Don't Miss Your Deadline! (Manga Editor Quest)

So we've got 4 people in our team, right? At our current situation, our 3 colleagues are expected to do 25-3=22 series, or about 7 each. Though Masaru-senpai would probably do a bit more than the 2 newbies. Even if we do 5 series, that still leaves 20 series for 3 people.

Decreasing the total number to 20 means everyone would do 5 series on average, meaning we can get away with doing a bit less than average, say 4 or even our current 3 series, without giving anyone else too big a workload.

Even if we don't increase our Minimum stat required, it'd still lead to an increase in Quality simply because all of us can concentrate our Editor Bonus on fewer series.
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[X] Small Cuts

If we reduce it to 20, is that split between 3 people (us, Shion and John), or 4 people with Masaru as well?
Sorry, minor edit. Your current Favor is 22, not 20. You got +2 for completing last week's requests for Our Daughter is a Vampire (the fanservice one and the "improve your Story" one from the Assistant Editor in Chief and Editor in Chief respectively).

This week's requests will be added to the next update.
[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
-[x][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[x][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[x][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)

I think we can handle a 4th series. Provided we don't up the minimum quality required.
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oh, I was wondering if last post meant an update was incoming!

John seemed rather sour about the ending (though he still refused to share any details to avoid spoiling you). He argued passionately about how even the best writers needed time to work, pointing out many successful series that had ended up suffering in quality after becoming popular because the writers faced increasing pressure to publish their work quickly.
some series, on the other hand, actually get better. Medaka Box is much BETTER later on than at the beginning, for example.

...I still rage a bit inside at the thought Psyren got treated so badly though...

"Morning, Maeda!" he called, ignoring your flinch at the loud volume as he pointed to the covered dish on the counter. "There's your breakfast. Wasn't sure what you normally have, so I just made the usual: toast, eggs, beans and bacon. It ain't fancy, but it'll fill you up."

Muttering your thanks, you grabbed your plate and sat down across from John. Instead of using your knife and fork as intended, you simply piled up all the other ingredients on top of the toast as an impromptu sandwich that was as messy as it was delicious.

Normally you'd try to be neater about it, but with your current headache you aren't really in the mood to care about table manners. Besides, you doubted that John would be the kind of person who'd care about eating "properly".

...John is succesfully removing the Jap out of us!

"'Homecoming Isekai: I Hate Being On Earth, So Let Me Return to the Dungeon'," he said, not even missing a beat at the ridiculous name. The sad part was that even you had begun to grow desensitized to bad titles at this point. "I did warn the mangaka that he needed to actually progress the plot this week, but apparently the Assistant Editor in Chief wanted him to add a tsundere to the protagonist's harem first, so here we are."

Groaning, you covered your eyes. Goddammit, shit like this is why nobody wanted to talk to Daisuke unless they absolutely had to. It's embarrassing enough to be a lonely, socially maladjusted NEET, but did he really have to act like one at every opportunity? know, not only I actually kind of like the premise, but as for a decent number of mentioned title, I'm pretty sure I've seen something like this at some point. Something about an isekai hero going back to his world and having to adapt to normal life again.

Also damn it Daisuke, wasn't the fanservice advice enough?!

We really need to talk to this guy, he's giving bad (or at least unsuited) advice!

About our series: it's not a lost cause yet.

Our extra points should help next turn. Subaru in particular can still recover, and the other two are actually slightly better.

"Ah, Hiroshi. Right on time, as usual," said the man sitting at the desk.

His name was Maeda Taishi. Vice Chairman of the Board, Executive Managing Director of the company, former shogi professional player (you could see a few of his old trophies hung up on a shelf just behind him), loving father and husband (usually), and most importantly, your doting uncle.
I have problems connecting "doting uncle" to that face... but then again I've seen similar faces turn to cooing dads in other anime...

"Suzuki-san is still too idealistic. He wishes to cut down our running series to the bare minimum and focus on quality instead, but with the current state of the company that's simply not feasible," your uncle shook his head. "Most of the good mangaka have already jumped ship, and we can't afford to put all our hopes on a handful of new mangaka, no matter how talented they might seem." seems like he actually agrees with us (the editor, I mean). and, as I suspected, the problem is not with him, but with the board.

"At this point, I simply want to get this issue resolved at last," he said bluntly. "You're the editor on the ground, so I'll support you on whichever option you choose."

