Create Your Own 40k Army

I didn't even think about it that way, but yeah thats basically him. Only with less daddy issues and more survivors guilt/vengence needs. Also actually good in a fight this tine. He loathes hard men makinghard decision while hard that the iimperial command structure is riddled with. We'll keep whathisname as his body guard, an errant space marine
Personally I want to play it a lot like the SB one, with the Warmaster being the straight man. I picture Lannaryn as someone who's just been told to kill an entire bar full of people with a Hammer covered in hello kitty designs. He's fully aware how bad, and absurd the situation is but he's going to do his duty.

Although not without a great deal of bitching - particularly, one suspects, at the Freeblades who don't even give him the courtesy of pretending to care about his opinions. :p
And the Rogue Traders who insist on using Cyborg Mermaids to "help".

Yeah, but the Rogue Traders, at least, are going to be pretending to care about his opinions, like by turning up at staff conferences - even if it's only to plunder his wine cellar. The two (so far) Freeblades present? Aren't even going to show him that much courtesy, since they won't even show up. :p
Oh he knows how to take care of that.

"The freeblades? Don't invite them. Actually start gossiping that we don't think that they're important or competent enough, not reliable enough to include in oir plans. Then when they show up honor besmercched and red faced we either tell them pointedly not to be somewhere or that something is far too strong for them or we point them at their favorite thing to hit. The honorable, hidebound, and bellicose are easy to deal with. Include them by not including them"
While I have...strong disagreements about the current idea for Warmaster I'm going to ignore that and roll up a regiment, because I can.

Regiment Class
(9)Milita: and I'm reaching for the booze already.

(5) Hive World: Actual milita or just hive riot, you decide.

Homeworld Terrian
(43) Desert: Well it's not like we go outside anyways

Core Unit
(47) Heavy Infantry: So far so sane.

(6) Close Combat

(9) Unorthodox: As if we expected anything else

Recruitment criteria
(45) Subhumans: And once more I question if this his an actual regiment or just a heavily armed mob.

Nature of Recruitment
(1)Punishment/Redemption/recycling: Considering the mutant thing, it fits.

Special Equipment
(63) Augmented Troops: Cyborg Furries seem to be something of a trend for me.

(89) Tribal Beliefs: So we pretty much took a gang of underhive mutants, captured them, trained them, augumented them and through them at the enemy.

(20) Space Marines: Very open minded Chapter I imagine

(25) Orks: Can't shake a stick without ruining into freaking Orks.

Hmmm. I give you the Underhive Militia of X'vier.
@Teen Spirit and now for their sworn enemies :

Klan or Freeboota?
(9) Freebootaz : do wot ya 'ant 'kause a freeboota iz free!

Pick a color ya git!
(71) Yellow : Dem flash gitz are flashy!

We gots an Ork wots lejundery. 'Oo was 'e again?
(1) Da Kaptin : 'kause 'oo else?

Aw'roight, now what'd 'e do?
(73, 8) Krumped loads o' spiky pointy-ears and stole deir cheese!

Gork or Mork?
(10) Sod it, let's just loot moar tings!

'ow many boyz we got left?
(10) We gots more boyz dan you can toss a herd o' Squigs at! An' trust me, I tried. : Dats a propa WAAAGH!

See dem gits ova dere? Deyz off limits until I sez so. Got it?!
(37) Da pointy-hed pansyboyz : moar puppets for da pointy-heds?

See dem gits ova dere? Krump 'em. (d100)
(43) Da pointy-hed pansyboyz : I iz getting confused...

We got lotsa boyz in our klan, but wot've we got more of dan otha klans?
(1) Boyz : 'kause who needs anything else when ya can cover an entire world pole to pole in boyz?

Wot's da biggest, most aweshum thing we've eva' looted?
(80) One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big black killy pyramids : Orks kan loot ANYTHING!

Wot did ya do wit it?
(10) We made it orkier, and da boss rides it to battle : What is this, I don't even-

Sod it, I present to you, WAAAGH! BONKOR!
Oh he knows how to take care of that.

"The freeblades? Don't invite them. Actually start gossiping that we don't think that they're important or competent enough, not reliable enough to include in oir plans. Then when they show up honor besmercched and red faced we either tell them pointedly not to be somewhere or that something is far too strong for them or we point them at their favorite thing to hit. The honorable, hidebound, and bellicose are easy to deal with. Include them by not including them"

Wouldn't work with either; Alyson's too smart (she was a House Lord's daughter, after all, and raised in a very unforgiving environment of feudal politics), and the Sword Avenging just doesn't say anything. You feel kind of stupid arguing with a brick wall, no?
Just for the hell of it have another IG regiment:

Penal Legion: Scum, criminals, murderers. Watch them closely.
Aaaaaaand we're off to a fantastic start.

