Dream Dragon

Cowboy sounds like pure, ungimmicky combat. Probably fairly strong, though.
UFO might have escape rules, and Tunnels might have interesting things. I like exploration and unknown rewards, so I'll pick that.
Plus we don't have Nightmares of Wind to stop opponents from fleeing yet.
[X] Tunnels
[x] Tunnels

We would be able to alter our form to a slim agile dragon or whatever we like. It's a dreamworld.

I don't think we can easily change our size, but we're pretty small compared to the city. I don't think tunnels will be so bad.

However I'd rather not spend much time here, I don't want the Gunslinger to have enough time to prepare for our next assault.

I'm choosing the UFO because a tractor beam might be useful if we could snarf it.

I wonder if Dragons are capable of protecting villages, not only eating them. If they can, we might be able to consider the people we protect as part of our hoard, get power from them.

So I considered the Gain Covetous Dream plan, and I think I have a plan. Create a Wonderous Item, or something like the Wards the Burning Woman created and park it by the Vault. The purpose of the Item would be to make powerful greedy dreams aware of the Vault. We'd get ourselves a three-way fight, making it easier to beat the Angel, too.

Once we get a Covetous Dream, we can use it to make it profitable to prey upon Gunslinger. Draconically pillage his Gossamer, his dreams, his abilities. It's good to force him to lose, since we can't allow a slaver and a murderer to take the Dream-catcher's crown.
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Sun God
[x] Tunnels
The area where the dragon was supposed to meet his buddy for this venture was at the edge of the city. There, the buildings of the suburbs ended suddenly as the dream city ended and the dream realm began, or perhaps the other way around. A massive tunnel opening loomed there, large enough to drive a bus through, and dark as night. The dragon landed at the entrance and immediately spotted his companion, to his mild displeasure.

"Oh it's you." The moth fluttered as she sighed and then gestured with a leg. "Well then, let's get on with it."

"What are you doing here?" The dragon responded with a quiet tone.

"Isn't it obvious?" The moth huffed and lifted off.

"Well, I knew you were going after bounties after you swiped the last one, but I'm wondering if this is more of the same." The dragon reasoned out and lifted into the air himself.

Both beings then started to fly down the tunnel, with the moth leading. The lack of light hindered the dragon for a moment but then he forced his eyes to adjust. The halls were still barely visible that way, but at the very least he wasn't going to run into a wall. The moth didn't answer for a fair amount of time.

"There are secrets under the city." The moth finally stated as she seemed to make a decision. "These tunnels are related to one of them."

"Oh?" That got the dragons attention.

"Hah. I don't plan on giving them out though. This particular event is to clear out the paths in question." The moth giggled quietly as she spoke. "You'd have to find the maps and puzzles that I've dealt with if you want to get more than that."

"You dangle a treasure under a dragon's nose and then laugh it off?" The dragon responded after a moment.

"You know us moths, we love to fly close to the flames." The moth in question did a small flip in the tunnel as she spoke.

That got a snort in response. Sure the dragon was curious now, but he had his own deals to do. If she was dangling that sort of lure in front of him, there was a reason for it. He himself would have been rather paranoid about giving someone else hints if they could possibly act on it.

He changed the subject instead. "So, since you know all about this, what are we going after?"

The moth grew quiet and the dragon had to strain to hear her. "There are secrets under the city." She restated. "Not many secrets are good ones. This city was woven together by the Dreamcatcher, but they used something more in the mix."

"Something more?" The dragon parroted back.

"The history of cities best I can tell. Just like we wove our forms from dreams and nightmares, so did she weave the city from the mass accumulations of dreams. Or at least from what I could tell." The moth glanced back mid flight. "Old cities included."

"Hmm, you mean like industrial cities or something older?" The dragon shook his head as the thought occurred to him. "No, your thinking of older still."

"There's an alter deep in the tunnels. Buried. An old Aztec temple I think." The moth confirmed.

"I'm guessing there's more there. I don't know my history that well." The dragon admitted after a pause.

