I've been thinking about the reincarnation spell. Or more specifically, the original reincarnation spell Merlin suggested. By moving Artura's soul to a new body, she can avoid death and theoretically live forever, but here's my question: where would the new body come from?

The most obvious solution would be to create a new body from scratch, but would that be possible? Even with magic, how much time and effort would be needed to create a working human body? Furthermore, a soul with a Heraldry is stronger than a normal soul, so would the created body have to be better than a normal human body?

Now assuming creating a new body is impossible, or would take too much time, the next most obvious solution is to put the soul into a pre-existing body. This of course also has problems. The question of whether a 'normal' body can handle a soul with a Heraldry would still be there, now with the added awkwardness of having to disguise the body even if it did work. There's also the whole morality issue of taking over someone's body for the sake of extending your own lifespan.

Now let's consider using a Knight as a vessel. Assuming the Knight in question is super loyal and is willing to die for Artura, the morality issue is mostly side-stepped and the question of whether the body can handle Heraldry is also answered; however, while Artura's soul should be able to override a normal person's soul, would it be that easy to override another soul with a Heraldry? It sounds like many issues would occur when two souls with Heraldries occupy the same body. Furthermore, the whole disguise issue would still be there, it would be even worse in this case since people would think the Knight killed the Queen and took her place if the disguise came off. Not to mention that using up a Knight like that would be a huge waste of resources.

And then there's Mordred.

He also has a Heraldry, but his is unique in that it was born from Artura's Excalibur. We've seen that their powers mingle when they clash, what's to say that this effect can't go deeper? What if Excalibur can override Caledfwlch due to being the original? And since Heraldries are manifestations of the soul, wouldn't that equate to Artura overriding Mordred's soul?

Furthermore, Mordred is the heir. Once Artura "dies", nobody will question it once he takes over. A disguise is unnecessary.
There's the morality issue of taking over your offspring's body to extend your lifespan, but Artura doesn't seem to like Mordred all that much so it's a win-win situation! Hooray!

Well, I suppose this issue isn't relevant anymore since Artura is dead and her reincarnation has fractured memo-

Annabelle has a soul bond with Mordred.

Well, I suppose this issue isn't relevant anymore since Artura is dead and her reincarnation has fractured memo-

Annabelle has a soul bond with Mordred.

It's worse for Annabelle in this situation, since Mordred is the original, and Caledfwlch hasn't finished growing yet, while Excalibur has been reset to a lesser form multiple times, and she's a reincarnation. In this case, Mordred could very well absorb Annabelle, rather than the other way around.
Thank you SV. I really needed an existential crisis before I went to bed. I totally didn't plan on going to bed early just to avoid this scenario. :cry:
That sounds like an awfully complicated and non-repeatable form of reincarnation. The point was that they'd rule forever, not just have Artura rule another lifetime. The current method of reincarnating the Knights into newborn bodies that closely physically resemble them seems far more logical. While having to grow into adulthood again (assuming it couldn't be sped up by magic) would be annoying immortality so tough it'd only stop if all of humanity was killed off would be worth the price.

Not to mention that Merlin was nearly begging Mordred to look over his plans for the ritual. He needed Mordred to check his work as no one else could. He wouldn't ask that of the guy he was planning on getting possessed.

The Knights were toxic, not the Forces of Darkness.
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I voted for Gemma because Mordred saved her, and also because that dance was very nice and I didn't want it all to go wrong.
...Does this mean that things will end badly now?

Or is there a chance to, I dunno, reveal we're Mordred and bond over that or something?
I might try my hand at an omake, even if I'm feeling rusty, to help Gemma's relationship with Mordred.
It says there can be "alternative resolutions to her storyline".
Does this mean that things will end badly now?
No. "You voted wrong, bad end" is not the way Gally has been running the quest. There's going to be fallout, probably, but that was going to be the case regardless--we were choosing which way would things would go, not trying to pick the correct choice (because there wasn't one here).
That sounds like an awfully complicated and non-repeatable form of reincarnation. The point was that they'd rule forever, not just have Artura rule another lifetime. The current method of reincarnating the Knights into newborn bodies that closely physically resemble them seems far more logical. While having to grow into adulthood again (assuming it couldn't be sped up by magic) would be annoying immortality so tough it'd only stop if all of humanity was killed off would be worth the price.

