CV12Hornet Cleans Out His Fanfiction Favorites List (Beware of Shit Taste)

Which list should I go through first?


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TIMs great claim to fame is, as you said, the Fate "fictional characters" fic. Fate: Zero Sense was an amazing and hilarious romp that falls just short of crackfic without being crack: an excellent thing in my opinion. It's SEQUEL, Fate: Stay Away, starts off pretty good and decays rapidly. TIM posted a "final Chapter" a few months ago apologizing for how bad it had gotten, claiming his muse had just died out, and officially killing the story for good. It is notable for being one of the amazingly few stories that pulls off redeeming resident sociopath Kirei successfully without being contrived. (though it does so by basically driving him so insane he breaches the fourth wall and *accepts his role as the villain*. i TOLD you Zero Sense is hilarious.)

Just An Unorthodox Thief is also pretty good, but suffers from a similar, if not as crippling, problem as Stay Away: it's painfully obvious the muse was in the first 10-15 chapters or so, and the rest is just going through the motions. It would have stood well as a one-shot just for Lupin *stealing everything in the Gate Of Babylon*, the rest is honestly filler.
His other works are just not my cup of tea when it comes to fanfiction. Especially the one where there's a bunch of annoying OCs who acted more like ROB and I hate ROB fics in general.
I generally agree with this sentiment, but I'm curious if your reasons are the same as mine.

My issue with ROBs is that they're the ultimate "because the plot says so", a quite literal Deus ex Machina, and I have very little respect for either. Maybe it's my inner GM speaking, but I've always felt that the plot should be dictated by the characters, not the other way around.

Though, with proper characterization, a ROB can be an interesting character. Though at that point I suppose they cease to be particularly random.
I generally agree with this sentiment, but I'm curious if your reasons are the same as mine.

My issue with ROBs is that they're the ultimate "because the plot says so", a quite literal Deus ex Machina, and I have very little respect for either. Maybe it's my inner GM speaking, but I've always felt that the plot should be dictated by the characters, not the other way around.

Though, with proper characterization, a ROB can be an interesting character. Though at that point I suppose they cease to be particularly random.
I generally despise ROB because they do not have the gravitas befitting their role.

Like The Infamous Man's ROBs are more like a bunch of SIs than anything else. It's... grating.

I have given this example before in another thread, but ROB effects the plot right? Don't give the impression like this one element of the story is just some rando messing with the MC. A good one would be the fic God of the Machine, a Death Note SI fic by Carnivorous Muffin. In the fic the ROB is literally the canon plotline of Death Note. The SI came out of nowhere, given a name, clothes on their back, and a suitcase of clothes. They cannot go anywhere else, cannot break the boundaries set by canon, and can only follow the plot. And their only friend/nemesis/Ally/future killer is Light Yagami. The ROB/canon plotline is there, the SI knows it, Light knows it, but they can't do anything about it. No ROB persona came down and gloat about their superiority or whatever except for that one omake where the SI met the God of the machine, ie the fanfic writer. It's honestly a great read.
Last Child of Krypton: Redux
Last Child of Krypton: Redux

By: Chuckman
You will believe Shinji can fly.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Shinji I. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 230,178 - Reviews: 289 - Favs: 539 - Follows: 307 - Updated: Aug 2, 2012 - Published: Jan 7, 2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7720528
Impressions before reading:
Lone Heir of Krypton, naturally, is the first comparison that comes to mind. And this story was probably inspired by that one. But where Lone Heir of Krypton is an Evangelion story with DC elements, from what I remember this is basically a Superman story in Evangelion. And that it also touches on one of the biggest characterization debates regarding Superman: who's the mask, Clark Kent or Superman?

Well, that was fun. I was right in my initial assessment: this is very much a Superman story set in Evangelion. Not that Evangelion is poorly represented here, oh no. Besides the events and the Angels and the conspiracies, many of the themes of Evangelion - of alienation and loneliness and the fleeting yet lasting nature of human connection in particular - remain. It also helps that Shinji-as-Superman isn't too overpowered. Yes, he can beat Angels to death with his bare hands, but he's also still coming into his powers and many opponents still present a physical challenge.

