Can I get a Wits (6d6) roll please?
O hey Wits finally get to shine!
TIP: Whenever there's a roll, include strategy to get bonus die!
We do include strategy! But there was no indication we'd be rolling for Smoke >_>
*reads on*
Oh. Starategy for this. Okay.
"Medraut," she says, her voice thick with shock and fear. "Medraut, canas eo ha?"
O hey she knows our name.

Someone plz google-fu the rest?

Also should we maybe talk a bit about this before voting, maybe?
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
For all we know running away just means she finishes the spell and we look like a bitch for running.

Something seems really off about her, maybe the creepy fucking spell and finger-bone? I say we knock the finger out of her hand then know her out.
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)

This, punch to the center (can't chant if you can't breath), grab and knee in center, break her jaw, concussion... there's a lot of ways to interrupt someone casting really. Well, as long as they need a focus and chanting anyway.
Upcoming post is a bit short, but it should be fun.

TIP: Whenever there's a roll, include strategy to get bonus die!
how do you want strategies written out? Like stunts, or as just a general plan?

[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.
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[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.

I don't trust our luck for anything else.
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It looks like she was strengthening the wards before the Mordred interrupt.

How she knows our identity is what worries me. Either our candles went out after we said bye to Piper, or she can see through mindfuckery magic.

I kind of want to try to talk her down, but we'll need two bonus dice to have a decent chance to get that to work.

Only thing I can think of is act in a non-threatenin manner, keep our hands in front of us, visible, don't twitch, speak calmly, etc.

Otherwise @NotAlwaysFanfic has a good write-in. I don't want to get the girl maimed, she probably thinks she's acting in self-defence.
Please consider it if you're going for "Knock the bone out" plan.
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It looks like she was strengthening the wards before the Mordred interrupt.

How she knows our identity is what worries me. Either our candles went out after we said bye to Piper, or she can see through mindfuckery magic.

I kind of want to try to talk her down, but we'll need two bonus dice to have a decent chance to get that to work.

Only thing I can think of is act in a non-threatenin manner, keep our hands in front of us, visible, don't twitch, speak calmly, etc.

Otherwise @NotAlwaysFanfic has a good write-in. I don't want to get the girl maimed, she probably thinks she's acting in self-defence.
Please consider it if you're going for "Knock the bone out" plan.
Strengthening them? I saw it as her weakening them. And she's trying to throw us through the hole she was opening. Seriously, where did you get strengthening in that?
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.
I thought we just needed to suggest ways he could do it for strategy die, but if we need to vote it in...

[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] This, punch to the center (can't chant if you can't breath), grab and knee in center, break her jaw, concussion... there's a lot of ways to interrupt someone casting really. Well, as long as they need a focus and chanting anyway.
Strengthening them? I saw it as her weakening them. And she's trying to throw us through the hole she was opening. Seriously, where did you get strengthening in that?
She was altering the wards in secret, which could mean malevolent intentions, but Mordred notes she's not acting like a saboteur would.

She's also afraid of us, and throwing someone in a hole in reality sounds like a great way to get rid of them if you can mend it afterwards. I mean, she wan't opening any holes till we failed our stealth check.

[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.

I really want to talk to her, but this is way better than breaking her jaw or something.

The commotion will probably bring Knights on our head...

Should've gone to gaming.
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.

this is all i got from google ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

anyway, vote:
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl. Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.

edit: i got this too

makes me think she's speaking in multiple languages mashed up together. plus, there's the fact that i messed with the first sentence a bit more and got "Has he sung" (roughly) with Latin for "canas" and Norwegian for "ha". Probably gibberish, tbh.
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[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)

Why y'all so focused on not hurting this girl? She's trying to literally send us to the shadow realm. That's not a thing you get better from.
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)

Why y'all so focused on not hurting this girl? She's trying to literally send us to the shadow realm. That's not a thing you get better from.
She's clearly terrified and thinks we'll hurt her. Is it that weird that I don't want to prove her right?

I don't think we'll be going on a trip to another dimension today, but Mordred could probably survive that.
Throwing someone into another dimension when caught doing maintenance? Yeah, I doubt it. I don't think what she was doing is all that safe.

[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl, Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.

I doubt our chances of talking her down, but I don't want anyone to get hurt either.
@Karyis makes a point. For Sov behara. Des vov sinabo eo nipas! Cinabur.

Sov is recognized as Sleeping in Swedish.
behara I get needs in Basque.
Des gives me of in French.
Vov gives me Grandpa in Spanish.
sinabo is recognized as we have in Zulu.
Eo is that in Xhosa.
Nipas is through in Yoruba
Cinabur doesn't translate. So we get...

Sleeping needs. Of Grandpa we have that through! Cinabur!

Which makes less sense then untranslated... so that probably is the wrong path.
She's clearly terrified and thinks we'll hurt her. Is it that weird that I don't want to prove her right?

I don't think we'll be going on a trip to another dimension today, but Mordred could probably survive that.
Considering she's basically whipped out a magical gun and started pulling the trigger YES, YOU ARE WEIRD FOR NOT KILLING HER. What part of LITERALLY TRYING TO BANISH US TO THE SHADOW REALM DON'T YOU GET?

Like, that's not a joke! She's actually doing that! Stopping her is more important than her well being, because she's the one who attacked us first, after we caught her breaking into and changing the wards of the school specifically to let in other things from THE SHADOW REALM.
I doubt she's is up to any good but we have a better chance of getting answers if she's uninjured.
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl, Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that
Throwing someone into another dimension when caught doing maintenance? Yeah, I doubt it. I don't think what she was doing is all that safe.
Not just some rando tho. She knows who she's dealing with. Considering how Morty rolled last time he was up and about, it's hard to accuse her of overreacting :V

Considering she's basically whipped out a magical gun and started pulling the trigger YES, YOU ARE WEIRD FOR NOT KILLING HER. What part of LITERALLY TRYING TO BANISH US TO THE SHADOW REALM DON'T YOU GET?

Like, that's not a joke! She's actually doing that! Stopping her is more important than her well being, because she's the one who attacked us first, after we caught her breaking into and changing the wards of the school specifically to let in other things from THE SHADOW REALM.
I've been meaning to ask, where are you getting the "Shadow Realm" thing from? All I see is "another dimension" which is unpleasant, sure, but apparently Mordred has experience with places behind 'walls-between-worlds". SR sounds specific, but I don't recall seeing it... anywhere?

Also it takes 2 sux to prevent the spell from going off. Unlike the 'persuade' option it is not so risky that we can't afford to try and minimize harm to her.

Seriously, if one of Knights recognized Mordred and attacked him, would you be calling for killing her as well?

E: also her changing wards to let things in is speculation.
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In a way, her being afraid of Mordred speaks in her favor, at least to me. If a bad guy recognized us, they wouldn't freak out, they'd invite us to participate in Bad Things.
[X] Knock the finger bone out of her hand (Athletics 4d6, 2 successes needed)
-[X] Focus on minimizing harm, prioritizing the girl, Grab her by the wrist and pull her to you so that you can shield her with your body, then dive out of the way of the explosion. You're a Knight of the Round Table, you should be capable of feats such as that.
In a way, her being afraid of Mordred speaks in her favor, at least to me. If a bad guy recognized us, they wouldn't freak out, they'd invite us to participate in Bad Things.

That, or she believes that Mordred would attempt to stop her for whatever reason.

Also, if we were actually a normal student, I could see this being the start of another quest.
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