Not to mention that Merlin was nearly begging Mordred to look over his plans for the ritual. He needed Mordred to check his work as no one else could. He wouldn't ask that of the guy he was planning on getting possessed.

The Knights were toxic, not the Forces of Darkness.

I admit the theory is pretty unlikely to be true. I doubt Artora and Merlin are that bad from what we've seen of them.

If Artora was evil though, we could make jokes about how she flung Mordred into the future and now he has to find a way back to the past and undo the future that is Aku.
I've been thinking about the reincarnation spell. Or more specifically, the original reincarnation spell Merlin suggested. By moving Artura's soul to a new body, she can avoid death and theoretically live forever, but here's my question: where would the new body come from?

The most obvious solution would be to create a new body from scratch, but would that be possible? Even with magic, how much time and effort would be needed to create a working human body? Furthermore, a soul with a Heraldry is stronger than a normal soul, so would the created body have to be better than a normal human body?

Now assuming creating a new body is impossible, or would take too much time, the next most obvious solution is to put the soul into a pre-existing body. This of course also has problems. The question of whether a 'normal' body can handle a soul with a Heraldry would still be there, now with the added awkwardness of having to disguise the body even if it did work. There's also the whole morality issue of taking over someone's body for the sake of extending your own lifespan.

Now let's consider using a Knight as a vessel. Assuming the Knight in question is super loyal and is willing to die for Artura, the morality issue is mostly side-stepped and the question of whether the body can handle Heraldry is also answered; however, while Artura's soul should be able to override a normal person's soul, would it be that easy to override another soul with a Heraldry? It sounds like many issues would occur when two souls with Heraldries occupy the same body. Furthermore, the whole disguise issue would still be there, it would be even worse in this case since people would think the Knight killed the Queen and took her place if the disguise came off. Not to mention that using up a Knight like that would be a huge waste of resources.

And then there's Mordred.

He also has a Heraldry, but his is unique in that it was born from Artura's Excalibur. We've seen that their powers mingle when they clash, what's to say that this effect can't go deeper? What if Excalibur can override Caledfwlch due to being the original? And since Heraldries are manifestations of the soul, wouldn't that equate to Artura overriding Mordred's soul?

Furthermore, Mordred is the heir. Once Artura "dies", nobody will question it once he takes over. A disguise is unnecessary.
There's the morality issue of taking over your offspring's body to extend your lifespan, but Artura doesn't seem to like Mordred all that much so it's a win-win situation! Hooray!

Well, I suppose this issue isn't relevant anymore since Artura is dead and her reincarnation has fractured memo-

Annabelle has a soul bond with Mordred.


The reincarnation spell works by massaging events to create Circumstances roughly similar to that of the original iteration - not entirely the same, as seen by differences such as Gemma being the same age as the others, Ginny being Annabelle's cousin rather than her niece, and Bailey joining the Knightly fold alongside everyone else rather than years afterwards. But generally, the Knights have to be brought together so that the cycle can play out.

Their bodies are essentially manufactured in utero for the express purpose of housing the souls, magically influenced to be nearly identical to the originals (which gets kinda weird when the Knights reincarnate in Africa, or rural China, but millenia of fae/human interbreeding has made this less of an issue than it might otherwise be). So just to be clear, nobody's body is being taken over, and nobody's soul is being subsumed by the reincarnating Knights. I'll let you speculate about the consequences of this information on your own.

Perhaps it's a result of the actual reincarnation process not being the scope of the quest, but that logic falls apart if you look at it closely. It was mentioned that Annabelle only got her powers a couple years back. Such a method would leave the Earth vulnerable to invasion/conquest/other actions by FoD for about 15 years before the next batch matures, and only a few years for the Knights to take it back or reverse the change. We would probably live in a very different world if it were true.

