De3ta Plays: Bloodborne.....Prepare for So'Domy

*Current status*


*Pretty good all things considered.*
The very boring saw cleaver and saw axe are super reliable weapons for most of the game. Kirkhammer is also very reliable. All the DLC weapons are pretty good too.

The Hunter's Axe is probably the most reliable weapon in the game. It does great damage, has a great moveset and has the power of spin2win. It's not the coolest weapon in base game, and if you include the DLC it's far from the coolest, but from my experience it has no clear weaknesses. The transforms on it are insane.

obviously if you really want to mess with somebody you roll transformed reiter + bone ashed cannon but at that point you are lost to the old blood
The problem I have with the axe is that it is functional but very boring.
The Hunter's Axe is probably the most reliable weapon in the game. It does great damage, has a great moveset and has the power of spin2win. It's not the coolest weapon in base game, and if you include the DLC it's far from the coolest, but from my experience it has no clear weaknesses. The transforms on it are insane.

obviously if you really want to mess with somebody you roll transformed reiter + bone ashed cannon but at that point you are lost to the old blood

its easy as fuck to punish the spin to win in pvp.
I kind of wish it had Gascoigne's sweet attack where he drags the blade along the ground. That spray of sparks always got me motivated.

My problem with using the axe is that I wanted another horizontal sweep in the two handed move set but instead I get a stupid jab.

I'm too used to using the Threaded Cane for crowd control.
My big problem with the axe was always that I kept screwing up the timing whenever I tried to use it 1H (too used to saw/BoM/LHB/Reiter). And the 2H forms seemed rather restrictive in its moveset compared to, say, the LHB or Rifle Spear. Then I got my hands on the Whirligig Saw and found that except for the charged R2 spinny move it basically does everything that the axe does, but better and in tricked mode with serration.
De3ta is bad at Screencaps.
Well due to my own incompetence and some factory-reset fuckary, the Old Yharnem bit up to the Blood-Starved beast is going to be a little screwy.
So I was making this half-hardheartedly from the loss of decent screencaps and I decided, Fuck it, let's try something else for a change!
( I'll link the solo fight with Brian Williams here because I've already uploaded the fucker.)


So after overcoming my own poor sense of direction, I find myself facing some Hobos and their dogs in front of what seems to be a church. They're a little tougher than their brothers in central Yharnem, but I dispose of them with minimal effort.

The front door leads to nothing but a poorly planned ambush by a Cleaver toting madman, and the discovery of Madman's Knowledge. One of these day's I'm just gonna use'em all at once and see what the fuck happens.

Going around the side, I find a stairs the just scream ambush. I rush for the top and get pounced on by the mange-ridden hounds and blasted by a Gunner. Making a tactical retreat *Read: Running like a little bitch* I kill the hounds and their master.

On the second floor I find a switch, opening up a secret passage underneath.

I also meet a Healing Church hunter, who isn't insane! I could not believe it either but it's true!

We chat for a bit, and learn some information about the Healing Church and how it operates. *I'll go back for the specifics at a later time, I apologize.*

We find a damned beast waiting below, but in a rare case of me improving I manage to subdue the lone wolf.

After a bit of climbing I find a Lantern to the dream, and a door with an inauspicious note, warning me to stay away from Old Yharnem.

I say fuck that guy, and barge on in. Getting greeted by this 'Lovely' face.

I had no clue what these things were called so I did some searching (The Wiki) and apparently these are know as "Beast Patients," I have nothing more than that does not bode well.

It pains me to do so, but I swap out my Pistol for a Torch to exploit their fear of fire to it's fullest. It does its job excellently, occasionally causing these beasts to recoil in horror at times instead of attacking, letting me pick them off one by one.

Oh, and some asshat keeps warning me to go back 'or else', what a fuckin chu-

*Machine Gun to the face*

........Oh for fucks sake!

After fighting my way through Beasts and bullets, with the help of @ninjafish I manage to get close enough to!

Not kill him at all because the fucker ran away!........*Sigh*

Well, that seems ominous.

Huh, seems clear so-


Also, I'm pretty sure that part at the end there *You'll know it when you see it* My dog jumped on me, hence me having an episode.

That went about as well as I expected.
Wait...Djura ran away???? did take the ladder up to the top of his tower right?

I'm pretty sure he was gone because i broke off, did a Old yharnam Yolo and murdered Djura while De3ta was going the slow way.

he really kinda glossed half the stuff that happened during our run together. did he get the Djura badge or no?

I got the badge, but the guy fucked off and wasn't there!

