Conquest of Shambhala

The farmers from Pandora's corner of nowhere travel once a year to Delos to sell their goods. They bring a sampling of their crop with them and exchange them with people for materials and goods they need. Exchanges are witnessed by an impartial empath, provided by the governor, who makes sure that people aren't being deceitful in their bargaining, and reminds people of past agreements they have made. Most exchanges bank on promises, as the farmers cannot take all their crops at once to Delos to trade them, hence the importance of the third impartial empath (who ensures people intend to carry out their promises, have no deceit in their dealings, and aren't going against what they've said they'll do). The governor makes sure that such impartial empaths are available, and settles disputes should they arise. There is little open crime in Delos, as empaths tend to be able to ferret out criminals easily, though there are rumors of a shadowy organization favoring the survivalist form which steals and causes problems.
So barter economy.
It takes 10-20 days to go from one side of the barrier to the other. Going in a circuit of all the cities would take about 2 moons, more if you want to haul equipment or stop for longer than a single night at a city. Pandora's parents do not have the resources to fund such a trip. The way they expect to send Pandora is by having her join a group at Delos and travel with them to wherever she's going. That's how Perseus left.
@Radvic What would they pay the traders with? And what would pandora bring with her for entrance fees for the various schools? Are there any?

I'm wondering how easily empaths can be bribed. Training to deceive empaths is probably a thing or should be a thing. @Radvic Does the governor or neutral empath get anything from the exchanges?
It is not, especially since you worked on another form last update. Note that focusing on Adapting offers its own comparative advantages and disadvantages.
Long back at what was offered, it was natural for one specific form. I'd like to propose a trait that splits the ×6 bonus to give ×3 to Adapting and ×2 to each form.
Does the governor or neutral empath get anything from the exchanges?
The empath overseeing the exchange takes a small amount of the goods exchanged. What happens to the money after that, Pandora's family doesn't know.

What would they pay the traders with?
They would make an arrangement with the traders while in Delos on their yearly trip. They would likely trade with food or woven baskets. If things go well, they might be able to arrange a repeating deal which provides a good way for messages to be sent from Pandora to them and vice versa, though messengers tend to be expensive and they are less confident on that.

And what would pandora bring with her for entrance fees for the various schools? Are there any?
Pandora would need to get into the various schools on her own merit. Her parents would be unable to help her much. Some of the schools would be easier for her to get into than others. Pandora's parents are aware of no limits aside from ability to get into the various academies, but they admit they know little about Lamia or Xera. They are most familiar with the Pylos Expedition Academy, which accepts all applicants. They see no reason the other academies would be different. I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of trap options, though I will say, depending on your choice, we might be taking a step out from the general "years pass between updates" that we're doing right now and into a more immediate "how do you solve this specific challenge."

Long back at what was offered, it was natural for one specific form. I'd like to propose a trait that splits the ×6 bonus to give ×3 to Adapting and ×2 to each form.
I'd accept that, though the fluff and the title would need to change a little.
Observations 2: The Great Outdoors
Pandora's Observations: The Great Outdoors

15th night of the 11th moon of 485
An intrepid group walked through the forest, lit by the moon above and sparks below. Juno led with her spark arm extended, lighting her steps and ensuring she kept to the path. Her black scales reflected the yellowed light from her spark as her slow amble led her up the trail. Behind her Leo advanced in bits and spurts, grey hairs of his survivalist form flashing throught the night. He would walk up right behind Juno, then dash off into the forest and change the color of his hairs to blend in. Pandora and Delphia trailed behind, looking out into the woods trying to spot Leo before he would eventually reappear somewhere. Neither of them were terribly successful. Once, while they were distracted looking for him in the bushes, they accidently bumped into him on the path.

At the tail end of the group was Pluto, spark providing additional light from behind, and making sure the children stayed with them. He hummed absently as he walked behind the playing children.


As minutes turned to hours, the children's game shifted, now with Leo and Pandora seeing how far they could travel without touching the ground by jumping from trees in their survivalist forms. Within a few more minutes, Leo and Pandora were exhausted, and returned to the group. Pandora took on her scout form to watch from above as Leo and Delphia started chatting.


The scenery around them began to change, as trees spread out, and the path started going up. The children, now worn and tired, had lapsed into a quiet trudge between the adults, requiring occasional kind reminders that they had asked to go. Juno and Pluto's trudging pace remained unchanged.


Uphill turned to rolling hills, which eventually became a single, never-ending incline. The path switched back and forth on the way up. Distinct trees were replaced by thick shrubbery on either side of the group.

