Dictator Quest

Ohh, wow. 'Dat nation.

Right, basic plan in the process. This will be fleshed out slowly as Gunther answers questions.

[] Plan FriedIce
1. Suck up to the military
2. Bullshit PR campaign to get around our cutting of social programs.

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Fix the fucking tax code

1. Something to do with Toxic Waste. Take it in, dump it somewhere we don't care about in a big hole.
2. Take 5% from social programs and stick it on interest repayment.

@Gunther have some questions:
  1. I'm presuming that our tax code is hilariously broken. Is this a safe assumption?
  2. What impact on our public aproval would taking 5% from social programs to stick it in interest repayment have?
  3. What does our Admin hero estimate we can get from legalising the drug trade in its entirety and taxing it into fuckery?
  4. How much are people offering us to take their toxic waste?
  5. What's our relationship with our neighbors like?
  6. What on earth does that Other section in the budget refer to?
  7. How the fuck are we spending .8Bn on regulation? We've got next to no regulations to spend it on.
  8. Do budget changes require accompanying actions?
Nice! Getting a solid cast of people participating, which is what I like to see. :) So! To answer your questions, Redtape...

1) You're more than welcome to ask questions! I encourage it, even, if you're uncertain.

2) Your people aren't any one particular distinct ethnic group. You've got Slovenians, Hungarians, Serbians, Croats, Bosniaks... The exact demographics shift a bit considering you're a nation with plenty of land borders on all sides, especially given that your micronation's just started to stabilize, but you're looking at a pretty multicultural population. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen.

3) Catholicism is pretty strong, as well as other denominations of Christianity. This, at least, is thankfully not a source of much tension. There's been a growing Muslim population, however, thanks to some emigrants from Afghanistan (amongst other things.)

4) It's basically right about where Croatia/Slavonia would exist on the map.
I honestly don't get this now. You called this country a micronation with all that implies, yet it has an equivalent population compared to all those countries where these ethnicity's primarily reside. All of them combined have 27 million population today, and we have 22 million in this country. This isn't a microstate at all and it's going to have a very different gameplay than what you originally indicated.

Why not just call it Yugoslavia and set it in the late 80's/90's so you have internal conflict with the constituent parts wanting to separate and hating one another, and the economic issues coming from the collapse of the USSR and the long term corruption of the state. Instead it seems you just plopped a very large country within a very small area with very little resources or trade routes (yet somehow still has exceptional GDP per capita for it's area and recent history and a similar density to Hong Kong and Singapore) in the middle of an area that has historic tensions and a devastating war not even two decades ago.

A great deal of your fluff also seems contradictory. Having nuclear waste in a country this small, with little access to trade, with this large of a population and comparative wealth is stupidly and pointlessly ineffective for both countries.
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[X] Latveria

I'm pretty sure it's located in the same place we are anyway, might as well take the name as well.
[X] Latveria

[x] Plan Iandude
1. Reduce the opulence of your estate and use the money to help stimulate the economy. If our people can't live as grandly as we can, we shouldn't waste the money.
2. Meet with the various factions under your rule and discuss solutions to certain problems with them. Ascertain how corrupt they are while doing so.

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - [Find a way to discredit and kick out the corrupt bureaucrats.]

People taking money off our budget for themselves should not be a part of our country.

1. Find a way to get rid of the toxic waste and make sure it is gone ASAP.
2. Use some of you money towards stimulating the ecomony and trying to attracts businesses to settle down here. (5B)
[x] Plan Iandude
1. Reduce the opulence of your estate and use the money to help stimulate the economy. If our people can't live as grandly as we can, we shouldn't waste the money.
2. Meet with the various factions under your rule and discuss solutions to certain problems with them. Ascertain how corrupt they are while doing so.
Howard Hill - Admin 1 - [Find a way to discredit and kick out the corrupt bureaucrats.]

People taking money off our budget for themselves should not be a part of our country.
1. Find a way to get rid of the toxic waste and make sure it is gone ASAP.
2. Use some of you money towards stimulating the ecomony and trying to attracts businesses to settle down here. (5B)
We're the man of the people. Not the industrialist. We don't really have an estate and we don't have 5B to spend on stimulating the economy either. We as a character probably have a limited amount of money we've managed to embezzle away. As a nation we lose a fuck load of money a turn which we then cover via borrowing.

Meeting with the various factions might be a good idea, but considering we're probably going to have to end up purging at least some of them I'd rather not waste effort on it. We can figure out most of the same stuff by just asking @Gunther who the main factions are and what they want. Speaking of, Gunther, who are the main factions and what do they want (in our eyes of course)?

Those corrupt bureaucrats you happen to want to kick out also happen to be the only people who are keeping the country running. Don't knock them for being corrupt, we need them. We also, likely, need the money from the toxic waste so lets not get rid of it.