Well, wasn't that convenient. Having Uncle Taishi around to back you up would definitely make this proposal a lot easier, but you suspected that he wouldn't always be this helpful in the future.
this is VERY convenient. And supporting Suzuki's plan might actually gain us some goodwill from him.

Quantity: How many series will the Sunday Star publish each week? Determines the total number of series being published.

[ ][Quantity] 15:
The bare minimum that the board will accept at this point in time. (-15 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 25: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 30: Increasing the number of series will allow us to spread out a bit more. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 35: Your team can handle this, right? (-15 Favor)

Quality: How good will the Sunday Star's standards be? Determines the minimum stat needed for a chapter to be accepted.

[ ][Quality] 20:
At this point, you'll take just about anything that you can get. (-15 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 30: Lowering your standards slightly in order to attract more potential mangaka. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 50: We should raise our quality to "average" at least. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 60: Only the best accepted here. (-15 Favor)

Personal Work: How much Maeda will be personally doing. Determines the minimum number of series that Maeda will be handling each week.

[ ][Personal] 3:
You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 5: You can handle this, right? (-3 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 6: Double the work, double the fun. (-2 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 7: What, are you a masochist or something? (-1 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 8: Didn't you come here to reduce the number of series that you'd need to handle?

...I'm somewhat unsatisfied. We spend 10 favour even without changing anything, only for having come here...

Ok, so... let's be pragmatic about this

People will mostly skip over shit series. I think we can afford to reduce the number a bit, and that might actually gain us some gratitude from other editors.

...actually... if they wanted us to get 8 series each, and we're three editors + our senpai Masaru... this means they wanted 8*3 = 24 series from only us.

And we're currently publishing 25 series.

...that's crazy.

...ok, going back to the changes.

We want to reduce the number of series, to also reduce the burden on our coworkers. so from 25 to either 20 or 15.

We probably can't afford 15, so that's probably 20. a slight reduction, but it should gain us some goodwill from other editors AND the editor-in-chief.

for quality... I'd leave it the same. we don't have the favour to change more, and in the end the series will compete against each other anyway.

for OUR series... I'd go with eithr 4 or 5.

so, my plan:

[ ][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)

[ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)

and one of

[ ][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 5: You can handle this, right? (-3 Favor)

for a total of 18 or 19 favour spent. I'm fine getting a new series with our improved editor points, and staying at 3 would likely annoy our coworkers.

If we get 5 series, that means 15 series left to the other ones. 5 series each for Maeda, John, Masaru and Shion is actually reasonable I think, and MUCH better than 8 each.

Though I imagine they'll actually get MORE than 5 series, but still, we can point out as we're more inexperienced and need time to adapt, AND the fact we lowered the number of series for everyone anyway.

hey @zamin just how many editors are in this office, and how many series does each have? because the fact the three main ones were supposed to get 24 series among them implies that there's either no other editor, or that they were preparing for an expansion.

or maybe they wanted to give Masaru a vacation?


yeah, I don't believe that either.

...uh... actually... @zamin if @QueenPally accepts the 4 favour can we use them here?

In that case, we could afford

[ ][Quantity] 15: The bare minimum that the board will accept at this point in time. (-15 Favor)

[ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)

and one of

[ ][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)

[ ][Personal] 5: You can handle this, right? (-3 Favor)

We'd burn nearly all our favour, but I imagine this would considerably reduce the stress in the office, help Masaru and our coworkers AND ourselves, and likely gain the gratitude of the editor-in-chief, who was, from what I read here, pushing to reduce the workload.
I think it is best if we handle only 3 series like we currently did, we only have 5 suggestions and 50 editor points, with 1 mangaka visit, we can have 16-18 points to spread and 2 suggestions for each mangaka.

Which is a must since as Subaru showed, relying on 2d6 rolls for popularity will bite us HARD, we need the actual quality points.

And lastly, with 22 favors, even if we spend 20 we still have 2 favor, just enough to not get fired, and rebuild our favor as we fix our assigned mangas.
who ever said that 0 favours equal fired?

This quote:

If you fail to submit the required number of series, he won't be happy. Mechanically, this means that you'll lose a big chunk of Favor. If your Favor gets below zero, you might get fired!

...ok, actually if below 0.

May I suggest the below plan?
[X] Plan universally reduced workload.
-[X][Quantity] 20:
A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[X][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[X][Personal] 3: You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)

With the 22 favor, we have a safety margin of 2 favor to not get fired, while universally reduce our coworker and our own workload. Maybe even slight thanks from the sour editor in-chief!
May I suggest the below plan?
I'm mostly fine with it, but at that point I'd go with 4 series instead of 3. Let's show our willingness to get a (slightly) increased workload, and that might help reducing envy from coworkers when paired with the lowering of workloads for them as well.

