[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

Ok, since I'm being distracted super hard from writing the update, I'm going to hop off of SV for now. Since I don't have work tomorrow, I may either try to get it done within the next few hours or finish it at some point before early afternoon. Goodnight SV!
I don't really see the problem with the pose in the picture, I'm pretty sure I could pull that off myself, but whatever,

Why don't we just have both? I mean they are practically the same, just different environment/pose.
I'm fine with a mix of both until we get a potential better picture. The shape of the body I can deal with cause "lol warp goddess" but I am mostly ambivalent at this point.
On new Primarchs. Is there any reason for male only space marines or is it just because they could only be based on the Emperor? Or for their reproduction to be surgical only?
... So, how feasible are Half-Eldar primarchs?

I mean, there are separate mentions of half-eldarin being Astartes, so wouldn't we be able to create new Primarchs mixed with Eldar's psycher and body potency?

It'd be totally broken.
Those mentions were from the first edition of Rogue Trader (waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when) and has since been retconned. That being said, it may be possible depending on what you do with Ynnead to bring back the Eldar. But that's a plot point for later. :rolleyes:
Those mentions were from the first edition of Rogue Trader (waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when) and has since been retconned. That being said, it may be possible depending on what you do with Ynnead to bring back the Eldar. But that's a plot point for later. :rolleyes:
If we don't make them brother species I don't see why making them able to crossbreed without issues won't be a thing we do. We definitely are making eldar reproduction more like humanities. Several years need to reproduce with genetic material added several times wasn't the smartest thing the old ones came up with.
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@nightblade but it is a good way to cut down on mutations, multiple instances of source genetics to run tests for deviation from baseline.(good to prevent evolution so your creation won't exceed you too actually)
@nightblade but it is a good way to cut down on mutations, multiple instances of source genetics to run tests for deviation from baseline.(good to prevent evolution so your creation won't exceed you too actually)
The old ones were more than fully capable of doing that in away that didn't require a several year gestation peroid. They made the Krorks and then turned them into the Orks when they realized they were going to die out.

Innumerable thoughts are formed and discarded from your vast mind in that single moment you spent studying the Goddess, and you come to what you think is the best choice to make: the most reasonable route is most often the best route. That it might net you an ally, avoid sapping your strength, and take only a moderate amount of time are only bonuses.

So, you reach out with your mind and touch her's.

Goddess of a dead race, I bid you welcome.

Her eyes blink open slowly as you convey your message.

What is your name?

...I am Ynnead... I see light in you. A bastion of strength in a sea of doom. You are...

As she "speaks," she unwraps herself from her position and stands before looking you in the eye. Her --- eyes flash silver as she sees into the still currents of the Warp,


Her mental voice is naught but a whisper, a gentle, almost loving, caress, as she calls your name. You are taken aback by her words and the tone of voice. That name… No one since Malcador has called you that… As you come to terms with the time spent since your greatest friend's death, you see her look down at her bare flesh and frown. You feel her exert her will upon the Immaterium and wraithbone forms around her body, cladding her in armor. She grasps into the abyss and pulls out a spear of wraithbone. You feel her power radiate off of it.

Yes, I am Adam Kadmon, the Emperor of Mankind. Ynnead... I see the hope of your parents in your birth, their last defiance in the face of the Great Enemy. I beseech thee to help me, Ynnead, Last Goddess of the Eldar. Help me fight the Dark Gods and help my people and I escape their grasp. In return I can offer little, but if I can give it, it shall be yours.

I wish for the revival of my people. I wish to remake them and shape them into something more than what they once were. I wish for a chance for them to start anew without the ever present danger of She Who Thirsts, and without the mistakes of the past...