Nobility: Bought their commission for honor and glory.
Noble criminals. this is getting weird already.

Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.
Oooooookaaaay. Not sure how that works with noble criminals but whatever.

Shrine World: They charge into battle eagerly, and their very prayers are warcries.
Well I suppose they're nobles of a failed rebellion who disagreed with the Imperium but still follow the Emperor?

Agriworld: Sturdy, hard-working types, glad to be off the farm.
Aaaand now we know why their rebellion failed. Because they're a bunch of stupid sheepherders and farmers.

Siege Regiment.
What do sheepherders and farmers know about sieging fortresses?

Shock & Awe.
Well, they say manure can be turned into explosives. I suppose one would be shocked when they get covered in flaming manure and awed that they didn't blow themselves up.

Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.
Well I guess that fits with following the Emperor but not agreeing with the Imperium.

Blessed Wargear.
Why the hell do criminals have blessed wargear!?!

Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.
The best sheepherders and farmers are still pretty shitty. Yes that was a terrible joke I know.

Regiment Friend:
Adeptus Mechanicus.
Why, I'm pretty sure they're busy building war machines not farm equipment. I guess it explains WHERE they got the blessed wargear but still doesn't tell us WHY.

Regiment Enemy:
Well, this isn't going to go catastrophically wrong. I mean whatever gave you that idea.

So noble farmer criminal fanatics who are equipped with blessed wargear.

You haven't topped Teen Spirit yet dice but damn if you aren't trying.
Wouldn't work with either; Alyson's too smart (she was a House Lord's daughter, after all, and raised in a very unforgiving environment of feudal politics), and the Sword Avenging just doesn't say anything. You feel kind of stupid arguing with a brick wall, no?

"Loose ends are just that Brother Captain, loose ends. Either they end an enemy or they meet their end in glory, either way no hair from my beard. Their record, so far as we know, is highly respected and highly effective. In a few months after they've won some battles and bloodied the enemy we'll send them a shipment of supplies and material. In the mean time l'll see if the inquisitors or the AdMech have anybody attached that can pass us intelligence on any enemies they might fight."
The local subsector governor who's had this crusade (and his promotion to sector governor) dropped on his head from a great height? :p
Pretty much. It would be like Tyrion in a Clash of Kings/Season 2, only with greater problems

Anyways because I have no self control, more rolling.

Sisters of Battle

Order Type
(2) Order Militant: I always wonder why this one was included since the entire thing would make no sense if you rolled up pretty much anything else.

Original Order
(6)Order of the Sacred Rose: Girls from Soulstorm, got it.

Reason for founding
(2)Strategic Prognostication: Man whoever makes Tarot cards in 40k must make a bundle.

Order's Flaw
(4)Pride in the Colours - The Order refuses to submit to any authority outside of the high lords of Terra or the Inquisition: I forsee no problems arising from this.

Order Deamonur
(10)Uphold the Honour of the Emperor - Let His light guide you: I swear this must be a new addition to the rollers because I don't recall rolling it before recently.

Figure of Legend
(95)Battle Sister: Even the most common foot soldier can still achieve great glory for the Emperor

Deed of Legend
(4) The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, Purging the foul xenos wherever possible: I'm kinda curious as to how Orks exist in 40k anymore, because according to this thread the Imperium murdered them at all.

(09) Hive World: Well this is going to be fun.

(56) Arctic:The only warmth in this place comes from the nozzle of a Flamer.

Rule of Homeworld
(1) Direct Rule in all but name: Of a hive world, an entire hive world made up of billions. The purges in this place must be amazing.

(10)Unique Organization: Sensible, likely have to adapt yourself to suit the nature of the Hive World.

Combat Doctrine
(3) Armoured Assault: You know this would actually be impressive if the Sisters of Battle had any Armor. Not sure why you would have armored assaults in a hive but whatever.

Special Equipment
(4)Beastial Companion: So they patrol the streets of the Hives with Artic wolves as a Companion, awesome. probably a polar bear type thing really considering how much the Fight Orks.

Order Beliefs
(2) Honour to the Hero(ine): Well at least we aren't crazy death cultists

Order Strength

Order Friend
(82) Inquisition: Well they are the only people we listen to.

Order Enemy
(09) Orks: Holy crap it actually fits together.

I give the Order of the Frozen Tear, Fierce Orks Slayers and Wardens of the Ice Hives of Stewrt's Rest.

Doesn't really quite work for this but there's something else I have going on they may work for.
Rolling up an Astartes chapter, because WHY NOT?

