Create Your Own 40k Army

Alright, let's get this crazy train on the road. First off a randomly rolled Imperial Guard Regiment (hoo boy)

81st Preussenian Assault Regiment
Classification: Planetary Defense Force
- So I'm the Redshirts, for the Redshirts. Fantastic!
Recruitment Criteria: Convicts - Scum of the Earth, here we go
Nature of Recruitment: Elite Tithe - Don't Worry! We only take the best of the worst in this Regiment
Home World: Homeworld Lost - Well that explains what a PDF Regiment is doing out in the cosmos
Home World Terrain: Ice - It was a wind-blasted icy hellscape, but it was our wind-blasted icy hellscape dammit!
Regiment Type: Infantry Regiment - Meh, not very interesting
Regiment Specialization: Lightning Strike - Blitzkrieg Motherf*cker! Do you speak it!
Loyalty Rating: Overzealous - So we're extremely devout, elite, convicts. We must repent for our sins!
Special Equipment: War Trophies - *Hefts Powerklaw* "We got this here beauty from an Ork Waagh, Higgins over there shanked the Warboss to grab it...for the Emperor of course".
Regimental Creed: "For the Homeworld" - It got blown up, let's not have anyone forget that
Regimental Friend: Ecclesiarchy - Figures, we're super-devout. they eat that stuff up.
Regimental Enemy: Chaos Space Marines -T They're probably the ones who destroyed the Homeworld.

Backstory: TBD

Now, to test out the Space Marine Chapter Creator (I haven't used this one nearly as much)

The Steel Shadows
Reason for Founding: Crusade
- We must hit the Emperor's Enemies! Over There! Go!
Founding Date: 32nd Millenium - "Hey, don't you think we've been doing this for a long time?" "Nope"
Spiritual Liege Progenitor: Iron Hands - Ferrus Manus! Celtic Spacemarines! The Flesh is Weak!
Gene Seed Purity: Pure - So we're pure, and the Iron Hands themselves have pure gene-seed. Boring
Chapter Demeanor: Suffer Not the Work of the Heretic - Weakling! Turning from the Emperor's Light! *BLAM*
Mutation (20%): Lost Zygote - So...something got screwed up and we didn't put one of the those super-man implants in you...sorry? (TBH I still don't really understand how this one works)
Chapter Flaw: Faith in Suspicion - Fuck You Raven Guard! You failed the Primarch at Isstvan V!
Figure of Legend: Chief Librarian - Alrighty then, I can see the hilarity starting
Deeds of Legend: Sacked Craftworld - Fantastic, now the Eldar hate my guts
Chapter Homeworld: Fleet-Based - Makes sense with the Crusade I guess
Chapter Organization: Unique Organization - FUCK YOU AND YOU BOOK SMURFS!
Combat Doctrine: Stealth - We smite the Heretics from the Shadows!
Specialty Restrictions: Assault Marines - Stupid Assholes and their Jetpacks. We don't need their fucking ego!
Special Equipment: Special Vehicle (Land Speeder Storm replaces Rhino) - Our Land Speeders strike in the Night!
Chapter Beliefs: The Emperor Above All - "Screw your spiritual liege. The big E is where it's at."
Chapter Friends: Imperial Navy - You guys help out our fleet, you're cool like that.
Chapter Enemies: The Tyranids - Wut.

Background: TBD
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Let's do a cadre:
So we've got Enclaver, Mont'Kaing fast moving, conquering, guard busting, highly adherent, fielding lots of Kroot with an ambitious young Shas'el leading it?
Fluff coming soon.
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Sept origin Total: 10
10 10
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Terrain Total: 5
5 5
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mont'Ka Or Kauyon? Total: 3
3 3
Jeep-Eep threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Tactics? Total: 28
28 28
Jeep-Eep threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Tau'Va Adherence? Total: 45
45 45
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Tau'Va Adherence? (done right) Total: 1
1 1
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Auxilaries? Total: 2
2 2
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Who are they? Total: 5
5 5
Jeep-Eep threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Who do we fight? Total: 2
2 2
Jeep-Eep threw 1 9-faced dice. Reason: Who leads? (No ethereals here) Total: 5
5 5
Jeep-Eep threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Leader Temperment? Total: 9
9 9
Jeep-Eep threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Forgot function! Total: 13
3 3 10 10
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Tyrion stared at the message..............reading it several times before letting its enormity sink in. Bronn looked up from his reading as he heard The Cabinet open. Secreted behind a foot of decorated ceramite was a secret store, and Bronn had never seen his master open except when he got the news about the homeworlds. "Is it truly all that aweful?"