But enough of that, let's go back to the central question of which one is the mask. After some thought, I'd say Shinji leans more towards the pre-Crisis answer, which is that Clark Kent is the disguise Superman wears to blend into society, rather than the Post-Crisis answer that Superman is Clark Kent's superhero persona. Shinji Ikari is the disguise, while Superman is more who he really is.

Some other elements I enjoyed include Fuyutsuki, too often a bit of a non-entity in Evangelion fanfic, being Shinji's confidante; some well-done character development for Asuka; even better character development from Ritsuko Akagi; and the business with Rei. Damn interesting, that. And the story does a really good job building up hype right at the end, as you realize that, oh shit, the wider DCU is coming into play here, and then... that hook. Crisis. I really ought to reread that other fic of Chuckman's.

If there's a criticism, it's that certain plot and character elements are given enough development to seem important but amount to nothing or result in events that aren't adequately foreshadowed. Gendo saving the day right at the end, for instance, is a bit of a shocking swerve given that he's been his usual King Bitch self the entire fic. Then there's Goro Yoshida, head of Section 2 and flatly antagonistic towards both Shinji-as-Superman and Misato. Why is hinted at, but never adequately explained, and it's annoying.

As well... while it's a good story, it rarely rises above good, in a bland sort of way.

Verdict: Ah well. I'm keeping it anyway.
Naruto: Ramen Days
Naruto: Ramen Days

By: Rathanel
After dying at the end of the Sand-Sound Invasion, Naruto finds that his life is governed by a strange set of rules that he is still trying to figure out. VideoGame!Naruto
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Naruto U. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 122,571 - Reviews: 2,009 - Favs: 4,955 - Follows: 5,223 - Updated: Oct 20, 2013 - Published: Feb 9, 2012 - id: 7820743
Impressions before reading:
Ah, the gamefic. A longstanding genre ruined by the release of a Korean webtoon that forced all the gamefics that followed into its little open-world MMORPG box. There used to be some fucking variety in this genre.

Of course, variety doesn't necessarily mean quality.

Yikes, it's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that. Blame work, blame another fic in my favorites that I up and decided to reread, and most of all, blame the slow start to this story.

Yeah, Ramen Days does not start off on a high note. The first-person Naruto perspective is certainly novel, but most of what occurs in the first few chapters is painfully standard if you know game fics, Naruto fics, or loop fics. Characterization, in particular, was a sticking point, with Sasuke and Sakura resembling their usual fanon selves.

Oddly, it was in the Wave Arc that things began to pick up. Often, the Wave Arc is one of the weakest parts of the many Naruto stories I've read, but this version has several things going for it. For starters, it's fairly short. There's far more story after it than during or before. Second, the thematic importance can go hang, because this Naruto has already developed his nindo, though the story brushes over the consequences on Sasuke's characterization. And most importantly, the arc marks both more involvement from Kakashi and Sakura going from her fanon self to something much more interesting.

But it's only after the Chunin Exams that things start really getting interesting, because that's when Naruto figures out that he can start recruiting people and letting them in on the game mechanics. That's something we don't see enough of in game fics, and it also marks the point where the story starts using the game part of the premise as more than just window dressing on a fairly standard timeloop fic. It allows more interactions among the genin, character development from Naruto (especially in the planning department), interesting divergences from canon events, and the real treat of the story and what convinced me to keep this: Sasuke.

Yes, Sasuke. The same guy I criticized the fic for mischaracterizing. Really, it's for one moment: after getting in on the Tsunade Retrieval mission and not getting mind-whammied by Itachi, Sasuke meets Tsunade. And boy oh boy, he rips into her. It makes me realize what a fucking missed opportunity this interaction is in both canon and most fanfics. Because if anyone that early in the story gets Tsunade's pain, it's Sasuke, he of the massacred family. And as he rightfully points out in the fic, he didn't give up and drown his sorrows in booze and gambling. Killing Itachi may not be healthy, but at least it's productive. This makes Sasuke the most critical part of the mission's success. Mind... blown.

