Dictator Quest

Your responses make enough sense and I did not realize that we didn't have working water or electricity in our capital so:
[X] Plan FriedIce 2.0
@FriedIce Can you edit your plan so that instead of putting ourself even further in debt, we use some of the money - 2 billion IIRC - we get from accepting the waste generating companies proposal.
Its $4Bn from my memory and I'm currently using that to ensure that our budget is at least balanced this year. Without it we're in the by 4Bn a year, which adds further to our debt.

The water needs to be sorted out, and it needs to be sorted sharpish. If the only way to do that is to borrow, then I'm going to borrow.
Its $4Bn from my memory and I'm currently using that to ensure that our budget is at least balanced this year. Without it we're in the by 4Bn a year, which adds further to our debt.

The water needs to be sorted out, and it needs to be sorted sharpish. If the only way to do that is to borrow, then I'm going to borrow.

4) $2B if you let some major corporations move in their major petrochemical manufacturing and allowing them to just conveniently dump the runoff downstream into the ocean. It'll be your problem, after all, and they're willing to pay to let you deal with the headache of it. There'll be some air pollution as well involved in these facilities being set up, but they'll pay you a consistent $2B for the trouble.

GNP: $33B with -2% growth, Revenue $5B, Budget $9B, Debt $11B at 4% Interest.
We should care about them, they could be our closest allies as we develop our nation, or a massive problem if we needlessly piss them off.
Hungary is a hilariously corrupt dictatorship, I would frankly be inclined to bribe them even if we weren't poking them. So yeah, bribery.

Croatia was never going to love us. We're another Balkan nation with tonnes of other ethnicities in our nation.
Wait, did the military put us in power? I though that if we won by a millitary coup, the general populace would be less receptive toward us
You won through political antics, but no revolution was ever truly bloodless. There were those who had to fight for you, and while your words motivated them, you still needed people to guide, direct, train, and arm them to further your cause.

I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, Plan FriedIce in its glorious (tentatively) finished form. Kudos goes out to @Keeper Of Storms for writing like 80% of the stunts.

[] Plan FriedIce 2.0

1. Suck up to the military: In the wake of our successful rise to power, it would not do to forget those responsible for providing the might to get there. Familiarise ourself with the Command Hierarchy of our nation's military; wining and dining and talking with those in command of our military. Get to know them, and begin solidifying the relationships that had been made in the fires of revolution into ones that can withstand the test of power.

2. Support Auditing Action: In order for one to move forward, one must first know where they stand. Rally the people, both government employed and general citizenry, behind the idea of gaining an unbiased assessment of the nation's internal status. After all, how can the nation grow if the areas that need to be improved are not known? How can money be wisely spent if the routes it must be traveled are not well known and clearly understood? Regardless of the results, whether good or bad, this audit is needed if we are to truly prosper.

Howard Hill - Admin 1 - Audit: Undertake a systematic analysis of the nation's resource flows. While it would be grand to have a cent for cent [insert local equivalent] analysis of the Government, that may be beyond the scope of a year's work. Instead, approach it as if assessing a water distribution network for leaks. The primary pipelines are the first to be followed, after all it is from they that the rest of the network is supplied and a loss there effects everywhere that follows. The secondary 'linking' pipelines are next, for they transport the life supporting liquid to the regions where it will be utilised and, while a leak there has a vastly reduced effect compared to a Primary Pipeline, it is still a region that suffers lack if a leak is in fact present. Finally, it is the 'capillaries' that are assessed. They, by their nature, are designed to 'release' the water to homes and facilities which can make it harder to identify the more subtle leaks. With diligence and care, however, even they will be revealed to a watchful eye. Or he can just ignore that entire plan if he wants and do his own thing, he's the guy with administrative training.

1. Accept the waste generating companies: Jobs are always good, even jobs from working in refineries which create multitudes of waste. The $4Bn/yr that they're offering doesn't hurt either though. Make sure that they only dump their chemicals into the rivers after the points where we take out our supply of drinking water though.

2. Restore and Strengthen National Water Infrastructure: Thankfully, minimal damage has been done to the Infrastructure. That said, damage has been done and running water is vital for a myriad of concerns. As such, go to work repairing any damage done, while taking the opportunity to strengthen the grid against the coming strains of dumped pollutants by creating new filtration stations that will act to purge any pollutants that may make it into our water supply. We recognise that the money to do this may be lacking from the budget, so we will take out loans to a maximum value of $500M to fund this project.


No Changes.

Defense 35%
Education 5%
Health Care 10%
Law enforcement 2%
Regulation 4%
Social Programs 40%
Other 4%
This looks well and good; just be aware that it's $2Bn/year, not 4. [user]@Corvus Black [/user] was spot on with that, actually. :p

@Gunther Is the name vote separate to the plan vote?
Yes. I'm not that cruel. XD

As it is, Latveria appears to have won the voting. Congrats. :D

Likewise, FriedIce's plan seems to have won. I'll update the front page and get the update out shortly thereafter. All plans submitted thus far are pretty snazzy, but the majority of the voices in our dictator's head has spoken!
I prefer "His Most Serene Majesty, Lord of All He Surveys, True Ruler of the Balkans, King of the River, Emperor Theodore von Doom II"
So guys,

Thoughts on legalising the drug trade?

I'm aware that there are like a hundred ways that this can go wrong, but the prospect of actually having an economy that's growing is... tempting.