Darkspace ~ A Sci-fi Horror RPG

Alexandra raised her eyes from her tablet, then appraised the shake in her hands. Getting worse. She was starting to feel weak. "Juarez, you know CPR?" The syllables flowed too fast, snapping more harshly than intended. Juarez had already had contact with the black stuff, he was the least risky one to send. "Krishnoff, what about you?"
Alexandra raised her eyes from her tablet, then appraised the shake in her hands. Getting worse. She was starting to feel weak. "Juarez, you know CPR?" The syllables flowed too fast, snapping more harshly than intended. Juarez had already had contact with the black stuff, he was the least risky one to send. "Krishnoff, what about you?"

CPO Krishnoff

"Forget it, I'm not going in there! And you heard Segreti... Juarez is to stay put."

CWMN Juarez

"We can't just leave him! He's gonna die. Let me in there! Maybe I can at least stabilize him!"

CPO Krishnoff

"Forget it, I'm not going in there! And you heard Segreti... Juarez is to stay put."

CWMN Juarez

"We can't just leave him! He's gonna die. Let me in there! Maybe I can at least stabilize him!"

"Let him in Krishnoff, he's already at risk. Just make sure he stays well back from the two of us."
[Aboard the Nostra, the monitoring system zeros in on the airlock, Juarez trying desperately to resuscitate the captain.]

CWMN Juarez

"Come on, Commander! Come on god damn it! Don't you fucking die on me!"

MOTHER: The Commander is deceased.

"No, no. No he's not! Come on Adams! Come on!"

MOTHER: The Commander is deceased.

"Stop saying that! He can make it. He can make it!"

MOTHER: The Commander is deceased.

"No... He's fucking dead. We're all fucking dead."

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Alexandra closes her eyes, and silently salutes, her hand trembling. It might not be entirely appropriate but it feels right to give some kind of passing respect for him. "I'm sorry... Commander."

Dante maintained a calm expression in spite of the situation, even so, he could feel how the weight of responsibility of the Ark and its crew fell on his shoulders.

To: Everyone
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Orders

Commander Adams is dead. And as much as I hate to say it, we can not do anything to change that fact. The only thing we can do to pay tribute to his sacrifice is to give him a dignified burial. Sadly, that can not be achieved until we can place the Ark at full power.

Our goal now is that the Ark is 100% operational. When we get that done, we can afford to cry.
To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti

Juarez, I know how devastating that may be what you just experienced, however, right now we can not afford to mourn. We must stand firm regardless of adversity and no matter what happens, you should not show any signs of fear like you just did.

We are soldiers, regardless of the enemy or circumstance, we must be able to look at it without fear. Is it clear, Juarez?
To: Lieutenant Commander Segreti
From: Lt. Kelly
Subject: Acting Commander

Since you are the acting commander, I must inform you that I observed Captain Bischoff moving through the cryo area. I followed and came across his body, deceased for an incongruent amount of time. I informed Commander Adams and since he is incapacitated I am passing on the information to you.
To: Lt. Kelly
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Information.

Thanks for the information, Lieutenant. I will take it in count. Please, keep this information between the two of us.
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To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti

Juarez, I know how devastating that may be what you just experienced, however, right now we can not afford to mourn. We must stand firm regardless of adversity and no matter what happens, you should not show any signs of fear like you just did.

We are soldiers, regardless of the enemy or circumstance, we must be able to look at it without fear. Is it clear, Juarez?

CWMN Juarez

"...go fuck yourself, sir."

CWMN Baines

"Alright I'm at the pump. Starting it up now... Do me a favour and hurry it up. I can't see shit down here."

CWO Johnson

"We'll make it snappy... and Baines? Are you okay?"

CWMN Baines

"I'm fine. Just get this heap running, okay?"

CPO Johnson

"Ten four! We're on our way to Power Supply now. "
Dante maintained a calm expression in spite of the situation, even so, he could feel how the weight of responsibility of the Ark and its crew fell on his shoulders.

To: Everyone
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Orders

Commander Adams is dead. And as much as I hate to say it, we can not do anything to change that fact. The only thing we can do to pay tribute to his sacrifice is to give him a dignified burial. Sadly, that can not be achieved until we can place the Ark at full power.

Our goal now is that the Ark is 100% operational. When we get that done, we can afford to cry.
To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti

Juarez, I know how devastating that may be what you just experienced, however, right now we can not afford to mourn. We must stand firm regardless of adversity and no matter what happens, you should not show any signs of fear like you just did.

We are soldiers, regardless of the enemy or circumstance, we must be able to look at it without fear. Is it clear, Juarez?

To: Lt. Kelly
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Information.

