Am I making a horrible mistake?

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After what I've seen of Hackyou, he kinda started reminding me of Squidward Tentacles with "Ambiance: A Festering Crapfest" as his "Bold and Brash" (Belongs in the Trash)
Again, this is the guy who thinks shitting out 2.5 million words and constant updates means his story's better than GG, because he's going strong while I've lost my way. :V

While I have a certain love hate relationship with GG, it and KCQ seem to have had a bigger impact on the english kancolle fandom than Ambulance lol. :p
"It's hard for me not to call a no-good, lazy, incompetent, dishonest SOB by any thing else but his rightful name."
—— Harlan Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken

Came from the Edgelords thread. Also like bombed De3ta on SB.
Again, this is the guy who thinks shitting out 2.5 million words and constant updates means his story's better than GG, because he's going strong while I've lost my way. :V

While I have a certain love hate relationship with GG, it and KCQ seem to have had a bigger impact on the english kancolle fandom than Ambulance lol. :p

At least he's dedicated :p

"It's hard for me not to call a no-good, lazy, incompetent, dishonest SOB by any thing else but his rightful name."
—— Harlan Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken

Came from the Edgelords thread. Also like bombed De3ta on SB.

What do you mean?
I like GG, but what were its problems?

Well according to GG's caretaker Whiskey Golf and members of the Committee, there are PLENTY of things that need reworking with GG, as i'm not the writer, i wouldn't know, but IMHO they intend to fix issues that need to be fixed, rework the plot and the world building among other things.

Whatever it is, given the quality of their writing, i expect that they would make a good story great.

Which is why it's on hiatus pending massive massive re-write according to Whiskey.
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I like GG, but what were its problems?
The original author is a crack/comedy/slice of life author who is stronger with characterisation than worldbuilding. This can be problematic in a story that is worldbuilding heavy.

Let me put it this way: everytime sasahara17 asked a worldbuilding question or tried to worldbuild he basically kept breaking GG's setting and SoD. :/

Then you've got omakes that are jarring and don't fit the tone of the story, and then GG being written to advance a specific agenda, and the author wanting to do unreliable narrator as a thing without actually setting that up properly... anyway GG is on hiatus for a reason. If you don't know where you're going, better to stop and plan out your route instead of putting pedal to the metal and charging into the great unknown.

On the other hand, I'm very love-hate towards GG so my perspective is quite biased.
If you don't know where you're going, better to stop and plan out your route instead of putting pedal to the metal and charging into the great unknown.

Let's just call this "Doing the Ambience", in honor of A:AFS :p

On the other hand, I'm very love-hate towards GG so my perspective is quite biased.

Pffttt, for someone who is "biased", you are pretty fair in your judgement....and besides every one of us has biasness to a degree ins something anyway.
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I like GG, but what were its problems?
Personally, the most notable problem is the disparate capabilities of the characters chosen. On one side we have ship-girls like Enterprise and San Diego, notable for their impressive performance during the war. If you don't know what Enterprise did, you should look it up, the list is to long to include here. One of the largest complaints of the crew of San Diego was that they never got shore leave because they were to good at their job and nobody could ever damage her.

On the other we have ship-girls like Tenryuu and Hibiki, who just aren't. Hibiki even has an in-game line which mentions that the secret to her success was the lucky timing of her repairs. Tenryuu was out of date when the war started and had been relegated to a training unit. Her captain had to beg to even get combat assignments. She sank escorting a convoy when she was misidentified as one of the transports in the convoy.

While you could fix this by substituting more notable Japanese ship-girls (desdiv 16 comes to mind) or less notable American ship-girls, changing half the cast is such a fundamental change it's not clear you're even telling the same story. I'm pretty sure this is what @sasahara17 meant when he worried that his lead was coming across as a Mary Sue.

Personally, the most notable problem is the disparate capabilities of the characters chosen. On one side we have ship-girls like Enterprise and San Diego, notable for their impressive performance during the war. If you don't know what Enterprise did, you should look it up, the list is to long to include here. One of the largest complaints of the crew of San Diego was that they never got shore leave because they were to good at their job and nobody could ever damage her.

On the other we have ship-girls like Tenryuu and Hibiki, who just aren't. Hibiki even has an in-game line which mentions that the secret to her success was the lucky timing of her repairs. Tenryuu was out of date when the war started and had been relegated to a training unit. Her captain had to beg to even get combat assignments. She sank escorting a convoy when she was misidentified as one of the transports in the convoy.

While you could fix this by substituting more notable Japanese ship-girls (desdiv 16 comes to mind) or less notable American ship-girls, changing half the cast is such a fundamental change it's not clear you're even telling the same story. I'm pretty sure this is what @sasahara17 meant when he worried that his lead was coming across as a Mary Sue.

GG had problems, but DesDiv 6's lack of combat rep was not one of them.
"The world is a cruel place. That's why I make my worlds even worse." -Hideous no Hackyou

Oh dear Deities, that is Retarded (Please Excuse the word)! That is a really stupid excuse for writing. Sure Grimdark is Fine, BUT ONLY WHEN DONE PROPERLY! And the world is indeed Cruel, SO YOU MAKE IT BETTER!

