Darkspace ~ A Sci-fi Horror RPG

Suvi hauled herself groggily to her feet, fighting nausea with every twitch of her muscles.

From: Lt. Karjalainen
Subject: SITREP

Completing awakening protocols. Could I get a SITREP?
Dante stopped abruptly when he read Arpe's message. His eyes clouded as he clenched his fists to the point where a trace of blood came out of them.

Fortunately, the hall where he was standing was completely empty, so no one could observe his behavior outside of normal.
To: Ensn. L. Arpe.
From: Lieutenant Commander Segreti.
Subject: Captain's death.

Proceed with what you think is necessary, Ensn. L. Arpe. But, keep in mind that the colonist must have a higher priority. We must find out if more like him continue walking freely in the ARK.
Segreti kept walking towards his destination while hiding his injured hand in his pocket. His eyes drank without looking at any specific point.
Lizbet sent back an affirmative ping without an accompanying message.

It was time to get to work. She would need to find a terminal that allowed VR hookup. The data had to be sifted for meaning. Inwardly, she understood viewing a mans descent into madness was not exactly going to lead to any restful sleep cycles. It would scar the mind, no doubt.

She could only hope to glean some understanding, some final message, from the departed Captain towards his crew. It was the only way to do him honor.
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Image by Haimerejzero

Ignorant - or appearing so, anyway - of the Lunar's looks, Blackwork raised an eyebrow as the Commander just wandered off.
"... Well. I suppose that's the meeting concluded, unless anyone has anything else to say? If not, then I'll be in the lab. Knock before entering, if you please. If one of you burly security types would escort me and Martinez there?"

She nodded to the rest, then rose and headed towards the lab with her assistant science officer and hopeful escort.


Once they were in, she paused, then reached out and tapped on the door lock once the security had left.

Better safe than sorry, she supposed.

"Right!" she said, her scientific excitement growing once again. "No risks. Until we determine what the black substance is, full chemical protection gear when handling it.
I am designating it as chemical XH-001. We're giving it the works."
From: Lt. Karjalainen
Subject: SITREP

Completing awakening protocols. Could I get a SITREP?

MOTHER: I hope you're sitting down, Lieutenant.

Captain Bischoff is dead, committing suicide shortly after departing Phobos Orbital Station. While investigating an anomaly on the edge of Sol, the ARK was pulled though a wormhole, transporting us into dark space, on the edge of an unknown galaxy, instigating a critical error and subsequent emergency protocols. The Engineering team, led by Commander Adams, boarded the Nostra and attempted to dock at the engineering airlock in order to reboot the ship's primary systems, knocked offline when traversing the wormhole.

A malfunction to the Nostra's docking coupling prompted Commander Adams to perform external repairs to the ship. While the coupling was repaired, an unknown incident killed the Commander and an unknown biological agent, designated XH-001, was brought aboard and possibly infected Crewmen Juarez.

The engineering team has rebooted the ARK's systems, however a thawed colonist attacked the crew, resulting in multiple injuries. The colonist is currently locked in the brig. Lieutenant Commander Segreti is now in command of the Ark. Please refer to Comm logs on your ARK PDA for a detailed break down of recent events.

Disposable vomit bags are located in the compartment to your right. Please report to the Medical Bay in the Cryogenics Deck for a post-cryo medical assessment.

Thank you.
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As the meeting had drifted apart, Sean had gone over the medical records of both the colonist, especially their psyche eval. They had not had any hints of violent or anti-social behavior: such things had been screened for back home. Which meant that either the cryo had done something to him, which was unlikely, or some other alien infection had gotten to them.

Now, it was time to attempt some sort of contact.


"Mother," he said aloud. "I'll need your help to set up a safe interview with the colonist: any insight we can gain into his behavior could prove useful."
@NathanMedium @SoaringHawk218

With the impromptu meeting in the Medical Bay unceremoniously adjourned, the crew sets to work on various tasks following the jarring circumstances of their awakening. The disorientation of their cryogenic slumber was beginning to reside in some of the crew, and with the lights on and alarms silenced, the ARK had begun to resemble the familiar ship the crew had trained on and manned through Sol. Nevertheless, much of the crew had just awoke and were experiencing the full effects of their cryogenic slumber.

Segreti, thrust into position of commanding officer following Adams' death, entered the main lift and thumbed the console. The elevator lurched upward, taking him toward the Flight Deck. Stepping out of the lift, something caught his attention, grinding his determined march to a halt. Outside the blast door, Segreti could see pieces of the door panel had caved in, as if someone had tried to force their way onto the Flight Deck.

