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I don't think Black has a monopoly on wanting to kill her parents while Overchanneling.

She's totally screwed if she does kill them though. There is no winning there.

I know, that's why I put that little face at the end there. The fact that she seems to see it as completely normal kind of makes this all feel even worse, though.

It does make me wonder how different she would be if we had picked any of the other colors.
What we really want is an Overchannel that reports her abuse to the authorities, but Green is the least-likely color for that. :V
Having been abused myself (though not to the same extent of course), I can confirm that the child usually sees their treatment as pretty normal. I didn't realise that I had been abused until after I was kicked out the house.
Having been abused myself (though not to the same extent of course), I can confirm that the child usually sees their treatment as pretty normal. I didn't realise that I had been abused until after I was kicked out the house.
Usually but not always. I was neglected, not abused, but I knew it wasn't my fault and that it was wrong... consciously anyway. Sub-conscious is probably a little screwed up anyway.

Anyway, the MC has a clear history of rationalizing it and very likely conditioning to believe it. So she falls hard into the not knowing better category.

Honestly this is one of those "There are no good answers" problems; she stays, she gets abused. She kills them... well, they're dead. Green mana will be interesting, because birth and raising of young are a very large part of nature... again Green's weird, but I think that'd be a part of it. Honestly, I'm kind of looking at Farore of Zelda for what Green's like.

Anyway, instinctive knowledge that this isn't how parents are supposed to treat their kids, being installed into her and then combine that with Green's usual response to violence? Shit gonna be messy, if extremely traumatizing. I'm viewing it a "just get it over with way", ripping the barbed arrow out instead of letting it continue to poison you.
What we really want is an Overchannel that reports her abuse to the authorities, but Green is the least-likely color for that. :V
Blue or White may have done that, but hat ship has sailed already.

anyway I wonder if Aria will be able to Landbond.
Mages in MtG canon could do so without being Planeswalkers (planeswalkers having a huge advantage of not being limit to a single plane of places to bond to), but I can't remember if the answer came up in ignition before.
[jk]Wish for more wishes

[x]Keep browsing.
[x]Ask if Kyuubey about the local magical girls
-[x]What are their personalities and powers like
-[x] Is there a role they are in need of?

[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...
[X] Ask Kyubey one more question three more questions.
-[X] Can't he give you more details on where magical girl's soul's wind up? Do they end up in a different place than non-magical girls? What exactly is the next stage of existence? This fate of your soul is a kind of a big deal.
[X] Keep browsing.
-[X] Keep looking up the pros and cons of being a magical girl and making a wish.
Green mana will be interesting, because birth and raising of young are a very large part of nature... again Green's weird, but I think that'd be a part of it.

Family and small communities are very much valued by Green, yeah. This enchantment comes to mind, (look at that art! Best green art in the game imo). There's definitely 'rules of nature' aspects to green, about being a little selfish and allowing the strong to prey on the weak (especially if we pick up black secondary. It's the strongest overlap there really.) But there's also a lot about community and growth, and helping people get along I think might edge into green because of it's adjacency to white.

I think a green overchannel might cause us to try and grow past our parents, really. A lot of green effects are about pushing you up several rungs in the natural order, effectively (sometimes literally, sometimes just giving you a lot of authority) and that would work to help a lot of our problems. It could also make us really chill and accepting our place in the universe and communing with nature-y, but I think overchanneling usually involves gaining strength, whatever color it is, rather than just aligning your mindset to that colors philosophy.
Family and small communities are very much valued by Green, yeah. This enchantment comes to mind, (look at that art! Best green art in the game imo). There's definitely 'rules of nature' aspects to green, about being a little selfish and allowing the strong to prey on the weak (especially if we pick up black secondary. It's the strongest overlap there really.) But there's also a lot about community and growth, and helping people get along I think might edge into green because of it's adjacency to white.

I think a green overchannel might cause us to try and grow past our parents, really. A lot of green effects are about pushing you up several rungs in the natural order, effectively (sometimes literally, sometimes just giving you a lot of authority) and that would work to help a lot of our problems. It could also make us really chill and accepting our place in the universe and communing with nature-y, but I think overchanneling usually involves gaining strength, whatever color it is, rather than just aligning your mindset to that colors philosophy.
Sage Mode. Green Overchannelling is Sage Mode. Bear Sage Mode. :V
Family and small communities are very much valued by Green, yeah. This enchantment comes to mind, (look at that art! Best green art in the game imo). There's definitely 'rules of nature' aspects to green, about being a little selfish and allowing the strong to prey on the weak (especially if we pick up black secondary. It's the strongest overlap there really.) But there's also a lot about community and growth, and helping people get along I think might edge into green because of it's adjacency to white.