Leo was the first to discover a new method of transportation when he asked Juno if he could practice his camouflage from her back, securing a place on her shoulders. After watching her stumble and nearly fall several times, Pluto suggested Pandora ride atop his, from which she could look around with impunity. Delphia turned down Pluto's offer of riding with Juno and matched Pluto and Juno's pace on foot.

While riding on Pluto's shoulders, Pandora looked about her, casting her scout avatar around and looking. She cast her gaze above, from which she could see their group, with yellow sparks in front and rear, advancing up the mountainside. She could see their farm off in the distance, and could just make out the road leading away to Delos. She saw the vast expanse of hilly forest they had walked through to get to where they were. She saw the edge of the trees, where the forest had turned to alpine zone. She also saw their destination: the top of Mount Giona.

By the time they reached the summit Leo was asleep on Juno's shoulder, held in place by her right arm, and Pandora was beginning to nod off atop Pluto's shoulders. Delphia looked about ready to fall over, but turned down offers of help. Pluto and Juno looked as fresh as when they'd started hours earlier.

Pandora came to with a start as Pluto set her down

"We're here." Pluto said simply and gestured away from him.

Pandora looked around. They had gone over the edge of the mountain, and were now on the other side. She looked where Pluto pointed, and thought it all worth it. They stood at a sheer cliff looking over a forest. Pandora could see the rolling expanse ahead of her, but some of it seemed blurry.

"The edge of the barrier." Pluto said grandly, "Or, well, one of the edges." He scratched the back of his head, "As you know, the barrier only touches the ground at the edges, rising and falling with the land in the middle. But here," he gestured forward, "the land drops too fast. The barrier falls, and we can see the edge. Even without the scout form, you can make out the dropping edge, and the definitive edge in the distance." He glanced at Pandora and Leo, "And with the scout form, you can see outside the barrier."

Pluto transformed into the red skinned scout form and indicated a ledge. "If you stand there, and cast your gaze out as far as you can, you can glimpse outside."

Pandora stood where indicated and cast her gaze outside. It was majestic. The moon, instead of a travelling smear in the sky had distinct edges! And she had heard of the stars, but never seen them. Now she could see the guiding light and one of the travelers, having just risen above the horizon. She'd been told about the stars, but hadn't seen the before. She shifted her avatar's position, and could see another of the travelers as if it were the late afternoon sun, though much smaller. Pandora smiled, now she'd seen three of the five stars, and was looking outside the barrier. All thoughts of sleep were forgotten.

Pandora continued to watch the moon and three stars with rapt attention as first Leo then Pluto's scout avatars popped up near her. Leo's barely made it outside the barrier, but he could still see the moon and stars. The three avatars occasionally shifted, making frames in still motion as one would point to a star, the others would look at it, then jump into the field of view of each other to point their attention elsewhere. Pluto tended to point towards the edges of the barrier, where the forest became distinct and clear again. Pandora tended to look upwards, having seen forests before but not the moon and stars. Leo played with shifting his avatar right at the edge of the barrier.

Eventually, the sky began to light up from the sunrise. Pandora had never seen a sunrise this clear before. It was as if a fog was lifted as she watched the wispy clouds turn a bright red. She, Leo, and Pluto all watched silently as the stratified shades of red, yellow, and purple progressed up the sky. Eventually, the sun itself became visibility, and looking at it prevented Pandora from seeing well.

Pluto's avatar became agitated, and started pointing off into the distance near the sun. Leo and Pandora turned to look, and they saw a black shape, silhouetted by the sunrise begin to advance towards them. It grew larger and larger until it blotted out the sun.

Eventually, they were able to see it distinctly, and it was terrifying. It's wingspan was at least twice as wide as Pandora's house. It was covered in glistening black scales, and had a brown beak sharpened to a tip at the end of it's mouth. It spotted them, opened it's maw and began to advance.

Pandora felt something shake her, so returned her scout avatar to her body.

"'-andora! Pandora!" Delphia was shaking her, expression alert and muscles tense, "What was that?"

"Some kind of bird I think." Pandora responded. "Don't worry, the barrier will protect us." She looked back at the edge of the barrier, "I'm going to go take another look."

Pandora cast her vision out beyond the barrier, and was surprised by what she saw. By now the bird was upon their avatars. Leo had his semi-transparent avatar mostly behind the barrier, but Pluto kept appearing just at the corner of the monster's vision. It would spot him, charge the stationary avatar, try to eat it, and just pass through it. Then, Pluto would reappear at the corner of it's vision, and it would fly towards that.

