Dungeon Mapper Quest [COMPLETE]

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You are a Mapper. Obey the order, complete the task, and come back alive with the information, so that the Imperial Army can go in and clear out the dungeon properly.
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Status Screen


Apprentice Plane Wizard
Dregan the Necromancer, LEVEL 7
ENCOUNTER 37/40 (Rests Taken: 2)



Main HandShort Sword2+24+26+210+2110
Off HandBuckler103
BeltDarts 201+22+23+25+22
BeltDarts 201+22+23+25+22

TORSOQuilted Armor
ZERO THE SHADOW DOG +1 Action in combat, passive.

1x Long Sword*
1x Hand Axe
2x Short Bow
1x Short Sword
1x Club
1x Quilted Armor
1x Health Potion
2x Minor Health Potion
1x Minor Stamina Potion
1x Scroll of IDENTIFY
2x Bag of Gold
1x Gloves

  1. Boneyguard, SKELETON WARRIOR. Carrying LONGSWORD, damage 3/5/7/11 speed 3
  2. Skeleton Warrior no.1 Damage 2/4/6/10 speed 3
  3. Zombie no.1 6/8/10/14, speed 2. On hit: inflicts DISEASE condition

  • Core: Enemies must re-roll 20s
  • Imbalance: Encounter, ongoing. Reduce target Attacks by 1 per turn until end of encounter
Animate Undead
  • Core: Using any Skills from Animate Undead costs 1 Health. Destroy a summoned undead to heal 1 health.
  • Skeleton Warrior: At-Will, Summon. Health 1, Range 1, Damage 2/4/6/10, speed 3
  • Zombie: Encounter, Summon. Health 2, Range 1, Damage 6/8/10/14, speed 2. On hit: inflicts DISEASE condition
  • Zombie Wall: Encounter, Summon. Health 2, Range 1, Damage 8/10/12/16, speed 5. Forms impassable barrier, lasts 3 turns.
  • Core: +2 Shadow Damage to all attacks
  • Mind Flay: Encounter, Shadow. Target needs to pass a DC [10 + WIS MOD+ the value of your current Sanity] test. If it fails, it loses 1 Sanity.
  • Shadow Wrath: At-will, Melee Attack, Ranged Attack. Reduce Sanity by 1 to add [WIS MOD] to damage for the attack.
  • Soul Reaper: At-will, Melee Attack, Ranged Attack. If target is KILLED this turn, add 1 Sanity

codeExits (First Digit)Special (Second Digit)
1NorthStair UP
2SouthStair DOWN
3WestLocked Doors
5North, SouthEvent
6North, WestNPC
7North, EastHazard
8South, WestTrap (Armed)
9South, EastTrap (Disarmed)
AWest, EastEmpty
BNorth, South, West?????
CNorth, South, EastTreasure Chest
DNorth, West, EastEmpty Chest
ESouth, West, EastEnchantment
FNorth, South, East, WestBOSS ROOM
0SECRET ROOMAccess to Secret Room

@=You, x=unexplored room

Locations of note:
MM- Inspiring Statue (used)
KM- West door failed to be picked open
LL- Well (used)
LH- Stream
MH- Sinkhole
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Room 1- Dungeon Entrance
Greetings, Mapper!

You have been chosen to map the dungeon so that the Imperial Army can come in and clean it out. Your job is not to kill the Grand High Poobah Of The Nine Hells. Remember, you are not a hero. You are a Map Maker. Obey the order, complete the task, and come back alive with the information. That is your job.

But what sort of Mapper are you?
> BERSERKER (Fury, Judgement, Survival)
> SWASHBUCKLER (Charm, Expert Tactician, Swordsmanship)
> ALCHEMIST (Avid Scholar, Lore, Ritual Casting)
> NECROMANCER (Affliction, Animate Undead, Shadow)
> MISTRANGER (Archery, Arcane, Stealth)
> WARMAGE (Elemental, Lightning, Martial Arts)
> RANDOM CLASS (Affinities will be assigned randomly)
> REQUEST CLASS (write-in a class name, GM determines affinities)

You are standing in a room. Exits are NORTH, WEST, and EAST.

