De3ta Plays: Bloodborne.....Prepare for So'Domy

Actually are you going to ring your bell? I can show you something neat that most people miss on thier first run through old yharnam.
So How long did it take you to notice I had 0 Vials on me?
Just push through, all you need to do is kill the boss and then get killed to access one of the best early game farming spots.
Question: Can I stop the AA guy before I fight Brian Williams again?

EDIT: Oh dear god I lost Ninjafish
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Question: Cna I stop the AA guy before I fight Brian Williams again?
Yes, if you run past him and scramble up the ladder. He won't follow you up.

The trick is killing the AA guy since he is really dangerous with his weapons and to makes matters worse the area you fight him in is very small. My suggestion is to target lock him the moment you get to the top of the second ladder and unload bullets until he falls off the edge. The you can come back and get his Hunters Badge.
Yes, if you run past him and scramble up the ladder. He won't follow you up.

The trick is killing the AA guy since he is really dangerous with his weapons and to makes matters worse the area you fight him in is very small. My suggestion is to target lock him the moment you get to the top of the second ladder and unload bullets until he falls off the edge. The you can come back and get his Hunters Badge.

Come on really?

Doesn't matter, if you still want my help I'm still here.

Did you get Djura's (Gatling dudes) item?

If it wasn't there, it will be this time.

I'll get more supplies from the dream then consider my bell rung.
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Being Leeroy Jenkins is not shameful in Bloodborne. I have been Leeory Jenkined bosses before, or well a boss. You will know which one it is when you reach it. What matter is that at least one time you aren't Leeroy Jenkins, but Saitama.