Laughing (though she could not hear herself), Pandora joined her father in dancing around the giant bird. Eventually, Leo joined in. Whether by coincidence or design, the bird began to follow Leo's avatar, and he was unable to stay far enough outside the barrier. With maw open, the monster charged the barrier. Instantly, the world lit up white. Even after returning her vision to her body, Pandora could barely see. By the time she could, she was surprised at what she saw.

Down the mountainside, lay the charred body of the once proud creature. It's beady eyes seemed to have burst, it's brown beak stained red with rivulets of blood. It was unmoving.
Pluto and Leo also returned to their bodies.

"Well. That was exciting." Pluto said. "We'll want to strip the body for materials." He glanced at the children who had stayed up through the night, "Later. For now, we should start going home." He threw both Pandora and Delphia on his shoulders, ignoring Pandora's laughs and Delphia's protests and began to walk back home.

As the shock wore off, and Dada's ambling steps and gentle humming rocked her, Pandora found herself getting sleepier and sleepier, eventually falling asleep securely on her father's shoulders.
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[X] Training Plan: I'm Gonna Be The Pope
This plan is for if we decide to go to Xera and enter the priesthood. It focuses on adapting, forms and meditation, which appear to be the main focus of the priesthood. Depending on how the priesthood is seen by the populace and treated by the government, a high-ranking priest might be more politically powerful than a city governor - or, in the case of this being a Theocracy, much more powerful.

Empath 4 -> 7 (560*8 (Meditation+Mom))
Empath 7 (440*8 (Meditation+Mom)) [3520/5120]
Meditation 2 -> 5 (875*2 (Meditation))
Adapt 6 -> 7 (740*2 (Meditation))
Survivalist 2 -> 6 (1200*4 (Meditation+Leo))
Scout 4 -> 5 (120*4 (Meditation+Pluto))
Negotiation 6 (65*2 (Leo)) [750/2560]

I'm not sure if it's typos or unnoted banking, but I think there are a few overflows here. Getting from 2 to 6 costs 2400 total hours, so for Surv Form we only need 600*4, not 1200*4. Likewise Med 2 -> 5 requires 1120 total hours, so we only need 560*2. Looks good otherwise.

My suspicion is that the priesthood will be full of trickery and machinations of some sort (all that magic, all that power...gotta attract schemers like flies). So I'd like to put some points into Intrigue, in the hopes that it'll help give Pandora some sense that something's up.

Plus, if we get in we'll have trainers in Adaptation and at least some of the Forms for sure, but there might not be anybody willing to teach a random hick how to not get played (especially when they could just play us instead).

I suggest a core of:

Empath 4 -> 7 (560*8 (Meditation+Mom))
Meditation 2 -> 5 (560*2 (Meditation))
Adapt 6 -> 7 (740*2 (Meditation))
Survivalist 2 -> 6 (600*4 (Meditation+Leo))
Scout 4 -> 5 (120*4 (Meditation+Pluto))
Intrigue 4 -> 5 (215*3 (Mom)) [5/640]

Which leaves us 1205 hours, of which 225 can be Juno hours. I'm not putting them all into Intrigue because we should have at least one good form to impress people, and Empath form is useful for lie-detection anyway.

[X] Training Plan: No Preachy Medicis, Please
Edited - 740 in Adapt moved to Meditation

Empath 4 -> 7 (560*8 (Meditation+Mom))
Meditation 2 -> 6 (1200*2 (Meditation))
Survivalist 2 -> 6 (600*4 (Meditation+Leo))
Scout 4 -> 5 (180*4 (Meditation+Pluto)) [240/1280]
Intrigue 4 -> 6 (440*3 (Mom) + 600)
Stealth 3 -> 4 (320)

Meditation 6 (100*2 (Meditation)) [200/2560]

The extra 60 in Scout and 320 in Stealth are very negotiable--I just put them in things that seemed potentially useful for ferreting out secrets, and that wouldn't be likely to have better multipliers at Priest School.
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That's all a little bit by the wayside, though, because the Observations chapter, plus Radvic's comments about Pandora offering "shinies", has moved up Pylos a couple notches.

Being the farmgirl means you missed out on more than just political information. But may also afford you alternative possibilities...

We're out in the sticks, but that means we have experience with adaptation out in the forest, and some experience with the barrier itself. Which is starting to seem like a pretty big plot hook. I mean, it's a foundation of our society's survival, it's the clearest example of our god's work (that can't be explained as magic biology), and it's the staging ground for a new, potentially society-shifting venture.

If we're going to be someone of importance in the world, we need a comparative advantage to leverage. What do we have so far? We're pretty good at Adaptation, curious, hardworking, and good at social. On the other hand, we're behind in politics, scripture, and high culture, and way behind in knowing influential people.