...Also we get that extra favour point, which is still nice.

If we can spend the 4 points from the latest fancontent, I'd probably push to further reduce the number of series.

I don't see the point of meddling with the quality scores, because if we reduce the quantity quality will kind of go up by itself, because the worst ones will simply drop out.

...EDIT: also I kinda want a new series. just one, though
How many series does the Sunday Star publish right now?

Currently the Sunday Star is publishing around 25 series weekly.

Ouch. Why are they all minus favor? Even the ones where we'd be disadvantaging ourselves still cost us?

In this case, it's because the board is in a deadlock. By jumping in like this, you're basically going to piss off someone no matter what you pick.

And lastly, suddenly glad all the omake rain, I usually didn't say this, but I hope the latest omake choose points as the reward.

How many favor points we can handle without being fired again?

It's only dangerous if you go below 0. Though note that having too much Favor can also be problematic, but in a different way.

It would also be nice to know when we'll be able to make future changes like this again, even if it was only a soft guess for how long the new standards would be in place. I assume taking this action will be available in the future again anyway.

This is a bit of a special circumstances, honestly. Normally, it'd actually cost more Favor to make such big changes to the magazine's running.

That said, you can choose this option again, but it will be on cooldown for about a month because trying to shake things up again so quickly is just going to make everyone even madder at Maeda.

...actually... if they wanted us to get 8 series each, and we're three editors + our senpai Masaru... this means they wanted 8*3 = 24 series from only us.

And we're currently publishing 25 series.

Masaru was also supposed to be handling 8 series, so the total would have actually been 32 series total, but without any drop in quality.

It's part of the reason why the Editor in Chief was being so snippy with everyone during that last meeting.

hey @zamin just how many editors are in this office, and how many series does each have? because the fact the three main ones were supposed to get 24 series among them implies that there's either no other editor, or that they were preparing for an expansion.

At the moment, you guys are it for the Sunday Star. Masaru was single-handedly holding up the magazine through sheer willpower.

...uh... actually... @zamin if @QueenPally accepts the 4 favour can we use them here?

... I probably should have replied to that art piece quicker, huh?

I don't know how long it'll take for QueenPally to respond and I don't want to pressure them into picking one reward option over another, so I'm going to say no for this one. If they decide to pick the Favor reward, it'll be added to Maeda's character sheet after this vote.
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[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue

You know what, screw it. The math doesn't agree with my plan to keep the quantity but up the quality. So we might as well take up a new series and lower the overall number of series we need as a group to deal with. We'll just hope the lesser load means better quality in the end.
Masaru was also supposed to be handling 8 series, so the total would have actually been 32 series total, but without any drop in quality.

It's part of the reason why the Editor in Chief was being so snippy with everyone during that last meeting.

At the moment, you guys are it for the Sunday Star. Masaru was single-handedly holding up the magazine through sheer willpower

...ok, now with majority want 20 story, I'm torn between 3(us)-6-6-5 workload spread (my plan), or 4(us)-6-5-5 workload spread.

I favor 3 for us however, we need all the editor and suggestion points we can get, that 2d6 popularity is too unpredictable.
[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
-[x][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[x][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[x][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)

Changing the quality at this moment makes no sense. We don't have the experience, the means, or the experienced mangaka to meet 50 consistently. And lowering it is stupid. If Sunday Star gains a reputation of publishing crap regularly, no one will want to buy it.

With the editors other than Masaru needing a lot of adjustment and experience (Even John. The audience and comic culture here is different from what he knows), they need to start with less series for their work to make an impact and start dragging the magazine upwards. And Maeda has to be seen making at least an effort to contribute, since all the other editors, even more recent hires, will get more series than him. Remember that the reputation of the uncle is also on the line, and Maeda cannot afford embarrass him.

Plus, even if he's looking mostly for himself, the narrative so far is that Maeda appreciates the other editors. For them, I feel he'd make an effort, as long as he's getting the best deal himself.

6 series for Masaru (who'll kiss the ground we walk on), 5 for Shion and John each, and 4 for Maeda. Seems very doable for now.
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[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
-[x][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[x][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[x][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)

On mobile, so picking the plan I like best. I would have been okay with 5 series instead of 4, but everything else seems good.

