Darkspace ~ A Sci-fi Horror RPG

The Captain was dead? Not natural causes?

How remarkably curious. She drummed metal fingers on her arm as she lent against the wall in Medical.

Was a shoddy design, in that the only way to open the blast door when it malfunctioned was on the other side that the crew would be on.

She pondered a moment. The ship should be able to check the air in each room, to make sure there was sufficient oxygen, detect smoke and the like. If there was that capability, it would probably be offline with everything else, but...

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Air Analysis

Please specify if chemical analysis and makeup of air in each room is available.

To: Ac.Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Air Analysis

Auxilary subroutines monitor environment aboard the flight deck, Lieutenant.

Supplemental; Environmental analysis of the flight deck indicates oxygen and nitrogen levels at 94.3 kPa, with oxygen levels fluctuating between 39.8 and 40.1%. Life Support status for the flight deck is currently GREEN.

An anomalous trace of potassium nitrate is present in the bridge environment, indicative of weapons firing. Please restore primary systems to begin scrubbing of anomalous chemicals.

Thank you.

He nodded, "This is sounding more and more like the situation is FUBAR sir. Keep an eye on your six, I've had a few friends go into the Company and this sounds right up their alley sir."
"Lieutenant, I do not know if you have noticed, but since we set foot in the Ark, this has been a FUBAR situation" Abandoned in the middle of nowhere, a dead captain and a ship that is falling apart little by little. Not to mention that stress was beginning to affect the rest of the crew. "
Even so, thank you for your concern. I will make sure to be alert"

Kelly stands vigil over Bischoff's body.
To: Lt. Cmdry. Segreti
From: Lt. Brian Kelly
Subject: Crime Scene

I have not disturbed any evidence and I am currently ensuring no one else does. Orders?

To: Lt. Brian Kelly
From: Lt. Cmdry. Segreti
Subject: RE: Crime Scene

Keep your position. In these moments I am heading towards your position.

As soon as he arrived at the crime scene, he distributed some latex gloves and masks to those present. The scene and the cdaver should be preserved as well as possible, hopefully gloves and masks would serve for that purpose.

"I want you to investigate exhaustively this room. Inform me if you find anything related to the death of Captain"

To: ARK Flight Crew
Subject: SITREP

* * * *
[+2.09 hours after thawing protocol]

A preliminary investigation has been completed regarding captain Bischoff's death. The captain's sidearm, an auto 9 pistol was discovered at the scene, with a bullet missing from the chamber. A gunshot wound was discovered entering beneath the captain's chin and exiting the parietal plate of the skull. Scoring was discovered on the captain's right hand indicating weapons firing.

Zero atmosphere of space have kept the body preserved yet precise time death is impossible to determine at this time. Body temperature indicates the captain's death occurred well before thawing protocol. Further testing in the main medical bay in the cryogenics deck is needed for further information.

Continued efforts to hack the main lift blast door controls have failed. Please restore primary systems to restore blast door functionality.

Thank you.

His first assumption seemed completely wrong. Everything pointed to the Captain had committed suicide, even so, there were still tests that had to be carried out to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion for all.

1) The blood agreed with the shot that the Captain had received?
2) In what hand was the weapon and what was the dominant hand of the Captain?
3) There were indications that someone else (besides those already present) had been in the room?
4) Was there tensión in the captain's hand? Maybe he had been forced to shoot himself?
5)How many bullets were left in the Captain's gun? If more than one was missing, it would show that the capitan tried to defend itself
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As soon as he arrived at the crime scene, he distributed some latex gloves and masks to those present. The scene and the cdaver should be preserved as well as possible, hopefully gloves and masks would serve for that purpose.

"I want you to investigate exhaustively this room. Inform me if you find anything related to the death of Captain"
"Sir... I saw him walking past not five minutes ago. It's the reason I called it in, the reason I followed him in here. He can't have been dead before the thaw."
Kelly sets about examining the room, searching in particular for monitoring devices. For the first time in... why - ever a puzzle worthy of his engineered mind had produced itself. He wasn't going to just let it go unsolved.

