Create Your Own 40k Army

For old time's sake :

Regimental Classification :
(10) Navy Armsmen : Huh, I never saw that one before.

Recruitment Criteria :
(35) Nobility : Navy life doesn't really suit nobility. Hopefully they'll be elite armsmen?

Nature of Recruitment :
(7) Standard Conscription : Just pick whatever is there. Most houses have a spare idiot or two to spare.

Regimental Homeworld :
(35) Feral : Why? And more importantly - HOW?

Homeworld Terrain :
(93) Agriworld : So... Some nobility poached off a plant of dirt farmers.

Regiment Core Units :
(56) Mechanized Infantry : On a spaceship. Crewed by noble twits. From a rural backwater with little to no technology.

Specialization :
(1) Drill and Discipline : That does make sense for nobles in the navy.

Loyalty :
(1) Overzealous : I don't think we had that much. Still, that's good - right?

Special Equipment :
(18) War Trophies : Makes a lot of sense for feral worlders.

Regimental Creed :
(12) For the Homeworld : Why? You'll never see it again. Or solid ground.

Regimental Friends :
(68) Imperial Guard : Oh, those primitive cybernetic militia mermaid droptroops employed by that rogue trader?

Regimental Enemies :
(26) Orks : Well, most orks we rolled were Freebootas.
And now for a Titan Legion

Titan Type: 26

Warhounds. Great, hopefully i don't end up with "Frontal assault" as doctrine.

Lead Engine: 33

Death Bringer. *Lexicanums*. Hm, Warlord Variant. Great, our leader is slower and much more obvious than our fast scout titans. That's totally efficient!

Deeds of Legend: 18

Bane of the Greenskin. Ok, so we've wiped out a ton of Gargants then.

Homeworld: 66

Fallen Forgeworld. Maybe destroyed by Orks, I wager?

Legio Age: 9

So, relatively new.

Legio Strength: 4

Under Strength. Makes sense, given our Homeworld has fallen. We're basically shaping up to the be First and Only of Titan Legions, except our big foe is Orks instead of Chaos.

Deeds: 7

Champion Slain. So we killed some important Warboss

Trophies: 1

Head of the Waaagh. We keep an Ork Warboss's head. Very good roll there.

Failures: 4

Defeat at the hands of the Tau. Huh, weird.

Traditions of the Legio: 8

Specific enemy titan is hated by them. Must be a Tau super heavy flier or something.

Allies: 3

Imperial Guard Armor regiment. Hm, maybe saved us from being murdered by the Tau.

Enemies; 5

Also, inexplicably we hate the Eldar. Uhm, ok.

Tactics: 7

Bulwark. So we hold our ground. With Scout Titans. Ok, i'm beginning to understand why our homeforge fell, given this and how many people seem to hate us. I really wanna write this one up.
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To repost an old Titan Legion from SB;

The Legio Vesta ("City Breakers")

Purity In Firepower.
- (unofficial) motto, Iron Hammers Cohort, Legio Vesta

An ancient and storied Titan Legion, the Legio Vesta's battle honours date back to the Great Crusade, and service alongside the Blood Angels and Salamanders Legions. The date of their formation has never been fixed exactly, but appears to have occurred in the late Age of Strife, on the Forge World Amlethion. Of their services in the Heresy, little record has survived; just enough to confirm the Legio's presence on Amlethion and their role, alongside the Amlethion Skitarii forces and the Hearth-Guard of Madrigal, in fending off an Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion siege fleet until the Dark Angels, Ultramarines and White Scars arrived in force to eliminate the besiegers.

The Legio Vesta's formations are heavily biased towards Battle Titans, usually the heavier Warlords rather than Reavers. An illustrative example is the Calidan Cohort, which consists of a dozen Titans - six Warlords, four Reavers and two Warhounds - supported by eight subsystems of Skitarii (five heavy infantry, two armoured and one artillery). Generally speaking, the Legio favours heavy energy weapons over ballistics, with well-known "Volcano Cannon" and "Plasma Destructor" camps among the Warlord Princeps as far as principle armament fits go.

As their name suggests, the Legio Vesta have something of a reputation for excessive force, and have earned censure from the Administratum on a number of occasions for using more firepower than strictly necessary when breaking open fortifications. The Legio's response to this - summarised by the assessment of Princeps Maxima Lucina Desen (Lady Fellblade, princepture Amlethion Magnificat) that "Subtlety is a thing for philosophy, not engine warfare. If you're going to kill someone, you may as well kill them a lot" - has been notably unsympathetic.