That got the moth to pause in her flight and turn around. "They performed human sacrifice. To the sun god specifically."

The dragon hissed as he stopped. "That would cause a lot of terror."

"Yes. And it was to a sun god." The moth turned back to face down the tunnel and started her flight again.

"You're thinking that the worship did something." The dragon concluded as he followed her once more.

"I know so. I haven't seen it, but the thing lingers and blocks what I need." The moth admitted. "Fortunately it's not hard to get a bounty posted if you know who to talk with. I couldn't fight it alone." Her wings fluttered a bit faster. "Not that I'm enjoying sharing even this with you."

The dragon barked out a quick laugh. "What happened to being friendly rivals?"

"Oh we still are. You've been winning so far, I just don't want to have that continue." The moth paused and landed. "Now hush. Look ahead."

The dragon landed beside her and looked. There, in front of them both the tunnels opened up and dropped down. It was like there was another world in front of them not. A massive stone temple of some sort loomed in the distance and under the sun.

No, the dragon realized. Not under then sun. The sun was the enemy. The temple was its world. The sun was a Living Nightmare. A large one at that. He could see the screaming faces whirling inside the sphere of heat.

The nightmare was like nothing he had ever seen. Most used blacks and reds. This one was more a horror above, eternal and fearsome. He could catch a hint of something else behind it as well. A tint of something that tasted like worship. He didn't anticipate it being easy prey.

"That's quite the nightmare." The dragon whispered.

The moth gulped in reply. "Just as dangerous as I was warned."

"Do we have to worry about it leaving if we provoke it?" The dragon wondered quietly. Unleashing something like this would cause some serious damage.

"No, it's content to stay here." The moth muttered back. "Are you ready to go after it?"

The dragon paused a moment in thought. He couldn't really prepare anything, but he could possibly demand something from the moth. She obviously needed it more than him.


[ ] No. She needs this more than we do, and we have battles to be hale for.

She's a rival, not a friend, and I'd like us to have full health when going after the Vault and the covetous dream we can use to pillage hoards.

[ ] 60/40. We're going to be doing the heavy lifting. She's the one paying us.
[X] Attack carefully and conservatively. Not getting hit is a high priority.

[ ] Coordinated attack with Moth, she'll be bait and then support with her illusions, (she does illusions, right?) you'll be offense and then distraction.

By the way, we already knew the first secret she paid us with, secret for secret; the Dream-catcher already told us that the City was woven out of other cities.
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Honestly while I'm just as interested in these secret's as anybody else I don't think we will get much out of her
Therefore I would prefer that, besides the gossamer payment we get for this, we request either a favor for the future or whatever the sun-nightmare drops, after all a nightmare as old as this one is bound to leave something special behind
Honestly while I'm just as interested in these secret's as anybody else I don't think we will get much out of her
Therefore I would prefer that, besides the gossamer payment we get for this, we request either a favor for the future or whatever the sun-nightmare drops, after all a nightmare as old as this one is bound to leave something special behind

She is already paying us though, so I'd be reluctant to gouge her for too much. Maybe we could haggle a bit, accept less payment in order to get the hypothetical drop.

Edit: Problem with that, though, is that she beat us last time with the amount of gossamer she gave as tribute, I'm wary of letting her outpace us.

On the other hand, our gossamer strategy for the month could be preying on Gunslinger, it could make up for the shortfall.
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There is indeed much to gain from this situation, but I'm curious why people think it's reasonable to fight it at all; Living Nightmares can kill, even just a single worshiper increased our Gossamer gain by 50%, and there's nothing saying the Moth didn't bite off more than she can chew, a moth to the flame just as she said.

What if this thing actually has damage commensurate with the idea of the sun? TPK, anyone?

