Conquest of Shambhala

Question: (Edit) How does the 2x from People Person stack with instructor bonus? If the instructor is a 1.5x, do we multiply the bonuses or sum
Sorry, missed the edit: It is multiplicative. In the situation you outlined, it would be a x3 bonus as the addition between an instructor with a 1.5 bonus and the 2x bonus from People Person.
Imitator: Pandora carefully observes and emulates those she looks up to. When she watches other do feats she cannot yet do, she is inspired to emulate them and tries ever harder to reach that goal. She is motivated by people she looks up to. (Mechanics effect: 2x boost to experience gained from learning and skill challenges within 24 hours of watching someone perform a skill at a higher level than her.)
So assuming this becomes the thing...

How are we defining "perform"? If I watch a teacher talk about how organic chemistry works would that improve my [Chemistry] skill 2x faster?
> I will also reiterate my original statement about thoughtful write-ins often being more powerful than pre-existing options.

Heh. What about supplimenting pre-existing options with a thoughtful write-up? People skills are definitely my choice no matter what, but I could flavor it up some :D

PS - What's the voting schedule you're going for? Daily? Every N days? Variable (let us know)?
Supplimenting pre-existing options with thoughtful write-ins is encouraged. If you want narrative effects, change the narrative text. If you want mechanical effects, change the mechanics text. If you want different skills, feel free to propose skills (there are more than just the four skills I've shown thus far) and allocate your time differently. At the moment, I'm assuming Pandora has had access to 1500 hours to develop her skills. Note that not every moment Pandora is spending awake will be training. This could in theory be increased by a thoughtful write-in...

Re: voting schedule: Unfortunately, real life does not currently allow me to keep an entirely regular writing (and thus voting) schedule. That said, I DO in general have a fair amount of time. You can expect an update every 3 days or so, with some variance there-in. Updates will be more frequent during weekdays than weekends.

This particular voting session will end on Sunday, January 22 at 1 PM Pacific Standard Time

(You can expect the next update to come out sometime on Monday)

So assuming this becomes the thing...

How are we defining "perform"? If I watch a teacher talk about how organic chemistry works would that improve my [Chemistry] skill 2x faster?
In general, "perform" means does something that Pandora cannot do herself. So, if the teacher was demonstrating something Pandora couldn't do, the 2x bonus would be in effect. If Pandora were significantly above the rest of the class, and the teaching level were below her, the bonus would not help her.
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In general, "perform" means does something that Pandora cannot do herself. So, if the teacher was demonstrating something Pandora couldn't do, the 2x bonus would be in effect. If Pandora were significantly above the rest of the class, and the teaching level were below her, the bonus would not help her.
Ok, would that give a 2x bonus for [Teaching] and for [Chemistry], then? And for [Public Speaking]?
Ok, would that give a 2x bonus for [Teaching] and for [Chemistry], then? And for [Public Speaking]?
Yes, if the teacher was demonstrating better teaching and public speaking than Pandora had at the time. Note that if Pandora chose to spend the lesson time learning [Teaching] (or Communication), she would not be developing her chemistry skills. Without a specific trait helping you do it, you cannot spend your time learning more than one thing at a time.

Edit: and I have to go now. I'll be back in a few hours to answer any other questions.
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@Radvic When you come back, can you explain People Person? The description of People Person suggests that she could gain the 2x benefit from an instructor even if she was more competent than said instructor. Is this true?

Also, how are we defining instructor? Could I give a baby the title "Nuclear Weapons Instructor" and gain 2x buff to [Nuclear Weapons] when being "taught" by the baby?
Hm. Are these bonuses temporary? I mean, will they go away once Pandora's fully grown, or...?
I notice we are born in a midwife's house.
Five hundred years have passed since Xerax was founded.
It is stated that eventually every empire falls, mostly due to monsters. We can assume that they at least at the level of lions, probably stronger.
City presence is unknown, but best guess is Augustus Rome-equivalent, tops.

The presence of farming, and especially combat forms probably means metallurgy is not as emphasized as it was by human civilization. Ditto for tools - turns out magic is an excellent replacement for copper tools.
We don't see metal tools when our dad comes back from farming. Or, for that matter, any tools.