If there is one flaw of the later story, it's that it has a tendency to sideline previously important characters outside of the little clique Naruto's building up. Kakashi and Sakura are the most obvious victims, disappearing entirely from the Tsunade Retrieval mission on.

Also, one other thing I realized while reading this: game fics are much better when the character it's happening to has no context for what's going on. It avoids a lot of the pitfalls of the genre; can't optimize a system when you have no context for it.

Verdict: No masterpiece, but I'll keep it.
Yes, Sasuke. The same guy I criticized the fic for mischaracterizing. Really, it's for one moment: after getting in on the Tsunade Retrieval mission and not getting mind-whammied by Itachi, Sasuke meets Tsunade. And boy oh boy, he rips into her. It makes me realize what a fucking missed opportunity this interaction is in both canon and most fanfics. Because if anyone that early in the story gets Tsunade's pain, it's Sasuke, he of the massacred family. And as he rightfully points out in the fic, he didn't give up and drown his sorrows in booze and gambling. Killing Itachi may not be healthy, but at least it's productive. This makes Sasuke the most critical part of the mission's success. Mind... blown.
I ran through the story to check this section out and ho-ly shit I kinda wish this was a part of canon. Well kinda since the original stuff in Naruto was really good but at the same time seeing someone know the exact spots to hurt Tsunade when she's a bitch (had her trauma's and stuff but she was still a bitch). Loved how every time they talked to each other it was like a knife fight.
Also, one other thing I realized while reading this: game fics are much better when the character it's happening to has no context for what's going on. It avoids a lot of the pitfalls of the genre; can't optimize a system when you have no context for it.
This is so true. Like, Mana-Based Gamer on this site also does it, and it makes things so much more interesting.
Ah, the gamefic. A longstanding genre ruined by the release of a Korean webtoon that forced all the gamefics that followed into its little open-world MMORPG box. There used to be some fucking variety in this genre.
Someone who understands.... :cry:

Of course, variety doesn't necessarily mean quality.
*remembers the shitfest that Naruto: Game of the Year Edition became*

Yeah, can't argue with that.

But it's only after the Chunin Exams that things start really getting interesting, because that's when Naruto figures out that he can start recruiting people and letting them in on the game mechanics.
Sadly, that's when the fic died.

Isn't that story the only gamefic that doesn't suck?
Yes. It's also one of the originators of the genre, before the genre was killed by the manhwa and substituted by an In-Name Only version of itself.
February 11 - February 25, 2012
An In Flight Omake: The Greatest Sword

By: VictoriousVillain
After the shed was rebuilt Shirou decided to make a new mystic code... Little did he know what his research would lead to. An Omake for Gabriel Blessing's 'In Flight.'
Rated: Fiction T - English - Shirō E. - Words: 989 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 91 - Published: Feb 11, 2012 - id: 7826069

Fate Night Sky

By: Beasts lair's Fraggle
It was just a small wish: To live with their master and their friends as those uneventful days passed by, to see him grow up as he chased his ideals by his own strength. To become an ally of justice; a hero who can save everyone.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Tragedy - Reinforce, Shirō E. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 62,668 - Reviews: 295 - Favs: 1,029 - Follows: 1,020 - Updated: Dec 5, 2012 - Published: Feb 25, 2012 - id: 7871193
Impressions before reading:
Hmm. The question is, is this going to be all slice-of-life fluff descending into tragedy, or are we going to get some action?

Well, I suppose that'll remain a mystery, because I'm not making it past the second chapter. The prose is passive and uninspired; spacing, capitalization, and punctuation errors run rampant; and it swaps between present and past tense at the drop of the hat. The point being, this is painful to read, and I don't have the patience to try and power through. Especially since so far the story is just a recap of Kiritsugu adopting Shirou.

Your response to the In Flight omake is very... succinct.