[X] Bring up how fighting a Living Nightmare like this is an incredible risk; we could die.
-[X] Ignoring for the moment what you'd need to pay me to do this, what information do you have that makes you so sure even the two of us can take it? What are it's abilities? Strengths? Dream-realm history? Do you have some trick in your arsenal like webbing great enough to match the Anansi that wove the sun?
-[X] Next, even if we do have a chance, are you certain you want to take it? You just spoke of moths and flames; is your reason for doing this so desperate that you must fly so close?
-[X] Finally, payment, I am not willing to do this for mere Gossamer alone, when it can be collected from so many sources. I ask for;
--[X] Exploration; I do not ask to be told secrets, I ask to be shown depths. A guide, leading me to places it would take twice or more as long to find.

Information, agency confirmation, and a deal I think she would be fine with; it requires that she truly and quickly show us things, but it also gives her the option to lead us into more situations she wants solved.

The tricky bit is going to be time; we're low on actions already, and although that last line opens at least a couple very efficient actions, it doesn't matter how efficient an action is if our move is forced on another... and we might have at least two turns of forced action coming up; Dream of Wonder, DoW, Graft, and Hunt the Man With The Gun.
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We do have a +2 to running away if it comes to that.

I don't think she'll be willing to share her secrets, her depths. That's her edge over us. She also was warned about the sun, and was willing to go after it with someone not as powerful as us. She's worried, but not too worried. (Which could mean that she's decided to let us draw aggro and to cloak herself. Betrayal!)

Would we be able to do all this in time for the next tribute?
  • Create a Lure to add to the Vault.
  • Defeat the lured Covetous dream and the angel in a three-way.
  • Graft Covetous and Wings of Nightmare.
  • Hunt down and defeat Gunslinger, pillaging all his Gossamer.
(Speaking of grafts, Sheriff's Star probably looks silly even on a cute dragon. Couldn't it have been a removable item like our ring?)
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[X] Bring up how fighting a Living Nightmare like this is an incredible risk; we could die.
-[X] Ignoring for the moment what you'd need to pay me to do this, what information do you have that makes you so sure even the two of us can take it? What are it's abilities? Strengths? Dream-realm history? Do you have some trick in your arsenal like webbing great enough to match the Anansi that wove the sun?
-[X] Next, even if we do have a chance, are you certain you want to take it? You just spoke of moths and flames; is your reason for doing this so desperate that you must fly so close?
-[X] Finally, payment, I am not willing to do this for mere Gossamer alone, when it can be collected from so many sources. I ask for;
--[X] Exploration; I do not ask to be told secrets, I ask to be shown depths. A guide, leading me to places it would take twice or more as long to find.
"Reaching into the waking world and revealing the sleeping world is a heresy, yes." The angel stated quietly enough that the dragon had to lean in. "Nothing virtuous can come from it's offense."

"So, explain why it's so bad the waking world knows about the sleeping one?"

"Heresy is an unmistakable sin." The guardian turned back to the dragon and almost seemed to glare. "But since you are a heretic and one who lived in the waking world, I will explain the depths of your sin. You will wither away as you become more and more obsessed with the dream. You will devour the gossamer of the realm and become ever more hungry. You will perhaps believe that dreams are tools and resources to be taken instead of gifts and blessings. You will squander all the beauty of the dreams and then cause only nightmares. You will inflict your madness on the waking world and travel to it with your false form. There you will destroy and damage without consequence. And in the end, you will die and drag down the sleeping world out of spite."

The dragon blinked at the rant. Then blinked again. "So you think I could destroy the dream realm?" The idea boggled the mind.

"If the idea spreads and the people attempt to control the dreams, then it may. The process is almost guaranteed if you spread the knowledge the dream-catcher gave you. " The angel's body sagged and it looked off into the distance. "Such is the price of your heresy."

The dragon huffed. He wanted to refute that, but he found himself thinking on it some. Theoretically if everyone had his abilities, the dream realm would become interesting. Would that really destroy the realm though?
So why did we decide to involve Harry in the Dreaming?
So why did we decide to involve Harry in the Dreaming?
It was my mistake; I had this large detailed write-in I'd been thinking about for a while, but whereas I had interpreted it as trying to get a confidant and "someone who would watch our back in the physical world", Lost Star interpreted it as "inducting another Gossamer user", due to how I had broached the subject as "what would you do if you had super powers?". The vote is here, and I guess you missed it because only the very start was copied into the update.