Houses exist, so some form of shaping exists, but my guess is that they are mud houses, maybe thatch and waterproofing techniques. Dovetails nicely with having farming and combat forms because most combat involves force to an object, which is also useful in shaping objects.
Father lighting up room with spark implies that there isn't a form of light, or is too expensive compared to farming form. This implies that farming form is typical way to light rooms. At a stretch, torches aren't really developed at all. Also Father taking farming form rather than empath form implies they need light, implying that the midwife might not have a torch or other form of light at night.
Probably not though, considering how easy and useful it would be for combat forms to have a source of light that doesn't change (assuming moon isn't quite bright enough or consistent enough)

Conclusion about world: The world is probably around early civilizations, which means for hivemind controlled Pandora, low hanging fruit are everywhere. Therefore, the teachers probably haven't created useless things like math, structural engineering, alchemy, steam engines, metallurgy, physics.

On the other hand, our information might not work from structural engineering (different gravity field, different materials, different skills and requirements) ditto for alchemy, metallurgy, physics (magic! literal shapeshifting magic!).

If math doesn't work, I'll be really scared about this entire universe.

Conclusion for Pandora: People skills are important, but we have such a tech advantage we might be able to convince everyone to just go with us, though it will be harder. We should do things that help leverage that tech advantage, especially considering there probably aren't large cities where people skills become incredibly important. We absolutely should not get skills that help us learn from others, because those skills will fall out of use pretty much instantly when we start leveraging our advantage. Observant is interesting, but ultimately that 2X bonus only when die rolls are involved, and most crucially, switching fields often means that we won't be able to leverage tech advantage as well as self-motivated. However, we want the starting amount of awareness that observant gives us over self-motivated, because being observant gives us better awareness to notice mistakes in our assumptions. Therefore I cast my vote for

[x] Smelled and licked sparks (gain trait: Laser Focus)
Laser Focus - Pandora is endlessly curious, motivated, almost to the exclusion of everything else. Given a situation and a reason, she can, will, and does poke, smell, lick , and generally examine something until she understands it completely. (Mechanics Effect: Gives X2 bonuses when she examines or discovers things, X1/2 penalties for all other skills while pursuing, nonstacking. Bonus stacks for more tasks done in a row around that subject.)

Mobility: 4
Awareness: 4
Communication: 2
Negotiation: 2

(Laser Focus applies to literally everything she wants to examine, so negotiation and communication should follow from getting her hands on a single book of oratory.)
(Laser Focus means that if she is analyzing the spark, she can look closely (X2), smell (X4), taste(X8), grab (X16) for awareness. However, all other skills drop by one half, so she would be unmoving, not talking or in complete gibberish, unable to negotiate at all, right now. Likewise for math, she could discover exponents (x2), logarithms (x4) for mastery in math, and geometry, pythagoras theorem (x2), first axiom of euclid (x4), etc.)
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Conclusion for Pandora: People skills are important, but we have such a tech advantage we might be able to convince everyone to just go with us, though it will be harder. We should do things that help leverage that tech advantage, especially considering there probably aren't large cities where people skills become incredibly important. We absolutely should not get skills that help us learn from others, because those skills will fall out of use pretty much instantly when we start leveraging our advantage. Observant is interesting, but ultimately that 2X bonus only when die rolls are involved, and most crucially, switching fields often means that we won't be able to leverage tech advantage as well as self-motivated. However, we want the starting amount of awareness that observant gives us over self-motivated, because being observant gives us better awareness to notice mistakes in our assumptions. Therefore I cast my vote for
Are we sure we're allowed to know IC things the hivemind knows automatically? I haven't seen any indication we get to tell Pandora how to design more advanced technology.

As a write-in learning bonus, would (2x learning bonus to a skill if it's lower than your highest skill level) be acceptable? So if our highest level skill was at 5, any skills at 4 and below would always gain the 2x bonus - but any skill at 5 would get no bonus, no matter how we went about learning them. So something like:

[X] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
Jack Of All Trades: Pandora hasn't really had a single preference, as far as you can see. In fact, she seems determined to do everything in every way that she can - and many lessons can cross over from even the unlikeliest of fields. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)
Jack Of All Trades starting stats:
Mobility: 3
Awareness: 4
Communication: 3
Negotiation: 3

@Radvic , would this work?