The more logical - if not exactly more plausible, - way of explaining that the continuity of the war, is that there are multiple 'vessels' for the Knights with fitting backstories available at any given time, and as one batch dies, the spell transfers their souls to the next batch and starts working on bringing them together. Annabelle only had Heraldry for a short while, but has been an adopted kid (?) who is friend with Matthew for most of her life, preceding her superhero status.
Marking this insightful not because it's correct (although it's a very reasonable conclusion) but because it raises questions you guys should be considering.
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The current method of reincarnating the Knights into newborn bodies that closely physically resemble them seems far more logical. While having to grow into adulthood again (assuming it couldn't be sped up by magic) would be annoying immortality so tough it'd only stop if all of humanity was killed off would be worth the price.
Perhaps it's a result of the actual reincarnation process not being the scope of the quest, but that logic falls apart if you look at it closely. It was mentioned that Annabelle only got her powers a couple years back. Such a method would leave the Earth vulnerable to invasion/conquest/other actions by FoD for about 15 years before the next batch matures, and only a few years for the Knights to take it back or reverse the change. We would probably live in a very different world if it were true.

The more logical - if not exactly more plausible, - way of explaining that the continuity of the war, is that there are multiple 'vessels' for the Knights with fitting backstories available at any given time, and as one batch dies, the spell transfers their souls to the next batch and starts working on bringing them together. Annabelle only had Heraldry for a short while, but has been an adopted kid (?) who is friends with Matthew for most of her life, preceding her superhero status.
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Perhaps it's a result of the actual reincarnation process not being the scope of the quest, but that logic falls apart if you look at it closely. It was mentioned that Annabelle only got her powers a couple years back. Such a method would leave the Earth vulnerable to invasion/conquest/other actions by FoD for about 15 years before the next batch matures, and only a few years for the Knights to take it back or reverse the change. We would probably live in a very different world if it were true.

The more logical - if not exactly more plausible, - way of explaining that the continuity of the war, is that there are multiple 'vessels' for the Knights with fitting backstories available at any given time, and as one batch dies, the spell transfers their souls to the next batch and starts working on bringing them together. Annabelle only had Heraldry for a short while, but has been an adopted kid (?) who is friends with Matthew for most of her life, preceding her superhero status.

Why are you assuming that the reincarnation happens soon after death? For all we know, there might be decades or centuries long gaps between each cycle as the Forces of Darkness try to recover from their last tribulation with the knights.

That alone would allow for the required time for the knights to reach relative maturity without having powers.

Edit: Remember, the cycle has been going on for literally a million years (A thousand-thousand years). That's one hell of a long war. Wars that long tend to have calm periods as both sides pull back to lick their wounds and prepare for the next bout (The Hundred Years war for example sometimes had entire decades with little to no action for similar reasons).
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Circumstantial evidence, mostly. Like Ophelia mentioning that the Church of Placid Waters has always been at war with some major supernatural power - and later identifying the Knights as such a power - suggests that another conflict, if not several, happened in her lifetime. And she is about forty.
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I'll let you speculate about the consequences of this information on your own.

So we know the reincarnation spell not only messes with the circumstances of their birth, but also the events of their lives as well. Which is why they keep repeating the same mistakes. It's also likely that the Forces of Darkness are also being manipulated by the spell. Some of them had to have noticed the Knights' pattern by now, they could just wait until the Knights' reach the end of their cycle and die before invading Earth; but that hasn't happened yet, why? Some possibilities:
  • They want the cycle to continue because it somehow works to their advantage
  • The spell is powerful enough to hold them back
  • The spell is subtly manipulating them to turn on each other every time the Knights are unavailable.

WAIT. SHIT. What if the spell is manipulating the current events right now!? Imagine if Mordred went to the Knights, explained the situation and offered to work with them in order to help them escape the cycle. If these actions have a good chance of ending, or at least changing, the cycle, then wouldn't the spell manipulate events to prevent that? An event like an accident happening that makes Mordred look like he's attacking Annabelle, for example. What if there were no good choices for the last vote because the spell manipulated events so that it ended up that way?
Both Talia and Sa'Lanyah mentioned Morgan as a wielder of a force of Change, the sole power that can ultimately resist (complement?) the Source of All Lies which I would assume deals with the force of Fate. It's all rather vague, and not knowing what the SoAL is/was supposed to do doesn't help my understanding.

Sa'Lanyah also went as far as noting that she had it before, but doesn't anymore.
"They all require a cocoon, to manifest physically. The city, the dreamworld…but the city collapsed before the ascension was complete. Now they spiral through eons, half-formed, escaping death with a clever trick. How do you stop an enemy you cannot kill? You bind them, with iron or silk. Choice is the only freedom from imprisonment. Choice is the transformation of raw destinal energy into..." She pauses, blinks, and for a moment looks like the same girl you first met in Roosevelt, altering the school's wards behind a curtain of smoke. "Is destinal a word?" She asks. "It should be. There's no proper descriptor…fate, destiny, kismet, but an adjective. The energy of fate?"