Inside, the Flight Deck was much the same as when he had left. Some of the crew, freshly awoke from cryo, meandered around the deck, trying to get their bearings. Ascending to the Bridge, Segreti approached Bishcoff's lifeless body, and spotting his sidearm, scooped up the Auto 9 pistol.

Meanwhile, on the Atrium Deck, Lieutenant Nielsen stepped off the lift and proceeded toward the Security Station, intent on speaking with the unknown colonist.

Mother's pristine voice sounded off from Nielsen's forearm mounted PDA. "Consider me at your disposal, Lieutenant Nielsen. The subject is currently detained in a holding cell, with a comms panel suitable for two way communication. Non-lethal counter-measures are on standby should the subject pose a threat. If you can manage to get a name, Lieutenant, I can at least pull up the subject's file."

Nielsen rounded a corner, a flickering sign identifying the Security Station as the door slid open, and he stepped inside. Shapiro, an NCO with the security team, saluted as the lieutenant entered.

"Mother told me you were on your way. Right this way, Sir." Shapiro led Nielsen into the brig, passing several rows of darkened cells. At last they came to the final one. Shadows draped over the cell, the silhouette of the colonist barely perceivable as he huddled in a corner. "I hope you don't mind, sir. The prisoner seems calmer with the lights off. Thermals keep track of him well enough anyway." Shapiro rapidly input commands into the cells control panel, bringing up a thermal view of the cell, illuminating a reddish orange mass in a field of blue. "I'd like to get the armory set up, Sir, unless you want me standing by?"


"Let's see how the colonist reacts before you head anywhere, Shapiro," Sean said, flicking on his personal recording unit on his PDA: better to have some redundancy. "Let's see how he reacts to verbal communication attempts."

Reaching forward, he pressed the button that would transmit his voice into the cell, setting the volume low enough to hopefully not spook the colonist while still being clearly audible.

"Hello," he said. "Perhaps you remember me from the orientation, I'm Special Counselor Sean Nielsen, and I'm here to help you. How are you doing in there?"


"Let's see how the colonist reacts before you head anywhere, Shapiro," Sean said, flicking on his personal recording unit on his PDA: better to have some redundancy. "Let's see how he reacts to verbal communication attempts."

Reaching forward, he pressed the button that would transmit his voice into the cell, setting the volume low enough to hopefully not spook the colonist while still being clearly audible.

"Hello," he said. "Perhaps you remember me from the orientation, I'm Special Counselor Sean Nielsen, and I'm here to help you. How are you doing in there?"

Within the darkness of the cell, the silhouette remained still. A hushed whisper drifted through the comm, barely audible.

"Amplifying," said Mother.

In an instant, the whisper rose through the comm, now at an audible level. The speaker's voice was raspy and seethed with animosity, yet there was a structure to his words, indicating that it was perhaps not the incoherent ramblings of a mad man... or perhaps it was.

"I eht nese vah i. I eht nese vah i."

"You're wasting your time, sir." Shapri remarked. "We may as well blow this guy out the airlock."
Sean's eyes narrowed. "It is my duty to do everything I can for these people," he said softly. "Besides, this man could hold a clue as to what has happened to our ship." After pausing for a moment to let his words sink in, he continued. "Does he ever start talking without apparent cause, or only in response to stimulus?" he asked.

'He may have a point, though,' a voice said in Sean's head as he stared at the huddled mass. 'For all you know, he doesn't even realize you're here.'

Well, there were tests for that. "Let's see if we can get a different reaction out of him," he muttered before pressing the button again. "If you can understand me, please look up. Otherwise, we may have to take more drastic measures."
Sean's eyes narrowed. "It is my duty to do everything I can for these people," he said softly. "Besides, this man could hold a clue as to what has happened to our ship." After pausing for a moment to let his words sink in, he continued. "Does he ever start talking without apparent cause, or only in response to stimulus?" he asked.

'He may have a point, though,' a voice said in Sean's head as he stared at the huddled mass. 'For all you know, he doesn't even realize you're here.'

Well, there were tests for that. "Let's see if we can get a different reaction out of him," he muttered before pressing the button again. "If you can understand me, please look up. Otherwise, we may have to take more drastic measures."

With blinding speed, the colonist sprang to his feet, flinging himself against the glass of his cell, causing it to shudder and Nielsen and Shapiro to jump back.