At this you realize that she is everything you are not. She is young, the youngest of the Gods of the Warp, inexperienced, and filled with the power of her birth. She is whole, hale, and strong, but fearful of the foes and threats around you. She is overwhelmed under the sudden weight of her people and the galaxy, but is admirably shouldering the burden regardless. She is kind while kindness was burnt out of you through years of war, betrayal, and tragedy. She is innocent while yours was drowned in bloodshed. You see that her Light is soothing where your is burning, and pure while even you have been tainted, however slightly, by ages long gone. You see that she is unburdened by the past while you are shackled to it.

And yet, you realize that you are everything she is not. You are old, older than the Foe itself. You are tired, weary from standing the long vigil and battered from being the bulwark against Chaos, but you are unbroken through it all. You are defiant against innumerable and impossibly strong foes, wise from the suffering and experiences heaped upon you, and powerful from your unbending will.

Your heart clenches as the very same thoughts and desires that Ynnead shares wells up in you. It appears that you have found a kindred spirit after all this time in the Mother of a dead race. What an interesting pair you two would make. You decide to give her what she seeks.

Then aid me and deny Slaanesh her victory. Aid me and I shall help you bring about the rebirth of the Eldar. Aid me and I will bring you with us so that the Eldar may live again alongside Mankind in a new universe, hopefully free of the ever present forces of Chaos. Never have I asked anything of any Xenos and yet here, today, I ask you.

Ynnead gazes in your direction as you speak into her mind and her face breaks out into the most emotion that you've seen yet, happiness nearly radiating off of her. There are no words to describe how beautiful her smile is.

Then come, Adam. Let us make haste, lest the Dark Gods finish reforming their manifestations.

She approaches you with the softest of smiles and a hint of mischief in her eyes; she holds her hand out for you to grasp and so you do.

As you take her hand in yours, she surprises you by pulling herself toward you and cupping your face with her other palm. Pulling close, she places a brief kiss upon your lips before she speaks, her first words echoing through the Empyrean:

"Let this be the Alliance of Men and Eldar, forever more."

Before you are able to process your shock, you gasp as your soul fills with Ynnead's gift.

After recovering from the gift's excitement, you give your own gift to her as you also declare:

"Let this be the Alliance of Men and Eldar, forever more."

As your words ring in the Empyrean, they echo with Ynnead's and reverberate. The promise ties your souls together in a psychic link, the likes of which have not been seen since the days before the Fall of the Eldar.

(The Emperor gains trait Linked: You have made a pact to revive and ally with the Eldar. Breaking this pact may have severe repercussions on your soul.)

(Ynnead gains trait Linked: She has made a pact to aid and ally with humanity. Breaking this pact may have severe repercussions on her soul.)


Choose the gift Ynnead gave the Emperor

[] Life: Your mortal body remains in the Golden Throne as barely more than a corpse, but you are stabilized and no longer decaying through the long centuries, no longer in eternal agony. As an added benefit, you are now able to freely interact with things in your body's general vicinity using your psyker skills quite easily. However, you are still tied to your body and are thus unable to influence the wider galaxy around you.

Your body and The Golden Throne will be teleported onto one of the Arks Mechanicus before it crosses the event horizon. It is also no longer tied to the Astronomicon and you are able to maintain your hold on the Webway gate on Terra until you leave.

Body = -1 (16 in the Immaterium)
Martial = -1 (16 in the Immaterium)
Command = 12
Psyker Rating = 17
Science = 18
Fellowship = 10

(Extremely difficult (you will need a crit on a 1d100), to restore your body in the future

[] Death: Ynnead allows your mortal body to finally die and your manifestation is now whole and unfettered by your mortal coil. She allows your spirit freedom into the Immaterium as well as freedom from endless agony. However, you are no longer able exert even the minor influence you had before on the Materium and must rely more heavily on your Children in the Materium while you exert your expanded power onto the Warp.

You are still able to light the Astronomicon and keep the Warp Rift on Terra closed until your spirit exits from this universe, regardless of the status of the Golden Throne.