"Don't interrupt," she snaps. "It's hard, to drift so far and maintain coherence. Where was I?" She taps her chin again. "Choice is the manifestation of raw energy of fate into proper divinity. A necessary component for ascension. That's what makes you special. The lost, the forgotten. The unbound. A man in the desert resents his need for water, but that does not make him less thirsty."
"I can see it around you," Sa'Lanyah says, silver lightning flashing through her irises. "Yatalel. The crux of change. Lifeblood of divinity." She leans down and touches your cheek, fingers as light as a breeze. When she pulls her hand away it is smeared with blood. "It has been so long," she murmurs, "since I have wielded that."
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What if there were no good choices for the last vote because the spell manipulated events so that it ended up that way?
I mean, it's possible... But it seems much more likely that there just weren't really any good choices, because that's just the way the world works. You have a thousand things that need to be done, and you can only do a few at any given time...

On a larger level, though, working ourselves up into a froth about something that we don't have any real evidence of is a bad idea. We should keep it in mind, but until we see some actual in-story reason to start thinking it's true, it's nothing but an interesting hypothesis.
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Just wondering, does Mordred even age?

He must.

The trigger to his decision to rebel was finding out that Merlin was planning to make his mother immortal, so he couldn't count on her dying of old age and letting him take the reins and purge the rot in the system at some point later on.

He just doesn't look that old because he isn't.

From the sound of things, he went rogue within a couple years of his 15th birthday and he spent two years gathering the Forces of Darkness into a coalition to crush Camelot.

Add in the length of the campaign itself and the young man is likely 19, maybe 20 at most.

Young enough to pass as a high school student with little trouble.

So yeah, he is older than the Knights (biologically), but not by much.
He must.

The trigger to his decision to rebel was finding out that Merlin was planning to make his mother immortal, so he couldn't count on her dying of old age and letting him take the reins and purge the rot in the system at some point later on.

He just doesn't look that old because he isn't.

From the sound of things, he went rogue within a couple years of his 15th birthday and he spent two years gathering the Forces of Darkness into a coalition to crush Camelot.

Add in the length of the campaign itself and the young man is likely 19, maybe 20 at most.

Young enough to pass as a high school student with little trouble.

So yeah, he is older than the Knights (biologically), but not by much.
I should have rephrased my question honestly, I know that he ages. I'm more curious to whether or not Mordred knows of a way to slow aging. This is mostly because I remembered this quote:
You've seen it before, a thousand thousand years ago, sitting by the side of your dearest Aunt.
Morgana is still alive, so unless she has been going through the whole reincarnation thing what the heck has she been doing whenever the knights were dead?

EDIT: Other than fighting the other forces of darkness that is.
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Morgana is still alive, so unless she has been going through the whole reincarnation thing what the heck has she been doing whenever the knights were dead?
Piper shakes her head. "Just the same old scenes…training him, fighting with him…fighting him. He's dangerous, guys. And it's not a game with him, like it is with Morgana. If he gets the upper hand, he'll kill us."
Recalling Piper's words about Morgana messing with them as if it were a game, my money is on 'being very very bored'.

Only people with nothing more meaningful to do keep playing the same game over and over and over again for thousands of years.
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I was thinking, if Morgana as as strong as Merlin, and thus is able to do similar magics, then she should be able to stop or interfere with the reincarnation cycle. So either she can't stop it, continues it out of petty cruelty, continues it out because she doesnt want her only connections to Camelot die, or maybe Morgana, for whatever reason, has a vested interest in the reincarnantion cycle continuing, for reasons that are much more magically profound.

I think it's the last one.
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The club wasn't as distracting as she'd hoped it'd be, no that wasn't quite right.
Oh, at first it had been great. The dance and the close body heat and Morgan smelled so good and- focus.

While it had been so good to get out and not be responsible for once, while the dance had been fun and she had laughed, it seems such a simple thing could not last.

So here she sat, looking on.

Not fair.
Then again, that's what everything in life has been about all this time, hasn't it? Only instead of magical superpowers, it's turned around and aimed against you.

