who gifts it has a nickname, the Bloody Field."

"Oh, I know that one!" Camila perked up as she realized something and then blanched and edged away from Seonag. "That's... Not a nice spell."

"It is not. It is potent though." Seonag nodded as she spoke. Not for the first time the mask showed none of what she was feeling. "Combined with the monks we will be moving towards, it should allow them to fight the boss."

"Why is this not inspiring confidence?" Samael asked after a moment of thought.

Knuckles gave a grunt. "It shouldn't. We're not getting much mage supports. The Steelguard and the Starseekers are the only ones assigned to our spot. They both are spread very thin as clans."

"Bonnie should be able to make it. Big Brother has to stay here." Camila offered with an uncertain expression. "That's not much though."

"I'm not happy about the Steelguard." The monk muttered. "Bonnie says they're in the pocket of the Duke." As in the one that wanted him dead.

"If they want to start something with all the monks and brawlers there, then they deserve what they get." Knuckles pointed out. Most of them would be working with Samael to train after all.

"That's a good point." Samael smiled as he got to his feet. "So, shall we head out?"

"The wagon's being taken back to where we got it." Knuckles got to his feet as well the party began to move out.

"Oh?" Samael shrugged. "I liked that donkey I suppose, but I won't miss how slow he went."

"He did rather plod didn't he." Camila mused casually. "He was a little sweetie though."

Samael suppressed a snort as they followed Knuckles. After a bit of a walk they found themselves at a familiar looking cart, with a pair of even more familiar looking ghostly horses leading them. It looked almost identical to the one that had taken him out of the Bonepit.

With very little ceremony the party moved into the back of the cart. Several more people were crammed into the place and the thing started off with barely a comment.

Fast travel carts like this were in extremely high demand apparently. There was no time to waste in conversation or waiting. Just getting people in the proper areas.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife though. The horses were pushed hard as well. No one spoke. There was a bit of shifting, and a bit of praying. Everyone in the cart knew what was going on.

Samael bowed his head and prayed himself. This was the time to really fight. The ultimate conclusion of being an adventurer really.

So, the monk began to travel towards what could be his last fight as an adventurer with a prayer on his lips and hope in his heart. Another person might have been nervous, or felt dread. Samael let himself feel peace.
Me, I hope that the WB hits somewhere other then the Bone Pit, just so people can't say it's zeroing in on Monks/Brawlers or something stupid like that
Eh, it probably is homing in on Samael.

"If they want to start something with all the monks and brawlers there, then they deserve what they get." Knuckles pointed out.
They're probably going to try the old 'fade-out and lie' trick. Run away as soon as the world boss attacks their location, then go all "Oh it was terrible. We only just managed to fight it off long enough to escape, but I'm afraid the monks didn't make it."
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Eh, it probably is homing in on Samael.

They're probably going to try the old 'fade-out and lie' trick. Run away as soon as the world boss attacks their location, then go all "Oh it was terrible. We only just managed to fight it off long enough to escape, but I'm afraid the monks didn't make it."

I really doubt that,

Their going to the bone pit because their employer owns the bone pit. As for the brawlers and monks it might be there recruiting ground or something. As for targeting Samuel only if it's going after him because he survived, having a world boss appear after each new class would be something that historians would have known.

Personally I think it will hit the bone pit second after it smashing a different area. I feel our other protagonist will get involved
Me, I hope that the WB hits somewhere other then the Bone Pit, just so people can't say it's zeroing in on Monks/Brawlers or something stupid like that
I think the conflict here is going to be social in focus. They're going to place that relies on Brawlers to function, with two factions opposed in a small space.

I bet they're trying to use the tensions to provoke Monks into dirtying their name. What else, though, I'm unsure. Discourage Monks in front of the Brawlers?
They're probably going to try the old 'fade-out and lie' trick. Run away as soon as the world boss attacks their location, then go all "Oh it was terrible. We only just managed to fight it off long enough to escape, but I'm afraid the monks didn't make it."

