CYOA is a Chalice of Regrets: A Worm SI Quest

Huh, the character is an SI of Unwelcome Storm? I thought it was just a random poor schmuck. Going to call them a her from now on instead of a it or him then.
...You would call a witch themed Endbringer a "him"?

"Are we actually going to kill people or just hug them gingerly?"
I'm fine if we are evil, I have a major problem with being Stupid Evil. Scion is an archenemy we can't defeat on our own, so it makes sense to try to get some allies at the very least out of self-preservation, and doing what you had suggested and annihilating an entire city For the Evulz would have made things much more difficult down the line.
Here's a random bad idea that might be worth discussing: Mimicking Noelle's power.
Why bother recruiting parahumans when we can make an army of our own?
Eh, Noelle's clones are crazy. Not just evil, but pointlessly, destructively so. They'd be fine for minions during a fight, but not for anything involving long term plans.
Alright, next topic for discussion: If we are going to set ourselves up somewhere, where can we go?
(Keep in mind, I'm not sure if our Endbringer can speak in languages besides English.)

Here's two suggestions, feel free speak up if you have a good idea.

#1 - Brockton Bay
We can use our meta-knowledge to the fullest effect here. We know the factions, we know the people, we know how to conquer them and bring them to our cause. On the other hand, we might get into a fight with Leviathan or Behemoth over this territory in the near future.

#2 - New York
Stated in canon to be "one of the most competitive areas for capes and gangs in America". Establishing ourselves here would certainly demonstrate our strength and give a black eye to the Protectorate, as the leader of the Protectorate, Legend, lives there. The only problem is that we can't kill Flechette if we want to kill Scion later, and we would always need to be wary of getting shot by her.
#1 - Brockton Bay
We can use our meta-knowledge to the fullest effect here. We know the factions, we know the people, we know how to conquer them and bring them to our cause. On the other hand, we might get into a fight with Leviathan or Behemoth over this territory in the near future.
What would this gain us, though?
#2 - New York
Stated in canon to be "one of the most competitive areas for capes and gangs in America". Establishing ourselves here would certainly demonstrate our strength and give a black eye to the Protectorate, as the leader of the Protectorate, Legend, lives there. The only problem is that we can't kill Flechette if we want to kill Scion later, and we would always need to be wary of getting shot by her.
And again. Why? Like, what would be our base motivation for this?
What would this gain us, though?
Access to parahuman powers such as Panacea and Dinah, as well as gaining influence among the masses. It will be easier to manipulate people if we have more options than the threat of destruction.
We have a lot of strength, but we will need more when we are going up against the other Endbringers and Scion.

...And it will be fun to mess with people if we set ourselves up somewhere. Being a tyrant does have its perks, you know.
And again. Why? Like, what would be our base motivation for this?
Can you do some critical thinking or do I need to give a lengthy explanation for every suggestion I make? The point of this discussion I proposed is to determine where should we go if we are going to set ourselves up somewhere.

Regardless, being in a position to keep Flechette alive does have its advantages, as Flechette's power is invaluable in a fight against Scion or other Endbringers.

Ellisburg. We can take over the City by mimicing Nilbog.
I am pretty sure setting up there will be the excuse for the Protectorate to finally go through the trouble of killing Nilbog, and since we can't stay there forever, he's going to die. Besides, we can make our own minions.

As for Noelle, her power would probably make evil clones of Nilbog's creations. Eviler clones. Probably not a good idea...
Can you do some critical thinking or do I need to give a lengthy explanation for every suggestion I make?
You're proposing where to set up a kingdom, and I'm still wondering where you got the idea we wanted or needed a crown. Yes, you're going to have to lay out your logic for me, because I'm certainly not reaching whatever mental train station you've arrived at on my own.
You're proposing where to set up a kingdom, and I'm still wondering where you got the idea we wanted or needed a crown. Yes, you're going to have to lay out your logic for me, because I'm certainly not reaching whatever mental train station you've arrived at on my own.
If you think that the disadvantages of making a headquarters outweigh the advantages, fine, this is a discussion after all. But if you are so unimaginative that you can not conceive of advantages of setting up somewhere, several of which I outlined in my previous post, then I have to say it is not worth my time to explain it to you how putting effort into establishing a base of operations would help us do what we need to do later.
If you think that the disadvantages of making a headquarters outweigh the advantages, fine, this is a discussion after all. But if you are so unimaginative that you can not conceive of advantages of setting up somewhere, several of which I outlined in my previous post, then I have to say it is not worth my time to explain it to you how putting effort into establishing a base of operations would help us do what we need to do later.
And what do we need to do? Again, you're being very unclear on that, especially since this mysterious motive appears to be the driving force behind your suggestions.

You aren't going to get anywhere any time soon if you're incapable of saying in very small words where you're going in the first place.
If you think that the disadvantages of making a headquarters outweigh the advantages, fine, this is a discussion after all. But if you are so unimaginative that you can not conceive of advantages of setting up somewhere, several of which I outlined in my previous post, then I have to say it is not worth my time to explain it to you how putting effort into establishing a base of operations would help us do what we need to do later.
No, you actually do need to lay extensive groundwork to not make posters go WTF at you seeming to take it as obvious we might want to set up permanently somewhere.

As an Endbringer, hated by the other Endbringers.

Setting up anywhere long term is so self evidently risky you need many and compelling arguments for that to work as a good idea.
And what do we need to do? Again, you're being very unclear on that, especially since this mysterious motive appears to be the driving force behind your suggestions.
Like I said before, fight Scion and the other Endbingers. They are our major opponents in this story (Sorry Eidolon). Therefore, efforts should be made to prepare for those confrontations.