Tyrion slid one use message pad into the giant space marines paw. Bronn paused a beat, "They are launching a crusade to retake the sector? I'm not sure if its about time or madness."

"Keep reading," the glass went used as the seal broke and the smell of millennia old dwarf squat ale filled the engineered nostrils of the space marine.

"You are being promoted to Sector Governor? That's.....awesome with out a doubt. Wonder what poor batch of fools are coming our way?"

"I'm trying to find out right now, it has a mostly complete list of the crusade marked delta omicron in its veracity. The damn adminstratus kept the message bogged down in bureaucratic pettiness, because some minor Navy Officer listed on the delivery slip was unable to sign.'

"Why couldn't he sign?"

"Caught a case of the dead. We should be expecting the first recon detachment in the outer system two days ago. "
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Ha. Habit. Remember guys, my first army...was Imperial Robots, back when I was 8. In my head, 40k has and always be more Heavy and Hair Metal than it is grim dark.
Keep this thread going. I'm away for the next few days so I can't really do fluff until I get back.

Also: it's a pity there's not a xeno design table.
I kind of want to create some NobleBright Necrons, painted in Ultramarines colors. For the lulz.
SO basically you're trying to create something for first edition while I'm trying to create something for the current edition, problematic.
I dunno, some of the armies here would fit right into first edition (your primitive mermaid paratroopers for one). And the sector is already nuts anyway ;p

I kind of want to create some NobleBright Necrons, painted in Ultramarines colors. For the lulz.
If you hadn't mention Noblebright, I might have accused you of being a servant of the "Spiritual Liege"...

@inirlan Hey, the necrons are millions of years older than the ultrasmurfs. If anything, the space marines are the ones that are copying my 'crons. :p
I dunno, some of the armies here would fit right into first edition (your primitive mermaid paratroopers for one). And the sector is already nuts anyway ;p
It's nuts yeah, but it at least tries to maintain something resembling seriousness most of the time, even if it is an absurd situation. The mermaid paratroopers for example function you expect a regiment to function, well a regiment working for a Rogue Trader. Stuff like "dwarf ale" and most of what's been suggested is just playing the silly angle way too much for my taste
"In shadow we are born, and in shadow we will die. But as we live, from these shadows we will strike hard and true, spilling blood for the Emperor."
--Quoted from Lord Tiberius Equitius Iustinus, Reclusiarch-General of the Shadow Warriors

The Shadow Warriors are a recent addition to the Adeptus Astartes. They are a successor chapter to the Ultramarines, and while they respect their progenitors, they have some divergent views on warfare and organization. Each company is headed not by a Brother-Captain, but a Chaplain-Commander, individuals who possess a keen mind for spirituality, morale, and warfare. This practice came about after the first Master of Sanctity of the Chapter, Reclusiarch Martis Gradivus led the chapter to victory in a crusade after most of the command echeleon had been lost in a void war against the Tau. He is revered as the greatest of the Emperor's heroes by the chapter and they follow his teachings closely.

The Shadow Warriors are based off the world of Donoa, a temperate but feral world populated by nomadic tribes. The tribes war with one another constantly and the Shadow Warriors observe them. The victors of the war are granted the honor of having their young sons be selected for recruitment. The Shadow Warriors deliver these boys into the wild below their fortress-monastery, the Tower of Faith, which rests upon the tallest peak of Donoa. There, they live in barracks staffed by chapter-serfs, and are trained in warfare and the lore of the Shadow Warriors. Those boys who complete their training are tasked with climbing the mountain over several days until they reach the fortress-monastery. Those who fail have their memories carefully wiped of the training process and are sent back home with little fanfare.

