Threadmarked under "Shit De3ta needs to remember"
Probably listening to music
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Alright. So this is gonna be a thing.Well that many Blood Vials do you have and how many are you comfortable with?
Vit: Gives more HP. A few levels does make a difference, so I advise at least a couple of them.
End: Gives more stamina. Really doesn't give much unless you put a lot into it. Level it eventually, but maybe not now.
Str/Skl: Okay, this'll be a while. Select your axe in Equipment. See the Attribute Bonus, just above Attribute Requirement? Goes from nonexistent to S. If you have a letter grade in a stat, it boosts the weapon's damage. Higher grade is a higher bonus. I'd recommend you level your weapon's best grade at least a bit.
Bld: Some weapons have a requirement, like the katana. It also boosts gun damage, but unless you go MAXIMUM BLOODTINGE, never to useful levels.
Arc: Boosts item drop rate. Also, there are a number of hunter tools that use your bullets you can use instead of guns with an Arcane requirement. If you wanna do the teleporty thing I did, you should level it up eventually.
Well, I was gonna say to feel free to summon me again, since the next boss can be gotten to from the same bonfire as Cleric Beast was.
But with those blood vials, you're probably gonna wanna grind, huh?
Well, tag me when you wanna Jolly Co-op again~!