We could take an Adaptation Prodigy-esque trait, and/or dump 3300 in Adapt and the rest in Forms, and have a shot at leveraging our magic/"conformation to the will of Xerax" to overcome our farm background (or try to play it as a "simple farm girl better understands God than fancy dudes", maybe). I'm coming to the viewpoint that Govt probably won't work, at least not if we run straight at it--we haven't focused enough on Social/Empathy to be extraordinary enough to make up for lack of networking and knowledge/acculturation.

Orrr....we could use our IC and OOC curiosity and experimentation to figure things out in an outpost where people are probably more amenable to that, and where there's probably some pretty cool stuff going on given that it's "the foremost achievement" of our people. And be a relatively big fish in a small pond there, in terms of Social and mystical skills. Plus, we could probably convince our friends to come with! (We'd certainly have a better shot than in Lamia or Xera. And we'd have Perseus as a contact there, which means advice, potential mentorship, and better odds of getting letters back to the fam.)

Expedition school also takes in anyone, which means we can afford to spend some XP on things like Empath Form and Intrigue.
That's all a little bit by the wayside, though, because the Observations chapter, plus Radvic's comments about Pandora offering "shinies", has moved up Pylos a couple notches.

We're out in the sticks, but that means we have experience with adaptation out in the forest, and some experience with the barrier itself. Which is starting to seem like a pretty big plot hook. I mean, it's a foundation of our society's survival, it's the clearest example of our god's work (that can't be explained as magic biology), and it's the staging ground for a new, potentially society-shifting venture.

If we're going to be someone of importance in the world, we need a comparative advantage to leverage. What do we have so far? We're pretty good at Adaptation, curious, hardworking, and good at social. On the other hand, we're behind in politics, scripture, and high culture, and way behind in knowing influential people.

We could take an Adaptation Prodigy-esque trait, and/or dump 3300 in Adapt and the rest in Forms, and have a shot at leveraging our magic/"conformation to the will of Xerax" to overcome our farm background (or try to play it as a "simple farm girl better understands God than fancy dudes", maybe). I'm coming to the viewpoint that Govt probably won't work, at least not if we run straight at it--we haven't focused enough on Social/Empathy to be extraordinary enough to make up for lack of networking and knowledge/acculturation.

Orrr....we could use our IC and OOC curiosity and experimentation to figure things out in an outpost where people are probably more amenable to that, and where there's probably some pretty cool stuff going on given that it's "the foremost achievement" of our people. And be a relatively big fish in a small pond there, in terms of Social and mystical skills. Plus, we could probably convince our friends to come with! (We'd certainly have a better shot than in Lamia or Xera. And we'd have Perseus as a contact there, which means advice, potential mentorship, and better odds of getting letters back to the fam.)

Expedition school also takes in anyone, which means we can afford to spend some XP on things like Empath Form and Intrigue.
Adaptation Prodigy + Outpost with friends is my preferred course. I just haven't had time to write up a plan yet.
[X] Training Plan: No Preachy Medicis, Please

Empath 4 -> 7 (560*8 (Meditation+Mom))
Meditation 2 -> 5 (560*2 (Meditation))
Adapt 6 -> 7 (740*2 (Meditation))
Survivalist 2 -> 6 (600*4 (Meditation+Leo))
Scout 4 -> 5 (180*4 (Meditation+Pluto)) [240/1280]
Intrigue 4 -> 6 (440*3 (Mom) + 600)
Stealth 3 -> 4 (320)
I'd rather hold off on Adaptation 7. I'd doesn't get us anything new, and if we end up with Adaptation Prodigy the points will go further after the trait kicks in.
I was thinking about what the possible shinies could be. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is being unaffiliated with any factions. Maybe it could be leveraged into a unique position if we're found to be capable enough.

@Radvic have we ever heard of priests going outside the barrier? Are there stories of them using their powers outside of the barrier?
Ohhh sceeeene. NEAT. Will respond more in-depth later.

Some questions for Mom and Dad:
- Can we PUWEASE help harvest the beast? We'll be helpful and not in the way or anything! We're REALLY curious what's it's like up close!
- What happens if we imagine kinda different things than the Forms when adapting? Is it safe? Can I imagine my ears as far away, instead of my eyes?
- What happens if we imagine totally different things when adapting? What if I imagine myself as made of light, or water, or as a tree?
- What happens if we imagine that core self changing, instead of just the outside?

I'm not just looking for answers - I'm also looking for their reactions. If they don't freak out, these are safe questions to ask. If they do, then, there's big secrets. Whether for our safety, or as a power monopoly, would have to be determined... but step one is finding out if it's even safe to ask.
@Radvic have we ever heard of priests going outside the barrier?
No, though you haven't asked (you could ask in the update if you wished)

Are there stories of them using their powers outside of the barrier?
If priest powers are limited outside of the barrier, you don't know about it.