That only works if there's noone to gainsay them.
Chapter 69
It turned out forcing the issue meant gathering all the monks together and arranging for an entire training yard to be commandeered. In a way Samael admired the thought process. If the World Boss was hunting for monks, then it would come to them. If it wasn't, well, they'd have a solid training base.

None of the brawlers seemed inclined to think overmuch on it though. Instead a sort of intense training and encouragement seemed to take hold. Everyone wanted to get stronger, and no one lacked determination for it.

The rest of the people in the town thought it was a bit bizarre to be honest. The World Boss was due in a few days possibly. Better to make the best of it and be ready in other ways. The brawlers and monks didn't much care to explain it really. Samael could have told them why of course. You became a brawler because you loved the fight.

This entire series of events did lead into something a bit more unusual for the monk though. He ended up being one of the teachers rather than one of the trainers. He honestly didn't know where to start at first. Looking over the field of a dozen new students, he felt his mouth drying just a bit. In the end he just controlled himself and spoke.

"The first requirement to become a brawler is to throw yourself into a fight with nothing but your fists." Samael began as he started to pace. "You learn by bloody experience. How to hold your fist without snapping something, how to kick without crying in pain. How to take a hit and keep going." He smiled briefly at the nods. "I did it through bar fights. Some of you probably had a few street fights, or something else."

This wasn't unexpected. These were new students, but they were brawlers one and all. Each of them had been in fights aplenty. Samael was starting to think it was good training in its own way. Others would flinch at battle. These people had thrown themselves head first into it.

"So, I won't bore you with lectures on how to fight. Instead, I'll begin with my first lesson." Samael stopped pacing and set himself into his first stance. "Follow!" He demanded.

Tentatively the students did so.

"We Stand Under Heaven!" Samael shouted.

The man saw his students glancing at him with confusion. He turned his head and gave them a glare.

"I said FOLLOW!" The monk demanded with a fierce expression.

"We Stand Under Heaven!" The students shouted back as they tried to imitate them.

"We Advance Forward!" Samael stomped forward as he spoke. The sand of the training area splashed beneath his feet.

Dutifully the students copied. Samael could see flaws in their movements, but that was all right. Right now he was just starting.

"We Sweep the Wings!" Samael continued the basic movements, learned what seemed to be a lifetime ago.

The monk watched a few people nearly clip their neighbors. Most of them teetered from the legsweep. He ignored it at the moment.

"REPEAT!" Samael bellowed as he stepped back into his original stance and exhaled slowly.

Now that he had shown them all of the movements, he needed to actually correct them. He moved in between the people and began to identify issues.

Some of it was simple. Feet in the wrong positions, legs moving wrong. A few people did actually need to be corrected on how to punch.

"Remember to breath." Samael instructed softly as he moved up and down the rough lines that had been formed. "Feel the flows of your magic up and down your body. This is important for later."

"How is this supposed to help?" One of the students grunted as he punched.

"Discipline. Control." Samael tapped the man on the back of his knee. "Foot forward a bit more. Your steps are too shallow."

The man scowled in reply, but followed the instructions. He repeated the error when he reset his stance.

"Control!" Samael demanded.

"I'm trying!" The man shouted back.

The monk restrained the initial angry response and gave everyone a look. "Did you think changing your title was easy? Repeat again and again." He ordered. "Breath in and out. Brawler is one without discipline. Someone who throws themselves into fights without care. Monks throw themselves into fights because each punch, each kick, each breath is an expression of their power, devotion, and faith."

"Faith?" One student asked tentatively.

"Keep moving." Samael ordered a few students that had paused and glanced at the questioner. "You were separated based on faith remember. Are you not a follower of the heavens?"

The man winced in reply. "I am!" He protested his face fell as he continued. "I'm not the best follower though."

The monk sighed and waved a hand. "Everyone, pause and look at me." The students did so far faster than he liked, but the man continued as he held up a fist. "This style is called the Heavenly Fist. Becoming a monk means your a follower of the heavens. This is very important. We show our devotion to heavens by facing the enemy armed with nothing but our fists and faith. It works because of that faith. Without the proper faith, it doesn't." Samael let the fist go and stepped back.