Thanks for the information, Lieutenant. I will take it in count. Please, keep this information between the two of us.
To: Lt. Cmdr. Sgreti
From: Ensign Walker
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Christ...I... shit. Sorry for the profanity sir, I'll try to reign in it in the future... I received a message from.. the late Cmdr about the camera situation. I know we are having power issues but I'm going to try repair as much of the system as I can so that the team repairing the coolant system doesn't go out the same way. I saw the external camera feed Lt. Cmdr., something was out with Cmdr. Adams, and it had to have attacked him. I think we should keep a better watch on Juarez for a longer than standard quarantine time sir, he did touched that gunk after all.

CWMN Juarez

"...go fuck yourself, sir."
To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti

The feeling is mutual, Juarez. Now go back to the room.

To: Lt. Cmdr. Sgreti
From: Ensign Walker
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Christ...I... shit. Sorry for the profanity sir, I'll try to reign in it in the future... I received a message from.. the late Cmdr about the camera situation. I know we are having power issues but I'm going to try repair as much of the system as I can so that the team repairing the coolant system doesn't go out the same way. I saw the external camera feed Lt. Cmdr., something was out with Cmdr. Adams, and it had to have attacked him. I think we should keep a better watch on Juarez for a longer than standard quarantine time sir, he did touched that gunk after all.
To: Ensign Walker
From: Lt. Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Thank you for your opinion, Ensign Walker. I have been thinking about increasing the isolation of CWMN Juarez even without any symptoms it is seen at first sight. Better safe than sorry.

Leaving that aside, please continue with your work in the system.

To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti

The feeling is mutual, Juarez. Now go back to the room.

To: Ensign Walker
From: Lt. Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Thank you for your opinion, Ensign Walker. I have been thinking about increasing the isolation of CWMN Juarez even without any symptoms it is seen at first sight. Better safe than sorry.

Leaving that aside, please continue with your work in the system.

To: Lt. CMDR. Segreti
From: Ensign Walker
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Thank you sir, I'll try to get what I can fixed. I'll message you should anything come up.

Stepping away from the console from the computer console I begin to run basic diagnostics. The cameras read 'good'.

"So they can transmit a signal but there's nothing to transmit to... what the hell could be the cause of that..." I mutter out loud.

I begin the search the office for the maintenance hatch and after finding it, grab my tools and enter the crawl space in search of the connecting cables. After finding them, I discover...

"Son of a bitch." I hiss in anger.

To: Lt. Cmdr. Segreti
From. Esgn. Walker
Subject: Transmission cards and materials and a quick.

Sir, I think I found the problem with the surveillance. The cameras are fine, the problem is that the principal materials to transmit the feeds from the cameras to the office are fried. To clarify sir, they are so fried that one crumbled in my hand the moment I put any more than an ounce of pressure on it. Now I can repair some of the feed lines quickly with what I got on hand. I can repair 2 with great quality or 3. Note that if I repair 3, then the resultant feed will be of intermittent quality. It'll be good at some moments but spotty as bad radio transmission in others. Tell me where you need the repairs sir and I'll get it done.
Sean closed his eyes for a long moment. In the maelstrom of trying to save Adam's life, he had felt powerless; his talents not useful.

Now? It was time to do his duty.

To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt. Nielsen,
Subject: Meeting.

Juarez, you did everything you could, and in the wake of everything that has happened I would understand if you want some time to yourself. However, regulations are that anyone who witnesses the actual death of a colleague needs to talk to me, and in my experience it is better done sooner than later.

I want to help you; Juarez. I'll see you soon, by video if nothing else.

To: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: Grief Consultation

I'm going to talk to Crewman Juarez: hopefully I can calm him down. Don't worry; I won't break quarantine, but consultations are not to be done by email.
To: Lt. CMDR. Segreti
From: Ensign Walker
Subject: Surveillance Restorations and Usage

Thank you sir, I'll try to get what I can fixed. I'll message you should anything come up.

Stepping away from the console from the computer console I begin to run basic diagnostics. The cameras read 'good'.

"So they can transmit a signal but there's nothing to transmit to... what the hell could be the cause of that..." I mutter out loud.

I begin the search the office for the maintenance hatch and after finding it, grab my tools and enter the crawl space in search of the connecting cables. After finding them, I discover...

"Son of a bitch." I hiss in anger.

To: Lt. Cmdr. Segreti
From. Esgn. Walker
Subject: Transmission cards and materials and a quick.