Her own thoughts whisper to her, going round and round.

Some get all the luck, all the attention.
Never her, though.
At least it doesn't feel that way, sitting down and watching Morgan speak in that phone, talking to someone else.
Someone who wasn't her.

Did his eyes glance her way, did he frown?
...No, probably not. Just a trick of the light.

A simple sigh as she lowered her face into her hands.
Hell of a revelation...

You seek to escape, to get some sense of being your own, some sense of worth that couldn't end with you being outdone.
And, somehow, through a miracle perhaps, part of the reason for that shows up, and asks to come along, to be with you.
And now... and now this.
Because the world just can't help but revolve around someone else.

There's a burning sensation in her chest, and she's pretty sure it isn't from the next stage.

Absently she wonders if others ever feel this way.
And from deep within, from the same place that made her stay and listen and hand over money, a thought comes to her about if Mordred, who played that music that was so beautiful, ever did.
The heat and tension, that frustration of how things are not as you would have them be.

Is she supposed to feel both sad and angry?
Is that normal?
Ugh this is so frustrating.

She wanted to hear some good music.
Perhaps it was the brief memory of Mordred's song that made her think of it, but she wanted something that she hadn't heard what felt like a hundred times before, but this stray thought jumped to the fore in prominence.
It was undeniable: she didn't want to hear the song of the club anymore.

It was too harsh, now, and it drowned out so much else.

Well, soon the next stage of what she took will hit.
Wondering what it will be about won't make much of a difference, probably.
Not like much of anything makes one, when everything seems intent on going wrong here.
So with that in mind, she decided that whatever it is can't be much worse than this forced inactivity and fraying nerves.

At least so she hoped.

The hope brought back some of the anger.
Why is it like this? It shouldn't, right?
She should get to enjoy life on her own terms for once.
Having someone with her as she traveled the world, or at least stepped away from her hometown, why couldn't things stay like that?
Or become even better?

Shackle, the sign of her power, started rising up, but she pushed them down, even as her anger remained.
...She wanted things to be better, she wanted to have that travel across the world, with Morgan. She'd agreed, it had been crazy, but she'd agreed - and the heat in her chest back then hadn't come from anger.
Well, she'd already decided to start down this path when she sought her own life outside of what had been, why not continue? She wasn't going to be the type to back down like this, she refused.

Rusty, but I wanted to help Gemma.
She's my favorite.
Wait a minute, I think we've been overlooking some pieces of information:

Merlin said:
But perhaps a soul with a Heraldry is made of sterner stuff. Perhaps it could survive those brief moments outside its body, long enough to carry itself to a new one.

So according to Merlin, their Heraldries are why the Knights are able to reincarnate. If that's the case, why are Merlin and Gwynn also in the cycle despite having no Heraldries?

Also, the Knights dream about their past lives in Camelot, but do they ever have dreams about their previous cycles after Camelot?
Wait a minute, I think we've been overlooking some pieces of information:

So according to Merlin, their Heraldries are why the Knights are able to reincarnate. If that's the case, why are Merlin and Gwynn also in the cycle despite having no Heraldries?

Also, the Knights dream about their past lives in Camelot, but do they ever have dreams about their previous cycles after Camelot?

Excellent question (the heraldry one).

There must be something other than Heraldry being a determining factor in the cycle.

As for the past lives bit, I have no clue. Mordred is still on his first one and he is the perspective character. I'm sure this is done on purpose because this sort of thing will likely become a plot point.
See Me
You only have time to do one thing, so you have to make sure it's the most important thing. Bone and Terri's problems aren't likely to get them into trouble right this moment, and Gemma will still be here when the third rush wears off. Annabelle though…You grab Alexander's wrist. "I need your phone."

"You need to sit down," Alexander says. "And get your head on straight. If you're this agitated when the third rush hits-"

Caledfwlch seethes under your skin, itching to be released, demanding acknowledgment. You are a Prince, a commander, a general. When you give orders they're to be obeyed, not questioned and countered. You tighten your grip, and Alexander squirms as something in his wrist pops. "I need your phone," you say again, and this time Alexander reaches into his pocket to produce a smartphone.

Your grasp on modern technology is tenuous at best, but luckily smartphones are so ubiquitous that you've picked up how to operate them basically through osmosis. You open Alexander's contacts and thumb down the extensive, emoji filled list until you reach the Bs, and with them Bailey's number, flanked by a smiling devil face, a tongue, a monkey face, a heart, and three fires.