Sean stepped out of the captain's quarters, the datapad clutched in his hands. He needed to show it to Commander Adams: if anyone alive had the security clearance to get through it would be him, but he didn't want to leave the scene just yet.

@Space Jawa

To: Commander Adams
From: Lt. Nielsen
Subject: A potential clue

Sir; I have completed my preliminary check of the Captain's quarters; and it was clear that something was terribly wrong. I found a data pad that might have more information, but I cannot access it. Perhaps your security clearances would allow it. I am just outside the Captain's quarters.

He'd hand it over as soon as the Commander arrived, and then continue his search: there might have been something he overlooked the first time.

CPO Krishnoff

"Krishnoff here. Baines and I are with you, Lieutenant. Let's get this bitch ready to fly."

Crewmen Baines

"Baines here, beginning preflight check of the Nostra... What the hell? Anyone else see that? Look out the window. There's no stars. Where the fuck are we?!"

The sight was arresting enough to make her stop for a second, inky blackness beyond the window, not a single point of light. Silently, privately, Alexandra breathed a curse.

Fucking hell...

Then she shook her head and thumbed the transmit button.

Lieutenant Montague

"Focus on those checks crewman, we can figure out where we are after we figure out how to fix this ship. Survival takes priority, got it?"

No sense in letting the rest of the crew start freaking themselves out...
The cyborg nodded to herself and ran a hand through synthetic hair.

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Air Analysis

When was anomalous trace of potassium nitrate first detected?
The cyborg nodded to herself and ran a hand through synthetic hair.

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Air Analysis

When was anomalous trace of potassium nitrate first detected?

To: Ac.Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Air Analysis

Traces of potassium nitrate were logged in the life support subroutine 8 years, 3 months, and two weeks before the critical error and subsequent thawing protocol was activated.

Why was it that everything had to go so wrong. A ship in disorder, a Captain who was dead by a suicide committed while he was apparently asleep, and they apparently couldn't even get the :mad::mad::mad::mad: door open.

Commander Adams made his way up to the Ark's bridge, determined to get a look at the supposed lack of stars for himself.

He was beginning to wonder just what he could count on aboard the ship anymore. Hopefully, he'd be able to count on the crew being on and at the top of the list.

To: Lt. Nielsen
From: Cmdr. Adams
Subject: Re: Potential Clue

I'm currently going to the bridge, Crewmen Baines said there's a lack of stars outside and I want to see for myself. I can meet you there, otherwise I will go to Captain's quarters after I've visited the Bridge.

Crewmen Juarez

"You see the Commander stomp through here? He's pissed. Best stay out of his way."

CWO Johnson

"Hey you're on an open channel, Juarez. Lock it up and do your job. Until we hear otherwise we're getting this door open. Now run to quarters and grab those torches. I want this bitch split open in 24 hours."

Crewmen Juarez

"... Solid copy, Chief."
Eight years? My, my.

She rattled out a quick email to the Commander.

@Space Jawa
To: Commander Adams
From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Alas, our Captain

Something that might interest you, Commander.

The atmo log records potassium nitrate - chemicals that indicate a gun fired - eight years, three months and two weeks ago, so he's been dead for a while, it seems.

I'll see if I can dig anything else up, but do let me know if you need any help.

She sent the email with a small flourish, then opened up another.

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Anomalies

Are there any other anomalies in the atmospheric logs?

Is the oxygen use rate shortly before, during and after the gunshot anomaly correspondent to a single person or more?

Tanzin turned away as Dante headed off to the crime scene and composed a message to MOTHER:

From: Lt. T. Ellecon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Medical

Is there anything to be done in the medical facility to bring it up to full operational capacity?

Tanzin turned away as Dante headed off to the crime scene and composed a message to MOTHER:

From: Lt. T. Ellecon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Medical

Is there anything to be done in the medical facility to bring it up to full operational capacity?