EDIT: Obviously the ideal stat lineup for the trait would be 5/2/1/1, but I don't really see a way to justify that to narratively match up with how the trait mechanically works. Suggestions are welcome!
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Barely literate: As a toddler, Pandora is not well able to articulate her thoughts. -3 dice to all verbal interactions.

"literate" is for reading and writing, not speaking/listening.

"articulate" (the adjective that is spelled the same as the verb you used, but pronounced differently) is for speaking. I don't immediately have a good word to offer for both speaking and listening other than "verbal".
@Radvic When you come back, can you explain People Person? The description of People Person suggests that she could gain the 2x benefit from an instructor even if she was more competent than said instructor. Is this true?
Pandora will gain the 2x bonus to XP so long as she has an instructor. This is different than Imitator in several situations. That said, note the following answer:

Also, how are we defining instructor? Could I give a baby the title "Nuclear Weapons Instructor" and gain 2x buff to [Nuclear Weapons] when being "taught" by the baby
An "instructor" is someone who is actively trying to help Pandora learn a skill. They could be worse than Pandora at that skill but good at helping people develop on their own, or they could just be better than Pandora at that skill. Each Instructor will provide a different multiplier. The multiplier an instructor provides is related to their own skills in teaching, and in the skill they are teaching. Some teachers will provide multipliers less than 1 (for instance, if you were to have a baby as an instructor, that's gonna be an awful way to learn, and they would get a multiplier substantially less than 1/2). That said, if your "instructor" was a friend you were practicing with of approximately equal skill, you would get a multiplier greater than 1 (exact value of multiplier dependent on Pandora's relationship to the friend, both of their communication skills, and the friend's own traits or attributes).

I notice we are born in a midwife's house.
Five hundred years have passed since Xerax was founded.
It is stated that eventually every empire falls, mostly due to monsters. We can assume that they at least at the level of lions, probably stronger.
City presence is unknown, but best guess is Augustus Rome-equivalent, tops.

The presence of farming, and especially combat forms probably means metallurgy is not as emphasized as it was by human civilization. Ditto for tools - turns out magic is an excellent replacement for copper tools.
We don't see metal tools when our dad comes back from farming. Or, for that matter, any tools.

Houses exist, so some form of shaping exists, but my guess is that they are mud houses, maybe thatch and waterproofing techniques. Dovetails nicely with having farming and combat forms because most combat involves force to an object, which is also useful in shaping objects.
Father lighting up room with spark implies that there isn't a form of light, or is too expensive compared to farming form. This implies that farming form is typical way to light rooms. At a stretch, torches aren't really developed at all. Also Father taking farming form rather than empath form implies they need light, implying that the midwife might not have a torch or other form of light at night.
Probably not though, considering how easy and useful it would be for combat forms to have a source of light that doesn't change (assuming moon isn't quite bright enough or consistent enough)

Conclusion about world: The world is probably around early civilizations, which means for hivemind controlled Pandora, low hanging fruit are everywhere. Therefore, the teachers probably haven't created useless things like math, structural engineering, alchemy, steam engines, metallurgy, physics.

On the other hand, our information might not work from structural engineering (different gravity field, different materials, different skills and requirements) ditto for alchemy, metallurgy, physics (magic! literal shapeshifting magic!).

If math doesn't work, I'll be really scared about this entire universe.
Nice analysis! Have a Pandora observation. Pandora notes that if she wakes up crying in the night, it's dark until mama or dada bring their spurgle. Though sometimes they don't bring a spurgle and just come by in the dark. Then, sometimes, if she wants it hard enough, they make a spurgle a little later! Spurgles are fun!