Can we PUWEASE help harvest the beast
Pandora's parents will default to no, but you can ask in the action plan if you want. You will need to convince them to let you go.

The following answers are Pandora's understanding of what her parents and others say.
What happens if we imagine kinda different things than the Forms when adapting?
Nothing will happen. If you think too hard you may get a headache.

Sure. Doesn't do anything though.

Can I imagine my ears as far away, instead of my eyes?
You could. Won't do anything.

What happens if we imagine totally different things when adapting?
You won't adapt.

What if I imagine myself as made of light, or water, or as a tree?
Then you'll not change.

What happens if we imagine that core self changing, instead of just the outside?
Pandora's parents warn her this may make her get stuck in the form she thinks of, but aren't sure what would happen. They suggest she not try it.
Eventually, they were able to see it distinctly, and it was terrifying. It's wingspan was at least twice as wide as Pandora's house. It was covered in glistening black scales, and had a brown beak sharpened to a tip at the end of it's mouth. It spotted them, opened it's maw and began to advance.

I think we learned these things from this adventure:
  1. Outside is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. The moon? Stars? Clouds? Wow.
  2. Outside is jaw-droppingly dangerous. How would you even take down that beast without the Barrier?
  3. Scout form wasn't hurt by that physical attack.
  4. You can tots bait monsters with Scout
  5. Monsters = Loot
So - if I'm reading the narration right, it's next update that we'd pick a school, if we pick a school? Right now we're... 4 1/2 years old or so. Next update will put at 6, which it the age people go to the schools, yes?

Ohkay, plan time:

[x] Psychonaut
Double down on forms, and bank on the narrative XP for leveling up everything but Adapt and Meditation.
Note: I'm presuming Delphia can teach us in Martial Form at x2, to be in line with the other child Form trainers. LMK if I'm wrong, I'll recalc. We're also seriously hamstrung in min/maxing without access to the Farming Form - it'd take nearly all our hours to get Adapt 8, to gain a fourth form. :(
The forms were a gift from Xerax, but having watched the awefullness and folly of the great bird, Pandora knew her people's greatest might: A thinking mind. Pandora became determined to train all of these gifts to the utmost, learning from friends and family when they were available, and spending nearly all of the rest of her time in deep meditation, exploring all she could of her internal world. What time she did not spending her mind and training her forms, she spent playing with Delphia, Leo and Phoebe, teaching them what she learned, and growing their friendship deeper.

Trained Skills:

Adapt 8 3300 x2
Meditation 5 560 x2
Farming Form   (Gain)
There's 140 "flex hours" left over. These should go explicitly towards "not being such a shut-in" - specifically towards Delphia and Phoebe, as they're the only ones we're close with who wouldn't be training us in narrative time under this plan. Also, c'mon, can't neglect the little sister!

[x] I Will Venture Forth
Having tasted the world outside the barrier, Pandora knew well where her destiny led. The trip up the mountain also taught her well the limits of her own body. She knew she could not truly strike out, not yet, but she could learn. The flow of weather, the movement of beasts (those that could be seen), the study of wild plants - what could be eaten, what could heal, what could harm. She would need her friends - Leo and Delphia - for together they made a formidable trio.
I had a bit of trouble picking the skills for this one, but here's what I've got:

Martial Ability 5 320 x2
Farming 4 120 x4
Stealth 4 320
Teaching 3 160
Teamfight 3 160
Meditation 4 240 x2
Empath Form 7 570 x8
Scout Form 5 160 x4
Survivalist Form 4 110 x4
Wilderness Survival 4 600
Herbal Medicine 4 600
Additional Actions: (@Langevin)
  • Ask Mom and Dad if they can take us on more expeditions like that. Pretty please? It was so beautiful, and it was really cool to learn about Xerax's gifts that way.
    • And do they know the key to the barrier? Is there a safe place to go out of it, just for a little bit? It looks so nice out there, and it's unfair that Delphia didn't get to see it.
    • Ask around for tips about exploring and...expeditioneering. Get Leo to ask Perseus about it in his letters. What's it like? What does he wish he'd learned? What do they teach really well there, and what skills(/expertise/tools) do they need? (Then try and acquire those.)
  • Get Mom and Dad to come up with + help enact cool scenarios like we're definitely gonna have outside the barrier, especially involving things they can teach well (Intrigue, Forms). Get Leo and Delphia in on it, too, and make sure Delphia always has something to do.
There's always more I need to know. (AKA: Determined To Learn) Pandora receives bonuses to self-determined learning. Note - Teachers can count, but Pandora has to have determined that a) they're teaching something she needs to know, and b) they're who she wants to learn it from.

