Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
What the flying fuck. What the hell. No. No. Just no. What the hell.


This man needs help. From an institution or something.

I would like to register agreement with this general sentiment... *drinks*

Just keep pouring it in after I've passed out, we're gonna need to go past the point of dying through alcohol poisoning for this.
Hello boys the latest Ambulance chapter is out.........and let's get this out of the way, the "fight scene" in which Damon engages Asshat President, is a combination of CoD:MW3/Bleach/MGS:Revengeance.

How so??, it includes stupid things like playing music in a fight, the president augmented by nanomachines and Damon getting saved by Iowa in the same way that Captain Price saves Soap from Shepard, even the manner in which the president dies is a ripoff from how Soap kills Shepard i.e throwing a knife into the eye.

But i could have overlooked the sheer cheesiness of this horrible fight, had the MC been likeable and had the world building made sense......but nope.....because apparently that's too hard to ask!

Ohh and the kicker from all of this, Damon has SUPER POWERZ!!!, called the "The Yellow Reality Canceller" yippeeee!!!......

honestly.....when i read this...i turn off my brain and decide to have "fun"'s the only way to enjoy this.
I would just like to draw attention to the redundancy of this quote:
"You want to use the ship girls to give birth to your own personal task force," Damon snarls.

Blackwood holds up a finger.

"It doesn't stop there, I'm afraid. They will not be giving birth to just any personal task force; they will be giving birth to my personal task force. I will personally provide the means of insemination for each and every single one of them."
Is the President just an idiot with no grasp of the English language?

If you're British, don't answer that question. I think I know your answer.

Anyway, overly redundant to a fault as "...your own personal task force,"" and " my personal task force." are practically the same thing! Now, I understand the connotations of the words, but I can't help but feel that this is a grammatical failing. I mean, it's full-on English Failure Major here.

I mean, yeah, it's disgusting, but I would pay money for an English professor to show up just to lecture them about the proper nature of the language that they are using. Post-apocalyptic setting is no excuse for poor diction and articulation.
At this point I would be totally fine with using the terrible thing that is Critics United to call upon the mighty banhammer on this thing. Right now I'd argue that this is little more than some sort of twisted revenge fic out to farm as much salt as Tanaka or something.

It's just absurd. What could drive a person to write this? Personal experiences? Boredom? Revenge? Anger? Depression? Why?
At this point I would be totally fine with using the terrible thing that is Critics United to call upon the mighty banhammer on this thing. Right now I'd argue that this is little more than some sort of twisted revenge fic out to farm as much salt as Tanaka or something.

It's just absurd. What could drive a person to write this? Personal experiences? Boredom? Revenge? Anger? Depression? Why?
I'm convinced he uses this "story" to farm the intelligence of anyone who reads it.
At this point I would be totally fine with using the terrible thing that is Critics United to call upon the mighty banhammer on this thing. Right now I'd argue that this is little more than some sort of twisted revenge fic out to farm as much salt as Tanaka or something.

It's just absurd. What could drive a person to write this? Personal experiences? Boredom? Revenge? Anger? Depression? Why?

What is Critics United?...first time o heard of it.

I thought you liked Wisconsin, and yet here you are with Unryuu as your pic :p

To answer your question, it's his journey.

Edit : A journey to where...i do not know.
Last edited:
What is Critics United?...first time o heard of it.

A bunch of hacks who go around and purge legitimate fanfiction because it doesn't adhere to their strange and arbitrary guidelines.

I thought you liked Wisconsin, and yet here you are with Unryuu as your pic :p

Wisky is my wife. So I was slightly annoyed when I saw her in this 'fic and, to absolutely no one's surprise, falling in love with Damon.
bunch of hacks who go around and purge legitimate fanfiction because it doesn't adhere to their strange and arbitrary guidelines.

I do not think it would be wise to endorse such a group....but many thanks for telling what Critics United is Icy! :).

Wisky is my wife. So I was slightly annoyed when I saw her in this 'fic and, to absolutely no one's surprise, falling in love with Damon.

Well it could be alot wor-....i hope i didn't jinx it.
You know, based on what I have seen in this thread, I Thank the Good Gods (Both Real and Fictional) that I know Jack Shit About Ambulance: A Fleet Cacophony's story and lore. It's utterly Nonsensical.
You know, based on what I have seen in this thread, I Thank the Good Gods (Both Real and Fictional) that I know Jack Shit About Ambulance: A Fleet Cacophony's story and lore. It's utterly Nonsensical.
Oh, no no no, if it was nonsensical it'd be better. Instead, it's got just enough sense to piss me off.
Be careful though.

I starting to have the inkling that Hackyuu is trying to troll us by making shit even more ludicrous.

I could bet on it - he's dickish enough to do that.
It's mere hours before the next chapter of the fic is due to be posted, but I've got some pasta for you guys.

Before that though, please ensure that you have read previous pasta De3ta reads....Ambience: A Fleet Symphony. | Page 23

Read that? Good.

Now the following excerpt is from the most recent chapter at the time of this post, but first a brief summary.

After the team fought their way through the countless floors of an underground bunker beneath the White House's remains, Damon moves in to one particular chamber within the bowels of the facility confront President Blackwood alone, as he was the person that, according to Eagle, stood the best chance of getting out of the confrontation alive. As Blackwood starts talking, we're met with a rather nasty surprise.

Remember what happened in the previous pasta? Well get a load of this......

