Dictator Quest

Sorry if I soundl ike that, I was trying to get both of them running.
Our everything is shot in the foot right now, and we need money to fix it, sometime you just need to take a step back. Legalising drug drop the crime rate and even lower the drugs' price as well, so people won't have to steal and rob for drugs. It allow junkies to go public, so we can identify with one need to go into rehab as opposed to just let them waste away, it attract tourists and generate money, make us look better in the eyes of the liberals, and like I have said, If we allow people to use drugs, then less will try to do drugs BECAUSE it is banned due to this weird thing called reactance.
Could we add extra rules?
Like only certain drugs, and you need something like ration card to be given drugs(2 servings of meth a week or maybe point system where certain drugs get more points and one has so and so points)?
We might be forgiven slightly on the basis we are very poor country and this may help improve it in a sense.
Not advocating it, just a suggestion
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Turn 2 - A Latverian Film
January 13th, 2011.
Turn 2.

5GNP: $32B with -1.5% growth, Revenue $7B, Budget $9B, Debt $13.5B at 4% Interest.
Population 5M (-0.2% growth rate, 4% Serbian immigrants)
Popularity High (67%), no overt revolutionary groups.
Internal Security 2, Crime Control 2, Civil Law 4, Corruption 7
Regulations: Business 5, Environmental 3, Egalitarian 4, Health & Safety 3, Vice 1
Military Power: Air 1, Land 7

The Budget
Defense 35%
Education 5%
Health Care 10%
Law enforcement 2%
Regulation 4%
Social Programs 40%
Other 4%

Fine Dining in Latveria:
This year wasn't the best of years, but you knew it'd be rough going when you first saw the budgetary reports, and saw dear, sweet, dear dear Mr. Hill downing the good brandy like he was at a college frat party.

Still. You had at least a couple things to look forward to; like the nice, lavish party being held by one of your generals to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the government's fulfillment. It's easy to rub elbows with your set of skills, and your prestigious position, so it was little wonder when you showed up to a fairly warm reception. The hosting general, Mr. Bellikov, had laid out the red carpet -- literally! Your personal limousine rolling up to the front door of his estate to find it almost in as good of a shape as your own, though large sections of the manor are undergoing renovation. Large solar panels set along the roof provided power in spite of the unreliable electric grid, and the event itself is awash in "imported" liquors, some very ravishing women, and even a handful of dignitaries and modern-day aristocrats (though they'd never call themselves such.) Moneyed individuals, even from neighboring nations, seeking to enjoy your own nation's hospitality.

Though this is, foremost, a military event. It is why you know you're being watched by your generals quite keenly, your administrative blustering pushing down on the hands in the pots. Already, several officers have been found guilty of overindulging; egregious and unforgivable expenses. Things like reporting guns and weapons caches being below-standard, or overexpending munitions in the field that would be sold to black marketeers. Tactics that had been used in the Cold War, but old tactics of corruption would not hold up to a more modern era! Their commissions had been stripped and themselves thrown to the mercies of your courts, though they're viewed as fools who got greedy rather than poor victims of your administration. Thankfully, being a social butterfly has its perks.

Still. While this is nice, you're able to talk with some of the officers of your military, as well as various other types. You don't have military service in common, which is the glue that holds their loyalties and camaraderie together, but what you do have is an extensive repertoire of lurid stories to entertain the men with, childhood exploits that harken back to their own youths, and a wide array of jokes that you blast away with like the one with the milkmaid and the cow. You haven't developed an elite personal division of loyalists tonight, but you helped ease some of the tension thanks to your corruption hunt.

Which would be nice, if this wasn't taking place in a temple of what corruption can buy. Even a general's salary doesn't exactly cover a platoon of escorts (you know these women just native-born), top shelf liquor, and extensive personal renovations. For God's sake, there's actually a Picasso! How does he have a Picasso and you don't?!

Anyways. The evening goes on rather smoothly. In the end, you wind up with more than you bargained for; in some ways more than others. When the party starts to die down and the guests 'retire' to their rooms, you're invited up to the General's study, and find yourself seated with a third man. A rather aged man, with liver spots dotting his face and cheeks ruddy with his love of vodka, were you to guess. If someone wanted to off the leading government this would be the room to do it, but given that there's really nobody interested in immediately beheading you with the ability to do so at such a high-profile event, you feel pretty safe with this stranger; who is introduced as a Mr. Ivanov, from Russia. With a name as generic as "Mr. Smith", you pin him pretty easily as a spook.

