Dream Dragon

That had... Disturbing connotations.
Hmm. I'm not exactly sure what the dream form connotations are, but I'll speculate.
Mannequin: semblance of humanity, but lesser? Criminal?
Stitched mouth: silenced?
Collar: Imprisoned? Restrained?
So, political dissident? Death row inmate?
It's probably somehow related to our case.
So, I think we've got a couple options.
[] Approach it peacefully and attempt conversation.
[] Engage it in battle then capture it, and then question it.
[] Observe it until it does something of interest.
[] Leave. Give up on finding the murderer.
The last one is there for the sake of completeness, I expect no one to really pick it.
"Lord knows I have issues with my life." The man responded and rocked in his chair a bit. "I couldn't say really?"

Man I feared something like that, now let's hope opening up this new possibility to him, won't ruin him

Either way, not particular interested to do work with Meria
[X] No - Continue as normal.
[X] Yes - Evening slots are locked helping Meria.

Honestly - we're not likely to have many better waifu options for John. That and I get the feeling that while this will tie our evenings up for a while, it may lead to opportunities down the line. Especially in the art community. Artists often use crazy dreams as inspiration after all, and that inspiration has to come somewhere. In this setting, a tortured artist might actually be tortured by some dream being. Really, I'm just guessing, I'm fairly certain there are possibilities here.
AN: This particular chapter fought me.
Sorry! I was worried about being too specific and limiting the narrative, but I couldn't figure out the right way to cut the vote down. We also apparently have rather different views of the characters, their methods, and how they think about the latter, and that clash probably didn't help.
I had the sense that the world is constantly moving on without us due to our slow rate of actions, and that we had been neglecting our work with Meria (every other week seemed "slow" to me, and every weekend would still be "sedate", and a couple hours every day would be "normal"), but the conversation you wrote with her demonstrates you had the opposite feeling; that we're moving at such a fast pace the rest of the world is wondering why we're in such a rush, and that Meria was actually expecting a rate of work equivalent to a minor hobby; just a few hours every month.

Perhaps this is like the exercise thing and we just aren't visualizing the details the same way?
I guess I should have expected John to use his Dream Realm abilities, since that's what he's been practicing, and I guess I also should have expected him to interpret the "ask about super-heroing" as an offer instead of a strong rhetorical trick, since he doesn't talk to people very much and isn't very charismatic, but when I wrote that vote I was thinking in terms of conversations I have had and conversations I could have— I know how to spin a tale in person that leads whoever I'm talking to into a particular understanding, even if they could not reach that understanding or would react badly to it in more direct circumstances. I also know how to info-dump to fairly ridiculous degrees in a way that is gripping and concise, so that each detail I tell someone is interesting on its own and helps them more quickly understand all the other details, or even catch details on their own I didn't even mention.

I just need to remember that I rarely find other people with that skill in real life, and I haven't seen any characters with it in this story. They're all fairly awkward and simple conversationalists, as is fitting of nerds, shut-ins, and folk of small towns.

This might not be quite how I wanted it, but it's an Anchor we were looking for; something solid to do on a regular basis with good odds on dividends, as well as someone who will spot when John's perspective is getting weird and remind him of it.
[X][Job With Meria] Yes - Evening slots are locked helping Meria.

[X][Mysterious Mannequin] Hold back and observe; find out what they're trying to do, and perhaps where they live.
-[X] If you're noticed, try to talk to them; keep the conversation non-accusatory, perhaps showing them bemusement at finding another Dreamer not chosen by the Dream Catcher.
-[X] If they attempt to do something awful, such as dragging another Drain to someone's dream and aggravating the problem, you have a different message; that's not very nice, and you don't want them doing that.
--[X] Follow the above message with wrecking their plans and dream form, but use Sheriff's Star, thus buying time to work out the hows and whys.
-[X] Either way, if you get a chance to use Stardust Wings, do so in case they're under a binding or corruption effect.

Edit: A reminder; I am open to suggestions for cutting down or refining the vote— something about the chance they're unwilling, perhaps?

Edit2: @mastigos: Our Cruel Claw ability wouldn't be very good for that, but how about Stardust Wings? What you're talking about sure sounds like a malevolent effect.
I think the last flaw would be aimlessness in the possible conversation, but the primary goal should cover that.
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fuck. I think one of our rivals enslaved a normie and then empowered them in the Dream. Possibly by maiming and imprisoning their body to make their survival dependent upon the rival

I suspect that if we can manage, cutting the mouth stitching apart with a sharp claw would yield positive results.
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[X][Job With Meria] Yes - Evening slots are locked helping Meria.