"I eht nese vah i. I eht nese vah i!" The colonist shouted, before protruding his tongue and biting it off with a scream, spitting blood across the surface of the glass.

"Mother!" Hollered Shapiro.

"Flooding the cell with sedative gas now," Mother calmly replied.

With blood gushing down the colonist's chin, he fell to the ground, laughing manically until he was at last silenced.
Sean took several long, slow breaths before nodding to Shapiro. "Thank you," he said. "Mother, please summon medical assistance if you have not already done so, and I suggest that they come with bio-hazard gear, in case the blood is infectious." He then raised his PDA.


To: Lt. Commander Segreti
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: Colonist Report


Unfortunately, our colonist has inflicted severe harm upon himself without giving any useful information. Medical assistance has already been summoned, though it is possible that he will die before assistance can arrive.

Whatever happens, I believe it might be prudent to order a blood test.

Lt. Neilsen

Sending off the email, Sean glanced up. "Mother, if you could also send me any other sounds our colonist may have made, that would be helpful."

As he stepped back to wait on the trauma team, there was one thought that filled his mind: it was very likely that the colonist had understood him, and had not appreciated the implied threat. That indicated that there was some meaning to what he had been saying, and if Sean could get enough samples, there was a slim chance he could make something of it.

To: Lt. S. Nielsen
Subject: Colonist

I have filtered out some background noise in the video of the altercation between the colonist, Kelly, Krishoff, Montague, and Juarez. An analysis of the prisoner's speech indicates structured language, however the meaning is beyond my deciphering. I do hope you have better luck, Sean.

[A video flashes over Nielsen's PDA, showing the struggle between the colonist and crew. In explicit detail, the video shows the brutal stabbing of Juarez. The colonist screams as the knife is plunged into the young crewmen's abdomen.]

"I eht nese vah I! Ti nese vah I! Daed la er we!"
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Mother's pristine voice blares over the comms...

"Trauma team to the Brig. Repeat, trauma team to the Brig."

Tanzin shouldered his emergency trauma kit and a bag with an NBC suit onto his shoulder as he hurried out the medical bay and towards the Brig, "Mother this is Lt. Ellecon responding. If the crew present in the area has the ability, have them do their best to not have the prisoner drown in their own blood or choke to death from the severed tongue stuck in their windpipe please." @BlackBishop
Tanzin shouldered his emergency trauma kit and a bag with an NBC suit onto his shoulder as he hurried out the medical bay and towards the Brig, "Mother this is Lt. Ellecon responding. If the crew present in the area has the ability, have them do their best to not have the prisoner drown in their own blood or choke to death from the severed tongue stuck in their windpipe please." @BlackBishop

A message pings on Tanzin's PDA...


CPO Shapiro

"Forget it, Ellecon. No way I'm going in there. As far as I'm concerned that fucker can bleed out. Shapiro out."

Image by Haimerejzero

Listening in to the comms with a half an audio receptor, something about the sounds caused an idea to form in the cyborg's brain. She paused, and then connected her armpiece to her skullport, so she could listen without playing it out loud, and reversed the sound file.
I have seen the eye! I have seen it! You are all dead! came the distorted voice of the colonist, twisted from reversal.

Blackwork smiled.


She tapped out a quick email, her sense of self-satisfaction palatable over the message.
To: MOTHER, Lt. S. Nielsen
From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Colonist

It's not surprising you couldn't match it to any language, MOTHER. It is one, but you're not looking at it the right way. Here, listen:

[I have seen the eye! i have seen it! you are all dead!]

The poor soul is speaking in reverse. Whatever this 'eye' is - if it is indeed a thing - seems to be the focus of his insanity. The only thing that comes to mind immediately is the wormhole we entered. We'd have to see if the wretch has been awake that long, I suppose.

Maybe that will be of assistance, Lt Nielson?


Sean blinked: trying to force his human mind to listen to the audio in reverse. He couldn't be 100% certain, but it seemed plausible.

To: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
From: Lt. S. Nielsen
Subject: RE: Colonist

Thank you for your input, Lt.

But then he heard something that drove everything else from his mind.

CPO Shapiro

"Forget it, Ellecon. No way I'm going in there. As far as I'm concerned that fucker can bleed out. Shapiro out."