On the subject of the Vault Angel's warning you quote, I'm taking it to mean two things; (1) that as someone gets higher Wonder they grow more distant from the physical world (and this is dangerous), and (2) that the entire ecosystem of the dream realm relies on people dreaming naturally, so if they stop, or take too much Gossamer for themselves, that complex and interesting ecosystem will die.
To safeguard these against requires two things; Harold's Wonder must never get too high, and the Gossamer feeding the dream realm must never be choked off. The first is easy, since Wonder actually takes effort to get, but the second is harder; we'll need to either keep Gossamer manipulation secret (haha, too late, the Atom and the MWTG are already on it), or we'll need to police and regulate the dream realm and the dreamers ourselves, probably with whatever powers the Dream Catcher's Crown has.

Since I am responding, I'll respond to more for you, Olive'.
We do have a +2 to running away if it comes to that.
We also have Stardust Wings which lets us escape confinement, but we don't know the Nightmare Sun's abilities; it could have one that says "Nothing escapes the rays of the sun, especially not flying things." that functions like our Nightmares of Wind, preventing escape regardless of speed and not counting as a status effect SW can stop.

I don't think she'll be willing to share her secrets, her depths. That's her edge over us. She also was warned about the sun, and was willing to go after it with someone not as powerful as us. She's worried, but not too worried. (Which could mean that she's decided to let us draw aggro and to cloak herself. Betrayal!)
It's a balance of opportunity versus cost; she might be showing us otherwise hidden places, but that also gives her a degree control and power that she so obviously values at the same time. She isn't giving us any of her private secrets, except those she would show during the battle regardless.
Also, she could betray us, but since we could easily be more useful to her and her ambitions while alive and functional, she would be kinda shortsighted to do so... and she has so far shown signs of thinking farther ahead than John does.

Would we be able to do all this in time for the next tribute?
  • Create a Lure to add to the Vault.
  • Defeat the lured Covetous dream and the angel in a three-way.
  • Graft Covetous and Wings of Nightmare.
  • Hunt down and defeat Gunslinger, pillaging all his Gossamer.
Probably not; we have 6 actions at most before next tribute, making a lure would be at least two actions (Dream of Wonder, craft lure from the special dream, maybe more if our inexperience with lure-making matters), adding it to the Vault and fighting the Angel would be an action (that might require us replacing our dream form), Dream of Wonder for Nightmares of Wind plus Grafting is two actions, and Hunting down the MWAG is at least one action.
So we can only do it if we drop everything else and nothing goes wrong at any step of the way.

For more things that can go wrong: the VA probably wouldn't just let him put it there; he might lose to the VA; he doesn't know what he might attract or when; he doesn't know what's in the vault, including whether or not it's ancient sealed evil; he doesn't know if he will get anything to graft from the attracted dream denizen or just Gossamer; he doesn't know what special dream he would get or what he'll be able to graft from it; and he doesn't know if there will be developmental problems from taking this path instead of seeking Wisdom.

(Speaking of grafts, Sheriff's Star probably looks silly even on a cute dragon. Couldn't it have been a removable item like our ring?)
I thought so too, but so far no one has reacted to it, so we don't even know if anyone has noticed. It might blend into the patchwork pattern of our scales, or be covered most of the time. We don't usually auto-detect the abilities of others after all, and it is an ability.

She is already paying us though, so I'd be reluctant to gouge her for too much. Maybe we could haggle a bit, accept less payment in order to get the hypothetical drop.
I was expecting an alternative vote to this effect, but I'm not voting for it because the drop might be the entire reason she's doing this; we could get an update that doesn't go anywhere or goes right to combat that way.

On the other hand, our gossamer strategy for the month could be preying on Gunslinger, it could make up for the shortfall.
Which sounds reasonable, but I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps most of his Gossamer in a warded area, and we only get to eat his dream form once before he Dreams a countermeasure. It probably only counts as a single bounty, practically speaking.