God you don't understand emojis. What are they supposed to mean, how does everyone but you get them? Was there some kind of class you missed that teaches the significance of an upside down smiley face?

You push Bailey's name with a finger and bring the phone to your ear. It rings once, twice, three times, and for a moment it feels like your heart is frozen in your chest. What if Bailey doesn't pick up? What if she's away from her phone, or doesn't want to talk to Alexander right now, or doesn't even get reception in the "Observatory," wherever that is? What if-

The fourth ring cuts out suddenly, replaced by a moment of unexpected silence. "Hey you," Lady Bercila's voice purrs in your ear. "Isn't there some kind of three days rule about you calling?"

"What?" You ask, confused.

"What?" Bailey echoes. "Who the fuck is this?"

"It's Morgan."

"Who the fuck is Morgan?"

Seriously? "I go to your school!" You shout, slapping your free hand to your forehead. You don't have time for this. "Where's Annabelle? Is she okay?" You hear a door open behind you, and the music of the club flooding the small backroom. A moment later the door clicks shut again, and the music returns to a muted vibration in the floor. You whirl and see that Gemma has left the room, Alyse hot in pursuit.

"Annabelle?" Bailey asks. "What's going on? How did you get this number? Do you know Alexander?"

"Bailey!" You shout, and Caledfwlch carries on your voice, your presence reverberating in every syllable. "Is! Annabelle! Okay!"

"Fuck," Bailey says. "Matthew!" Her shout is muffled, as if she's covering the phone with one hand. You hear voices from the phone, low and intense, and you check the digital clock on the phone. How much longer will you have lucidity? Will you be able to carry a conversation once the third rush hits?

A moment later Matthew's voice comes through the phone. "Morgan?" He asks. He sounds…frightened. Desperate. It is not a tone you are used to hearing in the voice of Merlin Ambrosius. In times of stress his manner had always been neutral, calculated, the result of a lifetime spent facing crises.

"Whatever Lorelei did, it shattered Caledfwlch. Perhaps she exploited a flaw, a defect in the armor, but it's good he woke up when he did. Without the conscious mind to stabilize the loss, damage could have been much more severe."

"Annabelle's hurt," you say. It's no longer a question.

"But…" Matthew stammers, "I- how- you-" he takes a deep breath, and when he speaks again, his voice has lost much of its frantic edge. "Yes. Can you help? Please." There is so much desperate longing in his words that for a moment you're convinced you're back in Camelot, that everything since your awakening in the cave has been some fever dream from which you're only now emerging.

"If she's unconscious, you need to wake her up," you say immediately. "She got hit in the soul, Matthew. Past the armor, and her skin. She's still mortal there."

You can practically hear Matthew's face go pale. "Her soul?" He asks. "Gavin can't- I mean he's never-"

"I don't know how much he'll be able to help her. But every little bit counts." King Gwynn had been unable to attend to you, of course, but you're not sure a direct attack to the soul can be fixed through traditional healing magic. "Also, there may be residual energy trapped inside her. If you can push it, it should go back the way it came."

"Which is where?" Matthew asks.

You grit your teeth. He's going to figure it out anyway. "Though a soul bond."

"Through you," Matthew says. "Morgan, what are you hiding from us?"

"That can come later," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "After you help her."

"We know where you are."

"I know."

"If you run, we'll find you."

You swallow. "I know that too."

"Thank you for helping," Matthew says. "I…I should tell Gavin what you told me."

You hang up the phone. It slips between your fingers and falls to the ground below.

The Third Rush – Babble

The wooziness hits you immediately, sending you stumbling. Your head feels simultaneously too light and too heavy, as if it is off balance, falling up towards the ceiling. It's not an unpleasant feeling, actually, but it is disorienting.

"Alright, buddy," Alexander says, slipping an arm around your shoulders. "Sit down."

"I can't," you say, surprised to find that your words are precise and well enunciated. Your thoughts are slow to get going, but once you open your mouth they rush up through your throat and across your tongue. "I have to find Gemma. I fucked up, I fucked up really badly, but I had to. It wasn't my fault…what can you do when you're dealt a shit hand except deal with it?" You press a hand to your forehead. "I've had nothing but shit hands, and everyone else…everyone else treats me like a leper when I try to make the most of it. What am I supposed to do? Why can't everything just be simple again?"