I think a green overchannel might cause us to try and grow past our parents, really. A lot of green effects are about pushing you up several rungs in the natural order, effectively (sometimes literally, sometimes just giving you a lot of authority) and that would work to help a lot of our problems. It could also make us really chill and accepting our place in the universe and communing with nature-y, but I think overchanneling usually involves gaining strength, whatever color it is, rather than just aligning your mindset to that colors philosophy.

A good point, but there is a bit of an issue with that. Because from what I saw of Jade's overchanneling, it wasn't that great of a thing. Red had a lot of virtues, but Red! Jade was a narcissistic, reckless jerk without much self-control. Which makes me wonder what Green! Aria will be like.
Sage Mode. Green Overchannelling is Sage Mode. Bear Sage Mode. :V

I can't bear this anymore! How can this thread go from serious discussion about what Green overchanneling means to going back to the bear joke? I swear, this whole thread is bipolar! Next you'll be saying that this discussion is an ursine of things to come, and then things will get really grizzly. I just hope Alvaril isn't paying too much attention to that; I don't want him panda-ing to this particular audience.
A good point, but there is a bit of an issue with that. Because from what I saw of Jade's overchanneling, it wasn't that great of a thing. Red had a lot of virtues, but Red! Jade was a narcissistic, reckless jerk without much self-control. Which makes me wonder what Green! Aria will be like.
That's because Red's concepts include action without thought, taking risks without thinking things through, and simply reveling in how wonderful it is to be alive. Between that and it being connected to elemental chaos, of course a Red Overchannel will result in a scatter-brained risk taker more interested in throwing around power and having fun than what's right and proper.

Green will likely result in us gaining immense personal power, and because of the predator/prey and Alpha aspects of it, we'll consider ourselves the rightful leader of whatever group we're in. we'll also not care about societal restrictions, be perfectly fine with smashing someone's face in to get a point across, be highly protective of those we consider our 'family' (which isn't necessarily our parents, considering how horrible they've been to us, and that Green!Aria will likely have at least some instinctive understanding of how a proper family should be), and will have a complete inability to lie.
and will have a complete inability to lie.

Although if certain camouflage-based animals factor into Green thinking, we might be able to pull off pretending that there's no information worth hiding. Or, based on certain brightly-colored and highly-poisonous animals, "Don't ask about this any more, or else."
Although if certain camouflage-based animals factor into Green thinking, we might be able to pull off pretending that there's no information worth hiding. Or, based on certain brightly-colored and highly-poisonous animals, "Don't ask about this any more, or else."

Well, yes. Also, being a sneaky and taking out enemies with poison or stealth based tactics is perfectly fine, it's just straight lying that's the issue, and even there, we don't need to answer questions asked of us. we'll probably still blurt out info because face-punching muscle-wizards can beat anything, and aren't afraid of their enemies knowing their secrets, but there's nothing stopping us from just saying nothing.
Can you think of any that do lie? Several animals are colored deceptively, but it's not like they chose that coloration, so that's not lying, and I can't think of any other instance in which an animal could be said to have lied.
It's not that they can't, just that they typically aren't smart enough to grasp the concept in the first place. Except for crows. Crows could probably lie to other crows, they're smart like that.

If they were smart, then they'd probably lie whenever it could advance their goals. They'd lie like something that lies a lot.

@Alivaril, will our spirit animal be a crow? Green/black bird notable for its voice, incredibly smart, and it really, really doesn't like people who get in its family's way: when murders of crows encounter each other they literally swap news, and they teach their children what the people who harassed them look like, which can stay in their families for crow-generations.

Crows are quite possibly one of the best birds ever.
Can you think of any that do lie? Several animals are colored deceptively, but it's not like they chose that coloration, so that's not lying, and I can't think of any other instance in which an animal could be said to have lied.
Several domesticated animals, dogs specifically, will pretend to be hungry when they aren't in order to get more food. That's the example I know is true off the top of my head. I'd have to go do more research for other examples.
Several domesticated animals, dogs specifically, will pretend to be hungry when they aren't in order to get more food. That's the example I know is true off the top of my head. I'd have to go do more research for other examples.

I get the feeling I'm going to regret asking this, but how do we know they weren't hungry?
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