While the Administratum are aggravated by the Legio's casual attitude to destruction, the common lasmen and -women of the Imperial Guard have come to love them, for the appearance of the Legio Vesta's massive green-and-bronze battle engines usually heralds an end to the frontal assaults that always cost the Guard dearly, even in victory.
Since they've done some changes to the Imperial Guard Rollers. Let's have a go

Regiment Classification
(8) Penal Legion (Oh this is gonna be fun.)

Recruitment Criteria
(12) All-Female (Are you kidding me!?! It's been a freaking year, an entire goddamn year and I still get this!)

Nature of Recruitment

(37) Feral World

Home World Predominant Terrain
(16) Jungle

Core Units
(25) Infantry Regiment

(1) Drill And Discipline

(2) Fanatical

Special Equipment
(80) Special Vehicle

(93) Steel Over Flesh (And now it got weird again)

(78) Imperial Navy (because who else would augmented feral jungle warriors ally with?)

(98) Other Xenos (77) Hellgrammite (What?)

Okay Hellgrammite
The Hellgrammite were a mysterious and powerful xenos empire based out of the Laanath Rifts. Their true name is unknown and is only a title given by Imperial soldiers, for they showed no interest in communication with humans and were extremely hostile. Described as foul anthropoid creatures with decayed physical forms, they possessed sinister occult-infused weaponry and rode into battle on the backs of bio-mechanical monsters and abominations capable of ripping through heavy armor with ease.[1]
During the Bellrath Crusade into the Lanaath Region in early to mid M38, the Imperium attempted to subdue the Hellgrammite but found it extremely difficult. They throneworld of Wormgyre was protected by a protective shield of Warp-fire known as "Aetheric Fire", making any approach impossible. However thanks to advanced technology provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the warships of the Sons of Medusa were able to penetrate Wormgyre's shield of Aetheric Fire and launch a direct on the Hellgrammite's center. In the ensuing attack in which the Xenos were caught by complete surprise, the Hellgrammite homeworld was reduced to ruin and the survivors of the race itself scattered throughout the stars

Okay okay I think this isn't too insane. Basically this regiment (The Ohpin Penal Regiment) was taken by some commander and instead of just using them as cannon fodder, turned them into a much more useful force through a combination of Intense training, Discipline and Augments provided by the Admech. They were first deployed in M38 Bellrath Crusade and fought in some of the worst fighting against the Hellgrammite.
Since they've done some changes to the Imperial Guard Rollers. Let's have a go

Regiment Classification
(8) Penal Legion (Oh this is gonna be fun.)

Recruitment Criteria
(12) All-Female (Are you kidding me!?! It's been a freaking year, an entire goddamn year and I still get this!)

Nature of Recruitment

(37) Feral World

Home World Predominant Terrain
(16) Jungle

Core Units
(25) Infantry Regiment

(1) Drill And Discipline

(2) Fanatical

Special Equipment
(80) Special Vehicle

(93) Steel Over Flesh (And now it got weird again)

(78) Imperial Navy (because who else would augmented feral jungle warriors ally with?)

(98) Other Xenos (77) Hellgrammite (What?)

Okay Hellgrammite

Okay okay I think this isn't too insane. Basically this regiment (The Ohpin Penal Regiment) was taken by some commander and instead of just using them as cannon fodder, turned them into a much more useful force through a combination of Intense training, Discipline and Augments provided by the Admech. They were first deployed in M38 Bellrath Crusade and fought in some of the worst fighting against the Hellgrammite.

Tough bunch of ladies. I wonder how they got chummy with the Imperial Navy, though?
How about a legion of Space Marines that solely are for the purpose of protecting the Adeptus Mechanicus from all the dangers they shall face(and shooting them in the face if they succumb to chaos or some other thing the Imperium doesn't want)?
How about a legion of Space Marines that solely are for the purpose of protecting the Adeptus Mechanicus from all the dangers they shall face(and shooting them in the face if they succumb to chaos or some other thing the Imperium doesn't want)?
The Admech have Skitarii for that, minus the shooting them if they go chaotic part.
But aren't the SPASS MUHRINES the best the Imperium has?
It's a bit more complicated than that. For one the Ad mech are rather insular and prone to screwing over other groups of the Imperium when they work together. And the Ad mech are technically a seperate empire in personal union with the Imperium, so forcing them to have a Space marine chapter looking over them would not go over well. And there's the fact that the Ad mech did once create a Space Marine chapter in secret for their own purposes, the High Lords of Terra where not happy about this. Also creating a Space Marine Legion would have EVERYONE going "Nope."