Each Company of the Shadow Warriors is unorthodox. No Devastator squads exist in any of them and they are all organized to the whims of the Chaplain-Commanders. The Shadow Warriors believe that each company should be a refined weapon reflecting the commander's personality. For instance, the First Company led by Chaplain-Commander Lars Trebius has its veterans divided among and led by members of his command squad, i. e. the Company Champion gathers the Vanguard Veterans into one large close combat kill-team.

For anyone else these deviations might be cause for concern, but the Shadow Warriors enjoy a tight-knit friendship with the Ecclesiarchy. Their Chaplain-Commanders have earned the respect of many high priests among the Imperial Cult by conquering and re-indoctrinating worlds lost to the Tau Empire in recent years. Speaking of the Tau, the chapter has a deep enmity with them. They find the very thought of a burgeoning xenos power conquering the worlds their Primarch had brought into the Emperor's light millennia ago to be a personal insult. So far they've managed to kill over several dozen Tau Hunter Cadres and have killed ten Tau Ethereals.
Rolling a Knight House for something besides Tevinter

Nature of Vow
(2)Strategic Prognostication: How does this work with a Knight House, did they agree to do some sort of action based off a card reading

First Contact
(50)The Forging: Ah yes the days when men where men, Priests could bear arms, and the Officio Assassinorum killed the Senatorum Imperialis for shits and giggles, leaving the Imperium leaderless for decades if not longer, good times.

(8) Adeptus Mechanicus

(6) Tyranny: For whatever reason, most likely something stupid, the head of the House is bound by law to hoard all titles and Knights, giving them temporarily to those he trusts

Gender Laws
(9)Cognatic: Well at least we aren't biased in who gets to be the Tyrannical overlord.

(3) Rigid: "The deeds of every Knight to grace the Grand Chronicle must be read aloud by the Oldest Child and Heir of the Grand Prince(ss) before Lunch maybe served, even if it now takes us two days, we have our traditions damnit."

House Demeanour
(7) Suffer Not the Alien to Live: And Once more I suspect Orks are going to get their ass kicked.

House's Flaw
(4)Our Way: It's not that we don't understand your strategy for liberating this Forge, it's just that we don't care.

Figure of Legend
(96) A peasant/member of the Fyrd/Militia: "Reading The Peasant's deeds takes three hours alone, and that's if they're a quick reader."

Deeds of Legend
(33) The individual was a stalwart enemy of the servants of Chaos, and slew a Daemon Prince: "We're still not sure how they managed to do that with a Pitchfork"

Size of our Domain
(7)Sizable, several star systems

(3)Agri World

Homeworld Terrain
(69) Wasteland: "Farming, Farming Never Changes."

Rule of homeworld
(7) Stewardship: Maybe a firmer hand would have prevented Fallout: Farmville, the 40k edition.

(3) Strict: I'm not sure how a Tyrannical House would work otherwise.

Combat doctrine
(4) Stealth: What?

Preferred Knight Variant
(17)Knight Paladin: Yes Paladins are clearly the sneakiest Giant Mechas.

Specialty restrictions
(30)Knight Paladin: Re-Roll(44)Knight Lancer

What form do the House's beliefs take?
(71)Honour the Ancestors: "The most recent deeds added to the Grand Chronicle rather suck, we think, most of us are asleep or dead by that point"

House Strength

House Allies
(15)Adeptus Arbites: Judge Dredd helps us sneak

House Enemy (Besides Logic)
(52) The Tyranids: Lovely.

Well I got ntohing.
SO basically you're trying to create something for first edition while I'm trying to create something for the current edition, problematic.
Can't it be both?

Is not the imperium so large that a few small squat communities and their robot soldiers call one small incredibly defended corner of it home? Got themselves classified as an agriworld even though they are clearly not, totally not with bribes it was just a clerical error. the snubbed son of the last great industrial consortium clan whose burning obsession to retake the homeworlds he considers a fool errand, so he is shunned to one of their lesser holdings and made its governor. With no small amount of capability he protected it and built it up despite incredible mess the rest of the sector was in.
Can't it be both?

Is not the imperium so large that a few small squat communities and their robot soldiers call one small incredibly defended corner of it home? Got themselves classified as an agriworld even though they are clearly not, totally not with bribes it was just a clerical error. the snubbed son of the last great industrial consortium clan whose burning obsession to retake the homeworlds he considers a fool errand, so he is shunned to one of their lesser holdings and made its governor. With no small amount of capability he protected it and built it up despite incredible mess the rest of the sector was in.

