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I don't get this. Our protagonist has made it clear that she cares about what happens to her soul, and she is presumably going to learn that things go horribly wrong forever for magical girls next update. Since that's the case, she can never contract. Especially when she's about to die.
eh, I just don't want to go Magic girl this time around, as I'd rather go Full MtG Mage in PMMM this time.
eh, I just don't want to go Magic girl this time around, as I'd rather go Full MtG Mage in PMMM this time.
I know what you're aiming for, but Aria doesn't know anything about that. We already know Aria cares about her soul, and instead of taking a principled stand on that you have Aria going "I only want to damn my soul forever if I really have to." It doesn't make much sense.

I guess she could refuse for other reasons and not really mind the soul thing. That's possible.
Keep in mind that Green is the only color without Mana based Grief cleansing.
We're a Green mage, so we're going to have to rely entirely on Witches to deal with things like fucking up our social life with write ins.

[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Blossom
[2] Bow
[3] Purple
[4] Jump
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Okay, that makes it better, though I still dislike the whole grief management business when we're so amazingly skilled at grief spiraling at the drop of a hat.
[x] Ask Kyubey if he can wait for just a bit. You're pretty sure he can spare one body for a few hours.
-[x] Ask Kyubey some questions.
--[x] How do wishes interact with your magical potential? Do you have some sort of starting safety net based upon your potential, or does it just pull directly from your maximum reserves no matter what you wish for?

[1] Jump
[7] Hologram
[3] Feathers
[12] Snowflake
[10] Bow
[9] Purple
[6] Bells
[13] Birds
[8] Butterfly
[4] Glasses
[11] Blossom
[5] Tone
[2] Yukata

Come on guys! Let's be IA!
[X] Ask Kyubey if he can wait for just a bit. You're pretty sure he can spare one body for a few hours.
-[X] After you get cleaned up and have consumed some broth, boot up your laptop and try to find more information on magical girls. Your mother is a lawyer; you know better than to make a contract without reading everything and making sure there are no hidden tricks.
-[X] Ask Kyubey some questions.
--[X] He said that "some" believe that it goes on to the after life. Does that mean that he knows what happens or thinks differently? Ask him what is a magical girl's soul's ultimate fate.

[2] Hologram
[3] Purple
[4] Butterfly
[5] Feathers
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--[:V] Transcribe your conversation on the Internet.
-[:V] Ask Kyubey some questions.
--[:V] Ask Kyubey the questions the Internet wants you to ask.

Twitch Interrogates Kyubey?

70 instead of 10?

On a side note what kind of personality does Aria have, or are we going to decide that?

You'll have to find out from observation. :p

I realize how unhelpful this is.

[2] Glasses

[2] Glasses

You randomly put "Glasses" twice.

We just voted for our personality, though. That was the color vote. Ours is... Green. Even though literally everything demonstrated before that was White/Black, we got green and are sticking to it. We think green thoughts. We have green reasons for things.
Not yet, although Aria is one of the exceptions rather than the norm. Just like Jade.
[1] Jump
[2] Tone
[3] Hologram
[4] Birds
[5] Yukata
[6] Feathers
[7] Butterfly
[8] Bells
[9] Purple
[10] Bow
[11] Snowflake
[12] Glasses
[13] Blossom
[14] Poi

90% of the reason I gave a number to all of them was so I could give poi the biggest number possible. Fuck poi.

Honestly... I hate that meme. Its not even a good one.
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

If we do make a wish later in the quest, I want it to be something that screws the Kyubey.
Something like they can no longer deflect questions, misdirect questioners, or lie by omission.
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Blossom
[2] Bow
[3] Purple
[4] Jump
[1] Jump
[2] Tone
[3] Hologram
[4] Birds
[5] Yukata
[6] Feathers
[7] Butterfly
[8] Bells
[9] Purple
[10] Bow
[11] Snowflake
[12] Glasses
[13] Blossom
[14] Poi
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Jump
[12] Hologram
[5] Feathers
[3] Snowflake
[8] Bow
[7] Purple
[10] Bells
[9] Birds
[10] Butterfly
[6] Glasses
[2] Blossom
[4] Tone
[11] Yukata
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0.3: Sufficient Magic
[X] Ask Kyubey if he can wait for just a bit. You're pretty sure he can spare one body for a few hours.

"Would you mind waiting for a bit? I'd rather not make a potentially life-changing decision when I'm not even sure this isn't a dream or hallucination."

"I am willing to wait, yes."