[x] Smelled and licked sparks (gain trait: Laser Focus)
Laser Focus - Pandora is endlessly curious, motivated, almost to the exclusion of everything else. Given a situation and a reason, she can, will, and does poke, smell, lick , and generally examine something until she understands it completely. (Mechanics Effect: Gives X2 bonuses when she examines or discovers things, X1/2 penalties for all other skills while pursuing, nonstacking. Bonus stacks for more tasks done in a row around that subject.)
I'm not entirely sure how to read this, but if it means what I think it means, then it works. Could you reword the fluff? Is there a specific thing that Pandora is endlessly curious and motivated about? Or is this saying she has a single track mind whenever she sees something to investigate? With regards to the mechanics effect, for clarity: the idea here is that if she's learning from a physical thing she gets a x2 modifier in learning about something associated with the thing she's studying while receiving a x1/2 penalty to all skills she uses while studying it? If so, that works. Note that it won't stack with itself. Pandora could only be obsessed with thing one at a time, and you could not get infinite use out of a single object (eventually, she will have extracted all she can learn about a thing).

Also your revised XP distribution works.

(Laser Focus applies to literally everything she wants to examine, so negotiation and communication should follow from getting her hands on a single book of oratory.)
(Laser Focus means that if she is analyzing the spark, she can look closely (X2), smell (X4), taste(X8), grab (X16) for awareness. However, all other skills drop by one half, so she would be unmoving, not talking or in complete gibberish, unable to negotiate at all, right now. Likewise for math, she could discover exponents (x2), logarithms (x4) for mastery in math, and geometry, pythagoras theorem (x2), first axiom of euclid (x4), etc.)
Note that, at least without developing additional traits, Pandora will only be able to get a max of x2 bonus from this trait (though she may develop future traits letting her put more things together for more multiplicative learning).

Hm. Are these bonuses temporary? I mean, will they go away once Pandora's fully grown, or...?
Traits you vote for will, in theory, exist throughout Pandora's life. It is possible that choices she makes or consequences of actions she takes or things she experiences will add to, remove, or modify the traits. But ultimately, the traits are what make Pandora who she is as a person, and are there for life. Obviously, the traits on her character sheet right now will be going away as she gets stronger with age and learns the language.

[X] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
Jack Of All Trades: Pandora hasn't really had a single preference, as far as you can see. In fact, she seems determined to do everything in every way that she can - and many lessons can cross over from even the unlikeliest of fields. (Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)
Jack Of All Trades starting stats:
Mobility: 3
Awareness: 4
Communication: 3
Negotiation: 3

@Radvic , would this work?
This works.

"literate" is for reading and writing, not speaking/listening.

"articulate" (the adjective that is spelled the same as the verb you used, but pronounced differently) is for speaking. I don't immediately have a good word to offer for both speaking and listening other than "verbal".
Thanks for pointing that out! I've changed it from literate to coherent.

Edit: I've put the current accepted write-ups in the first post in the voting options.
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[X] Be insightful

Pandora sits quietly, watching mama and then dada in turn. Neither are paying attention to her. She feels an odd tickling feeling somewhere she can't place. Finally something snaps, and she notices her parents are communicating. With each other! She lets out a cry of delight, and tries to get both of their attention, babbling incessantly just as she saw them doing.
Mobility: 2
Awareness: 4
Communication: 4
Negotiation: 2

Trait: Insightful. 2x experience gain to a skill for 24h after teaching any related skill to someone else.
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[X] Pandora sits quietly, watching mama and then dada in turn. Neither are paying attention to her. She feels an odd tickling feeling somewhere she can't place. Finally something snaps, and she notices her parents are communicating. With each other! She lets out a cry of delight, and tries to get both of their attention, babbling incessantly just as she saw them doing.
Mobility: 1
Awareness: 4
Communication: 4
Negotiation: 1

(Probably too late to influence voting. But feel free, anyone, to suggest a relevant trait.)
The stats can add up to 1500 spent - you can go 2/4/4/2 with that.