Body = 18 (Immaterium manifestation)
Martial = 18 (Immaterium manifestation)
Command = -1
Psyker Rating = 18
Science = -1
Fellowship = 10

(You are unable to restore your former body. You will need to reincarnate)

[] Rebirth: Ynnead's power flows through your spirit and filters into your mortal coil. You feel your body mending, burning through the power that you have just collected. Though you must still be entombed in The Golden Throne for now, your body will be fully recovered in the future.

Your body and The Golden Throne will be teleported onto one of the Arks Mechanicus before it crosses the event horizon. It is also no longer tied to the Astronomicon and you are able to maintain your hold on the Webway gate on Terra until you leave.

Body = 1
Martial = 1
Command = 1
Psyker rating = 16
Science = 1
Fellowship = 10

(Your body is well on the path to recovery and eventually you will be able to surpass your old limits)

Choose the gift the Emperor gave Ynnead

[] Beacon: Ynnead is now able to sustain, with minimal effort, a static astral beacon similar to the Astronomicon regardless of where she is. This has the added effect of allowing her to add her psychic might to yours in the creation of a new Webway.

Body = 16
Martial = 16
Command = 7
Psyker Rating = 20
Science = 12
Fellowship = 16

[] Light: A strange reaction happens as you give Ynnead the gift of your burning light. You are unsure what the end result of this is, but it is sure to be spectacular.

Body = 19
Martial = 16
Command = 5
Psyker Rating = 22
Science = 10
Fellowship = 17

[] Bulwark: You empower Ynnead with your aegis, allowing her to shield those who pray to her from the depredations of Chaos and other psychic predators, much like prayer to you does. Prayer also empowers her more than it would otherwise.

Body = 18
Martial = 18
Command = 6
Psyker Rating = 20
Science = 6
Fellowship = 19


1d100 = 49 -> + 18 + 18 = 85 Success

The process finishes and Ynnead lets you go. She looks you in the eye and you see the stirrings of an unidentified emotion behind them before she looks away. She closes her eyes and then her brows furrow as you feel exerting her psychic might onto the Empyrean again. You watch in awe as she confirms her domain over Death and Life by summoning your loyal sons. She reforms the psychic remnants of those who have died and brings those who still live but are lost to the Warp to you, if only in spirit.

The first to appear is Leman Russ, surrounded by a contingent of flesh hounds. He is howling into the abyss and slaughters them before realizing where he is. As he sees your shining manifestation, his eyes widen before he falls to his knees in awe, tears running down his face. You kneel in front of your son and grasp him by the shoulders as you affirm your pride in his unbending will and bless his decision to go down fighting alongside the Wolves of Fenris in the Wolftime.

The second is Ferrus Manus, waking as if from a dream. He sees you and then breaks down and sobs into his necrodermis hands, murmuring about his failure to make Fulgrim see light. This time you embrace your son and assure him that he did not fail in what was an impossible task and that you bear him no ill will. The Gorgon nods to you as you release him and you see the steel in his eyes to find and fight Fulgrim once more, and this time bring his wayward brother down.

The third is Vulkan, smashing a Lord of Change. He comes like thunder and lightning, or perhaps an erupting volcano, and finishes off his foe before seeing you. He smiles brightly as he sees your amused smile and makes his way to Terra. He asks Ynnead to aid him in summoning the manifestations of his Salamander Marines to fight alongside Leman Russ and his Wolves. The Goddess calls upon the spirits of the waiting Salamanders and they begin their march to Terra. Vulkan takes one last look back before he nods to you and cries out, "FOR THE EMPEROR! FOR THE FATHER OF MANKIND WE GO ONTO THE ANVIL OF WAR!" The Salamander's warcry echoes as they leave.

The fourth is Rogal Dorn, deep in meditation. He opens his eyes as he feels your eyes on him, and looks at you in shock. Quickly gathering himself, he rises and expresses his gratitude that it will be his descendants that will form the main force of Space Marines to accompany you to the next universe. Though he wishes that he can come with you, he cannot and will thus gift you all that he can to make up for it. He makes his way to the gene-seed banks of his legion's descendants and does all he can to repair the damage done to the DNA over the years, until his spirit fades away.

