I almost regret participating. Really, most people die like five times to him, from what I've heard. Maybe I should let you fight the next one alone...
I think the reason Father Pepperoni kills people so much is that he's a big departure from the boss fight immediately before him. you have a guy who moves like a hunter, not like a giant monster, but he still hits like a monster. and then there's having to worry about terrain, which would also be new...
You don't actually need the key. It's just a "Oh, well you don't want to go to bullet rain town and get chewed up by a starving beast? Fiiiiine, we'll let you buy your way in."
You don't actually need the key. It's just a "Oh, well you don't want to go to bullet rain town and get chewed up by a starving beast? Fiiiiine, we'll let you buy your way in."
A scaling, actually. They're really handy for early-game Arcane builds. (...if you don't cheese out like I did and start your Arcane build off a physical template.)
I have to agree with @Ser_Serendipity, though. Father Gascoigne and the Blood-Starved Beast, especially, are bosses meant to measure your mastery of basic game mechanics such as parrying, dodging, backstabbing, visceral attacks, and item use in combat. Of course, that's also why they both catch a lot of early-game rage from new players.
A scaling, actually. They're really handy for early-game Arcane builds. (...if you don't cheese out like I did and start your Arcane build off a physical template.)
I have to agree with @Ser_Serendipity, though. Father Gascoigne and the Blood-Starved Beast, especially, are bosses meant to measure your mastery of basic game mechanics such as parrying, dodging, backstabbing, visceral attacks, and item use in combat. Of course, that'Is also why they both catch a lot of early-game rage from new players.
Oh! Did that thing bash my head a few too many times-
-or is that Doll from before standing?........Should I got poke it?
*No you should try and ta-*
I'mma Poke it!
Doll: Honorable Hunter, hunt the echos of blood, you will hunt beasts...and I will be here for you, to embolden your sickly spirit.
*Pinches arm*
Ow!.........okay, I'm not hallucinating.
This is the first person I've run into that was both nice, and not a door.
Doll: Have you spoken with Gehrman? He was a hunter long, long ago, but now serves only to advise them.
Oh my god two of them! This is the greatest day ever!
Doll: Still he stays here in this dream....such is his purpose.
I can now into Jolly Cooperation!
..........No idea what any of that means, but I guess it'll be useful later.
Oh! I guess I'll not be looting it.........that means that old bats house is fair game!
Gehrman?: I am.......Gehrman, friend to you hunters.
Gehrman: Your sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts, it's for your own good. You know it's just what hunter do! you'll get use to it........
I have a feeling Old Man Hunter is a few apple shot of a bushel, if you catch my drift.....
*He seems to be a bit batty, not unusual around here.*
But he isn't trying to kill or insult us! So we can't be rude to the guy!
Oooooooh boy! Weapon maintenance! Leave your Fallout fans at the door, this one's sure to rile them up.
*It's pointless busywork 99% of the time anyway.*
But the game gives you so many shit weapons, they're useless otherwise!
*But this games doesn't have that problem!*
It just enjoys our suffering! But that's a topic for another LP. I'll just leave this be for now, seems I'll need my Blood Echos back before I can use anything here.
*I take it this book doesn't have the source location?*
Father Gascoigne and the Blood-Starved Beast, especially, are bosses meant to measure your mastery of basic game mechanics such as parrying, dodging, backstabbing, visceral attacks, and item use in combat
You forgot the really important thing. Calm the fuck down. Seriously, I died so many times due to panicking or trying to rush a win, and I won so many fights by finding an opening to take a break and think about what I'm doing next.
Unlike Dark Souls bosses, which are usually always after you, a lot of the bosses have openings where you can kind of back off. Like when Cleric Beast does the arm attack and pitches himself halfway across the bridge, or when Blood Starved Beast backs off and kinda prowls around you. The trick is to not charge right in right away just stop and catch your breath first, if successfully switching items is a problem for you like it is for me then that's a great time for that.