Conquest of Shambhala

@Radvic do I understand correctly that [] Practice Empath form would take 2000 of Pandora's 4000 hours, and would multiply those by 6 (for 12,000 effective hours towards the Empath form?)
@Radvic do I understand correctly that [] Practice Empath form would take 2000 of Pandora's 4000 hours, and would multiply those by 6 (for 12,000 effective hours towards the Empath form?)
Not quite. []Practice Empath form would put 2000 hours towards empath form (and limit Pandora's interaction with the world further, by denying her other actions). Those 2000 hours are separate from the 4000 hours she can spend in her free-time (which are assigned by the Training vote). Further, if "Practice Empath form" is the most highly voted action, then she would gain the trait which multiplies the hours spend on it by 6 (resulting in 2,000 effective hours towards the Empath form from taking the action, and if she also spent all her free time on it, 6,000 hours towards it). The x6 bonus will take effect the next update.

Edit: There was also a typo where scout form only had a x4 multiplier. It has been updated to x6, which is the correct multiplier.
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I may do a different version later with either a Scout or Meditation focus, but for now:

[X] Social Too Strunk
Major actions, in order of priority:
  1. Practice Empathy form. ("2000 hours towards Empathy training", "x6 training hours spent on Empath form")
  2. Practice Adapting ("extra 2000 hours towards Adaption")
  3. Spend time with Leo - social multipliers. Super strunk. ("x2 bonus to Communication and Negotiation")
  4. Visit Delos and spend time with the people. Gives the thread more worldbuilding info while still being focused on socials.
12,000 hours toward Empathy form
2000 hours toward Adapting - Learn Survival form

4000 hours of free time divided up as follows:

180 on Scout from Pluto (x2 = 360) : 3820 remaining
320 (Negotiation 5)
640 (Negotiation 6)
120 (Mobility 4)
590 (Communication 6)
80 (Meditation 2)
160 (Meditation 3)
320 (Meditation 4)
1280 (Communication 7)
310 on Negotiation (Counts for 620)

Resulting skills:

Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 7 [0/5120]
Negotiation 6 [620/2560]
Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 3 [80/320]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]
Unarmed Combat 3 [0/320]
Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 4 [0/640]
Empath form 8 [2200/10,240]
Scout form 4 [160/640]
Also - Something I'd wondered at has been confirmed. You have a form, like you have a right side and a left side. Damage to that form persists.

Does that also mean that other alterations persist - muscle mass, etc? Which begs the question - what's the relation to Pandora's default state?If we muscle up in our base form, do our Forms also get muscled up?

Finally - I think there's a choice here, between people, magic, and technology. Which way do we want to try to change Pandora's world? And by that I mean - priority order, because mixing and matching is a thing here.

Noting that I think, here, while there might be (now or someday) magitech - Technology is something you can hand to anyone and they can use. Magic takes training. If we seek to make an impact through tech, it'll be by making things, and figuring out how to make things. If we seek to make an impact through magic, it'll be by figuring out new ways for people to use their own magic - but they'll then be responsible for gaining that capability. And of course I'd expect Science!(tm) to benefit both courses of action, and for each to inform the other... but you get the idea. Tools, or trainings?
This deepens Pandora's bond with her father, granting her access to his training this update (x2 bonus to Farming, Farming form, or Scout form hours spent). If it is the most voted for action, this grants Delphia the Reliable trait

Nice update, but while training is nice, Pandora seems like a bit of a shut in. :V
Tentative plan focused on early info gathering and worldbuilding, plus some survival

[] Dangerous World
Major actions, listed by priority
  1. Spend time with Perseus (x2 to Stealth, Awareness, Survivalist Form, plus one re-roll on failed rolls per scene)
  2. Spend time with Leo (x2 to Communication & Negotiation)
  3. Visit Delos and explore
  4. Practice Adapting (2000 hours on Adapting)
4000 hours spent as follows:
  • 180 (Scout form 4, 160/640) 3820
  • 320 (Negotiation 5) 3500
  • 640 (Negotiation 6) 2860
  • 1080 (Awareness 7) 1780
  • 590 (Communication 6) 1190
  • 480 (Stealth 5, 5/1280) 710
  • 120 (Mobility 4) 590
  • 560 (Meditation 4) 30
  • 30 (Survival Form 1, 20/80)