-[x] Ask Kyubey some questions.
--[x] How do wishes interact with your magical potential? Do you have some sort of starting safety net based upon your potential, or does it just pull directly from your maximum reserves no matter what you wish for?

You try to get rid of the nausea and horrifying memories by thinking about various animals, cute or otherwise. You don't really understand why so many people seem to be afraid of wildlife; unless they're really hungry, the odds of a wild animal people are extremely tiny. And anyway, animals wouldn't need to attack people if humanity wasn't obsessed with wreaking the planet.

You're not a hippie, but is there any good reason for some of the activities humanity enjoys? Like, say, bonfires. It was fine in moderation, when fire was needed to actually survive, but humanity has figured out much better solutions since that time. Admittedly, you're a little biased; smoke tends to do terrible things to your throat and voice.

Humanity is here to stay, that much is clear. Well, unless witches manage to kill everybody, but you hope Kyubey won't let that happen. But would making less of a negative impact on the planet really hurt anything?

Speaking of witches, you're getting sidetracked. You rinse out your mouth with water and sit down on the restroom's tiled floor. You dimly note that you're dripping blood onto it. Cleaning up the blood before it stains the white tiles would be a good idea.

"I know that the more energy my wish uses, the smaller my maximum reserves will be. Is that immediate or is it only if I cross a certain threshold?"

"That is a more complicated question than you may realize. All wishes will cost power, but wishes have power of their own. The more potential you have, the more powerful your wish can be. A simple example would be wishing for more magic. Although it would cost a certain amount to catalyze, it could then increase your maximum capacity above what your potential would normally allow."

--[X] He said that "some" believe that it goes on to the after life. Does that mean that he knows what happens or thinks differently? Ask him what is a magical girl's soul's ultimate fate.

"You said some people believe that it goes on to the afterlife. Do you know something which indicates otherwise?"

"I am afraid my species discourages answering questions of a religious nature. Perhaps when your race is as advanced as our own, I will be allowed to answer you."

"In that case, can you at least tell me the ultimate fate of a magical girl's soul? You're the one doing the meddling."

"They will move on to their next state of existence, which appears to be based on the actions the magical girl performed while alive. Their thoughts likewise play a part. Location also appears to matter; those who die while praying in a church often have a significantly different fate than those who meet their end in, say, a bar."

-[X] After you get cleaned up and have consumed some broth, boot up your laptop and try to find more information on magical girls. Your mother is a lawyer; you know better than to make a contract without reading everything and making sure there are no hidden tricks.

You spend the next hour or so trying to eliminate all evidence of your little... problem. You try not to think too hard about the events of today; even if they don't seem entirely real and are even rather distant, you still feel nauseated whenever you think about them. Drinking some broth helped settle your stomach a little, but you're afraid it might come back up later on.

After everything has been taken care of, you head up to your room. You intended to just go straight to your desk, but your gaze is drawn to the large, empty kennel in one corner. For your thirteenth birthday, you'd been allowed the responsibility of getting a puppy. You named him "Endal" and he was the most wonderful pet ever.

Then you went and botched an audition your parents had been trying to get you for months. Endal was given to one of your mother's co-workers, your mother confiscated a pendant you'd gotten from your (deceased) grand-uncle, and your dad almost broke one of your arms. You ended up needing to hide the bruises during the next competition you attended. The pain from your costume brushing up against them almost distracted you enough to make you lose, although you still managed to win.

You shake your head quickly and cross the remaining distance to your desk. You're not even sure why the kennel is still in here. You've already proven you can't keep up with your studies and handle taking care of a dog at the same time.

After you've logged on to your account, finding a list of helpful websites doesn't take very long. The first and second results are blocked by parental controls, but the third loads without any issues. Mostly. Parental controls still censors when people are being vulgar.

You browse the forum, Sufficient Magic, until you wander across a useful little list.

-----> Potential/New Magical Girls: READ ME FIRST! <-----
{Stickied, Locked}​

Senior Magical Girl
(Original Poster)

Hey, Aqua here. If you've been smart enough to go on the Internet instead of just taking Kyubey at face value, you've already completed step one. Let's see if I can help you complete step two.

1: Kyubey will literally rip out your soul and stuff it in a gemstone. If you haven't been looking at the news lately: yeah, look it up. I'm not joking. On the plus side, this has led to a hilarious flood of artwork from overreacting folks depicting Kyubey as *****. Personally, I don't think it matters where our souls are. Remember: we think, therefore we are. Or something like that.