I followed a FSN SI multicrossover on Beast's Lair once upon a time. I just got bored after a while.
Hmm. The question is, is this going to be all slice-of-life fluff descending into tragedy, or are we going to get some action?
We'll never know either because the fic is dead. Premise is that Shirou becomes the host of The Tome of the Night Sky aka that thing hayate had on her and was relevant for A's aka the Book of Darkness.
February 26 - 28, 2012

Fucking tax season...

Everyone, this is a PSA: please get your taxes in early. For the sake of the poor accountants, if nothing else.

Forcestone: Guardian of Light

By: ForceForGood
The stone Qui-Gon found in the River of Light is as extraordinary as the men and women destined to bear it. See the events following Ep. 1 through the eyes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, in this AU in which Qui-Gon survives to train Anakin. Obi-centric novel-length story featuring Anakin, Qui-Gon, Siri, Padme, Shmi, OC. Now posted: My sequel, "Forcestone: The Blind Path."
Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K. - Chapters: 32 - Words: 107,559 - Reviews: 378 - Favs: 330 - Follows: 190 - Updated: Oct 14, 2012 - Published: Feb 26, 2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7875361
Impressions before reading:
Qui-Gon's death is one of the great what-if's of prequel-era Star Wars. One has to wonder if the maverick Qui-Gon, rather than the Jedi's Jedi Obi-Wan, might have been a better teacher for Anakin. Don't ask me about this forcestone and River of Light stuff, though. Either it's super-obscure EU stuff, or something made up whole-cloth for this fic.

And somehow, I missed the "Obi-centric" part of the summary. Whoops!

Anyway, the answer, I believe, is in fact "super-obscure EU stuff", as I accidentally found out browsing the Star Wars. In fact, EU stuff informs a lot of the backstory going on here, which is only reasonable, since we don't get any of that in the actual movies.

Moving on to the actual story, it's competently written, makes good use of the EU stuff (by which I mean that I was never overly confused), and things are visibly changing in the timeline. The main benefit, I'm noticing, is to remove Obi-Wan from a position of authority over Anakin. Obi-Wan is more of an older brother in this story, which means come the sequel he will hopefully be someone Anakin thinks he can actually confide in. Which is a good thing, because the story does not shy away from showing that Anakin's fall was a long time coming.

Then there's that Force stone. It has mysterious powers, and has a knack for manifesting those powers at exactly the right time. Not to mention contriving itself to be in that situation.

Oh, and Palpatine is gunning for Obi-Wan. Great.

Verdict: This makes me want to read the sequel, which is as good an endorsement as any.


By: Golden Lark
Tokiomi summons a red Archer for the Fourth War. - Chapter 12: Interrogations, infodumps, and expositions.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Archer - Chapters: 12 - Words: 34,625 - Reviews: 420 - Favs: 2,262 - Follows: 2,297 - Updated: Dec 23, 2014 - Published: Feb 28, 2012 - id: 7879859
Impressions before reading:
I do not remember a goddamn thing of this. That's been a mixed bag in the past.

Also technically competent, but I've read a lot of alternate 4th HGWs, and for most of the fic's run, this didn't do a damn thing to rise above that history. Honestly, I feel like there was some sort of checklist. Fight on the docks, with the new Servant interfering? Check. Taunt happy fun Saber? Check. The fact that the story seems as eager to get through the fight with Caster near the Einzbern Castle as we are, with an attendant collapse in the level of detail, nearly made me chuck the fic at the metaphorical wall.

The last two chapters at least move to shake things up. And I mean really shake things up, with EMIYA suddenly gaining a very personal stake in the whole mess that prompts him to share his full story with Tokiomi, which gets him and Risei on board. Still, even with that, I'm honestly on the fence about whether to keep this.

Verdict: Ah, what the hell. 2014 is recent enough to delude myself into hoping for an update.
Verdict: Ah, what the hell. 2014 is recent enough to delude myself into hoping for an update.
Well, to be fair, Krista Perry went into a nine year hiatus before posting the final chapter of Hearts of Ice.