No, leave Tyrion out of the Squat business. He's a human with dwarfism, not a fantasy/space dwarf. DO. NOT. FUCKING. CHANGE. THE. MAIN. BLOODY. POINT. OF. THE. CHARACTER.
Name: The Children of Dust.

Yerusalym is a medium-sized system, with a few mineral-rich planets filled with mining colonies built by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its only truly "inhabitable" planet is Ghennae, a Desert World, with barely two millions souls on it (Unhabited World.), a number which is high enough for the Knight Chapter who use it as their base of operations to strike against the nearby system of Merkuvya, known for being the hunting ground of the Crimson Fangs, a Khornate pirate warband. (Enemies: Traitor Legion.). The planet had been so graciously gifted from the Mechanicus to the Scions of the Sun, an Astartes Chapter which rules over the nearby cluster of system (Loyalty: Astartes.)- Though, the Space Marines are usually lenient with the Knights, as they let the colonies rules over themselves (Homeworld Influence/ Stewardship), intervening only when necessary.

The AdMech landed on the planet during the Great Crusade, drawn by a signal which was supposedly coming from a downed Dark-Age colony-ship. Imagine their surprise when they were greeted by giants made of steel, wrapped in faded white cloths and bearing banners with a blood-red cross.
As it turned out, the world has only been recently "re-discovered", as the ruins scattered amidst the shifting sands implied that it had been colonized even before the Dark Age of Technology- The colonial ship was only one of the latest shipwrecks which happened on the planet.
Born from the union of survivors of the crashed ship with what little remained of the original population, the Children of Dust worshiped the Emperor (Belief: Him Above All.) with the silent gleams of their weapons and the drifting, melancholic chants, written and sung in a tongue long lost. Their sacred texts spoke of an ancient figure, which would have lead a holy crusade (Hero: From Before The Dark Ages.) against the infidels in the Promised Land (Deed: Repelled The Rebels): Sa-uh-ladeen; They wasted no time in recognizing the Emperor himself as his reincarnation, and soon sworn a oath of loyalty to Him.
The Children's hierarchy is a strict one, with the Elders on top and several rituals which determine and regulate the interactions between members- (Strict/Rigid Ceremony)) The traditions must be respected, as they are ,older than the Imperium, and about as holy. The Elders make sure that those who behave properly will be adequately recompensed, and that no good deed shall go unrewarded, (Meritocracy) regardless of gender (Cognatic.)
Compared to other Houses' homeworlds, the population of the planet itself is incredibly low- And in order to remedy to that the Astartes funnel a lot resources and manpower into the Knights, enough that the Children can comfortably follow their masters around while defending their home with their Paladins (Preferred: Knight Paladin/Force: Nominal). They relentlessly pursue their enemies (No mercy) with a multitude of combat vehicles, usually adapted for use in the desert...And while they tend to disregard the Warmaster's advice (Flaw: Our Way), they have proven themselves to be competent warriors.
The name of this House comes from a particular passage in one of the holy texts held within the bunker-catacombs on Ghenna : "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return", which they interpret as the proof that single men do not matter- Only the Emperor is everlasting. Only the Imperium lasts, while single worlds rise and fall, lost to the currents of time.

And so, the Children of Dust wait for their Final Crusade, for when they shall finally achieve their purpose and return to the dust which created them...
But until then, they stand vigilant. The scarlet cross endures through the ages, a familiar, powerful symbol....even when coroned by the rays of an alien sun, emblazoned on the metallic carapace of a silent titan, its visage unmarred by the constantly shifting sands of time..
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(2) Imperial Guard: normal
(45) death world, guess my guys are badasses
(89) airless: fuck atmospheres
Core units
(77) armoured: AW YEAH
(8) shock and awe: oh dice gods, i love you.
(62) firstborn: and kickass firstborns they were
Nature of Recruitment
(2) elite tithe: on a death world? by the dice gods i fucking love you
Special Equipment
(72)special vehicles: FEAR THE MIGHT OF THE BANEBLADE!
(94) steel over flesh: screw the emperor, for the machine god!
(44) tyranids: get stomp'd bugs

dice god i fucking LOVE you.
*Throws a lot of dices and see the results*

… I have a feeling this is going to be good. Weird, but good.