And to be honest, given both the importance of this vote and various write-ins popping up, I'm rather hoping @Radvic will tally the vote once or twice more to give people a chance to see what other options have been designed. Possibly as temporary threadmarks?
[X] Pandora sits quietly, watching mama and then dada in turn. Neither are paying attention to her. She feels an odd tickling feeling somewhere she can't place. Finally something snaps, and she notices her parents are communicating. With each other! She lets out a cry of delight, and tries to get both of their attention, babbling incessantly just as she saw them doing.
Mobility: 2
Awareness: 4
Communication: 4
Negotiation: 2

Trait: Insightful. 2x experience gain to a skill for 24h after teaching any related skill to someone else.
The mechanic you propose works (as does the skill distribution). Note that, as demonstrated by the below vote tally, your vote is a bit of a handful, not that there's anything wrong with that. If you change it before anyone else votes for it, you can change the tag line (it becomes a coordination mess if someone else votes for it in the meantime). For instance, you could edit this post and call it: "[X] Be insightful" and move the text directly after your current [X] to a new line.

Regardless, this works for me. Since you assign no narrative impact with the insightful trait, I've added some provisionally. If you were going for something different, feel free to change it and put it in your vote. I have also added it to the first post's compilation of write-ins. Note that "related skill" is highly debatable and is ultimately be decided by author fiat. For instance, of the four skills currently revealed, Communication and Negotiation are the only two I would deem "related," even though you could make a case that any two of the skills are related (after all, you have to be able to go to the person you want to talk to. And part of communicating is being aware of what the other person is doing. And it's so much easier to observe something if you can move around.)

Current trait definition:
Gain Trait: Insightful. Pandora enjoys teaching, or attempting to teach, others insights she has made. She is motivated by linking together different observations and explaining the links to others. (Mechanics effect: 2x experience gain to a skill for 24h after teaching any related skill to someone else.

The stats can add up to 1500 spent - you can go 2/4/4/2 with that.

And to be honest, given both the importance of this vote and various write-ins popping up, I'm rather hoping @Radvic will tally the vote once or twice more to give people a chance to see what other options have been designed. Possibly as temporary threadmarks?

Ask and you shall receive! Note that I've been compiling all the write-ins in the first post. If you look under the voting options, there's a "current write-ins" section I've been updating. Additionally, clicking on any of the vote options in the tally will link you to the first non-qm post with that vote, which, aside from the vanilla options, is the post of the person who proposed the skill.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @elpachosan, @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
Voters: @Cariyaga, @rangerscience, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Tried to make sparks like her father.
Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
Voters: @Deathbybunnies, @schlega
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Imitated her mother
Voters: @Hannz
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Pandora sits quietly, watching mama and then dada in turn. Neither are paying attention to her. She feels an odd tickling feeling somewhere she can't place. Finally something snaps, and she notices her parents are communicating. With each other! She lets out a cry of delight, and tries to get both of their attention, babbling incessantly just as she saw them doing.
Voters: @Vecht
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Smelled and licked sparks (gain trait: Laser Focus)
Voters: @huhYeahGoodPoint
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)
Voters: @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 11

Voting and write-ins are open until 1 PM PST Sunday, January 22, ~ 32 hours from now
[X] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
[X] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)
Observations 1: A Storm in the Night
Pandora's Observations: A Storm in the Night

24th night of the 3rd moon of 482

12 months after the birth of Pandora


Howling wind accompanied the pattering rain on the rooftop. Flashes of light followed by bursts of sound reverberated through the night, waking at least one who would have preferred to remain asleep. Pandora stirred in her bed. She was cold! The bright and loud hurt! Her teeth hurt! Her mouth near her teeth hurt! She put her tiny blue thumb into her mouth to quell the pain. It didn't help. She pushed her thumb against the most painful spot in her mouth and sucked, trying to distract herself from the pains of the light, sounds, and her mouth. She shifted position. The leaves in her mattress ruffled uncomfortably across her skin. Her tiny azure face began crinkled into a frown, threatening to erupt.

Another flash split the night immediately followed by a deafening boom. Her resolve failing, Pandora freed her thumb from her mouth's clutch and released a wail. The storm continued to rage; oblivious or uncaring of her pain. Nearly instantly, Mama and Dada sounds came to Pandora's ears. But Mama and Dada were not there; there was only darkness. Pandora continued to cry.