Skill Level Next Level
Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 7 [0/5120]
Communication 6 [0/2560]
Negotiation 6 [0/2560]
Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 3 [120/320]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 5 [5/1280]
Unarmed 3 [0/320]
Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 4 [0/640]
Empath 3 [120/320]
Scout 3 [120/320]
Survival 1 [20/80]
Do we get stuck in a form because we spent more time in that form than our base form, or because we spent more than 50% of our time in a non-base form?
I may do a different version later with either a Scout or Meditation focus, but for now:

[X] Social Too Strunk
Major actions, in order of priority:
  1. Practice Empathy form. ("2000 hours towards Empathy training", "x6 training hours spent on Empath form")
  2. Practice Adapting ("extra 2000 hours towards Adaption")
  3. Spend time with Leo - social multipliers. Super strunk. ("x2 bonus to Communication and Negotiation")
  4. Visit Delos and spend time with the people. Gives the thread more worldbuilding info while still being focused on socials.
12,000 hours toward Empathy form
2000 hours toward Adapting - Learn Survival form

4000 hours of free time divided up as follows:

180 on Scout from Pluto (x2 = 360) : 3820 remaining
320 (Negotiation 5)
640 (Negotiation 6)
120 (Mobility 4)
590 (Communication 6)
80 (Meditation 2)
160 (Meditation 3)
320 (Meditation 4)
1280 (Communication 7)
310 on Negotiation (Counts for 620)

Resulting skills:

Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 7 [0/5120]
Negotiation 6 [620/2560]
Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 3 [80/320]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]
Unarmed Combat 3 [0/320]
Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 4 [0/640]
Empath form 8 [2200/10,240]
Scout form 4 [160/640]

Editing this plan so the *6 multiplier for empath isn't applied (and made the modifiers more obvious):

[X] Social Too Strunk V2
Major actions, in order of priority:
  1. Practice Empathy form. ("2000 hours towards Empathy training", "x6 training hours spent on Empath form")
  2. Practice Adapting ("extra 2000 hours towards Adaption")
  3. Spend time with Leo - social multipliers. Super strunk. ("x2 bonus to Communication and Negotiation")
  4. Visit Delos and spend time with the people. Gives the thread more worldbuilding info while still being focused on socials.
2,000 hours toward Empathy form
200 (Empath 4)
640 (Empath 5)
1160 Empath [1160/1280]
2000 hours toward Adapting - Learn Survival form
920 (Adapt 6)
1080 Adapt [1080/2560] Note: Might want to rethink Practice Adapting, as this is 1080 hours that aren't useful until we spend another (1480+5120=6600) hours, and then more time on another form after spending those hours

4000 hours of free time divided up as follows:
120 (Empath 6)
180(*2) on Scout from Pluto (Maximum 180) (Scout 4)
320(*2) (Negotiation 5)
640(*2) (Negotiation 6)
120 (Mobility 4)
590(*2) (Communication 6)
80 (Meditation 2)
160 (Meditation 3)
320 (Meditation 4)
1280(*2) (Communication 7)
190(*2) Negotiation overflow

Resulting skills: (Blue is changed, Orange is unchanged)
Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 7 [0/5120]
Negotiation 6 [380/2560]

Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Martial Ability 3 [80/320]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]
Unarmed Combat 3 [0/320]

Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 4 [0/640]
Empath form 6 [0/2560]
Scout form 4 [160/640]
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Nice update, but while training is nice, Pandora seems like a bit of a shut in. :V
Thanks! And yep. That's what happens when "focus on training" wins :V.