To: Lt. T. Ellecon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Medical

The cryo crew triage is currently operating at 100%. However the triage is designed for specific medical operations pertaining to thawing protocol. Please restore primary systems and report to the Medical Bay on the Atrium Deck for more extensive medical operations.

Thank you.

Eight years? My, my.

She rattled out a quick email to the Commander.

@Space Jawa
To: Commander Adams
From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Alas, our Captain

Something that might interest you, Commander.

The atmo log records potassium nitrate - chemicals that indicate a gun fired - eight years, three months and two weeks ago, so he's been dead for a while, it seems.

I'll see if I can dig anything else up, but do let me know if you need any help.

She sent the email with a small flourish, then opened up another.

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Anomalies

Are there any other anomalies in the atmospheric logs?

Is the oxygen use rate shortly before, during and after the gunshot anomaly correspondent to a single person or more?

To: Ac.Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Anomalies

There are no other anomalies present in the atmospheric logs.

Oxygen use logged is congruent with 1 person present on the flight deck during the instance that the anomaly was logged.
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Episode 1 - SITREP 05
To: ARK Flight Crew
Subject: SITREP
[+3.44 hours after thawing protocol]

Preflight checks on the Nostra have been completed, and the ship is GREEN for flight.

Engineering team has begun breach procedures on the main lift blast door, however estimated time to completion isn't for another twelve hours.

Supplemental; Visual scans logged before the critical error were consistent with travel between Sol and Alpha Centauri. Current scans by crew and auxiliary sub-routines indicate an absence of stars suggesting the ARK is vastly off course.

Please restore primary ship functions for a full navigational report.

Thank you.
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Well, it was all but certain that it was the Captain who definitely shot himself.

The question why, however, remained to be seen. Had he immediately gone and shot himself

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Anomalies

Specify how long was the captain awake before his death.

Well, it was all but certain that it was the Captain who definitely shot himself.

The question why, however, remained to be seen. Had he immediately gone and shot himself

From: Ac. Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Anomalies

Specify how long was the captain awake before his death.

To: Ac.Lt. Blackwork
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Anomalies

According to auxiliary logs, Captain Bischoff entered cryo sleep with the rest of the crew after resupply at Phobos Orbital Station, eight years, three months, one week, and four days ago - three days before the potassium nitrate was recorded.

Supplemental; There must have been an unrecorded error in the captain's cryo process. Please restore MOTHER's primary functions for a full report.

Thank you.

To: ARK Flight Crew
Subject: SITREP
[+3.44 hours after thawing protocol]

Preflight checks on the Nostra have been completed, and the ship is GREEN for flight.

Engineering team has begun breach procedures on the main lift blast door, however estimated time to completion isn't for another twelve hours.

Supplemental; Visual scans logged before the critical error were consistent with travel between Sol and Alpha Centauri. Current scans by crew and auxiliary sub-routines indicate an absence of stars suggesting the ARK is vastly off course.

Please restore primary ship functions for a full navigational report.

Thank you.

Alexandra nodded as the update went out and tapped a quick reply.

From: Lt. Montague
Subj: Skill Requirements

Requesting a list of the minimum crew complement that need access to engineering in order to restore primary ship functions as well as a recommendation on which members of the crew should be selected for which roles on such a team.

Alexandra nodded as the update went out and tapped a quick reply.

From: Lt. Montague
Subj: Skill Requirements

Requesting a list of the minimum crew complement that need access to engineering in order to restore primary ship functions as well as a recommendation on which members of the crew should be selected for which roles on such a team.

To: Lt. Montague
Subject: Re: Skill Requirements

I'm sorry. I do not have access to that information. Please restore primary ship functionality to access MOTHER's full tactical suite analysis program.

Thank you.
To: Lt. Montague
Subject: Re: Skill Requirements

I'm sorry. I do not have access to that information. Please restore primary ship functionality to access MOTHER's full tactical suite analysis program.

Thank you.

She glared at the screen and then tried a different tack.