[X][Mysterious Mannequin] Hold back and observe; find out what they're trying to do, and perhaps where they live.
-[X] If you're noticed, try to talk to them; keep the conversation non-accusatory, perhaps showing them bemusement at finding another Dreamer not chosen by the Dream Catcher.
-[X] If they attempt to do something awful, such as dragging another Drain to someone's dream and aggravating the problem, you have a different message; that's not very nice, and you don't want them doing that.
--[X] Follow the above message with wrecking their plans and dream form, but use Sheriff's Star, thus buying time to work out the hows and whys.
-[X] Either way, if you get a chance to use Stardust Wings, do so in case they're under a binding or corruption effect. Not usable on others.

The manikin had no awareness of it's surroundings whatsoever. It was like watching someone sleepwalk honestly. The dream form stumbled through the ever shifting terrain of the dream realm with something like a cross between determination and desperation. It's hunting pattern was frankly horrible, and the way it moved indicated that it had little clue what it was doing. Frankly it was painful to watch. Sort of like watching someone fumble with a problem that you knew the answer to.

After a good few hours of painful fumbling the manikin finally seemed to be finished and began to leave the dream. The dragon took that time to follow it. Waking up from the dream form actually involved dissolving the gossamer around yourself and then pulling it back. Typically it was near instantaneous. It was possible to track it if you were careful though, and if the user didn't take precautions. The dragon did as a matter of course, but this particular person seemed to have so little knowledge of what they were doing that they didn't.

The dragon tracked the trail up and into the real world. The place it led him to was a large building crammed in what looked to be a poor place in town. There, on one of the floors was a very small apartment. It was little more than a bed and bathroom. A thin man was washing his face in the sink. There was the lingering traces of the dream.

Now here was a bit of an issue. The information the dragon had so far didn't paint a good picture. This didn't look like someone who had stumbled onto the dream. He watched the man through the thin layers of the dream and then waited as he moved out.

Not inclined to follow the man for now, the dragon phased into reality inside the man's room. There were no lingering dreams here. No identifications of his moods or his history. This happened when someone had just moved into the room and didn't have time to dream about the place, or in this case when they were traveling around the dream realm in their dream form.

The dragon needed more information before he made a conclusion. Carefully he maneuvered around the tiny room and started to look through various areas. Though there were no dreams in the room, there was a particular place where dreams of rage were centered. Carefully he dug around the area and found a box filled with papers. He flipped through them carefully, minding his claws.

They were bills mostly. The dragon had a name, Tim Gerry which he memorized. There was a lease agreement, for about a month ago. More bills. Paystubs too.

The dragon lingered on that a bit. The paystubs were strange. No hours indicated on them. The dragon knew as John that hourly jobs were very careful about listing this. They pay was almost pitiful too. He did note the company for later. A casino of some sort. He should look into that as well.

An employment agreement too. Photocopied. This was the most unusual thing of the bunch. What sort of name was Probability Consultant? It didn't list hours or anything else either. A confidentially clause, with a fair amount of lawyer speak that the dragon couldn't make heads or tails of.

Unable to make more sense of the entire mess the dragon put the stuff back and thought to himself. What was going on here?

[] Mystery time! What are your guesses?
[ ] It may be that one of your competitors has decided to apply the phrase 'wage slave' to the Dream as well...
As I suggested above, I'm thinking it's less 'Hired Dream Hunter' and more 'In exchange for us forgiving your debt, you'll work for this company.' ... And later debt is forgiven by providing Gossamer.
[X] Mystery time! What are your guesses?
He's likely an assassin.

Probability that someone will die, etc. Marking hours fucks up an alibi and isn't relevant when an end result is desired.

Or he could be a salaried statistician but I doubt he'd have unpaid bills were that the case. Thug/assassin is much more likely, and thugs would likely be paid hourly as a guard/hired labor.

His power might have been granted by someone else who has the ability to gift this, which is where having a lawyer contract rather than simply per-job word-based system would be preferable.
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"Probability Consultant" sounds like cheating, but casinos already have their probabilities where they want them; "the house always wins", and they don't need supernatural help for that.

Assassin doesn't seem too likely either (the rage dreams centered around the financial papers, the low pay), but the biggest piece of evidence is whether he works or worked for the same casino as the man who died. If it's a rival casino, that does sound like assassin, but if it's the one he worked for, that sounds more like he had a major disagreement with his employer.
Let's take a look at the hint the dream entity in the room of eternity gave us;
The chill this time wasn't due to something the man had done. The dragon gulped and forced himself to ask. "What would I find there?"