The three of you talk for an hour or so before the real topic comes to light. "I have been talking with Mr. Ivanov, and he has some very interesting affairs. He is, was, KGB. Of course, they say that the KGB are dead, but it is amazing how hard dying can be."

"Cancer has yet to win." The aging KGB agent tells you, "But it will. Eventually. Which is why I have come to your nation. You seek to fight corruption, whilst others like you embrace it. That is interesting, but what is also interesting is the fact that your nation is young. I wish to raise a new crop of intelligence officers; something new. Something not seen in many years."

Sensing the flow of the conversation, you let him talk.

And talk.

And you sip your drink.

And talk.

In the end, he outlines a very interesting proposal, for all it states; This man, Mr. Ivanov, wishes to hand-pick a number of youths. Somewhere in the area of about a hundred children, which shall not be dearly missed, that will be abducted and placed into an intensive training program for the next ten years. By the time they reach maturity, they will be loyal agents of Latveria, elite soldier, assassin, and more rolled into one.

"Like one of those American films!" General Bellikov states gleefully.

Other Matters:
There is both good news and bad news, as there always is. The good news is that the waste dumping contract goes smoothly, and as fresh landfills spring up (as well as a handful of waste storage facilities), it looks like the damage to the ecosystem isn't some immediate catastrophic implosion. While the chemicals do end up getting introduced on their path down the river, your timely installation of a few purification plants and some new wells serves to keep drinking water fairly unaffected. Of course, there's some very sad stories of animals being displaced due to the filth introduced into their former habitats, but what value are bears and deer to two billion in the bank?

Also thanks to you, clean water is more readily available in the cities. There's long lines for the clean water, and some people even take day-long trips to the city from their remote villages for the purified water, but there's promise in the fact that people feel like the water's sanitary enough to drink for the first time in years. The war profiteers that had made a killing off bottled water are starting to see their margins thin out, and there's even mention that the cleaner water will be able to ensure healthier crops. The system's far from complete, however, and will still require a few years before the fresh water expands beyond a handful of wells and some draining aquifers into a truly national network. You got plenty of results, but also a much better image of the big picture.

On the topic of water, you also put your system under some stress. Testing for leaks, your rhetoric did wonders to assuage the populace at large. People are dumb, a person is smart. The problem is that for many of those who came under your search, they didn't see themselves as the problem. Skimming off the top was right, because as Mr. Hill looks through the various pipelines, a lot of the 'leaks' seem to come from Latveria's biggest banking institution. It had been a major banking institution even during the war, and in the aftermath, its stabilizing influence for the people was accompanied by a wealth of favortism. A number of executives in the bank seem to have their own money laundering scheme going on, supporting illicit trades and diluting the wealth earned with legitimate money. The problem is, a bit too much legitimate money gets washed back out into the accounts, creating a lot of seepage.

Even more problematic is that the banks aren't the only area where the leaks are occurring. A lot of the social programs are suffering their own abuses, thousands of little thefts. People claiming that dear old Uncle Grigori, who died two years ago, is still alive and well and deserving of his personal checks. To further complicate affairs is the rather self-evident fact that the military budget isn't entirely going into guns and bullets; while the military stays fairly well-funded, there's also an abundance of money that goes into the hands of senior officers. Several of the more obvious targets are easily indicted by their incriminating actions, but the truly high-up officers seem rather inopportune to hit. That being said, there's a lot of money going into the hands of Majors and Generals, and not all of it is ending up in the logistics office as it should. It's somewhat customary, but it's still money being lost.
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Could we add extra rules?
Like only certain drugs, and you need something like ration card to be given drugs(2 servings of meth a week or maybe point system where certain drugs get more points and one has so and so points)?
We might be forgiven slightly on the basis we are very poor country and this may help improve it in a sense.
Not advocating it, just a suggestion
You most certainly could! You can induce as much granularity as you like into laws. Perks of being the grand boss!

