We don't know, but probably. Unless he was a high ranking officer he'll probably slip through though, which is a shame. His main patron is gone though, and he might not even be alive for all we know. I don't think he'll reach the heights in German politics he got to this time around, it took a storm of events that are extremely unlikely this time around for his Chancellorship to happen. You're welcome!
Also, might I convince some of you guys to switch from a Polish victory? Poland is not exactly a friendly neighbor either, and having the Soviets next to us would actually probably be a diplomatic boon for us. I really doubt the Soviets would invade us right now, since their civil war still isn't done, and their forces are exhausted. Plus, they'll need to secure Poland. It was implied that the Triad did some bad stuff in Silesia, and that would add another complication of having them win. Dealing with the Sanation regime sounds like a pain as well.
EDIT: With Poland taken care of, we could also probably annex the Free City of Danzig. Which would be a big domestic victory and add an intact city with a dynamic economy into our nation.