"And what if you can't manage that much belief?" The questioner asked a moment.

"Are you willing to fight with just your bare fists against things that want to kill you?" Samael grinned at his students.

"Well, I'm learning here aren't I?" The questioner replied with an answering grin and waved his bare hands. "See?"

"Then faith will come. Learn to breath and move. Discipline yourself. Each step will prove the value of what I'm teaching. In time?" Samael looked for his pack at the side of the training area and rooted through it. A small knife he used for various small tasks was in it. "Now, I don't want you to attempt this. This is the proof that you have faith in the heavens. The final technique of the Heavenly Fist." He cut his hand and watched it bleed into the ground.

Everyone watched as Samael closed his eyes and found his peace and faith. Before their eyes the bleeding stopped and the monk wiped away the blood. His hand was pristine.

The man opened his eyes to silence and interest in his students eyes. Not much, but more would come with time. It wasn't that impressive with that demonstration, but he wasn't going to self mutilate himself just for fun.

"Now, back to practicing!" Samael demanded, and watched as everyone jumped.
And Samuel discovers he's developed a new Title, Sifu and or Venerable Master as he's become a leader and teacher of Monks.

Its great to see Samuels growth from his arrival at the boneyard to his return
Chapter 70
The alarm came in the middle of the night. A bright shining light combined with a roaring whoop that knocked Samael out of his bed. Instinctually the man rolled onto his feet and out of the room before he could actually think on what was going on. He was outside and on the street before he realized exactly what sort of alarm it was.

This was the alarm for the World Boss attacking a different area. The monk cursed under his breath and continued running anyway. There might not have been anything he could do at the moment, but there had been plans for it, though he barely knew them.

In one of the training areas, Captain Xavier was holding a stick that shone like the sun above his hand. Nearby him were various wagons.

"Elites! You're in the fast carriage!" The man ordered, pointing towards the carriage in question. Somehow Samael wasn't surprised that they had gotten here first even if he had practically sprinted.

The elites numbered less than a handful, and that was including Sampson and Harry. They got into the directed carriage without a word.

"The world boss has hit Quietude." The captain yelled loudly. "Healers and support, in the large wagons! Keep hold, they're going to gallop!"

Samael felt his heart sink. Quietude was the name of his home city. To his understanding it had been one of the lesser chances. He watched Seonag get into the carriage to the side, pulling on her mask as she did so. He wanted to go with his teammate, but there was literally no room.

The captain looked around the field and did a count. "Elites are counted! Fast carriage start!"

Samael found his eyebrows rising as the fast carriage began to move. It started off slowly, but it very rapidly began to pick up speed. Soon it was out of the circle of light the captain was putting out.

"There will be flares above where to go." The captain shouted out. "Support Carriage start!" There was a whipping sound and the horses attached to the carriage started to gallop away.

"Now, the rest of us." Xavier lowered the stick that had been emitting light and it went out. Samael had to blink to clear his eyes. "Quietude is a day's ride away. Jogging the entire time, we can make it by daylight, and be exhausted." The man sighed. "We're out of carriages."

"What do you mean we're out?!" One of the brawlers yelled out.

"There are a limited amount of transports!" The captain snapped back quickly. "Priority has to go to who can help the most. There was an elite team there! They'll be able to delay it until reinforcements hit. Fast travel carriages were at all points." His voice lowered as he spoke, and the man looked haggard.

"I can't run that long." One of the women remaining spoke quietly. A girl in a poofy looking robe.

"Can you summon something that flies?" Camila asked with a small smile.

"Yes?" The girl answered with an uncertain tone and shook her head. "But not enough to carry me or anyone else."

"That's fine." Camila waved a hand. "Someone have rope!" The girl asked loudly.

"Here!" One of the brawlers called out and threw the length of it at the girl.