From: Lt. Montague
Subject: Re: Re: Skill Requirements

Please put out a broadcast requesting those with engineering skill necessary to perform restoration of ship functionality report to the Nostra.

She could technically make the broadcast herself but she knew if MOTHER handled it people might be more likely to listen, and she wanted to make sure she had the right people. It would be one hell of an egg on her face if she flew down to engineering only to discover the people she'd brought couldn't actually start the reactor...
To: Lt. Commander Segreti; Lt. Ellecon; Lt. Nielsen; and Lt. Montague
From: Cmdr. Adams
Subject: Nostra Flight Assessment

Current official regulations specifies that there should be a full 24 hours between cryosleep and use of the Nostra. However, given the full realization of what we currently face, I no longer believe that waiting a full day before doing so may be in our best interests, especially given that it is at least 12 hours until the main lift blast doors can be breached.

Lt. Ellecon, would you be capable of doing an assessment of Lt. Montague to determine if, in your professional medical opinion, she is physically capable of flying the Nostra this soon after emergence from Cryosleep.

If so, and you would give your professional medical approval for Lt. Montague to fly, it is my hope that both Lt. Commander Segreti and Lt. Nielsen could provide a secondary assessment - for Segreti to confirm Ellecon's medical assessment, and for Nielsen to determine if, in his professional medical opinion, Lt. Montague is mentally fit to fly the Nostra this soon after Cryosleep. This is, of course, provided that both Segreti and Nielsen are able to spare the time to do so in light of their current investigation into the death of Captain Bischoff.

Should all three clear Montague to fly, and Montague deems herself willing and able to do so, we will then forego the 24 hour regulation and immediately assemble a team who will use the Nostra to reach Engineering.
To: Ark Engineering Team
From: Cmdr. Adams
Subject: Main Engineering Breach Efforts

I'm ordering a potentially temporary suspension of efforts to physically breach the main lift blast doors.

In light of our current situation, I believe that doing so at this time would be a detriment to the Ark in the long run.

Should it be determined that doing so can be done at relatively minimum risk, for the time being we will be attempting to use the Nostra to reach Engineering.

Until further notice, please stand by and prepare in case it is determined that the benefits of physically breaking the blast door outweigh the long-term negatives.

Should anyone determine any alternate routes to opening the breach doors, I encourage you to share them.
The Nostra observation terminal on the bridge, giving a live feed of the Nostra control aboard the recon ship, whirs to life as the pre-flight check of the Nostra is completed.


Engineering [GREEN]
- Fuel 100%
- Hull Integrity 100%
- Engine 1 [Operational]
- Engine 2 [Operational]
- Engine 3 [Operational]

Life Support [GREEN]
- Oxygen levels 44.3% [40%-50% normal]
- Rations [3 weeks]

Navigation [ALERT!]
- Short range scanners indicate a gravitational anomaly at 1.3 light weeks at 355 degrees/starboard.
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As much as Dante thought of all the possibilities that might have led to the Captain's death, the evidence he had discovered proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it had happened. It was not a conclusion I was satisfied with, but it was certainly the only possible one.

To: Cmdr. Adams
From: Lt. Commander Segreti
Subject: Conclusions


I have finished with the investigation about the causes of death of the Captian. While I am not satisfied with this conclusion, it is truly the only logical conclusion. The Captain committed suicide.

I must carry out the autopsy to be completely sure. But, with the data that I have collected, the chances that someone more besides the Captain have pulled the trigger are minimal.

While Dante made sure not to show his emotions in front of the rest of the crew. His mind was working at full speed as he tried to figure out why a veteran like Captain Bischoff would end up committing suicide.

To: Lt. Commander Segreti; Lt. Ellecon; Lt. Nielsen; and Lt. Montague
From: Cmdr. Adams
Subject: Nostra Flight Assessment

Current official regulations specifies that there should be a full 24 hours between cryosleep and use of the Nostra. However, given the full realization of what we currently face, I no longer believe that waiting a full day before doing so may be in our best interests, especially given that it is at least 12 hours until the main lift blast doors can be breached.