Roll #1 = 10 (Crusaders) - Off to a good start.
Roll #2 = 10 (33rd Millienium) -"Our chapter has been on crusade for almost 8,000 years. We are so very, very lost.
Roll #3 = 76 (Dark Angels) - Great. Our spiritual lieges are tryhard emperor-botherers.
Roll #4 = 6 (New Generation) - So we're not quite as tryhard as regular D.Angels.
Roll #5 = 8 (Suffer not the works of heretics) - "Is that Aquila slightly skewed?! TO ARMS, BROTHERS!"
Roll #6 = 7 (Eye to Eye) - "Have you heard the Good News about Him on Earth? No? HERETIC!" *PUNCH*
Roll #7 = 45 (Chapter Master hero) - Not the craziest thing to get, really.
Roll #8 = 15 (Ork-bane) - I can just see him trying to teach Orks how to worship the emperor, then getting pissed and BLAM-ing them all.
Roll #9 = 78 (Civilised World) - Not bad. At least it isn't another freaking desert...
Roll #10 = 85 (Dead world) - So basically, we're Space!Battle!Mormons on the Moon. Awesome.
Roll #11 = 8 (Distant Rule) - ...What.
Roll #12 = 10 (Unique organization) - Okay, I think the Crazy Train has finally left the rails, you guys.
Roll #16 = 40 (Primarch adoration) "LION EL'JOHNSON FOR BEST PRIMARCH!!1!"
Roll #17 = 6 (Nominal Strength) Eh, not really that interesting/funny.
Roll #18 = 18 (Friends with another Space Marine chapter) "These Blood Angels guys are pretty cool! They took all my pamphets!"
Roll #19 = 69 (A particular Daemon Prince) ...He is a daemon Prince of Slaanesh, and they ward him away with special garments under their armor.

So yeah. I accidently Space Marine mormons.
Might as well make a Space Marine Chapter, too.

Why Was The Chapter Founded?
(9): Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"

When Was It Founded?
(81): 41st Millenium (Twenty-Sixth and last known Founding). So we're a bunch of young bucks trying to prove our worth, eh?

Chapter's Progenitor
(3): Ultramarines. No surprise there.

Gene-Seed Purity
(3): Pure. So no major problems.

Chapter Demeanor
(9): Brothers in Battle: We're a tight knit group.

Chapter's Flaw
(9): Chapter Cult - The practices of the Chapter are wierd and probably quite unsavory. Well this got interesting.

Figure of Legend
(62): Master of Sanctity: Our Chaplains have a big example to look up to.

Deeds of Legend
(65): The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor. That goes well with the crusade reasoning.

Chapter Homeworld
(46): Feral World: This could explain the cult.

Homeworld Terrain
(90): Temperate: I seem to get this the most for some reason.

Rule of Homeworld
(8): Distant Rule: We don't like to mingle with lesser beings.

Chapter Organisation
(9): Unique Organisation: Could also be explained by the cult.

Combat Doctrine
(4): Stealth: Hm...

Specialty Restrictions
(50): Devastator Marine: That works since we're all about striking silently.

Special Equipment
(83): Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God Emperor of Mankind.

Chapter's Beliefs
(57): Honour the Ancestors - "Old members of our Chapter are better than your guys." That old Master of Sanctity is probably the most famous of them all.

Chapter Strength
(8): Nominal: The Chapter can field ten full companies, each with ten squads. In all likelihood most every squad consist of ten brethren and some specialised appointments may be empty, but the Chapter is regarded as fully fit for battle. So we won't be looked upon too hard by our progenitors or the Inquisition... hopefully.

Chapter Allies
(65): Ecclesiarchy

Chapter Enemies
(98): The Tau. Ohhh boy, this is gonna be good.

Everyone, I present the Shadow Warriors. Guardians of the Eastern Fringe from the encroaching Tau menace and proud sons of Ultramar. I'll fluff them out later.
I like this. His subSector in Sector EssVee is the only one thats all. so guess what? Promotion, congrats. Also it gos from sleepy backwater to military hub
And then he got promoted to master of the crusade since everyone else died in a freak accident.

No, that would be a good thing.

Instead, he's got to be referee whenever the Guard commanders, Astartes officers, Knight House Lords, Mechanicus adepts, Titanicus commanders and so on start going at each other, and request that they kindly not, y'know, shoot up his sector too much in securing it. All while the Warmaster is getting drunk off his ass.
Give a randomly generated alphanumeric designation. we are in the boonies. We don't get a real name until we've proven we are worth remembering.
The Calix Sector had a name even before the Imperium claimed it, though it was called the Calyx Expanse then, and considering how much fighting is involved I see no reason not to give it a name.