And now its time for more questions for the question god:
  1. What's the size of our shadow economy?
  2. What are its main sectors?
  3. What are the main desires of our people, from gauging what the public talk about
  4. For that matter what did we promise people in order to get into power?
  5. Can we have a list of notable members of the military please?
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[X] Plan FriedIce
1. Suck up to the military
2. Bullshit PR campaign to get around our cutting of social programs.

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Fix the fucking tax code

1. Something to do with Toxic Waste. Take it in, dump it somewhere we don't care about in a big hole.
2. Take 5% from social programs and stick it on interest repayment.
We're the man of the people. Not the industrialist. We don't really have an estate and we don't have 5B to spend on stimulating the economy either.

The country's budget was something like 32B, I thought that meant we had that much to spend.

Meeting with the various factions might be a good idea, but considering we're probably going to have to end up purging at least some of them I'd rather not waste effort on it.

We do need to figure out which ones need the purging and utterly destroying some factions would be a bad move since not everyone on them are necessarily evil.

Those corrupt bureaucrats you happen to want to kick out also happen to be the only people who are keeping the country running.

I realize that. If we get rid of them we can replace them with more competent people (I'd trust our admin to have good judgement about that). It would also give us the support of the people if we manage to out the corruption and then get rid of those involved.

We also, likely, need the money from the toxic waste so lets not get rid of it.

Having the waste is just a terrible idea for the long-term though.
Turn 1 - Q&A Session
  • I'm presuming that our tax code is hilariously broken. Is this a safe assumption?
  • What impact on our public aproval would taking 5% from social programs to stick it in interest repayment have?
  • What does our Admin hero estimate we can get from legalising the drug trade in its entirety and taxing it into fuckery?
  • How much are people offering us to take their toxic waste?
  • What's our relationship with our neighbors like?
  • What on earth does that Other section in the budget refer to?
  • How the fuck are we spending .8Bn on regulation? We've got next to no regulations to spend it on.
  • Do budget changes require accompanying actions?
To answer these delicious questions in an appetizingly linear order...

1) Broken isn't quite the appropriate term to use. Your tax code is effective, considering it generates revenues and actually gives you money with which to function by, but it doesn't work

2) You'd likely take a decent hit to popularity. Social programs includes a lot of the stuff like the unemployment/welfare systems that are keeping food in the bellies of the unemployed. There's also, admittedly, a fair amount of corruption that already interferes with said social programs, so while you might cut down some of the corruption in those systems by reducing funding, there's a good chance that a lot of people are going to end up going hungry if you hammer drastic cuts on social welfare systems.

3) Depends on how far you go. Legalizing marijuana probably won't net you too much in revenues -- it's not uncommon in usage. It's when you start legalizing amphetamines and harder drugs, pushing to have the transit of cocaine, heroin, and pharmaceuticals handled by the government or commercial entities, that you start seeing some major windfalls. If you let that trade grow and flourish, odds are you'll be able to reverse your growth issues pretty swiftly, and even accelerate a bit as the drug trade becomes part of your economy.

4) $2B if you let some major corporations move in their major petrochemical manufacturing and allowing them to just conveniently dump the runoff downstream into the ocean. It'll be your problem, after all, and they're willing to pay to let you deal with the headache of it. There'll be some air pollution as well involved in these facilities being set up, but they'll pay you a consistent $2B for the trouble.

5) Your relationships are currently nebulous. You're a newly-founded nation after all.

6) Pretty much everything that doesn't fall under the above. Stuff like your personal estate/budget, funding for secret government projects, money for diplomatic ventures/embassies, a national lottery (if you wish to enact such), etc.

7) That part of the budget is being revised. See below; but basically, current regulatory spending is mostly towards ensuring fair business practices, and preventing anything like corporate cartels from moving in and picking you apart like a flock of crows. Regulation spending also is part of the police budget.

8) No. Budget changes are, mercifully, free.

I honestly don't get this now. You called this country a micronation with all that implies, yet it has an equivalent population compared to all those countries where these ethnicity's primarily reside. All of them combined have 27 million population today, and we have 22 million in this country. This isn't a microstate at all and it's going to have a very different gameplay than what you originally indicated.

Why not just call it Yugoslavia and set it in the late 80's/90's so you have internal conflict with the constituent parts wanting to separate and hating one another, and the economic issues coming from the collapse of the USSR and the long term corruption of the state. Instead it seems you just plopped a very large country within a very small area with very little resources or trade routes (yet somehow still has exceptional GDP per capita for it's area and recent history and a similar density to Hong Kong and Singapore) in the middle of an area that has historic tensions and a devastating war not even two decades ago.

