Dream Dragon

Maybe we could visit the city and see if there is anything to do there?

"Well, I suppose a desk job wouldn't be appropriate." The officer admitted. "You hunt right? We can have a few criminals you can bring in. Or perhaps bring in a live emotional manipulator. Those are useful for us. Something about using them for seasoning or some other strange thing."

"This is.. Agreeable." The dragon nodded.

The officer snapped his fingers. "Oh, one more thing. You can try your hand at entertaining, or go scaring with a veteran. There's always need for higher emotions. The theater closer to the center of the city is always looking for more people."
Gained 15 Gossamer from bounty. Gained 1 Wonder from doing something new and fantastic. Bounties are going to be small story choice events that can range from easy to impossible. They're high risk/reward. You got an easy one to dip your feet into it.
Since we now have an item that enhances the gossamer output.

[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[x] Visit the dream city and try your hand at theatrics.
[x] Visit the dream city and do another bounty job.
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[X] Hit the local library
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)

[X] Hunt for Gossamer (5)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (6)
[x] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[x] Go home (Use night action twice)
[x] Hunt for Gossamer (6)
[x] Look for something new


"Remember, next week's the Holloween shit." Harold reminds John as he leans back in the chair. "Ya don't want to be sleeping that time, and if you want overtime that's the time to ask for it. Gonna be doing double shifts myself." The man grunts and leans back in his own chair.

"Might take you up on that." More money's always good.

"Oh, and I love doing the candy thing. Always a blast, even with the punks." The man chuckles darkly. "I like to hit them right in the head with the jawbreakers."

John snickered and closed his eyes for a nap. He dreamed of flight and scales capable of withstanding everything.

The night was more dreams as well. This time him hunting as the dragon. Up and down the place, mostly just looking for everything and nothing in particular. He wanted to find something new this time. And he did late into the night and deep in the dream.

"Hyaa! Pow!" The word pow was followed up with a litteral floating pow sign that slowly faded away as the dragon followed the voice. "Halt evil-doer!" The dragon was close enough to see the thing talking now.

It was a man in a superman costume. He looked remarkably like superman actually, aside from the D on his chest instead of an S. The dragon blinked a few times as he verified that yes, he was seeing this. He was fighting a few boogeymen at the moment, and as the dragon watched several of the creatures died as he punched through their bodies. Finished the man looked up.

"Greetings!" The dragon called out as he floated down on a dream current. "Who might you be?"

"I am Dream-man! Defender of children's dreams and slayer of evils!" The man posed midair. "You are one of the disciples of Dream-catcher."

"You know of us then?" The dragon asked.

"More than that, I have a complaint." Dream-man stated flatly. "One of your compatriots are gathering together boogeymen and sicking them on vulnerable targets." He crossed his heavily muscled arms. "Your patron could care less, but my patience is waning."

"You're serious." The dragon asked and then muttered to himself. "We can do that?"

"I've been patrolling the dream realms for years, I know what I see." The denizen replied back with a mildly angry tone. "Police your compatriots or I will do so."

The dragon paused in midair and hissed through his teeth. "I'm rather sorry to say I can't do that. I have no authority over them."

"Authority doesn't matter. If you will not do what's right, then it's a heroes job to stop you." Dream-man declared. "Consider this a warning then." The man rose into the air and prepared to fly away.

"Do you know where they are?" The dragon asked suddenly.

Dream-man paused. "Yes. There's another group nearby. The one responsible has been setting down small areas of fear dreams to lure in boogeymen."


AN: I wanted to do a larger bit here, but this is actually fairly important.

Go with Dream-man? This will cause a feud to start between you and a rival.
[] Yes
[] No

Dream of Wonder Reward
[] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)
[] A dream of dragon fire. (Breath upgrade: Disables abilities until the start of your next turn.)
[] A dream of a sheriff's star (Specialty form upgrade. Adds a sheriff's star to the dragon's form. When an enemy is reduced to 0, the dragon can cause chains to form around them instead of slay them. At which point they're restored to half HP.)
[] A dream of gemstones (Upgrade to Dragon's Horde: For every 20 gossamer you have stored, gain +1 Phantasm, to a max of your wonder.)
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[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)

Allowing someone who would do such things to grow in power or even take up the Dream-Catcher's mantle is unthinkable.
[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)
[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)
[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)
[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)
I... am seriously conflicted about saying Yes to this guy. On one hand, we could get an advantage over rivals, on another, I keep seeing a memetic 'super' hero.
In the end, I'm sure PC will overcome any silly altruism here, right?
[X] Yes
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)

Allowing someone who would do such things to grow in power or even take up the Dream-Catcher's mantle is unthinkable.
He could just be making a lure for bogeymen, so gossamer comes to him instead of having to hunt for it. Bogeymen were noted to be tasty by the dream catcher, and being hard to find given they subsequently dive deep into dreams.
[X] Yes
[x] A dream of a sheriff's star (Specialty form upgrade. Adds a sheriff's star to the dragon's form. When an enemy is reduced to 0, the dragon can cause chains to form around them instead of slay them. At which point they're restored to half HP.)

Might get relevant.
[X] A dream of dragon scales. (2/3 completed for Dragon Scales: -1 Damage every round until at half health or below)

don't care about the rest
Hunting a Villain
[X] Yes
[x] dragon scales
The lure was an ominous thing in the fabric of the dream realm. A wooden totem rammed through the fabric of the dream, and with gaping cracks running up and down it's sides. Inside those cracks flames licked and burned with a horrifying living motion. Worse, faces and faint screams came from inside in a macabre display.