"That works!' Camila started to pace around in a circle. "Now, everyone who wants to come, get in the center here!" She called out as she placed the rope in a circle. "I need spellcasters to help supply magic!"

The captain looked at what the woman was doing and then nodded sharply. "You heard her!" He ordered and started pointing. "You, you, and you at the cardinal points! This is a shared spell. Balance it out!"

"Thank you." Camila's smile widened as people started to shuffle around. After a moment she nodded and whispered to Samael. "This is going to wipe me, even with help. Stay safe." She gave him a peck on the cheek and pushed him into the circle.

Samael blinked rapidly as tried to process what had just happened. He wasn't able to as people surged into the rope circle. Camila clapped her hands together once everyone was inside. The rope rose into the air, and spellcasters inside each grabbed at the object.

The astrologer began to mutter and draw diagrams in the air. White circles followed her hands and then magic sparked slightly around the circle as the spellcasters followed along with something Samael couldn't see.

Very slowly the monk started to feel himself get lighter, and then found himself floating into the air. He looked down at the ground and felt his eyes widen. People around him gave varying expressions of awe and wonder.

"Summoner! Drag them by the rope!" Camila called out and grit her teeth. "Spellcasters, this will be independent in a moment. Keep the power consistent!"

More than a few people gave grunts. Then everyone started to move as one. Samael found himself watching Camila as he floated away. She waved and smiled as she started to sag to the ground.

They started to pick up speed and float further into the air, to general shouts of alarm. The captain's voice silenced them.

"Quiet!" He bellowed with all his power and then continued. "This will get us there fresh. Close your eyes and don't think about it. A fall from this height won't kill us." He continued grimly.

Samael followed the advice and breathed.
wow. They fucked up their coordination there. If they knew about that spell ahead of time they could of just tied everyoone to the fast carriages
wow. They fucked up their coordination there. If they knew about that spell ahead of time they could of just tied everyoone to the fast carriages
And had everyone dragged along the ground all the way there? It's possible the fast carriage would be going quickly enough to keep everyone trailing behind it without dragging on the ground, but it's probably safer to use the trick with a flier.

And had everyone dragged along the ground all the way there? It's possible the fast carriage would be going quickly enough to keep everyone trailing behind it without dragging on the ground, but it's probably safer to use the trick with a flier.

They're flying themselves. I don't see that as a problem.
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Chapter 71
It wasn't recognizable as a city anymore. As the flares continued to fly up and illuminate the area, it showed a scene of devastation. A good quarter of the city had been turned into nothing but rocks and sand. Massive stone pillars shot into the air, and between them practical rivers of sand flowed around.

The air was just as bad. The winds whipped this way and that, and the sand flew through it, wearing down stone and flesh alike. Worse was a subtle nearly clear mist that burned through anything. This was the result of a World Boss fighting.

Samael and his allies charged into it anyway. Spellcasters wove protective magics and tried to create fields of safety. Samael was still thankful for his iron skin though. Occasionally the winds would pick up just enough to cause him minor irritation. It would cause others to bleed.

The world boss was before them now. It had changed from when Samael had fought it. The main body was slimmer and more snake than worm like. The limbs had shrunk, and the many wings had become whip like things with blades. More than a few were stained rusty red.

"Reinforcements!" One of the people occupying the boss shouted out from her defensive position. "Surround it! We've got a burrow counter, but it's still impossible to pin down!"

Even as the woman spoke, the boss demonstrated the reason why by digging its many feet into the ground and surging across the field in a way that was far too fast for something so large. Someone screamed as they were caught by one of the whipping limbs. Blood flew through the air and dripped onto the sand.

"Pointment, on the limbs!" The captain ordered, and his voice rose above the din. "RALLY!" Samael felt the words rattle in his head and found himself moving faster. Almost enough to catch up to the beast.

Magic flashed through the air. A lance of fire caused the world boss' skin to sizzle and it twitched towards the perpetrator then dashed again, nearly knocking Samael down as he reached out and grabbed onto something on the beast.