[x] To Play is to Challenge, Redux
To pit yourself against the unknown is to reach for the horizon; to pit yourself against the familiar is to reach for the heavens. Pandora realized she thrived when setting herself against a challenge, and roped her friends, family, and teachers into her "play" - increasingly complicated and challenging "games". What started simple - can she spot Perseus better than he can hide; can you follow Papa while watching yourself from afar, as a Scout; can you tell the mood of someone - grew more and more complex - can you follow Delphia's katas while scouting far away; who can look like they're being truthful with ever more ridiculous lies - until one day the imaginations of the children were insufficient and they turned to the adults. "Give us a challenge!" they would cry, and Pluto would say they should try to cover more ground in a day, or Otis would say to strike a tree a hundred times - "No!" Pandora would insist - "Something creative!"
And so Otis would design mock fights from his experiences beyond the Barrier, and Pluto would set finicky challenges needing deft fingers or careful work with a spark, and so on. Sometimes it was hard to find a challenge that all the kids could do - particularly Delphia - but they always made SOMETHING work, even if it wasn't all that satisfying to one of them.

Bonus Trait: Born Leader: Pandora gives and receives bonuses when working in a group.
Update Boost: Bonus experience from Observant to most skills. Pandora grows closer with everyone in her community, although no one in particular. Gains access to this training method - she can apply the Observant boost to any training she gets, even if a normal training boost does not apply.
Note: This plan is specifically intended to chase the Observant boost; and for that we need dice challenges; this seemed like a narratively satisfying way to get them.
For skills, I put a little bit into everything that was actually affordable, since we'd be up to sooo many different things, and then everything else into the x8 multiplier that is Empath form training with Mom, because x8

Mobility 5 640
Intrigue 5 214 x3
Martial Ability 5 640 x2
Farming 3 40 x4
Weaving 3 40 x4
Stealth 4 320
Unarmed Combat 5 320 x2
Teaching 3 160
Teamfight 3 160
Adapt 7 740 x2
Meditation 3 80 x2
Empath Form 6 456 x8
Scout Form 5 160 x4
Survivalist Form 3 30 x4
Although I didn't work into the narratives, this'll be our last time to bond with our family. Also, I didn't think up traits for Psychonaut or Venture, and would love suggestions if you like these plans. Finally, tots not wedded to training hour layouts.

Actually - @Radvic, would Pyschonaut get bonus hours for focusing on the forms, like last update's sample actions? I'd recalc the hours spent if that's the case - it might even be worth grabbing Adapt 8 for Farming Form at that point, to train it with Dad.
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Even without the scout form, you can make out the droping edge,


[x] I Will Venture Forth

[x] To Play is to Challenge, Redux

I particularly like I Will Venture Forth. Having Leo and Delphi as close friends and trying to convince them to go to the city half-in/half-outside the border with us seems fun.
Actually - @Radvic, would Pyschonaut get bonus hours for focusing on the forms, like last update's sample actions? I'd recalc the hours spent if that's the case - it might even be worth grabbing Adapt 8 for Farming Form at that point, to train it with Dad
The 4000 hours Pandora can free spend are her freetime training actions. I will also likely assign her hours based on what she does narratively. So, if you pass a plan which is 'play hide and seek every day in the forest,' you'll pick up some skills/XP related to those things. If you pass 'spend some time with everybody', you'll pick up some skills/XP from everybody.

So - if I'm reading the narration right, it's next update that we'd pick a school, if we pick a school? Right now we're... 4 1/2 years old or so. Next update will put at 6, which it the age people go to the schools, yes?
You are correct. The default move is for Pandora to stay at the farm for the next year and a half (next update), then go to a school in the update after that. So if you have information gathering or training you want to get in prior to going, this is the time. If you want to deviate from that script you can, though Pandora would need to convince her parents to let her leave early or sneak out. Her parents would also be happy to have her stay with them longer if she wants. Some places like the expedition academy have no age restrictions on students.

Note: I'm presuming Delphia can teach us in Martial Form at x2, to be in line with the other child Form trainers. LMK if I'm wrong, I'll recalc.
You are correct about Delphia's training bonuses. No need to recalculate.

Thanks. Fixed.
(Ah, shoot, what exactly was the plan editing protocol?)

I will also likely assign her hours based on what she does narratively.

I've edited Psychonaut to gain the 4th form, which I think should be Farming, since we have a lot more of chance to bring Delphia with us (and learn from her) and we know we'll lose access to Pluto.