"Nothing's ever simple," Alexander says reassuringly, guiding you back to the couch you awoke on. The leather is still damp from your sweat, but you hardly notice it as you sit down. "Uncertainty and confusion are always the first things to be forgotten, but they were always there."

"No," you insist, "no, you're right, it wasn't simple, but it was clear. It was a hard decision, but once I made it I knew it was the right one. Except maybe it wasn't! What if everything I knew was just something I thought?"

Alexander shrugs. "We're only human," he says. "Well, I'm not, but you get the picture. We all make mistakes."

"I can't make mistakes," you say. "If I do…I threw away my morals, but I had to. It was necessary. That's what rulers do, they make the hard choices. But they have to make the right ones! If they don't…if they just throw away what's right whenever it becomes convenient…" you struggle for words to explain what you're feeling, but none come.

"It's about justice!" You scream at Gwynn, voice thick with a frustrated rage. "It's about what's right! If you're just acting moral to win the support of the people you're nothing but a despot in a mask!"

Gwynn slams his hand on the table. "It's about what's necessary," he says, and though his voice is loud to match your own, the fire of his voice does not rage as hot as yours. "A ruler must be kind, and generous, and wise, yes, but above all he must be practical."

"Can I tell you a story?" Alexander asks. You look up at him, fistfuls of hair clutched desperately in your fingers. "Alyse and I, our father was the human," he continues, taking your silence for assent. "He was a scholar, actually. Kinda weedy. People think True Fae are always going after supermodels, but that's not true. They see beauty differently than we do. Our dad, he was obsessed with the Fae, with their legends and culture. His passion drew our mother to him, and kept her in his heart long after she left. He would tell us Fae stories when we were children, real Fae stories. To help us understand who we were.

"Our favorite story was called The Wise Brownie." He pauses, tapping his chin. "Actually this might be a bit confusing. Brownies-"

"They're extinct," you mumble. "They were the Seelie equivalent of Goblins, right? Small and weak, but helpful and kind instead of savage and cruel."

Alexander blinks, surprise. "Yeah, actually. You know your stuff. Anyway, the story goes like this: One day, there lived a Brownie on a farm. Like most Brownies, she was kind but a little stupid – but most importantly, she was very wise. And while most Brownies could only use their magic to patch shoes or clean houses, this one was far more powerful."

"How?" You ask. Fae castes are relatively static, you remember. It's not often an Unseelie rises above their station, and as far as you can remember, Seelie Fae were mirrors of their darker cousins.

"She was strong, where the rest of her kind was weak," Alexander says with a shrug. "Her choices wrought power from fate, and lit her like a star. She held in her hands the power to shape worlds, to rise above even the True Fae. But she didn't."

"She didn't?"

"Her power touched all that lived, and they were like clay before her, to be molded by her strength. In her wisdom, she saw the righteous path that she could take. But she also saw the darkness she could bring, and most importantly she saw her own weakness. She was only a Brownie, kind but a little stupid, and she knew that she was unworthy of the power she held. So she carved off the barest sliver of it for herself, and locked the rest away, only to be returned to her when she was worthy of it.

"For years and years she struggled, achieving great deeds, proving herself. Slowly she approached worthiness, slowly she approached the choice that would bestow her full power unto her." Alexander stops, as if waiting for something.

"So?" You ask. "How did she prove herself worthy?"

Alexander smiles. "One day, an Unseelie Fae came along," he says. "He saw the power the Brownie possessed, but had locked away. And so he gobbled her up, and took all her power for himself."

"He what?" You ask. "That's…that's an awful story. Your dad told you this as a little kid?"

"It's an Unseelie story," Alexander says, laughing. "Did you expect a happy ending? There is a moral though. If the Brownie had embraced her full power at the beginning, the Unseelie Fae never would have been able to kill her. Some might say her wisdom, her sense of what was right, was her strength. But power was her strength, Morgan. Everything that kept her from it was weakness, to be exploited." He shrugs. "Throw away what holds you back, whether that be doubt or confusion or wisdom. The only way to survive in this world is to be strong."

You sit with your head in your hands, considering his words. After a few long minutes, Alexander stands and exits back into the club proper, leaving you with your thoughts.