A great deal of your fluff also seems contradictory. Having nuclear waste in a country this small, with little access to trade, with this large of a population and comparative wealth is stupidly and pointlessly ineffective for both countries.
You actually raised a very good point. The budget for the nation is, currently, based off a nation that would actually be a fair bit larger IRL. As a fictional nation, even with its given territory, it actually has a bigger budget than it really ought to have realistically. Thanks for pointing that out -- I've readjusted the figures accordingly. My apologies to anyone this might have inconvenienced in changing, but I'll never deny honesty nor a well-made point!

GNP: $33B with -2% growth, Revenue $5B, Budget $9B, Debt $11B at 4% Interest.
Population 5M (-0.2% growth rate, 4% Serbian immigrants)
Popularity High (67%), no overt revolutionary groups.
Internal Security 2, Crime Control 2, Civil Law 4, Corruption ???
Regulations: Business 5, Environmental 3, Egalitarian 4, Health & Safety 3, Vice 1
Military Power: Air 1, Land 7

Edit: Also, sorry Neptune! I missed your other points.

Nuclear waste isn't actually an element, or at least, a large one. There's some old leftovers of the Cold War/USSR era, but a lot of the more "modern" waste is runoff from pharmaceutical facilities, foreign-owned petrochemical plants, and industrial runoff of the more generic variety.
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The country's budget was something like 32B, I thought that meant we had that much to spend.
We do need to figure out which ones need the purging and utterly destroying some factions would be a bad move since not everyone on them are necessarily evil.
I realize that. If we get rid of them we can replace them with more competent people (I'd trust our admin to have good judgement about that). It would also give us the support of the people if we manage to out the corruption and then get rid of those involved.
Having the waste is just a terrible idea for the long-term though.
How much we spend is our Budget, but the amount of money the country has to spend is the Revenue. At the moment we're spending a lot more than we make and its creating debt.

Honestly I neither know nor care who is evil and who isn't. I care how much they're embezzling and how loyal they are (for the moment at least). We're going to want to purge solid amounts of our military and our bureaucracy before this is over. The important thing though, is not doing it all at once.

As for the waste, its a terrible idea long term but in the short term its highly delicious. Taking that waste means we cover our budget deficit this turn, and if we pair it with making a sensible tax system we won't even need to make cuts to public spending in order to service our debt. Which is a delicious idea. We'll have to move away from it long term but in the short term as long as we throw it in a river which is going out of our territory after a mile or so we should be fine.

Also, JOBS! It should help us with our economy, somewhat.

@Gunther do we have any rivers that leave our territory and flow into Serbia?
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And now its time for more questions for the question god:
  1. What's the size of our shadow economy?
  2. What are its main sectors?
  3. What are the main desires of our people, from gauging what the public talk about
  4. For that matter what did we promise people in order to get into power?
  5. Can we have a list of notable members of the military please?

1) Currently unknown, but you'd suspect it to be at least several billion, especially if you include 'transit' items like smugglers stopping over in your airport and traveling along your roads.
2) Main sectors of your normal economy, or of this supposed economy? There's human trafficking, narcotics, even pharmaceuticals of both designer and normal varieties, as well as more 'simple' things like protection rackets left over from the war (when gangsters protecting your store actually meant they'd help defend it if rebels came into town.)
3) Working electricity, clean water, and reliable heating tend to be in the top areas, though they wouldn't mind enjoying a surplus of food, and some actual entertainment beyond whatever bootleg television and radio setups they manage to arrange.
4) Nothing that will bite you back too harshly. Mostly you rode into office on the political platform of "A Better Tomorrow", "Change", and other such slogans notoriously cribbed from more popular and successful politicians in bigger nations. The people aren't expecting too much of you just yet, but they are expecting things.
5) Notable members of the military as an organization would fall primarily to your two generals, who are both men that helped fight alongside you in your war for independence/liberty/The Truth. There's also a handful of hangers-on that associate with them, but the two men are Alexandrei Bellikov and Jonathan Hannover. The former is a native-born that seems to hold a fair amount of esteem with the regular troops as an aging enlisted man, whereas the latter is a foreign-born tactician and strategist that has worked extensively with the officers. His experience in air doctrine also holds him as almost unilateral authority over your (rather meager) helicopter holdings, and the couple of MiGs that serve as your airforce.

Regarding the rivers: Into Serbia? No. Your waters run from east to west, mostly with Croatia, Slovenia, and Hungary as nations sharing river paths with you.
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Ohh, so our current generals were with us during the civil war? That is useful.

Hmm, I presume that whilst our generals were with us during the civil war a large portion of the nation's military stayed on the sidelines? That would be the same nation's military that we now command.

Basically, do we have a core of loyal military men that are personally loyal and an outer sphere who are basically the rest of the military?
Do we have any assets to entice some of the western countries to send economic aid? Also could we agree to signing some of the international treaties, like Nuclear non proliferation an kyoto to try and get some aid. We do need to stamp down on corruption as well, if we do we can then allocate some of our budget to pay down our debt and try to get onto a net positive.
Ohh, so our current generals were with us during the civil war? That is useful.