5th Bhor-La Imperial Guard Regiment

Regiment Classification: (10) Mixed Regiment
Homeworld: (36) Feral World
Homeworld Predominant Type: (47) Desert
Regiment Core Unit: (91) Siege
Specialization: (1) Drill & Discipline
Loyalty Rating: (9) Unorthodox
Recruitment Criteria: (27) Caste-Born
Nature of Recruitment: (8) Standard Conscription
Special Equipment: (18) War Trophies
Regiment Creed: (64) For The Emperor
Regiment Friends: (51) Adeptus Titanicus
Enemy: (17) Orks

Bhor-La is a backwater world lost in the mass of backwater worlds filling the Imperium's ranks. The planet's hot and dry climate and general scarcity of resources make it unfit for being assigned the role of either a mining or agri-world. Far from any major Imperial trade route, the planet rarely receive off-world visitors, years or even decades often passing between each visits, most often by new planetary governors coming to replace the previous one. This state of affairs lead to the planet being mostly isolated from the wider Imperium, with a surprisingly low Mechanicus presence on the planet, due to its generally low technological level, most of the several hundred millions people inhabiting the planet leading lives of simple peasants tending to the fields of the Greenlands, around the planet's equator.

Adding to the planet's harsh living conditions, the planet has been suffering from an orkish infestation since times immemorial, bands of marauding greenskins living near the poles often raiding the equatorial settlements of the planet; this long lasting threat to the planet's inhabitant helping them develop a deeply entrenched siege mentality, vast works of fortifications having been constructed throughout the millenia near all major population centers.

The planet's rigid social structure, stratified into castes, is theorized to have evolved from the complexity and intricacy of the planet's various engineering works and fortifications making it both liveable and defensible; a ruling class emerging from the fighting classes of the planet.

Most striking is the devotion Bhor-Lans, the name given to the planet's inhabitants, have toward the Emperor, going above and beyond what is generally expected by the Adepto Ministorum from the Imperial Populace. One example being the tribal tattoos sported by the local population, most if not all containing variations on the theme of the Aquila and other references to the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind.

Through its relative isolation from the rest of the Imperium, the planet has often managed to escape the vigilant eyes of the Administratum, when time was coming to pay the Tithe. Unfortunately, there always come times when luck escape even the luckiest.

For the first time in several centuries, Bhor-La had been forced to raise a regiment of Imperial Guards, to help in a Crusade against Heretics in one of the neighboring sector.

Reluctantly, the Planetary Governor decided to comply, and asked for a regiment of the best element of the planetary defense forces to be assembled, complimented by an exceptional levy of young members from the Warrior Clans.

The training of the regiment took several years, during which almost a fourth of the 20,000 strong force were lost, either from failure to conform to the high standards expected from them, or training accidents, a large number of them fatal.

Finally, four years after training had begun, a troopship of the Imperial Navy came to the planet, coming to take away these mostly young people away from their home, to Serve and Die in the Emperor's name. A true honor, as they saw it.

Unfortunately, the Officio Munitorum had committed an oversight: ignoring the state of technological and industrial advancement of the planet, they had assumed it would have manufactured, or at least procured from trade, its own troop's equipment, and didn't issue lasguns or any weapons to the newly formed Imperial Guard Regiment. On the other hand, it had been issued a large number of utility vehicles, dozer variants of chimera troop transports, and other engineering vehicles. This resulted in the somewhat comical sight of spearmen leading cavalry charges atop glorified bulldozers.

If there is something you learn on a feral world, on the other hand, it is to become inventive and extremely pragmatic in order to survive. As such and as soon as the Regiment first saw combat, it started procuring weapons on the field. Weapons from fallen guardsmen. Heretic guardsmen.

Needless to say this didn't help the Regiment to forge itself a good image toward the higher-ups in the hierarchy and other Imperial Forces. Something the Regiment had and still has a hard time wrapping its collective head around: after all, as long as you slay His enemies, what does He care where the weapons you use to do His work came from?