He heard clanks and clangs as the bladed limbs were deflected by the pointmen, but paid them no mind. Instead he levered himself up onto the wriggling and writhing body of the monster. One of the bladed limbs arched through the air as he climbed and Samael cursed as he dodged and nearly lost his footing. Then the beast paused a moment and the monk chanced a glance towards its front.

Sampson's muscles bulged and he roared as he held the beak edges apart. Blood poured down from his hands and the world boss stilled for an impossible moment, beside him was a woman in red. Her wand was flaring red and aiming right at the monster's open mouth.

Samale turned back to his task as the monster flinched and reared back. He hit the limb next to him with a tap and then dropped onto one of the legs in an attempt to avoid the seeking blades around him. The monster had clearly learned from its previous encounter somehow, because he couldn't find a safe place even as he used the limbs to dodge around it.

Wind began to roar and sand began to swirl. The monster twisted in on itself in a surge of motion and inhaled sharply. An impossible amount of magic rose up and a cyclone started to form around it.

Magic flared into the visible spectrum as every caster gathered attempted to counter the oncoming spell. The boss stilled for another moment and then turned, bird like to some place in the distance.

Samael hadn't been idle though. Nor had the others. The monk slammed his palm down into the beast's flesh and golden cracks appeared up and down its body. In particular they were centered around the limbs he had managed to dodge around.

His allies were no fools. They spotted the glowing cracks immediately, and aimed for them. Swords, lances, maces, everything. They all lashed out and into the body of the beast. The flesh was broken, then cut, then flayed down to the bone. It stood out starkly on the beast's skin.

For the first time in the battle, the world boss screamed. It was possible it was in pain. More likely it was in rage, because it immediately shifted it's attention to Samael.

This wasn't like the look it had given him before, when they had first fought. This was something more. Like standing in front of a magnifying glass and knowing that something was examining you to every detail. The beast had no eyes or ears, but it still looked.

Samael scrambled off the world boss immediately. Not a moment too soon either, as its beak actually took a chunk out of its own body to bite at him.

"Its after him!" Someone shouted, and Samael couldn't help the bark of frantic laughter.

It had gotten faster, Samael observed as he clapped his hands together. The beak of the beast didn't flinch is it attempted to close around him and hit a barrier. He wasn't going to be able to dodge it.

Knuckles roared as he slammed his mace into the boss monster's beak as it closed still further. The impact was so great that the weapon itself cracked, and it was just enough to cause the creature to miss Samael.

With something like frustration the boss' body writhed around in an attempt to knock back everyone around it. Knuckles was literally crushed under its body for an instant. Several tons of mass caused his armor to creak and bend.

Despite this the terror knight didn't stop moving. He grabbed at the beast with his broken body and continued to roar, digging his fingers into the beast and pulling with all his might.

It caused the boss to slow just a hair from the weight. More hits impacted its body, and its skin started to crack.

Then, in the distance, Seonag opened the metal cylinder that she had brought with her. The scent of fresh blood wafted across the ruined area of the city. She poured out the blood that the object had contained onto the sandy and poisoned ground.

The spell Bloodlust began.
For the first time in the battle, the world boss screamed. It was possible it was in pain. More likely it was in rage, because it immediately shifted it's attention to Samael.

This wasn't like the look it had given him before, when they had first fought. This was something more. Like standing in front of a magnifying glass and knowing that something was examining you to every detail. The beast had no eyes or ears, but it still looked.

Samael scrambled off the world boss immediately. Not a moment too soon either, as its beak actually took a chunk out of its own body to bite at him.

"Its after him!" Someone shouted, and Samael couldn't help the bark of frantic laughter.

In all likelihood, this is not going to help the rumors going around about Samael in his favor.
In all likelihood, this is not going to help the rumors going around about Samael in his favor.
Or it could generate an entirely different sort of rumor.

"He survived the first encounter with the World Boss.
The World Boss avoided the town he was stationed in.
He was the first to truely hurt the World Boss.
The World Boss targeted him as soon as it knew he was fighting it.

What if the Monk is an anti World Boss class?"