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Character sheet updated. Will start the update in a bit, unless there's something on there which makes people want to change their votes.
- Amber pendant [CONFISCATED]: A good luck charm from a deceased grand-uncle on your father's side of the family. Inside the drop of amber is a small flower; you don't know what kind, but it's pretty...

Your mother confiscated your pendant after you botched an important audition. You're not sure when you'll be allowed to have it back.

Huh. This looks plot-important.
Jade's pendant is one thing, but another one? Is PMMM-Earth some kind of hotspot for dimensionally displaced pendant-bearers?
0.5: Citation needed.
[X] Go look up more information on magical girls.
-[X] If parental controls block your searches, keep trying anyway.
-[X] Keep looking up the pros and cons of being a magical girl and making a wish.

You understand that it's important to keep you away from inappropriate content, but the sheer number of magical girl websites blocked by the filter is simply absurd. You do end up finding another thread on an English mirror of a Japanese website, but that's about it. The post date shows that it's from before the recent Kyubey revelations.

-----> Potential/New Magical Girls: READ ME FIRST! <-----

Sigil of Light
Senior Magical Girl
(Original Poster)

Hello, everyone! Sigil of Light here. I've tried to compile some of the ideas and advice people have had on this forum into one easy-to-read thread. I hope it helps! (sorry, couldn't resist)

1: To start off, you should know that wishes are finicky little things. They seem to operate more off intent than wording, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll get what you want. Be careful and think things over before you make your wish; there are no take-backs.

2: Whatever you do, don't waste your wish. If you honestly can't think of anything else, a lot of norms will pay a fortune to have you use it to cure them of some horrific disease or crippling injury. Not to mention the authorities freak out a lot less if you do something like that instead of just wishing for wealth. The latter rarely (see: never) ends well.

3: Your abilities are going to be influenced by your wish. People who wish to heal others are often healers, those who wish for friends might be able to magically make themselves more charismatic, people who wish to go someplace else could be teleporters, and so on. It's not a perfect science, but it works pretty well as a general rule. If you want a certain powerset, there's a sub-forum elsewhere on this very site devoted to trying to figure out what wishes will grant what abilities.

I myself wished for my house and home to always be safe from all invaders and got some pretty nifty defensive abilities as a result.

4: We're here to help! If you have a magical girl in your neighborhood and you're just starting out, don't be afraid to approach her for advice and assistance. We're all in this together.

5: Be sure to get some combat practice in before you try to fight your first witch. People don't really like to talk about this, but there are two kinds of magical girls: those who survive indefinitely, and those who die within a week or two. Most of us fall into the former, but some people rush in and end up dying. Please don't join the ranks of the latter category. Like I said earlier, you aren't alone in this.

You try to find more threads on the mirror website, but it looks like all of the recent ones are blocked. The older ones all talk about how wonderful it is to be a magical girl, but given as Japan kinda went ballistic when the whole "Literal Soul Gem" thing was revealed, you think it might be important to learn about some of the downsides.

-[X] Try to learn about local magical girls.

The only other magical girl currently in Karia is Azura, a teal-haired pre-adolescent. She claims to actually be fifteen years old, but given as her mannerisms and knowledge don't appear to reflect her "real age", you aren't buying it. As her civilian identity isn't known, a rarity among magical girls, you can't truly verify it one way or the other.

Her weapons of choice appear to be conventional explosives. You have no idea where or how she's getting them all.

-[X] Try to find examples of different wishes and what sorts of abilities they granted.

You try to remain perfectly calm in the face of continued stonewalling, but it's difficult to avoid losing your temper. You don't understand what people could be wishing for to make parental controls repeatedly block every list you try to find. How many MG fans are perverts, anyway?

You do manage to eventually find a list, but given as it took you over two hours to find it, you're not exactly confident in its reliability. You should probably ask your parents to review and possibly unblock some of the websites you tried to visit earlier.

Abilities Granted
"I wish I was safe." Invisibility and/or Teleportation and/or Forcefields
"I wish it wasn't so difficult for me to make friends." Mind and/or Emotional Influence
"I wish to become the strongest magical girl my potential will allow!" Enhanced power and/or maximum grief capacity
"I wish for the best cake ever." Improved cooking and/or Object Enhancement
"I wish to be able to help <My MG friend>." Various support abilities, including buffs, forcefields, and/or giant laser beams.
"I wish <My friend> wasn't injured anymore." Healing. Is often more efficient when healing the individual in question.
"I wish I was better." (referring to injuries) Regeneration and/or healing and/or personal buffs.
"I wish the person currently standing in front of me was cured of all current ailments." General healing.
"I wish school wasn't so difficult <for me.>" Improved learning and/or simpler course material.
"I wish I could talk to animals." See wish contents. Additionally, the magical girl in question was able to speak all tested languages.
"I wish I was a magical girl!" Extremely varied. Heavily dependent on what sort of abilities the wisher's ideal magical girl have.
"I wish to be happy." Extremely varied. Wish effects occasionally include emotional removal. Not recommended.
Unfortunately, when you scroll down to the comments, you see a lot of users demanding citation for the wishes and their effects. The original poster only replied with "various places." Real helpful.

[] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[] Contact Kyubey and ask him if you could use one of his bodies as a plushie. So fluffy...
-[] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
-[] Inform your parents that Kyubey says you have a large amount of magical potential.
--[] Ask if they would object to you becoming a magical girl. You could help people! ...And maybe you wouldn't be stuck cowering in a corner while a witch murdered dozens of people...
-[] Ask your parents if they could unblock any of the websites parental controls rejected. Hopefully, not all of them contain content unsuitable for your viewing.

[] Write-in

Current time: 9:17 PM

Character sheet has been updated since the last post.
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[X] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.

Let's just go to sleep. I'd throw in hugging a crow plushy, but I don't think...

Hey, @Alivaril? We have a stuffed crow? Don't you dare say no. ;_;
Let's just go to sleep. I'd throw in hugging a crow plushy, but I don't think...

Hey, @Alivaril? We have a stuffed crow? Don't you dare say no. ;_;

Your entire supply of stuffed animals have slowly been confiscated. You haven't earned any of them back yet.

Sheet updated with them.
Alivaril threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Plushies (1d40+36) Total: 9
9 9
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[X] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[X] Contact Kyubey and ask him if you could use one of his bodies as a plushie. So fluffy...
-[X] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
-[X] Inform your parents that Kyubey says you have a large amount of magical potential.
-[X] Ask your parents if they could unblock any of the websites parental controls rejected. Hopefully, not all of them contain content unsuitable for your viewing.
[X] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[jk] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
--[jk] Get punished for daring to get caught in a Witch Attack
---[jk] Awaken as a Green Mage
----[jk] Turn inside of home into a Slaughter House

... I honestly think she will be punished for getting caught in the Witch attack, but the rest is what I wish would happen.
That more or less confirms that QB is messing with the filter. Neat to see that old Sigil of Light post again. Recycling!

"I wish I could talk to animals."See wish contents. Additionally, the magical girl in question was able to speak all tested languages.
Since wishes run off intent, that magical girl either doesn't have a very high opinion of humans or is very literal. :V

Simpler course material my ass.

[x] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[x] Contact Kyubey and ask him if you could use one of his bodies as a plushie. So fluffy...
-[x] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
-[x] Inform your parents that Kyubey says you have a large amount of magical potential.
-[x] Ask your parents if they could unblock any of the websites parental controls rejected. Hopefully, not all of them contain content unsuitable for your viewing.

She's wearing a tracking bracelet. The vote isn't kidding about them finding out sooner or later.

I just realized that we should be able to fake our death easily thanks to the bracelet. That's sort of an option? It's going to be broken the moment she Overchannels anyway. :V
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[X] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[jk] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
--[jk] Get punished for daring to get caught in a Witch Attack
---[jk] Awaken as a Green Mage
----[jk] Turn inside of home into a Slaughter House

... I honestly think she will be punished for getting caught in the Witch attack, but the rest is what I wish would happen.
... I honestly think she will be punished for getting caught in the Witch attack, but the rest is what I wish would happen.
Of course she'll be punished for telling them she endangered herself. But she'll be punished even harder for not telling them she endangered herself.
Your entire supply of stuffed animals have slowly been confiscated. You haven't earned any of them back yet.

Sheet updated with them.
A low roll ended up with FORTY-FIVE? That's kind of amazing.
Obviously need to get the confiscated pendant back though.

If this continues however, I expect a witch to eat her parents. That may REDUCE her potential.
[x] Go to sleep. It's getting late and it's important for you to be well-rested during learning hours.
-[x] Contact Kyubey and ask him if you could use one of his bodies as a plushie. So fluffy...
-[x] Tell your parents about the witch attack when you get up. They'll find out sooner or later.
-[x] Inform your parents that Kyubey says you have a large amount of magical potential.
-[x] Ask your parents if they could unblock any of the websites parental controls rejected. Hopefully, not all of them contain content unsuitable for your viewing.
Obviously need to get the confiscated pendant back though.

If this continues however, I expect a witch to eat her parents. That may REDUCE her potential.
I think that it would only reduce her potential in that after the death of her parents there would be less suffering in her future (because some of the suffering has passed), so that the "reaction" of making a wish would have a lower yield. Even if Aria is abused by the reader's "sane and modern" standards, she would still be a child losing her parents. She doesn't exactly have a frame of reference any different for how a parent-child relationship should actually be. She has no friends, is homeschooled, and almost definitely the media she consumes is tightly controlled. And even if she held no love for them at all (which I doubt), it would be a huge support of her life pulled out from under her.
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