This is a bit of an experimental quest, using some OSR rules, and treating votes like an old text adventure. If something is written in ALL CAPS, it is a vote option. Approval voting is in effect unless I say otherwise.
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Room 2-Suddenly, Zombies
Of course. You are Dregan the Necromancer. Is there another NAME that the Order uses?

You search the room. It looks like this may have been a church many years ago. The wooden doors in this room are simple, and not locked.

You find some PADDED ARMOR. You are not currently wearing any armor. You put on the armor. Your Torso Defense is now +2.

You head EAST.

You are standing in a room with an exit to the WEST and no other doors.

There are two ZOMBIES in the room. They start moving towards you. Will you FIGHT or RUN?
Room 2-Victory?
Well aren't you clever!

This is a bit embarrassing, to be honest. It seems that there isn't a CONTROL UNDEAD skill. At all. In the entire list of skills. You'd think that a class named NECROMANCER or DIABOLIST would have such a skill, but nope! And ANIMATE UNDEAD doesn't get Zombies until level four.

You would have thrashed this encounter anyway, what with one Zombie going kablooie when you hit it with Mind Flay, and the second one turning into a shambling mess that would rival a university student on a Sunday morning for pure uselessness, enabling you practice your skills at beating a dead horse, so we'll just call this a win, shall we?


Your dark power slides around the magic animating the zombies, probing for weaknesses, for grips you can exploit to put these undead under your thrall where they belong. Whoever put them together really knew what they were doing, and while you can't grab their strings, you can certainly cut them, leaving mere corpses instead of zombies.

You gain +1 WIS and 1 MINOR HEALTH POTION.

Your WIS MOD has increased to +1.

It is not currently possible to search for secret doors, so you head back to the previous room.

You are standing in a room. Exits are NORTH, WEST, and EAST. You have previously explored EAST.
Room 3-Not, strictly speaking, another Zombie
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. You get skeleton warriors at level two, which will be right after you pass your next encounter, whether through strength of magic, strength of body, strength of mind, or just running away. Yes, running away counts as a success and will add to your DEX.

You head WEST.

You are in a room with exits to the NORTH and EAST.

There is a REVIVED GUARD in this room. It raises its weapon and steps towards you with dreadful purpose.

Two for two it seems. What are the odds of that? Ah, yes, about 16%, as it turns out. So! REVIVED GUARD, pointy stick, looking rather mean. Will you FIGHT or RUN?
Room 3- Go! Fight! Win!
The undead hefts its blade and strides towards you, and you reach out with your own powers. It is surprisingly resilient, but even so, your powers worm their way in and start going at the magics telling it where its own body is.

By this time it has closed to melee range, and you strike, your sword wreathed in the power of shadow. It bites deep into the creature's side, but you are left open. Fire lances through your torso, and you're pretty sure one of your ribs is cracked. Blood drips down the blade of the creature.

You step to the side, bringing your blade up in a sweeping arc, feeling the crunch of bone and flesh as you hit home. It lunges at you, overextending, allowing you to drive your blade into its spine. The creature collapses, the last of the magic animating it dissipating.

You gain +1STR and 1 Long sword. You do not have enough STR to EQUIP LONG SWORD. Yet.

You have gained a level! You are now level 2!
You have learned a new skill: SKELETON WARRIOR

You are standing in a now empty room. Exits are NORTH and EAST. You have previously explored EAST.

REVIVED GUARD Initiative 3
Dregan the Necromancer Initiative 1

REVIVED GUARD gains +1 Def and moves from Range 3 to range 4

Dregan uses Mind Flay, DC 14. RG rolls 15, saves.
Dregan uses Imbalance, RG gets -1 to attack.

RG gains +2 Def and moves from Range 4 to Range 5

RG gets -2 to attack.
Dregan attacks the RG Torso with Short Sword, for Miss(4) Half(12), Min(7), Min(11) for 0, 6, 4, 4. RG takes 1, 0, 1, torso at 3/5.