@Radvic do we have any ideas about skill ranges yet, either from observing or interacting with other children or adults?
Pandora has seen her father send his scout form out 50 meters, and she knows he doesn't use it much at all. From interacting with Delphia, she figures that no number of Pandoras added together would let her win. Delphia seems to have gotten better at fighting in the past year. She notes that she cannot see Perseus most of the time when he is in his survivalist form, but can see Leo normally when he's using his survivalist form. Some of the adults seem to notice where Perseus sometimes, but she isn't sure how. She knows that adults tend to be better at talking than her. She knows that advanced manipulation of the Farm form, as Pluto does with his spark, is difficult to achieve, approximately as hard as it is to train the Empath form (though the brute strength comes with the form). She knows most adults know most of the forms, though some only know one or two. Pretty much everyone knows the martial form and the farming form, the other forms are more hit or miss. She knows that her parents are much better than her at keeping secrets and figuring out when she is keeping a secret. In general, she figures people are around 10 in a skill that they use in their day to day life.

Do we get stuck in a form because we spent more time in that form than our base form, or because we spent more than 50% of our time in a non-base form?
Juno was unclear. When pressed, she admitted that she didn't know, and suggested Pandora not test it, just try to be in the Native state as much as possible. She says that the priests of Adaption probably know, and she could ask at the temple in Delos (or any other major Xeraxian city) if she wanted.
Juno was unclear. When pressed, she admitted that she didn't know, and suggested Pandora not test it, just try to be in the Native state as much as possible. She says that the priests of Adaption probably know, and she could ask at the temple in Delos (or any other major Xeraxian city) if she wanted.
Fair enough. Does Adaptation training count towards this time, or just other-forms time?
Are there people out there who can hold 2 forms at once?

[] Write in: Did a bit of everything really: @Deathbybunnies
Pandora spent a bit of time on each option.
Pandora hasn't really had a single preference, as far as you can see. In fact, she seems determined to do everything in every way that she can - and many lessons can cross over from even the unlikeliest of fields.
-Provide an extra 1000 hours that need to be distributed evenly across all non-chosen options & provides a loose bond to non-chosen friends
Trait: Jack of all trades
Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)

[X]Pandora the Explorer
[] Spend time with Delphia
-Martial helps to survive while exploring outside
++Training spent on her own can practically apply to everything.
++Gains a capable Martial friend when out exploring.

[] Spend time with Perseus
-Synergy with Exploration (Awareness/Survivalist)
-Trait-IMO, rerolling is powerful. Sadly, does not gain us a useful party member (he's more useful alone as a Stealth type)

[] Visit Delos and explore the town
-Find out more about the world. No hard benefit other than information tho.

[] Write in: Did a bit of everything really
Lets us not abandon our Father, little sibling, friends, etc.
Provide a good base of skills.

Basically, this prepares Pandora to explore the world at large in the future.
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Are there people out there who can hold 2 forms at once?
Juno and Pluto claim stories of ordinary people holding two forms at once are just fairy tales. Only priests blessed by Xerax himself can do that.

[] Write in: Did a bit of everything really: @Deathbybunnies
Pandora spent a bit of time on each option.
Pandora hasn't really had a single preference, as far as you can see. In fact, she seems determined to do everything in every way that she can - and many lessons can cross over from even the unlikeliest of fields.
-Provide an extra 1000 hours that need to be distributed evenly across all non-chosen options & provides a loose bond to non-chosen friends
Trait: Jack of all trades
Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)
This works. Some of the scenes will happen largely behind the scenes (because writing 10 separate scenes in one update is a bit much).

-Trait-IMO, rerolling is powerful. Sadly, does not gain us a useful party member (he's more useful alone as a Stealth type)
Note that Pandora will only gain one trait this update. As it is written, Your plan has her gain the trait Delphia's Friend, which means she will not gain Jack of All Trades or skill re-rolling.
Note that Pandora will only gain one trait this update. As it is written, Your plan has her gain the trait Delphia's Friend, which means she will not gain Jack of All Trades or skill re-rolling.