Also best is subjective.
It's a bit more complicated than that. For one the Ad mech are rather insular and prone to screwing over other groups of the Imperium when they work together. And the Ad mech are technically a seperate empire in personal union with the Imperium, so forcing them to have a Space marine chapter looking over them would not go over well. And there's the fact that the Ad mech did once create a Space Marine chapter in secret for their own purposes, the High Lords of Terra where not happy about this. Also creating a Space Marine Legion would have EVERYONE going "Nope."

Also best is subjective.
Okay, good point. But do they have Power Armour?
Since they've done some changes to the Imperial Guard Rollers. Let's have a go

Regiment Classification
(8) Penal Legion (Oh this is gonna be fun.)

Recruitment Criteria
(12) All-Female (Are you kidding me!?! It's been a freaking year, an entire goddamn year and I still get this!)

Nature of Recruitment

(37) Feral World

Home World Predominant Terrain
(16) Jungle

Core Units
(25) Infantry Regiment

(1) Drill And Discipline

(2) Fanatical

Special Equipment
(80) Special Vehicle

(93) Steel Over Flesh (And now it got weird again)

(78) Imperial Navy (because who else would augmented feral jungle warriors ally with?)

(98) Other Xenos (77) Hellgrammite (What?)

Okay Hellgrammite

Okay okay I think this isn't too insane. Basically this regiment (The Ohpin Penal Regiment) was taken by some commander and instead of just using them as cannon fodder, turned them into a much more useful force through a combination of Intense training, Discipline and Augments provided by the Admech. They were first deployed in M38 Bellrath Crusade and fought in some of the worst fighting against the Hellgrammite.
Yup, that's the Teen Spirit we know and love.

Anyway, i haven't yet tried the heretical cult creation table.

(7) Worker's Collective : Ah, so it's basically a chaos-loving worker's union. As someone who resides in France, I know something about this.

Leadership Type
(70) Strictly Military Rankings : Well, it's efficient and coordinated. A bit weird for a worker's union, though.

Leadership Nature
(14) Daemon : Oh. That's interesting. I wonder what a daemonic strike looks like.

Leadership Style
(5) Force of Arms : Well, at least it fits the structure. Klingon Promotions everywhere!

Armaments and Defences (3) different
(2) Plenty of ammunition : THE POWER OF DAKKA COMPELS YOU! Also makes sense, the worker's union is smuggling aside part of the production.
(9) Advanced technology : Well, well, well. Looks like they have a stash of nice things. It's starting to look more like an effective lost & damned army than a heretical cult at this point.
(10) Wyrdcraft and Sorcery : Always nice for a chaos cult, and explains where the daemon boss came from.

Tokens of Allegiance (3) different
(3) Favored Craftmanship : So they like to have their own special signature when crafting shit. And they probably work in the arms sector of their home planet. Sounds bad for the Imperium.
(5) Hidden Sign : is that in the sense of a gang sign or do we need to look out for them scribbling the yellow/elder sign everywhere?
(10) Marked Mindset : Death to the mandatory overtime!

Cult Allure
(17) The Salvation of your Soul : That's a nice soul you got there, 't'd be a shame if there were anything to happen to it...

Rites and Observances
(5) Foul Communion : Who farted during communion?

(1) Khorne : Well, they got the martial stuff down pat. They didn't get the memo about Khorne and sorcery, though.
I like the chaos cult table. let's make another one, double post be damned!

Cult of Idea Background
(2) Pleasure Cult : Well, that's nothing new. As long as the god doesn't end up being Nurgle or something.

Cult Leadership Type
(45) Council of Inner Mysteries : To reach the leadership you must learn the deepest secrets of pleasure.

Cult Leadership Nature
(7) Imperial Official : So a pleasure cult hidden amongst the upper echelons of imperial autorithy. Fluffy and powerful.

Leadership Style
(2) Hands-on : ... That takes a WHOLE new meaning for a pleasure cult.

Armaments and Defences (2)
(10) Wyrdcraft/Sorcery : Fitting enough.
(19) Otherworldly allies : Because a pleasure cult needs tentacles.

Tokens of Allegiance (4)
(5) Hidden Sign : Sounds good for a cult, a hidden symbol that identifies them.
(9, 10, 10) Marked Mindset : They are an odd bunch, aren't they.

Cult Allure
(6) Indulgence : Well, it's a pleasure cult, what do you expect?

Rites and Observances of the Cult
(9) Sorcerous Arts : So Pleasure through Magic. or Magic through Pleasure. Either way, lots of magic. And pleasure.