Now, barely perceptible above the rain, Pandora heard a soft thwapping. Shortly afterwards, a voice floated over Pandora, making gentle sounds, lilting higher and lower in a steady tone, unaffected by the storm outside. Mama's voice! But where was she? Mama wasn't darkness. Another flash split the night. In the brief period Pandora could see, she saw Mama above her, with long black hair spilling down her brown gentle face. Pandora gave a little hiccup, then resumed crying.

Before she knew it, the pressure of the leaves in her bedding was replaced by a different pressure on her arms, and her belly felt funny. This caused her to interrupt her pained cry with a little gurgle. Next, she found herself enclosed on three sides by soft flesh. The strange but comfortable feeling in her belly resumed and adapted a rhythm. Her cries began to subside.

Another flash lit the sky, nearly immediately followed by the loudest crash yet! Terrified of the unfamiliar light and sound, and reminded of her aching mouth, Pandora's cries resumed. Next, a more familiar light appeared. It was Dada's light! With it, Mama's face was revealed in yellow light, along the the rest of the room. Pandora saw they were heading towards the opening in the wall. She didn't want to go there! There were scary things outside! She wanted to stay with Mama and Dada! Why was she going there!

Mama's shushing and gentle tones resumed. Pandora wasn't sure when they had stopped, but their reappearance was nice. The outside was not! As Pandora was brought to the opening, she now saw the ribbons of water blocking Dada's light very clearly. It was awful outside! There was no color. It was dark and cold and scary. Another flash lit the sky and Pandora burrowed her face into Mama's chest. It was so scary!

Mama turned Pandora around so she was looking at Dada, sheltered from the opening to the outdoors by Mama's body. Dada held out his stump with the light on it. The light ceased its normal flickering and stabilized into a line. Dada then held up his hand flat. He made a deep booming sound with his voice as the light from his arm snaked out towards his scaly hand. However, before the streak of light could reach his hand, it dispersed into a plane of yellow light, staying above his hand, never touching it. He repeated the demonstration several times, increasing the speed of the yellow light, and turning the light off in between. Dark, streak, flash, dark. Dark, streak-flash, dark. All the while, the light never touched his hand, with the flash happening a fair distance away from his hand. The demonstration continued to speed up until it was almost always dark, then a streak and a flash at the same time, then dark again.

Pandora could almost take her mind off the storm and her pain as she watched Dada pantomime. Then, just as she was settling down, Mama turned around! She was facing the outside again! It was scary! She tried to turn her head into Mama's arms to keep the outside away, but something held her towards the outside. Small water droplets splashed onto Pandora's face. She began to cry again.

As she cried, she looked at the dark lines of water in front of her. Then, another flash of light hit! But, as she was watching the outside, she saw the source of the light. The light was far away from them. In fact, now that she saw it, the light looked kind of like Dada's light, but bigger and white. The light even took the same shape Dada's light had in his demonstration. A long snaking zig-zag suddenly expanding into a flat surface of light above the ground, then darkness. Curious now, Pandora peered out into darkness. The flash came again with a streak and an illuminated area. Fascinated, Pandora watched more closely. The next light was almost directly above them! There was a blinding flash above her as everything in the outside suddenly lit up. Then, it was dark again.

It wasn't so scary when you saw it. Or when Mama was holding you. Or when the outside was just imitating Dada. Dada wasn't scary! Dada was nice. Pandora settled into Mama's arms. Mama was nice too. She slept the rest of the night safely tucked between Mama and Dada, sheltered from the storm and the terrors it once held.


AN: This scene is an observation Pandora made about the world that you now have access to. Pandora makes more observations about the world when the thread makes more observations or analysis of the story. This particular scene is shown due to the observations and analysis of @The Grey Mage @rangerscience and @huhYeahGoodPoint.

Additionally, there are a couple of points on the relationship between narrative and mechanics in this quest which I would like to clarify. The skills and traits system here is intended to support the story and provide a reference point to how skilled characters are, what their personalities are, and model different rates of growth. The mechanics system is not the heart of this quest, but is intended to support the narrative. This quest will not be a "just make the numbers bigger!" quest. As you may have noticed, the mechanics system increase exponentially, which means at adulthood, if adults have all spent their time reasonably, they will all have approximately the same skill level in their skills, even if one spent twice as much time on it as another because each level is much harder to acquire than the last. Even if Pandora acquires a x2 bonus to every shred of experience she gains throughout the story, that will just amount to one additional skill level in all her skills, which will likely translate to a ~10% difference in skill to the average character. On that note, the narrative aspect of the trait or option you choose will likely have a larger effect in story both immediately and in the long term than the mechanical aspect.