Lt. Ellecon, would you be capable of doing an assessment of Lt. Montague to determine if, in your professional medical opinion, she is physically capable of flying the Nostra this soon after emergence from Cryosleep.

If so, and you would give your professional medical approval for Lt. Montague to fly, it is my hope that both Lt. Commander Segreti and Lt. Nielsen could provide a secondary assessment - for Segreti to confirm Ellecon's medical assessment, and for Nielsen to determine if, in his professional medical opinion, Lt. Montague is mentally fit to fly the Nostra this soon after Cryosleep. This is, of course, provided that both Segreti and Nielsen are able to spare the time to do so in light of their current investigation into the death of Captain Bischoff.

Should all three clear Montague to fly, and Montague deems herself willing and able to do so, we will then forego the 24 hour regulation and immediately assemble a team who will use the Nostra to reach Engineering.

Sighing, Dante got up, took off his surgical gloves and went to Nielsen "It seems we still have work to do, Lieutenant Nielsen." His voice showed fatigue. But he seemed more tired by the situation in general than by any kind of physical or mental effort.

Who would not be? This situation was ideal for the disaster. The only thing that was missing for everything to go to hell is that ... Thinking better, Dante silent his thoughts. The last thing he needed was to give ideas to the universe.

"It would be best to diagnose Lieutenant Montague as quickly as possible: Maybe she can get us out of ... wherever we are" He said as he walked to the door with resignation.
To: Lt. Commander Segreti; Lt. Ellecon; Lt. Nielsen; and Lt. Montague
From: Cmdr. Adams
Subject: Nostra Flight Assessment

Current official regulations specifies that there should be a full 24 hours between cryosleep and use of the Nostra. However, given the full realization of what we currently face, I no longer believe that waiting a full day before doing so may be in our best interests, especially given that it is at least 12 hours until the main lift blast doors can be breached.

Lt. Ellecon, would you be capable of doing an assessment of Lt. Montague to determine if, in your professional medical opinion, she is physically capable of flying the Nostra this soon after emergence from Cryosleep.

If so, and you would give your professional medical approval for Lt. Montague to fly, it is my hope that both Lt. Commander Segreti and Lt. Nielsen could provide a secondary assessment - for Segreti to confirm Ellecon's medical assessment, and for Nielsen to determine if, in his professional medical opinion, Lt. Montague is mentally fit to fly the Nostra this soon after Cryosleep. This is, of course, provided that both Segreti and Nielsen are able to spare the time to do so in light of their current investigation into the death of Captain Bischoff.

Should all three clear Montague to fly, and Montague deems herself willing and able to do so, we will then forego the 24 hour regulation and immediately assemble a team who will use the Nostra to reach Engineering.

To: Lt. Montague
From: Lt. Ellecon
Subject: Quick Physical Check

Please come to the cryo triage center for a physical check up. I know you've been checked for cryo symptoms, and you do have them, but I want to check for things that wasn't looked at before I declare you either fit for duty or not.
@Spectral Waltz
To: Lt. Montague
From: Lt. Ellecon
Subject: Quick Physical Check

Please come to the cryo triage center for a physical check up. I know you've been checked for cryo symptoms, and you do have them, but I want to check for things that wasn't looked at before I declare you either fit for duty or not.
@Spectral Waltz

Her lip curled in irritation. "Krishnoff, Baines. Doc wants to do another checkup to make sure I'm fit to fly. Hold the fort here until I get back." The last thing they needed was some under-qualified idiot getting it into their head to do something stupid. "And see if you can spot whatever's causing that anomaly the sensors are bugging me about while you're at it?"

Alexandra pulled up her mail program again as she made her way towards the medical bay, tapping a quick note in. She sent it just as she stepped through the door.

From: Lt. Montague
Subject: Anomaly

Given what we know about it so far, is there any risk of the anomaly the Nostra's sensors are picking up will interfere with maneuvering at this distance?