2: Witches and their little minions, familiars, are dangerous. This isn't just sunshine and rainbows, kiddies; people do actually die in this business. It may not happen very often, but it still does.

3: Magical girls are manifestations of hope. As such, if we despair, our soul gems will become tainted. The more filthy it is, the easier it will be for you to experience negative emotion. Keep your souls clean.

3.25: Using magic also generates corruption, so, y'know, be careful. If it fills up completely, you will die in an incredibly painful manner.

3.5: The slang term for corruption is "grief." Or maybe it's not slang, I dunno. Kyubey won't return my calls.

4: When hunting witches, you need to be thorough. People often forget that familiars can turn into witches if they kill enough people. Stop that.

1: You'll be helping guard humanity against eldritch abominations. Kyubey's methods may be a bit dubious, but if he stopped making magical girls, everyone would die.

2: Witches tend to seek out chicks with potential. If you're a magical girl, this lets you kick their *****. If not, you're kinda ******.

3: You can halt the aging process.

4: Your body will become superhuman and you can use magic.

5: You get to have one wish granted. They aren't omnipotent, and the more powerful wishes will decrease your maximum grief capacity, but they can still be pretty awesome.


1: Be careful what you wish for; you will get it. A few of the most common wishes are for friends and wealth. The former can lead to mind **** and the latter tends to **** off the authorities. Don't make people into your friends, just have your wish literally construct you friends. Meanwhile, if you really want money that badly, just get somebody to pay you for wishing them to be cured, healed, etc. People will pay a metric ******* to be cured of fatal diseases or crippling injuries.

1.5: Oh, and healing other magical girls is cheaper than it is to heal norms. Dunno why.

2: Try to find out the magic of other girls in your area. Your wish will determine what sort of magic you get.

3: For ****'s sake, don't bring norms with you when you go hunting. Are you trying to get them killed?

4: Practice with your magic before you hunt any witches. Trying to use untested abilities in a life-or-death scenario? Yeah, that's how people get killed, *********.​

"Have you made a decision?"

OOC: If you vote for an action and you already voted for appearance, please remember to repost your appearance preferences.

[] Make a wish.
-[] Wish to be a daughter your parents could actually be proud of.
-[] Write-in

[] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...
-[] Ask Kyubey if he could stay with you. He looks so fluffy and huggable...
-[] When they get home, tell them about Kyubey and ask for permission.

[] Keep browsing.
-[] Are you looking for a specific subject or still just wandering aimlessly? (write-in?)

[] Write-in

OOC: Appearance vote (continued from last chapter; if you vote for actions now, please remember to repost your list of preferences below)
Please vote by priority. There are a lot of different options, so I don't expect you to rank every last one if you don't want to. Additionally, there is a possibility that the tally system might only count up to 9, which is a tad bit annoying.

[] Jump

[] Hologram

[] Feathers

[] Snowflake

[] Bow

[] Purple

[] Bells

[] Birds

[] Butterfly

[] Glasses

[] Blossom

[] Tone

[] Yukata


[] Write-in. (insert photo name here & image below)
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[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Blossom
[2] Bow
[3] Purple
[4] Jump

"They will move on to their next state of existence, which appears to be based on the actions the magical girl performed while alive. Their thoughts likewise play a part. Location also appears to matter; those who die while praying in a church often have a significantly different fate than those who meet their end in, say, a bar."
Nice try bunnycat
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Blossom
[2] Bow
[3] Purple
[4] Jump

Nice try bunnycat
Its a good deflect, but anyone that really thinks upon his words will notice how it isn't really an answer at the same time as it is. He is not lying, but he is also not telling the truth :p or should I say a redirect? Not sure the right term, but he doesn't really answer
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Hologram
[2] Butterfly
[3] Purple
[4] Jump
[5] Glasses
[X] Decline, for now. You're not sure what your parents would think of you risking your life against abominations...

[1] Jump
[13] Hologram
[6] Feathers
[4] Snowflake
[9] Bow
[8] Purple
[11] Bells
[10] Birds
[14] Butterfly
[7] Glasses
[2] Blossom
[5] Tone
[12] Yukata

Wait... do we have the potential to wish that we could control grief? Or to make Kyubey into a magical girl and our best friend as well?

if we do, hehehehehehehehehehehe.

If we don't, understandable. Controlling grief is broken.

Endal was given to one of your mother's co-workers, your mother confiscated a pendant you'd gotten from your (deceased) grand-uncle, and your dad almost broke one of your arms.

.... That fucking bitch needs to burn and our dear old dad needs to be castrated.

Sorry, I just find that not ok.
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