Yeah, I knew that.
The Jack of all Traits are just to complete the Write in, just in case.
Skill reroll was a close 2nd option for me, but looses out.
Heh, anyone else having flashbacks to Lies of Locke Lamora, with Jean as Delphia? There's something really empowering about a having a solid friend who can fuck shit up, while you do basically the rest of it.
Heh, anyone else having flashbacks to Lies of Locke Lamora, with Jean as Delphia? There's something really empowering about a having a solid friend who can fuck shit up, while you do basically the rest of it.
Just to be clear and avoid any confusion or future upset: if you want Delphia to follow you around when the two of you grow up, you probably want to explicitly spend some time with her (which the currently winning action plan does not do). She's her own person with her own motives and plans (as are all the other characters). They may or may not line up with what you plan to do, and they certainly won't revolve around you. You'll be friends with her if you don't do anything, but not the sorts of friends one rewrites their life's plans to follow. If you want minions, then you can just take all the "spend time with young and impressionable people" options.

Also: note that if you want to make an entirely unique write-in taking the place of all the suggested actions and describing what you want to do, that's cool by me too. I just need to know what Pandora's focusing on for the next update. Saying "Everything but poorly" is totally an option, as is "This thing really strongly, but these things a little, and these things none at all." Options I give are meant to provide direction, not restrict possibilities.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Social Too Strunk V2

Voters: @Cariyaga, @Deathbybunnies, @OliWhail
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Pandora the Explorer
Voters: @2xMachina
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Social Too Strunk
Voters: @OliWhail
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 4

Voting is open for another 23 hours
Hm. Given Radvic's comments, I think I'd like spending time with Delphia as number 4.
Edit: I've adjusted V3 to spend time with Delphia rather than visiting Delos. It also borrows 280 hours from Negotiation overflow to train with her and overcome our -3 to combat.
Edit 2: Fixed skills table at the bottom.

Note: Might want to rethink Practice Adapting, as this is 1080 hours that aren't useful until we spend another (1480+5120=6600) hours, and then more time on another form after spending those hours

If we're ever going to take the Meditation trait, this is probably the best time. We'll likely have a chance to practice the Empathy form next year, and Meditation would make that more effective.

I also like the long-term narrative possibilities of Meditation as proposed by @rangerscience.

[X] Social Too Strunk V3
Major actions, in order of priority:
  1. Practice Adapting ("extra 2000 hours towards Adaption", "x2 effectiveness on training spent on mental or mystical skills")
  2. Spend time with Leo - social multipliers. Super strunk. ("x2 bonus to Communication and Negotiation")
  3. Spend time with new sibling ("This deepens Pandora's bond with her family.")
  4. Spend time with Delphia - deepening friendship ("x2 bonus to Martial, Martial form, and unarmed combat training")
2000 hours toward Adapting - Learn Survival form
920 (Adapt 6)
1080 Adapt [1080/2560]

4000 hours of free time divided up as follows:
200 (Empathy 4)
180(*2) on Scout from Pluto (Maximum 180) (Scout 4)
320(*2) (Negotiation 5)
640(*2) (Negotiation 6)
120 (Mobility 4)
590(*2) (Communication 6)
80 (Meditation 2)
1280(*2) (Communication 7)
120(*2) (Martial Ability 4)
160(*2) (Unarmed Combat 4)
310(*2) Negotiation overflow

Resulting skills: (Blue is changed, Orange is unchanged)
Mobility 4 [0/640]
Awareness 6 [400/2560]
Communication 7 [0/5120]
Negotiation 6 [620/2560]

Intrigue 4 [0/640]
Farming 2 [20/160]
Weaving 2 [20/160]
Stealth 3 [5/320]

Martial Ability 4 [0/640]
Unarmed Combat 4 [0/640]
Adapt 6 [1080/2560]
Meditation 2 [0/160]
Empath form 4 [0/640]
Scout form 4 [160/640]
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Hm. Given Radvic's comments, I think I'd like spending time with Delphia as number 4.
[X]Pandora the Explorer

Because I want the unstoppable badass to come with us when it's time to leave the dome.