*Exhale* Sorry...It's Just...I need a calming drink and an MP3 player with stereo headphones. I need to patch myself up from all this Edge. This is as bad as Hatred. *Pukes*
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This contaminated edgeness needs

DELETION by the Broken One, Matt Hardy and the Seven Deities.

I'll probably pit Damon and Broken Matt to a Final Deletion type match were the winner, will take over the Ambience universe.

Though I don't know if it'll make the universe worse or the Broken Brilliance will open every broken person's potential.

Sorry, I'm into the Broken Matt gimmick.
Ambulance had updated while we were not looking.

I'm not sure how spoilers are treated so I hope this is fine:
At the end of Chapter 252, we find out Shoukaku has a daughter from the repeated rapes by...The Abyssal? Now we come to chapter 253.

Damon lays the blame on Sanford for daring to make shipgirls too sexy that men can't keep their dick in their pants around them (unless you were one of the main characters in this shitshow).
"Of fucking course I'm askin' you, bitch!" Damon suddenly roars, his heightened voice pounding through the cafeteria. The elderly patients enjoying their evening coffee glance over in Damon's direction, murmuring about how noisy young people are. "You're one 'a the ones who decided to build the girls as these ship girls that make every degenerate fuckin' human male wanna fuckin' bang 'em like there's no tomorrow! Even motherfuckin' Blackwood wanted to shag up my whole fucking fleet, never mind the British fleet, too! What does that say, huh?!"

"And you're really blamin' me for that? Really, kid?" Sanford retorts in a dangerously low voice.

"Who the fuck else do I got to blame then, huh?" Damon takes a dangerous step of his own to confront his godfather.

The comes the whole part of Shipgirl Reproduction(tm)!
[...] Damon raises his hands up to control the conversation. "Answer me this first: can ship girls reproduce or not? Or is Shoukaku's case just a one-time fluke?"
Sanford gives him a strange look. "What the hell are you talkin' about? Of course ship girls can reproduce, their anatomies are based on human anatomies, you dumbfuck," he retorts. "It's shouldn't come as a surprise at all that Shoukaku was able to conceive and give birth, if that's what you're talking about."
"No, not just that, you ass. Then if that's the case, then why haven't there been any other cases of ship girl pregnancies in the fleet? I don't mean to bring up bad memories, but Kisaragi, Nagato, and, and...who I missing someone..."
These battle androids....cyborgs? needs reproductive capabilities because....? Maybe they were planned to be breeding sows (after their battle"usability" is done) from the beginning, what the fuck, Sanford.

"If they were, we'd'a known right away through the operating chambers, so don't worry about anyone hiding a pregnancy from us," Sanford dismisses Damon's concern. "We knew that there might always be a possibility that our girls may be subjected to an unfortunate incident at some point or another, so we've programmed their bodies to be able to control their ovulation cycles specifically to prevent unwanted pregnancies. That's what Nagato was doing when we found her in Charlotte, and maybe Suzuya was doin' the same thing subconsciously. Kisaragi didn't get pregnant 'cause they found her when she wasn't even reactivated, remember? So there was no way she could'a gotten knocked up. And even then, in case an unwanted pregnancy does happen, because maybe a ship girl forgot to cancel an ovulation cycle or something like that, they'll immediately know if their eggs've been fertilized and have the option to abort the fetus within four weeks of conception. But once they get past four weeks, they can't abort anymore, and the fetus keeps growin'."
"And how long does a ship girl pregnancy last? Is it any different than a normal human pregnancy?"
"It should still be normal at nine months."
No comment.

So Shoukaku had some accelerated pregnancy and gave birth to a daughter who also had accelerated growth to become around Jeannie's age. Now they have to find her.

"So wait, if - if a ship girl gives birth to a child, is that child automatically considered a ship girl?" Damon asks, realizing he should've asked a question like this sooner. "And what if the kid's a boy? What, are they...ship 'boys'?"
"Nope. We'd already tried theoretical offspring production with the ship girls, but it turns out all male offspring that ship girls produce won't be genetically viable for standard ship girl duty; only the females, oddly enough, have the proper genetics to be ship girls, so 'ship boys' is an impossibility."
"Well, shit, so much for meninism. Is this like Infinite Stratos all over again or what?"
"Something like it."
"Just like my Japanese animes!!"

There is a "kill switch" in every shipgirl that can permenantly shut down and have to be scrapped. Damon yells at Sanford about it as usual.
And then after that, my eyes skimmed over the chapter.
The original author is a crack/comedy/slice of life author who is stronger with characterisation than worldbuilding. This can be problematic in a story that is worldbuilding heavy.

Let me put it this way: everytime sasahara17 asked a worldbuilding question or tried to worldbuild he basically kept breaking GG's setting and SoD. :/

Then you've got omakes that are jarring and don't fit the tone of the story, and then GG being written to advance a specific agenda, and the author wanting to do unreliable narrator as a thing without actually setting that up properly... anyway GG is on hiatus for a reason. If you don't know where you're going, better to stop and plan out your route instead of putting pedal to the metal and charging into the great unknown.

On the other hand, I'm very love-hate towards GG so my perspective is quite biased.
It's been a while since I read anything GG, but I remember one of the complaints was unequal retribution based off of WW2 activity?
Yorktown went through hell while an Abyssal, while Kaga did worse things in WW2 but is relatively unscathed from having karma applied to her.
Sorry, I can't really explain it...