Focus of Worship
(16) Technology and Artifacts of the Xenos : So... Either lots of power and arcane xenos stuff, possibly able to grant great heights of pleasure - maybe some Dark Eldar toys. ... or they worship a wraithbone dildo.
Time for another imperial guard regiment.

Regiment Classification: 9 - Militia: Brave enough to defend their world without training or equipment.
Oh joy. A bunch of scrubs.

Recruitment Criteria: 17 - All Female
Eh? Do the men go on campaign while the ladies guard the homefront?

Nature of Recruitment: 10 - Standard Conscription
I doubt a militia would need special recruitment practices.

Homeworld: 63 - Imperial World
No surprises.

Home World Predominant Terrain: 42 - Desert
So they have to stand around all day staring at sand dunes. These ladies must be incredibly bored.

Regiment Core Units: 98 - Shock Troopers
Must get invaded often, I guess.

Specialization: 8 - Shock & Awe
Probably a lot of ambushes happen with them jumping from beneath sand dunes and setting up a lasgun killbox.

Loyalty Rating: 2 - Fanatical
I have a feeling I'm making a regiment of Tallarn women...

Special Equipment: 35 - Exotic Mounts
Everyone gets a giant desert lizard to ride upon!

Regiment Creed: 55 - For the Emperor
Definitely a bunch of Tallarn women.

Regiment Friends: 67 - Imperial Guard
Makes sense. They want their husbands, brothers, and fathers to come home safely.

Regiment Enemies: 32 - Eldar
No love for those dirty space elves. I approve.

So, with all that data collected I present to you all the 101st Tallarn Homefront Guardians. While the men of Tallarn travel the stars to bring the Emperor's wrath, the women defend their homes from all manner of disgusting xenos and heretics. These strong and fearsome women use the desert environment to its full advantage, laying down incredibly firepower upon any foe who encroaches upon their territory.
Okay, I'll give this a try:
1.Navy Armsmen(10)
3.Standard Conscription(10)
4.Hive World(15)
9.Augmented Troops(68)
10.For the Homeworld(19)
11.Adeptus Mechanicus(40)
Fuck, I don't know what to say about this one. An explanation?
Let's Make a Space Marine Chapter

Why Was The Chapter Founded
(9) Crusade

When was it Founded
(40) 36th Millennium-Cursed Founding (Oh, Joy)

Chapter's Progenitor
(67) Dark Angels (REPENT, MOTHER***ER!)

Gene-seed purity
(9) Flawed (Well this is going poorly and I'm not even for five rolls in)

Chapter Demeanour
(7) Suffer Not the Alien to Live

Chapter Mutation
(1)Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (AKA: We're eating the corpses of our enemies more often then not)

Chapter Flaw
(5) Faith in Suspicion - The Chapter particularly hates a single Imperial institution, and refuses to work with them. (For sake of RPing I'm going to roll on the Friends table to see who it is *79* So we hate the Imperial Navy, okay then)

Figure of Legend
(26) Chapter Master

Deed of Legend
(21) The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.

Chapter Homeworld
(93) Fleet-Based (The Crusade never ended)

Skipping a few no longer relevant ones

Chapter organisation
(7) Divergent chapter (The Codex Astartes does not approve of us on any level.)

Combat Doctrine
(9) Shock and Awe

Special equipment
(27)Modified Jump-Pack (Raven Guard are so gonna sue us for stealing their thing)

Chapter Beliefs
(79) Death Cult (Edgy as all heck)

Chapter Strength
(5) Nominal

Chapter Friend
(99) Schola Progenium (Oh sure, now you get weird dice)

Chapter Enemy: Besides the Imperial Navy and The Fallen
(12) Orks (We've been fighting them for like Five thousand years)

Gonna think on what the Fluff should be but for Now I give you the Angels Rampant
I'm noticing Orkz are having a bad time.

Let's roll and see what kind of Klan I get.

Klan or Freeboota?
(4) Propa' Klan

Pick a Color ya git!
(100) .......Huh, never seen one of these.
(1) Red (da fastest)
(97) Blue (da luckiest)
So really fast Orkz that have good luck, probably in not crashing (Much)

We gots an Ork wots lejundery. 'Oo was 'e again?
(1) da Kaptin of course!

Aw'roight, now what'd 'e do?
(50) Krumped loads o' spiky 'umies
Screw Chaos!

Gork or Mork?
(2) Gork

'ow many boyz we got left?
(10) There's too Many of 'Em!!
guess these boyz are new to ta sector......

See dem gits ova dere? Deyz off limits until I sez so. Got it?!
(75) Dem 'umies
So we're "friendly" to Imperium forces, for now.