Regardless of their relationship with the rest of the Imperium, the Regiment earned a valuable and long-lasting ally in the Adeptus Titanicus when the Regiment, alone and through its inventive use of local resources and ability to procure its weapons from its fallen enemy, managed to somehow protect a downed Warlord Titan from enemy onslaughts by the original application of heavy ordinance and engineering vehicles, until Titanicus reinforcements arrived.

The campaign against the Heretics over and won ten years after the Regiment joined the fight, and the Regiment now seen favorably by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Adepto Ministorum has seen fit to allow the Regiment to access all the array of standard Imperial Guard weaponry, and the special arsenal befitting of a Siege Regiment, able to break as well as to withstand one. This doesn't stop the Regiment from procuring weapons on the Battlefield as they see fit.

The Regiment's Commander, a pragmatic man, after having witnessed the technological wonders of the wider Imperium, has concluded that his Homeworld would greatly benefit from being paid a closer attention by the Adeptus Mechanicus. As such, the 5th Bhor-La Imperial Guard Regiment is currently courting the Adeptus Titanicus and more generally the Adeptus Mechanicus to help them in battle, in the hope that they could repay them the favor by looking favorably upon their home-planet.

The future has yet to tell how this will turn out.
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More Guardsmen.
6 - PDF
6 - Hive World
97 - Temperate
45 - Light Infantry
2 - COIN
7 - Undisciplined
93 - Convicts
4 - Elite Tithe
10 - Traditional Weapons
46 - For the Emprah!
20 - Adeptus Astartes Chapter(!)
79 - Daemon Prince, Daemon, or Disciple of Chaos

Perhaps on this particular hive, those members of the high-born who are convicted of crimes aren't sentenced to prison, but instead to military service? This is probably a Hive World in the domain of some space marine chapter.

For a name... The Rontarra Special Tactical Regiment, or the 'Tacs' for short.
Jenny threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 19
6 6 2 2 7 7 4 4
Jenny threw 8 100-faced dice. Total: 396
6 6 97 97 45 45 93 93 10 10 46 46 20 20 79 79
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So, just who are these Guardsmen up against?
5 - Chaos Undivided
93 - Highly blessed
77 - ... with Spawn-Hood
48 - Warp Storm as a base
84 - Lotsa Marines, some cultists for infiltration
57 - Recruits come from worlds outside the reach of the Imperium
4 - Stealth/Infiltration
23 - Exalted Champion is a Chaos Lord...
2 - who defeated a Space Marine Chapter Master!

Hey, these guys fit, sorta? If it weren't for all the chaos spawns, anyhow... Still. The Chaos Lord clearly defeated the Chapter Master whose chapter the Hive World is in, and they keep trying to sneak in and stir up rebellions. People think their base is somewhere in-system... but no, it's actually in a warp storm. And presumably they keep getting chaos spawn because the Chaos Gods can't decide which mutations to give these servants of Chaos Undivided, so they wind up with far too many mutations (from all four main gods) to handle.

I do kinda like the image of chaos spawn trying to infiltrate, to pretend to just be really, really strange mutants.

For a name... The Bondsmen of The Four
Jenny threw 7 100-faced dice. Total: 387
5 5 93 93 77 77 48 48 84 84 57 57 23 23
Jenny threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 6
4 4 2 2
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took me a few rolls to make a band that makes any remote sense but here we go
Chaos warband!
97: minor chaos god: BAWKSES FOR THE BAWKS GAWD!
87: highly blessed: he's possessive and he likes his followers for following him
74: servants of the warp: chaos bawks dog!
14: space hulk: the biggest bawks they could find
58: company level of marines: he's still trying to find more worshippers.
25: uses cultist: those that the bawks gawd likes become his favoured marines
19: daemon prince: he just wants to be loved and shown the BAWKSES of his enemies
8: boarded battleship: well how do you think they got that space hulk?

so here is my first one that made no sense at all
77: tzeentch
9: none: oh, ok...
99: daemonhood: wait what?
58: fleet based: whole warband is daemon princes, but fuck the thought of a warp based HQ
99: only marines: oh god
66: raids: we we kidnap people to make them daemon princes?
4: stealth: how do daemon prince sneak?
14: daemon prince: ok, that makes sense
10: killed rival warband: well duh, daemon prince.
that can ONLY be explained via tzeentch fuckery
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