How will people address us then, by title? If so, what are we, the President?
The exact details of what title and name you go by, I leave in the hands of the players. It's not really a major impediment to the progress and flow of the game by what you go by, but if you want to set out that detail and customize your ruler a little more closely, I'm just fine with that!
Ok now this is just insane. I'm fine with pumping some money into the army but right now they might as well be aristocrats. They can't just drain the budget like this.
Ok now this is just insane. I'm fine with pumping some money into the army but right now they might as well be aristocrats. They can't just drain the budget like this.
Quite, but neither can the banks. Both of these need to be dealt with carefully, lest we plunge the nation back into civil war. Amusingly enough, Demagogue seems like it's going to be getting quite the workout in the coming turns.

Personal Notes regarding the update:

1) Our very own Treadstone Program! What could possibly go wrong?
2) Water Supply Stabilised, and Chemical Nastiness Minimised
3) Bankers and Generals need to be illuminated on the wonders of nation-wide prosperity
4) As do the general citizenry
3&4) Perhaps a nationwide PR-Push towards strengthening the nation coupled with personal speeches to the aforementioned Bankers and Generals?
5) Cain is for Charlie, and Delta is for Cain!

6) Budget Growth has shrunk to -1.5%! Excellent!
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I'm ok with having our own Spetnaz, to be honest.

As for the bank, they count as civillians, so while they are leeching us, they at least have to put some effort into it, the millitary is blatantly robbing us right now. It should be easy to convince/blackmail the bank into investing in the economy, after all, they would be the first to prosper from a strong market. The millitary? No clue
It should be easy to convince/blackmail the bank into investing in the economy, after all, they would be the first to prosper from a strong market. The millitary? No clue
For a given value of 'easy', yes. For the military though, put that Demagogue 1 to use and convince them that keeping things above board means that they get even more legitimate money to play with, as well as fancy toys for them to use when shooting people.
A thing we can do when we have a stable economy is channel money to the R&D to keep the millitary happy with new toys while we slowly reduce their budget
@Gunther love your quest! it reminds me of the game Tropico!:)

also, the description of "Latveria" reminds me of my country, just replace Russian saboteurs with Chinese poachers, capitalist-backed rebels into Muslim extremists and add a strong dose Provincialism, Feudal-like politician-landowners, and the ever present hand of the Yakuza, Triad, and the Cartel. Another difference though is that the Catholics has no real desire to get rid of the Muslims, however the Muslims demand more rights and executive power.
@Gunther , a few questions:

What's the state of our transportation infrastructure?

If we desire to implement the Treadstone Program -too American. Red Room maybe?- what do we need to do?

Do we have any more details on the environmental damage? Or will that require active research?
Ok now this is just insane. I'm fine with pumping some money into the army but right now they might as well be aristocrats. They can't just drain the budget like this.
The problem lies in that they aren't slaughtering the budget; but they're skimming heavily. You still have a rather sizable military, but when the men in charge feel entitled to skimming a couple million, the effects can be quite noticeable.

Quite, but neither can the banks. Both of these need to be dealt with carefully, lest we plunge the nation back into civil war. Amusingly enough, Demagogue seems like it's going to be getting quite the workout in the coming turns.

Personal Notes regarding the update:

1) Our very own Treadstone Program! What could possibly go wrong?
2) Water Supply Stabilised, and Chemical Nastiness Minimised
3) Bankers and Generals need to be illuminated on the wonders of nation-wide prosperity
4) As do the general citizenry
3&4) Perhaps a nationwide PR-Push towards strengthening the nation coupled with personal speeches to the aforementioned Bankers and Generals?
5) Cain is for Charlie, and Delta is for Cain!

6) Budget Growth has shrunk to -1.5%! Excellent!
Project Treadstone? What would that be! I can utterly oblivious to your meaning, comrade.

A thing we can do when we have a stable economy is channel money to the R&D to keep the millitary happy with new toys while we slowly reduce their budget
This is actually a valid approach. If you orient funding more towards R&D, you can likely develop some thinktanks that will help churn out more advanced weaponry. The downside is the fact that you'd be tinkering with the military's own budgeting, and that might ruffle some feathers of people who think they know better than you. On the flip side, you do have an administrative hero who could likely work all sorts of bureaucratic wonders to achieve that.