"Sick though he may be," he hissed, striding to the first aid station. "Dangerous though he may be," he grabbed safety gloves, masks, goggles, and aprons. "This person is a member of this ship, and it is our duty to protect them." He tossed Shapiro's set to the man before putting his own on, checking to make sure everything was snug and undamaged. "Not only that, they are perhaps our only link to what's happened. I'm going to help them, and you're going to help me. Now get those on if you don't want to come into contact with a potential BBP."
To: MOTHER, Lt. S. Nielsen
From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Colonist

It's not surprising you couldn't match it to any language, MOTHER. It is one, but you're not looking at it the right way. Here, listen:

[I have seen the eye! i have seen it! you are all dead!]

The poor soul is speaking in reverse. Whatever this 'eye' is - if it is indeed a thing - seems to be the focus of his insanity. The only thing that comes to mind immediately is the wormhole we entered. We'd have to see if the wretch has been awake that long, I suppose.

Maybe that will be of assistance, Lt Nielson?

MOTHER: Ah! No wonder my language programs were having such trouble deciphering the colonist's speech. Well done, Lieutenant! It's hard to say what the colonist actually meant by this. If we can identify him, perhaps we will gain some insight. It is probable that this is a reference to the wormhole. One can only imagine the effects of witnessing such a shift in space-time first hand can have on a psyche.


Sean blinked: trying to force his human mind to listen to the audio in reverse. He couldn't be 100% certain, but it seemed plausible.

To: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
From: Lt. S. Nielsen
Subject: RE: Colonist

Thank you for your input, Lt.

But then he heard something that drove everything else from his mind.

"Sick though he may be," he hissed, striding to the first aid station. "Dangerous though he may be," he grabbed safety gloves, masks, goggles, and aprons. "This person is a member of this ship, and it is our duty to protect them." He tossed Shapiro's set to the man before putting his own on, checking to make sure everything was snug and undamaged. "Not only that, they are perhaps our only link to what's happened. I'm going to help them, and you're going to help me. Now get those on if you don't want to come into contact with a potential BBP."

Shapiro sneered as he snatched the gear from Nielsen. "Seems to me the best way is to stay out of that fucking cell." He pulled the latex gloves on, tying the apron around his waist, continuing to complain. "I don't take orders from you." Nevertheless, Shapiro followed Nielsen into the cell, and promptly restrained the colonist with zip ties as Nielsen tended to the man.

The colonist's eyes opened groggily as Nielsen affixed gauze to his bleeding mouth. Before the two men could react, the colonists spewed a tide of blood, spit, and bile over Nielsen's face. A hissing laughter followed by a sickening gurgle as Shaprio wrapped his legs around the prisoners head, fixing him in a headlock until he slipped out of consciousness. At that moment, Ellecon entered, taking over for Nielsen to tend to the colonist's wounds.
'Thank goodness for masks and goggles,' Sean thought as he stepped back. Still, he had gotten some on his skin, so he made his way quickly towards the cleaning station for a thorough scrub: even if pathogens couldn't get through unbroken skin it wouldn't do to take chances.

"Thank you for your help," he said as he passed Shapiro. "You're right, you're not in my chain of command, but you came anyways, and I appreciate it."
Tanzin sprinted into the observation room and skid to a halt just in time to see the prisoner fall unconscious from the headlock by Shapiro and Nielsen wiping his face of spit and bile, "Well shit, give me a minute you two!" Quickly he got the NBC suit out of its bag and put on over his uniform and within minutes he made his way into the containment cell.

"Nielson, might want to head on over to decon and get yourself scrubbed down, you too Shapiro, can't be too cautious, " Tanzin said, quickly taking a sedative out from his kit and injecting it all into the unconscious prisoner's neck. "That should hold him for several hours. Hopefully."

"Right then..." he leaned in close and opened his mouth and tilted it to the side to let the blood pool out, "he's still breathing right, that's good," he places a few fingers on his neck, "heartbeat is high, but that's not surprising," he then checks the femoral and radial pulse sites, " those two are normal more or less."

Tanzin takes a peak into his mouth to see if the lingual arteries and veins have been severed or the tongue has been completely bitten off.

(Gonna need GM fiat here @BlackBishop while yes death by biting your tongue off is possible, the lingual arteries and veins, which lie in the back near the throat, are arteries while the capillaries are under the tongue and the artery is practically fatal while the capillary... while certainly dangerous and life threatening can be dealt with. I don't want to powergame my way to fixing this guy if you had something in mind)
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Peering within, Tanzin can see the tongue has been bitten off, severed along the tip of the lingual arteries. Thanks to the quick work of Nielsen and Shapiro, it looks as though Tanzin can cauterize the wound and provide prolonged treatment at the medical bay, perhaps even reattaching the severed tongue. The colonist is marked with bloody wounds, abrasions, and has been inexplicably violent towards the crew. Whether this is the work of some infection, or just plain madness, is unclear. One thing is for certain; This man poses a threat to the Ark and her crew.