"Murder, blackmail, and sin of course!" The man laughed. "And one of your rivals doing all three." The room began to fade. "I hope to see you again! We can try coffee next time."
Three things;
  1. The casino boss murderer is probably a rival, which this person is not.
  2. That rival is blackmailing someone; doesn't this person seem a likely candidate?
  3. Although our rival is doing all three, that's a separate thought from the list; we might find more murders that didn't appear in the news, more people blackmailing each other, and plenty more objectionable things.
As such, I don't think we're even half done with this mystery.

[] This is probably a huge mess and it makes you wonder what you'll have to deal with once you take the Crown from the Dream Catcher.
-[] Time to confront this suspicious person, and ask them if they're related to the murder of the casino boss.
-[] Time to follow them to see who they're connected to and maybe where they have another base of activity.

-[X] Either way, if you get a chance to use Stardust Wings, do so in case they're under a binding or corruption effect. Not usable on others.
I think we would have still spent a Dream of Wonder on this, but exactly how big a nerf this is depends
When I try to do so myself, I'm running into the exact same problem the Iron Heart Surge rules have. Which is to say, if we cancel something effecting us, does it cancel the cause of that effect, thus also cancelling it for anyone else effected, or does it only stop it from effecting us in particular? The first is only about 1/2 as strong, since then it's just a targeting problem where we have to get hit with something before we can stop it, but the second is more like 1/4th or 1/5th, since the ability has lost almost all of its creative or strategic uses, leaving only tactical ones.

I guess recovering full functionality of this ability would be 2 or 3 special dreams from the Path of Wisdom chain, if ever?

I'm beginning to wonder if we would have gotten more use out of Nightmare of Glowing Eyes by now.
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[] Mystery time! What are your guesses?
The man we've met is having financial difficulties, and has likely moved into a tiny apartment to cut down on rent. He hit rock bottom when it comes to money, and the pay he gets from a casino is the only thing that sustains him, except the work he does there appears to be a scam. He seems to be hunting for gossammer, and he has no clue of what he is doing - which implicates our rival. Is it in exchange for a job that I suspect doesn't exist? Or is it because he had a hand in murder and does not want to be exposed?

Being a hired assassin is unlikely. You'd think he'd be much better paid.

Was he doing some kind of illegal work for a casino owned by the latest victim in exchange for money? The amount is a bit too small to justify it. Then, was he blackmailed into compliance? He could still be the murderer, if our rival offered him a way to get rid of the employer. But that would mean the pay, meager though it is, would stop coming in.

The only way I can make sense of this situation is the one where our rival owns a different casino, hires people who gambled away their fortune to do gossammer hunting for them, and kills his business rivals - in other words, a way that considers all these incidents separate. Connecting these cases requires rather more information than what we currently have.

[] This is probably a huge mess and it makes you wonder what you'll have to deal with once you take the Crown from the Dream Catcher.
-[] Time to confront this suspicious person, and ask them if they're related to the murder of the casino boss.
-[] Time to follow them to see who they're connected to and maybe where they have another base of activity.
I think it's a bit too early for a confrontation, and following them has a chance to lead us to our rival, which may be less than ideal considering they are in their home territory. I'd probably check on the casino, see if he is still getting paid after the murder took place. Maybe dig up his personal history somehow, now that we have a name? Granted, we might not have the patience for that.
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I think it's a bit too early for a confrontation, and following them has a chance to lead us to our rival, which may be less than ideal considering they are in their home territory.
If we find our rival... doesn't that mean we've won?
We can probably wreck their dream form, what with ours being a tank with lots of supporting abilities, then their physical form is defenceless and we're free to ask pointed questions. Most of the other mysteries should clear up rapidly once the most likely instigator is caught.
Wait a minute. Could you see through the Dream into reality or vice versa? Because it seems to be with a collaborator on the other side, you could cheat at cards.
[X] He's being used to cheat somehow, likely at the casino, but considering the low pay, your rival is either using many patsies or else doesn't have many options, and the subject has no idea what they are involved in either. Spying on the real world from the dream may make some sense of their weird movement patterns.
[X] He's being used to cheat somehow, likely at the casino, but considering the low pay, your rival is either using many patsies or else doesn't have many options, and the subject has no idea what they are involved in either. Spying on the real world from the dream may make some sense of their weird movement patterns.
Faceless Masses
[X] He's being used to cheat somehow, likely at the casino, but considering the low pay, your rival is either using many patsies or else doesn't have many options, and the subject has no idea what they are involved in either. Spying on the real world from the dream may make some sense of their weird movement patterns.

