[DISCONTINUED] In the Beginning, There Was Man (WH40k x SC)

I don't buy it, if the emperor was all about "Natural Evolution" then why the fuck did he create an army of genetically engineered super soldiers? sure desperate times call for desperate measures but we are in the most desperate time of them all.
Except all the Primarch's and Space Marines were unable to reproduce.
Uggggggh, tempted to write one more omake but this shit is getting ridiculous. :p

You really are okay with these omakes for the most part, Torr?

Yes! Although right now I'm handing out traits and such like candy, once we get to the new universe, the bonuses will be much smaller/temporary to avoid crazy amounts of metagaming.

@Torr, Is Ynnead's psyker loss temporary? Does the GeOM get his psyker rating back after the saint dies?

Not temp. Does not gain psyker rating after the saint dies.

Veeeeeery interesting in how close this is to my own version of events. No bonus but I'm stealing pieces.

QUESTION: Will the warp exist in the new universe, from reading the thread people don't seem to think so but us (and Ynnead?) effectively exist only in the warp, and human souls exist in the warp, (not to mention FTL using the warp). so will it exist? if so will Eldar farseeing still work? because that would be immensely helpful in not losing population, as well as avoiding major political blunders. (although it would be a bit hax)

Warp may or may not exist depending on the universe. We'll see. Regardless of if it does or not, I HAVE A PLAN![/QUOTE]
Yes! Although right now I'm handing out traits and such like candy, once we get to the new universe, the bonuses will be much smaller/temporary to avoid crazy amounts of metagaming.
Only thing I would be shooting for is getting additional forces available to us in the new universe that we wouldn't have had access to right from the get go. The Temple Assassins and a Veteran Scion regiment don't just come about after a year or two.
Veeeeeery interesting in how close this is to my own version of events. No bonus but I'm stealing pieces.

Warp may or may not exist depending on the universe. We'll see. Regardless of if it does or not, I HAVE A PLAN!
Not going to lie, I plucked that straight out of your head and fed it to John here.

He's a damned liar. I wrote that myself.

Also, if your stealing pieces, I deserve a damned bonus out of it.

Futhermore, whatever happens, The Emperor and Ynnead are beings of power. No matter the universe, they will change it to fit them. More so, since the souls of the refugees in the Exodus Fleet will create a fledging Warp in their new Universe if it doesn't exist.
Don't worry, the bonus (aka the good write-in bonus) is just applied to stuff in the update rather than outside of it.

Edit: Me saying stealing pieces = me saying great write-in!
It had been a very long time since Humanity had last allowed itself to Hope. For so very long, it had refused to 'allow' itself the 'luxury' of hope; claiming that it was the first step on the path to disappointment... attempting to starve one of their most hated enemies of its sustenance. Men had been shot for 'hoping', men had fallen for 'hoping'. And as the millennia had passed, Humanity had forgotten what Hope actually was. What it meant. What it entailed.

It was only now, during the collapse of their civilisation and quite possible the end of the galaxy, that a so very insignificant portion of the once wide and proud race began to remember. Each of the many vessels fleeing for the portal had its own origin point for the 'awakening', but for one in particular it was an eight year old boy who overhead a conversation that his parents most certainly did not want him participating in.

"-ight not make it." "What if He can't-"

"He will." The boys interjection brought silence first to the pair of 'adults' fearfully whispering, and then to the rest of the room as others both heard what he had said and registered the pure and calm assurance in the child's voice.

"You can't know that. Chaos is here, and the Emperor's not certain he can win. You felt it all the same as the rest of us, He isn't sure." More than a few adults nodded at this, a few muttering consolations like 'That's the way the universe works' or 'Sorry, but it's true'. The boy was having none of it however.

"He cares, and He looks after us. Mummy said that if you trust someone to look after you, why would you not expect them to when you need it?" There was a quiet conviction in the boy's voice, and most of the adults there knew they weren't going to convince him otherwise. One adult, perhaps out of the shame the boy's simply trust caused him, or perhaps out of a desire to spare him the pain of disappointment if the Emperor failed gave another try.

"But what if he does fail?"

"Then I'll trust him to keep my soul safe from Chaos when I die. He'll still be my Emperor." It was the last simple sentence that caught their attention. While the child's understanding of the scope of the situation was limited by his age, it caused them to think. And with a snort, the boy's uncle spoke aloud to the chamber. "You... expect the Emperor to win. There are so many reasons why that may not happen boy, but you simply don't care do you?"

It was a rhetorical question, and was understood to be such by the majority of the room, but the boy replied nonetheless, a huge smile spreading across his face at someone getting what he was saying. "Nope!"