@Gunther love your quest! it reminds me of the game Tropico!:)

also, the description of "Latveria" reminds me of my country, just replace Russian saboteurs with Chinese poachers, capitalist-backed rebels into Muslim extremists and add a strong dose Provincialism, Feudal-like politician-landowners, and the ever present hand of the Yakuza, Triad, and the Cartel. Another difference though is that the Catholics has no real desire to get rid of the Muslims, however the Muslims demand more rights and executive power.
Thank you! ^^ I do intend to try and keep things at least somewhat realistic with this. Granted, that might get a bit morbid and disheartening at times. Still! Prosperity churns along! :p

@Gunther , a few questions:

What's the state of our transportation infrastructure?

If we desire to implement the Treadstone Program -too American. Red Room maybe?- what do we need to do?

Do we have any more details on the environmental damage? Or will that require active research?
1) Your roads are actually pretty robust, and well-maintained at that. You have an airport, though it hasn't been renovated in a couple decades, it's still capable of servicing commercial aircraft that do layovers/flybys. There isn't a ton of tourism, so while you do have a rail line, it's more along the lines of a railroad that simply skirts your nation. Should you wish, you could expand rail coverage, which would vastly improve your industrial shipping ability -- but you would need to solve your electricity problem first to ensure that all the various sensors and utilities involved in modern railway systems can run effectively.

2) You'd just need to let Mr. Ivanov conduct his initial recruiting, likely permitting a string of abductions. He'll take the funding for his program from the military, though he might call on you to help with bureaucratic permits/criminal allowances in order to conduct his "inhumane" program.

3) The environmental damage going on is fairly minimal at this point. There's old toxic waste dumps that have partially seeped into the water table near them, polluting a handful of rivers with what amounts to little more than toxic sludge. Old pharmaceuticals, petrochemical byproducts, even a couple spent fuel rods from the days of the USSR that were tucked away in a concrete bunker that's starting to develop some cracks. There's also more casual pollution thanks to the waste dumping agreement; landfills that pollute the soil, as well as animals getting dislocated by their construction. Local industries are a bit blase about their own polluting as well; and while none are as egregious as a Captain Planet villain, more than a few companies have been lax in their handling of toxic materials.
Well this is going to be a !fun! turn. Have a starting draft of Plan FriedIce for this turn.

[]Plan FriedIce

1. Meet and greet our neighbors:

2. Support Auditing Action:

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Audit Social Programs, hard: .

1. Repair Power Infrastructure: .

2. TBD


??? Move from Social Programs to Interest Repayment.

Interest Repayment ???%
Defense 35%
Education 5%
Health Care 10%
Law enforcement 2%
Regulation 4%
Social Programs ???%
Other 4%

This turn will be the last one I submit a plan for for a while. I feel like I'm dominating this quest a little too much.
whats everyone's opinion on renting some of our troops out to the United Nations. they supposedly pay damn well or do we need to be a full member and not just an observer state.Or how about forming some Private military companies secretly government controlled and rent those out to other dictators.
[]Plan FriedIce

1. Meet and greet our neighbors:

2. Support Auditing Action:

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Audit Social Programs, hard: .

1. Repair Power Infrastructure: .

2. TBD

Perhaps you should replace the first option with authorizing the spec ops option, as that won't be there forever.
The second national choice should be either expanding the water purification facilities or starting work on the railroads, IMO.
Perhaps you should replace the first option with authorizing the spec ops option, as that won't be there forever.
The second national choice should be either expanding the water purification facilities or starting work on the railroads, IMO.

Water, I definitely say water.
Perhaps you should replace the first option with authorizing the spec ops option, as that won't be there forever.
The second national choice should be either expanding the water purification facilities or starting work on the railroads, IMO.
We need power before we invest in transport.

  1. Do we need to burn an action on saying 'yes'? Or would an action burnt on it effectively be spent creating the legal framework for such an organization?
  2. We've gotten to work on the water, can I assume that it will operate in the background now until its achieved its aims?
  3. Can you give me an in depth summary of our power infrastructure?

Everyone else. What're your thoughts on saying yes to Mr Proto-Treadstone?
We need power before we invest in transport.