[ ] 60/40. We're going to be doing the heavy lifting. She's the one paying us.
[] Attack carefully and conservatively. Not getting hit is a high priority.

[ ] Coordinated attack with Moth, she'll be bait and then support with her illusions, (she does illusions, right?) you'll be offense and then distraction.
The combat system doesn't allow for things like "DODGE" unless you have an ability for it. Our only choices are when and whether we use various abilities, and Lost Star handles that quite well so far. As demonstrated in the first fight with the Guppy, the dream realm doesn't allow for tactics most of the time.

Also, we can't really co-ordinate ability uses with Moth until we have an idea of what abilities she's planning to use; we really have no idea if she's an illusionist or if that's the illusion. We know she has strong webbing, and that she goes for exploration and special actions even more than we do.

By the way, we already knew the first secret she paid us with, secret for secret; the Dream-catcher already told us that the City was woven out of other cities.
I don't think she was trying to pay us; she was just building up for saying what the target was, and where it probably came from. (Although we don't know much of its likely behavior at this point.)
I don't think she was trying to pay us; she was just building up for saying what the target was, and where it probably came from. (Although we don't know much of its likely behavior at this point.)
No, not now. Back when we told her about the Burnt preying on mortals.
"I've been steadily investing into my form and working on getting information. In time I might find more secrets in the city."

"I don't suppose you could tell me?" The dragon asked with a toothy grin.

The moth's antenna fluttered as she laughed. "Oh no, those are mine alone. I will give you a small bit. The dream-catcher made it, but she took older dreams. This is a city woven of humanity itself."

"Oh, ominous." The dragon muttered.

"You owe me a secret in return for that." The moth stated.

"Easy enough. I won last time thanks to me sabotaging our rival with the fires. She was gathering boogeymen and I believe using them to 'farm' fear." The dragon stated.

"Oh, now that I can forgive you gaining a victory for." The moth's wings fluttered angrily, and her wings flashed in different colors. "A good secret for a secret then, equal in worth."

"Relatively." The dragon stated with amusement.

"I say it's enough, so it's enough."
The 'oh, ominous' was strange because we already knew that from when the Dream-catcher gave us her memory.

It was my mistake; I had this large detailed write-in I'd been thinking about for a while, but whereas I had interpreted it as trying to get a confidant and "someone who would watch our back in the physical world", Lost Star interpreted it as "inducting another Gossamer user", due to how I had broached the subject as "what would you do if you had super powers?". The vote is here, and I guess you missed it because only the very start was copied into the update.
Makes sense, so we might want to look into muddying memories. Dreams and memories are mystically connected.

What I would have pushed to do if I was around then would be to gift Harry with a dream. One of courage. He's not working out, he's not going anywhere, he's three times divorced. I think he needs a goal. He's satisfied, but I don't think he should be, and it's not obvious that he's internally satisfied too. People want meaning and a dream could guide him.

On the subject of the Vault Angel's warning you quote, I'm taking it to mean two things; (1) that as someone gets higher Wonder they grow more distant from the physical world (and this is dangerous), and (2) that the entire ecosystem of the dream realm relies on people dreaming naturally, so if they stop, or take too much Gossamer for themselves, that complex and interesting ecosystem will die.
To safeguard these against requires two things; Harold's Wonder must never get too high, and the Gossamer feeding the dream realm must never be choked off. The first is easy, since Wonder actually takes effort to get, but the second is harder; we'll need to either keep Gossamer manipulation secret (haha, too late, the Atom and the MWTG are already on it), or we'll need to police and regulate the dream realm and the dreamers ourselves, probably with whatever powers the Dream Catcher's Crown has.
I think the Atom can be emotionally appealed to, his body is made from joy. Reason ought also work on him.

We can focus on making Gunslinger lose, and his lackeys are too terrified to want to Dream. Memory-muddying ought also work on them.

I don't think we have any way of keeping Harry from telling people. He now knows how to make a dream body and walk around. The angel thinks it's inevitable that humans who know about the Dreaming will decay. Harry is already on that path. So are we.