See dem gits ova dere? Krump 'em.
(11) Ovva Orkz
.....Wow even their fellow greenskins are killing them.

We got lotsa boyz in our klan, but wot've we got more of dan otha klans?
(10) Grots, grots e'rywhere!
Hello cannonfodder/meatshields/servants!

Wot's da biggest, most aweshum thing we've eva' looted?
(100) ........Holy Grok an' Mork, these rolls......
(53) One o' dem 'umie Titans
(79) One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big black killy pyramids
Da Klan is da Luckiest!

Wot did ya do wit it?
(7) Some gits stole, dem sneaky bastards!
(5) it blew up in a foight (or some git is mukkin about wit exploshuns)

Well, I'm not entirely sure what I've rolled here.....Klan Werid Fortune everyone!
I'm gonna roll a Necron dynasty, because yolo.


Okay, so let's see what I got.

Original side in the Necrontyr Secession Wars: (Neutral) Didn't fight and only defended their borders.
C'Tan fought alongside before betraying during the War in Heaven: The Lord of Fire
Most Hated Nemesis: The Dark Eldar hidden behind the Dolmen Gates and fighting without honor
Damage sustained during sleep: Have the memories of a common peasant dumped into an Overlord's body by some mishap. Don't know what happened to the mind of the actual Overlord of the Dynasty, but no one seems to realize you aren't who they think you are.
Greater Objectives or Goals: Converting all sentient lifeforms into Necrons. Death is only the beginning.
Favored Conversion Subject: Eldar – Psychically gifted, nearly immortal, How ironic that the potential key to Necron salvation lies in the biology of your hated enemy.

… I'm feeling rather 'meh' here, mainly because I don't remember the Necron ever being so keen on comversion of others into Necron (airh the now non-canon exception of the Pariah). Plus, not enough things to really make them 'unique'.
Just found this thread, rolling up a knight house.

Vow Nature(3): Strategic Prognostication

Attack coming? SEND THE KNIGHTS.

House Contact(10): Great Crusade

Hey, we're a recruitment mission on the way to the main storyline!

Sovereign(8): Adeptus Mechanicus

Because hey, that Omnissiah of theirs has the best guns.

Succession Laws(6): Tyranny

Because why not?

Gender laws(10): Amazon

Girls only club.

Ceremony(8): Nonchalant

Amazonian Dictator Knight has no time for your lousy ceremonies. Would much rather shoot things.

House Demeanour(3): No Mercy, No Respite

In accordance with the prestigious history of most dictators, mercy is unnecessary.

Flaw(3): Pride In The Colours

Our flag is best flag. Who needs that other crap tacked on?

Figure of Legend(87): A peasant/member of the Fyrd/Militia

Eh, that's kinda lackluster. Can't imagine what this guy must have do-

Deeds of Legend(97): The hero led his House in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy's greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by treachery within the fold of the Imperium, slain by an assassin's turbo-penetrator round on the field of battle. Just why he was targeted was never discovered, and the House harbours a special hatred for the servants of the Officio Assassinorum to this day.


Size of our Domain(1): Tiny

Kinda small, but it's ours.

House Homeworld(29): Agri World

Homeworld Terrain(72): Wasteland

So, it used to be pretty nice, but it just couldn't handle the badass Amazons that lived on it?

Rule of homeworld(2): Direct Rule

In the spirit of the Amazonian Dictatorship.

House Hierarchy(9): Every Knight for himherself!

Haha what.

Combat doctrine(7): Long Range Operations

Shooting things is generally the best way to solve problems.

Preferred Knight variant(59): Knight Crusader

Hey, Death robots are cool. Plus, lots of guns.

Restrictions(21): Knight Paladin


House's beliefs(96): Esoteric Beliefs

Well now, that's a bit strange. This is a weird fucking House, man.

House Strength(5): Nominal

For all the weirdness, we have decent recruitment. Maybe because of our peasant Legend?

House Allies(45): Adeptus Mechanicus

We like the guys who give us guns. Praise the guns.

House Enemies(80): A particular Chaos-aligned group

Sure, I can deal. Chaos can go suck it, we have guns and Amazons.

Anyway, the point is, we're a bunch of gun-loving amazons who prefer to shoot things a lot from very far away, and are bros with the Adeptus Mechanicus. We also worship weird things that literally no one else does, and our figure of legend is a peasant or militia (wo)man who personally slaughtered countless numbers of assholes only to be taken down by treachery. Definitely... unique.
Let's do Chaos Space Marines

Legion or Renegade Chapter
(4) Renegade Chapter

Why did they Fall
(5) The Chapter Master was accused of heresy by the Inquisition. The Chapter fought against the Inquisition's warriors and failed. they then began gathering followers to wage war

Warband's Progenitor
(66) Dark Angels *Stares angrily at Dice*

Devotion to the Ruinous Powers
(2) Loathed

Chapters' beliefs
(100) For the Emperor (So are they Heretics or not?)

