De3ta Plays: Bloodborne.....Prepare for So'Domy

Heh. That's for Daddy G. It stuns him. But you already beat him, and I don't think it has any other use.
It does one of the penultimate bosses flinches when it's used.

Also @De3ta a trick to fighting the Blood Starved Beast is the fact that unlike every other boss the Pungent Blood Cocktails work on him, which can be used to buy yourself some breathing room or get in a few cheap shots. Also as I stated earlier the best way to dodge it's charge attack is to dodge towards it and for it's regular attacks it's a good idea to dodge left (and in general try to keep in it's left) also you can stagger it when it raises one of it's arms to attack, I can't remember which but I think it's the left one.
It does one of the penultimate bosses flinches when it's used.

Also @De3ta a trick to fighting the Blood Starved Beast is the fact that unlike every other boss the Pungent Blood Cocktails work on him, which can be used to buy yourself some breathing room or get in a few cheap shots. Also as I stated earlier the best way to dodge it's charge attack is to dodge towards it and for it's regular attacks it's a good idea to dodge left (and in general try to keep in it's left) also you can stagger it when it raises one of it's arms to attack, I can't remember which but I think it's the left one.

Really, "forward and to the left" ought to be the default dodge your muscle memory reverts to for this game. Much like Father Gascoigne's beast form teaches you "don't dodge backwards or things will jump at you and kill you," BSB teaches you "when in doubt, go left."
And then there are the later bosses that force you to unlearn all of that. It's great.
Note: Expect no updates for a few days 'till my router is fixed. Can't upload the Cap's until then.
While I'm unable to update, I implore you to argue discuss, the finer points of Bloodborne with @AnonymousRabbit .

Rabi say's axes are for shits an I need da swoard. What do?
Personally, I'm of the unpopular mindset that the threaded cane is a piece of garbage. Whip mode is slow like really slow without the satisfying thunk of heavy weapons.

The very boring saw cleaver and saw axe are super reliable weapons for most of the game. Kirkhammer is also very reliable. All the DLC weapons are pretty good too.
Honestly, every weapon in Bloodborne is awesome and is something you could finish the game with. (And each of them has their own weaknesses in particular situations.) The key is to find the moveset that best suits your tastes. Do you like fast weapons and spamming R1? Do you like big, slow weapons that apply lots of damage with single strikes? Do you like dashing in, getting 1-2 hits, and dashing out again? Do you like to play more passively and bait enemy attacks into walking into the teeth of your damage? Whatever your preferred playstyle is, there's a weapon to suit your tastes.

(Me, I'm primarily saw trash--cleaver, spear, or Whirligig, with a side order of Blade of Mercy.)
*Hides face in shame*

I.....I just realized Coldblood dews give you that R1 needs to be held down for visceral attacks......*Tries to disappear into coat*
I just realized Coldblood dews give you echos

Eh, that just means you have a metric assload of souls in backlog now. I'd just spend every single one of them on vials and be done with it so you don't have to worry about farming bullshit.

Also, I love molotovs, they saved me from even needing to fight Gascoigne's third form.
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Eh, that just means you have a metric assload of souls in backlog now. I'd just spend every single one of them on vials and be done with it so you don't have to worry about farming bullshit.

Also, I love molotovs, they saved me from even needing to fight Gascoigne's third form.

Dude, no. It is never necessary to buy vials and frankly you never should.
In all fairness, it's often faster to farm echoes for buying vials than it is to farm vials directly. And while I never need to farm vials now, on my first couple of runs in NG I ran out regularly. (I definitely do not recall with fondness, for example, having to farm bullets in Central Yharnam while I was struggling to get past Father Gascoigne on my first playthrough.)

Given that this is De3ta's first playthrough and he's not doing something like a BL10 challenge run, he's probably better off investing the coldblood echoes in a few levels, though. Some extra VIT is always useful.
Kirkhammer is a great weapon for your first playthrough, because it can output fast and disengagable damage in one mode and slow, stunning damage in its two-handed form. It's rolling R1's are amazing, as is its two-handed charge attack (which can notably be followed up with another heavy attack, which will save your life someday).

It also looks awesome.

I would suggest getting your health to 1000 and your endurance to 100. After that, start pouring more points into whatever stat directly governs your primary weapons damage, and arcane if you intend to use some Hunter's Tools.
Both are DLC though so he's not getting them for a long time.
Tips for the newbie!

- Much of this game can be summed up as, "Press Circle to Not Die"
=> The flow of combat revolves around reacting to enemy action. Meaning, bait enemy attack => dodge/parry => punish.
=> The exception to this big weapons with good reach on their R2. I don't recommend doing this as this teaches bad habits that bosses ruthlessly punish and also denies you practice learning to dance around enemy movesets.
=> Transformation attacks (L1) generally do extra damage and can sometimes make the difference in whether you finish off an opponent in one combo or not.

- Sometimes the safest place to be is right up next to the enemy as long as you're hugging their flank or rear. The front is usually a general cone of death so don't be there.
=> So except under very rare circumstances you want to be dodging to the side or towards the enemy, rarely straight back.

- If a boss or area is giving you trouble go somewhere else. For example you can skip the BSB and go to the Cathedral Ward instead. If the Vicar is giving you trouble you can just advance to Charnel Lane without beating her. Etc.