Note, running the math, if we get 1k bonus XP for each form, it ends up something like this:

Empath Form 7 (+3) 8000 (all 1k hours mom has for us, at x4x2)
Scout Form 6 (+2) 2360 (all 180x2x2 dad has, plus leftover x2)
Survivalist Form 6 (+4) 4000 (1k, training with Leto, x2x2)
Farming Form 7 (+7) 8000 (presuming Dad can train us in farming for all the hours, at x4x2)
...with pretty decent progress towards the next level in each Form.
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I'm not sure if it's typos or unnoted banking, but I think there are a few overflows here. Getting from 2 to 6 costs 2400 total hours, so for Surv Form we only need 600*4, not 1200*4. Likewise Med 2 -> 5 requires 1120 total hours, so we only need 560*2. Looks good otherwise.
Whoops, quite right. I updated/fixed it, so here's V2:

[X] Training Plan: I'm Gonna Be The Pope V2
This plan is for if we decide to go to Xera and enter the priesthood. It focuses on adapting, forms and meditation, which appear to be the main focus of the priesthood. Depending on how the priesthood is seen by the populace and treated by the government, a high-ranking priest might be more politically powerful than a city governor - or, in the case of this being a Theocracy, much more powerful.

Empath 4 -> 7 (560*8 (Meditation+Mom))
Empath 7 (350*8 (Meditation+Mom)) [2800/5120]
Meditation 2 -> 5 (560*2 (Meditation))
Adapt 6 -> 7 (740*2 (Meditation))
Survivalist 2 -> 6 (600*4 (Meditation+Leo))
Scout 4 -> 5 (120*4 (Meditation+Pluto))
Negotiation 6 -> 7 (790*2 (Leo), 90*4 (Leo+Mom))

Whilst priest school is very likely to have good multipliers for Adapt, they're apparently picky about candidates: I think having any skills in meditate puts us ahead of the pack in that regard (it can't be a common pastime), so I want to get Adapt to 7, in case they have a specific "level" of competency in mind.
@Deathbybunnies Your plan is similar to my original Psychonaut plan, but then I realized we usually get a lot of narrative XP. It's super doable to reach for Adapt 8, and shoot for good narrative XP (with training multipliers) to actually level up the forms.
I'd rather hold off on Adaptation 7. I'd doesn't get us anything new, and if we end up with Adaptation Prodigy the points will go further after the trait kicks in.

Point. Edited to put those 740 points in Meditation instead, since it seems useful for Priest school (and unlike Forms, we might not have priest teachers for it). Could see them going to e.g. leveling up Scout form for impressiveness + info-gathering, though.

(Radvic, does Adaptation only give additional Forms, or does it contribute to aptitude at changing Form in general?)

@rangerscience, good point on write-in actions. I'm not sure on Farming Form, but I'll admit it seems pretty interesting and getting training from Dad is nice. And there aren't other things that seem particularly pressing to grab now if we're going to Pylos. (Besides things that help us convince our friends, either by training with them or becoming more convincing.)

Training Forms with Leo is a good way to get closer to him; think we should also write-in some training with Delphia. Maybe that could be along the lines of your creative challenges plan--don't think Pandora wants Martial, and Delphia could definitely benefit from learning to use what she's got creatively.

Will post an overall Pylos plan 2mor.
This counterbot brought to you by McDonald's willingness to keep their free wifi on after their dining room closes.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: I Will Venture Forth

Voters: @Dissonance, @rangerscience
Num votes: 2

Plan name: Social Still Too Strunk V2
Voters: @Deathbybunnies, @Pyran
Num votes: 2

Plan name: I'm Gonna Be The Pope
Voters: @Deathbybunnies
Num votes: 1

Plan name: I'm Gonna Be The Pope V2
Voters: @Deathbybunnies
Num votes: 1

Plan name: No Preachy Medicis, Please
Voters: @Langevin
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Psychonaut
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Social Still Too Strunk V3
Voters: @Deathbybunnies
Num votes: 1

Plan name: To Play is to Challenge, Redux
Voters: @Dissonance
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Wanderjhar:
Voters: @rangerscience
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 5

This vote will remain open for ~37 more hours.

Note: if the winning plan has no actions or references to actions, Pandora will not seek out things to do in the 1.5 years she spends in this update. This... is probably not desirable. Actions will lead to developing skills.

(Radvic, does Adaptation only give additional Forms, or does it contribute to aptitude at changing Form in general?)
Huh, I didn't put that on the info sheet. It's there now. The description is:

Adapting is the mystical ability of Xeraxians to change form. They have access to several forms, each with their own unique abilities. Each level in Adapt grants an additional form-shift they can make in a 24 hour window. Every two levels they gain, they may adapt an entirely new form they previously could not use until they have unlocked all the forms. Additional levels in Adapt decrease the time that it takes to adapt and make adapting easier for the user.