Warband Demeanor
(5) Of a Lost Age. The Warband has access to much pre-Horus Heresy technology. Having these ancient weapons gives the Marines a respect and appreciation for the relics of old. (Did I roll the Fallen?)

Figure of Legend
(26) Warband Leader

Deed of Legend
(57) If your warband loathes Chaos, he instead managed to get entire sectors to violently rebel against Imperium rule, throwing them into total anarchy. (Cypher would be pleased)

Warband Homeworld
(36) Agri World (Look upon our mighty fields of Corn, look upon them and Weep!)

(87) Toxic ("This is a bad place to grow corn." "Shut the F**k up")

Combat doctrine
(9)Bloody Rain - Marines make heavy use of drop pods, gunships, dropships and jump-infantry.

Special Equipment
(41)Ancient Weaponry. (Fallen vibes intensify)

Warband Status
(3) Slightly Understrength

Cause of Diminished Strength
(7) The Warband was slaughtered by Imperial, or something elses, forces in an ill-fated battle. (Got ambushed by Tribal Catwomen with Artillery)

Warband allies.
(76) Rogue Inquisitor (We have a...Mixed Relationship with the Inquisition)

Warband Enemies
(48) Specific Space Marine Chapter/leader (The Unforgiven are very unhappy with us)

So either this Chapter was somehow co-opted by a Fallen or they're what happens if you hunt too hard for the Fallen.

I'm wondering if you could make a Primarch/Space Marine Legion creater with this sort of Template.
Tau Cadre:
1.3rd Sphere of Expansion(8)
3.Kauyon, The Patient Hunter(6)
5.Normal presence/adherence to Greater Good(6)
6.Smaller than Average auxillary(9)
7.Majority of auxiliary are Anthrazods(15)
9.Shas'O - Fire Caste Commander(8)
So, a group of forest-dwelling hunters with a small amount of support from asteroid miners that fight Necrons and help with taking over worlds? I suppose that's neat. But not especially strange or canon-breaking.
And now Imperial Guard for old time's sake

Regiment Classification: (1)
Imperial Guard, so we're somewhat competent red shirts!

Regiment Recruitment: 91

Convicts. Great, so we're a penal legion.

Recruitment type: 5

Standard recruitment

Homeworld type: 28

Feral World. So we're convicts from a world where Iron swords are the bleeding edge of military technology.

Homeworld Terrain:

Agriworld. So basically an early Iron Age world.

Regiment Type: 86

Siege. So, i'm just gonna assume cannon fodder, not like, actual artillerymen.

Specialization: 4

Lightning Strike. Every roll makes less and less sense.

Loyalty: 8

Unorthdox. I'm gonna assume that has something to do with coming from a Feral World.

Special Gear: 87

Preferred Fighting Style. Fear our hail of javelins and Sling Stones!

Creed: 7

For our shitty primitive homeworld that cast us out!

Friends: 13

Adeptus Arbites. Uhm, ok

Enemies: 78

Disciples of Chaos.

Ok, so basically a bunch of outcasts from a primitive culture. Are used primarily as cheap shock troops in fortress storms, presumably using modernized versions of their primitive weaponary (Mono Spears, Flak Riot Shields) and such.

Ok, how about a Knight house

Vow: 4

Counter. So we're specifically created to fight someone.

Contact with Imperium: 74

So, we're repetitively new.

Who is our Liege: 2


Succession Laws: 2

So far this is turning out to be super generic. Primogenture.

Gender Laws: 2

And so we're sexist assholes.

Ceremony: 10

So we're weird sexist assholes.

Demeanor: 1

Swift as the wind. So, more Scouts. I'm guessing we're gonna be saddled with only the slowest engines.

House Flaw: 9

We hate someone really badly. *Rolls* Dark Eldar. Greeeatttt

Figure of Legend: 10

Great hero from the Dark Age of Technology or before. "He totally existed!"

Deed of Legend: 65

Crushed an army of Rebels and led them back into the Emperor's Light....before the Emperor left Terra. Ok, I can see why this guy is a legend given the Evident Time travel at work here.

Domain Size: 1

One World. Guess Time Traveling Mecha don't get you the money.

Homeworld: 62

Medieval World. Great.