The choice to save him, is in the hands of Lieutenant Tanzin Ellecon.
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Peering within, Tanzin can see the tongue has been bitten off, severed along the tip of the lingual arteries. Thanks to the quick work of Nielsen and Shapiro, it looks as though Tanzin can cauterize the wound and provide prolonged treatment at the medical bay, perhaps even reattaching the severed tongue. The colonist is marked with bloody wounds, abrasions, and has been inexplicably violent towards the crew. Whether this is the work of some infection, or just plain madness, is unclear. One thing is for certain; This man poses a threat to the Ark and her crew.

The choice to save him, is in the hands of Lieutenant Tanzin Ellecon.

"Tsk, fully bitten off, lingual arteries are nicked," Tanzin whistled, "this guy was fucking motivated." Still, this is salvageable. Quickly, he took out a syringe filled with a clotting agent. While cauterizing the wound might be a quick and dirty way of closing the wound, the lingual artery is too far and deep into his throat that the heat from the hot metal could damage the flesh and tissues on the way to the cut, plus the very small space of the throat could mean a single wrong move can cause additional injuries in a very sensitive place.

With his other hand, he widened his mouth, and inserted the syringe to plaster the clotting agent onto the cut. Putting the syringe aside he used his finger to press a ball of gauze onto the clotting agent and to provide pressure to stop the blood flow. Really, unless he cut open his throat for better access this was the best course of action.
As the colonist was strapped to a gurney and transported to the Medical Bay, the science team was busying itself with extracting samples of the unknown agent dubbed XH-001 onboard the Nostra. Krishnoff watched as a sample was extracted and Adams' body was taken away.

The navigations officer sighed, lifting up his arm and punching in a command into his PDA.


CPO Krishnoff

"Hey, LT. They just took Adams away and locked down whatever this black shit is. *sighs* Look. None of this makes any sense. A wormhole? That colonist? The captain just offs himself? Fucking black ooze and Adams?!

"I've been reviewing the logs trying to make sense of things. I see Mother doesn't even have a link to cryogenics and her subroutines have been managing the deck. In what world does that make sense? Why the hell wouldn't Mother wake up the engineering team to make that repair? It's the colonists, for fuck sakes! The whole reason we're out here in this fucked up situation! Between you and me, something's not right with Mother. I'm gonna talk to Abhrams once he gets out of that coma.

We... We didn't do enough for Adams. *sighs* Don't listen to me. How are you holding up?"

@Spectral Waltz
As the colonist was strapped to a gurney and transported to the Medical Bay, the science team was busying itself with extracting samples of the unknown agent dubbed XH-001 onboard the Nostra. Krishnoff watched as a sample was extracted and Adams' body was taken away.

The navigations officer sighed, lifting up his arm and punching in a command into his PDA.


CPO Krishnoff

"Hey, LT. They just took Adams away and locked down whatever this black shit is. *sighs* Look. None of this makes any sense. A wormhole? That colonist? The captain just offs himself? Fucking black ooze and Adams?!

"I've been reviewing the logs trying to make sense of things. I see Mother doesn't even have a link to cryogenics and her subroutines have been managing the deck. In what world does that make sense? Why the hell wouldn't Mother wake up the engineering team to make that repair? It's the colonists, for fuck sakes! The whole reason we're out here in this fucked up situation! Between you and me, something's not right with Mother. I'm gonna talk to Abhrams once he gets out of that coma.

We... We didn't do enough for Adams. *sighs* Don't listen to me. How are you holding up?"

@Spectral Waltz
While Segreti watched and touched the weapon he held in his hands, he could hear the preoccupations Krishnoff. Although he would not like to admit it, Krishnoff was asking the right questions at the moment.

So, after a brief conversation with MOTHER, Segreti sent a message to certain crew members to carry out a mission.

To: Officer Yivlov, Lieutenant Karjalainen
From: Lieutenant Commander Segreti
Subject: Link to Cryogenics

Officer Yivlov, I entrust you with the repair of the link that connects MOTHER with the cryogenics. Lieutenant Karjalainen, Please choose two of your best men to accompany Officer Yivlov. They will have my authorization to take batons and shields of the armory.
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