On either side of this large lane stand rows and rows of large containment cells all filled with a clear liquid. Each of them contains a single naked girl fitted with a breathing apparatus over her nose and mouth. The identities of these girls being held inside these containment cells are obvious, but Damon doesn't even glance at any one of them, simply walking slowly past them, as though concentrating on the sound of his own footsteps echoing throughout the empty, silent lab. As he passes, the girls in the containment cells press their hands against their cells, watching him walk past with his eyes fixed straight forward. Along the way, Damon spies out of the corners of his eyes nine containment cells that appear markedly different - the liquids in them are colored, and the girls in them are much more restrained, having their arms tied up above their heads and their ankles bound together with steel rings. Damon can also see who they are, but he chooses not to look at them...he doesn't know how much anger he can contain if he dares to look at them.

So what are those things for? We'll let President Blackwood himself explain.

"Earlier I mentioned that the Genesis Thesis Project was intended to be a program to raise genetically modified children born with a natural resistance to nuclear radiation and train them from an early age to become my personal soldiers? Ultimately, due to the overwhelming failure of the Project, I had to do away with that project, with your survival being a mere useless afterthought. However, very recently, another idea came to mind that operates on very similar principles to the ones I had had at the conception of the Genesis Thesis Project. The concept of using pregnant women and their fetuses was not the problem; the problem laid in the fact that human beings are far too fragile; human lives are taken far too easily, and I'm sure you understand firsthand what I mean by this. Too many complications can occur that can result in the abortion of a fetus or the early death of a newborn baby...the mother dies before the fetus is born, the fetus is aborted for some reason, the newborn baby contracts a life-threatening illness and dies, etc. The problem that I saw with the Genesis Thesis Project was the fact that I was using human test subjects. I think you can see where I am trying to go with this."

"You want to use the ship girls to give birth to your own personal task force," Damon snarls.

Blackwood holds up a finger.

"It doesn't stop there, I'm afraid. They will not be giving birth to just any personal task force; they will be giving birth to my personal task force. I will personally provide the means of insemination for each and every single one of them."

Somehow, that doesn't surprise Damon. Blackwood gestures out to the rows upon rows of containment cells.

"These naval personnel are perfect for this. They are human enough to the point where their anatomies practically mimic natural human anatomies perfectly; however, their bodies are resilient enough to endure multiple pregnancies and childbirths...theoretically, an indefinite number of pregnancy and childbirth cycles," Blackwood claims calmly. "They will manufacture the armies of America. When this project is fully realized, I have no need for a pitiful human army that is incompetent and prone to failure. With this new army of fleet personnel, failure will be the word of yesterday, and they will help build America to become the great country that I was once proud of as a child. Additionally, there is no Geneva Convention to stop this. There is no more United Nations to stop what I am doing. The nuclear apocalypse provides for many freedoms, Mr. Polchow. In an international state of anarchy, only those who formulate the winning plans and the winning agendas for international success will be left standing, while all other nations perish in the process. And the best part about this is that I can claim to the American people, should word of this ever leak out to the public, that I am doing this for the sake of our country's national security and future, that ethical boundaries must be broken and personal freedoms must be temporarily shackled for the sake of national security. And if anyone dares to disagree with me, then all I must do is label them treasonous and unpatriotic and order them to be removed from society. There is no stopping this, Mr. Polchow, you must understand. No one will be able to stop this. Not even you."

Damon goes back to saying nothing. The President begins to walk down the small steps to reach the bottom of the stairs.

"You know this very well yourself, Mr. Polchow," Blackwood murmurs. "You, having grown up by yourself for the past sixteen years, fending for yourself, living only for yourself - you know what it means when they say 'the survival of the fittest'. And by corollary, you must also know what it means when they say that history is written by the victor, for only those who are left standing after the dust has settled will live to tell the tale. I'm sure you understand it perfectly."

So, the shit that happened in my previous copypasta? Well, depending on which one of those two men emerge from the chamber victorious, it's going to potentially happen again, and this time it'll be multiple times worse.

WHY..... WHY...... :cry: :mad:

I have no idea which shipgirls are in their... no no I don't want to know. But at least Car Div 2 is not involve in this fic, yet Iowa and my future waifu Enterprise in this slaughterhouse, at first, hey US shipgirls finally, then seeing this... oh god...

Need to counter this with more Fallout Kancolle crossover one shots and chapter 2 of Pear Harbor and Far Harbor.... after the event, damn E4 M..

But I'm ready for some intervention, let me am em, let me at em....:mad:
Hello boys the latest Ambulance chapter is out.........and let's get this out of the way, the "fight scene" in which Damon engages Asshat President, is a combination of CoD:MW3/Bleach/MGS:Revengeance.

How so??, it includes stupid things like playing music in a fight, the president augmented by nanomachines and Damon getting saved by Iowa in the same way that Captain Price saves Soap from Shepard, even the manner in which the president dies is a ripoff from how Soap kills Shepard i.e throwing a knife into the eye.

But i could have overlooked the sheer cheesiness of this horrible fight, had the MC been likeable and had the world building made sense......but nope.....because apparently that's too hard to ask!

Ohh and the kicker from all of this, Damon has SUPER POWERZ!!!, called the "The Yellow Reality Canceller" yippeeee!!!......

honestly.....when i read this...i turn off my brain and decide to have "fun"'s the only way to enjoy this.

TTW You are so unbelievebly angry, sad, and confused at once your emotional state can be summed up with-

Yes this is a Happy Idol-esque remix of Nuclear, I do not know what or why, but it feels pretty fucking fitting.