We also have Stardust Wings which lets us escape confinement, but we don't know the Nightmare Sun's abilities; it could have one that says "Nothing escapes the rays of the sun, especially not flying things." that functions like our Nightmares of Wind, preventing escape regardless of speed and not counting as a status effect SW can stop.
Doubt it, pretty sure that anything like that would be escapeable with that skill.

It's a balance of opportunity versus cost; she might be showing us otherwise hidden places, but that also gives her a degree control and power that she so obviously values at the same time.
I think she'd easily prefer keeping all her secrets and putting up a bounty if she ever needs help over giving her main rival to the throne some of her edge over him. She has control and she doesn't need us. You seem to think we're better for her than we are: We're the person in the lead that might leave her in the dirt. It's a friendly rivalry, but you seem to be forgetting the rival part.

Also, she could betray us, but since we could easily be more useful to her and her ambitions while alive and functional, she would be kinda shortsighted to do so... and she has so far shown signs of thinking farther ahead than John does.
I don't know. I'd lean on her kindness and honor before leaning on 'the logical thing to do'. For all we know, she thinks we're winning again this month and she has plans for staying ahead of us for the next couple of months. Sometimes short-term screw-overs are all you need. Look at Burnt.

Probably not; we have 6 actions at most before next tribute, making a lure would be at least two actions (Dream of Wonder, craft lure from the special dream, maybe more if our inexperience with lure-making matters), adding it to the Vault and fighting the Angel would be an action (that might require us replacing our dream form), Dream of Wonder for Nightmares of Wind plus Grafting is two actions, and Hunting down the MWAG is at least one action.
So we can only do it if we drop everything else and nothing goes wrong at any step of the way.
Fair enough, thanks for the schedule. It might be better, then, to not attack him with Nightmare Wings at the end of this month, better to save that card for when we can play it along with Pillage. Maybe at the end of next month, when he's saved up for tribute, we can plunder his Gossamer.
For more things that can go wrong: the VA probably wouldn't just let him put it there; he might lose to the VA; he doesn't know what he might attract or when; he doesn't know what's in the vault, including whether or not it's ancient sealed evil; he doesn't know if he will get anything to graft from the attracted dream denizen or just Gossamer; he doesn't know what special dream he would get or what he'll be able to graft from it; and he doesn't know if there will be developmental problems from taking this path instead of seeking Wisdom.
Depends on how we make it. If it's a scent trail, the VA can't stop us. If we make it a permanent sticker, same. We can wear the item ourselves. We might hide from VA or force him to defend himself instead of removing the bait.

We're fast and the VA can't leave the Vault. I'm not worried about losing too hard.

I don't think it's an ancient evil, why would we get the right to access the vault just by being stronger than VA?

What it might attract is easy. If it's weak we kill it, if it's strong we kill it with the VA. I think we'd set it to attract everyone greedy enough. (Possibly including rivals?) BoW is great for that.

We don't know if we'd get something good out of it, but this is the best chance of getting a specific Plunder dream.

Wisdom? Is there a specific roghteous way required to gain it? I'd think that getting into the Vault and learning its backstory would count. Our viable rivals are not all as honorable as we are.
I thought so too, but so far no one has reacted to it, so we don't even know if anyone has noticed. It might blend into the patchwork pattern of our scales, or be covered most of the time. We don't usually auto-detect the abilities of others after all, and it is an ability.
Ha, maybe it's less visible than it would be as an item, but then again, some of our other abilities change how we look. Teeth, claws, wings etc.

Might be overthinking the Vault idea. We could just do DoW-Graft for Pillage, DoW-Graft for Wings of Nightmare, then use the next turns to take out Gunslinger.

[Creating an ability to steal Gossamer directly] is possible. Though you'd need to find a very strong source of greed.
The Guardian is a dream, right? If we defeated him, we could use him in our form, to somehow help us guard our hoard, or we'd take his armor?
You'd be able to do something with him.
A normal Dream of Wonder won't be enough for the very powerful ability we're talking about, we're going to need a Lure. However, at least we can do something with the Angel.
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