And this year I've had at least three stories from my fav list resurrect after 5+ years of inactivity.
The Dresden Fillies: False Masks
The Dresden Fillies: False Masks

By: psychicscubadiver
Almost a year has gone by for Harry Dresden since he left Equestria. Then he receives a strange letter from Twilight. He's glad to return, but dark rumors have spread since his first visit. A sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Twilight Sparkle, H. Dresden - Chapters: 25 - Words: 195,913 - Reviews: 412 - Favs: 495 - Follows: 420 - Updated: May 22, 2014 - Published: Mar 3, 2012 - Status: Complete - id: 7893489
Impressions before reading:
The sequel to Strange Friends. Featuring Dresden as a pony, a dark conspiracy involving an ancient evil, and a darker and more complex plot. Not that Strange Friends was all sunshine and rainbows, but it was a straightforward adventurous romp fitting the single-episode/book styles of both series.

Also, it just occurred to me that I've never done a full binge-read of this fic. It's one that I read mostly in installments as they came out. I remember being kind of exhausted as the story went on, but my experience with weekly manga updates suggest that'll be less of a problem with a single binge-read.

Ah, that's some good shit.

First off, False Masks is far better written on a technical level compared to Strange Friends. There's the usual complement of typoes, but for the most part the writing flows smoothly and there aren't the problems with passive voice or awkward sentences that I run into so often.

Second, I mentioned in the Impressions blurb that the plot for this story is a great deal more complex, and I like that. Instead of just running up and punching a single bad guy in the face, Dresden and company have to face a shadowy organization, and then a shadowy organization within a shadowy organization. And yet, despite that, when this is revealed it doesn't come off as contrived, because psychicscubadiver makes it a point to foreshadow this with a great deal of "right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing" chicanery.

This complexity also allows for a much larger cast, and more character moments for them. I especially like the heavier use of Princesses Celestia and Luna - Luna with her cold fury, take-charge attitude, and still-smoldering guilt, and Celestia showing some remarkably similar qualities to Harry Dresden himself. He even hints at interesting backstory for them. Oh, and also? They get to be awesome. Celestia gets two fight scenes with fucking He Who Walks Behind and gives a very good accounting for herself, while Luna bails them out when Big Bad Bookmark makes his move.

The Mane Six, too, are written well - with one notable exception. psychicscubadiver leans just a little too much into the lolrandom, reality-breaking, reference-spewing school of Pinkie Pie characterization at times. There's one specific shoutout that bugged me the most, but now I can't remember it. Anyway, besides good characterization, we also get some nice action scenes with them, notably Twilight rampaging through the Order Triune's base and Rarity being a badass. I love it when fics give her that treatment. It's even got some canon support, considering she kicks a manticore in the face in the second episode and gets just as physical with the Changelings as Applejack and Rainbow Dash during A Canterlot Wedding.

And then there's Dresden. The story takes place after the sixth book, so by now Dresden has a melted hand and a fallen angel in his head messing with things. So he's subtly more angry and prone to flying off the handle during this story, which fits so much. Also, he brings Bob the Skull with him, and Bob is an excellent source of much-needed comedy.

Though the cast is, naturally, heavy on OCs, four background ponies get significant roles. Colgate1​ is, as fanon usually dictates, Ponyville's local dentist - except she's actually Romana, an Order Triune member, which gives her two of her fanon names in one story. Lyra, too, is her usual fanon self: excitable, and very interested in humans2​, though in this case to the point of being an outright conspiracy theorist. Bon-Bon3​, a.k.a. Sweetie Drops, is, per usual fanon, Lyra's roommate and romantic partner4​ - and another Order Triune member, though one easier to coax into helping out Dresden. And finally, we have Doctor Whooves5​. Who, in this story, is actually the Doctor (it varies from depiction to depiction). It's also more than just a cheap shoutout; the Doctor gives Dresden a much-needed pep talk near the climax, and it would not have worked had it not been the actual Doctor.