Sir, I think I found the problem with the surveillance. The cameras are fine, the problem is that the principal materials to transmit the feeds from the cameras to the office are fried. To clarify sir, they are so fried that one crumbled in my hand the moment I put any more than an ounce of pressure on it. Now I can repair some of the feed lines quickly with what I got on hand. I can repair 2 with great quality or 3. Note that if I repair 3, then the resultant feed will be of intermittent quality. It'll be good at some moments but spotty as bad radio transmission in others. Tell me where you need the repairs sir and I'll get it done.
To: Esgn. Walker
From: Lt. Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: RE: Transmission cards and materials and a quick.

Repair 2 feed lines seems the best course of action at the moment. Any idea what caused the feed lines to be fried? What would you need to effectively repair all the feed lines?

I also need you to report the areas of the Ark that would be without cameras.
Sean closed his eyes for a long moment. In the maelstrom of trying to save Adam's life, he had felt powerless; his talents not useful.

Now? It was time to do his duty.

To: CWMN Juarez
From: Lt. Nielsen,
Subject: Meeting.

Juarez, you did everything you could, and in the wake of everything that has happened I would understand if you want some time to yourself. However, regulations are that anyone who witnesses the actual death of a colleague needs to talk to me, and in my experience it is better done sooner than later.

I want to help you; Juarez. I'll see you soon, by video if nothing else.

To: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: Grief Consultation

I'm going to talk to Crewman Juarez: hopefully I can calm him down. Don't worry; I won't break quarantine, but consultations are not to be done by email.

To: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: RE: Grief Consultation

I understand the difficulty of performing a therapy under these circumstances. I am sure that if you talk to MOTHER, she can provide you with some means of communication more appropriate for a therapy.
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... 'Should have thought of that,' Sean thought.

To: Mother
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: Video Communication.


Would it be possible to facilitate a video link between myself and Crewman Juarez while he remains in quarantine?

Lt. Nielsen
Dante did not know if the Lieutenant was aware that his frustration stemmed from the fact that there was nothing in which he could vent his anger. There were no enemy soldiers, there were no wounded soldiers who needed urgent medical help (Except for the Commander whom he could not help personally) and certainly there was no battlefield to which he could enter. The only thing that was there was a large, barely functional ship, a dead Captain and a Commander badly wounded.

But, thanks to Lieutenant Ellecon, at last he had something in which to discharge his anger. And his name was Tazin Ellecon

"While I deeply appreciate your concern for the Ark and the crew, Lieutenant." He began to speak in a calm voice despite the shout and angry face of the Lieutenant. "I will not stand for anyone to cuss my authority. For this reason, I would appreciate it if you would return to your functions before I accuse you of an attempted uprising, an attempt to mutiny and insubordination."

Dante, although he did not show it on the outside, could feel how his frustration was diminishing with every word he said.

"Is that clear, Lieutenant?" He said as he stared blankly at the irate face of the soldier in front of him.

Tanzin stood at attention in front of Segreti, his eyes looking exactly three inches to the right of Segreti's right ear, "Sir, yes sir!" His face was textbook perfect and blank, though if Segreti had looked closely mirth would have been seen dancing in Tanzin's eyes. Tanzin saw how Segreti's body slowly lost its tenseness, how the edges of his eyes stopped minutely twitching, how his hands slowly stopped twitching like it wanted to make a fist. Its funny how no matter what someone consciously wants to do, their body might say otherwise.

Job complete.

Still, with Commander Adams now dead, it falls to Lieutenant Commander Segreti to lead the ship of however many thousands of souls. Though at the moment its only barely over a dozen who are awake. Yet a couple are already feeling despair: one is in containment (and isn't that a horrible thing to call it, would've been better to call it observation) and the best pilot is having a rather bad response with the emergency cryo emergency treatment and had to watch her CO die in front of her eyes without being able to do anything.

Makes him wish he had some of his MARSOC buddies here to help, but beggars can't be choosers.
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CWO Johnson

"Alright, we're at Power Supply... Rebooting core power now. Keep that coolant pumping Baines... Baines? Baines come in."

CWMN Baines

"There's someone here... Hello? Oh my god. It's one of the colonists! He's hurt. Are you okay?"

[indistinct talking]

"He's not making any sense... he looks hurt bad. What are you doing here?

[indistinct talking]

"This isn't right. Hang on. I'll snap a pic and upload it."

"He's got a knife! Just put the knife down okay. Everything's going to be okay..."

CWO Johnson

"Alright, we're at Power Supply... Rebooting core power now. Keep that coolant pumping Baines... Baines? Baines come in."

CWMN Baines

"There's someone here... Hello? Oh my god. It's one of the colonists! He's hurt. Are you okay?"

[indistinct talking]

"He's not making any sense... he looks hurt bad. What are you doing here?