(Imperial Fists Bletcher's Gland and Sus-an Membrane are now functional, but weak and likely to be lost without more intervention, purity temporarily restored)

The fifth is Roboute Guilliman, choking and clutching at his neck before taking deep breaths. He is startled when you approach him, but quickly comes to his senses as you briefly explain what has happened since he was placed in stasis. The Primarch of the Ultramarines expresses his lament that he cannot go with you to the new universe to serve as your administrator, that he is still bound to this universe through his body, still in stasis on Macragge. Thus, his spirit makes its way to the front lines to serve as a champion of Mankind in the End Times.

The sixth is Sanguinius, in midsts of the the Black Rage when he appears. He nearly mistakes you for Horus, but comes back to his senses when he realizes that the one he is attacking is his father, not his traitorous brother. The Great Angel pleads forgiveness for his failure against Horus and you absolve him of any guilt, for even you could not defeat him until you realized that there was nothing left of the son you loved. Sanguinius bows his head to you and proceeds to purge the effects of his Black Rage from repair his Blood Angels' gene-seed, working until his spirit cannot be sustained any longer.

(Blood Angel gene-seed cured of the Black Rage)

The seventh is Lion El'Jonson, kneeling before you as if he had known he was to be summoned. He dares not lift his head as he speaks he speaks of the crimes of the Dark Angels to you. He speaks of his shame and lament that there are no more descendants of the First Legion to repent for their sins, of how he was unable to aid you at the time of your greatest need. You do not stop him from venting his frustration but as he finishes, you embrace your son and tell him that forgiveness is given, not earned, and that you have forgiven him and his Dark Angels long ago. At that, the Lion finally raises his head, eyes shining with unshed tears, and thanks you before rising to join his brothers in a glorious final battle.

The eighth is Jaghatai Khan, roaring in on a Dark Eldar jetbike. He blinks in confusion at his sudden exit from the Webway, but cries out in happiness as soon as he sees you, the shining form of his father. He dismounts and makes his way towards you, and asks you if you would assist him in actually escaping from the Webway. If you do, he will be able to come with you on the Exodus. However, the endeavor will not be easy since you are short on time and will likely expend a great amount of your power. If you do not do so, your son understands and affirms you that he will fight with his brothers on the front lines.

Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[] Yes! (Primarch Jaghatai Khan recovered, Lose 4 Psyker Rating)
[] No

The ninth is Corvus Corax, his face shadowed, eyes drawn, and body gaunt. He looks haunted by the innumerable years since he fled to the Eye of Terror to repent for his sins, facing off against daemons and traitors alike, but there is a power to him still. His resolve is still strong and he visibly brightens at the sight of you. You see that though his body has been ravaged, his spirit has fortified and he has somehow found peace with the decisions that he made so long ago. His eyes harden as he hears what has happened since his absence and he tells you that he would be useless to you as he is now and that he would be better off fighting alongside his brothers rather than coming with your Exodus. It is still your choice, however.

Take Corvus Corax with you?
[] Yes! (Primarch Corvus Corax recovered, Corax has trait Ravaged: ???)
[] No

The tenth and eleventh, Alpharius and Omegon, are summoned together. They see each other and then you before breaking down in hysterical laughter. The twin Primarchs are finally reunited in death and their true allegiance to the destruction of Chaos is revealed. Though their legion fell to corruption long ago, they alone are still loyal and fighting to end the threat. Knowing what they must do, they tell you that they will go to the front lines to reinforce Guilliman and the Lion. "What Horus would do, Alpharious and Omegon would undo. The mistakes of the first shall be unraveled by the last, and when the last man falls, so too shall fall Chaos."
As you make your peace with your children, you realize that Ynnead is still not done. She feels your question before you even ask and provides an enigmatic answer:

"There is one more."