As for the fan work, I'll take the favor, since we'll probably need every scrap of it we can get right now.
Masaru was also supposed to be handling 8 series, so the total would have actually been 32 series total, but without any drop in quality.

It's part of the reason why the Editor in Chief was being so snippy with everyone during that last meeting. turn we should meet him again. I think he might be grateful.

At the moment, you guys are it for the Sunday Star. Masaru was single-handedly holding up the magazine through sheer willpower.

...we had 3 series. that means he was doing 22!


Well, hopefully he'll be gratefull too.

Ok, if we go from 25 to 20, and take 4 series for ourselves, that leaves 16 series to divide among three editors.

Presumably something like 5 for Shion and John, and 6 for Masaru. seems reasonable to me, and unlikely to cause too much resentment.

... I probably should have replied to that art piece quicker, huh?

I don't know how long it'll take for QueenPally to respond and I don't want to pressure them into picking one reward option over another, so I'm going to say no for this one. If they decide to pick the Favor reward, it'll be added to Maeda's character sheet after this vote.
yes to the first, but it didn't happen, so we'll deal. and you're probably right about adding it only after at this point.

...ok, now with majority want 20 story, I'm torn between 3(us)-6-6-5 workload spread (my plan), or 4(us)-6-5-5 workload spread.

I favor 3 for us however, we need all the editor and suggestion points we can get, that 2d6 popularity is too unpredictable.
I think we can afford one extra series, though I'd hesitate to go for more. It's also likely to cause less resentment among our coworkers, and we're kinda low on favour anyway, so an extra point is kinda nice for emergencies.

Next turn we DEFINITELY do not do overtime, because we need all the points, we should meet the Editor in chief to tell him about how we stopped them from going to 30+ series and actually reduced the workload for everyone while also accepting a small extra burden to ourselves.

I think we can repair that horrible first impression.

[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
-[x][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[x][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[x][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)

Changing the quality at this moment makes no sense. We don't have the experience, the means, or the experienced mangaka to meet 50 consistently. And lowering it is stupid. If Sunday Star gains a reputation of publishing crap regularly, no one will want to buy it.

With the editors other than Masaru needing a lot of adjustment and experience (Even John. The audience and comic culture here is different from what he knows), they need to start with less series for their work to make an impact and start dragging the magazine upwards. And Maeda has to be seen making at least an effort to contribute, since all the other editors, even more recent hires, will get more series than him. Remember that the reputation of the uncle is also on the line, and Maeda cannot afford embarrass him.

Plus, even if he's looking mostly for himself, the narrative so far is that Maeda appreciates the other editors. For them, I feel he'd make an effort, as long as he's getting the best deal himself.

6 series for Masaru (who'll kiss the ground we walk on), 5 for Shion and John each, and 4 for Maeda. Seems very doable for now.
I completely agree.

[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
I think we can afford one extra series, though I'd hesitate to go for more. It's also likely to cause less resentment among our coworkers, and we're kinda low on favour anyway, so an extra point is kinda nice for emergencies.

Next turn we DEFINITELY do not do overtime, because we need all the points, we should meet the Editor in chief to tell him about how we stopped them from going to 30+ series and actually reduced the workload for everyone while also accepting a small extra burden to ourselves.

I think we can repair that horrible first impression.
...technically speaking, if we were willing to go for 5 everyone would get the same number of series, which would definitely make us look better...

...but I don't think it's worth it.
I think we can afford one extra series, though I'd hesitate to go for more. It's also likely to cause less resentment among our coworkers, and we're kinda low on favour anyway, so an extra point is kinda nice for emergencies.

Next turn we DEFINITELY do not do overtime, because we need all the points, we should meet the Editor in chief to tell him about how we stopped them from going to 30+ series and actually reduced the workload for everyone while also accepting a small extra burden to ourselves.

I think we can repair that horrible first impression.

Ok, now I want the "rescue" plan, currently the only reason I stick with my current plan is due to I also its maker...

Meh, switching is fine if it means possible better 2nd impression with the editor in chief.

[X] Plan Hiroshi To The Rescue
we should keep in mind the high favour costs that come with going to the board though.

and we got it cheaper this time.

If we want to try for bigger changes, we should preferably work with the editor in chief and/or the other editors, trying to present it as a joint proposal if possible (sort of pooling our favours), and prepare for it by accumulating favour or showing results.

Next change we should try to implement: improvements to the website, and maybe an english translation to also have it oversea