[indistinct talking]

"This isn't right. Hang on. I'll snap a pic and upload it."

"He's got a knife! Just put the knife down okay. Everything's going to be okay..."
Every part of Segreti's body told him that something was wrong. His instinct was screaming at him to get Baines out of there as fast as he could, then they could deal with the colonist with the knife, his priority was to make sure no one else died
To: Nostra Crew
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Return to Nostra

Baines, get out there as fast as you can. It's an order. The same applies to Jhonson and Kelly, if you're close enough, get together and head to the Nostra. Krishnoff and Montague keep your eyes open and warn of any abnormality[
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Every part of Segreti's body told him that something was wrong. His instinct was screaming at him to get Baines out of there as fast as he could, then they could deal with the colonist with the knife, his priority was to make sure no one else died
To: Nostra Crew
From: Lt.Cmdr. Segreti
Subject: Return to Nostra

Baines, get out there as fast as you can. It's an order. The same applies to Jhonson and Kelly, if you're close enough, get together and head to the Nostra. Krishnoff and Montague keep your eyes open and warn of any abnormality

CWO Johnson

"Negative, Commander. I've already begun the reboot procedure. If we don't get coolant flowing from that pump asap, this whole thing is gonna overheat, and we're fucked!

CWMN Baines

"I need help here! Bastard came at me with a knife, got me pretty good. I've locked myself in a utility compartment, but he's right outside trying to get through the door. Someone, anyone? I need help now!"
"Fuck this entire 24 hour period... Krish, Juarez, Containment be damned, we're all going." She tabs the airlock with a grimace, she'll be useless in a fight, but she has to keep an eye on the others. It's her responsibility.

She forces herself into a stumbling run.
"Fuck this entire 24 hour period... Krish, Juarez, Containment be damned, we're all going." She tabs the airlock with a grimace, she'll be useless in a fight, but she has to keep an eye on the others. It's her responsibility.

She forces herself into a stumbling run.

CPO Krishnoff

"I got your back, LT."

CWMN Juarez

"Beats sitting around here. Let's go!"

CWO Johnson

"Negative, Commander. I've already begun the reboot procedure. If we don't get coolant flowing from that pump asap, this whole thing is gonna overheat, and we're fucked!

CWMN Baines

"I need help here! Bastard came at me with a knife, got me pretty good. I've locked myself in a utility compartment, but he's right outside trying to get through the door. Someone, anyone? I need help now!"

I set to work around the areas of medical and maintenance. Why are they realizing Juarez for containment? Wait the hell is going in maintenance... Shit!

"CWMN Baines, This ENSG Walker, I need you to hold position. the Lt. and two others are coming to relieve you. Sit tight."

"Lt., CWMN Baines is trapped in Utility Compartment... 5B. The attacker appears to be one of personnel slated cyro. Male, mid thirties, appears wounded. He has two visible knives on him. I repeat two visible knives. Proceed with caution."

"CWO Johnson, I'll be your eyes and ears for the moment. I botify you I soon as I see anyone enter the hallway with that isn't the awake crew. Copy?"

To: Lt. CMDR. Segreti
From: ENSG. Walker
Subject: Attack In Maintenance

Sir we have a serious situation on hand. An unknown member of the crew has attacked CWMN Baines. The Lt. has taken Krishoff and Juarez down to assist. What's going on on this ship!?
Lt. Kelly

It doesn't take Brian long narrow down his only options.
"Johnson, I'm leaving to assist Baines."
One hand bunches up an extraneous part of the man's suit, reeling him in close.
"Lock the door behind me, and do not open it for anyone other than Segreti and myself."
Reaching out with every augmented sense his body possesses, Brian creeps down the corridor, attempting to come upon this colonist by surprise.
Tanzin listened to the chatter over the network and grimaced, this is turning into a sci fi horror clusterfuck faster than you can throw the shit out the window. He looked over to Segreti, "Commander, with confirmed hostiles onboard the ship I recommend we get the security officers out of cryo. Not only do we not have enough manpower we're also stretched thin."

Tanzin listened to the chatter over the network and grimaced, this is turning into a sci fi horror clusterfuck faster than you can throw the shit out the window. He looked over to Segreti, "Commander, with confirmed hostiles onboard the ship I recommend we get the security officers out of cryo. Not only do we not have enough manpower we're also stretched thin."

Dante thought about it less than a minute before he got to agree with Lieutenant Ellecon. They needed the security officers urgently.

"Lieutenant, I give you the necessary authorization to proceed with it, explain the situation in general and proceed to carry out a medical checkup." Not all security officers would be in an optimal state, but you need their help immediately. "Inform to the officer with the highest rank among them to contact me as soon as possible."