Wrapping things up, our bad guys, the Order Triune and Bookmark. Both are solid villains, in that you completely feel for Dresden when he wants to stomp both in the ground. The Order Triune is annoying. They're exactly the kind of misguided, blinkered zealots made to piss people off. And yet... you feel sorry for them when Bookmark uses over a hundred of them as fuel for a demon summoning. Bookmark isn't annoying; he's disgusting, the exact kind of monster that you don't feel sorry for with the brutal punishment he's given. Nor his ultimate fate as food for some sort of dragon creature that will probably become relevant in the third story, Great Power.

But that'll have to wait.

Verdict: Hell yeah I'm keeping it.

  1. Official name Minuette. Hourglass Cutie Mark, hence a Doctor Who-inspired name. More on that later. Colgate name and dentist thing come mostly from her manestyle, AFAIK.
  2. That comes from some very human-like poses she's been seen taking, namely sitting upright on her butt on a bench in one episode. Lyre Cutie Mark, hence her name.
  3. Candy cutie marks, and many, many VA's. Often pegged as a secret agent or changeling until the 100th episode canonized the former.
  4. Also very common - seriously, this is one of the most common pairings int he fandom.
  5. Brown color scheme, hourglass cutie mark, wears a tie and ascot, passing resemblance to David Tennant - yeah, this was inevitable.
Last edited:
Ah yes, Dresden Fillies will always be my go-to rec for pony people looking to get into DF and vice-versa. Wasn't a fan of the Doctor's sudden appearance though, since this is a Dresden-MLP crossover it was rather out of the blue and unexpected. That said, this story is easily one of my favorite ponyfics period with multiple amazing lines, and particularly Twilight's to Dresden after he'd been through multiple assassination/foalnapping attempts.
"Wait." Twilight said, her brow creasing with worry. "Before we do anything I need to tell you something." All three sets of eyes turned towards her. Twilight lowered her voice just in case anypony from the small crowd watching them had ulterior motives. "This may sound unbelievable, but there's a group of ponies that's planning to kill you, Blackstone."

For the life of her, Twilight could not understand how this terrible news made Blackstone erupt in laughter.
Chasing Yesterday
Chasing Yesterday

By: The Jingo
Rokudaime Hokage Uchiha Sasuke is a man with nothing beyond duty to the dead. Yet when a second chance comes from the lips of a demon, his battles begin anew... EDITING.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Drama - [Sasuke U., Naruko U.] - Chapters: 23 - Words: 188,375 - Reviews: 1,553 - Favs: 3,722 - Follows: 3,720 - Updated: Apr 1 - Published: Mar 5, 2012 - id: 7897193
Impressions before reading:
It has been observed that Naruto and Sasuke have had the best romantic chemistry of any of the main pairings in the fandom. Being not a yaoi fan, this means I rarely encounter fics that do anything with that, but occasionally you get a gender bend like this one. And more to the point, this looks like it could be a fascinating study of Sasuke's character, especially since this was written near the height of Sasuke's slide into villainy.

Let's start this off by saying that it took me several days to even start this fic. This is not a new problem with this project, and probably the clearest sign that my tastes have changed, if stuff in my favorites list is now the kind of fic I'd pass over after reading the summary.

Well, credit to my fic-reading instincts, because this is a decidedly poorly-written story. Which is a pity, because it is an interesting story that I almost wish could be rewritten to be better. Except it already has been. Yeah, that was a major factor, the author is still bad six years after first writing this.

Anyway, the problems: wanton punctuation problems, particularly the ones handling dialogue; choppy paragraphing; and a persistent tendency towards awkward word placement within a sentence. Not to mention just a generally bland writing style that flip-flops between too much and too little description. Yuck.

The good? Sasuke. The story really emphasizes just how much guilt and regret are a part of him by the time the story starts. You understand why he'd take the deal to go back, and also why seeing Naruko again, alive and well for the first time in what to him are years, damn near scuppers all his scheming. Or little things, like talking to Juugo, finding him unexpectedly wise, and then cursing himself for leaving Juugo to die the first time around.

Still, not enough.