It would have been a thing of terror in reality. In the dream it was mostly just disturbing. Something made with deliberate intent. Like an artwork made of skulls and death. Scary for the sake of being scary. It's true danger was in what it did.

Bogymen had gathered already. These were twisted things of fire and death attracted by the flames and sensation of fear. None of them were monstrously large, but all of them formidable. Six of them. It was probably the largest gathering the dragon had seen of the things.

Dream-Man led the way into the fight. Swooping down like the hero he resembled, the man's strike was decidedly more lethal than what he represented. With a loud and large 'POW' his fist impacted one of the firey boogymen and obliterated it in a single strike.

Above them, the dragon used the momentary shift of all the creatures to let loose with his breath. Dreamstuff and stars washed over the battlefield and dissolved several of the weaker creatures. The rest emerged from the attack with torn and flickering forms.

They attacked back of course. One immediately sprung into the air and impacted with the dragon. Flames raced up and down his form, and the dragon flexed as he tried to instinctively thrown the creature off. The other sent waves of fire at Dream-man.

The dream representation of the hero was barely effected by the attack though. He struck back and destroyed his attacker with a devastating blow that made a large 'SMACK' bubble appear and then looked above him.

There the dragon twisted and turned in an attempt to get the living flames off him. The attacks reached past his scales and into his body. Then his internal flames ignited and his form surged with power. The dragon's tail cracked and then impacted the twisting and turning boogeyman. The thing dissolved from the strike and the dragon huffed as he landed next to the totem.

"Irritating things." The dragon muttered.

Dream-man crossed his arms. "Dangerous things! For both us and others." He nodded at the totem. "This thing is a travesty."

"How did they do it I wonder?" The dragon flapped his wings once to ascend into the air and started to examine the totem. "Hmm, nightmares of burning fire wrapped up gossamer." Wondrous Item creation could be used like this? He wouldn't have thought of it before. It looked actually fairly cheap to build too. "I wonder how much they invested in this?"

"Boogeymen make poor minions if you wish for more than more terror." Dream-man stated flatly, and then moved forward to the totem. "The creator is a cruel person." With one swift movement he ripped the totem out of the dream-stuff it was set in, and then flung it into the air.

The totem flew off like it had been shot out of a cannon. Very quickly it was out of sight, and the dragon could almost feel it dissolve as it started to hit things.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention." The dragon nodded at Dream-man. "I'd like to think we were better than that, but I suppose I've been proven wrong."

"So far, you seem to be. The creator of that is no better than the creatures they attempt to command." The dream denizen flew up into the air. "Would you do me the honor of being sure that no others are planted?"

The dragon beat his wings rapidly and followed his current ally further into the dream. It took most of the week, but they managed to find another totem planted into the dream. This one had no followers, and seemed to have been set recently. They destroyed it with little fanfare.

With that, Dream-man moved deeper into the dream. The dragon moved onto other things himself. They couldn't guarantee they would find the creators of the totems, so for now he had to be aware of the issue. Likely he had pissed them off quite a bit by destroying the things.

At least he had a very good clue as to who was doing it. There weren't easy ways to fake things like that. It required a lot of affinity and intent.

Boogyman lv 3
Phantasm: 5
Speed: 5
Cohesion: 6
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Boogyman lv 4
Phantasm: 5
Speed: 5
Cohesion: 8
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Boogyman lv 4
Phantasm: 5
Speed: 5
Cohesion: 8
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Boogyman lv 5
Phantasm: 6
Speed: 6
Cohesion: 10
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Boogyman lv 5
Phantasm: 6
Speed: 6
Cohesion: 10
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Boogyman lv 5
Phantasm: 6
Speed: 6
Cohesion: 10
Jumpscare - The Boogyman deals +½ damage on it's first attack. (Rounded down)

Phantasm: 10
Speed: 7
Cohesion: 50
Man of Steel - Decreases all damage taken by 2.
*Further skills hidden*

Battle: Dream-Man destroys one
Breath weapon, kills <lv 5
You take 9, was damaged 6, at 13
Dream-man takes 7
Another Boogyman dies to dream-man
You take 6, at 7. Regain 14, at 21
Last Boogyman dies.

You have 170 Gossamer.
You have 7 days until tribute.
You have taken 7 damage.

You have a dream:
Dragons Scales: Take -1 damage each time you take damage until at half health or below

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[] Play Ball with Scott
[] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)
[] Socialize with someone

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new
[] Visit the dream city and do ____
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[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0

[X] Hit the local cafe

[X] Hunt for Gossamer 4
[x] A dream of a sheriff's star (Specialty form upgrade. Adds a sheriff's star to the dragon's form. When an enemy is reduced to 0, the dragon can cause chains to form around them instead of slay them. At which point they're restored to half HP.)
Typo. Shouldn't this be Dragon Scales?
Confused me when I first read it, went over to SB to see if it wasn't another thread's votes or smh.
Definitely want to do the holiday action; it's expensive, but the real-life actions seem to pay bigger dividends eventually. We're going to be looking at a lot of people's dreams during the time fabled to draw worlds closer.

[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 6
-[X] 14 healing a battle should be enough, but if John is worried, he can spend gossamer.
[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Hunt for your Rivals.

One of them is doing very bad things. We should probably try and curb that.
[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 6
-[X] 14 healing a battle should be enough, but if John is worried, he can spend gossamer.
[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Graft
-[X] Dream of Dragon Scales
-[X] Speed 4 -> 7
[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 6
-[X] 14 healing a battle should be enough, but if John is worried, he can spend gossamer.
[X] *Special, Halloween Action. Takes up Evening slot too*
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 6
-[X] 14 healing a battle should be enough, but if John is worried, he can spend gossamer.