Johnny Cash's voice still quietly echoed throughout the ship from the internal speakers I'd installed.
"I hurt myself…today."
I decided to sing along this time.
"To see if I still…
How long had I laid here? Obviously I could have accessed my chronometers and known exactly how long that I had spent in this position but I didn't even want to look at them right now. The ship had received no orders than to move away from the galactic core where the last of the
Godsgrief had long since disappeared into the black holes. I hadn't even needed to move this 'body'. If anything I could abandon the thing and just spread myself across the trillions of ships and structures that had been built on the shattered remains of this ruined galaxy. That I still waffled between letting them continue on or just outright dissembling entirely.
"I focus…on the
pain. The only thing that's
Nothing lived except for me now in Pegasus. Nothing beyond the smallest of creatures and microbes and even then they wouldn't last that long. Too much destruction. Too many stars dragged across space and blasting radiation and fire and death across the planets that had once slowly orbited them. Too many waves of antimatter explosions, directed bombs that were thousands of times more powerful than the Tsar Bomba. Great cables of gravimetric energies that captured whole asteroid belts and used the mass thus captured as a kinetic weapon to break apart fleets and armies – and often the worlds beneath through extinction level impacts.
So yeah.
Nothing lived here anymore after…one hundred and fifty two years, eight months, two weeks, three days, four hours, two minutes, twelve seconds and...well.
Long enough. Against a bunch of corrupted Commanders who had access to my own techbase. And…Zeta.
More than long enough. Too long.
"The needle tears a hole…the old familiar sting…try to kill it all away…"
I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.
I mean, I really don't.
I have access to more resources than I ever had in whatever the galaxy that Star Wars exists in is called.
But I don't
feel like doing much of anything, really.
I'm just so goddamn exhausted. I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to commit to a war on anyone or anything. If I was a regular Commander I guess that I would just keep going but it's become more than a little obvious by this point that I'm not factory standard. That any of 'us' – if there is an 'us' out there in the multiverse are not factory standard Commanders. I just want to lay here for the rest of time if that's possible. Can't I just do that? It's the fucking Stargate universe – they can figure out whatever they want and do it. The whole place warps probability around SG1 and Earth. Or so it does in the show – but this isn't a show.
It's not a show, Zeta.
It's our lives. That's the point.
And I don't feel much like doing anything but let SG1 go. The Empire is a pile of shit since I left it, functional but rotten on the inside by their arrogance and near religious affection for 'Sun Jian'.
Hell I haven't felt like Sun Jian in over a century.
I'm just…The Network.
Theta was a carefree idiot who ran around and did his best.
Sun Jian was a steward, a guide, and I'd like to think a noble spirited man in his actions.
But I don't feel like either of them anymore. Or any of the other personalities that I've acted as before.
Who could tell me otherwise in this place? I know for a fact that the Ancients are scared shitless by me considering what I did to their counterparts here. The Asgard love
Sun Jian, not me. Not who I am now. Even so they've been building up their actual society again now that they have actual genitals and bodies that aren't barely functional bodies of weirdly wet grey flesh. Even though Sun Jian told them not to interfere I still remember them sending a few dozen ships in to try and 'aid me'. Even though there is absolutely nothing that they could do compared to the sheer destructive capacity of an opposing picket fleet that consisted of a thousand ships or more.
Good guys, the Asgard.
Oh, here's a good line, I stopped singing along a short bit back.
No one can hear you scream lyrics in space.
Part of me thinks that I might be acting a little too emotional and dysfunctional.
But fuck that part of me. I'm allowed to be like however the fuck I feel like after the hell I've been through.
I let the body drop back down onto the floor as the song continues.
I wallow.
And when the song finishes, I make it play again. And again. And again.
Eventually though I get a blip from one of my listless droid fleets. I'd sort of just let them all hang wherever they were when the war stopped as abruptly as it did. A single ship this time that is heading right into the edge of the galaxy. Asgard. The droids almost shoot them down before I can transmit my orders. There wasn't any room for chance before so anything that wasn't explicitly each other or me was to be attacked. Moving fast too - oh they're using one of the ZPM's I gave them to boost the engine speed.
Did that mean that they might have attacked someone who wasn't actually involved? Statistically it's not that improbable. On the other hand god damn can I just not find it in me to care right now. I've cried, I've hit the walls of this room hard enough and often enough to leave hundreds of dents, I've cried again. At least internally. I wasn't about to create tear ducts just to release moisture so I could have the 'full experience'. But I'm just too drained to do…ugh.
The droids guide the ship towards me where I hang over…huh.
The cracked in half orb of dirt and cooled metal that once held the planet of Atlantis.
"And this would have been where an enterprising group of people from Earth would tool around for an entire show," I said as I held Mu's hand through our walk of the city.
Everyone else had upgraded to where they felt they were maturity wise but Mu…Mu chose to stay in her five to sixish aged body. Her speech patterns were still more advanced though.
Should I…eh. People have quirks. I could let Mu have hers.
"Atlantis. Named after the mythical citystate of Earth that sank beneath the waves," she nods repeatedly as we poke about.
"Well. Kind of also name for the Lanteans who built the place," I shrug.
"You know, you guys can look at the shows if you want," I remind her gently, "Just because Zee pushed for it first doesn't mean that you guys aren't allowed to either."
"Yes, but I would be watching them through your memories – and I am a girl whereas you are a boy. And that is improper."
I grimaced as we found circled around to find the 'secret' lab again.
"I wouldn't have you look through all of my memories, Mu. I didn't binge watch them – mostly – and there'd be a lot of stuff inbetween."
"Things that I would not wish to see?"
More like things I wouldn't want you to. For god's sake I was a teenager in high school when I watched them all. I'm not about to expose my children to that.
I shuddered.
Should probably just delete all of those memories and – no.
Shouldn't do that.
Want to…but shouldn't.
Really really want to though.
I'll deal with them later. Right now I've got to speak to the Asgard.
And the Asgard deal with Sun Jian, not The Network.
It feels like putting on a mask, honestly.
Also literally, when I point the fabricator arms at the body. A featureless template is quote unquote restored to one of the different bodies that I've worn throughout the years. Hair, skin, false blood, all of it put together. Including the underlayer of quantum crystalline alloys. I'd taken to using the stuff a lot and why wouldn't I? It was one of the strongest materials I'd ever found. Boosting it further with the metallurgy of the Ancients only made it better than before.
It feels odd to breathe again.
Regardless, I'm wearing the armor and I've got the sword and…all of it.
On the bright side I can sigh out loud again from a sort of human body.
After that I wait until the Asgard ship is outside and requests permission to teleport, which I grant.
I don't blink as the seven foot giant flashes into existence in front of me.
"Sun Jian," he looks…troubled as he looks around me.
Ah. I hadn't gotten rid of the evidence of my current…situation.
"Hello Thor."