You are wondering who the last spirit Ynnead is summoning, for she is focusing intently. Her power is billowing all around her now, straining, as if trying to piece together a... destroyed... soul...



Interlude 2: Horus Lupercal
(To be written)


Sorry this took so long, but the update became 10x larger than I thought it was going to be and so I split it in half so that way you guys don't have to wait too long and so that the voting remains somewhat sane. I'll be able to post the second half of the update as soon as voting closes on this one, so that being said:

VOTING is closed at 1500 EST, or 3 PM if that floats your fancy, on Thursday the 16th.
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I would also like to take the time right now to say:

Dem omakes r srs bsnus.

Seriously, if you guys haven't written all of them, I would not have had the ridiculous amounts of inspiration to write all this and have such diverse choices for you all to choose from!
Choose the gift Ynnead gave the Emperor

[X] Rebirth: Ynnead's power flows through your spirit and filters into your mortal coil. You feel your body mending, burning through the power that you have just collected. Though you must still be entombed in The Golden Throne for now, your body will be fully recovered in the future.

Your body and The Golden Throne will be teleported onto one of the Arks Mechanicus before it crosses the event horizon. It is also no longer tied to the Astronomicon and you are able to maintain your hold on the Webway gate on Terra until you leave.

Body = 1
Martial = 1
Command = 1
Psyker rating = 16
Science = 1
Fellowship = 10

(Your body is well on the path to recovery and eventually you will be able to surpass your old limits)

Choose the gift the Emperor gave Ynnead

[X] Bulwark: You empower Ynnead with your aegis, allowing her to shield those who pray to her from the depredations of Chaos and other psychic predators, much like prayer to you does. Prayer also empowers her more than it would otherwise.

Body = 18
Martial = 18
Command = 6
Psyker Rating = 20
Science = 6
Fellowship = 19


Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[X] Yes! (Primarch Jaghatai Khan recovered, Lose 4 Psyker Rating)

Take Corvus Corax with you?
[X] No
[X] Rebirth
[X] Light: A strange reaction happens as you give Ynnead the gift of your burning light. You are unsure what the end result of this is, but it is sure to be spectacular.
Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[X] No
Take Corvus Corax with you?
[X] Yes!
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@Delta Green
Plot Idea: Make Adam and Ynnead into gods of a joint Human-Eldar Pantheon ruling over Human and Eldar souls as the Emperor and Empress of the Immaterium, while making Malcador the Hero the Emperor of the Materium.
If i knew Jaghatai was alive i would have written an Omake freeing him, that said i feel like he is the better investment. Jaghatai would allow us to field the White Scars, Mongolians on Jet Bikes and he didn't go through Thirteen Thousand Years of torture and torment in the Warp like Corax has. Freeing Corax might be easier but who knows what he suffered during his time in the fucking Eye of Terror and those Ravaged and unknown traits.

[X] Rebirth
[X] Light
[X] Yes
[X] Yes
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[X] Rebirth
[X] Light: A strange reaction happens as you give Ynnead the gift of your burning light. You are unsure what the end result of this is, but it is sure to be spectacular.
Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[X] Yes!
Take Corvus Corax with you?
[X] Yes!
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on the pics, I would like to point out that the bit with the Shoulder is something I do everytime I go to Phys Ed for a count of 8...

I'll hold off on this until we get some omakes in. We could pick up Khan and do rebirth for free effectively if the right omake is written after all... just have to see if that happens.
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[X] Rebirth
[X] Light: A strange reaction happens as you give Ynnead the gift of your burning light. You are unsure what the end result of this is, but it is sure to be spectacular.
Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[X] Yes!
Take Corvus Corax with you?
[X] Yes!

Corvus Corax, one of the few people who understood tactics in this setting. .
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[X] Rebirth
[X] Light: A strange reaction happens as you give Ynnead the gift of your burning light. You are unsure what the end result of this is, but it is sure to be spectacular.
Assist Jaghatai in escaping from the Webway?
[X] No
Take Corvus Corax with you?
[X] Yes!