It was quietly somber for a moment before the uncle spoke again. "You know, just about every part of me wants to call you a naive idiot and ignore everything you just said." A deep breath was taken by the man as he paused, pondering the events that had led him to that vessel. "'Just About'." He raised his voice, making sure he could be heard by all that he could possible reach with his voice. "I'm not going to though, because He's my Emperor too kid, and I refuse to be the sort of man who turns my back on Him. Even if Chaos could win, and I say could, and rewound time back to this moment I'd make the same choice again. I choose to Trust Him... I choose to have Hope in His Victory!" The uncle finished in a roar more than any intelligible speech, and it struck a cord within those present.

It spread like wildfire, the choice to have Hope in the Emperor's Victory, throughout the vessel. And, for the first time in countless orbits of Sol by Holy Terra, Humanity remembered the truth about Hope. It was not nearly so fragile as something to be influenced by disappointment, but was a choice to carry an attitude and faith of expectation within themselves. A choice to trust in their Emperor. And so, that small sample of Humanity chose to place what Hope they had in, unknowingly, the embodiment of their Hope and reminded the Galaxy that they had a God Emperor in whom their faith was absolute.

The Empyrean Reeled.

May have been slightly inspired by FSN's Excalibur and the Lexicanum Entry on the Emp listing him as the Embodiment of Mankind's Hope.
Hey, torr, if the new universe doesn't have effectively omnipotent dicks, shouldn't cloning be a viable technique for (at least) mankind?

I mean, the STC should have cloning techs... the Imperium has access to them, though really, really shitty. And the products are really unlucky. Curse from Tzeentch?
And how about exowombs?

Hey! The Eldar already have cloning and exowombs, aren't the Dark Eldars of Commoragh still use tube-babies and cloned bodies in canon WH40K?
... I can't seem to find any citations, though. Ugh.
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Hey, torr, if the new universe doesn't have effectively omnipotent dicks, shouldn't cloning be a viable technique for (at least) mankind?

I mean, the STC should have cloning techs... the Imperium has access to them, though really, really shitty. And the products are really unlucky. Curse from Tzeentch?
And how about exowombs?

Hey! The Eldar already have cloning and exowombs, aren't the Dark Eldars of Commoragh still use tube-babies and cloned bodies in canon WH40K?
... I can't seem to find any citations, though. Ugh.

I believe the dark eldar have the ability of cloning, but they are in the control of the Homunculi (if that's how you spell it) and because of that they retain power among the vipers. Besides cloning, even without chaos, can cause a lot of problems down the line. Tube babies may be alright, may even be a reasonable method of population growth, but we have to be conscious of genetics and mutations.
I believe the dark eldar have the ability of cloning, but they are in the control of the Homunculi (if that's how you spell it) and because of that they retain power among the vipers. Besides cloning, even without chaos, can cause a lot of problems down the line. Tube babies may be alright, may even be a reasonable method of population growth, but we have to be conscious of genetics and mutations.
Yes, yes, I agree... A population stagnant and dependant on cloning (without soul-transplant or at least material memory-transfer!) is really dumb.

But tube babies should be okay. In fact, if we can't excise Eldar's requiring multi-years gestation, then we should just use exowomb/tube babies to produce them. At least for a while.
They *are* engineered by the Old Ones to be psychorganic elite war machines, anyway. There should be nothing preventing us.

Now, for mankind... I dunno. Hopefully @torrmercury will rule that the absence of the Empyrean in the new verse will make human tube babies born okay.
Presence of the Empyrean is a near definite but how it works remains to be seen. Also the update may come late in the evening tomorrow since I'm going with my brother to visit his in-laws. :oops:
I see Malcador has a stat sheet now. Body and martial we're exactly the type you'd expect from a bureaucrat but his administration and Psyker skills are Daemon Prince levels, Nice
Malcador the Sigillite/Hero

Body: 3
Martia l: 3
Administration: 11
Psyker Rating: 11 (Alpha+)
Science: 5
Fellowship: 8
Revived/cloned by the Afril Strain: No memories of final moments + ???
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Votes Locked. I wasn't able to get to a computer till just now, but here we go!

Edit: This vote won
[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 6
[X] Eldar

Vote tally:
##### 3.18
[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 3
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 3
Heretek, Avoozl, Inglorien

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 6
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 11
qsurf, Kelenas, Arbit, Ruirk, Faceless Goon, Dutch, FelSpite, useofstrike32, meepo, GhostKing 666, Night_stalker

[X] Kadmon
[X] 4
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 1

[X] Shin This.
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 1

[X] John Kadmon
[X] 7
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] a mixture of 3, 4, 5, and 6
[X] Ljósálfar
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 4
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 2
inawarminister, Chimeraguard

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 3
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 4
kellanved, meianmaru, Eurocorp, Varano

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 6
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 2
H-90, veekie

[X] 5
[X] Ljósálfar
No. of votes: 1

[x] Adam Kadmon
[x] 1
[x] Eldar
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adom
[X] 3
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 1