I'm pretty sure he was gone because i broke off, did a Old yharnam Yolo and murdered Djura while De3ta was going the slow way.

he really kinda glossed half the stuff that happened during our run together.

After I noticed II lost/ didn't capp all of ti I gave up on most of it. Only thing lost of note was the Brian WIlliams fight and me running off the ladder to my death.
Aww, you missed out on getting the best gesture in the entire game.

Dust Off OP, PLZ nerf.

Observations on your fighting style (looking at your fight with the BSB): you are way too heavy on the trigger finger, wasting boolets. The other thing is that you need to spend more time hovering juuuuust outside of the BSBs range trying to bait attacks in order to get a better feel for its tells. Once you figure those out shoot him in the face during the middle of his attack, then dodge in and R1 him for the visceral. You didn't go through the crucible of Papa Guacamole like you should have so its best that you learn how to do this here. The werewolves of Yharnam (the dudes withe the spears or rack thingy that are right in front of Papa G's lantern) are also good practice for this technique.
Aww, you missed out on getting the best gesture in the entire game.

Dust Off OP, PLZ nerf.

Observations on your fighting style (looking at your fight with the BSB): you are way too heavy on the trigger finger, wasting boolets. The other thing is that you need to spend more time hovering juuuuust outside of the BSBs range trying to bait attacks in order to get a better feel for its tells. Once you figure those out shoot him in the face during the middle of his attack, then dodge in and R1 him for the visceral. You didn't go through the crucible of Papa Guacamole like you should have so its best that you learn how to do this here. The werewolves of Yharnam (the dudes withe the spears or rack thingy that are right in front of Papa G's lantern) are also good practice for this technique.

This was before I lost my internet for a week and (Via @AnonymousRabbit 's parry peer pressure) Got Gud comparatively. I think. I have like two more Boss fights recorded so I may still be just as bad.
This Boss fight is Hell
"Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag (And Smile, Smile, Smile)"

While in the dream, we go and talk to Gherman. He tells us if we need more power to seek out the "Holy Chalice," to partake in Communion as "all Hunters have before."

Sounds to me like a Dungeon of sorts, that should be filled with all sorts of horrid critters to fight.

Ah almost forgot, this Chalice reveals the "Tomb of the Gods," So odds are there's some lore to be found as well. Hmm, advice from Gherman and a funnel to a boss area to continue. Me think's that this item resides in Old Yharnem. and You know what that meaaaaaaaaaaaans!

Grinding for Vials because De3ta is a little shit!

Then we go for the boss!

But first we get some talking with the Doll! Because Doll is the best and should always be talked too, even when It's the repeating Dialoug-Oh shti new stuff!

So we learn that the Graves located around the Hunters dream are to all other Hunters slain, surprisingly makes the field of Tombstones less morbid.

We find a little girl near the shortcut to the Aqueduct. I didn't even know this was here.

She want's us to look for her mother, who left to find her father after he went out on the hunt. Knowing hunters in this city, I can only assume the worst. I agree to look for her mom, or what's left of her....

She also gives me a music box, it played her fathers favorite song on it-*Realizes the location*.....Oh dear....*Wiki's*...Father Gorganzol-Ohhhhhh no.

I coulda used this before!

Oh and her parents are dead. Shite.

So i do horribly once again, I dodge at all the wrong times, use heavy attacks in the wrong places, and shoot like it's going out of style. I at least make some sort of a comeback after I use the fire paper, I dodge to the left far more at least. Then the Insta-kill move. Suuuuuuuuuuch Bullshit!

This time I start off a lot stronger. In that I seem to have a bit of a plan going into it. I still fuck up by not stocking up on molly's, and my misunderstanding of how Blood Cocktails work is an embarrassing site. But I keep a fair distance off right in the creatures face the entire time.

Surprise surprise actually Shoot well! I mean at the time I still didn't know how to Visceral so i missed a good one, But shit I got one to trigger! Progress!

Also I did have Molotovs, I just seem to have forgotten them when i threw said cocktail. I am a dummy.

Then once the BSB reaches form two we just sorta strafe and pussyfoot at each other for a bit. Before I go back to missing every god damn throw I do.

I activate my last fire paper, shit goes down, I survive by the skin of my teeth!

And then I get instakilled.



Changing around the format to get these out faster/burn through the backlog so I can play the game again.

Sorry for the latness, Tests/Sick/Kancolle has ruined my life/I'm doing a Let's read and holyfuckshit is it baaaaaad.
Well, technically those are just grab moves. A lot of bosses have them, and they all hurt like hell, but they aren't instakill as such. Not like that one move a later boss has.