Homeworld Terrain: 97

Temperate. So basically our homeworld is a third world shithole but at least it's not actively trying to kill us.

Homeworld Rule: 10

Distant Rule. "What's that Planetary Governor, couldn't hear you over all these dead Xenos. Call back later."

House Hierarchy: 1

Strict. Nothing really to say here, except that besides the Time Travel, this house is really generic.

Combat Doctrine: 3

Armored Assault. I'd assume that'd be the default, but ok.

Proffered Knight: 10

Paladin. Ok, standard and generic.

REstrictions: 40

Knight Errant. Name fits with our strict and traditional demeanor, and I don't exactly think Super Heavy hunting fits our style.

Beliefs: 83

Totem Animal. Guess our time traveling hero believed in Merchandising.

Strength: 10

Over Strength. How the hell do we fund all this with one world which we stay the hell away from?

Allies: 93

PDF of a specific world. That's incredibly useful!

Enemies: 43

Chaos Knight House. Presumably a ranged firepower focused free for all Matriarchy with only a few units left.
Let's do Chaos Space Marines

Legion or Renegade Chapter
(4) Renegade Chapter

Why did they Fall
(5) The Chapter Master was accused of heresy by the Inquisition. The Chapter fought against the Inquisition's warriors and failed. they then began gathering followers to wage war

Warband's Progenitor
(66) Dark Angels *Stares angrily at Dice*

Devotion to the Ruinous Powers
(2) Loathed

Chapters' beliefs
(100) For the Emperor (So are they Heretics or not?)

Warband Demeanor
(5) Of a Lost Age. The Warband has access to much pre-Horus Heresy technology. Having these ancient weapons gives the Marines a respect and appreciation for the relics of old. (Did I roll the Fallen?)

Figure of Legend
(26) Warband Leader

Deed of Legend
(57) If your warband loathes Chaos, he instead managed to get entire sectors to violently rebel against Imperium rule, throwing them into total anarchy. (Cypher would be pleased)

Warband Homeworld
(36) Agri World (Look upon our mighty fields of Corn, look upon them and Weep!)

(87) Toxic ("This is a bad place to grow corn." "Shut the F**k up")

Combat doctrine
(9)Bloody Rain - Marines make heavy use of drop pods, gunships, dropships and jump-infantry.

Special Equipment
(41)Ancient Weaponry. (Fallen vibes intensify)

Warband Status
(3) Slightly Understrength

Cause of Diminished Strength
(7) The Warband was slaughtered by Imperial, or something elses, forces in an ill-fated battle. (Got ambushed by Tribal Catwomen with Artillery)

Warband allies.
(76) Rogue Inquisitor (We have a...Mixed Relationship with the Inquisition)

Warband Enemies
(48) Specific Space Marine Chapter/leader (The Unforgiven are very unhappy with us)

So either this Chapter was somehow co-opted by a Fallen or they're what happens if you hunt too hard for the Fallen.

I'm wondering if you could make a Primarch/Space Marine Legion creater with this sort of Template.

Every time you roll up something I always chuckle in glee. The dice truly favor you.
Let's see what kind of Knight House I'll get!

Vow: (7)
Standing Force: "We shall guard this sector with our lives!"

When was the House contacted? (3)
Time Immemorial: "We have stood with the Emperor since the beginning, and we will stand with his Imperium to the end."

Sovereign: (10)
Something unusual: "Our Sovereign May be strange, but do not question our loyalty to the Emperor, for who better serve than his Sons!"

Succession (1)
Gravelkind/Partible: "Both the eldest and youngest get their fair share."

Gender laws: (8)
Conagtic: "Both men and women may inherit their Knights, for both men and women can fight for the Emperor"

House Demeanor: (8)
Suffer not the works of the Heretic: "Burn their traitorous hide into ash and cider!"

House Flaw: (9)
Blind Hatred
Rolls on enemies table (56): "Strike down these foul Xenos with fire and steel, show them true righteous fury!"

Figure of Legend: (1)
Deed of Legend: (39)
"So did the Azure Knight slay the Daemon Prince of Khorne, and bring great honor to our House with this victory."

Domain Size: (9)
Immense: "as a reward for his triumph over the servants of the Dark Gods, the Emperor gave us these many worlds and moons. One day it shall belong to you my child."

Homeworld: (66)
Medieval: "our homeworld may not be the most advanced, but it holds close to the ways of Knights and Lords."

Terrain: (100)
Temperate: "It's also very nice to look at."

Rule: (2)
Direct Rule: "We are fair rulers, and the land is prosperous."