It was several minutes more before you collect yourself enough to search for Gemma. Alexander's story bothers you as you hunt through the twisting hallways of the club. Is your doubt and hesitancy to commit what makes you weak? You have done nothing but waffle back and forth ever since you woke up in this new world. You've told yourself that it was to learn, to understand the consequences of your previous actions, but has that been a lie? Have you been afraid to seize the power this new world gives you?

The Knights will come for you soon. Is allying yourself with them the right decision to make? They are not the women and men you fought against in Camelot, but they bear the same scars. Are you moving backwards, instead of forwards? Despite your hesitancy to admit it, you like much of the Breakfast Club. Piper, Matthew, Gavin, Gemma…Annabelle…they are kind to you. You are less close to Ginny and Bailey, but they seem to have their hearts in the right place, even if that place brings them into conflict with you. Could you build your new Camelot with them, rather than over their corpses? Could you stand with them against the Forces of Darkness, rather than the other way around? Or are you nothing more than a child, letting fear and regret drive you into the arms of the familiar? Throw away what holds you back. But is that your attachment, or your mistrust? The only way to survive in this world is to be strong. But is strength standing on your own two feet, or being able to trust others to catch you when you stumble?

You have failed before. Desperate and alone, you attacked your home and family, and found yourself imprisoned for a thousand thousand years.


Not years. A thousand thousand cycles. You can see it in your mind's eye, a million lives lived and lost. You found yourself imprisoned for a thousand thousand lives, but now you are awoken, and you have a chance to try again.

You will not retread the same path. You have been dealt a new hand, been given new opportunities. There is a path now where there was none before, a path where you forge something new and truly golden.

"Hi," Gemma says.

You look up. She is beautiful in the smoke, the ghost of a girl who died a thousand thousand deaths ago. She strides forward and before you can react she kisses you, her lips feverish against yours.

When she pulls away you can see her eyes in the dim light. Her pupils eclipse her irises and waver around the edges, as if unable to support themselves. "I just…" she whispers, "wanted to try that. Before…you lied to me. You said she and her weren't anything."

"We're not."

"A soul bond is something, Morgan," Gemma says, the barest hint of a smile on her lips.

"I didn't know. Or I didn't want to know. I don't like thinking about her too hard, Gemma. She…terrifies me."

The hint of a smile turns to one in truth. "She should," Gemma says. "I've seen the face of God, Morgan, and it's a child with a complex. I thought I could be her for you, I thought that was what you wanted. But I don't know what you want."

You grab her hands. "I want you."

"No you don't. You look right past me, like I'm just…just a new face on an old girl. You see someone when you look at me, I don't know whether it's Annabelle or that girl you left in Atlanta, but it's not me. You don't even know me."

"I-" Lightning spikes through you, raw and uncontrolled. You grit your teeth against the pain, and shield yourself with the knowledge that Annabelle is being helped. Whatever residual energy still lingers in her body, it won't be enough to injure, although it hurts like a bitch.

"I want to know you," Gemma says, studying your face. "Ever since I met you, I felt like…like I'd seen you somewhere before. It was driving me insane. I felt like we had a connection, like we were just two people who understood each other." She exhales sharply. "I've spent so long complaining about Annabelle's obsession with true love, but I guess I wanted it too, a little bit. But how could I love you? I don't think I even see you when I look at you, any more than you see me. I see…escape. Proof that I don't have to live my life for her. I see…I see a normal life. Away from the drama and craziness and terror I wake up to every day. I feel like I see...everything but you." She shakes her head. "I'm selfish. We're all selfish, that's the problem. When Gavin looks at Annabelle he sees validation, and when she looks at him she sees the person she could be, stronger and better."


"They should be seeing each other!" Gemma shouts, and she shoves you, hard, your shoulders hitting the walls with a crack. "I want to see you Morgan, but I can't! I don't even know you, I just feel like I should." She stumbles backwards. "I've been lying this whole time. About who you are…about who I am. And now my friends are coming, and they're going to see…I don't know if I can face them, Morgan. I ran away because I couldn't. I…" she trails off, helpless.

You stare at her, at Gemma, and past her, at the girl you once knew. A thousand thousand lives ago you'd run, but you'd never had to face the consequences of your actions. Now…

[] What?