[X] Ha-Kadmoni
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] combo of 1, 5 and 6
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adam and/or John Kadmon
-[X] But to most, He remains only The Emperor of Mankind. Only Malcador and Ynnead call him by this familiar name. Those not close to Him who dare often face His disapproval.
[X] 3
[X] 6
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 1
Delta Green

[X] Adam and/or John Kadmon
-[X] But to most, He remains only The Emperor of Mankind. Only Malcador and Ynnead call him by this familiar name. Those not close to Him who dare often face His disapproval.
[X] 6
[X] Eldar
No. of votes: 1

[X] Adam Kadmon
[X] 5
[X] Ljósálfar (Light Elves)
No. of votes: 1
I am the First, I am the Last

I remember the times before the Heresy, back when the Imperium wasn't as bad as it currently was. I remember having to balance my families favor, and learned that their moods could switch almost instantaneously. Even Father would disregard my brother, when it was him. Sometimes it was me, we both didn't care about who played who.

I remember when my brother's tactics were disregarded by Guilliman, and then after Istvaan III and V, he was forced to change his tone. The very tactics that he had used were his undoing, he was fighting an enemy that his tactics were unable to compensate for.

I remember when the Cabal approached us, and told us of the possible fates of the galaxy. I rejected those answers, as did my brother. We wanted to change the paths before us, fate wasn't set in stone, at least that's what we thought. Our legion joined with Horus, out of necessity.

I remember when we thought it was going to be a battle of good vs evil, like the old stories on Terra, but that was not the case. I remember the Thousand Sons, who had attempted to warn the Emperor of Horus's treachery. While their method was horrid, it had managed to do its job. But the Emperor refused to think that Horus, his most favored son, could ever turn against him.

I remember when the Imperium was, more or less, a whole organization, a well-oiled machine. The bureaucracy was manageable, and the Emperor managed affairs. But now it is a sprawling mess, and nothing short of the Emperor's return could change it.

I remember when Horus was slain, his death sent our forces back. Then, the Imperium launched its counterattack. Wave after wave of soldiers and Space Marines, our lines began to falter. No amount of tactical ingenuity could stand up to unrelenting brute force.

I remember the events on the planet of Eskrador, where my brother faced Guilliman. I was there to see my brother struck down. I remember it infuriated me, that my most thickheaded brother, had slain my twin.

I remember that day, and it remains a permanent mark on my mind. In my grief I had lashed out, and launched a vicious counter-attack, breaking the Ultramarines. While I was unable to slay Guilliman, I managed to scramble his forces, and that satisfied me, for a while.

I remember the millennia that had passed after that incident. My legion began to break down from within, many who used to fight Chaos were now worshiping it. My legion has turned away from its former goal, and now fought Chaos, only in name.

I remember when I decided to take the guise of an Inquisitor, in an attempt to come to terms with my life. I took up the name Kravin, and dedicated myself to the Ordo Malleus. While passing myself off as an Inquisitor, I learned many things, and partook in dangerous actions. But there was one thing I remember I decided to do, and it was giving my twin a record. Admittedly I didn't divulge much, but I sought to give the Imperium knowledge of my twin, and knowledge of what fate had in store for it.

I remember that career lasted for a few decades, before they came to the conclusion that I was an agent of the Alpha Legion. I still find the accusation humorous, for all of their paranoia, they had managed to nearly hit the mark. I than proceeded to leave the order, never to return as an Inquisitor. At least, for the most part.

I remember when Abaddon organized his latest Black Crusade, how could I not. It was but a year ago, and now it stands at Terra's doorstep. I am all alone in my legion, the few who remained uncorrupted are no more, either having been killed, or fallen to Chaos.

I remember when I told myself that I would not meddle in the affairs of the Imperium, in fear of the prophecy I was shown. But then I saw the proverbial writing on the wall. The Imperium was dying, and the Cabal's prediction was correct, but not all was lost for me.

I had set course for Terra, to see it for one last time. Under the guise of an Inquisitor of the Ordos Xenos,. It is here that I realize that mankind has one final chance. I have learned that there is an Exodus fleet, to escape from this galaxy.

I now know that the Cabal's prophecy was misinterpreted, perhaps there was a light at the end of all of this. I now know what must be done, the fleet must escape, and I shall give my life and soul to do so.

With one final glance I look down on Terra, and bid it goodbye. I intend to go with this fleet, to protect it, from whatever threat may arise. I will not reveal my identity just yet, for one doesn't reveal all of their tricks in one hand.

I am Omegon, twin brother of Alpharius. Primarch of the XX Legion, the Alpha Legion. I have stood where others have fallen. I have fought and lived, through trials that have claimed the lives of so many. I will not let my father's Imperium crumble.

That is my vow, to the Imperium, to my deceased brothers, and to Alpharius.

For The Emperor.