Hierarchy: (1)

Combat Doctrine: (8)
Siege: "We shall see our enemies walls crumble beneath our might!"

Preferred Knight Variant: (96)
No Particular Preference.

House Beliefs: (62)
Code of Chivalry.

Combat Strength: (10)
Over Strength.

House Allies: (40)
Adeptus Mechanicus

House Enemy: (51)
Chaos Knight House.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you: House Sun-Hammer!
And now for a Titan Legion

Titan Type: 26

Warhounds. Great, hopefully i don't end up with "Frontal assault" as doctrine.

Lead Engine: 33

Death Bringer. *Lexicanums*. Hm, Warlord Variant. Great, our leader is slower and much more obvious than our fast scout titans. That's totally efficient!

Deeds of Legend: 18

Bane of the Greenskin. Ok, so we've wiped out a ton of Gargants then.

Homeworld: 66

Fallen Forgeworld. Maybe destroyed by Orks, I wager?

Legio Age: 9

So, relatively new.

Legio Strength: 4

Under Strength. Makes sense, given our Homeworld has fallen. We're basically shaping up to the be First and Only of Titan Legions, except our big foe is Orks instead of Chaos.

Deeds: 7

Champion Slain. So we killed some important Warboss

Trophies: 1

Head of the Waaagh. We keep an Ork Warboss's head. Very good roll there.

Failures: 4

Defeat at the hands of the Tau. Huh, weird.

Traditions of the Legio: 8

Specific enemy titan is hated by them. Must be a Tau super heavy flier or something.

Allies: 3

Imperial Guard Armor regiment. Hm, maybe saved us from being murdered by the Tau.

Enemies; 5

Also, inexplicably we hate the Eldar. Uhm, ok.

Tactics: 7

Bulwark. So we hold our ground. With Scout Titans. Ok, i'm beginning to understand why our homeforge fell, given this and how many people seem to hate us. I really wanna write this one up.

Legio Castrum

Forgeworld Domus had the fortune to finish the fitting out and construction of it's first Titan legion just as a major Ork Waaagh was entering the region. Unfortunately, it had the misfortune of having sent that legion to aid Imperial Worlds, thinking itself safe. It was not. The Ork Warboss Galnak World'burna fell upon the Forge in a moment of irony not soon forgotten. Before the newly minted Legio could even finish operations, their home was a burning wreck.

In their despair for the loss of their world, the Legio threw itself into battle across dozens of worlds in the following years. Millions of Orks died under their guns, thousands of Gargants and other Ork War engines left smoking hulks. But still, this took it's toll. Originally a combined arms legion, the Legio was ground down to the point where only the seemingly blessedly lucky Scout titans and the Lead Titan, a Warlord class by the name of the Bestia Ferrum remained.

Throughout the Legio's crusade for vengeance and redemption, they in particularly hunted the Warboss World'Burna, who was believed to ride a customized Mega Gargant that he personally oversaw the destruction and looting of worlds from. They finally caught up to the Ork Warlord on a Hive World called Astu under storm and thought doomed by the Barbarous Xeno's numberless hordes. Before the Legion could even arrive, most of the world had already fallen, and all that remained was one Hive. Seeing no choice, the Legion stood in the open outside the Hive, daring the Xenos to fight them in the open whilst their Skitarrii and the remaining PDF dug in for a last stand inside the hive.

And so the Xenos came, nearly numberless and led by their Gargants. Seeing no chance for maneuver, the Legion stood their ground and fired until the barrels of their plasma destructors and megabolters began to melt. Wave after Wave of Greenskins and their crude mechanical warmachines fell, but they kept coming. When all hope seemed lost and it increasingly looking like a last stand, the Bestia Ferrum plunged into the tide, it's guns nearly spent and armor nearly breached. It found it's target, the Xenos Warlord and it's customized War Machine. The God Machine's last reserves went into it's guns, and dumped it's machine spirit and crews hate in one last desperate barrage at the Gargant. In a miracle from the Omnisiah, they succeeded. Seeing their leader fallen and hundreds of thousands of their number killed, the Orks momentarily fell into confusion, giving the Titans time to recover. By the time the orks could rally under a new warboss, it was too late.

Aside from the legendary defense of Artu, the other battle of note in the Legio's history is several defeats against the Tau. Using the tactics that had served them well in the defense of the Hive, the Legio suffered severe damage (Though no lost engines) in several engagements against the treacherous Xenos, who used range advantage to stay out of range. In one such engagement, the Legio was only saved by the heroism of the First Garal Armored Cavalry, who screened the Titans against treacherous blue skin tactics.