You aren't going to get anywhere any time soon if you're incapable of saying in very small words where you're going in the first place.
Are you saying you want me to treat you like a child? I have tried explaining things to you, and you do not make the effort to understand so I'm not going to bother.

Setting up anywhere long term is so self evidently risky you need many and compelling arguments for that to work as a good idea.
I never stated that we should set up somewhere "long term", I was trying to get some ideas on deciding which location we should start out at as part of our preparations for winning future conflicts.
I never stated that we should set up somewhere "long term", I was trying to get some ideas on deciding which location we should start out at as part of our preparations for winning future conflicts.


Alright, next topic for discussion: If we are going to set ourselves up somewhere, where can we go?

You technically never said long term, but without explicitly saying short term this sentence (and your following examples) default read as long term. You don't 'set up' as a purely transitional action, even, say, 'setting up camp' is for overnight sticking around.

Are you saying you want me to treat you like a child? I have tried explaining things to you, and you do not make the effort to understand so I'm not going to bother.

Condescending and blaming the other party when no one has understood you is folly in the extreme. You can do it, but I guarantee you will make enemies and those who would side with you if they knew your position won't side with you, because you are denying them your position, and then blaming them, no less.

Good faith conversation starts from the assumption that 'I have not explained myself well' when met with confusion. I'd say in most non-extraordinary conditions, you shouldn't assume the other isn't trying until at least three or so posts, and only then if, you know, they show signs of not listening, like ignoring things you actually said, rather than merely failing to read your mind.

Through the computer screen, and across the internet connection. I hope it's obvious the problems with that.
It's almost like people didn't bother to read who the character actually is or something.

I mean, unless they're trying to subtly indicate that they think Unwelcome Storm is a serial killer or something?

I am a simple man. I just want mass murder. :V

Ellisburg. We can take over the City by mimicing Nilbog. Maybe start setting up Cults and kidnapping Caps like Canary (for Mindcontroll) and Noelle.

Now this an actual plan. Well, nation building and kidnapping capes for the afore mentionned nation is. I am pretty sure we can convince heroes to not attack us when we aren't endbringing, via carefull AD (Like MAD except not for our side :V ) of cities if they refuse to play our nation building game.
Also if we do so, I want our minions to be stereotypical evil minions a la Overlord. We can get Jack Slash as Gnarl.
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Your answer was that you literally couldn't be bothered to explain to me your reasoning. That's the opposite of an explanation.
I have already provided plenty of explanations in my posts, and at this point you have contributed so little to my proposed discussion that you can't convince me it is worth the time and effort to make you understand. Deal with it.

Karmaoa and Archangis, thank you for your contributions to the discussion.

I'm taking a break. Later.
I have already provided plenty of explanations in my posts, and at this point you have contributed so little to my proposed discussion that you can't convince me it is worth the time and effort to make you understand. Deal with it.
... Explanations. I don't think that word means what you think it means.
You said 'Let's set up shop somewhere. Here are two places we can go. There are some capes with useful powers around these two spots.'
That's it. That's all you said. After that it got bogged down with yelling at people that they were basically picking on you for asking for more details than 'Go here. Make friends. ???. Be prepared for Scion.'

Anyway, setting up bases is a terrible, terrible plan. Not only do we have the other endbringers, by default, set to 'kill on sight', and a future death-battle with Scion to worry about. We also have the whole 'periodically go on a mass-murdering rampage' deal. Thus, any kind of habitation with plans longer than 'until this time tomorrow' will inevitably lead to wasted time, wasted resources, and a lot of frustration.
Instead we're going to do the thing closest to sane and mimic the other endbringers: Pick a relatively uninhabited territory type, and spend large swathes of time lazing about there.
We could attempt to communicate with a variety of capes, but a long term plan beyond 'not dying to scion' is required by default before we begin making any sort of overture.

So. Besides occasionally doing our very best to turn large swathes of land uninhabitable, what's the plan?
Puppet master a silent and sudden revolution using meta knowledge and overwhelming power?
Sell ourselves out to Cauldron on the assumption that they won't immediately attempt to peel us apart inch by inch to find the best way to kill and/or replicate the endbringer creation process?
Settle into our role as monster?
Create teachable moments through mass murder?
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I have already provided plenty of explanations in my posts, and at this point you have contributed so little to my proposed discussion that you can't convince me it is worth the time and effort to make you understand. Deal with it.

Karmaoa and Archangis, thank you for your contributions to the discussion.

I'm taking a break. Later.
Your explanations have consisted of insisting that you've already explained what I'm asking you to explain.

Self referencing post chains only work if there's actually anything of substance in them to start with. That is to say, in order for the argument that you've already explained what you've failed to explain to me to have any sort of positive reaction as pertains to my understanding of what you have so far failed to explain to me, you'd have already had to have adequately explained it to me, which means that you couldn't have failed to explain it to me, which you did.

Fail, that is.
So. Besides occasionally doing our very best to turn large swathes of land uninhabitable, what's the plan?
Puppet master a silent and sudden revolution using meta knowledge and overwhelming power?
Sell ourselves out to Cauldron on the assumption that they won't immediately attempt to peel us apart inch by inch to find the best way to kill and/or replicate the endbringer creation process?
Settle into our role as monster?
Create teachable moments through mass murder?
Well, we definitely need to look into the whole Eidolon issue. If we can get rid of Destructive Impulse (and possibly prevent the Endbringers from coming after us), that would be really useful.

I think we need to reveal ourselves as an anomalous Endbringer fairly quickly. Not friendly, but not actively malevolent 99% of the year. If we try to hide that we can be active when not wrecking cities, we're just not gonna get anything done. We're not the Simurgh, we can't connect to the internet without being really obvious about it, so I doubt we can pretend to be dormant while doing things through proxies.