Also, here is the latest vote tally (remember that we're using approval voting, so you can vote for as many or as few options as you would like):

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)

Voters: @Cariyaga, @Deathbybunnies, @Kalkin, @schlega
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)
Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @elpachosan, @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 4

Plan name: Imitated her mother (gain trait: People person)
Voters: @Cariyaga, @rangerscience, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Tried to make sparks like her father.
Voters: @Cariyaga, @eaglejarl, @The Grey Mage
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)
Voters: @Silently Watches, @Zeitgeist Blue
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Imitated her mother
Voters: @Hannz
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Be insightful
Voters: @Vecht
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Smelled and licked sparks (gain trait: Laser Focus)
Voters: @huhYeahGoodPoint
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 13

Voting is open for ~ 27 more hours
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[X] Looked around and observed (gain trait: Observant)

[X] Walked around on her own (gain trait: Self-motivated)

[X] Tried to make sparks like her father

[X] Did a little of everything, really (gain trait: Jack Of All Trades)

I tend to prefer more active characters. Maybe we can make her an explorer?
So I notice I am confused about the farming form. What does being scaly and being able to produce sparks have to do with farming? So I reread the first post.

He taught us how to use the spark from our farming forms to weed fields and light our houses at night. He taught us the survivalist form, and it's ability to blend into the environment. He taught us the martial form and how to fight the beasts which once preyed upon us. He taught us the empathic form, so we could be more united in purpose. He taught us the scout's form, and how to view far off realms as if you were there. With these forms, Xerax gave us the tools to adapt to any circumstance.

First thing I saw here was that Xerax is said to have taught the other forms, but not the farming form. Instead he's said to have taught "how to use the spark from our farming forms". So did the Xeraxians (which I believe is their name?) already have the farming form before Xerax? It kinda sounds that way to me.

Note this also seems to claim that what the sparks from the farming form are used for (in terms of farming anyway) is to weed. This is reinforced later in the post:

"Oh, same old same old." Pluto responded while continuing to look at his daughter and play sparks across her figure, "The new farmers don't know a lick about proper pruning." A spark flew in front of Pandora's nose and she tried to catch it. Pluto sighed, "We could use more water and the new field configuration takes some getting used to."

I presume the "proper pruning" here refers to using the sparks for weeding. Honestly, these sparks seem like a weird thing to use for weeding. Clearly Pluto can control the sparks to a great extent, and they might very well be pretty powerful:

Dada held out his stump with the light on it. The light ceased its normal flickering and stabilized into a line. Dada then held up his hand flat. He made a deep booming sound with his voice as the light from his arm snaked out towards his scaly hand. However, before the streak of light could reach his hand, it dispersed into a plane of yellow light, staying above his hand, never touching it. He repeated the demonstration several times, increasing the speed of the yellow light, and turning the light off in between. Dark, streak, flash, dark. Dark, streak-flash, dark. All the while, the light never touched his hand, with the flash happening a fair distance away from his hand. The demonstration continued to speed up until it was almost always dark, then a streak and a flash at the same time, then dark again.

What kind of weeds make THIS the best tool to use against them? And if the farming form really does predate Xerax, what were the sparks used for before Xerax taught them to use it against weeds? And why the black scales for the farming form? Although admittedly the exterior appearance of the form might not tell you much about the form or its use, black scales just somehow seem...specific to me.

One final thing I noticed: the barrier that Xerax sacrificed himself (or herself or itself) for is powerful enough to block starlight.​

The haze of the barrier in the sky smeared the moon's light, and hid the stars.

Could the barrier make growing crops more difficult due to lack of light, and could the sparks produced by the farming form help with that? The sparks certainly didn't seem powerful enough for that before the latest update, and probably still aren't with the new information, but it seems possible anyway.
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