  1. Do we need to burn an action on saying 'yes'? Or would an action burnt on it effectively be spent creating the legal framework for such an organization?
  2. We've gotten to work on the water, can I assume that it will operate in the background now until its achieved its aims?
  3. Can you give me an in depth summary of our power infrastructure?

Everyone else. What're your thoughts on saying yes to Mr Proto-Treadstone?
No issues, provided we can ensure loyalty to us.
whats everyone's opinion on renting some of our troops out to the United Nations. they supposedly pay damn well or do we need to be a full member and not just an observer state.Or how about forming some Private military companies secretly government controlled and rent those out to other dictators.

You could certainly offer your services to the UN. It might even help with getting recognition as a nation if you dispatch some of your troops on peacekeeping missions or assisting the UN with humanitarian efforts. However, those cost you money, and you'd also be out the soldiers invested if you ever needed to deploy them.

However, you could also have your soldiers put to work as mercenaries. While this might incense some of your patriots and military for being treated as little more than national guns for hire,

We need power before we invest in transport.

  1. Do we need to burn an action on saying 'yes'? Or would an action burnt on it effectively be spent creating the legal framework for such an organization?
  2. We've gotten to work on the water, can I assume that it will operate in the background now until its achieved its aims?
  3. Can you give me an in depth summary of our power infrastructure?

Everyone else. What're your thoughts on saying yes to Mr Proto-Treadstone?
1) I'm not so cruel as to require you to authorize every last program. If you just annotate that you agree to the proposal, it'll be enacted. Actions are really only required for major initiatives and activities.
2) Your program will continue acting as you outlined it, yes. You've already been pushing water to the major urban areas and cities, and have been successful thus far from keeping the worst pollutants out. You might, however, want to expand your program beyond this. If you want faster results, more actions helps.
3) How in-depth? Well, to begin with, a lot of your power needs result from coal/oil power plants, which obviously contributes to pollution. Without any major rivers for you to dam up, hydroelectric power is beyond you, though even still you import a decent amount of electricity from your neighbors during peak business hours. It's almost comic considering your damaged infrastructure still doesn't allow coverage and functionality even with imported power, but your maintenance workers are trying to do the best with what they've got for now. Those who are wealthy enough to afford it install solar panels in their homes for more reliable power supply, and more than a couple farmers have jury-rigged windmills to old batteries to help keep their chicken coops and barns heated during the colder months.

I'd support it if we knew more about this KGB agent, and if such a thing could actually work.
Unfortunately you're more diplomat than military or espionage, but you can't exactly imagine that this well-spoken former KGB agent is talking out of his rear about this idea. It sounds terribly unethical, but it's not like he's asking you to build a rocket ship to Mars for him.
2) Your program will continue acting as you outlined it, yes. You've already been pushing water to the major urban areas and cities, and have been successful thus far from keeping the worst pollutants out. You might, however, want to expand your program beyond this. If you want faster results, more actions helps.

So @FriedIce will you include continuing with the water works as the second action? I'd support your plan if you did that.
Guys, for the ex-KGB dude?

We aren't certain of his loyalties, we'd have to ensure the loyalty of the agents he trains, we'd have to pay for it, and the project will take ten years to complete.

And there's one last wrinkle: What's General Bellikov's part in this? Given he's sponsoring the man proposing this to us.

This deal is a dubious one, and borderline unfeasible for it.
Yeah, I'm thinking about it and if we take the deal I won't feel comfortable without spending a Personal doing some pseudo-espionage on Mr ex-KGB. Demagogue's not as good at it as Espionage but we'll have to make do.

  1. Can I have some information about the makeup of our Intelligence Services please?
  2. How many new gas/coal/oil powerplants would it take to be self sufficient on energy matters?
  3. How much would that cost?
  4. What information do we have access to about Mr ex-KGB?
  5. We can create new laws (on stuff which isn't huge) without an action, correct?
  6. What's our country's position on homosexuality?
  7. How big on gender equality is our nation?
So @FriedIce will you include continuing with the water works as the second action? I'd support your plan if you did that.
Its happening in the background already. Using an action on it would be a wasted action which we can use on... something. I'm not sure what yet.

Anyone have any suggestions?
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