So, more levels in Adapt mean you are better at changing Form in general. The primary way this plays out is by letting you change form more often in a day. Additionally, it reduces the time it takes to adapt. At level 2 (when you first learn to Adapt), it takes 1 minute of concentration to adapt. At Pandora's current level, it takes her 10-20 seconds to shift form, depending on how well she concentrates (e.g. is she walking while adapting? sitting still and concentrating?), and her familiarity with the form she is adapting to. Additional levels will make the process of changing faster, and allow you to adapt more often per day. If there are benefits to leveling Adapt above 10 beyond faster, easier, and more numerous transforms, Pandora is unaware of them.
[x] I Will Venture Forth

Needs to edit to add traits.
Suggest: Jack-of-all-trades
Mechanics effect: 2x bonus to learning a skill if its level is lower than your highest skill level)
[X] Rise to the Challenge

Pandora's used her Adaptation and wits to help take down a dragon (with a little help from Papa and Xerax). What more can she do? She's gonna find out.


Split up into general categories. Radvic, feel free to put any of the individual points in the background.
  • To Pylos! Pandora could spend years studying the world in musty old books, but it's so much more interesting to go out and find it herself. And where better to start than the crowning achievement of Xeraxian society, the audacious city that stretches beyond the barrier itself?
    • Try to convince Leo and Delphia to come, too. It'll be really cool. It'd be so fun fighting monsters and exploring the wilderness and investigating mysteries with them. Where will they find a better challenge than that.
    • We'll get to see Perseus, too! He can probably teach us all sorts of cool stuff.
  • Knowing is Half the Battle. The barrier and the wilds beyond it are beautiful and intriguing, and Pandora can't wait to learn more about them.
    • Ask Mom and Dad if they can take us on more expeditions like that. Pretty please? It was so beautiful, and it was really cool to learn about Xerax's gifts that way.
    • And do they know the key to the barrier? Is there a safe place to go out of it, just for a little bit? It looks so nice out there, and it's unfair that Delphia didn't get to see it.
    • Ask around for tips about exploring and...expeditioneering. Get Leo to ask Perseus about it in his letters. What's it like? What does he wish he'd learned? What do they teach really well there, and what skills(/expertise/tools) do they need? (Then try and acquire those.)
  • Ready for Anything. Pandora's got some ideas about that already, actually! And they'll be a really fun way to prepare with Delphia and Leo, and spend time with Mom and Dad and everyone.
    • Get Mom and Dad to come up with + help enact cool scenarios like we're definitely gonna have outside the barrier, especially involving things they can teach well (Intrigue, Forms). Get Leo and Delphia in on it, too, and make sure Delphia always has something to do. "We have to catch all these sparks while jumping between trees!" "We have to track a monster without getting caught!" "We have to convince a grizzled old scout to lend us the manpower to haul back the supplies we found!"
    • Learn spark tricks from Dad. They seem like they could be really useful for communicating silently or over long distances, or for all sorts of little tasks. And Ursa said you can even use them to fight with!
    • Continue learning Empath Form from Mom. They probably don't have that many good Empaths on the expedition forces, and being able to deal with people and help them work together is really important! Pandora can learn a lot of the expeditionary specifics there, but she can't learn Farm and Empath Form from people as good as her parents.
Tentatively going with Leo's friend, because hello Social bonuses. But lots of things could be good!

Training: Adaptation

Adaptation 6 -> 8 (3300 *2 (meditation))

Farm Form 0 -> 5 (155 * 8 (Dad, Meditation))
Meditation 2 -> 4 (240*2 (Meditation))
Surv Form 2 -> 4 (120*4 (Leo, Meditation))
Teaching 2 -> 3 (160)

Leaves 25, which for now I'll bank in Farm Form cuz x8. (-> [200/1280])

Don't want to over-rely on Forms, but I like learning Farm Form from Dad, and once we've spent 3300 on Adapt to do that there aren't many useful skills we can level up much. (Things like Wilderness Survival can wait until we get better multipliers at Expedition Academy.)

Thoughts on stuff that'll help us have cool adventures update-after-next? Could see Scout Form for poking around, could see Socials but I think grabbing a social trait is a reasonable way to do that.

(Relying on action plan for more hours in Farm Form and Empath Form, to get more of those sweet x8 multipliers.)
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R-r-r-runoff vote time?

(Or is it just overtime? 'Golden goal' overtime or a predetermined amount of time? Maybe we should have a vote...)