Hmm, I presume that whilst our generals were with us during the civil war a large portion of the nation's military stayed on the sidelines? That would be the same nation's military that we now command.

Basically, do we have a core of loyal military men that are personally loyal and an outer sphere who are basically the rest of the military?

Loyalty is a tricky thing. Considering that things were actually a bit of a civil war, your top officers have (nominally) belonged to your group, though they've spent more time with one another rather than with you. They seemed to be agreeable to your cause to begin with, and currently they're living rather high on the hog thanks to the extensive budgeting in their favor.

Meeting with the various factions might be a good idea, but considering we're probably going to have to end up purging at least some of them I'd rather not waste effort on it. We can figure out most of the same stuff by just asking @Gunther who the main factions are and what they want. Speaking of, Gunther, who are the main factions and what do they want (in our eyes of course)?

Well, to break it down, there's several core groups in your government. There's subdivisions that somewhat blur the lines (for example, motorists who will be displeased if you institute a gas tax.)

These groups are:
Patriots - They want a strong military, high GDP, and for the borders to expand all the way to the sea. Their biggest constituent is your former hardcore supporters, and draws on all demographics.
Socialists - They wish for strong, centralized government. They're willing to accept new taxes to pay for extra services, but at the moment they want government-run utilities. Tends towards the middle and lower classes.
Capitalists - The antithesis of your socialist population, and admittedly a smaller percentage of the population, they also are some of your wealthiest citizens. While trickle-down policies don't necessarily result in everyone getting richer, tax cuts for the wealthy tends to bring them in, and that means more revenues on your part. They favor privatization; seeing the state as a business to be run. Tends towards the upper and middle classes.
Religious - Catholics and Muslims are the two major religious populations, which tends to coincide along ethnic lines. Each wishes to see the other cast out, and each also pushes for national holidays and enforcement of religious norms.
Military - Goes without saying. These men point guns at people for you, and tend to overlap with the poor and middle class along the lower ranks. Your nation still boasts a system of military in which officers buy their commission, leaving it a bit of a skewed demographics. They enjoy a high budget and new toys.
Communists - It's not the Balkans if there aren't Communists! To be fair, these people tend to be the elderly and the poor, and favor strong ties to Russia. They also support a universal minimum income, as well as government control of almost all sectors of life and state-run unions.

Your government, internally, features a high representation between the military, upper class, and patriots. The poor, despite being the bulk of your support, lack the education needed to run bureaucracy. There's also a fairly even distribution of capitalist and socialist amongst the government, as well as communists in the older ranks.

Do we have any assets to entice some of the western countries to send economic aid? Also could we agree to signing some of the international treaties, like Nuclear non proliferation an kyoto to try and get some aid. We do need to stamp down on corruption as well, if we do we can then allocate some of our budget to pay down our debt and try to get onto a net positive.
You do have some oil deposits, though some private corporations (complete with mercenary muscle) have set up on the richest deposit. Your heavy manufacturing, when running, can also be geared towards both consumer and industrial goods. Finally, if you aren't afraid of dealing with some unhappy foreign corporate types, you can also nationalize the corporate facilities refining the titanium you mine up. Titanium, oil, and manufacturing are some of your biggest assets when it comes to achieving foreign aid (though it might undermine your legitimacy to local patriots.)

You could certainly cash in on popular, incentivized treaties, though they tie your hands in exchange for the little perks you get. Becoming a nuclear power gets harder to an extent, for example.
I am going to point it out now, and the only time.


We have an admin hero, so do a Demagogue Action boosting the need for it and get as much audited as we can.

With an
Audit, we can find the corruption we need to purge.
I am going to point it out now, and the only time.
We have an admin hero, so do a Demagogue Action boosting the need for it and get as much audited as we can.
With an
Audit, we can find the corruption we need to purge.
Fair point.

With the reworking to the numbers the economic situation just became a fair bit less incredibly urgent.

Current Plan FriedIce:
[] Plan FriedIce
1. Suck up to the military
2. Support Auditing Action.

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Audit

1. Accept the waste generating companies.
2. TBD

Stunts will come later. And if anyone has any suggestions for that second National Action I'd appreciate it. Something that doesn't tonnes of money would be prefered
I'd suggest patching the Water Network as the Second National. Damage is ostensibly minimal, but it does exist to some small degree. Heck, if we could turn that patching into prep-work for dealing with the Waste then that'd be great too.
Does our new nation actually have diplomatic relations to any other countries?
You basically have the same international footprint as Transnistria in terms of diplomatic capital so far, aka none to speak of. Your neighbors are relieved the fighting stopped, but they're watching you carefully.
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