The best guess the dragon had was that the man was being paid to cheat for some reason. Following this conclusion, he decided to follow the man through the real world to perhaps find out why and where. He shifted back into the dream realm and began to wait.

Over time the man came back, but the sun had come up by this point and the dragon had run out of time. He instead came back the next day.

The man was hunting again this time. Crudely and improperly, but he was hunting. It was just a bit annoying following him again. The man wasn't trying to spy either, but the dragon figured that this might happen later over time. He kept at it.

Several days later the dragon was forced to conclude that the man wasn't spying, but rather attempting to gather gossamer. The question was why? The dragon's rival was involved somehow, but he couldn't figure out why.

The answer came to him near the end of the week as the man's crude manikin form stumbled purposefully to a specific area. There he found several other manikins gathered and waiting for something. A good half dozen of them, all identical, stood there placidly and waited.

Sensing something, the dragon tried to make himself as stealthy as possible. Since the particular terrain on this area was a misty formless nothingness, that was harder than it sounded. This was going to be important.

After a long hour of waiting another dream form appeared. The man with the mask and the gun. Dropping in from reality without a care, the man glanced over the manikins through his mask and pointed at the ground.

One by one the manikins dropped small packages on the ground. Gossamer in the form of boxes. Not much, but significant due to the fact that there were six of them. The man glanced over the bounty and then waved his hand. The boxes dissolved into mist and he breathed it in.

"Pitiful." He stated grimly. His voice reminded the dragon of a few movies he had seen. "You're all somehow managing to do worse." He laughed mockingly. "Though I suppose that's not surprising."

The manikins didn't move in response. Well some of their heads hung lower, but that was it. The stitching on their mouths were more than just for show apparently.

"Well, even with shit like this as your result I can do something. I'd deduct from your pay already, but you're all barely living. Keep this up and I might need to start taking harsher measure." The man stated casually.

No movement from the manikins.

"Not going to speak up?" The man laughed again and waved a hand. "Oh wait, you can't. Fine then. If you won't talk I suppose I'll talk with someone else." The man pulled up his weapon and aimed it at the dragon. "Like maybe you."

Seeing that he was spotted the dragon swept his wings back and looked down at the crowd. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

"I think the better question is, why are you spying? I'm guessing you caught some of the weaklings hunting?" The man gestured to the manikins who had twisted to view the dragon. "Don't know why you'd bother. They're barely more than sleepwalkers. Wanted to eat them didn't you?"

"I do believe I resent that implication." The dragon huffed and flapped his wings to lift himself in the air. The manikins cringed away as one.

"Don't think I don't know what you did with the other one who crossed you. Teeth and claws aren't fun to die to, even in here." The man kept his weapon aimed at the dragon.

The dragon dropped down so he was level with the people and the man, then landed and looked at them all casually. "And what of you? I can't think those little manikins of yours are voluntary workers."

"They're being paid and can leave at any time." The man stated flatly and glanced at the cringing manikins. "Though frankly they're barely worth the money. I'm half tempted to let you eat them, but the gossamer investment hasn't been paid back yet."

"Something about that statement makes me wonder." The dragon mused casually and flicked his tail.

"Like I give a damn about what you 'wonder.'" The man's weapon clicked. "Now I think there's enough talking. Are you going to leave or is this going to get messy?"

The dragon huffed and slowly surveyed the area. The manikins weren't particularly dangerous to him. Their forms were clumsily stitched and frankly likely weak enough that he could remove them in a second. They would provide a barrier for that second. More importantly he had no idea of how strong his rival was.

This close to the tribute he didn't want to expend what a loss would do. However, a loss on the man's side would certainly be humiliating. It wouldn't necessarily be a good thing though. He didn't have enough information at the moment.

The manikins continued to cringe away from him. The dragon wondered some if they were still afraid of pain in their dream form. It would make sense honestly. They had no experience. Practically mass produced and thrown into the dream realm. Some part of them would have to be horrified by the strangeness. Without a guide it was far too easy to become focused on the horror and danger of the dream. It was pitiful in a way.


[] Attack, Yes /No?
-If No, how much tribute?
I don't mean this in a bad way, @Lost Star, but you have got to stop using adverbs in your dialogue. Replace them with description or omit them, but don't cluster them one after another.

It's dragging down your writing, which is a damned shame considering the depth and poignancy you revealed yourself to be capable of in update 34.
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