RG attacks Dregan Torso for Miss(6), Max(17), Min(11) for 0, 7, 3. Dregan takes 1, 1 torso at 3/5.

RG gets -3 to attack
Dregan attacks RG Torso with Short Sword, for Crit(19), Half(13), Miss(2), Miss(4) for 12, 6, 0, 0, RG takes 1, 1, torso at 1/5.

RG attacks Dregan Head for Half(12), Miss(-2), Miss(-3) for 5, 0,0, Dregan takes no damage.

RG gets -4 to attack
Dregan attacks RG Torso with Short Sword, for Crit(19), Miss(1), Max(16), Crit(20) for 12, 0, 8, 12. It ded.
Room 4-Boneyguard get!
Right. NECROMANCER. Why did I think otherwise.

Okay, look. The SKELETON WARRIOR skill doesn't have the non-combat tag, so it can't be used outside of an encounter, normally. Plus skills from ANIMATE UNDEAD require spending a point of health. However, BONEYGUARD is amusing, so I'll let you have this one for free.

You speak the words of power, and the bones rise up, forming a SKELETON WARRIOR. Its eyelights burn with your power, darkness held in whitest bone. You gained BONEYGUARD as a COMPANION. Normally they can't equip items either, but the damage of a SKELETON WARRIOR is the same as a short sword, and a long sword isn't that much better. You're getting lots of mileage out of that +2 Shadow Damage right now.

You drink the MINOR HEALTH POTION. You gain +1 Health.

You head NORTH.

This room is empty, save for the ever-present torch sconces, and searching it turns up nothing of value.

Exits are SOUTH and WEST. You have already explored SOUTH. The door WEST is heavy, and does not move when you attempt to open it.
Room 4-A Sturdy? Door
Ah. You know, it escapes me how one could be confronted with this sort of obstacle, a metaphorical and non-metaphorical door, and yet not presented with a description of it. M̥á̶̱͈̗n̡͓̝á͍̼͝ͅg̠̭͉̫̺e̢̩̮̩͚͉͢m͏̷̗̟̪͈̖e̢̱͍̗̩̻͞ͅṉ͖̺̟̘̱̤̦͉͝t̫͕͙̞͖͈̦̲́͝ regrets the oversight.

The door has no visible locks, traps, or magical wards, and appears to be made of plain wood, although a heavy hardwood, such as solid oak.

You can attempt to BURN or SMASH the door, or BACKTRACK. If you fail to BURN or SMASH the door, you will need to BACKTRACK and will do so automatically.
Room 5-Dog?
BONEYGUARD kicks in the door, the heavy wooden panels falling to the ground with a resounding thud, raising dust from the floor of the chamber. The ceiling of this chamber is vaulted.

There is a large stone table in this room. A large dog rests on the table, its tongue hanging listlessly and dirty fur matted and tangled. The dog's breathing is labored. The dog does not pose a threat to you.

You have 1 SKILL POINT that has not been spent. It must be spent on a COMMON SKILL.

Exits are NORTH, WEST, EAST, SOUTH. You have already explored WEST and SOUTH.
Room 6-Doggy!
Indeed. You have studied ARCANE.

The dog's labored breathing ceases. You begin infusing the still-cooling body with your magic.


The dog rises to its feet, shadow infusing the fur, turning the dirty, matted fur to straight and deep sable. It's eyes gleam with your magic. It's tongue lolls out as it paces around you and BONEYGUARD, air rattling in a necromantic mockery of panting.

You gain +1 INT, and ZERO THE SHADOW DOG. ZERO is an ITEM that carries itself, not a COMPANION. ZERO grants you +1 action in combat.

You head NORTH.

This room is a long hallway, with a low ceiling. Exits are NORTH and SOUTH. You have already explored SOUTH.

You hear growling as a pack of ZOMBIE DOGS untangles itself. Will you FIGHT or RUN?