De3ta Plays: Bloodborne.....Prepare for So'Domy

Okay, lemme just explain my reasoning, here. You were poking around the entrance, and I wasn't sure which path you were gonna take.
Thing is, if you take the piggy path, you have to go full charge, or it makes a charge of its own, oneshotting you.
If you delayed a few more seconds, then took the piggy path instead of the ladder, you'd have gotten oneshot, so I made a battlefield decision.

*Nods firmly*

During my grind I actually got charged, but somehow survived it.
That was decidedly underwhelming considering the Hype. I don't just mean that 'cause Nani was here either. The worst it coulda done was take Mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe another try, possibly two.

*Fucking seriously?*

I have more issues with the bigger creatures I guess. or Numbers, numbers are ass.
Yeah... I should've let you try it on your own, at least a couple times.
From the playthroughs I've watched, first two forms are difficult, but not enough to kill you too badly.
Problem is the third form, which, if you remember from the first fight, can kill you with one convo, if you dodge wrong. This is meant to teach you that sometimes, you should really dodge around the enemy, since dodging back doesn't take you out of his reach on that one.
Brian Williams is the best. Your first real hunter fight. With Blood-vial spamming and everything.

He's not even the boss!

So it's far game? :p
(I kid)


*Is playing* *Power goes out*


*Minutes later* *Power on*

Oh thank go-

*Goes out*


*Goes back on*


*Is anger than it really is due to frustrations of Bb*
Please tell me I get to kill him?
You can get to him. He makes Daddy G look like a pussy. Besides, he's optional, so I wouldn't bother. Just get to the boss.
Now you see why I planned to invade there, imagine fighting me while that is happening.
Yo, @De3ta, tag me and Sin when you're ready. He can't invade you unless you ring the bell, and I think just you against him + Bullshit would be kinda unfair.
I am dedicated.

As in, I already had a Maria build, but made a new one when I found out people can display character names of partners instead of just usernames.
And then I used a video guide to sculpt the face.

Oh, whose did you use? I use Large Messenger's for my Doll/Maria cosplay character, but I'm a little dissatisfied with the set of the eyes; they're a little too wide-set so that they look bulgy from the wrong angle.